What wishes can you make for the New Year? It will definitely come true! How to make wishes on New Year's Eve? Wishes for the New Year

New Year is the most magical holiday. It is eagerly awaited and celebrated even by avid skeptics. And for people in whose hearts a fairy tale lives, this night is also an opportunity to wish for their most secret things. Today we will figure out how to make a wish for the New Year.

Is it so easy to make a wish and have it come true?

Anyone can make a wish, but it doesn’t always come true. Why? There are several principles for formulating queries. Here are the main ones:

  • The wording must be extremely clear, otherwise the execution price may be high. An example from life: a girl really wanted to stay for another 2 weeks in another country. She asked so often that the universe heard. She was admitted to the hospital the day before departure and spent those same 2 weeks there. To avoid troubles, when making a wish, add the formula “this brings only good” at the end. Then both the result and its achievement will be pleasant and painless.
  • You cannot wish evil or harm to other people. The universe will satisfy such requests, but with bestowal upon those who wish.
  • You really need to want with all your heart for your wish to come true.
  • Record and visualize. The clearer the execution is presented, the greater the likelihood of receiving what you wished for.
  • Think about what you wished for as if everything had already come true. “I want a red car” is not true, it is correct to think like this: “my new red car is gorgeous.”
  • It is correct to wish not for money, but for what you will spend it on. For example: “I want 100 thousand dollars” is incorrect, “I’m flying to the Maldives to a five-star hotel for two weeks” is the correct formulation.
  • You need to make a wish in good mood and with kindness in the heart, otherwise they may become distorted for the worse.
  • Don’t ask for things that could harm other people, for example, “I’m marrying Lyuska’s boyfriend.” Such requests will not bring happiness.
  • For everything to work out as desired, remove the “not” particle from your formulations. “I’m not sick” is an incorrect statement, the universe can interpret it in its own way, and correctly formulate: “I’m healthy.”

Magic of wishes for the New Year 2021

A familiar attribute of the holiday table or a way to make a wish? It's about. This drink is chosen to celebrate the New Year. However, in addition to the pleasant taste, it has the property of fulfilling the wish.

Champagne will help make your dreams come true

The well-known ritual with champagne will never lose its relevance. This drink has been a symbol of the New Year for decades. If the taste is unpleasant, you can replace the champagne with wine, juice or water.


  • a glass of any drink;
  • small piece of paper;
  • pencil;
  • matches.

This way of making a wish for the New Year is so popular that stores began selling special magic papers for writing on.

As soon as the chimes start chiming, write what you would like most with a pencil on a piece of paper, light it with a match, and mix the remaining ashes with a drink. Drink the mixture until the last beat.

This ritual is familiar to almost everyone, but there are others less well known, but effective ways help make your dreams come true. Here they are:

  1. Champagne bottle. Prepare a small bottle, like for a keychain. Insert a note with your dream inside. IN New Year's Eve pour some champagne from your glass. Hide the bottle and don’t show it to anyone until what you wrote is fulfilled. Then pour the contents into running water with the words “what has come, let it remain and bring joy.”
  2. A request in a bottle. Pour champagne into glasses and drink with people dear to your heart. Blow into an empty bottle and cap it. During this time, be sure to think about your dream. Do not throw away the bottle for 7 days.
  3. For love. If you want to strengthen your feelings, share a glass of champagne with your chosen one on New Year's Day. Before drinking, whisper into the drink: “like bubbles in a glass, we will be happy.”
  4. To attract money, on New Year's Day, wrap the stem of a glass with any banknote. At the end of the holiday, put it in a separate pocket of your wallet. Don't waste it, keep it as a talisman.

Christmas tree

On New Year's Eve, take a branch from the Christmas tree and whisper your wish into it. You need to speak quietly so that no one hears. Place the branch in the water next to the bed. After 3 days, count how many needles have fallen off. An even number means that what you want will come true this year. Odd - you will have to wait until the universe is ready to fulfill this request.

Christmas tree ball

Buy a glass Christmas ball before the New Year. Write down your wish on a small piece of paper, roll it into a tube and place it inside the toy. Hang the ball on the Christmas tree. Take it in your hands every day for 5 minutes. After a week, remove and put in a secluded place.

Tangerine seed

- an indispensable attribute of the New Year's table will help girls get pregnant. During the chiming clock, you need to have time to peel and eat all the fruit. For the wish to come true, there must be a seed in the tangerine. Under no circumstances should you spit it out, but swallow it along with the pulp.


In this method, on the contrary, you should not swallow the bones. On New Year's Eve, as the chimes strike, eat exactly 12 grapes, saying to yourself your cherished wish. The bones must be spat out before 00:00. Grapes like raisins will simplify the process. It is small in size and seedless.

Letter to Santa Claus

New Year in childhood is not only a Christmas tree and a festive mood, it is also gifts. Who should I ask them from, and most importantly, how? That's right, write a letter to Santa Claus. Adults can make up too. However, it is not necessary to send an envelope to Lapland; it is enough to launch the letter through an open window.


This method is good when you want to make a lot of wishes, but choosing just one is difficult. Write 12 notes with your dreams and put them under your pillow on New Year's Day. In the morning, without looking, take one out. What is written on it will come true first.

After New Year

When removing toys from the Christmas tree, hold the last one in your hands. Close your eyes, imagining what you want as clearly as possible. Many people note the effectiveness of this method.

Food and drink

Before celebrating the New Year, imagine what you wish for and try to translate it into food. For example, if you want a new car, put the salad in a similar form; if you are thinking about traveling, buy a bottle of wine from your dream country. When decorating the table, do not stop mentally imagining the situation when everything has already come true.

A prerequisite for the fulfillment of the wish is that what was purchased/prepared must be eaten/drunk without reserve on New Year’s Eve. It’s great if family or good friends help with this.

New Year in the forest

It's no secret that wishes come true best when a person is happy and satisfied. Give yourself and your loved ones another small holiday. Before the New Year or on the old New Year, take with you everything that reminds you of this holiday, for example:

  • garlands;
  • fireworks;
  • champagne;
  • tangerines.

Find a low Christmas tree in the forest and have a mini holiday. A prerequisite is a round dance, during which you need to make wishes. The more people there are, the stronger the energy of happiness, the faster dreams will come true.

It is important to remove all the consequences of the party.

Connected with the sky

There are 3 ways to send a message straight to the Universe:

  1. Buy a Chinese lantern and write your dream on it. When the clock strikes, launch it into the sky.
  2. Exactly at 00:00 on New Year's Day, go outside and shout your request to the stars.
  3. Write on a small piece of paper what you would like to receive this year and attach it to the fireworks. Be sure to launch it on New Year's Eve.


It has long been believed that dishes break for good luck. On New Year's Eve, take an unnecessary plate, break it on the street, repeating to yourself what you wished for. Collect the fragments and dispose of them so that no one gets hurt.

Make a wish for red

Buy new red underwear. Wear it during the chimes on New Year's Day. This method works great for fulfilling your dreams about your personal life.

A little more red

The color of blood, passion and love is also associated with prosperity. To increase your income in the coming year, prepare 19 small gifts. Let it be sweets, fruits or souvenirs. Pack each one in red paper or a bag. While the chimes are ringing, keep your gifts with you and make a wish for the whole New Year. With the last blow, you need to go out into the street and give packages to strangers with wishes of happiness and good luck.

Drawing and happiness

A few days before New Year's Eve, draw your dream. A sketch will suffice. While drawing, try to feel exactly what sensations the fulfillment of your dream will give you.

For example:

  • family – comfort, tenderness, security;
  • children - joy, happiness of motherhood;
  • travel – freedom, novelty, interest.

Roll your drawing into a tube and tie it with a red ribbon. In this form, it should hang on the tree for 7 days. Then store the drawing in a secluded place.

You can make a wish on any day of the year, but it is on the New Year, when a huge number of people simultaneously fill the energy of the planet with dreams, that everything you make has a high probability of coming true. Ask the universe correctly and it will definitely respond.

Books will help you achieve your plans

Many talented people who have learned to use the energy of the universe have shared their knowledge of what to do to make the wish come true by writing books. Here are some of them:

  1. Deepak Chopra - “Spontaneous fulfillment of desires”;
  2. Murakhovskaya M. – “The Magic Diary of Desires”;
  3. Alexander Sviyash - “What to do when everything is not the way you want”;
  4. Timur Gagin, Alexey Kelin “Handbook of the Achiever”;
  5. Vitale Joe – “The Key. Turn it and you will find out the secret of attraction”;
  6. John Kehoe - “The subconscious can do anything!”;
  7. Barbara Sher, Annie Gottlieb - “Dreaming is not harmful. How to get what you really want?
  8. “This year I…” MJ Ryan.

With a little effort, each of us can learn to competently compose and manage our requests to the universe. We believe that you will definitely succeed. Happy New Year and may your dreams come true.

On the one and only midnight of the year, when the clock strikes twelve, there is a high probability that your wish will come true. We are talking, of course, about New Year's midnight, and the wish will come true for a long time in the coming year.

There are many ways to make wishes for the New Year, just like. It’s better to follow the simplest path: choose as many ways as possible so that your cherished dream will surely come true.
True, it all depends on the speed of reaction. Indeed, in most ways, a wish must be made in time during the chiming clock. This article contains ten ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve that will help you get what you want.

How to make a wish for the New Year:

1. The most common and not very tasty method. You need to stock up on a small piece of paper and a pen in advance. During the chiming clock, you must write down your secret dream on a piece of paper, set it on fire and throw it into your glass of champagne. Sparkling drink, along with ashes and desire, drink in one gulp.

2. This is a more pleasant and tasty way. You need to prepare twelve grapes for yourself. During the chiming clock, you need to mentally express your desire, and have time to eat all the grapes. The tradition of making a wish in this way first appeared in Italy.

3. The power of self-hypnosis. Psychologists say that everything that a person would not want to receive in life, he must imagine in his surrounding reality. For example, if next year you want to get married, then during the magical New Year's Eve, simply repeat “I am married.” The energy of the festive night should help make your wishes come true faster.

4. In this method, you need to ask the Christmas tree for your wish to come true. A few days before the New Year, you need to make a small box with your own hands, in which you put leaves with a wish written on it. Hang the box on christmas tree- like decoration. On a festive night, go to the Christmas tree, take off the box with a wish, hold it in your hands and ask for the wish to come true. After this ritual, hang the box back. All that remains is to wait.

5. It is unknown where this tradition came from. Perhaps it was formed from the understanding of our ancestors that those who are taller are closer to God. During the chiming clock, you need to jump as high as possible and make a wish.

6. For those who love to do handicrafts and are going to celebrate the New Year in a big company, excellent option There will be such a way of making a wish. Cut a lot of paper snowflakes: different shapes and magnitude. Give to each guest so that he can write down his wish on a snowflake. After the chimes, throw all the snowflakes out the window: let them circle and bring good luck.

7. They say that a generous person always receives double. To make your New Year's wish come true, on a festive night you can go out and wholeheartedly treat passers-by with sweets and cookies, and give them to your relatives.

8. This is one of the most difficult methods to prepare. You need to embroider your wish with thread on the hem of your festive outfit. A couple of stitches and, most likely, New Year's Eve will definitely give you what you want. Do not forget to place your hands on the place of embroidery exactly at midnight and say your wish out loud.

9. Ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve are replete with variety. Many require not only desire, but also certain skills. For example, this option suggests drawing or making a collage of your happiness. On paper you need to diagrammatically depict everything you want to get next year. Moreover, simple images will be enough. If you want love, draw a heart; if you want a separate apartment, draw a house. The finished collage must be tied with a ribbon and stored for a whole year in a secluded place.

10. Desires under the pillow. During the chiming clock, you must have time to write all your wishes prepared in your mind on pre-prepared pieces of paper. Put everything you managed to write under your pillow. In the morning after waking up, pull out one leaf - this is the desire that will certainly come true in the new year!

Now you know how to make a wish on New Year's Eve. Each person decides for himself whether to believe in the miracles of the festive night or simply treat the process as a game. Be that as it may, no one has yet canceled miracles in our lives! Have a fun and magical New Year's Eve!

And if you can't think of anything,

On December 31, not only children, but also adults think about how to make a wish for the New Year. There are many ways to find out the future on this magical night.

What wishes can you make?

On New Year's Eve, wishes are made not only for oneself. People ask for good things for their loved ones, and the message should be accurate. A list from which everyone can choose what suits them:

  1. Visit an interesting country that you have dreamed of since childhood.
  2. Every day you see the happy faces of your loved ones, tell them about your love, do something nice.
  3. Meet the one or only one and stay close for life.
  4. Create a family in which everyone will be warm and comfortable, and relationships will be built on friendship, love and mutual understanding.
  5. Get the dog or cat you've always dreamed of school years.
  6. Relax on vacation in a way that you will remember forever.
  7. Become a businessman by opening a profitable business.
  8. From the first day of January, take care of yourself by purchasing a subscription to the fitness center.
  9. Lose weight by summer so you don't feel embarrassed about your appearance on the beach.
  10. Quit smoking from January 1st.
  11. Gather all your friends in the summer and celebrate the meeting.
  12. Make a parachute jump.
  13. Change the furniture in the bedroom.
  14. Learn to swim.

The wish may be the most unusual, but you should sincerely believe that it will come true.

What wishes cannot be made

You need to make the right wish for the New Year. There are restrictions that cannot be violated. It is forbidden to wish grief on any person, no matter who he is and no matter what bad he does to you. You cannot think of someone else's property as your own. Higher powers will not help in fulfilling the following desires:

  1. Receive a prestigious position as a result of dishonest play.
  2. Separate a husband or wife, take one of the spouses away from the family.
  3. Wish an incurable disease on someone else.
  4. Wish for someone to die.

The boomerang law works in life. Both good and bad things return to a person, but only in an intensified version. Therefore, any desire will someday return to you, so you should think carefully so that the magic of the holiday is only bright and does not darken the lives of those around you.

How to correctly formulate a desire

The wishes made for the New Year, formulated correctly and as accurately as possible, come true. The request must be sincere. The word has great power, and in order for the energy of what is said to be directed for good, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use verbs in the past or future tense. This makes the desire unrealistic, pushing it back or sending it far ahead, and the dream will constantly move away from you. We must make a wish here and now. There is no need to ask for a good salary. The word “was” is a block that means that it was once, but not now, and the dream will not come true. We need to be grateful for what we have, for the wealth that grows every day.
  2. You cannot use dirty words that block the path to fulfillment of desires (“in short”, “as if”, “desirable”). It is prohibited to use the following expressions in the wording: “without sparing life”, “nosebleed”, “at any cost”, etc. These concepts will be taken literally by higher powers, and the wish will come true, but it will not be what you wished for.
  3. You cannot think about the innermost while experiencing negative emotions, which activate the forces of evil. Only positivity will help your dreams come true.
  4. The fulfillment of a desire can be hindered by some limiting words. Used involuntarily in a formulation, they are a hindrance. You cannot use: “maybe”, “at least”, “should be”. Often, due to modesty, a person may wish for a small corner, but his own, instead of planning to purchase a normal apartment. Denial makes its own adjustments, and the wish comes true, but the new housing is a small room in a dorm.
  5. At the moment of making a wish, you need to clearly draw in your imagination the image of what you dream about. Vague pictures do not carry specifics, and dreams will remain dreams.
  6. For wishes to come true, you need to make them in the first person; this carries positive energy and has great power, attracting what you want.
  7. The desire must be formulated as if it has already come true. Thus the dream quietly enters daily life, and you begin to lose weight if you want it, or become a wealthy person if you want well-being.
  8. The wording should not indicate an exact time. You should not tie your desire to a year, month or day. The phrase “at the right time in the right place” is more appropriate. This is a coincidence that cannot be predicted. It is best not to think about what you have in mind, not to get hung up on this thought, but to give the higher powers the right to surprise you.
  9. Ethical desire is one of the main conditions. You can’t imagine that you bought an expensive, prestigious car and, with a feeling of jubilation, drive past your ill-wishers, who begin to envy. Wish your enemies well-being and good luck, and your dream will come true faster, because the good message will come back.
  10. The Universe does not tolerate restrictions, so any word must be treated with caution. The verbs “buy” and “acquire” can work differently in your desire. You can only buy with money, and you can acquire it in several ways: by winning, receiving an inheritance or a gift.

Magical ways to make wishes

There are many ways to make a wish for the New Year. Important condition that must be fulfilled is an accurate representation of what is desired. Well, if you still doubt it, you can.

Ashes in champagne

There must be champagne on the table. The desire must be formulated in advance. Thoughts that spontaneously come to mind will just as quickly disappear, and nothing will come true. You shouldn’t spend a lot of words, 2-3 will be enough, because everything needs to be done quickly, and it’s impossible to have time to write a long wish on paper, burn it, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it while the chimes are striking.

The wish is made in the first person; the following brief formulations can be used: to get married (indicate the name of the chosen one), to fly to Rome in the summer, to find good job, buy a house, etc. Be sure to add the words “this year”, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for execution. You need to burn the piece of paper to ashes, otherwise there is no point in washing down a scrap of note with champagne: nothing will come true.

It is worth preparing thin and dry paper, small in size, in advance, and then everything will work out.

Food and drink

You can find out your fate by telling fortunes with treats. It’s worth taking a fresh apple from the New Year’s table and cutting it crosswise into halves. If the cut bones are arranged in the shape of an even star, then this predicts happiness and prosperity.

Special small pies are baked for the festive table; 1 button is added to each filling. different colors and something is guessed: on red - love, on green - health, on yellow - fun, etc. Guests should be warned about the unusual filling to avoid any trouble. Everyone will find out the prediction for next year, it will be a good surprise for everyone.

As for drinks, you can guess with champagne. You need to throw a small coin or ring into a glass of sparkling wine and count the circles formed. An even number promises good luck, if you count an odd number, then throw another object into the drink and count carefully, then drink champagne, and luck will be on your side.

To attract good luck, you can dip your finger in champagne and place it on your right ear, and if a girl wants a young man to pay attention to her, then you can touch his ear with your finger containing champagne.

Toy on the Christmas tree

After 12 o'clock at night, toys can be removed from the tree; their number should be equal to the number of guests. It is best if the toys are the same shape and different shades.

Christmas decorations they are folded into a tight bag, and the guests take out a toy that comes to hand. Color predicts the future:

  1. Red speaks of luck in love. For those who are in search of their other half, this color promises an unexpected meeting that will be decisive, and for spouses - strong relationships and good changes in life.
  2. The blue toy speaks of harmony in the soul and strengthening friendship. Soon there will be answers to questions that have been haunting. Your loved ones will always be there and help you solve problems.

Letter to Santa Claus

A letter to Santa Claus is an old one new year tradition. His children write with a request that their most cherished wish be fulfilled. Adults can also support this tradition and write about their dream, seal the letter and hide it in a safe place. If the wish is sincere and good, then it will come true within a year. And on the next New Year's celebration, you can get together with the same company and read the letters near the Christmas tree. This will be a kind of analysis of the past year. Many will have a desire to write new letters, and this is the birth of a tradition.

Wish card

A wish map can help you make your dreams come true. It is compiled alone. You need to tune in to positive emotions, turn on calm music and get to work. Forget about troubles.

You will need whatman paper measuring 68x68 cm; it is divided into 9 identical sectors, each of which indicates a cardinal direction and has its own color:

  1. The northern section is blue, responsible for the career.
  2. The south is red, this is fame and success.
  3. The West is white, stimulates creativity, and is responsible for children.
  4. East is green family relationships.
  5. Northwest - grey, travel sector.
  6. The northeast area will be light brown, this is wisdom.
  7. Southwest - brown, responsible for love.
  8. Southeast - light green, money sector.

Your own photograph is placed in the center. You can write your innermost desire next to it, but briefly and in the first person.

Pictures or photographs are pasted onto each zone - symbols of their desires. There should be no empty areas on the map.

Layout of wishes in last night December is placed on the wall away from prying eyes. This could be a bedroom: when you wake up, every morning you will see your desires, stimulating them to come true.

Bags of stuff

For the celebration, you can prepare bags of goodness. Small beautiful bags are sewn in advance, treats (cakes, cookies or candies) are placed in them and good wishes are written on a postcard or beautiful paper. After the gifts have been distributed, you can read the wishes, which can become toasts to festive table. The kindness that the guests wished each other will help everyone’s wishes come true.


You can buy small silicone multi-colored bouncing balls. After a hearty feast, guests take apart the bouncy balls and compete with each other to see whose ball can bounce the highest. The luckiest person is chosen and will be lucky all year.

12 grapes

This tradition originated in Spain and quickly took root in many countries. The meaning of this fortune-telling is that everyone should save 12 grapes and eat 1 berry when the clock strikes. 12 hits - 12 berries. Whoever manages to eat all the grapes will have good luck next year.

Dream drawing

On New Year's Eve, a cherished wish is depicted on paper, which is thought out in advance. The leaf needs to be rolled into a tube, tied with a red ribbon and hung on the Christmas tree. At Christmas, the image is hidden in a secluded place until the wish comes true.

During the year, at the subconscious level, a person will remember his dream and strive to fulfill it. When the wish comes true, you need to unfold the sheet and outline the image with red paint, enhancing its energy. You can keep the drawing until next New Year's Eve or until a new strong desire arises.

Desire for a snack

You can eat your wish on New Year's Eve. This works well if a person wants to visit a certain country. You need to find a recipe for a national dish and cook it. On New Year's Eve, the entire dish is eaten, so it is worth calculating your strength and portion of food. There is a high probability that your dream will come true in the new year.

Tangerine seed

Tangerines - New Year's fruits. They can also help make a wish come true: you need to close your eyes, take a slice of tangerine from the New Year’s table and eat it. If there was a bone in it, then this is a good sign, and the dream will soon come true.

Gifts for your loved one

On a magical night, you need to gift yourself with what you have long dreamed of, only you need to do this, throwing away all worries and worries, and then, along with the long-awaited gift, harmony and happiness will come to your soul, and the year will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires.

Desired crafts

Many families have a tradition of placing homemade gifts under the Christmas tree, in which good predictions are hidden. These could be gingerbread men or, New Year's toys made of salt dough, papier-mâché or cold porcelain with secret pockets. Mittens and warm sweater, related to love, in which wishes of happiness and good luck are hidden, will be a good surprise for loved one.

Message from the Universe

A letter to the Universe is a direct appeal to higher powers with a request to fulfill the most secret things. It is drawn up on beautiful paper; the content must include gratitude for what you have and clearly formulated 1 or more wishes.

The letter is sealed in an unusual envelope, addressed to a generous and abundant Universe that fulfills all desires, your name must be written in the sender's line, and the message is hidden under a decorated Christmas tree to start the activation process. The envelope should not be visible to anyone around you. Early in the morning of January 1, while everyone at home is sleeping, you need to quietly leave the house and in the nearest post office put the letter in the mailbox. If it is not there, then the envelope is slipped under the door. The letter will find its addressee, and your dreams will come true.

Turn your dream into a goal

To turn a dream into a goal, making a wish is not enough. It is necessary to think about him constantly, not to give in to despondency and to do good deeds. Sad thoughts slow down everything good, so you need to tune in to a positive wave and thank the Universe for what you have, and the person will be given what he wants.


Vikium is a brain training service that helps develop a person's hidden abilities. By working on yourself, you can learn to fulfill desires that may appear in your head not only on December 31st.

Christmas tree

The New Year tree is considered a conductor of cosmic energy. In the direction from the ground up, the spruce transmits desires to the Universe.

In order for wishes made near the Christmas tree to come true, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Only a man should install the tree and put the top on it.
  2. A woman chooses a place for a tree and decorates it.
  3. Every year you need to buy 3 new balls for the Christmas tree, of which the first one is a desire amplifier for the whole year; it needs to be hung on the upper branches, while mentally imagining the wish fulfilled. The second is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. You need to make some kind of material wish and hang the decoration in the middle of the tree. The third ball is a symbol of our planet, therefore, hanging it on the lower branches, you need to wish all people their dreams come true.

Make a wish for red

The color red, according to the beliefs of many peoples, attracts money, so on New Year's Eve you should wear something red - it could be a belt, some piece of clothing or red underwear. During the chiming clock, you need to present a red cloth with a lot of money on it so that your well-being will improve next year.

By simoron

The simoron technique is a farewell to everything bad, so that troubles remain in the old year, and good luck settles next to a person in the new year. Optimists can perform several magical rites and rituals that will help fulfill the most secret things:

  1. You need to choose the largest and most beautifully decorated spruce on the street, write a wish on paper and place it inside Christmas decorations, taken at home. Walk around the tree 9 times and read the Simoron spell to make a wish come true. Hang the brought toy on the highest branch that you can reach.
  2. Charged tangerines can help make any dream come true. Write 1 word on the fruits (love, money, happiness, mutual understanding, etc.), then eat them all, gradually. If you want to convey positivity to a dear person, then you should treat him with Simoron mandarin.


IN last days December, you need to throw away all chipped and cracked dishes from the house so that bad luck goes away with it.

New Year's table decorated with beautiful sets that attract good luck and create a festive atmosphere. According to legends, on the night from December 31 to January 1, one should not break dishes, otherwise the wishes made at this time will not come true.

New Year in the forest

The pristine beauty of nature and the sparkle of snowflakes in the light of the fire create an indescribable magical atmosphere in which you can make a wish while the sparkler burns. It’s worth voicing your dream while looking into the New Year’s sky, and the Universe will hear you, because you will be one with nature.

After the new year

After the holiday begins new life, and don’t forget about the wishes that were made on New Year’s Eve. You need to take the first step to fulfill them. Those who wish to say goodbye to smoking should try to do so. It is worth thinking about the child’s desire and trying to fulfill it, and then the son or daughter will believe in the fairy tale.

If there are many desires

If you have a lot of wishes, then you can make them on Christmas night or before January 31, also don’t forget about and. You just need to believe that they will come true.

Every year on December 31, the hero of the famous film says: “We have stopped doing big good stupid things...”

And indeed, with age we often become bored: we lose our recklessness, inspiration, faith in miracles, and often faith in general. But if you feel nostalgic, looking at uncontrollably fantasizing children, watch for a falling star, enjoy reading “Harry Potter”, watch the movie “The Secret” or “Battle of Psychics” - it means that you still have hope for something better in your soul , amazing. On the eve of the holiday, it's time to give it a vent. So, gentlemen and ladies, let's make New Year's wishes!

Why is now the right time? The change from one year to another is the threshold of old and new. The smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, bubbles of champagne, and the chimes create an enthusiastic - magical - state. (Well, are you experiencing at least some kind of inner uplift?) Add to this a powerful energy impulse - after all, a huge number of people in your time zone are freezing in anticipation of a miracle. All together provides ideal conditions to reformat your own reality.

So, do the wishes made for the New Year come true? Yes, if you formulate a message and send it to the Universe Right.

  1. The desire must come from the heart, be yours, and not imposed by society: a career, a cool car, etc.

    If it seems that you really want an expensive car model, think about what you expect from owning this car. Maybe you really want increased attention from women or authority among colleagues? And further: why do you need this attention or authority - to feel loved?

    Make an effort and the car will appear. But if what was expected of her does not happen - if she was not the real goal - disappointment will come instead of joy. Try to reach the main value. True desire should evoke spiritual trepidation and special vibrations.

  2. The mystery must be relatively realistic. “If it is impossible, it must be done,” Alexander the Great used to say, but not everyone believes in their abilities so much. Even if achieving what you want does not entirely depend on you (otherwise you would just go and do it), but you are capable of some steps for its implementation. Without this, there will be no necessary faith in fulfillment.
  3. You need to think about the end, not the means: a car, not getting a loan; an apartment, not a mortgage or inheritance; a trip to Paris, not a work trip to end up there. There can be a lot of ways to get what you want - we don’t see the complete picture. So there is no need to limit the Universe, everything is fine with its imagination.
  4. Desire should not have contradictions with internal attitudes.

    Example: I want money, but I am convinced that it spoils people; I want to get married, but I’m sure that all men are bastards. What you believe in will come true. Or nothing will come true - the Universe will be confused by the vagueness of your request.

  5. Don't interfere with other people's desires, it should only concern you. Otherwise it is disrespecting their free will.

    If a girl dreams of love with a married (or single, but not interested in her) man, it would be environmentally friendly to wish loving husband with similar qualities, but not specifically to this person. Even if you want something for your child, it is not a fact that his soul wants the same.

  6. Think about what you will gain and what you will lose if you achieve what you want, and how it will affect others. For example, you want to earn more, but at the same time you are afraid that there will be no time left for rest and family. That is, in the current state of lack of money, it is important for you to have free time. And this secondary benefit can outweigh. Look for options to earn more and at the same time have the opportunity to relax - to believe in the possibility of fulfilling your intention.
  7. And once again about environmental friendliness: do not wish anything bad on anyone. No one has canceled the boomerang law: everything will return. Better ask for peace of mind for your own soul, harmony and love.

We formulate the desire correctly

  • The first rule - the most hackneyed, but no less relevant - concerns the particle “not”. Historically, our fellow citizens have a stronger “from” motivation than a “to” motivation. In a country that has experienced war, repression, perestroika, default and other cataclysms, people are accustomed to living like on a powder keg and dreaming so that nothing bad happens again. Instead of wishing something good.
  • If you focus on the negative, you can only wait for the negative. Therefore, the correct wish would be health, and not “I want not to get sick.”
  • Formulations are made in the present tense. If you write: “I want me to get well/receive/come out...” - this will be perceived as a fait accompli (you are already healthy, got well and got out - everything is ready). It would be more correct:

    “Every day I become younger, filled with strength and health for the benefit of the Universe.”

  • Be careful with your words - Santa Claus takes them literally. Do not use expressions like “I want to, even cut me”, “at any cost”, “bleed from the nose”.
  • If you are looking for a job or want to get married, indicate what you expect from your job or husband. Do not use the words “at least some” - everyone will be rewarded according to their faith, then you will not be able to disentangle it.
  • Avoid the formulations “I want it, my stomach is cramping”, “I’m sick of Ivan (Norway, a house by the sea, etc.) - otherwise it will cramp and you will get sick.
  • The wish must be formulated as clearly as possible. Determine the situations in which what you want is appropriate and in which it is not. At the end write something like:

    "Let This or something more the Universe will harmoniously bring into my life.”

    Thus, you will open up to benefits that you did not expect - if this does not contradict the Path chosen by your soul. For example, if you dream of working in some company, you can get a position not in your city, but in a branch abroad.

  • Express gratitude: “The gift of health keeps me alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

First give thanks for what you already have, and then ask for what you want. Don't do it formally - feel Gratitude. If you want money, but are on the verge of poverty and find it difficult to feel grateful, remember the situations when you got something for free.

As a child, your parents bought you clothes, food, took you to the sea or to your grandmother; a colleague paid for your coffee; a friend gave you a dress that didn’t fit her and didn’t take any money from you. Say a sincere thank you for every episode.

When we are grateful for what we already have, we have a chance to receive something more. The final wording could be:

“I thank you for all the money I have received throughout my life. My prosperity is growing every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

And finally, magical rituals

  1. The most famous: when the chimes strike, you write a wish, burn the piece of paper, put the ashes into a glass of champagne, and drink the contents. Make it to the last strike. Think over the text in advance and prepare leaves, pens, lighters. Or light up from New Year's candles- this will enhance the magic.

  2. You can, like the Italians, prepare 12 grapes and eat each one at the next chime. It is believed that grapes will bring prosperity in the coming year.

  3. During the chimes, say to your drink or food everything you want to receive next year: “I attract health, love, wealth...” Drink to the dregs, eat to the tiniest bit.

  4. At midnight, light a Chinese lantern, say your wish and launch the lantern into the sky. Don’t take your eyes off it, feel: you have just given wings to your dream! The flashlight disappeared from view - the request went out into the Universe.

  5. At sunset on December 31st, write 12 mini-essays covering different areas your life. Literally three or four sentences: desire and justification why it is important for you to get it. Place the pieces of paper under your pillow, and in the morning of January 1, take out three of them. These wishes will come true in the new year.

  6. Fortune-telling. The whole New Year's company writes their wishes; You can have several, but each on a separate piece of paper. They need to be rolled up and placed, for example, in a Santa Claus hat. Then those present pull out the pieces of paper and read what is in store for them.

  7. Make a paper bird, an angel or a symbol of the year eastern calendar(2020 is the year of the Rat). Tip: do this with your children. Say your most cherished words over the resulting creation. It’s even better to speak it out during the manufacturing process - this way you will put the energy of action into the toy. Place it on the Christmas tree and let it soak in the festive atmosphere. When you put away the Christmas tree, place the toy in a visible place - so that it reminds you of what you want and motivates you to achieve your goal.

  8. “Jump into a parallel Universe” is a comic ritual from simoron. To perform, you need inspiration, a state of lightness and soaring - New Year's Eve is conducive to these sensations. You can jump from chairs, stools, sofas, just follow safety precautions. While the chimes are ringing, you need to shout your intention and snap your fingers while jumping. Have you landed? That's it, you've jumped into the new year! You are in a parallel world where you have what you want!

  9. Also from simoron. Take a saucer with a blue border. At the bottom, put the symbol of your dreams: a ring, if you want to get married; a bill if you want money; a pacifier if you dream of a child, a model or picture of a house if you dream of your home. Let this goodness be solemnly presented to you on a platter as a gift - ask someone close to you. To enhance the effect of the ritual, hang a lucky star (can be made of foil) over the place in the house where you spend the most time.

  10. Another Simoron technique that can be performed at a New Year's tea party is aimed at attracting money. Put a spoonful of honey in black tea, place the cup on a green leaf - the color of a dollar, “cabbage”. Stir the honey in the cup clockwise with a pencil for one minute. Think about money at this time. Then take a piece of paper from under the cup and write on it: “Tea, there will be money!” - and have a drink. Keep the pencil and piece of paper until your wish comes true.

  11. After midnight, draw your dream - do something like, maybe schematically. The main thing is that what you draw resonates with joy in your soul. Roll up the design, tie it with red ribbon or thread, seal it with melted wax - so that it gets on both the paper and the tape. Write your initials on the warm wax and hang the tube on the tree. On Christmas night, put it in a secluded place. Has your wish come true? Open the scroll and circle the picture in red. When a new goal appears, burn this piece of paper.

  12. You can make wishes collectively - this will bring revitalization to the company. Cut them out and write your dreams on them. During the chiming clock, go out onto the balcony (open the window) and let your snowflakes fly. While they are flying, repeat your desires to yourself again.

“Guys, you have to believe in miracles!”

You can come up with your own ritual. The main thing is to do everything with faith. And then you will definitely see your scarlet sails.
- Feed your desire with joyful emotions - this way you give it the energy to fulfill it. Think about him in happy moments of your life. Remember when you just feel uplifted.
- Don’t tell anyone about your desire, otherwise the energy of intention will weaken or go nowhere.

The exception is desires like “I want to quit smoking in the coming year.” There is a different execution technology at work here: if you have voiced your intention, you will be ashamed not to fulfill it.

Stay in a good mood. Like, as you know, attracts like. If there is darkness, anger, resentment and other negativity in your soul, it will be difficult for the light to break through to you.
- Thank you! This sets the mood for positivity and ensures a flow of good gifts.

“May such a miracle happen to you next year that I won’t even tell you, so as not to tempt fate!” With coming!

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve and make it come true! 12 ways to make a wish in the New Year!

New Year's Eve. The most mystical and magical night of the year. “They say: on New Year’s Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true.”

Millions of people around the world make their deepest wishes on New Year's Eve, hoping that they will come true. At the same time, making a wish for the New Year is accompanied by some kind of ritual - just to be sure.

12 ways to make a wish on New Year's Day

1. Start writing your deepest wish on a small piece of paper with the first chime, then burn it and throw the ashes into your glass. Then drink its contents along with the ashes. It is important to have time to complete the entire ritual before the end of the chimes.

2. At midnight, or maybe later, go outside with your guests and light Chinese lanterns (buy them in advance, by the way good idea for a gift) and release them into the sky, making your deepest wish.

3. Jump as high as possible (or jump off a chair) and make a wish as you leave the ground. Since this needs to be done quickly, think about formulating your desire in advance. The option of a group jump is possible - this way the whole company will unite in a joint New Year’s ritual, which will be pleasant to remember for the whole year.

4. Embroider your wish on the hem of your holiday outfit. Just a few stitches, you don’t need to know how to embroider skillfully. Let's say it might look like this: “Love” or “Friendship”. At the moment when the chimes begin to strike, place your right hand on the embroidery and at the stroke of midnight, say your wish out loud.

5. Hang a small box on the New Year tree containing the wish you wrote. 5 minutes before the New Year, go up to her, take her left hand and say the following words: “Box, you keep my secret and this is no coincidence, let my wish come true.” Remove the box from the tree and hold it in your hand until 12 o'clock. Then hang it back, but throw it out the window.

6. Write your wish on a small piece of colored paper. Make any toy out of it. After that, tell her about yourself. And after that, place it at the very top of the tree.

7. Do a lot paper snowflakes. Write your wishes on each of them and let the guests write theirs too. After midnight, go out onto the balcony with the whole group and throw them down so that they can spin in a magical dance of desires.

8. The next way to make a wish on New Year’s is to draw it. After midnight, grab a watercolor sheet, bright paints and brushes. It is absolutely not necessary to be able to draw, the main thing is that you can imagine and schematically depict what you want.

For example, you dream of falling in love - just draw a heart pierced by an arrow; if you want the love to be mutual, then draw a double heart with one arrow; or want to decide in the coming year housing issue- draw a house.

If you want to find a couple (get married) - depict a man and a woman hand in hand, if you know the name of the desired man, sign your names and his under the figures; if you want to get married, then draw two intersecting rings;

you dream of a rich lover - you draw two naked figures almost merging into one, and next to it you depict something material - a coin, a bill, gem, car, etc. Use your imagination; any desire can be depicted on paper by finding its image.

Just avoid black. The brighter your drawing is, the more joy the fulfillment of your desire will bring you. And then there is no need to burn, mix or drink anything. Roll your drawing with a wish into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon, melt the wax and seal the scroll so that the wax gets on both the ribbon and the paper. Scratch your initials onto the still warm wax.

After this, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn that no one touches it. Let it hang on the tree for a week. On Christmas Day (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After your wish comes true, print out the scroll, circle the picture with red paint and leave it until you have a new cherished wish. Then the scroll can be burned.

And then there is no need to burn, mix or drink anything. Roll your drawing with a wish into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon, melt the wax and seal the scroll so that the wax gets on both the ribbon and the paper. Scratch your initials onto the still warm wax.
After this, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn that no one touches it. Let it hang on the tree for a week. On Christmas Day (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After your wish comes true, print out the scroll, circle the picture with red paint and leave it until you have a new cherished wish. Then the scroll can be burned.

9. You can make a wish for a new guest in the New Year. If suddenly a person you don’t know comes to you (or to the company where you will celebrate the New Year), then you can make a wish that is based on change, that is, aimed not at getting something, but to change your life path.

To do this, after midnight, seize the moment and, after making a wish, take this person by the hand. Just remember that the person should be very friendly towards you, and in general his arrival and his behavior should not foreshadow problems and troubles.

But if at first this person behaved ideally, you made a wish, and then, for no reason at all, he began to rage, behave inappropriately, break dishes or make a row, then you should not strive to fulfill your desire, since in addition to unpleasant and you won’t get anything from unnecessary trouble, or at least you should try to protect yourself from unforeseen difficulties.

Think about what could go wrong in your life if this wish comes true, and act according to the circumstances - give up what you have planned or “spread a straw.”

In a similar way, you can make a wish for a person you know if you absolutely did not expect to see him on New Year’s Eve, that is, if his visit turned out to be unplanned.

10. Write twelve of your wishes on 12 small pieces of paper. Place them under your pillow. When you wake up on the first of January, without getting out of bed, take out the first piece of paper you come across. The wish written on it will come true in the coming year.

11. Eat 12 grapes or 12 tangerine slices during the chiming clock. While chewing them, say your wish. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise you will choke.

12. If you are celebrating the New Year with your significant other, then there is an unusual and very pleasant method: make love on a festive night, and at the moment of the culmination of your intimacy, say a wish to yourself! After all, during sex there is a large release of energy, which can enhance the process of fulfilling the wish.