Which doctors look at a child at 1 month. Newborn first examination in the clinic

So, your baby has lived in this world for a whole month. This is cool! However, if in the first couple of weeks your local pediatrician spoiled you with frequent visits, now you will have to visit the children's clinic on your own. On the one hand, of course, children's specialists are able to professionally detect and promptly eliminate emerging health problems for the baby. On the other hand, these are wild queues on infant days (at least in big cities), the cry of a baby who is constantly touched by some unfamiliar uncles and aunts. What doctors should you see in 1 month? I'm telling you from personal experience.

When the first month of our baby’s life passed, we had to get ready to go to the children’s clinic. And although clinics personally cause me an attack of depression, there was nowhere to go. Let's go.

We didn’t take the stroller because our baby still has trouble falling asleep anywhere other than his mother’s and father’s arms. And if so, then there was no point in it. Only unnecessary problems when you hold a child in your arms and the stroller moves forward along a sloping street. Very funny, probably, from the outside.

It turned out that most parents brought their children in strollers. The entire ramp is lined up, probably nothing is missing.

The first doctor you need to visit is your local pediatrician. The baby is measured (height, chest circumference, head circumference) and weighed. They give directions for a blood and urine test for the baby. And they are referred to the following specialists: an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor), an orthopedist, and they also do an ultrasound ( ultrasound examination) hip joint.

While taking blood from a baby’s finger is, in general, not a problem (it’s just painful and the baby won’t cry for long), it seemed almost impossible to do a test with urine. Indeed, no matter how much the wife caught urine, she was unable to do this. There are only two ways out here: either spend some time collecting some urine for analysis by simply substituting a jar, or look in pharmacies for special jars for babies with urinals. They are available for both boys and girls. They are attached, and when the material is collected, they are detached.

An ophthalmologist performs rather complex manipulations with the eyelids of children. He unscrews them and looks for various infections. Our vision was not checked. Perhaps just for us. Drops and ointment were prescribed.

We got to the cardiologist casually while we were standing in line to see the ophthalmologist. (For some reason, it is the ophthalmologist who collects the most numerous queues at the door.) The cardiologist does a short examination of the baby, and the main examination is to be done at 6 months.

A neurologist, by the way, can also compete with an ophthalmologist for the title of the most desirable doctors for examination. At least this is evidenced by the number of children and parents waiting for admission. Although, they say, nothing much happens in the office. They ask how the baby sleeps, if there are any problems, and that’s it. We didn't go to the neurologist. Not because they didn’t want to, but simply because they didn’t have time to finish the appointment.

The surgeon looks for problems in the genitourinary area, the ENT examines the ear, nose and throat, and the orthopedist examines the legs. Our child has slightly crooked shins. We were worried, but the orthopedist said that this happens in newborns, and then they should straighten up. We'll wait.

As soon as a child is born, he is immediately subjected to a thorough examination. Doctors are checking him physical condition, breathing, measure the size of the fontanelles, examine the abdomen, listen to the heartbeat, evaluate the Apgar scale, measure head circumference, weight, body length. In the following months, almost all of these procedures will be performed by the local pediatrician, and he should also say which doctors are undergoing in 1 month.

Until the child turns one year old, the mother will have to visit an institution such as a children's clinic every month. The pediatrician will carry out all the necessary manipulations, measure, examine, give vaccinations and issue referrals to other specialists who need to be visited.

First visit to the doctor

Is your baby 1 month old? The time has come to go to the clinic on your own, since the nurse who previously visited the baby will no longer come to the house without a call.

It is better to prepare in advance for your first visit to the clinic. Typically, a medical examination of infants is carried out on “Day healthy child“, there are even medical institutions where there is a special “Healthy Child Room” intended for routine examinations. This is designed so that healthy children do not come into contact with sick ones.

It is better to know in advance which doctors are examined in 1 month. Usually this is a neurologist, surgeon, cardiologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and hip joint will also be required.

Upon arrival at the clinic, the mother will be offered to give the child a second vaccination against hepatitis B. If the baby has a cough or runny nose, be sure to tell the doctor about this and postpone the procedure until he recovers - sick children are not given revaccinations!

At the pediatrician's appointment

First of all, the child’s height is measured and weighed. As a rule, babies gain from 400 to 800 grams in the first 4 weeks of life and grow by about two centimeters. The doctor will also assess the general condition of the child, his skin and fontanel. Be prepared to be asked about your baby's behavior and feeding. If the son or daughter is on artificial feeding, it is advisable to take a pacifier and a bottle of freshly prepared formula or water with you to your appointment. Remember that when visiting the doctor, it is important to dress your child correctly so that it is not difficult to undress him; do not forget to take with you a clean diaper, a spare diaper and sanitary napkins. Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have during your visit. You can also make a small list at home so you don’t miss anything.

If everything is fine with the child and he is developing as a normal baby should at this age, 1 month is the right time for a planned round. It is the pediatrician who will tell you which doctors are examined in 1 month and will give directions for examinations and routine tests (OAC and OAM).

Blood test (BAC)

It is recommended that children donate blood to prevent anemia and identify inflammatory processes. At this age, this test does not require special preparation, but it is advisable to undergo the procedure before feeding so that the baby’s stomach is as empty as possible.

If a child is diagnosed with jaundice, the doctor may additionally recommend a blood test for bilirubin. The level of this substance reflects the functioning of enzyme systems and the liver; in addition, a high level of bilirubin is observed with atresia of the bile duct.

Urinalysis (UAM)

Nowadays, pharmacies offer a wide selection of special urinals that make the process of collecting urine much easier. The sterile device is attached to the child's genitals, and after filling, the contents are poured into a sterile container. The main thing is to wash the baby well before collecting the material. The portion of urine can be any; it is not necessary to use only the morning one.

Pediatric neurologist

Treats and diagnoses diseases of the central nervous system. During the examination, he tests muscle strength, coordination, sensitivity and reflexes. If necessary, the neurologist can refer the baby for an ultrasound of the head, electroencephalography and MRI.

If your baby is diagnosed with increased or decreased tone, do not be upset; this deviation from the norm is often found in infants. After several courses of special massage, which will be prescribed by a specialist, everything will return to normal.


A specialist who examines a child for dysplasia. Orthopedist is considered a very important doctor in the list telling what are the required doctors in 1 month. After all, if there is a pathology in the hip joint, it is very important to identify them as early as possible, before the baby starts walking. If the doctor diagnoses the disease in time and carries out the correct treatment: massage, gymnastics, specific swaddling, a course of manual therapy, the use of special devices, then in the future the child will not have problems with motor activity.

In addition, the orthopedist checks to see if the child has a hernia, torticollis, or congenital dislocations. These problems are common in infants and also need to be corrected.


A medical examination at 1 month involves a visit to an otolaryngologist (ENT). At the appointment, the baby will undergo the first otoacoustic test in his life. Using a special ultrasound device, the doctor will check the child’s hearing. The tool allows you to detect deafness in children from the age of one month.


The child met with this specialist while still in the maternity hospital. There, an ophthalmologist checked for possible congenital anomalies. But even if no abnormalities were found at birth, subsequent examinations by an ophthalmologist will not be unnecessary for the child. At one month, the doctor will examine the fundus of the eye and determine the child’s tendency to strabismus.

Additional examinations

If you ask your friends who became mothers before you what kind of doctors they undergo at 1 month, many of them will say that they did neurosonography and ECG for their children.

An electrocardiogram is done to detect heart disease. Brain ultrasound (BSG) is usually recommended for premature infants or those with an insufficiently high Apgar score. The study allows us to identify possible hemorrhages, pathologies in brain development, and hydrocephalus.

Of course, at the first visit to the doctor, the young mother and baby experience a little stress. Don't worry, all these procedures are necessary for the child to remain healthy and develop correctly.

Calm and positive attitude, which the mother will keep in the hospital, will help the baby stay calm and not be scared at the sight of a man in a white coat!

You should monitor every stage of development of your heir so as not to miss possible deviations. Only a pediatrician can assess the condition of a small organism, so it is very important to come to appointments and take all necessary tests on time.

In the first month of life, a newborn needs regular medical supervision: it is during this period that possible disorders can be identified and eliminated.

The very next day after discharge from the maternity hospital, the local pediatrician and visiting nurse visit the child for the first examination. In the future, approximately three more such visits are planned during the first month. During the medical examination, the baby's weight and height, head circumference are measured, and weight gain is analyzed.

The doctor also tests hearing, vision, and examines blood and urine tests for congenital abnormalities. They are done in the maternity hospital and transferred to the local doctor.

First medical examination

The young mother should visit the following doctors at the children's clinic before the end of the month:

  1. Neurologist who will check innate reflexes and determine whether there is increased or decreased tone. If this condition is detected, the neurologist prescribes a therapeutic massage.
  2. Otolaryngologist. The baby will undergo an otoacoustic test, which indicates the condition of his hearing. The doctor will also check your nasal breathing.
  3. Ophthalmologist. This doctor examines the vision and condition of the child’s fundus for the first time in the maternity hospital. In the first month, the child is checked for a tendency to strabismus.
  4. Orthopedic surgeon. This is necessary to identify pathology of the hip joint - dysplasia. The earlier it is detected using visual examination and ultrasound, the faster it is cured with the help of massage, a special spacer and special swaddling.
  5. The orthopedist also checks for a common disorder, torticollis, which can also be cured quite easily.

The local pediatrician will definitely refer the baby to a cardiologist, who will ECG. Many babies have heart murmurs, but not all of them are dangerous. Most go away with time, but it also happens differently. Early diagnosis of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is vital. Neurosonography will not be superfluous - NSG. This is an ultrasound of the brain. Both procedures are completely painless, and most babies simply do not notice them.

Hardware examinations are especially important for premature babies, as well as in cases of complicated births, low child Apgar scores, and tone disorders. Until the child’s fontanel closes, possible deviations are identified and treated quite simply.

Infants are also sent for an ultrasound of the hip joints to exclude or confirm dysplasia.

This is a list of the main specialists for the first medical examination of the baby. Depending on its results, the local pediatrician will give referrals to other doctors, if necessary, and will also determine the further frequency of visits to the children's clinic.

A medical examination of a child at the age of one month is a routine diagnostic event that allows for a thorough assessment of health and a prognosis for future life. It is well known that many diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time and first appear only at the stage of complications. However, this can be avoided if the pathology is diagnosed in time and correction is carried out.

Medical examinations are carried out by doctors of various specialties. In addition to an objective examination (examination, palpation and auscultation), additional diagnostic methods are also indicated - ultrasound, electrocardiography. But so that parents do not get confused in this diagnostic diversity, the local pediatrician organizes a routine medical examination. The doctor tells you which doctors newborns see every month and what examinations are necessary, and also gives appropriate directions.

“Based on the results of a medical examination at one month of age, the pediatrician determines whether the child has any contraindications to vaccinations, so that routine vaccination goes smoothly and without complications.”

Which doctors does a newborn visit?

The list of doctors that a child needs to see per month is determined by the relevant order of the Ministry of Health. Consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and orthopedist is mandatory. These specialists will assess the condition of all organs and determine the correct development. Sometimes the baby may be referred to other doctors not included in this list in order to conduct a more targeted and highly specialized diagnosis.


In the first year of life, the child’s brain and spinal cord develop very actively, controlling the functioning of all organs and systems, as well as determining the correct formation of life skills, such as sitting, walking, speaking and others. However, modern life with its unfavorable factors, which can negatively affect the baby in the womb and can lead to various abnormalities. Therefore, the neurologist evaluates the characteristics of the neuropsychic and physical development a newborn at one month of age. To do this, the doctor determines:

  • muscle tone on the upper and lower extremities of the right and left half of the body;
  • tendon;
  • reaction to the examination.

Previously, it was believed that a consultation with a neurologist should necessarily be supplemented with neurosonography - an ultrasound examination of the brain through open fontanelles. However, now this approach is fundamentally considered incorrect, as it leads to false diagnosis of non-existent pathologies. Therefore, neurosonography, like any additional method, is prescribed only after an objective examination if any deviations from the norm are detected.

“Modern medicine has proven that neurosonography cannot be a screening method, that is, a method prescribed to all children without exception, which allows assessing the condition of nervous system. An examination is indicated only if the doctor suspects a disorder based on an objective neurological examination.”


The list of which doctors a newborn needs to see per month must include an ophthalmologist. This is a truly reasonable consultation, since the organ of vision immediately after birth is in a state of dynamic development. All babies are born with farsightedness, that is, they see objects that are at a great distance well, and those that are close are blurred. In addition, some ophthalmological diseases can develop in utero. This primarily applies to congenital and glaucoma. And, as you know, the earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis.

An examination by an ophthalmologist includes:

  • examination of the fundus to exclude increased intraocular pressure and inflammatory processes;
  • visual assessment of the tear ducts. In children, their blockage often occurs, leading to tearing. For treatment, a special massage is sufficient, which the doctor will teach the parents.

“Don’t be alarmed if you notice that your baby’s one eye is crossed. Such strabismus is a physiological norm up to 3 months of age and is associated with unequal development of antagonistic oculomotor muscles. It usually goes away after three months. If the strabismus persists, the ophthalmologist will prescribe special eye exercises.”


The purpose of an otolaryngological examination at one month of age is to assess hearing. Using a special device, the doctor produces sound alternately from the right and left ears. If the child hears well, then the baby turns in the direction where the sound sounded.

An examination of the nose, paranasal sinuses and throat is not carried out in one month, since the data obtained is not informative. This assessment is indicated at an older age - during a routine examination at one year of age.


The surgeon conducts a visual examination of the child and palpation. Surgical objective examination allows us to identify the following pathologies:

  • hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor on the skin;
  • inguinal or umbilical hernia, which are caused by abnormalities in the development of the peritoneum;
  • cryptorchidism - undescended testicles of one or two testicles into the scrotum;
  • phimosis is a narrowed foreskin that can interfere with urination.

“The child’s body develops intensively, so not every diagnosed pathology immediately needs surgical treatment. Usually a re-examination is carried out after a few months. If normal anatomy has not been restored, then only then is the issue of surgery, including minimally invasive methods, resolved.”


An orthopedist will assess the correct development of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the hip joint, since dysplasia is quite common in the baby. To diagnose this condition, the orthopedist bends the legs at the knees and then spreads them apart. If the folds in the inguinal folds are located symmetrically, then the diagnosis of dysplasia is excluded. If these folds are located at different distances, then to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor recommends an ultrasound scan of the hip joint. This study will evaluate the extent to which the relationship between the femoral head and the acetabulum is disturbed.

The orthopedist also evaluates the condition of the spine, clubfoot and other abnormalities in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Additional examinations

In addition to medical examinations, the child must undergo tests. Typically this is general analysis blood and urine. Additional examinations and procedures are also prescribed.


At the age of one month, the newborn receives only a second booster vaccination against hepatitis B. The last vaccination against this infection is carried out at three months.

Before the vaccine is administered, the baby must be examined by a pediatrician to identify potential contraindications, which include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • colds;
  • allergic reaction;
  • intestinal infection.

“For several days after vaccination, it is important that a nursing mother does not introduce new foods into her diet that could increase the burden on her body. immune system child."


Electrocardiography determines the nature of the heart rhythm, which can change in some myocardial diseases and heart defects. If the ECG data reveals any abnormalities, the child is sent for an ultrasound examination with Doppler measurements. For such children, consultation with a cardiologist is recommended.

Ultrasound examination

Usually, in the first month of a baby’s life, an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs is recommended. This examination is safe and allows you to look “inside” the body using ultrasound. Ultrasound evaluates the condition of the kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder.

The attending doctor will tell you which doctors the baby needs to see in the first month. To do this, it is enough to come to a specialist for an appointment at one month of age. Children's doctor will inform you in which clinic and when routine medical examinations are carried out. This will save your time and make the diagnosis more comfortable for your baby.

Which doctor should I start with for a medical examination in the first month of a child’s life?

To understand which doctors a newborn needs to see, as well as what tests are recommended, you need to make an appointment with a pediatrician. The doctor will give referrals to specialists, prescribe examinations, and draw up a conclusion based on the results of the medical examination.

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The waiting period for a child is very long for parents and close relatives. But once the baby is born, other concerns arise. First of all, you need to go through many doctors, monitor the child’s weight, height, and development.

Who should monitor the health of newborns?

From the first days of life, doctors monitor the baby’s health, and as soon as the child turns 1 month old, parents need to go with the newborn to the children’s clinic at their place of residence. When you first visit the clinic, you need to see several doctors, a list of whom will be posted in the lobby of the medical institution. This visit is mandatory for all newborns who are over 1 month old, so you should prepare for it carefully.

What to consider when preparing

As soon as the newborn turns 1 month old, parents need to find out what day the children's hospital is scheduled to receive babies. This day is called “infant day”. Thanks to this, in order to go through the mandatory doctors, you will not have to stand in a huge queue, since doctors will only see babies who are under 1 year old. There is no need to go to an appointment if the newborn is not healthy, in which case the visit should be rescheduled, and if necessary, call medical workers by phone to your home.

Clothes for the baby should be chosen that can be easily removed or unbuttoned. Therefore, you should not wear sweaters or sweatshirts that will have to be taken off over your head. A breastfeeding mother should also choose comfortable clothing so that she can easily breastfeed her baby if necessary. You need to feed a newborn not only at the appointed time, but also if the child is afraid of the doctors or simply begins to be capricious.

If you have a sling, it is better to use it to transport the baby instead of a stroller. After all, the stroller will be left unattended for some time, and no one is responsible for its safety. When visiting the clinic, it is advisable for the mother to take with her a so-called support group, which can be:

  1. Spouse.
  2. Sister or friend.
  3. Grandmother of a newborn.

After all, the list of doctors is quite large, so the mother may need to leave for a good reason, and the baby’s family will remain with the baby at this time so that he feels completely safe.

What things will be useful for a child in the clinic in 2018-2019

You definitely need to take some things with you to the clinic, but you shouldn’t pack large bags for visiting doctors. The following things should be on hand:

  • 2-3 diapers;
  • 2-3 small baby diapers;
  • moistened wipes;
  • favorite toy;
  • 2 baby bottles: 1 with water, and 2 with baby food, if the newborn is not fed breast milk at 1 month;
  • We should not forget about the pacifier if the baby feels more relaxed with it.

Of course, these things may not be useful, but parents will still be able to feel much calmer if everything they need is at hand.

Which doctors should you see on your first visit to a medical institution?

If the baby is completely healthy, all the necessary things for him have been collected, and he is 1 month old, you can safely go to a children's medical institution. But it’s better to know in advance which doctors you should see in the hospital. The list of doctors is as follows:

  1. Pediatrician who works in the neonatal area.
  2. A neuropathologist who monitors the development of the nervous system of infants.
  3. Pediatric surgeon.
  4. Orthopedist, ENT and ophthalmologist.

It may happen that at 1 month the baby will be scheduled to visit a urologist if, during examination, undescended testicles are noticed in boys.

Children's therapist

First of all, you need to go to the pediatrician’s office, who treats all children in the area where the child is registered. During the examination, the pediatrician will do the following:

  • weigh the baby and measure its height;
  • measure circumference chest and heads;
  • evaluate general development baby at 1 month, while comparing the obtained indicators with those that were at discharge from the maternity hospital.

In addition, the doctor will listen to the newborn’s heartbeat and lungs, massage the abdominal area and examine the oral cavity. During the examination, parents can ask the doctor any questions about their child's health. After all the planned examinations that the doctor needs to conduct, the doctor will give an opinion on the condition and determine a certain health group for the 1-month-old child.

Examination by a neurologist

If you are wondering which doctors should see a newborn, then a neurologist is definitely included. During the examination, the doctor will evaluate the following:

  • development of the nervous system of a 1 month old baby;
  • how his muscle tone in his limbs works;
  • what condition is the children's fontanelle in?

Parents need to be told how the baby behaves, how long he sleeps and stays awake, how he eats and what skills he already has.

What should the surgeon examine?

When visiting a pediatric surgeon, the doctor will examine the entire body of the newborn, carefully palpating the abdominal area, as well as the rings around the baby’s navel.

Visit to an orthopedist

When visiting an orthopedist, an examination will be performed to see how the baby's muscular and skeletal system is developing at 1 month of life. The doctor will evaluate how much the newborn can spread his legs, whether the folds on the limbs are symmetrical, and how the hip part of the body develops.

Visit to an ENT and ophthalmologist

Visits to these doctors are required for infants 1 month old if they were born prematurely. But in any case, an examination by these doctors will not be superfluous for any child.