Log in to the school electronic diary. Electronic diaries and magazines

Electronic journals and diaries at schoolbest way solving everyday issues related to the educational process - both for schools and for parents and students.

Let's consider the basic possibilities of a cool electronic magazine, which allow us to determine its need in the educational process.

Why do you need an Electronic Journal for School?

  • Availability of the magazine at any time, anywhere where there is Internet access
  • Convenient automated progress monitoring
  • Control over the number and completeness of grades given
  • Presentation of calculated indicators (average grade, % of achievers, GPA, etc.)
  • The preparation of any reports is fully automated (including attendance and reasons for absences). Read the review: Reports and analytics ElZhur
  • Tools for direct communication between teachers and parents schoolchildren
  • Homework and comments go directly from the electronic journal to the student’s diary
  • Possibility to provide homework with additional electronic materials (files)
  • Centralized method of notification - about events, schedule changes, substitutions, etc.
  • Possibility to conduct surveys and tests, including remotely (via the Internet)
  • Helps the school meet ICT modernization requirements

We have implemented all these and many other possibilities, and tried to work in Electronic journal it was easy and convenient.

And most importantly, our system allows you to add new functionality that is necessary for you and your organization!

Therefore, if your practice uses special reporting forms or maintains additional statistics, we are ready to provide you with these tools.

Look video presentation of the electronic magazine, in which we collected the opinions of teachers and school principals.

Benefits of using the Electronic Journal for Parents

  • Parents will learn about grades on the day they are issued.
  • Immediately informed about their children’s absenteeism
  • Control the child with electronic diary, which indicates all grades, absences, homework, comments.
  • Can take timely measures to correct the situation with academic performance
  • Can directly contact teachers regarding any questions via correspondence
  • If desired, they will receive notifications via SMS or email
  • They will know which lesson topics the child missed during illness
  • They see the dynamics of a child’s academic performance based on changes in the average grade
  • Will be able to be informed in case of missing a parent meeting

The student can also use the Electronic Journal tools

  • Always see the current class schedule taking into account planned substitutions
  • Have it in your electronic diary homework written down by the teacher himself
  • Keep track of your average score

In addition, students’ motivation increases, and they take a more responsible approach to attending classes and studying directly.

Literate progress monitoring helps to identify problems with mastering any disciplines at an early stage and promptly draw the attention of parents to this situation.

1 diary Diary online.
Parents will be able to monitor their child’s progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, and also communicate online with teachers and school administration.
Electronic diaries and magazines are in many ways similar to regular ones, only you can now view them from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. This resource unites a whole network of general education and specialized schools from different corners Russia and the CIS, in which teachers and parents are not indifferent to the fate of their students.


  • a developed testing system for students and their parents;
  • publication of the schedule for each class;
  • the ability to set your own name and description of the class;
  • publication of information about the school;
  • keeping a student diary;
  • grading;
  • recording homework;
  • recording absenteeism and comments;
  • SMS notification to parents;
  • email notification to parents.
The services offered are paid. You can pay for electronic diary services via SMS or at the specified payment terminals.

Absolutely free diary.
What is required from the school to connect? The lesson schedule supports all types of reporting periods: quarters, trimesters and semesters. The diary allows you to create weekly and fractional schedules, group and continuous classes. Using a convenient replacement mechanism, you can cancel and reschedule lessons, replace teachers and classrooms. Students and teachers have access to their personal lesson schedule. Teachers also have access to the schedules of other teachers in the school. It is necessary to appoint an administrator who will connect new users and manage the work of the school in the Diary.
No software installation or additional hardware purchase is required. You can work in the Diary from any computer connected to the Internet. Connecting your school to the Diary is absolutely free.
Access to the Diary is provided without a subscription fee and without any other payments.
The school can store an unlimited amount of data in the Diary.

  • Online lesson schedule available to everyone without any logins/passwords or registrations
  • Mobile version of the schedule - easily scan the QR code and get the schedule on your phone
  • Widget for setting a schedule on your blog or school website
  • Printable schedule poster of your own layout with your favorite characters or groups or just your photo
  • What is most important about this: everything works absolutely free, any visitor can create schedules and use it. So, the next time you have a question: what is my lesson schedule? Just go to the Schoodle website on your computer or phone, find your school/gymnasium/lyceum and your class schedule there. And if it’s not there yet, enter it yourself - it’s done very quickly.

    Report to the teachers' council: « Electronic system

    diaries and journals"

    The older a child becomes, the more his mind develops, especially in terms of deceiving his parents and hiding objectionable facts from them. For example, most students do not want to show their parents their unsatisfactory grades or report a new challenge in educational institution or mention a lot of homework. A paper diary is not a panacea. At the right moment it is forgotten, lost, spoiled, and, in the end, not filled. In order to avoid such “accidental” troubles and increase parental control over students, a system was invented electronic diaries, which is now gaining momentum in Russia.

    In January 2002, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal target program “ Electronic Russia(2002-2010)". In May 2008, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the “Concept for the formation of electronic government in the Russian Federation until 2010” was approved.

    One of the areas of implementation of the “Electronic Government” program was the introduction of the so-called “ electronic magazines and diaries.” At that time, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Andrei Fursenko, assured the president that starting in 2012, Russian schoolchildren would receive grades on their school’s website. “So far, electronic grade books with parent access to grades via the Internet are used only in schools in large cities. This is not such a difficult thing, because almost every school has a website. If there is a website, then, accordingly, you can provide access to it,” the president clarified. However, Andrei Fursenko admitted that when launching an electronic diary system, it is necessary to solve the problem of protecting personal data.

    “I used this system, even for personal purposes,” Dmitry Medvedev explained his interest. - It’s always nice to climb in and see your child’s progress. Or, conversely, look at the deuces. Therefore, this idea must be continued.

    At one of the meetings of the Presidium of the State Council, Dmitry Medvedev proposed making school magazines and diaries electronic. It was assumed that the paper form of maintaining these documents would not be abolished, but their electronic versions would be maintained in parallel.

    Such a measure, Dmitry Medvedev believed, should also contribute to the training of teachers in computer literacy. Today, connecting to broadband Internet access in Russian schools has become the standard. There are no obstacles to making the maintenance of internal school records mandatory as a similar standard.

    Since 2012, the plans of the President and the Ministry of Education and Science have come true, electronic diaries began to be introduced everywhere in schools. Regions of the country are gradually moving to a new system of data organization. Gaining experience in communicating with electronic system, identified shortcomings are eliminated.

    Electronic diary and journal - a set of software tools that implement a system for recording the progress and attendance of school students ( , And in electronic form).

    Goals of creating the system

      building the information environment of an educational institution;

      increasing openness and accessibility of education;

      providing participants with the educational process public services in electronic form.

    Electronic diaries and magazines allow the education department, teachers, parents, students and school administration to quickly interact.

    Electronic journals and diaries at school are the best way to resolve everyday issues related to the educational process - both for schools and for parents and students.

    Let's consider the basic capabilities of a classroom electronic journal, which allow us to determine its need in the educational process.

    Why do you need an Electronic Journal for School?

      Availability of the magazine at any time, anywhere where there is Internet access

      Convenient automated progress monitoring

      Control over the number and completeness of grades given

      Presentation of calculated indicators (average grade, % of achievers, GPA, etc.)

      The preparation of any reports is fully automated (including attendance and reasons for absences)

      Tools for direct communication between teachers and parents of schoolchildren

      Homework and comments go directly from the electronic journal to the student’s diary

      Possibility to provide homework with additional electronic materials (files)

      Centralized method of notification - about events, schedule changes, substitutions, etc.

      Possibility to conduct surveys and tests, including remotely (via the Internet)

      Helps the school meet ICT modernization requirements

    Benefits of using the Electronic Journal for Parents

      Parents will learn about grades on the day they are issued.

      Immediately informed about their children’s absenteeism

      The child is monitored using an electronic diary, which contains all grades, absences, homework, and comments.

      Can take timely measures to correct the situation with academic performance

      Can directly contact teachers regarding any questions via correspondence

      If desired, they will receive notifications via SMS or email

      They will know which lesson topics the child missed during illness

      They see the dynamics of a child’s academic performance based on changes in the average grade

      Will be able to be informed in case of missing a parent meeting

    The student can also use the Electronic Journal tools

      Always see the current class schedule taking into account planned substitutions

      Have homework in your electronic diary written down by the teacher himself

      Keep track of your average score

    In addition, students’ motivation increases, and they take a more responsible approach to attending classes and studying directly.

    Competent monitoring of academic performance helps to identify problems with mastering any disciplines at an early stage and promptly draw the attention of parents to this situation.

    Briefly about the project

    As per Government order Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 N 1993-r approved a consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form, as well as services provided electronically by institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of this order.In the list of services, you should pay attention to paragraph 8 “Providing information about the student’s current progress, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic progress log.”In this paragraph, the responsible executors for the provision of information are the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosobrnadzor, and directly educational institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the participation of executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and municipal educational institutions with the participation of local governments.
    To implement Order N 1993-r, testing and organizing the provision of services in electronic form for all participants in the educational process are currently relevant. An electronic diary and progress log is a service that an educational institution can provide to parents, schoolchildren, and teachers. The Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” implements these opportunities.
    For a number of reasons, the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” is recommended for testing and implementing electronic diaries and grade books.
    Firstly, the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” is an officially registered operator of personal data. Access to the system is carried out only using a special code obtained from an educational institution; maintaining electronic diaries and progress logs requires strict differentiation of access rights for users. The system is designed in such a way that information about a student can only be accessed by his parents.
    Secondly, Dnevnik.ru (hereinafter referred to as Dnevnik) is completely free for both schools and users. There is no fee either for connection or for daily use of the Diary.
    Thirdly, the Diary can be used immediately after connection. The school does not require any additional costs for equipment, training, support, etc. To work with the Diary, you only need a computer with Internet access and an Internet browser. There is no need to install any special programs.

    General characteristics Internet project "Dnevnik.ru"

    The Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” allows you to create a unified information and educational network for the main participants in the educational process.
    It is a modern and convenient tool for interaction between teachers, parents and students.
    Using the services of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru”, a user who has access to it can quickly obtain the information he needs related to the learning process.

    The Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” implements the following capabilities:

    Keeping electronic diaries,
    - maintaining an electronic journal,
    - issuing and receiving homework,
    - use of library resources fiction, media libraries.
    Dnevnik.ru has all the basic functions of social networks, which are adapted for use in schools and allow students, teachers, and parents to communicate with each other.
    Potential users of the electronic diary and electronic gradebook are parents, schoolchildren, and teachers.
    For parents, an electronic diary within the framework of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” makes it possible to establish effective interaction with the educational institution where their child is studying. It allows you to quickly receive the latest and most reliable information about all activities and events in school life, get acquainted with the news, and also clarify the class schedule or homework in any of the subjects. Using an electronic diary, parents will be able to view their child’s grades, learn about his progress and achievements, and monitor class attendance. There is also the possibility of interactive communication between parents and the school administration.
    For modern schoolchildren, the electronic diary system is a convenient form of viewing the schedule of school subjects for the whole week and current homework, and it also allows them to keep abreast of all the events of school life. The diary allows the student to view his statistics and grade rankings over specific periods of time. It creates additional motivation for the student to improve their performance and consolidate their successes. The electronic diary is designed to arouse interest among schoolchildren in the learning process itself and active participation in school events.
    For teachers, an electronic diary is a quick and convenient way to communicate with students’ parents, an efficient way to convey information to students and parents.

    Organization of work on the implementation of electronic diaries and grade books in educational institutions

    For the successful implementation of electronic diaries and progress logs in a general education institution, it is necessary to implement certain organizational measures.

    Regulatory and legal support for the testing and implementation of electronic diaries, electronic journals It is necessary to prepare a document (order) on the implementation of an electronic diary and progress journal, develop a work plan containing a list of necessary and sufficient measures for testing and implementation of electronic diaries and progress journals, indicating the stages, deadlines, expected results and responsible persons.
    When planning, it is necessary to determine the classes, parallels and levels of training for testing, the stages and timing of testing and implementation of electronic diaries and grade books.
    The testing and implementation of electronic diaries and progress logs can take place in stages in parallel, at the stages of education: primary and basic level, as a result, the educational institution will be ready to provide electronic services in terms of providing information about the student’s current progress, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic progress log.

    Organizational arrangements for testing and implementation of electronic diaries and grade books

    At the first stage of preparation, heads of educational institutions and specialists responsible for implementation need to familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” at www.dnevnik.ru.
    An obligatory stage of preparation for the introduction of electronic diaries and progress logs in a general education institution is qualified explanatory work with the teaching staff of the general education institution on this topic.
    At this stage, it is appropriate to hold a pedagogical (methodological) council, meeting, or seminar on the topic: “Prospects for the introduction of electronic diaries and grade books in the activities of a general education institution.”
    It is also necessary to provide the necessary number of teachers’ jobs for free access to the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” with a high-quality and uninterrupted connection to the Internet.
    If necessary, conduct training for teachers with the help of school specialists responsible for this work.
    It is necessary to remember to draw up an agreement with parents on the processing of students’ personal data. This agreement can be a single model for all types of information processing in the school.
    To successfully implement the implementation, the head of the educational institution must conduct regular monitoring of the work on testing and implementing electronic diaries and progress logs.
    It is advisable to entrust the organization and implementation of the proposed events to the deputy. director for informatization (in his absence - the person responsible for informatization of the educational institution).

    Organization of work on the website of the project “Dnevnik.ru”

    Direct work on the website of the Internet project "Dnevnik.ru" must be carried out in accordance with the Guide for Initial System Setup (Administrator's Guide). The manual defines the sequence of work, the algorithm for entering information, the stages of work in the project until the end of full information entry. You can get acquainted with the manual on the website of the project “Dnevnik.ru”.
    The first step is to activate the educational institution (EI). Activation codes are sent to educational institutions by the coordinator of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” after sending an Application for connection on the website “Dnevnik.ru”. To activate, you must enter the school activation code on the main page of the diary or on the school connection page. After entering the code, you must indicate the details of the first school administrator (the head of the educational institution or the specialist responsible for implementation, appointed by order of the school, hereinafter referred to as the administrator). After registration, the administrator, like any diary user, opens a wizard for getting to know the Diary. He talks about the main functions of a diary for a school teacher. To start managing the school, you need to go to the administration section (see “Login to administration”). When you log in for the first time, the school setup wizard opens, which allows you to make preliminary school settings. After activation, you need to configure your school on the project website.
    Recommended order for setting up a school:
    1. Entering basic information about the school
    2. Setting up call schedules and reporting periods
    3. Entering employees
    4. Creating classes
    5. Entering students into classes
    6. Setting up buildings and classrooms (creating and editing a list of training venues).
    7. Setting up subjects (communications with teachers, classrooms, classes and study groups)
    8. Entering schedules.
    The initial settings are partially helped by the school setup wizard, which is loaded when you first log into the school. The setup process is described in detail in the Administrator's Guide. The sequence of information entry remains unchanged regardless of the completeness of the project implementation in a general education institution. For example, if at the initial stage of project implementation a decision was made to fully connect several selected classes (using all school functions), all of the specified operations, starting with the creation of a bell schedule, must be carried out only within the framework of these classes. After entering the necessary information, you can start using the diary. Users are teachers, students and parents. Each has its own level of access and capabilities. Each person has a personal login to the project website. Personal invitations (logins and passwords for entry) are generated by the project administrator, the specialist responsible for the project at the school. Participants in the educational process: teachers, students, parents can receive personal invitation codes immediately after the administrator enters their personal data (creating personas). This will allow them to take advantage of online opportunities and educational resources. Once you have completed entering basic information, refer to the Administrator's Guide to become familiar with the rest of the system's features.

    Methodological support and consulting

    Methodological and information support is organized on the website of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru” www.dnevnik.ru, consultations can be received by e-mail [email protected].

    Content capabilities of the Internet project “Dnevnik.ru”

    The Internet project identifies the following areas of activity: education and communication.
    The first direction “Education” implements the following features: lesson schedule, electronic diary, electronic journal, homework, fiction library, media library, dictionaries and online translator.

    Lesson schedule

    The school timetable is available to students, staff and parents. The lesson schedule supports all types of reporting periods: quarters, trimesters and semesters. "Dnevnik.ru" allows you to create weekly and fractional schedules, group and continuous classes. Using a convenient replacement mechanism, you can cancel and reschedule lessons, replace teachers and classrooms. Personal schedule Students and teachers have access to their personal lesson schedule. Teachers also have access to the schedules of other teachers in the school. The schedule editor allows you to quickly transfer the existing school schedule to the electronic Diary.

    Electronic diary

    Each student can view in the Diary all grades assigned to him in all subjects. It is possible to view grades by subject and for a certain period (week, quarter). All student grades are available to his parents.

    Electronic magazine

    The teacher in the electronic journal has the opportunity to assign grades for the lesson and view academic performance, including by period. Teachers in the Diary can give grades in the classes in which they teach, and if they have administrative rights, then in any class in the school. The scoring mechanism is made as clear and convenient as possible. Various statements and reports on the progress of both the whole class and individual students are available to the teacher. Each lesson has a special page where the teacher can manage homework and work in the lesson, as well as mark attendance and grade.


    In Dnevnik.ru, the homework function allows teachers to assign assignments and monitor the progress of their completion, and for students to complete assignments and send the results to the teacher directly in the Diary. The teacher has access to an archive of homework for the entire school. He can view both his homework and the assignments of the classes in which he substitutes for another teacher. In addition, the teacher can create new homework assignments using a convenient step-by-step wizard. In created homework the teacher sees the details of the assignment, the list of students to whom it was given and the status of each student’s assignment. For each student, a log of all activities with the assignment is available. Parents can see the homework assignments assigned to their children and the assessment of their completion. The student has access only to his homework. Completed and uncompleted tasks are displayed separately for it.

    Fiction Library

    The Diary's library contains several thousand works of art, primarily those that are studied in the school curriculum. A convenient catalog allows you to quickly find works by genre or title. On the page of the work of art you can see short biography author, read the work itself and leave a review about it.

    Media library

    The media library contains a large number of educational resources in the form of texts, pictures, audio, video and presentations. A convenient catalog allows you to quickly find the necessary resources, which are specially selected for students, teachers, administrators and parents.

    Dictionaries and online translator

    In various dictionaries presented in the Diary, you can find out the meaning of a word, find synonyms or definitions of terms. Using Google technologies, directly in the Diary, you can translate text from more than 20 languages ​​of the world.

    The second direction “Communication” implements all the main functions of social networks, which are adapted for use in schools: personal pages of each Diary user, establishing connections between colleagues and friends, organization thematic groups and events, communication between schools.

    On personal pages, each Diary user can talk about himself, his interests, publish photographs, music, videos, documents, and maintain his own blog.
    Users can establish friendly connections among themselves by allowing only certain people to access the content of their pages. For communication based on interests, there are groups and events in the Diary. Personal messages allow users to communicate with each other directly in the Diary, saving an archive of correspondence.
    All objects of the Diary social network (users, groups, events, schools, networks) have their own file storages into which you can upload photos, audio, video, documents. Editing a lesson offers you to change lesson parameters in one window, create a replacement, transfer or completely cancel lesson

    In 2010, Dnevnik.ru received the Runet Prize in the Teacher Internet Project category. In April 2012, Dnevnik.ru received the World Summit Award as the winner in the E-Learning&Education category. In August 2012, the company became a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Foundation. The project is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, regional departments and education committees. The headquarters of Dnevnik.ru is located in St. Petersburg, the company has representative offices in Moscow, Kyiv, Bashkortostan, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg regions, Khabarovsk Territory and Dagestan.

    The uniqueness of the project is proven by 22 copyright certificates. Important feature Dnevnik.ru is a guarantee of the security of data storage and use for educational institutions, certified by the K2 standard in accordance with Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data”.

    Why us?

    Firstly , the system was developed by a teacher for a teacher, which is important. Who better than a teacher to know the nuances of school life and understand the needs of an educational institution in information technology?Secondly , the system is completely free, i.e. There are no hidden fees for both the educational institution and the parents of students.

    Development information technology provides new opportunities for the organization educational process in a modern school and the effective interaction of all its participants: school administration, teachers, students and parents. One of the tools for such interaction is the creation and maintenance of electronic school diaries and electronic school magazines.

    In July 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed making school magazines and diaries electronic.

    “Let’s do it this way: we won’t remove the paper form of the journal and diary, but we will charge schools with the responsibility of (introducing) these electronic documents in parallel. In any case, the journal can definitely be introduced,” Medvedev said at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council, where the issue is being considered on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation.

    According to the president, this will help teach computer literacy to those teachers who are afraid of computers.

    In July 2012: “Electronic diaries as a mandatory norm will be introduced in schools by 2012, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko said on Thursday, speaking at a meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society in Tver. He noted that this program is currently being implemented by about 30 % of schools. According to the minister, there are a number of problems associated with ensuring the protection of individual data, but they are solvable.

    In turn, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev noted that the introduction of such a mechanism is “a simple thing.” “Almost every school has a website, and if there is a website, then you can provide access to it,” he said.

    The President added that the electronic grade book and the student’s electronic diary with parents having the right to access it are an effective mechanism. Medvedev admitted that he himself used it “for personal purposes.” “It’s always nice to look in, look at your child’s successes, or vice versa, look at “2”,” Medvedev said.

    Currently, more and more schools are switching to electronic diaries. The electronic diary system is a simple, convenient and free way to exchange information about a student’s progress with his parents. Availability and high speed of information exchange are a symbol of the 21st century. The school should not stand still, but must keep up with the times. The introduction of an electronic diary system in an educational institution makes it possible to convey the necessary information about a child’s achievements to parents instantly and anywhere in the world, and also makes it possible to easily start informatization of the school.

    To teachers:

    Having an electronic diary at school is a great help for the teacher. Using it in his work, the teacher can at any time enter the necessary information, such as: assign homework, leave a message for the student’s parents, view performance statistics for each student and for the class as a whole and, most importantly, automatically generate the necessary reports. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be at the workplace at this moment. Since a web interface is used to work with the electronic diary, the teacher can work with the electronic diary and the data it contains from home or from a mobile phone.

    For students:

    An electronic diary allows you not only to be honest and open with your parents, but also gives the student the opportunity at any time to look at what was assigned for homework for study.

    To parents:

    In the electronic diary you can find information about the child’s progress, his lesson schedule, homework, attendance or tardiness. In addition, access to the program provides the opportunity to communicate with school teachers. Almost everyone at work has access to the Internet. It’s very easy to find a couple of minutes during your lunch break to see how your child is doing at school.

    Examples of electronic journals and diaries:

    Dnevnik.ru is the Unified educational network of Russia, which creates a unique electronic environment for teachers, students and their parents and combines three modules: distance learning, school document management, social network. Basic functionality is free for all participants in the educational process. Users have access to an electronic class journal and an electronic student diary, as well as a media library and library educational literature, online training for Unified State Exam testing, the opportunity to pass entrance olympiads to the largest universities in Russia.

    An important feature of Dnevnik.ru is the guarantee of security of storage and use of data for educational institutions, certified by the K2 standard in accordance with Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data”.

    • Student's electronic diary

    A web-based student diary with 5 access roles: student, parent, teacher, school administrator and representative. All roles have their own profile form, can exchange personal messages, receive various forms of school reporting, progress statistics in comparative tables and graphs. The system allows you to notify parents via SMS and e-mail, receive lesson schedules and published information about the school.

    • Electronic magazine for the school "ElZHUR"

    ElZhur is one of the modern software and information systems operating in the segment of information services for educational institutions. Created by a team of Russian developers "Web-Most". The ElZhur system is implemented according to SaaS principles, which makes it possible to scale it, i.e. allows you to release ready-made solutions at the level of municipalities in order to organize full-fledged management and monitoring for education authorities in districts, cities, and federal subjects.

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