Which doctors look at a child at 1 month. Inspections by specialists every month

Every week, there’s a call from the clinic - come for an examination, a vaccination, or a test! This is annoying, interferes with the smooth flow of life and upsets family plans, in the end. And yet, visiting doctors “on schedule” is extremely important, because any violations in the child’s development are most easily corrected during the first two years. So that your next visit to the doctor does not turn out to be an unpleasant surprise for you, carefully study our article.

Up to 1 month

While the child is very tiny, there is no need to visit the clinic: Doctors come to your home themselves. The health visitor will check in frequently with the newborn to check on his condition, assess the rate of healing of the umbilical wound and answer parents' questions regarding the care of the baby (don't miss the opportunity to ask them!). The pediatrician will also visit the baby several times. The doctor will examine the baby to rule out congenital pathologies (heart defects or pyloric stenosis, for example), assess weight and height gain, monitor neurological development, and give advice on breastfeeding etc. Vaccinations While still in the maternity hospital, the child must receive two vaccinations: BCG. A vaccine against tuberculosis, which in young children can develop rapidly and in very severe forms. Vaccination is carried out already on the third day after birth. Hepatitis B. Fortunately, children rarely become infected with this dangerous disease (the virus is transmitted only through contact with blood). But if this does happen, the disease is incredibly difficult. That is why the first vaccination against hepatitis B is given in the very first days of life (the vaccination course includes 3 vaccinations).

1-3 months

A one-month-old baby begins to make visits to the clinic “on his own.” From now on, you need to visit the pediatrician monthly for a clinical examination. Each time, the doctor will measure the baby’s height, weight, chest and head volume, and also evaluate the baby’s skills. Your pediatrician will also give you referrals to other specialists. It is necessary that at the age of 1-2 months the child is examined:
-Neurologist. This doctor will evaluate the baby’s reflexes, muscle tone, activity, head growth rate, etc. If necessary, the doctor will give a referral for an ultrasound of the brain through the fontanel - neurosonography (NSG). Based on the results of the examination and examination, the doctor will tell you when you need to visit him next time ( healthy child Usually you are invited for an examination after 3-4 months).

Oculist. The doctor will look at the child’s eyes, evaluate his vision, rule out inflammatory diseases, and then set a date for the next visit. A healthy baby will now only need an ophthalmologist closer to 6-7 months.

ENT doctor. This specialist will evaluate the child’s hearing and rule out certain congenital disorders. If the baby is completely fine, then the next visit to the otolaryngologist can be planned for 12 months.

Orthopedic surgeon. It checks the condition of the musculoskeletal system and excludes pathologies such as congenital hip dislocation or, for example, muscular torticollis. If necessary, the surgeon will give a referral for an ultrasound of the hip joints.

Vaccinations A month-old baby needs to receive a second vaccination against hepatitis B.

3-4 months

In addition to the pediatrician (monthly), the child will be examined again by a neurologist and, possibly, an orthopedist. Besides, pediatrician will give you directions to general analysis blood and urine - they must be donated before going for vaccinations (test results are valid for 2 weeks). DTP vaccinations. This is a vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (there are many vaccines, both domestic and foreign). Whooping cough is deadly for young children - it can cause respiratory arrest. It is probably unnecessary to talk about the danger of diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccination course involves 3 vaccinations in the first year of life and revaccination one year after the last, third, injection. Attention! Before the first vaccination, you must undergo blood and urine tests, and also obtain permission to vaccinate from a neurologist. Vaccination against polio. This viral infection can lead to disability or even death of the baby, moreover smaller child, the higher the risk of death. The vaccination course includes 3 vaccinations in the first year of life (the first two - intramuscularly, the third time - drops) and 2 revaccinations in the second year of life (drops). Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae. This bacterium is the main causative agent of otitis, bronchitis and pneumonia in children under 5 years of age. Vaccination can dramatically reduce the number of such diseases and reduce the need for antibiotics. The vaccination course includes 3 vaccinations in the first year of life and 1 revaccination in the second.

4-6 months

During this period, you will have: monthly visits to the pediatrician; examination by a neurologist (at 6 months) - the doctor will evaluate the child’s development, check his reflexes and muscle tone; appointment with an ophthalmologist (at 6 months) - to re-evaluate vision and rule out strabismus. If necessary, the six-month-old baby will be re-examined by an orthopedist and/or an ENT doctor. Vaccinations 1.5 months after the first Vaccination (that is, at 4.5 months, if the first vaccine was administered at 3 months), vaccination against: whooping cough-diphtheria-tetanus is repeated; hemophilus influenzae infection; polio (intramuscular). The third vaccination is carried out 1.5 months after the second (that is, at 6 months, if the first vaccination was given at 3 months, and the second at 4.5 months). Also at 6 months, the third and final vaccination against hepatitis B is given.

7-11 months

At this time, a healthy toddler only needs monthly examinations with a pediatrician - with the already familiar weighing, measuring growth and discussing pressing development issues (teething, continued introduction of complementary foods, etc.).

You can’t go anywhere without a pediatrician: you need to take stock of the child’s first year of life - how he grew up, what he ate, whether he was healthy, etc. In addition, you should visit:

Neurologist. The doctor will evaluate psychomotor and speech development child - how the baby moves, what he can do, what he knows, whether he can speak, etc.

Oculist. The doctor will check the child's vision and once again make sure that he does not have strabismus.

Orthopedist. A specialist will help you choose the first shoes for your baby.

Dentist. The new doctor on your list will assess the condition of your emerging teeth, give advice on how to care for them, and tell you how often you will need to come back for follow-up checkups (once every 3 months, every 6 months, or once a year, for example).


Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps. This vaccination is not given until one year of age, since protective antibodies received from the mother during intrauterine development are still “floating” in the baby’s blood. However, by 12 months they are destroyed - and the baby remains completely defenseless against viruses that cause serious diseases. The vaccination is carried out once, and revaccination will be done when the child turns 6 years old.

13-17 months

If the pediatrician examined the child at 12 months, then the next visit to this doctor will be scheduled only at 15 months. The good news is that throughout the second year of life, the pediatrician will examine the baby every 3 months. The schedule of visits remains the same: measurement of height and weight, assessment of development and consultation of the mother on all issues of interest to her.

A year and a half

Doctors At 18 months, the baby is sent for a traditional examination to a pediatrician, and also, if necessary, to one of the specialists (neurologist, ophthalmologist, etc.). It is also advisable to visit an orthopedist.


At one and a half years the first revaccination against polio (drops in the mouth) is carried out, and two months later - the second. 2 years Doctors The obligatory program includes a visit to the pediatrician to summarize the results of the child’s second year of life. The doctor will certainly give you directions for a general blood and urine test (if, of course, he has not done this before). In addition, the baby needs to be shown to a neurologist - he will evaluate the child’s psychomotor and speech development and advise what educational games should be played with him.

Newborn first examination at the clinic. Over the course of a month, your baby has grown and become stronger. He should add at least 400g. and grow about 3cm.

He focuses his gaze on a stationary object. Begins to smoothly follow a moving object. Listens to her mother's voice, begins to smile when she sees her or hears her mother's voice. lying on your stomach.

Newborn first examination in the clinic

At 1 month you will have your first visit to the children's clinic. Probably, the local nurse has already left you an invitation for an appointment, perhaps giving you directions for an ultrasound of the head, hip joints, abdominal organs and kidneys, and for audio screening.


An ultrasound of the brain is recommended for all children at 1 month in order to promptly identify abnormalities in the functioning of the child’s central nervous system. The first examination is screening. That is, it is carried out for all children. In the future, ultrasound examinations are performed for children as prescribed by a neurologist.

Ultrasound of the hip joints (also recommended for all children). Helps to identify such a serious abnormality as congenital hip dislocation and treat the child in the first year of life. If a child is diagnosed with hip dysplasia (delayed formation of the heads of the femur), the mother will be explained how to do gymnastics and massage for the child.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys can detect congenital anomalies in the development of these organs. The most common diagnoses given to children using abdominal ultrasound are: hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), splenomegaly (enlarged spleen). This may not mean anything special, but requires further ultrasound monitoring of the child. Children with this diagnosis are referred to a gastroenterologist. Those children whose kidney ultrasound shows abnormalities are referred to a nephrologist.

Audio screening - an examination of your baby's hearing is carried out in the maternity hospital. But, if for some reason it was not carried out in the maternity hospital, or your child has a questionable result, you will be offered to examine the child at the clinic.

It will be more convenient for you and your baby to undergo ultrasound and audio screening before visiting the doctors. So that they can evaluate the results of the examination.

What to take with you to the clinic?

Two diapers. One is on the changing table. The other is on the scales. Sanitary napkins, a rattle, a pacifier (if your child is used to it), a spare diaper, and a bottle of water in the summer.

Examination results (ultrasound, audio screening).

And, of course, a notebook with your questions. It would be a good idea to write down the doctor's recommendations and your child's characteristics there. You will end up with something like your mother's diary.

Newborn first examination in the clinic examinations by doctors

At the clinic you will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.

You need to make an appointment with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and surgeon in advance.

  • Oculist identifies congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts. The most common is congenital dacryocystitis. Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct and inflammation of the lacrimal sac. And also conjunctivitis. If necessary, prescribes treatment. The ophthalmologist also reveals changes in the fundus, which also reflects the condition of the central nervous system child. A neurologist will definitely pay attention to this.
  • Neurologist will examine the child, check reflexes, measure the circumference of the head and chest. Evaluate the results of ultrasound of the head and fundus examination. And, if necessary, prescribe treatment for your child.
  • Surgeon will check if the child has hernias, and will examine the external genitalia of boys. He will give his recommendations.
  • Orthopedist will check the condition of the musculoskeletal system to exclude congenital diseases. For example, clubfoot, hip dislocation. This is where ultrasound results are needed.

Pediatrician examination

At the pediatrician's appointment, the child will be weighed and his height will be measured. The doctor will examine him, evaluate his physical and neuropsychic development, and give recommendations.

Typically, from the age of 1 month, all children are prescribed vitamin D in a dose of 500 IU - 1 drop of solution. Nowadays vitamin D3 (water-soluble) is used once a day to prevent rickets. The doctor will definitely tell you about this. Your child may need a different dose. Or for some reason you don’t need vitamin D. You will also learn about this at your appointment.

If everything is fine with your child, the pediatrician will refer you for a vaccination against viral hepatitis B. This is the second hepatitis vaccination for your child. The first one was done in the maternity hospital, on the first day after birth. There were no reactions to this vaccination during my practice. I place instructions for one of the vaccines under the heading “Vaccines.” This vaccination must be included in the vaccination certificate. You will probably be given a referral for your next appointment.

The next time you will be examined at the clinic is at 2 months.

It is important to prevent the disease, so people should undergo regular preventive examinations. A commission of doctors determines the state of health and makes specific recommendations regarding the treatment of identified diseases. Every adult must undergo medical examinations once a year, and for small children this period is reduced - doctors must examine the baby from the first year of life monthly.

For physiological births that take place without complications, the newborn is discharged on the 3-5th day. Before sending the happy mother and newborn baby home, doctors examine him and assess his state of health, give recommendations regarding feeding and prepare documents for the clinic. With these documents, the mother must get a child’s card for the baby so that once a month doctors entered data about the little patient’s health there.

A child’s first meeting with a local doctor usually occurs at home. The pediatrician and visiting nurse visit the newborn the day after discharge from the hospital. If new parents have any questions, they should definitely ask their local doctor. During the first visit, the doctor carefully examines the baby, listens to his lungs, measures his heart rate, and examines him for allergic reactions and diaper rash. Then he gives recommendations for caring for the baby and enters all the data in a notebook, which will serve as his medical record in the first years of the baby’s life. The next examination is scheduled for the day when the baby turns one month old.

As a rule, in the first month, mother and baby already come to the clinic at their place of residence. A separate day is provided for carrying out preventive examinations of healthy children in medical institutions. This is done in order to minimize the likelihood of healthy babies coming into contact with sick people. It is on this day that you need to come to the clinic with your child.

Each appointment will be identical.: the doctor examines the baby, checks his throat, lymph nodes, measures weight and height. After this, if the mother has questions, the pediatrician consults her and gives advice on caring for the toddler. From time to time, doctors recommend that the baby undergo a medical examination in order to prevent the development of any abnormalities in time.

So, for example, a child is recommended to undergo a medical commission every month, where an ENT specialist, an orthopedist, a neurologist and a therapist give their opinions on the development of the baby. In particular, the otolaryngologist checks the baby’s respiratory and hearing organs to be sure that there are no abnormalities in the development of the newborn. The neurologist gives his assessment of the baby’s health, and it is very advisable that the parents of all children do not neglect an examination by this doctor. As for the orthopedist, only this doctor can identify in time possible problems with legs (clubfoot, flat feet, etc.) and help parents quickly cure the baby from the disease. The therapist, like the pediatrician, makes a general conclusion about the health of the little patient; if necessary, he prescribes procedures and additional examinations (tests, ultrasound, etc.).

So the baby’s 1 month commission is a very important and responsible step, allowing parents to control the development of their baby and monitor his health.

Immediately after the baby is born, he is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. All children need this. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the baby’s reflexes and skills. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that the baby will be monitored over the next few years. Many mothers are concerned about the question of which doctors their newborns undergo at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is made.

This article will tell you about how a medical examination occurs in the first month. Which doctors to see will be described below. You will also learn the main nuances of such medical procedures.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The visiting nurse always tells you which doctors to go to. Before going to the clinic, your baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, a nurse visits. She is the one who talks about the need to see certain doctors.

It is worth noting that both health workers must examine the child. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart. The nurse examines the baby’s skin, reflexes and skills. In addition, patronage notes the living conditions in which the child lives. If new parents have any questions, doctors always answer them and help with advice.

What doctors should you see in 1 month?

So, your baby is five weeks old. It's time to see some specialists. First, you should visit a pediatrician or see a nurse. She will write you the necessary directions for examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of receiving them in advance.

Which doctors need to be seen at 1 month depends entirely on your baby. For a healthy child, this will be a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and a pediatrician. You will also have to get tested and visit the vaccination office. When a baby has congenital pathologies, the list of specialists may expand. Let's try to figure out how a child goes through the first month of life.

Surgical office

What doctors are examined in 1 month? One of the first on the list of specialists is a surgeon. The doctor always examines an undressed child. That is why you need to take a diaper with you to your consultation.

The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After this, the surgeon probes the baby’s lymph nodes armpits, in the groin area, on the neck and back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Next, the stomach is palpated. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted on the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


What doctors are examined in 1 month? The child must be shown to an orthopedist. The doctor also prescribes it for all children. Depending on the work of the clinic, the diagnosis can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor’s appointment with the results of the study.

An orthopedist examines the baby's legs and pelvis. The limbs must be the same length. The feet are also assessed in posing. However, at this age they do not focus on this indicator. An examination by an orthopedic surgeon is necessary to rule out hip dysplasia. This pathology is often found in newborn babies.

Neurological office

What doctors do you see in 1 month? Not the last place on this list is occupied by a neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need a head scan, which is called neurosonography. This test allows you to evaluate blood flow to the brain and note possible pathologies.

Neurologist evaluates motor activity baby. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a unique treatment for children. Some kids really need it. Do not refuse correction, because lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.


What other doctors are examined in 1 month? An ophthalmologist is on the mandatory list. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his vision. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies develop problems with their eyes after birth. Pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on occur. It is these diseases that the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccination room and first vaccine in the clinic

If your child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then another one should be given in one month. This is a hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this purpose, the shin is predominantly chosen.

Remember that before vaccination you must visit your pediatrician and get permission. The doctor must measure the baby’s temperature, examine his throat and listen to his lungs. Vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What other specialists do you need to see with a one-month-old baby? All children need to have their ears checked. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is directed into the baby’s ear and receives reflection from the eardrum. This device makes it possible to detect deafness in a baby in the first month of life.

Also, at one month the baby needs to do ultrasound examination abdominal cavity. It will allow you to evaluate the functioning of organs and exclude possible pathologies. Diagnosis is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. Before the examination, you should not feed the child for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result obtained will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at one month of age. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the baby needs to be washed before collecting the material. Use a urine bag for convenience. Blood can also be donated after meals. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted mixture.

Summing up

You now know which doctors you need to see with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and begin their correction as early as possible. Never refuse to go to the children's clinic. Get tested regularly and follow the recommendations you receive. Also try to adhere to the established vaccination dates. This approach will help you avoid health problems for your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and proper development!