Synopsis of nodes research activities preparatory group. Card index of research activities preparatory group card index (preparatory group) on the topic

Curiosity and a desire to understand the world around us are common to all children. It is important to notice this in time and motivate the child to further study. Attending preschool will help your child prepare for the next stage in life—school.

Organization of research activities in the preparatory group

Modern conditions for the constant development of the education system and the incessant flow of information dictate their own rules for organizing the education of children in preschool age. The requirements are set out in detail in the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which research activities in the preparatory group operate.

Kids' explorations are always fun for kids.

Need for development

In the first days of life, the baby gains experience through exploration. Parents do not always encourage this curiosity, often teaching the child what they themselves consider important.

Pay attention! Over time, this approach will discourage the need to learn new things, and the educational process will turn into a boring routine.

This cannot be allowed. Therefore, it is necessary not only to participate in the process ourselves, but also to send the child to a preschool educational institution for the comprehensive development of thinking abilities.

Goals and objectives

Stimulating children to learn new things with mandatory encouragement and the formation of appropriate thinking is the goal of the educator.

  • Instilling skills of self-discipline and self-organization.
  • Encouragement to master a variety of methods for searching and evaluating information.
  • Accustoming to following a daily routine, monitoring tasks, developing responsibility.
  • A useful pastime in the form of games aimed at increasing concentration, intelligence, and independence.
  • Joint activity on a walk.
  • Development of fine motor skills through creative activities.

Experimental lessons should be in every garden

Federal State Educational Standard requirements, what is it and is it necessary?

All preschool educational institutions are required to follow the federal state educational standard, which includes a set of rules and normative standards necessary for the quality functioning of the preparatory group. One of the fundamental requirements is the development of the child’s curiosity and activity.

It is important to form an independent collection and subsequent analysis of information. The teacher should be attentive and satisfy any child’s question with a reasonable answer.

Group classes are more effective

Methodology of organization

Cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group can be organized in two ways:

  • The subject of study is the child himself.
  • The subject of study is the actions of the teacher.

Methods used in the study:

  • Visual - showing films, observing, looking at pictures and projects, reading notes.
  • Practical - experimental experimental productions, outdoor work in nature, games in space, winter, spring, etc.
  • Verbal - conversation, experimental stories from life, reading.

The organization of the educational process can be presented as:

  • Collective - all children in the kindergarten or group participate in the study. It is important that each participant learns new things on time, without falling behind others.
  • Individual - conducted exclusively with one group member who did not understand the material.
  • Subgroup - required when it is necessary to draw a conclusion based on a comparison of several results.

Age characteristics of older preschoolers

As the child grows, thought processes and ways of exploring the world around him deepen.

If in early and middle preschool age experimentation is the main source of knowledge, then in older preschool age it is no longer enough. Visual-figurative thinking, awareness appears, and the imagination expands.

Thanks to new skills, logical thinking is formed, based on acquired experience. The ability to predict the outcome based on similar situations develops.

The final point is to study the object of interest based on personal motivation. That is, the presence of the result is not valuable, the process itself is important.

Pay attention! Knowledge of the above stages must be taken into account when working in a group with older preschoolers.

Card file of experiences and experiments in the preparatory group

There are many activities for the development of children.

Experiments with magnets of various origins

Execution: Children are asked to use paper clips or other metal objects to measure the force produced and then compare the properties.

Experiments with sand

You need two empty plastic bottles, sand, an awl, and tape.

  1. Connecting the lids with tape, flat sides to each other.
  2. Making a hole with an awl in the center of the glued lids.
  3. Adding sand to one bottle.
  4. Twisting both bottles.

Pay attention! The result is an hourglass whose time is set independently.

Experiments with water develop knowledge

Experiments with water

Water is poured into containers of different shapes and sizes and the shape it takes is observed, noting the absence of color and odor.

Experiments with paper and sand

1/2 a sheet of paper is rolled into a tube with a diameter of 1 cm. A pencil is inserted into it, and the structure is filled with sand to the base of the tube. The pencil is removed, and the child observes the integrity of the folded paper and the absence of deformations. Simple and educational!

Experiments with paper and water

Take two sheets of paper and place them on top of each other. The child is asked to move them. After which the sheets are saturated with water, and moving them is no longer so easy. Thus, an understanding comes of the adhesive ability of wet paper.

Experiments with fabric

It is necessary to provide several samples of different fabrics. Children must compare and analyze the material, its thickness, smoothness, strength, degree of wetting.

Experiments with air

The plastic bag is inflated and tightened. The teacher shows that the package holds its shape. Then the air is released and the bag falls. Conclusion: there was clear air in the bag.

How to create an experimentation corner in a preparatory group?

It is important to determine the location of the future corner:

  • The design depends on your imagination; pictures and toys are a must.
  • Access to natural light.
  • It should be simple and easy for children to pick up materials for experiments. Visual overview of all items.
  • No glass, electrical appliances, sockets, hazardous substances.

Experimentation Corner Passport

A passport is a document in which the teacher indicates the name of the corner, group number and age category, the quantity and name of all substances and objects for experiments, including furniture, guidelines for experiments, rules for using the corner and safety posters.

Diary of experiences and experiments

It is important to record the results of practical research. For these purposes, children keep diaries of experiences and experiments, where they schematically enter their sketches, diagrams and notes.

Pay attention! For the same purposes, stands with photographs, plans and diagrams are used; it is possible to produce thematic folding books on the topic of the research carried out.

Sample lesson plan for experimentation

Purpose of the lesson: determining the characteristics of a stone in a practical way.

Task: experimentation in the preparatory group.


  • Determining the colors, shapes and sizes of various stones.
  • Determining the nature of the surface (smooth or rough).
  • Studying the relief of stones using a magnifying glass.
  • Weighing stones and determining temperature.
  • Study of the properties of stone (does it sink in water, is it lighter than wood, does it absorb water, what do stones sound like).

The results of experiments and observations are recorded in a diary.

Magnet experiments are fascinating

Summary of GCD for experimentation in the preparatory group

The goal is to introduce children to the properties of a magnet and create toys with it.

The objectives are to stimulate cognitive activity, curiosity, fine motor skills, and to formulate an idea of ​​the properties of a magnet.

Progress of the lesson:

  • Children are asked to solve a riddle, the answer to which will be a magnet.
  • A game that encourages the idea of ​​which objects are subject to attraction and which are not. There are pictures on the table that need to be divided into two piles.
  • Physical education minute.
  • "Gluing" magnets. Explanation of the existence of magnetic poles.
  • Taking into account the knowledge gained, creating a magnetic toy or sculpture.
  • Conclusions. It is mandatory to discuss with each child what he learned from the lesson.

Consultation for parents

Parental involvement is an integral part of children's development. It is important to answer all the questions of the young dunno. You should help your child discover the world around him at home. A little imagination and time will be enough.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when drawing with felt-tip pens, it is advisable to demonstrate the creation of new colors by mixing existing ones. Such an integrated approach will create in the child a thirst for knowledge and motivation to learn.

Organization: MBDOU "DS No. 56/1 of Chelyabinsk"

Locality: Chelyabinsk

I.Type of activity: Cognitive - research activity with the integration of educational areas.

II. Topic: “Looking for traces of early spring...”

III .Program content:

1) Educational task:

Consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring;

Continue to introduce children to natural phenomena (drops, thawed patches, etc.);

To develop an interest in learning about nature.
2) Developmental task:

To develop imaginative and associative thinking, attention, perception, memory, observation, curiosity, and the ability to analyze.

3) Educational task:

Foster a caring attitude towards nature and interest in the world of plants and animals.

Preliminary work with children:

Observations on a walk, conversations with children about natural phenomena, looking at illustrations, reading fiction about nature.

Teacher training:

Writing notes and preparing presentations. Making drawings of forests and animal tracks. Compose a crossword puzzle about spring.

Material and equipment:

Illustrations of animals and their tracks;


Methods and techniques:

Game, visual, problematic questions, teacher's story.

Participants: children of the preparatory group.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment:

The teacher draws the children's attention to the letter left on the window. Discusses the contents of the letter with the children.


Hello guys!

Someone threw a letter through our window, look! Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles our faces. Let's see what's in the letter ? (takes out a black and white piece of paper with a picture of a forest)

“We are forest dwellers, tired of the long winter, the forest has become completely colorless, all nature seems to have frozen in anticipation of spring. Only you guys can revive it if you find traces of spring, its signs, and then the forest will come to life again, sparkle with multi-colored, bright colors.

Will you help the forest dwellers?


Yes, of course, we will help.


Winter is going to last a long time this year.

What month of winter is it now?

Which one will come for him?

Guys, look, the letter still has a sheet of paper with empty cells. (shows an empty crossword)

Who knows what this is?


Children's answers (crossword)


If you find signs of spring, add them to the crossword puzzle,

If you identify them correctly, we will learn the main word of the CROSSWORD.

What are people called who study and observe natural phenomena?


Pathfinders, explorers, tourists, naturalists.


Do you guys want to become researchers, pathfinders?


Children's answers


Well, then, let's go on a hike.

What will we need for this?


Backpack, matches, map, first aid kit, magnifying glasses, flashlight, compass, etc.


Let's remember, how should you behave in the forest?

(the teacher shows environmental signs, the children, based on them, give answers)

Well, we are ready to hit the road...

Who will lead our team?


Everyone wants to lead the march


And for this there is a little counting rhyme that will help identify our commander, remember it.

Higher your leg, wider your step,

You are a tourist, not a donkey.

(are counted, determine the commander, hand the commander a backpack, set off)

Turn on the first slide of the presentation (spring forest)

Pay attention to the snow in the forest, it is not at all the same, it has darkened in the field.

At the beginning of winter he was completely different.

What was it like in December and January?


Children's answers (fluffy, sparkling, light, dry, etc.)


And what is he like now, at the end of winter?

(two basins filled with snow are taken out)

Let's stand around the snow and take a good look at it.

What is he like now?


Children's answers (wet, dirty, molds well, etc.)


Why has the snow changed so much?


The rays of the sun become brighter and hotter every day, the air warms up, and the top layer of snow melts.

Therefore, the snow becomes wet and loose.


Here we have identified the first sign of Spring.

What is this?




The teacher opens the first closed sun word.

People call the first month of spring thaw.

What are thawed patches?



I suggest you conduct an experiment and see how thawed patches appear in nature (conducts an experiment: places a hot heating pad in a basin with snow, the snow begins to melt, and the bottom of the basin appears).

So you and I saw how thawed patches can form in the forest and black earth appears in the center.


Here is another sign of early spring, we have identified ( approaches the crossword puzzle, read the second keyword - thawed patch. A second slide appears on the screen with an image of thawed patches).


Tomorrow the sun will rise again, it will begin to bake

and the merry drops will drum on the porch again.

What are drops?


Children express their guesses.


There is such a folk sign: long icicles mean a long spring, and short ones mean a short one!

How can you explain such a sign?


In spring, the days become longer and the sun gets hotter. And the warmer the spring, the faster the icicles will melt.


And sometimes, guys, spring is long (takes a thermometer and explains) During the day, air temperatures rise above zero, they are called positive, and at night it is still cold.

The temperature drops below 0C, they are called subzero. That's why the icicles cannot melt quickly.

I suggest you turn into dripping icicles.


Depicts dripping icicles.


Now, let's turn them into babbling brooks.

Into the sad snowman.

Into the snowdrop that breaks out from under the snow.

Here is the third sign of spring ( opens the crossword puzzle and reads that it is drops. The third slide of the presentation lights up - drops).


They look at the tracks through a magnifying glass and make guesses whose tracks they are.


In the spring, animals form families to breed offspring.

Foxes, wolves and hare have offspring in early spring.

Large footprints are the footprints of the parents.

Small ones, these are traces of cubs.

For those who find it difficult, let's look at animal samples and their traces.

Soon the bear will leave his den ( let's depict a bear crawling out of its den)

Shows movements with words

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold,

He stretched out from his sleep:

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting.

He leaned forward and back.

Here he is walking through the forest.

So we found another sign of spring ( opens a crossword puzzle with the inscription - bear, the fourth slide of the presentation lights up on the screen - animals)




The teacher turns on the following slide of birdsong...

What kind of trills are these?

There are a lot of birds in the forest now.

Wintering birds still remain, and the first migratory birds arrive.

What birds are in the forest now? (the teacher hands out pictures)


Name birds from pictures (bullfinch, waxwing, crossbill, rook, starling, lark)


Wintering birds fly to the blue house, migratory birds fly to the red one.


They carry pictures around the houses and identify wintering and migratory birds.


Well, here’s another sign of spring, you mentioned.

Opens a crossword puzzle and reads out migratory birds. A slide opens - migratory birds.


Look, guys, what word turned out to be in the crossword puzzle


Read out the word - Spring!


So you and I have found and identified the signs of early spring ( shows the children a color drawing of a forest).

The forest inhabitants leave their autographs for you in gratitude.

The teacher gives animal tracks... .

Goodbye children!

Anna Royu

I conducted a lesson on research activities in the preparatory group on January 25.

My goal was to form the concept of kindness, the habit of doing good deeds; cultivate interest in experimental activities; learn to put forward hypotheses and assumptions; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, and speech of children; induce a feeling of joy in children. The children received tremendous pleasure from the experiments performed and even more from spending time together. In each experiment, the cause of the observed phenomenon is revealed, children are led to judgments and conclusions. Experiments are of great importance for children’s understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. I'm very happy with my guys. They worked great during classes and showed their knowledge. To us at classes parents and teachers of our pro-gymnasium "D.A.R." came

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Tatyana Sunyakina
Technologies of cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group

Tell me - and I will forget,

show me - and I will remember,

let me try and I’ll understand.

A Chinese proverb says:

In our work, we tried to adhere to these words, because in every child there lives a little explorer who is ready every second to conquer new heights and explore unknown horizons. And confirmation of this is the curiosity of children, the constant desire to experiment, the desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation. Children's experimental activity is aimed at developing independent research skills, promotes the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines knowledge acquired during the educational process, and introduces it to specific vital problems.

Children strive to be active activities and us As educators, it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote its further development.

Before starting our work, we selected and studied the necessary literature: O. V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment”, O. A. Solomennikova "Acquaintance with nature".

Therefore, the goal of our work was to create conditions for the development educational interest among children during the experimental activities. The more diverse and intense the search engine activity, the more new information a child receives, the faster and more fully his development occurs. Direct contact of the child with objects and materials available to him allows know their properties, qualities, opportunities.

We set ourselves the following tasks:

Expand the understanding of human use of natural environmental factors.

Expand children's understanding of the importance of water and air in human life.

Create conditions for the emergence of surprise in relation to observed phenomena, to awaken interest in solving assigned problems; for the opportunity to rejoice at the discovery made.

Encouraging initiative and independence in work, creating positive motivation for experimentation.

Creating a friendly atmosphere and cohesion of the children's team, developing the ability to work in a team.

Forms of work that we used:

joint activity teacher and children (experiments, educational games, conversations, observations)

observing objects of living and inanimate nature while walking

To implement the experimental children's activities:

V group an experimental corner has been created in which there are the necessary tools for experimentation: special dishes (cups, tubes, funnels, measuring cups, plates, waste material (pebbles, sand, shells, seeds, experimental instruments (magnifying glass, thermometer, magnet, mirror, flashlight, etc.).

conversations were held at topic: “The need and interest in research activities”, about experimentation in order to support and develop a child’s interest in research and discoveries.

were familiarized with the necessary equipment and materials for research activities.

Throughout the entire training period, GCD was carried out (direct educational activity) and experiments on topics:

“Is it possible to drink melt water”- showed the children that even the purest white snow is dirtier than tap water;

“The droplet is walking in circles”- gave children basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature;

"Learn everything about yourself, balloon"- introduced children to the qualities and properties of rubber; taught to establish a connection between the material from which an object is made and the method of studying it;

"In the world of glass"- helped children identify the properties of glass (durable, transparent, colored, smooth).

"In the world of plastic"- introduced children to the properties and qualities of plastic objects; helped to identify the properties of plastic (smooth, light, colored).

"A tree can swim"- expanded the understanding of wood, its qualities and properties; taught to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the properties of a material and the way it is used.

"Comparison of glass and plastic"- introduced children to the qualities and properties of plastic and glass through comparison.

"Magic Water"- expanded children’s knowledge about the properties of water (liquid has no shape, smell, taste, transparent, ice is water, steam is water).

"Fabric and its properties" - introduced to types of fabric(chintz, linen, drape, satin - absorb moisture, leather, bologna - do not absorb moisture).

"Air is invisible"- gave an idea that air exists around and inside us, has properties (invisible, light, odorless, transparent, colorless. about the animal world and plants: how animals live in winter and summer; vegetables, fruits, etc.; conditions necessary for growth and development (light, moisture, heat);

"Four Princesses". Introduced children with parts days: morning, day, evening, night, their signs, sequence, significance for the life of all living things.

"Magic Bricks". Introduced children with the concepts of day, days of the week, week, month, year. Explained the significance of the days of the week for human life. Developed an interest in mathematics.

"Journey into the Past of Hours". Introduced children with the action and structure of sun, sand and mechanical clocks.

Travel games. Introduced children with distant territories: North Pole, Africa, jungle. The structure of the game consists of children virtually moving into the world being explored, solving cognitive tasks, generalization of new information. During the trip, children study geographical maps, photographs and illustrations, and video materials. Movements can be carried out spatially and temporally.

About materials: clay, paper, fabric, wood, metal, plastic.

About the person: my helpers are eyes, nose, ears, mouth.

About the objective world: dishes, furniture, toys, shoes, transport.

About geometric standards: circle, rectangle, prism, rhombus.

In their work they created educational situations:

"Toy Dispute"- taught children to describe objects and identify the material from which these toys are made. We found out that glass and ceramic toys are not played with, they are used for decoration, because they are fragile; paper ones can be torn, wet and memory.

“What will the little men fly on?” and taught to identify general characteristics of rubber based on surface structure, strength, air and water conductivity, elasticity: compared rubber with fabric, proved the dependence of the functions of an object on the material from which it is made.

Throughout his research activities used didactic games:

"Tell me about the subject";

"Guess the material";

"Where the air hid";

"What will happen from what";

"Wonderful bag".

As a result of GCD and experimental experiments children:

mastered basic information about living and inanimate nature and its significance in the life of living beings;

got acquainted with natural phenomena;

gained an understanding of the water cycle in nature;

clarified knowledge about water and its conditions;

met with the properties of air and its role in the life of humans, animals and plants, found out ways to detect it;

gained ideas about the properties of fabric, rubber, etc.;

met with glassware, with the process of its manufacture;

They were happy to make assumptions and learn to draw conclusions together with us.

As a result of our work, we managed not only to increase our level of knowledge, but also to arouse interest among some parents in research and knowledge the world around us. Creating conditions for research activities children had a beneficial effect on the development cognitive and research activities of children in the preparatory group. Children began to ask questions more often about natural phenomena, objects, objects, and conduct simple experiments on their own; during walks, their attention is attracted by unusual finds and already familiar natural materials, with which they strive to replenish our experimentation corner.

We consider it necessary to maintain the interest of children and parents in educational and research activities, because it promotes the development of children's curiosity, an inquisitive mind and forms sustainable cognitive interests, which is very important during the period preparing a child for school.

Redkina Tatyana Pavlovna

Teacher, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Redkina T.P. Experimental research activities of children of the preparatory group in the process of GCD (ecology) // Owl. 2017. N3(9)..12.2019).

Order No. 36491

In our difficult, contradictory times, the question is especially acute: “How to raise a child today as a person of tomorrow? What knowledge should I give him on the road tomorrow?” Comprehension of this issue should occur through the awareness of a dramatically changed social order: yesterday a performer was needed, and modern society needs an active personality, capable of cognitive-active self-realization, of demonstrating research activity and creativity in solving vital problems. Preschool education is designed to ensure the self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler (N.N. Poddyakov, A.N. Poddyakov, O.V. Dybina, O.L. Knyazeva).

While implementing the Rainbow program (T.N. Doronova, V.V. Gerbova, T.I. Grizik, etc.), I encountered a contradiction. One of the tasks is the formation of independence and determination in children, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution. But the task is not related to research teaching methods. Its implementation is based on reproductive, explanatory and illustrative teaching methods. In the program S.N. Nikolaeva’s “Young Ecologist” also, in my opinion, lacks research activity. Most recommended activities are conversation-based.

Therefore, in my work I actively use research method. Research activity contributes to the development of a preschooler’s subjective position in understanding the world around him, thereby ensuring readiness for school. It should be emphasized that it is in preschool age that important prerequisites are created for the targeted development of children’s research activity: developing thinking capabilities, the formation of cognitive interests, the development of productive and creative activities, and expanded interaction. Experimentation is the main type of indicative research (search) activity. And it is no coincidence that in the works of many domestic teachers N.N. Poddyakova (1995), A.P. Usova, E.L. Panko says that it is experimentation that claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool childhood, the basis of which is cognitive orientation; that the child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible research activity aimed at understanding the world around him. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. By the time a child enters first grade, he should be able to solve complex problems such as:

Be able to see the problem and ask questions;

Be able to prove;

Draw conclusions;

Make assumptions and make plans to test them.

It is the research method that is one of the main methods that helps a preschooler solve the above problems. After all, experimentation includes an active search for solutions to problems, making assumptions, putting the hypothesis into action, and drawing accessible conclusions. That is, children's experimentation is a good means of intellectual development of preschool children and the most successful way of introducing children to the world of living and inanimate nature around them.

Therefore, I developed a system of experimental activities in ecology classes.

System of experimental activities in ecology classes. preparatory group


Activity topic

Purpose of activity


"Planet Earth is in danger"

"Do-it-yourself globe"

Create a globe with your children to work with throughout the year.

Modeling of the planet (papier-mâché), with parts of land, relief. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 10)

"Inhabitants of our corner of nature."

"The plants drink"

Show children the vital functions of plants (water consumption).

Place a cutting of a flowering plant (with white flowers, preferably balsam - it absorbs liquid quickly) into a glass of colored water. The flower of the plant will turn the same color as the water dye.

Why did the flower turn color? (the plant “drinks”, distributes water to all parts)

"Moisture-loving and drought-resistant

great indoor plants."

"Moisture-loving and drought-resistant

Show the adaptability of plants to living conditions in places with high and low humidity; methods of accumulating, saving moisture and vice versa.

Break off several cuttings or individual leaves (drought-resistant: crassula, aloe, moisture-loving: balsam, begonia leaf) and observe the changes. The moisture-loving ones will wither. Why? They have wide leaves with a thin covering skin that actively evaporate moisture. But the drought-resistant ones remained unchanged. They accumulate water in the stems and leaves, the leaves are covered with thick skin to reduce the evaporation of moisture, and cacti reduce the leaves into needles to retain the moisture accumulated in the trunk.

“Why don’t polar bears live in the forest?”

“Is the polar bear white? And why does the polar bear not freeze?

Show how transparent hairs form the white fur of a bear.

On the eve of the lesson, you should conduct the experiment “Which surface heats up more: white or black?”

View a photo of the bear's skin through a multimedia prector - it is black.

To heat up better. But she is under white fur, and the white color repels the sun's rays. Look at the photo of polar bear hairs - they are transparent.

So why is a bear's skin white? Observe how the color of the silhouette of a “black” bear changes when several layers of transparent plastic film are applied to it. The bear has become white and invisible in the snow, and transparent hairs allow the sun's rays to pass through to the dark skin of the bear, and warm it in severe frosts.

"Conversation about autumn"

“Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn?”

Show children the dependence of chlorophyll production by plants on the length of daylight hours.

This experiment should begin about a week in advance. So that there is already a result in the lesson. Place the plant in a dark closet and expose it to a permanent place for a couple of hours, or cover one sheet of film with photographic film and do not remove the plant anywhere (this is more humane to a living object). Chlorophyll is produced only in light. There is no light - the leaf turns yellow (plants always have yellow pigment).

“Acquaintance with frogs and their life in natural conditions”

“Why are the eyes and nostrils of a frog at the same level?”

Show the adaptability of a frog to be in two habitats at the same time.

Invite children to immerse rubber frog toys in water so that only the nostrils and eyes are on the surface. Show a photo of this frog pose on a multimedia projector.

Why does a frog need such a feature?

So that their skin does not dry out in the sun, so that they are not visible to land predators, and the frogs themselves see everything around them and can breathe air. Suggest doing the same with a toy hare, wolf...

What animals have this feature? (hippopotamus, crocodile) Why?

"As a Frog Sees"

Show the visual features of frogs.

Tie a plastic fly to the pointer and tie a plastic fly to the end of the fishing line, but do not show the children what is at the end of the fishing line. Wave a pointer with a fly in front of the children.

Did you see what was at the end of the fishing line? (No). Place the “fly” on the table. - Did you see who it was?

The frog sees everything the other way around. He can see moving objects well, but cannot see stationary objects at all. She doesn’t see stationary objects because they are neither dangerous nor edible.

"Comparison of fish and frogs."

"How Fish See"

Show the visual features of fish and their adaptability to their habitat; the dependence of the development of various sense organs on the depth of habitat and the degree of water transparency.

Sit in small groups around transparent containers (you can use 3-liter jars) filled with clear water. Look at each other, approaching close to the containers.

Can you see each other well? (Yes). Then look from a distance.

Can you see each other well? (Badly)

This is how fish see - they are nearsighted.

Pour milk into containers of water and look through the cloudy water.

Can you see it well? (nothing visible).

How do fish navigate in muddy, dark, bottom water?

Show on a multimedia projector the lateral line of fish and bottom fish with antennae (catfish, burbot)

"Conversation about a mole"

"As a Mole Sees"

Show the mole’s adaptability to an underground lifestyle.

Look at the mole's eyes in the photo. There are eyes, but the eyelids are fused. Invite children to wear glasses with an opaque film (turn into a mole).

Look at each other, do you see well? (nothing visible)

Now look at the lamps and move your hand in front of your eyes. What do you see? (hand shadows). Why does the mole see this? (vision underground, in complete darkness is not needed).

“Why mole fur falls in different directions”

Take a piece of natural fur (mole) and push it through the tube (burrow tunnel) along the growth of the fur and against it.

How was it easier for the “mole” to pass through the tunnel? (according to wool growth)

Why does a mole's fur fall in different directions? (so that the mole does not get stuck in the hole, it can easily move both forward and backward).

"Blind Diggers"

Project "Blind Diggers"

Show the variety of animals adapted to life underground.

Presentation "Blind Diggers"

“What do we know about birds?”

"As Birds See"

Show the dependence of the location of the eyes on the type of food.

Invite the children to stand up, because the dove flies high. -Where are the eyes located? (on the sides) - Turn your head to the right, as far as possible, move your eyes and look. Remember what you see. That's how much a pigeon sees with its right eye. Now turn your head to the left. The left eye was on its side. See how much the bird sees with its left eye. Does a pigeon see much? (all around you)

Now look at the owl. Are her eyes located the same way? (straight) Why do the pigeons have sides, but the owls have them straight? (a pigeon needs to see a predator, a road for salvation, and an owl is aimed at the prey in front of itself). Offer to identify birds of prey and prey from photographs (golden eagle, tit, etc., with a clearly defined direction of view). Note: animals have a clearly defined direction of their eyes (cats - mice, tigers - antelopes, wolves - hares).

"Flight of a Sheet of Paper"

Show the importance of air support area for flight.

Invite the children to take two sheets of paper, crumple one into a ball and lower them simultaneously from the height of their raised hands.

Which leaf fell first? (crumpled) - Why?

The straightened sheet is light and wide, rests on the air, so it can glide a little. Draw an analogy with the spread wing of a bird.

“Let’s save the beautiful Christmas tree!”

"Christmas trees - schoolgirls"

Show how many Christmas trees are cut down for the holiday.

To begin with, draw an analogy with human age. Christmas trees under 10 years old are called schoolgirls. Suggest to count how many Christmas trees will be cut down for the families of children attending a group, two groups, the entire kindergarten, 3 kindergartens in the village? The number is huge and very surprising to children.

“How a squirrel, a hare and a moose spend the winter in the forest”


Clarify the adaptive characteristics of animals.

Camouflage simulation. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 64)

"Floors of the Forest"

Show that all animals occupy their food niche in the forest. And no one bothers anyone.

Modeling forest floors. Description in the methodology of working with children (2, p. 64)

"The wolf and the fox are forest predators"

"Whose legs are faster"

Show how a feature of appearance affects the method of obtaining food.

Modeling using “legs - compasses”. Description in the methodology for working with children (2. p. 72) It is better to prepare one for each child or a set for two.

Outdoor game “Let's catch the hare”

Explain why wolves gather in packs in winter.

Summer - one child “wolf” catches up with a child “hare”. Winter - the same child, but wearing an elastic band at calf level (simulating difficult running in the snow) catches up with the hare (the hare is much lighter than a wolf and does not fall deep into the snow, so his legs are free). It's impossible to catch up. Call a few more children to help. The “flock” drives the hare into a ring. Conclusion: one wolf cannot survive in the forest, but it is easier for a pack to feed itself.

"Forest in human life"

“How the pattern appeared on the surface of wooden furniture”

Show how a texture pattern is formed on wooden surfaces.

Roll out two layers of plasticine of different colors, put them on top of each other and roll them into a roll. Using a stack moistened with water, cut the roll at different angles. Before this work, it is advisable to show children straight cuts of trees, with a clear pattern of annual rings.

“Protected places and natural monuments”

Story game “Uncultured tourists”

Show how flora and fauna are actively disappearing from nature due to environmental illiteracy of people.

Lay out photographs of flowers and invite children on an “excursion” - “uncultured tourists” who “picked” just one flower each. How many disappeared and did not produce flowers? The same game can be played with insects, shells and other natural objects.

"Who needs water?"

"Drop by drop"

Show how much water is lost due to leaking taps.

Start the lesson in the washroom, paying attention to the dripping faucet. - How much water is there in a drop of water? Is a lot of water going down the drain from a dripping faucet?

Offer to place a container under the dripping tap and check at the end of the lesson how much water has dripped. You can make several notes throughout the day to be convincing.

"Inhabitants of the Pond"

Photo riddles “Animal of the reservoir”

Strengthening the ability to identify representatives of various ecosystems by appearance.

After looking at photographs of unfamiliar animals, identify them by appearance and select those that are adapted to living in water (muskrat, platypus, sea otter, marsh turtle, newt, etc. it all depends on the children’s knowledge).

"What lives in water, what grows in water"

“Why did Vallisneria wilt?”

Show children the complete dependence of aquatic plants on water.

Pinch off a leaf of Vallisneria (you can use any aquatic plant). She literally begins to wither before our eyes.

"Why is the willow crying"

Show children guttation (from Latin gutta - drop, secretion of droplet liquid water by plant leaves) of willow

Place wet and wrung out “willow stems” woolen threads in a container with water, so that the threads hang down from the container. After a few seconds, water begins to drip from them.

Willow is one of the few woody plants capable of guttation. It occurs when more water is absorbed by the roots than is evaporated by the leaves.

Holiday “Earth, happy birthday to you!”

As part of the holiday, various events are held: “The second life of the bottle”; "Clean yard"; “Pure group”, etc.

“Green service of Aibolit - spring care for indoor plants”

Show methods of plant propagation, types of root systems.

Planting and replanting indoor plants.


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education program for preschoolers “Young Ecologist”
  2. Nikolaeva S.N. Nurturing the principles of ecological culture in preschool childhood: methods of working with children of the preparatory group of kindergarten. M.: New School, 1995.
  3. Ivanova A.I. Natural science observations and experiments in kindergarten. Human. M.: Sfera, 2005.