Literary kaleidoscope summary senior group. Literary kaleidoscope material (senior group) on the topic

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Lesson on speech development in the middle group

Topic: “Literary kaleidoscope”

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Help children remember and consolidate the names and characters of fairy tales they already know;

Find out if they know riddles and poems;

Continue teaching how to solve riddles;

Develop a sense of rhyme;

Expand your horizons and vocabulary children;

Foster friendly relationships between children;

Cultivate a love of reading.


Strengthen your knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogical speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.

Develop the ability to listen to your friend.

Progress of the lesson:


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May Good forever

Evil wins V. Shainsky

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Name which ones fairy-tale heroes You know?

Today I invite you to take a journey through fairy tales.

Educator. Makes a riddle about a kolobok.

It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

Rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

Who is this?

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Children. Kolobok

Educator. Fidgety Kolobok would freeze on the window,

But he decided: “I’ll run away and warm up a little.”

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever it goes, that's where we'll go.


Slide 3 (click after the kolobok)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the foxes had an ice hut. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

Educator . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we ended up in?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the fairy tale. Place the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the bunny's aid? Who's second? Who's missing?

Educator . Our bun rolled on. Where will he lead us? Someone's house is on the way.

Guess whose:

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children?

Children. Little goats.

Educator . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in a fairy tale?

The door to the house is closed. Do we need to remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to come in?

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come -

She brought milk;

Milk runs down the shelf,

from the notch to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese earth.

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Educator. What is a bear called in fairy tales? (Mikhail, Misha Kosolapy, Mikhailo Potapych, Grandfather Misha, Toptygin, etc.)

Educator. The bear was upset that Masha did not stay with him.

Let's play with him, make him happy.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

Educator . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each one has a fairy-tale nickname. Do you know them? I'll start now and you can continue:

Little mouse;


Bunny -...runaway;


Wolf...clicks his teeth.

And now it's the other way around. I'll give you a nickname and you can guess who I'm talking about:



Fast legs, short tail -...a hare.

Educator : Well, our journey ends. Our bun is probably very tired, let him rest a little and play with us.

We were walking in a fairy tale

Everything about her has changed dramatically.(walk in place)

We stomped our feet(stomp)

We clapped our hands.(clap)

They will remember us in a fairy tale.

We leaned over "once"(bent over)

We went up to “two”,(straightened up)

Everyone smiled.(smiled)

And they drowned again.(stomp)

And they clapped their hands. ( clap)

These are great guys

What daredevils!(hands on belt)

Educator. Our bun has rested and can show us the way back.

Educator. Well, we're back.

Educator. You guys are great, you guys are brave, and for this I have prepared a surprise for you (the teacher takes gifts from the chest and hands them out)

Now, let's remember once again what kind of fairy tales we met today?

Which fairy tale did you like the most? (children's answers) This concludes our lesson. Thank you!

Malysheva Maria

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children of the second junior group.

Subject: Literary kaleidoscope. A journey through fairy tales.

Target: Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions correctly. Exercise children in clear pronunciation of vowel sounds. Develop the ability to listen and understand what is heard. Develop the ability to reproduce the content of a fairy tale based on questions. Cultivate interest and love for fairy tales. Encourage children to relate emotionally to imaginary events and empathize with the characters.

Form: The game is a journey.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations for the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, toy characters from the tabletop theater “Turnip”, Basket with treats.

The course of the game is travel.


A fairy tale, a joke tale,

Telling it is not a joke,

To have a fairy tale first

It was like a river was babbling,

So that by the end neither old nor small

I didn't fall asleep because of it.

Now I’ll read you guys a fairy tale.

(The fox enters).

Fox: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Fox: Did you recognize me?

Children: Yes, you are a fox.

(Lisa gets to know everyone, asks each child “What’s your name?”)

Fox: So we met. Where did I end up, guys?

Children: IN kindergarten.

Fox: What is it called?


Fox: What a beautiful sunny name you have, it felt so warm.

Educator: Lisa, why did you come to us?

Fox: Yes, I was walking like that, I saw a light in the window, let me think, I’ll look in.

Educator: Well, little fox, sit down and listen to a fairy tale with the kids.

Fox: A fairy tale? And you won’t succeed.

Educator: Why?

Fox: But I mixed up all the fairy tales, now you won’t be able to read the fairy tales.

Educator:(addressing the children). Guys, what should we do? How can we unravel fairy tales? (Children express their assumptions, the teacher pushes them to the correct answer.) We must go to the land of fairy tales and try to unravel them. Guys, it's a long way. Do you agree to go there?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What can you travel with? (Children express their opinions: by train, by plane, by bus, etc.) You and I will ride on a fairytale train. But the train is not simple, now you yourself will turn into carriages, and I will be a locomotive. ( Children line up behind the teacher.)

Chug - chug,

Chug - chug

The train is rushing

At full speed

The locomotive is chugging.

“I’m in a hurry,” it buzzes, “

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry!

So we arrived in a fairyland. Oh, who is this sitting and crying?

Children: This is Bunny.

Educator: Bunny, what happened to you?

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut. The red spring came, the clubfooted bear asked to come to me, and he kicked me out of my hut.

Educator: This is the first fairy tale that the Fox got confused. She did this on purpose so that no one would guess who is to blame. Guys, let's help the bunny figure it out?

Children: Let's.

Educator: Well done for agreeing. But first, let's remember what kind of fairy tale this is?

Children:"Zayushkina's hut."

Educator: And who tried to help the Bunny in trouble? (Children remember and list: dog, wolf, bear and rooster).

And who helped the Bunny?

Children: Cockerel.

Educator: And who did the Cockerel drive out of the house?

Children: Fox.

Educator: So who is to blame, the Fox, and the Bear has nothing to do with it. Well done guys, they remembered the fairy tale and put everything in its place. Children, so who should the Bunny be afraid of?

Children: Fox.

Bunny: Thank you, I'll be very careful now. Goodbye, kids!

Children: Goodbye, Bunny!

Educator: They did a great job and unraveled the fairy tale. Now let's rest. Let's sit in the clearing and play. (Children sit on the carpet.)

Finger gymnastics.


The bunnies came out to the meadow

We stood in a small circle.

(They walk the fingers of one hand over the palm of the other.)

One bunny, two bunnies,

Three bunnies, four bunnies...

(Bend fingers.)

Let's knock our paws.

(Fingers tap palms together.)

They knocked and knocked and got tired,

We sat down to rest.

(Suddenly a song is heard.)

I am a bun, a bun,

I'm scratching the box

I'm dead set,

Mixed with sour cream,

Yes, baked in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

I left my granddaughter

And he left his grandson,

Left the dog

And he left the cat

And he left the mouse,

And I’ll definitely leave you, you goat.

The goat, um, ate the bun.

Educator: Oh, children, what is this strange song? What fairy tale do you think it's from?


Educator: Children, is the song sung correctly?

Children: No.

Educator: What's wrong with it?

Children: The heroes listed are not like that.

Educator: And what heroes did the kolobok meet?

(Children list all the heroes.)

Educator: Smart guys, who actually ate the kolobok?

Children: Fox.

Educator: Well done, you coped with this fairy tale too. Guys, in order for us to travel further, we need to be cheerful and strong. We'll play a little with you. Imagine that you are all little foxes and frolicking in a clearing.

Physical exercise "Come on, fox, let's run..."

Come on, fox, let's run, let's run, let's run,

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick,

And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands,

And we'll stomp our feet, stomp our feet, stomp our feet,

Let's spin around, spin around, spin around,

And we'll be friends forever, we'll be friends, we'll be friends.

Educator: Well done, guys! Oh, I’m just tired, let’s sit down in the clearing and rest.

(Fox runs into the clearing).

Fox: Here I am again.

Educator: Oh, Fox, why did you come running to fairyland for us?

Fox: Of course, I really wanted to see how you would unravel fairy tales.

Educator: Why, Lisa, did you confuse the fairy tales? After all, fairy tales are so interesting!

Fox: And I don't like them.

Educator: Don’t argue, but rather listen to how the children tell a fairy tale.

(The children begin to tell the fairy tale “Turnip.” The fox interrupts them after the first phrase).

Fox: And I know this fairy tale. Listen: my grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big - very big. It's time to dig up the turnip. Grandfather took a shovel and dug up a turnip. That's the end of the fairy tale!

Educator: Lisa, you got everything mixed up again. Children, tell Lisa how it really happened.

(Children tell a fairy tale - each in a fragment, placing the heroes of the fairy tale on the carpet in order.)

Fox: Oh, how interesting! I really liked it. I won't confuse fairy tales anymore. And now it's time for me to go home. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: So we visited the land of fairy tales, and now it’s time for us to return home. Oh, what kind of basket did the fox leave? (Children look into the basket, there is a treat there).

Children: Thank you, Lisa!

Educator: We turn into trailers and set off on the way back!

Chug - chug,

Chug - chug

The train is rushing

At full speed

The locomotive is chugging.

“I’m in a hurry,” it buzzes, “

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry!

(Children “return to the group” and receive a treat.)

Abstract of GCD on fiction

Subject: Literary kaleidoscope

Educational area:"Speech development"

Program content:Find out which works children remember. Reading any work of children's choice

Integration educational areas: "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Artistic creativity"

Material and equipment: fairy tales


“I’m sure,” says the teacher, “that you, the children of the older group, know a lot and will be able to please both me and your comrades. So, let's remember the Russians folk tales, often starting with the words “once upon a time” and having memorable endings...”

If the children named only a few fairy tales, the teacher prompts, for example: “In which fairy tale was there a milk river, the banks of jelly?” (“Geese-swans.”), “What is the name of the fairy tale in which the sly fox came with one of his things and left with another?” (“The bast-foot fox.”), “In which fairy tale did the hare say that he was braver than anyone in the forest?” (The Boasting Hare), “In what fairy tale did the hare have a bast hut, and the fox have an ice hut?” (Zayushkina’s hut) , “In what fairy tale did Masha say: Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie, I’m sitting high and looking far away?” (Masha and the Bear)
“In addition to Russian folk tales, you and I have read many other fairy tales. I’ll be glad if you remember them,” the teacher formulates the new task. You should not be upset if the results of the conversation are unsatisfactory. Such surveys should be conducted quite often both in class and in free time so that children remember the material better.

“Name your favorite book,” the teacher suggests.


And now it's time

Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!

I tell you my word

In response, I expect gestures:

1) "Come here";

2) "Go away";

3) "Hello";

4) "Goodbye";

5) "Quiet";

6) "Don't spoil";

7) “Wait with me”;

8) "No";

9) "I think";

10) "Great";

11) "Wonderful"

We took a break. Then I take the task again.

In conclusion, the teacher asks the children a riddle:

Fold it - a wedge,
If you unfold it, damn it. (Umbrella)

The leaves are spinning in the air,

They lie down quietly on the grass.

The garden sheds its leaves -

It's just... (leaf fall)

The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.

And on top of gardens and groves

It's drizzling cold... (rain)

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves (Autumn)

Reading a fairy tale of children's choice

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development Topic: literary quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Senior preschool age

Abstract directly educational activities educationally - speech development Topic: literary quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin using ICT Senior preschool...

Presentation for a summary of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development Topic: literary quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Senior preschool age

Presentation for a summary of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development Topic: literary quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Senior preschool...

Leisure scenario based on fairy tales for children of senior preschool age

Author: Galina Nikolaevna Semenova, teacher of MKOU secondary school No. 1 kindergarten, building No. 1, Novosibirsk region, Chulym city

Leisure for the older group. "Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales"

Goals: artistically – aesthetic development children through reading fairy tales; introduction to reading fiction; physical development through outdoor games; bring children joy from collective leisure activities.

Leisure activities:

Educator: Children, we read fairy tales every evening. Tell me, do you like to immerse yourself in the world of fairy-tale heroes? (Children's answers.) What fairy tales are your favorite? (Children's answers.)
Tonight will be unusual! I invite you on a journey through fairy tales! Well, let's hit the road? (Yes!)
Before you set off, you need to read the spell. (The teacher reads a fairy spell)
“We guys are storks, opening the door to a fairy tale!
Fairytale, take us to you, and teach us wisdom!”
(The teacher puts on a cape embroidered with golden stars and turns into a fairy-tale Wonder.)
Miracle Man:
I am a fairy-tale miracle worker, that’s my name!
And everywhere, everywhere they are waiting impatiently!
I come to people's homes every day,
Just open an interesting book.
Draw miracles and wisdom from them,
Wrap it around your snub nose!
Fairy tales have been faithful helpers for us for a long time,
After all, in a good fairy tale, good will win!
I ended up in kindergarten, my friends, for a reason! Let's hold hands tightly, we'll go into a fairy tale now!
(The game “Pits and Bumps” is played.
Goal: teach children to act synchronously.
Task: accurately follow the leader’s commands.
Progress of the game: children hold hands and follow the guide, which leads them in any direction. At the signal “Hole”, children jump over an imaginary obstacle. At the signal “Bump,” they jump up. The game takes two minutes.)
Miracle Man: The path to the fairy tale is not easy, there are holes and bumps, but we overcame it! Here we have the first fairy tale, and a hint for it!
“There are three houses in the forest: one is made of straw, the second is made of twigs and twigs, and the third is made of stone.” Children, what fairy tale have we found ourselves in?
Children: “The Three Little Pigs!”
Miracle Man: Correct! These three little pigs loved to sing. I turn kids into funny piglets!
(Choir of cheerful piglets.
Goal: development of musical hearing in children.
Task: cheerfully grunt the melody of “Song of the Crocodile Gena” while twisting your tails.
Move: children randomly stand in a group, dance, twirl their tails and cheerfully grunt the melody of “Gena the Crocodile’s Song.”
One verse.)
Miracle Man: From funny piglets, I turn you into guys!
What kind of picture weighs, look! You can quickly find a fairy tale in it!
(In the picture, various unwashed dishes: plates, saucers, cups, spoons, knives, glasses, saucepan, frying pan, samovar...)
Children: “Grief for Fedora.”
(The game is played: “Sorting dishes.”
For the game: doll dishes (spoons, cups, plates, cups).
Goal: orientation in space.
Task: clearly carry out the actions proposed by the presenter.
Progress of the game: Children are given doll dishes. The leader says the words: “And the dishes go forward and forward through the meadows and swamps” - the children randomly jump around the group, imitating walking through the meadows and swamps. The presenter says: “We are sorting the dishes!” There are spoons in front of me, cups behind me, glasses on my left, plates on my right. Children stand there and see what kind of dishes they have in their hands. The directions for children with dishes change three or four times. After the game, the dishes are sorted into shelves.)
Miracle Man:(Draws the children’s attention to two vases with flowers that stand on the children’s table in play corner.) Look at the wonderful roses that bloomed in our group: red and white. I’m interested to know what fairy tale this is from, such beauty!
Children: " Snow Queen».
Miracle Man: That's right, these times were raised by children - Kai and Gerda from the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". The flowers in this wonderful fairy tale loved to dance.
(Dance "Waltz of the Flowers".
For dance: red roses for boys, white roses for girls, according to the number of children in the group.
Music: P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​recorded.
Dance progress: Children take flowers and get into pairs.
1. Children run in a circle, holding hands, in the other hand they have a flower.
2. Children stop, turn to each other, connect their flowers and spin three turns.
3. Children run in a circle, holding hands, with a flower in their other hand.
4. Children stop, turn to each other, make a window with their free hand, insert flowers into the window and shake their heads (admiring the flowers).
5. Children run in a circle, holding hands, with a flower in their other hand.
6. Children stop, turn to each other, join their palms and make a spring.
7. Children run in a circle, holding hands, with a flower in their other hand.
8. Children stop, turn to each other, join their hands into a boat and slowly rock from side to side.
9. Children run in a circle, holding hands, in the other hand they have a flower.
10. Children combine flowers into one large bouquet.
Flowers are placed in vases.)
Miracle Man: Hey guys, someone is singing a song. (Tape recording of “The Goat’s Song” / from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats/”. The children listen attentively.) Guys, who will answer me, whose voice is this? Answer me together and tell me the fairy tale in unison!
Children: “A wolf and seven kids.”
(The game “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” is being played..
Goal: development of attention and coordination of movement.
Task: movements along the text of the game.
For the game: attributes – wolf strokes, goat strokes.
Progress of the game: children put on masks: one child is a wolf, the rest of the children are goats. When cheerful music plays, the kids frolic, dance, and play pranks. When the music stops, the kids freeze in place and do not move. The wolf comes out, he carefully looks at the kids and if he notices that someone has moved, he salts him. This child is out of the game. Those children who are not bullied win the game. The game is played five or six times.) Miracle Man: What a strange watch?! (Draws the children’s attention to a toy clock whose hands go backwards and not forwards.) What fairy tale is this strange clock from? Whoever recognizes the fairy tale, answer together!
Children: "The Tale of Lost Time."
Miracle Man: Well done children, you guessed all my fairy tales! To remember that you visited a fairy tale, I give you “Fairytale Kaleidoscopes.” As soon as you want to get back into a fairy tale, spin the kaleidoscope and see what a bizarre and amazing pattern you get! (Presenting kaleidoscopes to music.) But how can we not get lost in fairy tales ourselves! It's time for us to return home! (The miracle worker reads a spell)
“Thank you fairyland, it’s time for us to return home!” (The miracle worker takes off his magic cape and becomes a teacher.)
Educator: Here we are back from fairyland! Children, did you enjoy traveling through fairy tales?! (Yes!) More than once we will encounter fairy tales! We don't say goodbye to her, we tell her...
Children: Goodbye!!!

Summary of direct educational activities in senior group"Literary Kaleidoscope".


Help children remember the content of stories, develop the ability to retell passages from works, and characterize characters. Exercise children in clear pronunciation of the sound R. Cultivate a sense of humor.

Equipment: books by N. Nosov “Living Hat”, “Dreamers”, “Patch”. A sheet of paper with a hole in the shape of a circle, counting sticks.

Educator: Let's remember the stories of N. Nosov. In order not to forget them or confuse them, we need to remember them more often.

Game "Guess the story"

Goal: To develop children’s interest in previously read works, to develop memory, attention, and correct speech.

Description of the game: We take a sheet of paper with a cutout in the form of a circle, the children close their eyes, the teacher opens the book and puts the sheet with a hole on the illustration. Children, moving the sheet, must remember the name of the story.

Educator: Who is the main character?

What's his name? (Bobka)

Describe it. What thing did he like best? What kind of pants were they?

What happened to Bobka?

Did he immediately manage to cope with the trouble?

What helped him?

Story "Patch".

Proverbs about work.

Game: “Guess the story”

What are the names of the main characters? (Mishutka, Stasik)

What were they doing?

What is the benefit of this game? (develops imagination)

What action did Igor commit?

How did the children calm Ira down?

Game "Nonsense"

Goal: to form correct speech, develop interest in the game, and a sense of humor.

Game description: Children think of a word. They answer the teacher’s question quickly, without hesitation, saying only this word. Children name a word that often does not fit with what the teacher is asking about. When learning the game, you can say this word in your neighbor’s ear.

Educator: Let's play the game that Mishutka and Stasik played. Now you are thinking about a word.

Educator: Now you dream of eating?...(table, window, hippopotamus..)

Now you were cheerful, how? (crocodile)

Now would you go to? (shelf)

Now would you run around? (car)

Story "Dreamers"

The teacher brings in items: hat, potatoes, poker

What are the names of the heroes? (Vovka, Vadik)

Are they good friends?

What happened to them?

What items did friends take for protection?

Proverbs about friendship.

Game: “Say good things about the person sitting next to you.” kind word»

Physical education lesson: There are two frogs in the swamp

Two green girlfriends

We washed ourselves early in the morning,

We rubbed ourselves with a towel.

They stomped their feet,

They patted their paws,

Bent right, left

And they returned to the swamp.

That's the secret of health

To all friends, Fizkult - Hello!

Game “Guess what I want to say?”

Goal: to train children in the ability to come up with words for a certain syllable (po, na, for, mi, do, che, pry, lu, zo), to develop correct speech.

Educator: Name the vegetables whose names contain the sound R (peas, carrots, parsley, pepper, tomato).

Educator: Name the plants in which the sound R is found (birch, currant, rowan, gooseberry).

Educator: Let's imagine that we are artists and will draw a picture depicting a house outside the city. The walls are already ready, all that remains is to paint on the details - parts of the house, the names of which should contain the sound R. You need to pronounce the word so that the sound sounds clearly. If the word is successful, the one who picked it puts it in front of him counting stick, so that at the end you can easily count the points and determine the winner (roof, chimney, porch, door, threshold, attic).