The best cosmetics for the face: good or bad. What should a good anti-wrinkle cream contain: main ingredients What should a face cream consist of?

Challenger decided to figure out what components are included in the face cream and how they affect the skin. We will figure it out with the help of a professional dermatologist, of course.
Almost every day the beauty industry releases a new “sensational” cream, which, as advertising claims, can work real miracles: it will smooth where needed, and remove where needed. But in practice, it turns out that the ingredients of this magical beauty product are no different from those that are included in other creams. We asked Irina Kotova, a dermatologist, to tell us what you need to pay attention to when buying a cream, and what each component in its composition means.

What does face cream consist of?
The components that make up a regular cream (not organic) can be divided into several main groups. Firstly, these are biologically active substances, they influence skin cells in a certain way depending on the purpose of the cream - anti-aging, moisturizing, restoration. The second important group is emulsifiers; they stabilize the cream base, the emulsion, which is water mixed with oil. Emulsion is used most often, as it allows biologically active components to be more easily absorbed into the skin tissue. But there is very important point: oil must be natural (almond or olive). Alas, most often cosmetical tools add mineral oil, which is a liquid extract from petroleum products. Preservatives also play an important role, because thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal effect, in most cases they prevent the risk of microbial growth in the cream and prolong its shelf life. And finally, fragrances give the cream a pleasant smell, but since they are most often the catalysts for allergic reactions, people with sensitive skin should choose fragrance-free cosmetics.

The cream may contain potentially carcinogenic substances, since most of them are stabilizers and UV filters. Their concentration is strictly regulated and in any case should always remain minimal. But chemicals such as dioxane and phthalates are poisonous and dangerous to humans and should be avoided even in small quantities.

When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to the first listed components of the composition, since they determine its properties and actual purpose.
Moisturizer: glycerin, water, hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, urea, lactic acid.
Anti-aging cream: retinol, vitamins A, E, C, coenzyme Q10, alpha lipic acid, peptides, DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol).
Regenerating cream: ceramides, lilac and lanolinic acids, phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), centella asiatica extract, horse chestnut extract, panthenol, aloe vera extract.
Cream for problem skin: salicylic acid, azelaic acid, AHA acids (alpha hydroxide), triclosan, retinoids, copper, zinc, sulfur, talc, clay, niacinamide.
Interestingly, the compositions of day and night creams are not very different from each other. The main difference is the texture: the night one is lighter. Water-protective filters are added to the cream for daytime use, and on the contrary, for nighttime use, ingredients that cannot be used in combination with ultraviolet radiation: AHA acids (phytic and kojic), arbutin, glabridin and retinoids in high concentrations.

How each component of the cream affects the skin
Cetyl, Stearyl, Cetearyl Alcohol (cetyl, stearyl, cetearyl alcohols) and Propylene glycol (propylene glycol): transport substances that promote deeper penetration of active substances deep into tissues. Only alcohol dries the skin, and propylene glycol, on the contrary, softens and moisturizes.

Triclosan (triclosan): an antibacterial substance that is used as an anti-inflammatory component.

Triethanolamine (TEA): surfactant, stabilizer needed to make cream look like holistic structure and did not separate into water and oil.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT): Chemical antioxidants that are used as preservatives.

Phthalates (DBP, DEP): stabilizers that give the cream special softness. Substances that are toxic to humans can cause the development of cancer.

Preservatives (preservatives) and Parabens (parabens): substances that prevent the proliferation of microorganisms (bacteria) in the cream, preventing the development of skin diseases.

Fragrance (flavors): fragrances, aromatic substances that give the cream a certain smell. As a rule, the natural components of the cream do not smell very pleasant.

Glycerin (glycerin): a moisturizing component that has earned its popularity by its ability to supply water from the lower layers of the skin to the surface. Glycerin also helps maintain and preserve the top protective layer of skin cells.

Mineral oil: oil protects the skin from moisture loss. The film created on its surface slows down the evaporation of water, making the skin look more hydrated and smooth.

Urea (urea): a natural component that perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid (hyaluronic acid): a natural substance that is part of epithelial and connective tissues, improves the structure of the epidermis, moisturizes and softens the skin.

Collagen (collagen): the most important protein of the connective tissues of the body. The cream has smoothing and moisturizing effects.

Ceramide (ceramides): fatty acids that can repair damage to the intercellular structure caused by skin diseases and external influences.

Lecithin (lecithin): a nutrient that makes the skin soft and helps biologically active components penetrate deep into the epidermis.

Retinol (retinol): fat-soluble vitamin A, helps fight age-related changes skin. In high concentrations it can cause redness and irritation.

Coenzyme Q10: An antioxidant that stimulates collagen synthesis and protects skin cells from premature aging.

Elastin: A protein related to collagen that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of skin tissue.

Nicotinamide (niacinamide): vitamin B3, which fights acne marks and evens out skin tone, making it brighter.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE): A chemical compound found in almost all anti-aging products. Its effects have not yet been fully studied, but there are studies that indicate that the use of dimethylaminoethanol leads to the death of skin cells.

Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA): A class of acids that includes salicylic acid. This acid penetrates deep into tissues and dissolves dead cells. Salicylic acid is gentle on the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA): Acids derived from fruits, nuts, milk and sugar. These include lactic, glycolic, citric, and mandelic acids. AHA acids promote collagen production, moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles. In high concentrations they cause redness and irritation of the skin.

What do the special markers on the labels mean:
Not tested on animals: As a rule, all external products are tested on animals (usually rodents) to avoid allergic reactions on human skin. This warning on the packaging is of particular importance to animal activists, but gives pause to people prone to allergic reactions.

Non-comedogenic (non-comedogenic): this means that the product does not form a dense film on the surface of the skin and thereby does not interfere with the natural secretion of sebum. This cream does not cause the formation of open and closed comedones, which indicate a violation of the outflow of sebum.

Dermatologically tested: The product you choose has been clinically tested on a small group of patients and rated by dermatology experts for its quality and value in solving skin problems.
We are already accustomed to studying food labels: checking expiration dates and looking for ingredients that we do not want to consume due to high calorie content, potential harm or possible allergies. This habit should also be formed in relation to cosmetics, because through the skin its components enter directly into our body. Understanding the nature of each component and its effect on the skin will allow you to choose a cream consciously, based not on the promises of advertising, but on the fine print on the back side packaging. And this, by the way, has more to do with the effect that you will or will not get by choosing this or that cream.


Finding, or rather choosing the right, ideal face cream is not a test for the faint of heart. Mountains of unsuitable jars on the shelf in the bathroom grow like mushrooms after rain, but the one and only one is still missing. And if you are “lucky” to have problem skin, the question “which face cream to choose” becomes especially acute.

In this post we will tell you how to find the right face cream and what to look for when choosing and purchasing.

When searching and choosing a face cream, consider 5 important parameters. It is they who, together, will give the desired result and will not let you be disappointed with the purchase.

  • Skin type.
  • A problem that needs to be solved.
  • Time of year (summer, winter).
  • Time of day (day, night).
  • Age.

Let's talk about each in more detail.

1. Skin type

Skin type is the first criterion from which you should start when choosing a face cream.

At oily, oily and problematic For your skin, choose lighter textures - gels, cream-gels, emulsions, fluids and serums. Formulas without dense oils (batterers) and waxes are your option. Moreover, they can be either with or without silicones.

At dry and prone to dryness For skin, look for richer textures, with oils, waxes, lanolin, and silicones. Cream for very dry atopic the skin will often feel like an ointment or putty.

Excessive oiliness and acne

In this case, you need easy remedies oil-free (without oils) and with the inscription noncomedogenic (non-comedogenic). Of course, they do not yet guarantee 100% relief from acne, but they reduce the risk of clogged pores and new breakouts. If you use medical anti-acne products, apply them under the cream.

Sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory and mild exfoliating components, such as lactic acid, are what you need. In winter, you can use a cream with stronger acids (salicylic, glycolic) and retinoids.

What to look for on the label

Acids, vitamin A (retinol), zinc, rosemary, sage, tea tree, sulfur, niacinamide (vitamin B3), chamomile, calendula, panthenol, allantoin.

Dryness and dehydration

At dry For skin, look for rich textures with lots of oils and lipids. At dehydrated skin - emphasis on hydration.

What to look for on the label

    Humectants: hyaluronic acid, algae, aloe vera, amino acids, sorbitol, xylitol, chitosan, squalane, urea, collagen, elastin, glycerin, saccharides, lactic and malic acids.

    Lipids: cholesterol, ceramides, sphingolipids, sphingosine, lecithin.

Tired, dull skin

Yours best friends- soft acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They will refresh the skin and give it radiance.

What to look for on the label

Lactic and malic acids, vitamins C, A, E, coenzyme Q10, green and red tea (rooibos).

Sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea

The simplest ingredients, soothing ingredients, absence of fragrances and dyes are what you need. Avoid large quantities essential oils and strong preservatives.

Keep in mind that natural and organic creams are not always the best friends of an allergy sufferer. Allergies to natural components can occur just as easily as to chemical ones. Therefore, creams are often sensitive skin and allergy sufferers contain many silicones and other neutral components. They may seem “empty” (not rich in active ingredients), but for allergy sufferers they are a necessity.

What to look for on the label

Soothing, anti-inflammatory components: aloe, panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol, chamomile, azulene, calendula, hyaluronic acid.

At rosacea The main emphasis is on strengthening blood vessels. Massage and components to improve microcirculation and increase the tone of the vascular walls come to the rescue.

What to look for on the label

Anti-rosacea, strengthening blood vessels components: extracts of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, algae, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamins C, A , E.

3. Time of year. Summer and winter cream

Regardless of your skin type, switch to lighter creams in the summer, and richer and denser ones in the winter.

Summer face cream

The “golden rule” of summer care is hydration and sun protection in the morning, nutrition and restoration in the evening.

Which face cream to choose for the summer? It’s good if your summer day cream does not contain any oils or silicones. In summer, the skin begins to actively produce oil, and oils and silicones create a protective film, which can lead to clogged pores (especially if you are prone to it). In addition, rich, fatty textures are not comfortable in the heat.

In the summer, the cream can be replaced, especially when oily skin. Serums a priori have a lighter, airy texture and are very comfortable in the summer.

Choose the most moisturizing products. Humidification is always important, but especially in summer due to the scorching sun and drier air. Look on the label: amino acids, urea, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, algae, chitosan, squalane, collagen, elastin, aloe vera, glycerin.

Day cream for summer must contain SPF (preferably from 15). During pregnancy, lactation, in adolescence, in case of any hormonal changes in the body, as well as in case of tendency or presence of pigmentation, choose SPF from 30.

The sun becomes most active in the summer months, so antioxidants are a must-have summer cream. Look on the label: vitamins C, E, A, alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, copper peptides, selenium, lycopene, green tea.

Winter face cream

The “golden rule” of winter care is nutrition and protection in the morning, hydration and restoration in the evening.

The main task of a day cream in winter is intensive nutrition and protection from adverse weather conditions - wind, frost, snow, hail, rain and temperature changes. Only a healthy epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle saves us from all these troubles. Therefore, in winter, it is more important than ever to support and strengthen them. In addition, in winter, the skin produces less oil and becomes drier.

A competent winter cream has a dense, rich texture and necessarily contains oils, waxes, silicones, and lanolin. It’s very good if it contains vitamins A, E, C, K and a small SPF filter.

In winter, we focus on nutrition and protection, but we must not forget about hydration. Dry air, radiators, temperature changes between indoors and outdoors provoke dryness and dehydration. We transfer skin moisturizing to the night in winter.

Why can’t you apply a light moisturizer or, especially, a gel in the morning as day care in winter? Such products contain large quantities of water, which in cold, frosty weather freezes on the face, causing hypothermia, peeling, and skin damage. Therefore, moisturizer applied in winter before going outside does not protect it, but rather harms it.

It is important to remember that absolutely any cream contains water in one quantity or another. Therefore, apply creams 30-60 minutes before going outside - during this time the water will be absorbed.

4. Time of day. Day and night cream

Essentially, the only difference between day and night face cream is that the day one should ideally contain SPF. We don't need SPF in night cream.

Everything else - hydration, nutrition, lightness, fat content, density, saturation with active components - is variable. Depending on the season and skin type, both day and night creams can be either lightly moisturizing or richly nourishing.

Therefore, there is no need to bother. Choose a cream based on your skin's needs, not on the day/night label.

5. Age

And finally, another criterion when choosing a face cream is age.

At a young age (up to 25 years), in the absence of serious problems, a good light moisturizer with plant extracts and vitamins is quite enough. There are no superfluous vitamins. ☺

After 25 years, look for products rich in antioxidants, proteins, hyaluronic acid, algae, silicon, collagen. For prevention. ☺ These components help maintain skin moisture levels, strengthen it, prevent aging processes, delay the formation of wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance of the skin.

A cream for skin after 35 years should contain antioxidants, phyto-stem cells, retinol, peptides (for example, argireline, matrixyl), hyaluronic acid, collagen, silicon and other anti-age components.

Briefly about the main thing

When choosing a face cream, rely on 5 main parameters - skin type, problem to be solved, time of year, time of day and age.

For oily skin and in summer, choose lighter textures; for dry skin and in winter, choose richer ones. Day cream should contain SPF, night cream should not.

For problematic skin with acne, look on the label for anti-inflammatory sebum-regulating components, for dry and dehydrated skin - lipids and moisturizers, for dull skin - vitamins and antioxidants, for sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea - soothing and strengthening blood vessels.

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Cream is an integral part of any woman’s daily care routine. Nowadays there is such a huge number of creams on the cosmetic market that it can be quite difficult to understand their diversity.

Not all remedies are equally effective, and some of them can even bring relief. And of course, to understand how the cream will work, first of all, you need to pay attention to its composition.

The components of any facial product can be classified into several large groups.

We would like to remind you that All ingredients are listed on the label in descending order.. That is, if mineral oil is in the first or second place in the composition of your jar, then it makes up the majority of the cream.

The components written at the very end have minimal concentration and have almost no effect. That's why choose a cream whose active ingredients will be located in the middle or beginning of the composition.

The basis of any cream is water. The quality of the water is usually not specified.

But remember that good or luxury products are most often made on water from thermal springs, while products from budget brands are made at regular filtered water.

2nd place is usually occupied by moisturizing or nourishing components. This could be glycerin, which acts only on the surface of the epidermis, or silicones, which penetrate deeper into the pores. It is also possible to have mineral oil, the purpose of which is intensive nutrition. But a more suitable option would be various natural oils rather than petroleum products.

Quite often alcohol is added to the cream, since it is a good and at the same time cheap solvent. But there are safer solvent options.

Of course, each product contains emulsifiers and texture formers, which promote quick application of the cream and its easy penetration into the skin.

And of course, perhaps the most important thing in any tool is its active ingredients. They can be used hyaluronic acid, extracts of various plants, vitamins, natural oils, and much more.

Note: These substances should not be at the end of the composition to bring maximum benefit to your skin.

The difference between creams in composition depending on their purpose

Creams come in many varieties different groups : day, night, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging and others.

How does their composition differ?

  1. Day and night cream in terms of the content of certain components they almost do not differ from each other. But the texture of night cream is usually lighter; it does not contain silicones, which give the skin an instant glow and a well-groomed appearance. Substances that are incompatible with ultraviolet rays are added to the night cream.
  2. Anti-aging product has more differences. It usually contains vitamins C and A, coenzyme Q10, and peptides. These substances smooth out small and even large wrinkles, restore elasticity to the skin and tighten the oval of the face.
  3. Moisturizing and nutritious cream are also different from each other. A moisturizer contains ingredients that provide moisture to the skin as well as moisture-retaining ingredients. The most popular of them is hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the nourishing cream is thicker and is less absorbed. Its main part is vegetable and animal fats. In its composition you can often find fat-soluble vitamins and. Cosmetologists usually recommend using a moisturizing cream in summer and a nourishing cream in winter.
  4. Product for problem skin, first of all, should contain antimicrobial, exfoliating components. These include salicylic and azelaic acid, copper and zinc, clay, sulfur, AHA acids, retinoids, triclosan. It is better to use such a product as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to harm yourself.
  5. Massage cream for the face is made on the basis of natural oils, which, when massaged, penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and act from the inside. In such a product you can often find extracts of various plants, ceramides and peptides, amino acids.
  6. They went on sale a few years ago BB and CC creams. Their composition is no different from regular moisturizers, but they also contain tinting ingredients that create an even complexion and disguise imperfections.

What should be the composition of a face cream?

First of all, we would like to say that choosing a cream is a very individual matter, and what is ideal for one person will cause allergies in another. But there are still general recommendations for selection.

Attention : see if your cream contains mineral oil. It is a petroleum product and can clog pores, cause inflammation and provoke the formation of comedones. Mineral oil can only be used by girls with very dry skin and narrow pores. For those with oily and combination skin types, it is better to avoid this component.

Part good cream Alcohol should not be used on the face. It causes allergies and irritation in sensitive skin, and also dries it out.

Should be avoided aluminum acetate. It is used as an astringent, but with prolonged use it can cause flaking, tightness and dryness.

Ingredients breakdown

In the table below we provide a breakdown of the components in face creams. When purchasing, you can use this list to avoid dangerous or unnecessary ingredients.

International name Russian name Description
Сyclohexasiloxane Cyclohexasiloxane Silicone that instantly creates a smooth, soft skin feeling. Does not provoke inflammation.
Karite oil Shea Butter Nourishing oil, contains a large amount of vitamin E. Non-comedogenic.
Magnesium Magnesium A macronutrient that improves blood circulation and complexion.
Glycerine Glycerol An inexpensive moisturizer that works only in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Limonene Limonene A natural preservative obtained from citrus fruits.
Argania Oil Argan oil Expensive and very healthy oil, perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes out facial wrinkles.
Aloe Aloe extract A natural ingredient that perfectly moisturizes the dermis, promotes the healing of microtraumas, and soothes.
Vitamin E, a-tocoferol Vitamin E Antioxidant, has remarkable anti-aging properties.
Propylene glycol Pripylene glycol A preservative, responsible for creating the texture of the product, in high concentrations it can be toxic.
Urea pura Hydrolyzed urea A powerful moisturizer that easily penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis due to its small molecular size.
Betaine Betaine A soothing component that forms a film on the skin and protects it from harmful external factors.
Lanolin Alcohol Lanolin A rather comedogenic substance, it often causes unpredictable individual reactions. Suitable only for very dry and chapped skin.
Sodium Hyaluronate Hyaluronic acid salt An excellent moisturizer that penetrates deep into the dermis.
Retinol Vitamin A, which is fat soluble. Fights wrinkles and other age-related changes.
Elastin Elastin Protein responsible for elasticity and firmness.
ANA alpha hydroxy acids Removes redness and acne marks, evens out facial tone. Cannot be used without additional protection from UV rays!

Useful video

Check out an expert's opinion on the ingredients in modern face creams.

Carefully read the composition of the cream before purchasing it. to make sure it meets all your requirements. Try to avoid aggressive and comedogenic components, and also be sure to pay attention to the ratio useful substances. Do not forget, . And then your skin is still long years will make you happy!

We women don't want to grow old at all. That is why we use various cosmetics for the face, body and hair. Sometimes we prepare magical remedies at home, but more often we buy them in the store, spending fabulous sums. How to choose a face cream that will prolong our youth and protect against aging? After all, the first signs of skin aging appear on the face and neck.

How women choose face cream

It would seem that women should understand cosmetics in the same way as most men understand technology. After all, they are the main consumers of the entire variety of creams, masks, lotions and tonics. But with such a large number of brands and types offered, it’s easy to get confused. And advertising completely confuses us.

Choosing a good face cream means getting a cream that will “work” with your skin and give positive results. Let's remember how we choose creams and try to figure out whether we are doing it correctly.

Most women, when choosing a face cream, are guided by its external characteristics: they like the smell, the consistency of the cream (the cream is very delicate or light), its ability to be absorbed. And it also happens that we are blown away by the packaging design. What if the seller tapes something to this package and calls it a gift? This once again reinforces our confidence in the correct choice of face cream. And it doesn’t matter what kind of gift it is - cotton buds, discs or sponges for applying cosmetics. The main thing is for free. And advertising that creates a positive image of a jar of cream that has not yet been purchased! It uses fancy phrases, promising phrases like “coenzymes Q10”, “collagens”. These magical substances supposedly prolong the youthfulness of facial skin for a long time...

It turns out that the magic coenzyme is contained in every cell of our body, regardless of age. And the cosmetic products that have recently appeared on the market are the same creams in new packaging. Do we look at the list of ingredients that make up the cream, and how much do we understand about it?

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Composition of face cream

Remember how the advertised products compare to the ones you used before or are currently using? This is a “regular” cream/powder/cleaner. What is this regular face cream?

This is an emulsion consisting of oils and water, thoroughly mixed until smooth. The ability to be absorbed occurs due to the fact that the oil particles are evenly distributed. Even oil components are absorbed, which during normal application (when they are not part of the cream) are very reluctant to penetrate the skin. Modern creams are absorbed equally well, and surprisingly, the ability to be absorbed is not always an indicator of a good face cream. After all, emulsification has moved to a very high technological level.

Thus, the active components of the cream are contained in the emulsion. Let's try to break them down into small groups.

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Active Ingredients

These are the components that should improve the condition of the skin. But we note that by its nature the skin is not suitable for the intake of nutrients from the outside. They must come from the inside, through the system of blood vessels, provided proper nutrition person, sufficient physical activity and recovery during night sleep. Overcoming the skin permeability barrier is one of the the most complex tasks modern cosmetology. It is solved thanks to finely dispersed emulsification. A significant amount of active components is not just absorbed into the skin, but penetrates it to the level of the capillary vascular network.

Face creams from the world's best manufacturers pass from 10 to 30% of active ingredients to the capillary network. The remaining 90-70% do not have a significant effect on the condition of the skin, since they are distributed over its cellular layers lying above. Therefore, in order to evaluate the effect of the cream, it takes quite a lot of time.

Modern manufacturers use essential and vegetable oils and plant extracts as active ingredients. The most effective are creams that contain these components in the amount of 2-5 items. Carefully study the composition before choosing a face cream. It should bring vitamins, flavonoids, glycosides, coumarins, terpenes, trace elements and other substances that activate metabolism in skin cells to the skin. The more active ingredients, the more the cream nourishes the skin. If its composition is not rich in active ingredients, the cream will have a positive effect on the skin, but it will be insufficient.

If you use a cream that contains only 1-2 active ingredients, but the contents of the jar magically smooth out wrinkles, providing an almost instant effect, know that this is dangerous for the skin. It takes at least two weeks to normalize its functions.

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Technologically necessary components

These are the ingredients that neither manufacturers nor cosmetics sellers like to talk about. These ingredients have nothing to do with natural ingredients that benefit the skin. Emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, preservatives, flavors and dyes are added to the cream according to technological necessity. They help the cream acquire a uniform structure, light texture, pleasant color and aroma. Unfortunately, in all creams these are substances of artificial origin, and they are completely alien to the skin in terms of biochemical composition. And the longer the shelf life of the cream, the greater the amount of such substances it contains.

The situation with creams is similar to the situation with food products that are manufactured using high technology. Technological additives are marked on the packaging with the index “E”. It is extremely difficult to prove their direct harm to health, but the fact that they do not bring benefit is certain.

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How to choose a good face cream?

Even if you are far from chemistry, you will be able to distinguish the “chemical” sound of the term from the names of vegetable oils and extracts. The more plant-based and the less chemical, the better the cream.

Consider the order in which the ingredients are listed on the package. They are always listed in descending order by quantity. So, if water comes first, followed by a long list of chemical names (propylene glycol, butyl carbamate, methylparaben, sodium benzoate), followed by one or two names of plant extracts or oils, and then again chemical names, refrain from purchasing such a product . And if natural ingredients are the last in the general row, this cream is more harmful than beneficial. There are also creams that are definitely harmful. These are those that do not have the composition on the packaging. The manufacturer did not indicate the components of the cream, obviously due to forgetfulness.

The dignity of the cream is determined by the nature of the emulsion base - oil, which is used as a carrier-solvent for other ingredients of the cream. It's good if it's olive, sesame oil or jojoba oil. It's worse if it's mineral oil. Simply put, this is technical machine oil. Despite the fact that this is a product of the highest degree of purification, it is a product of the oil refining industry, and it is completely alien to the skin in its biochemical composition.

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Should you believe the advertising?

This engine of trade presents us with information that is essentially a myth. What are the statements about magic creams that affect the skin “at the cellular level”, “at the molecular level” or at the “cellular-molecular”? Women are especially often deceived empty promises advertisements for anti-wrinkle creams. There are collagen and liposomal creams, and hydration, which gives an immediate effect of smoothing the skin. But you should know that once a wrinkle appears, alas, it will not disappear anywhere. The only thing we can do is to slow down its lengthening and deepening by establishing proper nutrition of the skin from the inside and outside.

Thus, mineral oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly, propylene glycol, when applied to the skin, capture moisture from the environment and draw it from the cellular layers that are located below. Therefore, an oil-water film is instantly created on the surface of the skin. Dead cells swell, fine wrinkles disappear before the eyes, and the microrelief of the skin is smoothed. It cannot be said unequivocally that this is very harmful, but you should know that aging continues, but the woman does not see this, since the cream masks the true state of affairs.

Therefore, every woman should draw her own conclusions about how to choose a face cream. Some have abandoned store-bought creams and use homemade cream for the face - the one you prepared yourself. Some intuitively use various oils instead of creams. If you buy cream in a store, pay attention not to the design of the packaging and the price of the product, but to the composition of the cream.

Wrinkles, spots, sagging of the face, gray and dull color, unevenness - our face is very vulnerable and is the first to take the blow of the negative impact of the external environment, serves as a reflection of lifestyle, but if you know how to choose a face cream according to the age-related needs of the skin, it is easy look well-groomed until old age. We'll tell you about the types of face creams and the ingredients that are always included in the composition. good product.

Active ingredients: choosing the best

Many women first focus on the smell, texture, design of the jar, in a word, attractive details. But what matters most is what is included in the cream. Both each component individually and the overall formula of the product are important here.

The modern cosmetic market offers a huge variety of facial care products. Each manufacturer claims to have found The best decision and invented a revolutionary composition in the world of cosmetology. What should we believe? Only with your own eyes! We study the composition and choose the active and safe cream for your face type.

Best active ingredients:

  • essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants: it is better if at least two to five such substances are present in the composition.
  • flavonoids: essential components for the cream. These are the ingredients that protect the skin from toxic effects, in particular from poor urban ecology;
  • fruit acids: from a certain age they simply must be included in the composition as substances that remove dead skin particles.
  • Coenzyme Q10: accelerates the recovery process. Helps produce hyaluronic acid (its amount in the body begins to decrease after 25 years);
  • retinol and tocopherol (vitamins A, E). They actively fight against age-related skin changes;
  • salicylic acid – stimulates blood circulation;
  • peptides – increase elasticity;
  • ceramides – relieve inflammation, protect against external irritants (winds, severe frost, hot dry air);
  • panthenol – relieves inflammation, treats microscopic damage to the skin;
  • SPF - factors (UV filters) - protection from the main enemy of our beauty and youth - the active sun (it leads to photoaging);
  • hyaluronic acid – smoothes wrinkles, maintains the desired level of moisture in the epithelium, maintains elasticity and firmness.

The composition always contains all kinds of stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, flavorings: this is required by technology for the manufacture of a product that is safe for health. But a manufacturer that respects the consumer produces the maximum natural remedies. A high-quality face cream should not contain only E additives, and the amount of “chemicals” in the composition should be kept to a minimum.

It is worth realizing: choosing a universal face cream will not work. There are a lot of varieties of products and each clearly performs its task in facial care. Let's consider what products a woman should have on hand.

In your home cosmetics bag you need to have at least two creams - for day and night. Night cream works at night and restores your skin while you rest. It would be right to choose a face cream that will moisturize the skin, saturate it with moisture, and start the process of cell renewal, which will slow down the aging process of the skin.

This task is effectively handled, for example, by products containing skin foods such as shea butter and avocado. Day creams that are made with high quality must contain UV filters, antioxidants, and lightening components. They should provide long-term hydration and protect against dehydration and ultraviolet radiation.

It is important for women over 35 years of age to undergo course procedures to prevent aging. Facial creams with active anti-aging ingredients can replace expensive procedures in the salon. We have to accept it as a fact: than older age, the stronger the cream should be and the longer the skin care courses.

With age, the skin loses moisture and gradually fades. A good face moisturizer will help solve the problem. The best creams contain wheat germ oil, cucumber and pine extract, squalane, and, of course, to saturate the dermis with moisture, it is important to choose a product with hyaluronic acid.

Girls starting from 14-15 years old also need useful nourishing creams: firstly, to protect the skin from the sun and winds, and secondly, for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes (acne, rashes constantly appear during puberty). Light, nourishing cream with vitamin C and chamomile extract is an excellent choice for a young lady who dreams of looking attractive.

Mature skin needs nourishment even more. Nourishing creams must contain vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, ferulic acid, phytic acids, and melatonin. It is important to choose a product with a good combination of antioxidants that protect the face from the toxic effects of free radicals, which quickly age our skin.

It is unrealistic to influence aging caused by genetics, but we can slow down the processes. Correctly selected face cream is a guarantee of a well-groomed appearance even if you don't want to resort to radical anti-aging procedures.

The best anti-aging creams are:

  • anti-aging;
  • cleansing;
  • restorative.

Creams containing peptides protect the skin well from aging. These microelements are made up of unique chains of amino acids. They enter the dermis at the cellular level and stimulate the amount of substances required by the body's biological rhythm. Simply put, they activate hidden reserves and quickly rejuvenate.

It is definitely important to have an exfoliator at home to use once or twice a week. Mild peelings (exfoliators) contain microscopic particles of minerals, crushed plant seeds, and are suitable for home use, while more powerful face creams must be chosen after consultation with a cosmetologist and read the detailed instructions on how to use them correctly.

Restorative products contain plant extracts and vegetable oils. Rose oil is recognized as a powerful regenerator for almost any skin type. It brightens, refreshes and evens out the tone.

Fortified products will become a lifesaver for a woman of any age, when she urgently needs to look chic, but her skin color is tired and gray. Vitamin complexes will invigorate the dermis and restore its radiance. Tocopherol, retinol, vitamin C must be present in such an anti-stress cream.

Find out how to choose a face cream based on the advice of a cosmetologist:

A professional cosmetologist helped create a table that lists all the skin needs that arise with age. Look at it, so you will quickly learn: how to choose the right cream specifically for your age.

AgeBeneficial ingredients for skin in creams
14-25 Aloe, chamomile, calendula, strawberry: moisturize, relieve inflammation (if there are pimples on the face), even out the complexion;
25-35 fruit acids (citric, glycolic, lactic) - loosen dead cells so that they gradually disappear and make the skin breathable. This allows nutrients to penetrate the skin faster and hydrate it.
brightening agents: kojic acid, bearberry extract, lemon extracts) - lighten, refresh, protect against the appearance of age spots;
Oligopeptide 24 – stimulates fibroblasts, which promotes the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.
polymers – form a thin elastic film on the skin. It retains moisture and maintains the desired moisture balance in the epidermis.
SPF factors protect against the negative effects of the sun, which means early aging.
35-45 Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that can penetrate cell membranes.
tocopherol (vitamin E) – prevents aging;
alpha lipoic acid – enhances the effect of vitamins C, E, coenzyme Q10, protects the cell membrane, promotes regeneration;
hyaluronic acid - starts the processes of collagen and elastin production, maintains hydrobalance and smoothes wrinkles.
Acetyl hexapeptide-3 – reduces the contraction of muscles responsible for the appearance of facial wrinkles.
45-55 detox-lipid complex – neutralizes the heaviest toxic substances, activates cellular metabolism;
liposomes – fill wrinkles and smooth the skin.
phytosterols - improve skin hydration, increase cell resistance to destruction.
Palmitoyl pentapeptide-3 – synthesizes the main structural proteins and intercellular substances of the dermis.
55-65 rose extract - protects the skin, helps it resist temperature changes and UV rays.
salicylic acid – improves blood flow;
flax seed extract – saves the skin from drying out;
ceramides – protect against irritation.
65+ soy isoflavone – it increases the production of hyaluronic acid by an order of magnitude;
ceramides - thicken the skin, protecting the deep layers of the skin, restore the lipid barrier;
Collaxyl (hexapeptide-9) is a unique peptide that significantly increases skin elasticity.

Remember: no matter what the manufacturer promises you, there is no point in expecting an immediate effect: it is easy to quickly choose a face cream, but the quality of the cream can only be judged 2-3 weeks after its regular use.

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