Learning Greek Guess the word. About the Greek language: levels, learning materials and my experience

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LESSON-1: After the first lesson you will learn how to say hello in Greek (say “Hello!”, “ Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Good evening!”); learn to say “coffee” and “tea” in Greek; you will be able to say “Please”; learn to ask for something in Greek. After the first Greek lesson for beginners, you will know 8 new words.
LESSON-2: In this lesson you will learn to speak in Greek “Menu”, “Account”, “and”; learn how to ask the waiter to bring you something; learn to say “Goodbye”; You will be able to say “Thank you” in Greek.
After two lessons your vocabulary will be 14 words.
LESSON-3: In this lesson you will learn how to ask someone “Would you like?”, learn to say in Greek “We would like”, learn new words “Lemon”, “Sugar”, “Milk”, learn, how to say “Tea with lemon”, “Coffee without milk”, etc., learn the conjunction “or”. Your vocabulary is 21 words.
LESSON-4: After the 4th lesson you will learn how to say in Greek “I am going to ...”, “I am flying to ...”; learn to speak “Moscow”, “Athens”, “Crete” in Greek; learn how to say “Flight” in Greek; you can ask your interlocutor “Where are you going?”, “Where are you flying?” By the end of the lesson you will know 29 new words.
LESSON-5: In this lesson you will learn how to say “Place” in Greek (on a plane, train, etc.); learn to say “Window Seat”, “Aisle Seat”; Learn how to apologize in Greek. After five Greek lessons for beginners, you will already know 33 new words.
LESSON-6: In this lesson we will study the phrases “This (this, this) is” and “This (this, this) is not”; further you will learn how to say “Two” in Greek; learn to say "Beer" and "Bottle" in Greek. After this lesson you will already know 42 new words.
LESSON-7: In this lesson you will learn how to say “Ticket” in Greek; you will be able to say “I want to buy” and “We want to buy”; learn to ask in Greek “How much is it?” After seven Greek lessons for beginners, you will already know 46 new words.
LESSON-8: In this lesson you will learn how to say “Water”, “Wine”, “Glass”, “Juice” in Greek; you will be able to say “You want to buy”; learn to say “Yes” and “No” in Greek; you can ask a question with the word “Which”. Your vocabulary after this lesson is 54 words.
LESSON-9: After the 9th lesson you will learn how to say “My”, “Your” in Greek. Learn to ask a question with the word “Where”. Learn phrases with the words “Baggage”, “Here”, “I can get it”. After nine Greek lessons for beginners, you will already know 60 words.
LESSON-10: In this lesson you will learn how to say “Taxi Stand”, “Bus Stop” in Greek. You can ask for a one-way or round-trip ticket. After the lesson you will already know 65 new words.
LESSON-11: In this lesson you will learn to say “I know”, “We know”, “I don’t know”, “We don’t know” in Greek. You can ask your interlocutor “Don’t you know?” After the lesson you will already know 70 new words.
LESSON-12: After completing the lesson, you will be able to ask your interlocutor how to get to the city center, you will be able to find out where the pharmacy, tavern, hotel is located. You can ask to show you where these objects are located. You will already know 78 words.
LESSON-13: The theme of this lesson is “In the Tavern”. In this lesson you will learn to name popular dishes in Greek, and you will be able to ask if a certain dish is available. After 13 Greek lessons for beginners, you will already know 87 new words.
LESSON-14: In this lesson we will learn phrases related to checking into a hotel. You can book a single/double room in Greek for one or two days. After this lesson you will already know 94 new words.

LESSON-15: In this lesson we will continue to learn hotel related phrases. You will learn how to say “Room and Breakfast” in Greek. You can tell that the TV, telephone, and Wi-Fi do not work in the room. You will know how to ask for the Wi-Fi password. You will be able to find out what check-out time you leave the hotel. After the 15th lesson of Greek for beginners, you will already know 102 new words.

Surprisingly, they discover that they are from the same country and even from the same city. Since they are staying at the same hotel, they win to meet for a meal. Learn to place an order at a restaurant or understand a menu. There is so much more you can do during the holidays besides eating together. A tour and a pleasant day in the city are an unforgettable experience from your vacation. If you are lost in the city, just ask for information. In the cafe you can relax with a cup of coffee. Easy task: the characters buy a train ticket in Greek. How is the trip going? Glad they listened to the weather forecast on the radio. This will help you decide how you are going to travel. You learn the right vocabulary to deal with these situations. Book a hotel room or ask for breakfast the next day. You follow the main character while shopping and help him find all the products on his shopping list. Help them buy new clothes and do right choice. The two were invited to a birthday party. But what actions are proposed?

  • Our characters get acquainted with the holidays.
  • They will introduce themselves and tell you where they come from.
  • They decided to do something together.
  • But before you invite a friend, you need to do some shopping at the supermarket.
  • When you go on a weekend outing, they get to know each other better.
  • One Night at the Movies: What a great movie!
  • Follow the main characters through the city center.
You learn a truly conversational and authentic language from the very beginning.

The topic of the lessons is perfect when preparing for a trip to Greece (The topic of all lessons: “Greek for tourists and travelers”).

- No, I will never learn this language! – I thought, the first time I heard fast, full of energy and expression Greek speech. And she refuted herself after 6 months, speaking Greek the way others speak after 2-3 years of intensive study. Did I have a special technique? It seemed to me then that I did not follow any methodology at all, but today, 20 years later, I still admit that if you collect the scattered pieces of the puzzle, you can create a methodology from them, the copyrights of which belong to Life. So, for students Greek to note:

Thanks to word recordings and conversation texts, you know the true sound of the language. Dialogues can be read and printed in Portuguese and Greek. In addition, we offer several training methods. Learn Fill-in-the-Gap Exercise: With this test, you practice and improve your vocabulary as well as your grammar. Do you also like to study without your computer? You can print out all the dialogues in your course. All 42 lessons were recorded by native speakers. You can listen and repeat any part of the text as many times as you want. So, you learn from the very beginning with clear and accentuated pronunciation!

  • All texts were recorded by native speakers.
  • You can read, listen, repeat and type all the words and dialogues of the course.
  • Learn to Write: You can also work with the course's dictation exercises.
  • Here you learn to write Greek without errors.
Alexandros is hungry and thirsty.

➡ Principle one: first learn to speak, and then write. Of course, we are not talking about not writing at all, but about the alphabet and spelling of the language being studied. I wrote down Greek words by ear in Russian letters in a notebook, which was with me everywhere and always, and in the evening I read my own dictionary. Later I began to write down entire expressions, mainly questions and answer options. The first principle flows smoothly into

Special methods for teaching 17-minute languages

He goes to a cafe and sits at an empty table. Black tea and a glass of water, please. Do you want to eat something too? Why is our course different from other language courses? Our course offers a flexible and ideal teaching method for every type of situation and person. Learning a language has never been so easy and fun!

  • In three months you will have achieved a comprehensive and practical vocabulary.
  • You also understand the language better.
Those from our program are great motivation for your training: every day you get new exercises.

IN second:pay attention to those words and try to remember them that YOU need. This is what programmers and webmasters do, who need professional vocabulary like air to do their work. Do you believe that you can not know the name of a fork and a spoon, but be able to read a history textbook? Believe. It's rare, but true story a girl I know who moved to Greece and entered the lyceum. Spoon and fork can be learned in the school cafeteria, but “the Renaissance” and the “Greek liberation movement” are unlikely.

Discover the benefits of taking Foundation and Intermediate courses

And even more: you are not alone in learning! Check out 17 Minute Languages! There you can exchange ideas, give advice or ask questions to other users, and even make new friends. New Version: The Basic Greek Course has been thoroughly redesigned to proven satisfaction with over 000 courses sold. If you speak Greek, your trip will be unforgettable: you will understand the people much better and get to know the country in ways you never thought you would encounter. You improve your chances on the job market because you can now speak Greek fluently and safely. Scientific research confirms that a higher level of education increases the quality and length of life.

  • You learn to use vocabulary through dialogue and phrases, building entire phrases.
  • The software can be used on any operating system.
  • Every new language opens doors to a new world.
  • Meet new and interesting people!
  • You can watch movies in Greek!
In the 17-minute learning forum, you can exchange ideas and ask questions with other course users.

➡ Principle three: elimination of the “extra link”. Typically, learning vocabulary is a chain of three links: a word - a translation into Russian - an image. When we read the word “νερό” (water), our imagination pictures either a glass of water, or water flowing from a tap, or a river or other body of water - this is the image. It is enough to read the translation once, then this is an extra link, i.e. the word in Russian must be excluded from the chain. As a result, we get “νερό” = image (a glass of water, for example). In this way, we avoid the main obstacle to rapid mastery of vocabulary - involuntary translation into Russian. This is how they teach foreign languages children who cannot yet read native language- word and picture. And the results are impressive.

Get new tips and meet other people! So you need to translate the word extracted correctly again. Now the program waits 2 days. . With our method you learn all the words Greek rate one by one. If you really want to study in depth, you can work through text translation.

For quick repetition, the program offers a "lightning repeat" function. . You learn new words and repeat old words: using the long-term learning method as already described.

➡ Fourth: sl listen, listen, listen. Pronunciation, melody, intonation, stress... Listen and repeat as close to the original as possible. In Greek, all unstressed vowels are read exactly the same as stressed vowels. When I hear our compatriots say "AND fharisto p A whether" instead of " E fharisto p Oli" (thank you very much), I understand that they could not hear it anywhere. This was read, and read “in the Russian way,” where the unstressed O is pronounced like A. You can listen not only to educational audio materials, but also to songs, Greek radio, and even better, live speech.

17 Minute Language Learning Forum

Every day you receive new tasks related to conversation texts. With these specific examples you learn Greek quickly and effectively. Compare your income with other 17 Minute Languages ​​users: You can see the current list here best students from all courses that transferred credits online.

You can also exchange ideas or clarify questions with other 17 Minutes users. You get study tips and can make new friends! You have many opportunities to systematically improve your knowledge. We offer the perfect method for every learning style. Choose from the following training and testing methods.

➡ Principle five: I'm Greek! Getting into the role is half the battle done. What in common parlance we call manner, in our case, manner of speaking, is not only making sounds. Gestures, facial expressions, the same melody of speech... What kind of Greeks are they? Lively, emotional, maybe even unrestrained, by our standards. And all this is reflected in speech. You cannot, if I may say so, mumble, swallow sounds, lower the tone at the end of a word or sentence, and chew on endings. Speech is richer, more energetic, sounds are clear, speech organs are under greater tension. And, of course, indescribable gestures! It’s worth a look here – it’s a treasure trove of useful information!

You can choose: do you prefer to work with text in Greek or Portuguese? In addition, you can choose the difficulty level of the exercise yourself. With printed lessons, you can also study without a computer. Select the length of time that words or texts appear on the screen.

Here you can choose between Greek and Portuguese. Using the mouse you check the result. For this you need paper and a printer. Then just cut out the cards and you can find out where you want! Repeat the words until you know them all. Easy words are usually eliminated from the program after 2 or 3 repetitions. Difficult words, whose mistakes are frequent, are constantly asked. We want you to remember them the next day! Effectively learn 7 words at a time.

➡ Principle six: Talk, talk, talk. With mistakes, incorrectly, stumbling, helping oneself with gestures. You will be understood and appreciated for your work, rest assured. Don't wait until you are confident that you know everything and say it correctly. The Greeks are a small nation and any attempt by foreigners to communicate in Greek is received very warmly by them. Ask for your mistakes to be corrected so you don't have to remember incorrect forms. If you have Greek friends, try to exclude an intermediary language, such as English.

Therefore, you can repeat them immediately. Plus, you can't cheat: only your actual study time is shown. The words you immediately know are from that day's test. Words you don't yet know appear again. Pause after 30 minutes: Research shows that after half an hour of studying, your concentration and efficiency begin to wane.

Varied Images: If you already know a word, you'll see a new photo as a reward. Because only when you are having fun, study with the course to the end! Motivation Tips: Periodically, you'll receive new tips from our experts on how to study more effectively.

I wish you all success! Please share your experience of learning Greek in the comments.

Irina Poturidi

P.S. Are you interested not only in life in Greece, but would you also like to understand and speak Greek? Great solution! After all, you can learn a lot about the mentality and life of a country, but without understanding its language, you will never understand its inhabitants. Our website is not only articles and stories about different countries, but also specific assistance in mastering the language in the fastest and most easy technique. There are no coincidences in life. Perhaps you ended up with us not by chance.

Vocabulary: Discover the benefits of learning comprehensive and practical basic vocabulary. The most important thing when learning a new language is a dictionary. With our course, you have the opportunity to learn a comprehensive and useful vocabulary. With our course you will learn over 300 words in Greek.

With our course you learn Greek as it is actually spoken in Greece. Along with them, you experience the most important situations that you can spend on your vacation or at home with your family. Learn how to place an order at a restaurant and understand the menu. There's a lot more to do on vacation than just what you eat. Sights and a pleasant day in the city - an unforgettable vacation. In the cafe you can relax with a coffee. This helps determine the direction of travel. You learn specific vocabulary to deal with these situations. You follow the hero while shopping and help him find all the products on his shopping list.

  • They introduced themselves and told where they were from.
  • But before you greet your friend, you need to go to the store.
You learn spoken language in an authentic way from the very beginning.

P.P.S. We have great news. A karaoke bar has opened on our YouTube channel. English videos of songs and karaoke are already ready. Greek through songs and karaoke is also about to appear. Subscribe to the channel and follow the emergence of the Greek language, as well as the surprises that we are preparing for you.