Lunar calendar for hair coloring: favorable days in April. Lunar calendar for hair coloring: favorable days in April When is the best time to dye your hair in April

At any time of the year, be it winter or summer, spring or autumn, every woman always strives to look dignified, feminine and attractive. A new haircut can always help them decorate, change, refine their image or change their style. In order for a new haircut to benefit “from all sides” in April, that is, not only to decorate the lady, but also to give her new vitality and charge her with positive energy, experts advise adhering to the tips and recommendations of the lunar April calendar, with favorable manipulations for this process with hair) for days.

There is no doubt that at any age, every woman strives to look as attractive as possible, and for this she is given a number of simple opportunities with the help of which she can achieve her goals. One of these methods, of course, is hair coloring, with which a fashionista can change her image in a matter of minutes, rejuvenate it, and make it at least more modern.

It’s no secret that manipulation of hair can give extra energy their bearer, and take her away. In order to avoid unnecessary problems, experts advise adhering to the lunar calendar of favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018, which will tell a woman which days it is most reasonable to manipulate her hair, and when it is worth postponing this procedure.

If we turn to the history of mankind and look into the distant past, we find out that the first calendars compiled by man are at least six thousand years old, and this applies to calendars for calculating the days of the year. As for lunar calendars, there is no doubt that in their most primitive form they appeared much earlier, which is confirmed to this day by rock paintings of the Moon and stars, which are ten thousand years or more.

Surely our distant ancestors, who many millennia ago studied the Moon and its influence during phase changes, were interested in the questions that arose, why certain events occur in such and such a phase, and in another completely different way, and so on. This primitive knowledge of theirs was improved and has reached our times in almost perfect form, which we will further try to convince you of and prove the correctness of our words.

Modern man has a lot of technical, technological, communication capabilities and information sources, including lunar calendars with favorable and unfavorable favorable days to monitor your health and well-being, most in the best possible way plan your personal life and professional activities.

Today we will look at lunar calendars, which for the most part will be useful to our lovely ladies, young girls, mature women and older ladies, all those fashionistas who are used to and love to take care of themselves, their beauty and health, and their appearance. We will tell you how and how they help, what is the need for them, why they are useful and important for us, for each of those ladies who loves and strives to look dignified, attractive, to be desired by the opposite sex, and simply to be the envy of themselves.. .

Hair coloring according to the calendar of favorable days for April 2018

Lunar calendars of beauty and health (hair coloring) for April 2018 will be presented in all their glory and with all the necessary information, in all their varieties and directions, with favorable lunar days for manipulating your appearance, going to the dentist and the same unfavorable days and periods.

First of all, let us remind you what the main lunar calendars are, primarily for the weaker half of humanity, these are haircuts, curling and hair coloring, manicure and pedicure nail design, body and skin care, as well as dating, love and relationships, weddings and weddings , conceiving a child, dental treatment, surgical operations and much more...

On this page, fashionistas will get acquainted with the lunar calendar of hair coloring for April 2018, creating fashionable coloring women's haircuts on favorable days, which you will learn about later. The lunar calendar of haircuts is necessary and important for the main reason that in favorable days manipulations with hair, you receive a positive charge of energy from space, and are filled with it through your renewed hair.

Lunar calendar hair coloring in April 2018, fashionable coloring

Having bookmarked the lunar calendar with favorable days for dyeing hair, creating fashionable haircuts and stylish hairstyles for April 2018, fashionistas will not need to search for long for information about which day of a particular month is most suitable for going to a fashionable beauty salon.

You probably already realized that cutting your hair, radically changing your hairstyle, or even a small adjustment on the optimally chosen lunar day of the month can change a lot in your life, save you from a series of failures and even bring good luck. It is a haircut on an auspicious day that determines our immediate future, leaves failures in the past, and changes our mood, including our well-being.

Favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018

8th, 18th and 27th of the month

Good days to dye your hair in April 2018

16th, 20th, 22nd and 31st of the month

Neutral hair color days in April 2018

1st, 19th, 21st, 23-26th, 28th-30th of the month

Bad days for hair coloring in April 2018

2nd, 3rd, 11th-13th of the month

Lunar influence in April 2018 - on hair coloring...

For those of you who do not know exactly how the Moon, being in one or another zodiac constellation, affects, for example, hair cutting and a person, we will tell you further. From time to time, every woman signs up for a fashion salon to get a new hairstyle, update her haircut, and this, as they say, according to a schedule or for a specific occasion - a holiday, celebration, anniversary, etc.

But this does not always happen; often a woman puts aside all her affairs and urgently goes to the hairdresser to carry out at least some manipulations with her hair. just trim them a little. This step of theirs can be explained simply - they are superstitious and when things in life do not go as they would like, they try to fix something in this way.

It’s no secret that a manicure or pedicure, haircut or coloring (coloring) of hair according to the lunar calendar in April 2018, on one of the favorable days, can change something in a woman’s life, because any update is always a new start and countdown, which means that problems after visiting the hairdresser may go away along with changed or cut hair and nails.

That is why there is a lunar calendar of beauty and hair coloring for April 2018, as well as haircuts, curling and coloring, nail design, manicure and pedicure, which will tell fashionistas when and on what favorable day or period they can or cannot do hair styling. beauty, and also try to change something in your life by manipulating your hair, nails, and so on.

Hair coloring calendar in Zodiac signs April 2018

When preparing a lunar hair coloring calendar with favorable days for manipulating this feminine attribute for April 2018, we took into account the following important nuances, like the position of the Moon in one or another zodiacal constellation, because a lot depends on this, in which sign our night luminary resides on a given day, about which further...

Hair should grow back quickly...

It’s worth mentioning the following right away: if your goal after visiting a fashionable beauty salon and getting your hair cut is specific, for example, to make it grow quickly, then the most correct day and time period that is suitable for these goals is the New Moon and the period of the Waxing Moon. The most optimal days and periods for such purposes are when the Moon is in the following zodiac signs - Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus.

This period is also favorable lunar days hair dyeing will be most suitable in April 2018 for other cosmetic manipulations to enhance beauty, such mandatory procedures for fashionistas as peeling, skin and body care, massage, facial health, manicure and pedicure.

Thin and split ends...

Those women who have thin and split ends, who want to make their new haircut the most optimal, to bring their hair into ideal or close to ideal condition, should make an appointment at the hairdresser on the days of the Full Moon, the day before and the day after it. It is these periods that are most suitable for thin and split ends, creating a new hairstyle that will definitely turn out to be the most optimal, remember this.

Hair manipulation will be especially effective in terms of effectiveness during those time periods when the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn or Taurus. The most useful and optimal period from the point of view of energy and creating a voluminous hairstyle is the Full Moon period, in which the Moon passes the constellation Leo. This sign will give all fashionistas with thin and split ends luxurious hairstyle, with simply gorgeous, full hair.

Hair shouldn't grow back quickly...

Those fashionistas and fashionistas who do not want their hair to quickly grow back after a haircut in April 2018, taking into account favorable lunar days, do not particularly strive for their rapid growth, but count on their long growth, that is, cutting their hair as rarely as possible, should select certain time periods that are also available.

In order for your hair to grow back slowly after cutting it, you need to choose the period of the Waning Moon, and you will achieve the greatest success in your goals then, that is, you will achieve the desired effect in the case when our natural satellite, the Moon, is in the following zodiac signs - Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini.

Benefits of the lunar calendar for hair coloring in April 2018

The lunar calendar for coloring, as well as other hair manipulations (fashion coloring) in April 2018, is an indispensable assistant and a practical adviser, an important attribute and navigator for any lady and any gentleman who takes care of himself and his appearance, takes into account favorable and unfavorable days for visiting a fashionable beauty salon, and adheres to them.

Hair care is very important, especially for women, as well as for many modern men. Any person, whether he is a man or a woman, of course, if he cares about what he looks like, what his appearance is, is simply obliged to watch not only what clothes or shoes he wears, but also, of course, what is on his head , is it a fashionable haircut, a modern hairstyle?

There is no need to talk about the benefits and importance of the lunar calendar of hair coloring for April 2018 and other manipulations with hair. once again talk like advertise obvious advantages, its importance and merits have long been appreciated by fashionistas and fashionistas, who certainly adhere to it. Pessimists should change their minds, at least experience its magical effect for themselves, because you cannot harm yourself, so try your luck...

Favorable lunar days for hair dyeing (coloring) in April 2018

If for men their hairstyle is not such a categorical attribute as for women, including for creating their image, nevertheless, beautiful and stylish haircut You can change a lot about yourself, correct something, add something, hide it or embellish it. Therefore, our fashionistas should not forget about this, but take care of their hair; they should not care whether they have a stylish hairstyle on their head or a mop of hair.

As for women, they don’t really need to be persuaded to take care of themselves; literally any of them knows exactly when it’s time to change something in their hair, get a new hairstyle, they feel it with their skin, as they say at the highest intuitive level. The main thing for them is to choose in April 2018 the most favorable days for hair coloring according to the lunar calendar, when to go and get a new hairstyle and on what day in order to get a double effect from this process.

Women and men of any zodiac sign, taking into account their goals, should, if possible, take into account when choosing a day to go to a fashionable beauty salon and what particular zodiac constellation our Moon is in today, this is important in the cases that we described above.

In conclusion, we would like to wish our women and men all the best and good mood in April 2018, do not forget about favorable days for manipulating hair, cutting and coloring, perm and creating a fashionable hairstyle, as well as with nails, manicure and pedicure, your face and body, follow the recommendations of the beauty calendar, it is your reliable and responsible advisor.

Even with a slight change in hair tone, you can take a fresh look at problems, solve all difficulties and change your life for the better. The lunar coloring calendar will help you choose the most favorable day for change.

April 16-18: The new moon and the subsequent growth of the night luminary will take place in the constellation Taurus. Hair coloring will go great these days, so feel free to plan a visit to your hairdresser. The new shade will bring you good luck in a business environment. Use these days to attract cash flows into your life. To do this, you can highlight and dye several strands in warm tones of golden shades.

April 19-20: coloring during the period that the waxing Moon will spend in Gemini will be successful. If you need energy for creative victories, then unusual coloring will be for you good decision. Use fashion techniques balayage or create a unique flow of your curls with the help of a professional.

April 21-22: The Moon moves into the constellation Cancer. On April 21, painting in light shades will help you in love affairs. To do this, you don’t have to go to the hairdresser: you can do the coloring at home. And on April 22, astrologers recommend postponing all hair manipulations. Dye can damage the hair structure, and you will have to restore its healthy appearance for a long time.

April 23-24: positive attitude on the days when the Moon changes Sign and moves into the constellation Leo, you can return it with the help of coloring. You can safely plan a visit to your master and create together with him new image. Emphasize your charm by refreshing your hair color, and you will have no equal in business and personal life.

April 25-26: under the influence of the zodiac Virgo, coloring is best done using natural dyes. Natural hair shades will help you win the attention and trust of your superiors. Astrologers recommend not to use dark colors so as not to drive yourself into depression.

April 27-28: The moon in the constellation Libra will not affect your curls. This means that the coloring will take place without problems, and the new hair color will give you strength for new achievements. Use natural dyes to make your hair look natural.

April 29-30: staining in last days April should be postponed. The moon in the constellation Scorpio does not carry positive energy, which means it can negatively affect the structure of your hair. Spend the full moon on the 30th in a calm environment, and support hair health with caring masks.

It's not just a new hair color that sets the mood. You can be on top and feel confident with the help of external and internal updates. Exercise and a healthy diet will help you maintain your health and positive outlook. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Hair is a source of strength. The processes that occur with them change bioenergy. Any impact changes not only a person’s appearance, but also his life. In order not to harm yourself when changing your hairstyle or using dye, you need to focus on the days of haircuts according to the lunar calendar and follow safety measures.

The placement of the Moon through its effect on the hair has a beneficial and negative effect on your destiny. A haircut on good days attracts longevity, financial stability, and attractiveness.

In unfavorable periods, it harms vitality and causes diseases of organs and systems in the body. Contact with the personal guardian angel (egregor) is lost, and communication with the cosmos is disrupted. Hair becomes unruly, dry, damaged. They may begin to fall out intensively and split. Coloring and curling will not last long, the color will quickly fade.

Biochemical processes in the body slow down. The best time to go to the hairdresser is 11, 13, 14, 21, 26, 27 lunar days. At this time, the speed and quality of hair growth increases, and the dye lasts longer. The phase of the moon for hair cutting is also taken into account. Hair care procedures give wonderful results during the waxing Moon.

The full moon is the most unfavorable period when you should get your hair cut. The waning moon also does not contribute to good results when going to the hairdresser.

Favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018 for women. Hair cutting, coloring and dyeing for April 2018

The first successful day in April falls on the 4th, when the Moon will be in Sagittarius and will give you a great mood, fulfillment of plans and success. If you want to cut or dye your hair during the middle period of the waning Moon cycle, be sure to sign up for this date, because the next day suitable for going to the hairdresser will only be April 8-9, when the Moon will be in Capricorn and the last quarter of the phase will begin.

From the 10th to the 11th it is strictly not recommended to cut your hair, but from the 12th to the 14th is the ideal time to go to the hairdresser. These days the Moon will move from the sign of Pisces to Aries.

The next favorable days for cutting hair are the 19th and 22nd. During this period, the Moon is growing, and if you want your hair to grow well, feel free to make an appointment with your hairdresser. Astrologers strongly advise against cutting your hair on the 20th, 21st and 23rd. In the first days, the Moon will move from Gemini to the sign of Cancer, and on April 23 there will be the first quarter of the waxing Moon, which, also with this position of the planets, can have a very unfavorable effect on health.

Successful days for cutting and coloring during the waxing moon phase at the end of April are the 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th. If you are planning to get your hair cut in April, but did not have time to make an appointment earlier, have time to get your coloring or haircut done these days, because April 30 is the full moon.

Favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018 for women (1st decade)

04/1/18 – 15-16 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra.

Haircut - a haircut on this day will bring pleasant acquaintances.
Hair Dyeing - Dyeing will damage your hair.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails will not bring anything good.
Facial care - focus on saturating the skin with oxygen.
Body care - now it’s worth developing an individual skin care program.

When deciding on a haircut on the first day of this month, you need to remember that your hair will grow very slowly after it. Therefore, this is a good moment for lovers short haircuts, but unsuccessful for those who are growing their hair and just want to remove split ends. If you also plan to dye your hair, then it is better to choose light and honey shades.

  • Haircut - today is the worst day to get a haircut.
  • Hair coloring - it’s worth taking the time to use all kinds of nourishing masks. Nourishing masks will make your hair healthier, silkier and more voluminous
  • Manicure and pedicure are a good day for nourishing creams. Take care of your hand skin
  • Facial care - in order not to lose individuality, postpone all manipulations for another day.
  • Body care is a great day for choosing perfume.

The lunar hair cutting calendar for April 2 is contradictory. On the one hand, it may not have the best effect on the development of eye diseases, but on the other hand, it favors those who want changes. Those who decide to do something extraordinary can safely go to the hairdresser.

  • Haircut - skip going to the hairdresser.
  • Hair coloring will not change anything in your life.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today it’s better to take care of your nail health.
  • Facial care - the effect of cosmetics will not please you.
  • Body care - Zumba fitness will charge you with energy and positivity.

The third day of the month is again favorable for those who dream of change. He will definitely receive them if he decides to shorten his hair during this period and will attract the fulfillment of his desires. But you shouldn’t change the tone of your hair, although blondes can easily afford to update their color.

  • A haircut will have a great effect on the health of your hair.
  • Hair coloring - coloring should be done with caution as it can damage your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a manicure will have a bad effect on the appearance of your hands.
  • Facial care is a good time to cleanse your pores.
  • Body care is a great day for seaweed wraps.

According to the calendar, when visiting a hairdresser at this time, charisma increases, strength, health, and energy increase. The condition of the lungs improves. It is worth painting the color that you had during the most successful period of your life. A haircut will cause unexpected news.

  • Haircut is the right time for voluminous haircuts.
  • Hair coloring - basma will strengthen your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - fatigue and weakness will follow if you trim your nails.
  • Facial care - a wonderful result will delight you after hot masks.
  • Body care - Japanese Kobido massage will rejuvenate you by a couple of years.

Anyone who decides to trim their curls on April 5th can count on them rapid growth. And if you also plan to dye, then you should choose only natural products.

  • A haircut will reveal unexpected character traits.
  • Hair coloring - the effect will be unpredictable, decide for yourself.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the skin of your hands and feet will become dry.
  • Facial care - the effect will only be from anti-aging procedures.
  • Body care - exercises on an exercise bike are shown.

The appearance of the strands after cutting may deteriorate, and the risk of split ends increases. And if the urge to change your image is simply unbearable, you can try using a tinted shampoo or gel.

  • Haircut is a very favorable time for a haircut.
  • Hair coloring - hair will become dull and thin.
  • Manicure, pedicure - warm shades will contribute to moral relaxation.
  • Facial care is a favorable day to use anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Body care - it's worth taking time to keep your skin healthy.

After a haircut, hair splits less, looks thicker and stronger, and hair loss will decrease. Experiments with color will be successful; perm will not cause much harm. A haircut will help improve your health. Creative potential will be revealed. You will get rid of loneliness and increase your self-esteem.

  • Haircut - French style haircuts work especially well.
  • Hair coloring - it’s better not to dye your hair today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the rectangular shape of the nails will lead to improvement.
  • Facial care - take the risk of doing something that you haven’t dared for a long time, the result will please you.
  • Body care is a favorable day to fight cellulite.

A new image will increase your importance in the eyes of others. Helps improve health and the respiratory system. Natural hair shades are welcome.

  • Haircut - get a thermal haircut, this will help you avoid split ends longer.
  • Hair coloring is the perfect day to dye your hair, even bright blue hair color will not scare away your luck.
  • Manicure, pedicure - you can try something unusual.
  • Facial care is a neutral day for cosmetic procedures.
  • Body care - try homemade body scrubs.

A haircut on this day is recommended for those who want to improve their health and increase the resistance of their curls to negative environmental factors. The coloring is very favorable.

  • A haircut will help improve relationships with ill-wishers.
  • Hair coloring - having colored your hair, you will not feel the lack of attention.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the clucker coating will attract a lot of attention.
  • Facial care - you can go to the salon, or you can relax.
  • Body care - baths with medicinal mud are very useful.

For those who can’t decide on a hairstyle, it’s better to wait a little while changing your style. Coloring is also undesirable.

Favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018 for women (2nd decade)

  • A haircut will improve your financial well-being.
  • Hair coloring is a great day for any experiments.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a black pedicure will reveal a rebellious character.
  • Facial care – today you can do whatever you want.
  • Body care - horse riding will tone your body and lift your spirits.

According to the lunar coloring calendar for April 2016, on the 11th you can safely go to the hairdressing salon. The new tone will increase attractiveness and this especially applies to the fair sex with red and brown hair. An excellent reason for a haircut, and after it the curls will become lighter and airier.

  • Haircut - a new hairstyle will ruin your mood.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will cause dandruff.
  • Manicure, pedicure - your immune system will weaken if you cut your nails.
  • Facial care - don't waste time on masks.
  • Body care - tattoos will only ruin your appearance.

It is better to cancel your trip to the salon on this day. Coloring will not bring satisfaction, and a haircut even by the most eminent hairdresser will quickly lose its shape.

  • Haircut - by cutting your hair, you are dooming yourself to failure.
  • Hair coloring - you won't get the desired result.
  • Manicure, pedicure - dedicate this day to the fight against rough skin.
  • Facial care - reschedule all manipulations for another day.
  • Body care - relax.

Shortening your hair on April 13 can bring quarrels and litigation, and dyeing is only possible with henna or basma.

  • Haircut is a bad day for a haircut, hair will become dull and unruly.
  • Hair coloring today is favorable only for blondes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - on this day it is better to engage in wellness procedures.
  • Facial care is the ideal time to fight wrinkles.
  • Body care is a neutral day for procedures.

Conflicting readings as of April 14. On the one hand, it’s a good time to update your image, but the trends of the past day are still strong. Coloring is indicated for those with golden and copper shades, but in general, luck favors the brave and assertive, who do not doubt themselves.

  • Having a haircut is a bad day; after the haircut you will feel unwell for a long time.
  • Hair coloring is a great day for toning.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a great day for a foot and hand massage.
  • Facial care is the perfect day for tightening masks.
  • Body care - use physical activity for self-massage.

This day is not favorable for haircuts, but it is quite suitable for coloring, especially for those who prefer dark shades - chocolate, raven color.

  • A haircut is definitely a haircut, a new haircut is a new life.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will bring stability to life.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a favorable day for wrapping your feet.
  • Facial care is a good day for eyelash extensions.
  • Body care - avoid surgical interventions, severe blood loss is possible.

Coloring will bring positive changes to life and improve relationships with loved ones for those who choose a color close to natural shade your strands.

  • Haircut - a haircut will highlight your look.
  • Hair coloring is a good time to dye your hair natural shades.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a favorable day for cuticle care.
  • Facial care - good to use today essential oils to nourish the skin.
  • Body care - better get creative.

Moon in Taurus. The condition of the strands under the influence of this sign will noticeably improve. New hairstyle will bring positive emotions. Hair will gain strength and energy. The influence of the Moon will allow them to grow faster. Good result will cover gray hair and lighten it. A haircut will increase cash flow, material well-being, will bring good luck.

  • Haircut - decorative procedures will help to update your hairstyle.
  • Hair coloring is a good day to change your image.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the day is only suitable for applying nail polish.
  • Facial care is a good day to go to a beauty salon.
  • Body care - not worth using cosmetics, it will only do harm.

Haircut is unfavorable, and coloring is possible only with natural means.

  • Haircut - by cutting your hair, strengthen your hair roots.
  • Hair coloring is a favorable day to dye your hair in all shades of red.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails will have a bad effect on your relationship with your boss.
  • Facial care is a favorable day for any operations.
  • Body care - take up figure skating.

A new hairstyle will give you inspiration, creativity and energy. Painting in light shades using natural ingredients will strengthen business ties.

Favorable days for cutting and dyeing hair in April 2018 for women (3rd decade)

  • Haircut is a good day to trim your hair.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will give your hair extra strength.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nails will begin to grow in.
  • Facial care is a good day for moisturizing masks.
  • Body care - breathing exercises will help you relax and collect yourself.
  • Haircut - it is better to refrain from going to the hairdresser.
  • Hair coloring - Hair coloring will be a subject of ridicule.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure will make your nails brittle and thin.
  • Facial care - today you can only use a scrub.
  • Body care is not a very good day for any procedures.
  • Haircut - haircut is not advisable.
  • Hair coloring will negatively affect relationships with people.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails will cut your financial well-being.
  • Facial care - effective treatment acne.
  • Body care - on this day it is better to devote yourself to relaxation.

The calendar for today predicts an aggravation of intuition if you decide to cut your ends. Coloring will enhance sexuality and give self-confidence. Hair will grow faster, its condition will improve, and the roots will become stronger. A haircut will help get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with yourself, and increase self-esteem.

  • Haircut - cutting your hair will have a beneficial effect on communication with the opposite sex.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will strengthen the immune system.
  • Manicure and pedicure are the right time to stimulate nail growth.
  • Facial care is a favorable day for skin rejuvenation procedures.
  • Body care - take care of skin nutrition.

A haircut on April 23 will hit the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. To maintain health, it is better to hold off on changing your image, and when dyeing, you need to choose the tone very carefully.

  • A haircut is an ideal day to experiment with styling; the variety of styling will allow you to create a new look every day.
  • Hair coloring - today is the perfect day to radically change your hair color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - red color will attract the right person of the opposite sex.
  • Facial care - after the procedures, your facial skin will become noticeably younger.
  • Body care - acupressure will significantly slow down aging.

The threat of injury, both mental and physical, remains.

  • A haircut will help you “find yourself.”
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring will bring material well-being.
  • Manicure, pedicure - healing baths to improve the condition of your hands.
  • Facial care - all efforts will not be crowned with success.
  • Taking care of your body is the right time to exercise outdoors.

The hair will become thicker. The procedures will be successful - styling, toning, bleaching. A haircut will protect you from surprises and troubles.

  • Haircut will exceed all expectations.
  • Hair coloring - the day is suitable for experimenting with neon colors.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a favorable day for any procedures.
  • Facial care - almost all products today can cause allergies or redness.
  • Body care - carry out skin cleansing procedures.

Moon in Virgo. The haircut will retain its shape for several months. Gray hair coloring and toning will be successful. Your hair will be filled with energy and strength, and the ends will not split for a long time. Coloring with plant components will help in solving problems in business and at work. A haircut will help you maintain your health and save you from getting hurt.

  • Haircut - fashionable haircuts will look great.
  • Hair coloring - you will not be happy with your image.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nails will last a long time if extended on this day.
  • Facial care - only necessary procedures.
  • Grooming is a great day for piercings.

After the hairdresser, the curls may begin to curl and become airy. Moderate hair shortening is beneficial. This will bring material well-being and attract cash flows. You will feel calm and harmony. Biochemical processes in the body are accelerated.

  • A haircut is a good day for a bio-perm.
  • Hair coloring - it is better not to color your hair on this day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - by filing your nails, speed up their growth.
  • Facial care - on this day it is better to refuse various masks.
  • Body care - a tattoo today will turn out perfect.

After a haircut, your health will improve, your intuition will be at its best, and financial issues in business will be resolved. Wellness treatments will bring many benefits.

  • Haircut - a haircut will only bring you sadness and melancholy.
  • Hair coloring - on this day it is advisable to update your hair color only at the roots.
  • Manicure, pedicure - massage nail plate will have a healing effect.
  • Facial care - avoid the area around the eyes, it can damage your vision.
  • Body care - the solarium will delight you with an even tan.

The forecast for this day is contradictory. For those who just want to maintain the shape of their usual hairstyle, you can wait a little, but the period is very suitable for experiments. Brunettes can safely update their color.

  • Haircut - haircut will be the subject of discussion and gossip.
  • Hair coloring is a favorable day for coloring.
  • Manicure, pedicure - paraffin therapy will significantly strengthen your nails.
  • Facial care - do not use cosmetics, the skin will become gray and lose elasticity.
  • Body care - dedicate a day to relieving fatigue.

Since ancient times, the influence of certain natural factors on human life and health has been noticed. Therefore, people tried to live in harmony with nature and coordinate their actions with such phenomena. One of the nuances that should be taken into account when planning important events is the lunar phases.

Not all people pay due attention to the cycles of the Moon. But, at the same time, it is quite accurately noted that any business started during the period of the waxing moon has a successful continuation and result. And the phase of the waning moon contributes to the extinction of unfavorable conditions of the human body and life events.

Depending on the phase of the moon, manipulations can be performed during the period of time that will be most favorable in this particular case and will bring the greatest benefit to a person. The lunar calendar is used by more and more people all over the world, and not only for informational purposes, but also in professional activities.

The lunar calendar has gained such popularity due to its ability to predict the positive outcome of procedures performed at the most appropriate moment in time. The moon, being in different phases growth or decline, as well as passing at the moment of influence of a certain zodiac sign, can be favorable.

It is worth paying attention to the use of the lunar calendar in the process of hair care, treatment, cutting, curling and coloring. Increasingly, clients prefer to have information about the days of the lunar calendar during which hair care activities will bring maximum benefit, and the renewed appearance of hair will last for a long time.

Hair coloring: lunar calendar 2018

By applying general rules movements of the Moon, we can conclude that manipulations with hair performed at the time of the waxing moon will contribute to their rapid further growth. That is why, on the day of the waxing Moon phase, sometimes it is enough to simply trim the ends of your hair and their intensive growth will not take long to occur.

A person wants to get the maximum effect for two reasons:

  1. The main one is to achieve shiny and chic hair, especially after coloring.
  2. The second reason lies in the fact that coloring is an expensive procedure, so no one wants to have dull and lifeless hair after undergoing renewal procedures and paying their cost.

The lunar calendar will allow you to navigate the features of each day of the month and choose optimal period time for coloring, treatment and hair care. Familiarizing yourself with the lunar calendar will not take much time, and the information obtained with its help will make it possible to plan your schedule and sign up in advance for the necessary procedures at a salon or hairdresser.

Lunar coloring calendar for January 2018

The beginning of the year is always associated with the opinion that how you start the year is how you will spend it. Therefore, planning events with your appearance must be approached with special care. January is under the influence of two zodiac signs: Capricorn and Aquarius.

You should also not forget about the periods of new moon and full moon, the influence of which on the result of hair manipulation is obvious. In January 2018, the full moon falls on January 2 and 31, and the new moon is on January 17.

The greatest effect from cutting, curling and coloring hair can be obtained by scheduling such procedures on January 2, 6, 14, 15, 19-23, 26-29, 2018. Visiting beauty salons and hairdressers at this time will bring you a lot of positive emotions and excellent condition of your colored hair.

Hair coloring done 1-3, 8-10, 16, 17, 24, 25, 30 and 31 January 2018. This period is marked by the moon being in the state of Full Moon and New Moon, transitions to a new quarter, and it also extends to dates close to such events. At this time, there is no need to update or make any changes to your hairstyle; it is recommended to reschedule your visit to the hairdresser to a more suitable period of time.

Lunar coloring calendar for February 2018

Whatever you say, February is the shortest month of the year. Considering this, it is better to decide in advance on the date for updating or changing the color of your hair. This approach will allow you to gain confidence that your master will be able to devote time to you.

February is at the junction of two zodiac signs: Aquarius and Pisces. Special attention on the effectiveness of hair manipulations, it is also worth paying attention to the influence of the phases of the New Moon, which will happen on February 16th.

Maximum results from cutting, curling or coloring hair are expected 3, 4, 12-14, 20-23, 28 February 2018. The shine of dyed hair will last for a long time, and its color will be bright and rich.

It is not advisable to dye your hair 1, 6-8, 15-16, January 23, 2018. These are the days of the New Moon and the transition of the Moon into a new quarter, as well as related dates. At this time, it is better to refrain from visiting a beauty salon or hairdresser, or opt for other manipulations with your hair.

Lunar coloring calendar for March 2018

March is the first month of spring. Nature is being renewed and, under the influence of the general trend, every woman wants positive changes in life. Of course, you should start with your hair. It’s not for nothing that experts call March the most popular month for hair treatments, especially haircuts, perms and coloring. In March, the influence of two zodiac signs is observed: Pisces and Aries. Full moon expected March 2 and 31, and the New Moon is March 28.

Favorable dates for cutting, curling and coloring hair can be called March 5, 6, 11-14, 19-22 and 26-29 March 2018. Hair coloring will bring the expected effect and make you irresistible .

Don't plan on coloring your hair 1-3, 8-10, 16, 17, 24, 30 and 31 March 2018. At this time, the Moon is in a state of Full Moon and New Moon, transitions to a new quarter, or these are dates close to such days. It is better to make an appointment in advance at a beauty salon for a date more favorable for the hair coloring procedure.

Lunar coloring calendar for April 2018

April is the month when it gets warmer outside and there is no longer a need for bulky clothes. Women take off their hats and realize that it's time to update their hairstyle. April is the month of influence of two zodiac signs: Aries and Taurus. Also, the periods of New Moon and Full Moon have an impact on hair manipulation. In April 2018, the full moon falls on 30, and the new moon is on the 16th.

The greatest effect from cutting, curling and dyeing your hair will be 4, 5, 11, 12, 17-21, 25-28 April 2018. Visiting beauty salons and hairdressers at this time guarantees worthwhile results.

No need to dye your hair 7-9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29 and 30 2018. This period falls on the phase of the Moon in the state of Full Moon and New Moon, transitions to a new quarter, and it also extends to dates close to such events.

Lunar coloring calendar for May 2018

The month of May is rightfully considered the harbinger of summer. May falls under the influence of two zodiac signs: Taurus and Gemini. The periods of New Moon and Full Moon are also of great importance, the impact of which on the effectiveness of hair manipulation results is undeniable. During May 2018, a Full Moon is expected, which will fall on the 29th number, and the New Moon, which will occur on the 15th.

The likelihood of obtaining an effective result from cutting, curling or dyeing hair can be increased by organizing such procedures 3-5, 9, 11, 17-21, 29 and 30 May 2018. Visiting beauty salons and hairdressers during this period will allow colored hair to remain manageable and vibrant for a long time.

Hair coloring done May 1, 7-9, 14, 15, 22, 28-30, 2018. This situation is due to the Moon being in the state of Full Moon and New Moon, transitions to a new quarter. Postponing a visit to the hairdresser is the only correct way to obtain a positive result from the hair coloring procedure.

Lunar coloring calendar for June 2018

The first month of summer provides young ladies with ample opportunities to try on a new look by changing the color and length of their hair. The 3rd, 4th, 14th-19th, 21st-26th and 30th days of the calendar month are fully favorable for these purposes.

These same dates in June 2018 represent the best time to make an appointment at the hairdresser for those women who intend not only to try a new color scheme on their hair, but also to change its structure by curling or straightening.

As for the dates on which you need to refrain from going to the beauty salon, these are the following: June 6, 12, 19-21, 27, 29. It is highly undesirable to visit a hairdresser to color your hair on the 13th and 28th, on the days of the New Moon and Full Moon.

Lunar coloring calendar for July 2018

Lunar cycles favor fashionistas in matters of hair coloring in July on the following dates: 3, 4, 8-10, 15-17, 21-23, 28 and 29. If your plans also include curling, pay attention to 2-4, 8-10, 14-18, 20-25 and 28, 29 and 30 of the month.

It is recommended to postpone going to the hairdresser for hair coloring on the 1st, 13th, 16th, 27th and 30th: on these days the Moon is unstable, so the result of the procedure may be extremely unsatisfactory for you. So is it worth the risk? It is much wiser to take the advice of astrologers and plan painting for another day.

Lunar coloring calendar for August 2018

The moon patronizes beautiful ladies in matters of changing their hair color or updating their hairstyle through fresh dyeing on these days in August: 1st, 2nd, 6th-9th, 12th-17th, 19th-24th and 30th.

If you can't wait to change your hairstyle on a day that is not favorable for this, limit yourself to a compromise: try a fashionable haircut. For this purpose it will be successful August 14-16 and 20-24.

The most suitable dates for hair coloring are the following: 2, 7-9, 13-16, 20-24, 29 and 31 of the calendar month.

If you want to combine hair dyeing with perm, pay attention to the following dates: August 1, 2, 6-9, 12-17, 19-24 and 29-31. The result of the hairdresser's work performed these days will delight you for a long time.

Extremely undesirable periods for changing hair color are the 4th, 11th, 18th and 26th of the calendar month.

Lunar coloring calendar for September 2018

At the beginning of the first month of autumn, it is better to refrain from going to the hairdresser. The only exceptions are the 5th and 6th. However, already from the second ten days of September, you can safely change your image, trying on any desired hair color: 10-16, 18-23, 28-29 numbers are most suitable for these procedures. These same days are also favorable for curling, if you want to be sure of its high-quality results and safety for your hair.

You can trim the ends of your hair during from 18 to 23 September: then they will grow thick and shiny, without breaking or splitting.

Strictly not suitable for painting 2, 3, 8, 9, 17, and also 24-26 September. It’s better to devote this time home care: nourishing masks, cleansing and moisturizing hair.

Lunar coloring calendar for October 2018

October provides complete freedom of action regarding hair and hairstyles on the following days: 4-7, 10-15, 17-22, 27-29. Any hair manipulation performed on these dates of the month promises to be successful not only from an aesthetic, but also from a practical point of view.

Cut ends will quickly grow back, be strong and manageable, colored hair will retain smoothness and shine, and perm guarantees a lasting positive result without damaging the hair structure.

The influence of the Moon can have a negative impact on the condition of your hair if you resort to coloring or curling procedures. October 2,3, 8,9, 16,17, 23-25 ​​and 31.

Lunar coloring calendar for November 2018

The moon will contribute to the highest quality and effective implementation of hairdressing procedures for hair coloring in November on the following days: 1-5, 8-14, 17-21 and 27-29. These same dates are most suitable for curling.

If you only want to get a haircut, pay attention to the period from the 17th to the 21st: hair cut on these days will grow strong and strong, filling with a healthy glow and maintaining excellent volume day after day.

Lunar coloring calendar for December 2018

IN last month calendar year, the Moon turns its bright face to all women who want to update their hairstyle and hair color on such days: 3.4, 8-15, 17-20 and 25-28. These numbers are suitable for absolutely all hair procedures: from regular haircuts to curling, straightening, standard coloring and all sorts of variations on its theme (shading, shatush, balayage, highlighting, coloring, etc.).

If you want to insure yourself against unsuccessful experiments with your hairstyle, you should not plan to visit the hairdresser and dye your hair 1, 6-8, 16, 22, 23, and also 29-31. These days can be devoted to home hair care using folk remedies: decoctions of medicinal plants, honey, propolis, milk, etc.

In general, it should be said that this aspect of creation feminine style, like hair care, obliges modern woman not only be aware of all the fashion trends regarding hairstyles, but also take into account factors that may in one way or another affect the outcome of hairdressing procedures.

Hair, regardless of its length, is the wealth of every woman: they frame her face, emphasizing her individual features and unique character, and also allow her to experiment with style through different styling, color effects and textures.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of your hair and follow the recommendations of specialists, including astrologers. Knowing the most favorable days of the Lunar calendar for coloring, cutting and other hairdressing procedures will allow you not only to achieve the most positive effect, but also to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

Video: How does the lunar calendar affect our lives?

It’s no secret that a well-groomed lady always attracts the attention of the opposite sex, as well as her many envious women and rivals, no matter what age she is, she must be, first of all, feminine, and of course she will help with this beautiful hairstyle on her head.

All fashionistas love to please and strive to be loved, and how can a young girl or a mature woman express her image, emphasize her individual appearance and uniqueness, if not fashionable haircut with beautifully colored hair, well-groomed hairstyle in a modern style.

There is no doubt that hairstyle plays an important role in the appearance of every woman; it emphasizes style and complements the image. With the right haircut, curling and coloring, you can hide facial imperfections, lose more than one year of your age and simply look aesthetically pleasing.

Stylists and hairdressers work tirelessly on this, constantly creating something new and revolutionary in this area. Modern haircuts, curling and coloring are sharply different from their predecessors even ten years ago, not to mention what happened, say, fifty years ago.

If you trace how the art of hairdressing has changed throughout the twentieth century, you can see that it tirelessly keeps up with the times, relying on new technologies of the modern world.

Entire giants work in the field of hair care, curling and coloring, such as L’Oreal, Wella, Igora, Londa, Lebel, Estel and many others, and every year there are more and more such companies.

If all these products are in demand and in demand, this once again confirms the desire of women to look beautiful and stylish. This process concerns not only women, modern men No less people use the services of a hairdresser and cannot imagine their life without a monthly trip to the salon, without hair care products, or even curling or dyeing their hair.

Favorable lunar days for hair coloring in April 2018

Every man, like a woman, tries to attract attention with his style and individuality, which is unique to him and, as a rule, this is expressed in his hairstyle and clothes.

For example, men with a certain status in society wear classic suits and give themselves the same haircut, complementing their image with a mustache or beard, and rock musicians grow long hair, dyeing it with all the colors of the rainbow to match their stage image.

The mistress of this year, as is known, is Yellow Earth Dog who loves bright colors and variety in everything.

Therefore, feel free to experiment with the color and shape of your hairstyle and, perhaps, you will be able to find the ideal option that will meet your desires and aspirations to look good.

Below we present a Lunar calendar with favorable days for hair coloring for April 2018, specially created for hair coloring, where everyone can see where the moon is now and decide on what day it is better to go to the hairdresser to get a haircut, perm, coloring, etc. and simply carry out specialized hair care.

Hair coloring calendar in April 2018 lunar

Favorable days for hair coloring in April 2018

Favorable lunar days of April 2018 for hair coloring, coloring and other manipulations with hair, other important procedures of the April calendar, including perm and manicure, are the following dates of the month:

4, 5, 11, 12, 17-21, 25-28 - favorable dates in the spring month of April for hair coloring

Favorable days for hair growth in April 2018

In order for the hair to shine, grow well and fit beautifully into the hairstyle, according to the Lunar calendar, the favorable days of April 2018 for coloring and increasing hair, as well as cutting and curling, are the following days of the month:

13, 19-21, 25-28 - favorable dates in the spring month of April for increasing hair length

Lunar calendar painting April 2018

April 1



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

April 2



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

and ♏ Scorpio

April 3 91%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

April 4 84%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

and ♐ Sagittarius

April 5 77%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

April 6 68%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

and ♑ Capricorn

April 7 59%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

April 8



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third quarter)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

April 9



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

and ♒ Aquarius

April 10 31%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

April 11 22%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

April 12 15%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

April 13 8%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

April 14 3%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

April 15



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♈ Aries

April 16



lunar day

New moon

In the sign ♈ Aries

and ♉ Taurus

April 17 2%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♉ Taurus

April 18 7%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♉ Taurus

and ♊ Gemini

April 19 14%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

April 20 22%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

April 21 33%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♋ Cancer

April 22



lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♋ Cancer

April 23



lunar day

waxing moon

(First quarter)

In the sign ♌ Leo

April 24 66%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♌ Leo

April 25 77%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

April 26 85%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

April 27 92%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

April 28 97%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

April 29



lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

and ♏ Scorpio

April 30



lunar day

Full moon

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

In practice, there are several techniques in hair coloring that are used by masters in hairdressing salons, for example, highlighting, toning, coloring, color stretching, design coloring, transparent coloring.

No less types and perms that are done in different ways and based on different components - amino acid, alkaline, neutral, acidic, biowave and others. Everyone chooses what suits them best based on their external data, the structure and condition of their hair.

All this is good, but probably not everyone takes into account when going to the salon that the celestial bodies, especially the moon, are of great importance when manipulating hair; it is very important in which zodiac house it arrives at that moment.

After all, there are unfavorable days when it is contraindicated to cut your hair, curl it or dye it; this only makes your hair suffer and does not become any more beautiful, and even slows down its growth.

And this is true, and ladies who know about this will definitely look at the Lunar calendar for hair coloring or curling in April 2018, before deciding to manipulate them, they first select the days of the month favorable for this.

As we wrote above, today salons and hairdressers offer a huge range of types of perms to their clients. In order not to make a mistake and do right choice consultation with a specialist is necessary, but there are criteria by which you can make the right decision yourself.

You must always adhere to the rules and recommendations in everything, so in order not to spoil your hair and harm your scalp, refer to the April 2018 Lunar Calendar, which will give practical advice, namely the following:

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the hair structure for elasticity, thickness and strength. If your hair is brittle and dry, then it is not recommended to perm with a strong fixation solution, but to resort to a more gentle method for this. If, on the contrary, they are dense and elastic, then a solution of higher concentration is needed for stronger hair curling.

Before applying the curling product directly to the scalp, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the components of this drug, they can cause allergies.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your wrist and wait five minutes. If no skin reaction occurs, then you can start curling, but if it turns red or starts to itch, then using this drug is contraindicated.

Hair cutting can be done both before and after curling.

Don’t also forget about the Lunar calendar for April 2018 and choose a favorable day for these purposes. Properly done perm and hair care after it will bring brilliant results, beautify your appearance and highlight your individual style.

A few more words about hair coloring in April 2018

Probably not a single woman can imagine her life without dyeing her hair; almost everyone has changed the tone of their hair at some point. Many people do this constantly due to a number of reasons that occur with their hair throughout their lives.

First of all, this is gray hair, which can occur at any age and create many problems. appearance women. In order to get rid of gray strands, most of the fair sex resort to various types of hair dyeing.

Fashion also has a great influence on changes in hair color; in order to look bright, many young girls and boys turn to hairdressing salons to strictly match fashion trends time.

As we wrote above, there are a dozen types of hair coloring; to find yours, you need to consult a specialist who will select a tone or several for highlighting, tinting and other types of coloring.

Many ladies prefer to dye their hair themselves at home, choosing the type and tone of dye they need. When choosing a dye, there are a lot of criteria that women resort to based on their hair, fortunately, the choice is now great, from gentle, made from more natural ingredients, to professional.

As practice always shows, before dyeing it is necessary to look at the Lunar calendar for April 2018 in order to choose a favorable day for this procedure and thereby cause as little harm as possible to your hair, because it is no secret that the dye, no matter how the professionals assured us of its safety , still harms our hair to one degree or another.

If you have chosen a certain color and hair dye, then performing the dyeing procedure at home does not cause any problems. Here are some tips to follow to achieve good results:

Before you start dyeing your hair, you need to check whether your skin is sensitive to the composition of the components in the chosen dye; they can cause allergies.

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of dye to your wrist or behind your ear, wait five minutes, and if there is no skin reaction to the dye, then you can safely start dyeing, but if the area turns red or starts to itch, dyeing your hair with this product is strictly prohibited.

You must follow the instructions in the dye you have chosen to prepare the desired mixture for dyeing your hair.

After preparing the mixture, you need to apply it evenly to your hair with a brush, while dividing it into strands.

Leave the mixture on your hair for the time specified in the dyeing instructions, usually 30-35 minutes, while covering your head with a cap special for such procedures. After 10-15 minutes, you need to emulsify the dye by massaging your hair well with your hand. After the end of the exposure time, rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water, without adding shampoo.

Another piece of advice that can be given when dyeing your hair at home is that if you want to suddenly change the color from dark to light, it is advisable not to take risks, but to seek help from a hairdresser in a salon, otherwise you may end up with an unpredictable color as a result.