How to make face cream at home. Nourishing face cream Select cream according to age

The correct choice of face cream at different ages directly affects the condition of a woman’s skin. Let us further consider some features of the correct selection of cosmetics that can provide, if not eternal, but long-lasting visual youth.

Features of skin care at 25 years old

It should be noted that the first skin treatments should begin at the age of 25. Perhaps, during this period, visible age-related changes are not yet so noticeable, but they are moving into an active phase in the internal part of the body. It is at the age of 25 that a girl’s skin gradually loses moisture, as a result of which the first wrinkles begin to form and age spots appear. It is during this period that you should select cosmetics with an action aimed at replenishing the supply of moisture that is depleted in the epidermis.

For girls in this age group, modern cosmetologists have prepared special care that must be carried out every day. You should pay attention to the fact that, starting in years, it is advisable to completely avoid applying soap to the face. Also at this age it is necessary to regularly use facial milk, sunscreen and nourishing oils.

At 25 years old, you need to include in your comprehensive care products such as scrubs, peels and masks, as well as some moisturizing oils.

Choosing a cream at 25 years old

Don’t know how to choose the right face cream at 25 years old? First of all, it is necessary to specifically determine what properties it should have.

A product recommended for use by girls over 25 years of age must necessarily perform protective functions, reliably protecting the upper layer of the epidermis from sunlight, as well as exposure to frost and wind. That is why for the summer period it is important to choose products containing components from ultraviolet radiation, and for the winter - with warming substances and vitamin complexes.

Another important indicator of a cream suitable for a given age is its ability to retain moisture. This is what prevents moisture from drying out in the skin area. Nutrition is another important function of a cream for young skin; it needs to replenish its vitamin supply.

How to choose the right face cream? It is imperative to pay attention to the extent to which the components included in its composition are able to control the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is at this age, due to some changes in the layers of the epidermis, that the skin often becomes oilier or, conversely, dry. This problem should be eliminated with the help of cosmetics. The cleansing qualities of the product are also of no small importance.

The best means

How to choose the right face cream? Each woman can carry out this process independently: consult with a personal cosmetologist or use one of the means tested by time and people. Let us further consider the list of the most popular cosmetic products, which professional cosmetologists often recommend to their clients.

Among the most effective products is the “Glow of Youth” cream (Garnier), which has pronounced protective properties. The action of the cream is aimed at smoothing out the first age wrinkles, as well as nourishing the skin. It should be used during the day and applied only to a well cleansed face.

L'Oreal creams not only protect the skin, but also make it less susceptible to stress. They also very quickly relieve any irritation that may appear due to dehydration or chapping of the skin.

Clean Line creams also have an excellent effect on facial skin after 25 years. These products perfectly stimulate the production of collagen, which allows you to maintain the skin in good shape for a long period.

Vichy creams help fight skin fatigue, which becomes very noticeable after the age of 25. The products contain thermal waters, aquabioril, and hyaluronic acid. It is thanks to the active action of the components in question that the active production of collagen is carried out, which contributes to a longer maintenance of the state of youth and freshness of the skin.

Choosing a cream at 30 years old

Don’t know how to choose the right face cream at 30? Advice from cosmetologists will help you figure this out. During the period under review, a woman’s skin becomes duller, which is especially evident in the fair sex who smoke. Moreover, wrinkles in the area around the eyes become deeper and more noticeable during this period.

How to choose the right face cream at 30? In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the composition of the product. The right product, ideal for the age in question, must contain components such as glycerin, vegetable oils, wax and silicone. Ideally: along with all the elements, the cosmetic product contains hyaluronic acid. This element affects skin tone, maintaining it normal. You should also pay attention to the release date of the product. You need to understand that long-released cosmetics, and even more so expired ones, tend to cause allergic reactions.

Best products 30+

On the cosmetics market you can find a considerable number of creams that are excellent for the skin of women in the age group of 30 to 35 years. Let's consider the products that you should pay attention to when choosing a face cream according to age.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal is a cream that is produced by a French company. Its popularity in the cosmetics market is due to the fact that the action of the cream is aimed at nourishing skin cells, which is ensured thanks to the thermal water in its composition. The product with a gel consistency is quickly absorbed and does not leave any heaviness on the face. The components that make up Vichy Aqualia Thermal perfectly protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment, even during severe frosts.

When choosing a face cream, you should also pay attention to the cream from the Kora company. The manufacturer of the product is a Russian company. You can purchase this product only in pharmacies at a very reasonable cost (400 rubles). The product has a light texture, so it can be applied as a base for makeup.

Nivea Q10 Plus is another cream that demonstrates miraculous properties when applied regularly to the skin of the face. Its action is aimed at actively moisturizing the skin and eliminating wrinkles by smoothing it out. The series works great if you use the products in a comprehensive manner.

When choosing a luxury face cream, you should pay attention to this company, which does an excellent job of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, and also perfectly protects against the harmful effects of sunlight and cold.

Choosing a cream at 35 years old

Women who have crossed the 35-year-old barrier are faced with the problem of weak skin tone, which is outwardly noticeable in pronounced wrinkles. As a rule, at this age there is excessive dryness of the skin, as well as the appearance of age spots. How to choose the right face cream after 35 years? Let's look at some of the features of this process below.

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the components that it includes in its composition. The ideal option would be products that contain collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, as well as filters that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, cosmetologists recommend that all women of this age choose products whose packaging bears the “35+” mark.

Many recommendations from specialists in the field of cosmetology say that at this age women need to take comprehensive care of their facial skin. In addition to day and night cream, it must include gentle scrubs, professional cleansers, tonics and serums. It is desirable that all selected components belong to the same series and are manufactured by the same manufacturer.

The best facial products after 35

Don't know how to choose the right face cream at 35 years old? In this case, you can turn your attention to proven series. Many consumers of anti-aging cosmetics share their results and rate the products they use. Let's take a look at some of our favorites below.

Vichy 35+ cream is recommended by many cosmetologists. This product is mainly sold in pharmacies. The cream of this line is able to solve the most complex problems that may arise at the age of 35. It perfectly nourishes the skin, protects it, and also solves some problems related to its health.

How to choose the right face cream according to age? At the age of 35, you should turn your attention to creams from the Belita company. The products of this company offer excellent hydration. Thanks to certain properties of the night and day cream, moisture is perfectly retained in the skin, which prevents premature aging of the skin. Belita creams also perfectly protect the skin from exposure to UV rays.

Olay Regenerist cream is considered by cosmetologists to be an excellent remedy in the fight against wrinkles and other signs of aging. The product contains natural moisturizers, including hyaluronic acid, as well as pentapeptides and a whole complex of vitamins.

As for premium cosmetics, you should definitely pay attention to Lancome anti-aging cream. It can only be purchased through official suppliers, but the result lives up to all expectations: the product from this company has a beneficial effect on the level of hydration of the skin, enriches it with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain excellent condition. According to consumer reviews, the product significantly tightens the skin, making it look healthier and more radiant.

Choosing a cream at 40 years old

Many women who have long crossed the Balzac age line are interested in questions about how to choose the right face cream at 40 years old. Advice from cosmetologists can help resolve this issue.

An anti-aging product in the 40+ category must contain natural oils of plant origin, as well as hyaluronic acid. These elements help nourish the skin not only at the surface layer level, but also in deeper layers. For a product to have a high-quality effect, it must contain peptides, AHA acids, coenzyme Q10, beta-glucans, as well as vitamin complexes, among which E is of particular importance.

How to choose the right face cream at the age in question? In order to give preference to the most suitable product, you need to carefully study the main problems that arose at a certain moment. So, if you plan to use the product in the summer, you should pay attention to a cream that contains dimethicone, and if sagging skin is clearly visible and the appearance of the skin is slightly dull, you should give preference to those products that contain lactic acid.

Best Products

How to choose the right face cream at 40 years old? At this age, it is best to follow the advice given by cosmetologists. As a rule, they recommend proven products that have stood the test of time. Let's look at the most popular among them.

An excellent anti-aging cream option is Liftactiv from Vichy. This product contains valuable rhamnose, thermal water, and hyaluronic acid in its structure. Despite the fact that the texture of the cream is quite thick, it is very easily absorbed into the skin and does not leave a filmy feeling after application. The action of the cream is aimed at maintaining the elasticity of the skin, as well as maintaining the shape of the oval face.

The frequently recommended Skin Doctors cream contains a large complex of useful components, including squalane, matrixyl, vegetable oils (castor, shea), plant stem cells, and hyaluronic acid. The product is perfectly distributed over the entire surface of the facial skin, is perfectly absorbed and maintains the elasticity of the skin. Special attention should be paid to the nutritional properties that the cream has: after regular use of this cosmetics, the skin becomes soft, silky and enriched with vitamins.

Olay "Face MicroSculptor" cream allows women to return their skin to the condition it had several years ago. The product in this series includes aloe vera, green tea extract, carnosine with elastin, allantoin, as well as a whole complex of vitamins. The product perfectly smoothes out even the deepest wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face and returns the skin to its former elasticity. Practice shows that positive results from use are visible within just a couple of months.

How to choose the right face cream for your age? Many experts claim that Isofill from Uriage is a panacea for all problems associated with age-related changes. The cream of this line contains substances that stimulate the production of collagen, thereby restoring the skin’s former elasticity. Substances that clog pores are completely excluded from the composition of the product, which allows cells to receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

How to choose the right foundation for your face?

It is no secret that many representatives of the fair sex prefer to use it as a cosmetic. Applying it almost every day, some women do not even suspect that this product has destructive properties for the skin. How to choose the right foundation for your face so that it has only a positive effect? Let's look at this in more detail below.

When choosing this cosmetic product, you first need to decide on your own skin type. If it is oily, then you should give preference to products with a liquid texture and fluids. Ideally, they should have a matting effect. The finish for them should be powdery. If we are talking about dry skin, then an oily product is ideal for it, the effect of which will be aimed at nourishing and moisturizing. If a foundation needs to be selected for normal skin type, then the ideal products will be those that have a light or dense consistency. It is desirable that the cream contains a large number of nutritional supplements.

How to choose the right face cream depending on the age characteristics of the skin? In the case of mature epidermis, preference should be given to fluids that have a light texture. If your skin is young, then it is advisable to choose a classic version.

At any age, when choosing a foundation, a woman should carefully study the composition of the product. The right facial cosmetics will contain a large amount of vitamins, moisturizing complexes, and minerals. Only a cream that contains these elements will not harm the skin. On the contrary, it will make it healthier and more radiant, and also enrich it with vitamins and beneficial components.

Which manufacturers should you give preference to when choosing a foundation? These include Max Factor, L'Oreal. Estee Lauder, Clinique, as well as Lancome and Dior.

Nourishing face cream is one of the important components of facial skin care. Taking care of your appearance is important at any age. Even young skin requires additional nutrition with special ingredients included in cosmetic creams. However, you should not thoughtlessly buy these products - an incorrectly selected drug can cause harm.

The benefits of nourishing facial cream

All nourishing creams have two main effects on the skin: they saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and also moisturize, promoting cell regeneration. In addition, each drug has a number of beneficial effects, making the skin healthier. Effects of nourishing cream on the skin:

  • Vitaminization of cells promotes their renewal, helping to heal small wounds.
  • The restorative effect can make tissues more elastic.
  • Strengthening the collagen structure of the dermis, which makes the skin elastic.
  • Normalizing water balance helps eliminate wrinkles.
  • Peeling on the skin disappears and irritation is relieved.
  • Nutrients help fight pigmentation and improve skin color.
  • Provide protection from negative environmental influences (ultraviolet radiation, frost, dust).

In other words, nourishing creams are excellent products that have fortified, moisturizing, and healing properties. They help not only solve problems with appearance, but are also a good preventative measure for prolonging youth.

Cream composition

Manufacturers try to choose a composition so that the cream contains only beneficial properties for the skin. However, before making a purchase, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the components included in the nutritional preparation:

  • The main food ingredients are vitaminsA, D, C, E, F.
  • Proteins are required in creams - collagen and elastin.
  • To strengthen the epithelium it is necessary hyaluronic acid.
  • Mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, zinc) necessary for cell life.
  • Helps maintain beauty hormonal component.
  • Oils (olive, sea buckthorn, etc.), fatty substances provide good protection against microbes.
  • Plant extracts cause tenderness and softness of the skin.
  • A quarter of the composition of each cream is water, so necessary for the life of cells.

Some creams that are considered nourishing also contain other ingredients that are undesirable for healthy skin - albumins, aluminum acetate or silicate. Oils should only be of plant origin and not mineral.

Contraindications for use

No matter how good the properties of nourishing creams are, they may not be suitable for every woman. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics and condition of the skin:

  • You should not use creams if you are predisposed to an allergy to any component of the cream. First, you need to conduct testing to make sure that the nutrient does not cause rashes, redness or itching of the skin.
  • People with sensitive skin should use cosmetics with great caution.

In case of serious skin problems, skin care products should be selected only after consultation with a dermatologist. After all, here you should buy not ordinary nutritional products, but those that are medicinal in nature.

Before purchasing any cosmetic product, you need to take into account not only the trendy name. Creams are selected according to your skin type, otherwise they will cause harm. Each season requires its own composition of cosmetics. So, winter will protect the skin from frost, summer - from the rays of the sun. We should not forget about age categories. For a mature woman, the composition of nutritional components will be slightly different than for a young woman.

You should buy 2 jars at once - day and night cream. There are more nutritional ingredients in the product that is applied to the face in the evening, but the morning product helps to moisturize and protect. Even if all selection criteria have been taken into account, the cream can still have a negative effect if used incorrectly. Taking care of your appearance is a whole ritual:

  • The skin should first be prepared - washed with warm water, and then additionally cleansed with tonic. This will give access to the pores, which will enhance the penetration effect.
  • The cream is applied half an hour to an hour before going to bed (nighttime) or leaving the house (daytime).
  • The nourishing layer of the cream should be thin - the skin will not take more than it is capable of, but the pores will become clogged with excess and the cells will not be able to breathe. That is why, 20 minutes after applying the composition, excess cream should be removed from the face with a napkin.
  • To make the nutrition more effective, it is recommended to apply a warm compress. A terry towel is soaked in a herbal decoction and applied to the face lubricated with cream. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.
  • You should not apply the cream to areas where hair grows - above the upper lip or on the chin (some women have such signs).

How to apply cream on face

It is very important to apply the cream correctly to the face if the goal is to eliminate wrinkles. The cream can be spread on the face with a cotton swab, but it must be pre-moistened in salted water. Although it is more convenient to do the procedure by hand. To do this, the mass is first applied to the fingertips and then “hammered” into the skin. Such patting movements are a kind of acupressure that allows you to evenly apply the cream to your face. You should move alternately in the following directions:

  • from the bridge of the nose above the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye, then to the inner corner;
  • then from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, from the center of the chin to the earlobe;
  • the area around the mouth is massaged with semicircular movements;
  • on the chin, circular actions go from the right corner of the jaw to the left.

When applying cream to your face, you should not forget about your neck - here the skin ages faster. Distribute the mass with movements from top to bottom, starting from the ear towards the collarbone.

Brands and names of nourishing creams

When going to the store for a nourishing cream, and taking into account all the above recommendations, a woman will definitely turn her attention to brand names that have been around for a long time. And if you’re going to buy a trend, then only a high-quality one. Among the many cosmetic products sold, we can highlight the most valuable nourishing creams in composition and quite affordable prices:

  • France produces a lot of interesting products. "Ultracomfort 24" by Yves Rocher has a well-balanced nutritional composition.
  • Can also be offered from Vichy excellent inexpensive rejuvenator "Essentielles" also from France.
  • Cosmetics from Oriflame. A company from Sweden suggests paying attention to the cream "Macadamia".
  • Everyone knows about the healing properties of the Dead Sea, so any of the creams with the brand "Naomi" worthy of attention.
  • Cream "Himalaya herbals" based on plant components, they are produced in the United Arab Emirates, and are based on the recipes of ancient healers of India, which already speaks in favor of nutritional properties.
  • Russian cosmetologists also take care of the beauty of their compatriots. "Aevit" from Librederm- this is a complete complex of vitamins and minerals that are so beneficial to women's skin. Domestic products are famous for their nutritional value, good medicinal properties and harmlessness, since the composition is based on natural ingredients. With high quality and low cost, Russian cosmetics are the most in demand.

Video about nourishing face creams

Investing in a nourishing face cream is not a waste of money, but a concern for the health of your skin. If a woman looks beautiful and well-groomed, she will be in a good mood, which will allow her to avoid many stressful situations.

Finding, or rather choosing the right, ideal face cream is not a test for the faint of heart. Mountains of unsuitable jars on the shelf in the bathroom grow like mushrooms after rain, but the one and only one is still missing. And if you are “lucky” to have problem skin, the question “which face cream to choose” becomes especially acute.

In this post we will tell you how to find the right face cream and what to look for when choosing and purchasing.

When searching and choosing a face cream, consider 5 important parameters. It is they who, together, will give the desired result and will not let you be disappointed with the purchase.

  • Skin type.
  • A problem that needs to be solved.
  • Time of year (summer, winter).
  • Time of day (day, night).
  • Age.

Let's talk about each in more detail.

1. Skin type

Skin type is the first criterion from which you should start when choosing a face cream.

At oily, oily and problematic For skin, choose lighter textures - gels, cream-gels, emulsions, fluids and serums. Formulas without dense oils (batterers) and waxes are your option. Moreover, they can be either with or without silicones.

At dry and prone to dryness For skin, look for richer textures, with oils, waxes, lanolin, and silicones. Cream for very dry atopic the skin will often feel like an ointment or putty.

Excessive oiliness and acne

In this case, you need easy remedies oil-free (without oils) and with the inscription noncomedogenic (non-comedogenic). Of course, they do not yet guarantee 100% relief from acne, but they reduce the risk of clogged pores and new breakouts. If you use medical anti-acne products, apply them under the cream.

Sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory and mild exfoliating components, such as lactic acid, are what you need. In winter, you can use a cream with stronger acids (salicylic, glycolic) and retinoids.

What to look for on the label

Acids, vitamin A (retinol), zinc, rosemary, sage, tea tree, sulfur, niacinamide (vitamin B3), chamomile, calendula, panthenol, allantoin.

Dryness and dehydration

At dry For skin, look for rich textures with lots of oils and lipids. At dehydrated skin - emphasis on hydration.

What to look for on the label

    Humectants: hyaluronic acid, algae, aloe vera, amino acids, sorbitol, xylitol, chitosan, squalane, urea, collagen, elastin, glycerin, saccharides, lactic and malic acids.

    Lipids: cholesterol, ceramides, sphingolipids, sphingosine, lecithin.

Tired, dull skin

Your best friends are mild acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They will refresh the skin and give it radiance.

What to look for on the label

Lactic and malic acids, vitamins C, A, E, coenzyme Q10, green and red tea (rooibos).

Sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea

The simplest ingredients, soothing ingredients, absence of fragrances and dyes are what you need. Avoid large amounts of essential oils and strong preservatives.

Keep in mind that natural and organic creams are not always the best friends of an allergy sufferer. Allergies to natural components can occur just as easily as to chemical ones. Therefore, creams for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers often contain a lot of silicones and other neutral components. They may seem “empty” (not rich in active ingredients), but for allergy sufferers they are a necessity.

What to look for on the label

Soothing, anti-inflammatory components: aloe, panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol, chamomile, azulene, calendula, hyaluronic acid.

At rosacea The main emphasis is on strengthening blood vessels. Massage and components to improve microcirculation and increase the tone of the vascular walls come to the rescue.

What to look for on the label

Anti-rosacea, strengthening blood vessels components: extracts of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, algae, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamins C, A , E.

3. Time of year. Summer and winter cream

Regardless of your skin type, switch to lighter creams in the summer, and richer and denser ones in the winter.

Summer face cream

The “golden rule” of summer care is hydration and sun protection in the morning, nutrition and restoration in the evening.

Which face cream should you choose for the summer? It’s good if your summer day cream does not contain any oils or silicones. In summer, the skin begins to actively produce oil, and oils and silicones create a protective film, which can lead to clogged pores (especially if you are prone to it). In addition, rich, fatty textures are not comfortable in the heat.

In the summer, the cream can be replaced, especially for oily skin. Serums a priori have a lighter, airy texture and are very comfortable in the summer.

Choose the most moisturizing products. Humidification is always important, but especially in summer due to the scorching sun and drier air. Look on the label: amino acids, urea, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, algae, chitosan, squalane, collagen, elastin, aloe vera, glycerin.

Day cream for summer must contain SPF (preferably from 15). During pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, with any hormonal changes in the body, as well as with a tendency or presence of pigmentation, choose SPF from 30.

The sun becomes most active in the summer months, so antioxidants are a must-have summer cream. Look on the label: vitamins C, E, A, alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, copper peptides, selenium, lycopene, green tea.

Winter face cream

The “golden rule” of winter care is nutrition and protection in the morning, hydration and restoration in the evening.

The main task of a day cream in winter is intensive nutrition and protection from adverse weather conditions - wind, frost, snow, hail, rain and temperature changes. Only a healthy epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle saves us from all these troubles. Therefore, in winter, it is more important than ever to support and strengthen them. In addition, in winter, the skin produces less oil and becomes drier.

A competent winter cream has a dense, rich texture and necessarily contains oils, waxes, silicones, and lanolin. It’s very good if it contains vitamins A, E, C, K and a small SPF filter.

In winter, we focus on nutrition and protection, but we must not forget about hydration. Dry air, radiators, temperature changes between indoors and outdoors provoke dryness and dehydration. We transfer skin moisturizing to the night in winter.

Why can’t you apply a light moisturizer or, especially, a gel in the morning as day care in winter? Such products contain large quantities of water, which in cold, frosty weather freezes on the face, causing hypothermia, peeling, and skin damage. Therefore, moisturizer applied in winter before going outside does not protect it, but rather harms it.

It is important to remember that absolutely any cream contains water in one quantity or another. Therefore, apply creams 30-60 minutes before going outside - during this time the water will be absorbed.

4. Time of day. Day and night cream

Essentially, the only difference between day and night face cream is that the day one should ideally contain SPF. We don't need SPF in night cream.

Everything else - hydration, nutrition, lightness, fat content, density, saturation with active components - is variable. Depending on the season and skin type, both day and night creams can be either lightly moisturizing or richly nourishing.

Therefore, there is no need to bother. Choose a cream based on your skin's needs, not on the day/night label.

5. Age

And finally, another criterion when choosing a face cream is age.

At a young age (up to 25 years), in the absence of serious problems, a good light moisturizer with plant extracts and vitamins is quite enough. There are no superfluous vitamins. ☺

After 25 years, look for products rich in antioxidants, proteins, hyaluronic acid, algae, silicon, collagen. For prevention. ☺ These components help maintain skin moisture levels, strengthen it, prevent aging processes, delay the formation of wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance of the skin.

A cream for skin after 35 years should contain antioxidants, phyto-stem cells, retinol, peptides (for example, argireline, matrixyl), hyaluronic acid, collagen, silicon and other anti-age components.

Briefly about the main thing

When choosing a face cream, rely on 5 main parameters - skin type, problem to be solved, time of year, time of day and age.

For oily skin and in summer, choose lighter textures; for dry skin and in winter, choose richer ones. Day cream should contain SPF, night cream should not.

For problematic skin with acne, look on the label for anti-inflammatory sebum-regulating components, for dry and dehydrated skin - lipids and moisturizers, for dull skin - vitamins and antioxidants, for sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea - soothing and strengthening blood vessels.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

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By choosing the best face cream based on reviews, you can be sure that this cosmetic product will not only provide proper care, nutrition, hydration, prolong the youth of the skin, restore a radiant appearance, but will also not harm your health. In addition, reviews always mention information about the cost of the cream or the price-quality ratio, which is very helpful in determining the choice.

So that you don’t have to spend hours collecting information on customer reviews of creams, we decided to analyze their opinions ourselves and compiled a list of the best products according to consumers of different ages and with different skin types.

When choosing a facial care product, you need to focus on the information presented on the packaging - from it you can learn about the composition of the cream and its properties. In addition, it is important to consider the following characteristics of the facial product:

  • For what skin type? Each skin type needs special care, which is ensured by the content of components in cosmetic products that meet the needs.

The dry type needs increased hydration and nutrition, the oily and problematic type needs drying and disinfection, the normal type needs, depending on the season, the use of winter fatty formulations or summer hydrating ones.

  • Age limits. The needs of the dermis change over the years, which affects the properties of care products.

Until the age of 25, it is enough to use light tonics with protective functions appropriate to the time of year.

By the age of 35, the composition must include, in addition to moisturizing components, antioxidants and ultraviolet filters that prevent premature aging.

After 40 years, the dermis rapidly begins to lose moisture, its metabolic processes slow down, and the collagen framework weakens - the components must first solve these problems, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Those over 50 need to pay attention to intensive creams with a clear anti-aging lifting effect, increased content of hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin complex and peptides.

  • For what time? The gradation into day and night creams is not arbitrary; it has an explanation from the point of view of physiological and metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Based on the fact that cell regeneration is activated from the evening until 6 am, cosmetologists have developed night creams that help restore, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, and day creams with an emphasis on protecting, moisturizing the dermis, and also providing a base for daytime makeup.

A cosmetologist will tell you how to choose a face cream:

Cosmetologists most often give a positive assessment to those products that not only have a delicate effect on the skin, but also solve a specific problem. They advocate a gradual transformation of the skin through long-term use (at least 2-3 months).

Vichy products received the most positive reviews from professionals. Creams from this company, usually based on thermal water, actively fight against age-related changes in aging skin, restore turgor, and relieve problematic dermis from foci of inflammation.

The leaders are also high-quality products from the company La Roche-Posay, named after the thermal water source of the same name. This main component, enriched with selenium, a natural anti-aging agent, allows cosmetics to provide proper and effective skin care. The products from this company have a light texture, do not clog pores, and are not allergenic.

Lierac creams are not inferior in quality and demand to the previous ones; they contain extracts and extracts of natural plant components. Their high concentration in the unique formula provides skin care at a high level, having a positive effect on the condition of the dermis, improving its natural properties.

French cream effectively soothes, nourishes and heals the dermis, thanks to its unique composition, which includes:

  • thermal water – removes tightness;
  • sofrola oil – softens and nourishes;
  • bisabolol – reduces the level of inflammation, forms a protective barrier.

The product is indispensable for dermatological treatment and recovery after aggressive procedures.

“The cream has a light texture, absorbs well and does not leave a greasy film. After its use, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the dermis, due to the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands."

“After applying the cream, the skin becomes elastic, firm and moisturized. Itching, redness and inflammation also disappear, and it takes on a healthy, well-groomed appearance.”

Designed to reduce such manifestations of oily and combination skin as:

  • local inflammation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion.

Active components inhibit the growth of bacteria, eliminate irritation, and moisturize the skin.

“The cream does not contain alcohol or oily components, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and its appearance. Doesn't crease, ideal as a base for makeup"

“After using the cream, blackheads disappear, pores tighten, inflammation goes away. All components have a comprehensive effect on the skin, significantly improving its condition and restoring a healthy appearance.”

Ideal for dry skin. It contains:

  • extracts and wax of rose petals, extract of St. John's wort and rose hips;
  • shea butter and avocado.

All components help restore the skin’s hydro-lipid balance, strengthen the natural collagen framework, and stimulate the regeneration of new cells.

“The cream is ideal for mature skin; all components harmonize its structure, rejuvenate it, and protect it from dehydration. After use, the dermis becomes velvety and smooth"

“Suitable for dry, thin, sensitive skin. Nourishes well, moisturizes the dermis, returns it to its normal state"

It contains a patented peptide complex (based on pomegranate flowers and silk tree), vegetable oils and hyaluronic acid. Thick but not greasy in texture, it spreads easily and melts on the skin.

“The cream does not create a mask effect, although its texture resembles oil and is absorbed almost immediately. Moisturizes well and corrects some wrinkles"

A hypoallergenic cream based on a patented bioformula perfectly cares for the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it, and has a prolonged effect. The delicate fluid texture allows the product to quickly penetrate the dermis and maintain its healthy appearance from the inside.

“Thanks to effective moisturizing, the cream not only prevents the appearance of wrinkles, but also effectively fights them. The skin after it is smooth, soft and silky"

“Clients note a feeling of comfort on the skin, a lack of tightness, and an improvement in complexion. A good quality cream that will keep you looking healthy for a long time.”

Created on the basis of an anti-aging active formula, which consists of extracts of plants such as mantle, horsetail and ivy, and is intended for the care of normal skin at any age. Its main purpose is:

  • protection against dehydration;
  • fight against age-related manifestations;
  • creating a barrier from ultraviolet radiation.

“After short-term use, there is a reduction in wrinkles, a decrease in their depth, and an improvement in skin texture”

“Very effective as a preventative against wrinkles, moisturizes the epidermis, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin”

Universal skin creams

A universal skin toning cream enriched with valuable bioadditives.

Carrot and wheat germ oils contained in the composition help restore skin cells, normalize metabolism, and hydrolyzed collagen and elastin provide the framework of the dermis.

“The drug is perfect for restoring the dermis after fruit and retinol peels, relieves irritation, protects against environmental aggression”

“The cream contains powerful antioxidants, which makes it indispensable for eliminating age-related problems. Easily absorbed and comfortable to use"

A universal product for all skin types, it effectively fights premature skin aging and provides complete comprehensive care. Thanks to its composition, the serum:

  • will return a healthy appearance;
  • will get rid of wrinkles;
  • neutralizes the effect of free radicals;
  • will ensure cell regeneration.

“Good quality, proven manufacturer. The composition is hypoallergenic, suitable even for very sensitive skin, and works in several directions at once.”

“A universal cream, indispensable when allergic reactions occur to other products. Tested and tested on volunteers, recommended for use"

Summarizing the experience of cosmetologists, it can be noted that when choosing a cream, they advise following the following recommendations:

  • creams in a tube are much safer than in glass;
  • the composition should not contain alcohol or perfumed fragrances;
  • the content of vitamin complexes is welcome;
  • the product must be suitable for your skin type and age;
  • the ideal cream should contain a lot of water;
  • You need to use a product that has been tested.

When choosing a cream, you should not chase expensive products, the price of which depends not only on quality, but also on the brand name and the work of marketers. It is better to choose a middle ground - a good inexpensive product with a high concentration of active substances.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews of which company should buy good creams make it possible to make the right choice and avoid negative consequences and experiments on your own face. When making their own rating, buyers pay attention to quality, availability and price.

The best creams for combination and oily skin

Designed for combination and oily skin. It contains only natural ingredients: manuka oil and honey (an exotic shrub growing in New Zealand), vitamin E extracted from soybeans. The exclusive formula helps:

  • improve the protective functions of the skin;
  • localize foci of inflammation;
  • tighten and cleanse pores.

“The cream has a rather spicy smell, reminiscent of eucalyptus. The texture is pleasant, easily absorbed, non-greasy and does not clog pores. After using it, my face felt much better.”

“The cream is worthy of attention. My capricious skin accepted it immediately. The result is a smooth, even, shiny face."

Domestic night cream based on organic extracts, meets European quality standards. The phytopeptides included in the composition actively stimulate collagen synthesis, prevent the spread of inflammatory processes, nourish and moisturize the dermis.

“After using the night cream in the morning, there is no feeling of an oily pancake on your face. The skin is smooth, moisturized, dense, pores are not so noticeable"

“I perceive everything organic with special confidence. This cream did not disappoint - as expected, the face undoubtedly became better. Without excessive greasy shine, it looks very fresh the next morning.”

Good options for dry face

Suitable for very dry skin. The value of the composition is provided by essential oils of black currant and rose, thanks to them the following occurs:

  • saturation of the dermis with moisture;
  • penetration of nutrients deep into the skin;
  • improvement of appearance (freshness, radiance);
  • comfortable feeling after application.

“My favorite cream. I constantly return to it after various experiments with expensive products. Light, airy, non-sticky - perfectly moisturizes, makes the face soft and tender"

“Good results at minimal cost. It's always on sale, so you don't have to worry about running out suddenly. The skin after use is pleasant to the touch, smooth and elastic"

Ideal for mature, dry skin. It contains retinol, moisturizers and vitamins - a complex of necessary substances to prolong the youth of the skin. Thanks to its use:

  • the skin looks attractive;
  • the depth of wrinkles and their number are reduced;
  • the relief of the face is leveled.

“I received the cream as a gift and appreciated it. Delicate texture, excellent hydration and care"

“I have been enjoying this cream for 2 weeks now. Lightweight, well absorbed. Excellent as a base for makeup. I feel like my face is protected all day, it’s moisturized and has a beautiful color.”

Excellent products for normal type

Suitable for normal skin, maintains its condition at the proper level, providing a valuable arsenal of active natural ingredients. Thick in texture, it is absorbed into the skin without any residue, filling the dermis with moisture, strength, and health. Doesn't weigh down the skin and doesn't clog pores.

“I used it as a night face cream - the result is amazing. The next morning, my skin felt smoother and softer, as if nourished with vitamins.”

“In terms of the feel of the skin, the smell, the price, this is my cream. I haven’t been able to part with him for 2 months now. Yes, and I won’t. There were no special problems with the skin, but nevertheless, I feel that it has become more well-groomed and radiant."

A good cream for comprehensive skin maintenance. It has a light texture, is well absorbed, and does not leave a sticky film on the face. The thermal water included in the product makes the skin more elastic, elastic and toned. The complex composition provides nutrition and protection. As a result, the skin looks naturally young, smooth, and radiant.

“I am delighted with this cream - I am completely satisfied with it. My face happily succumbs to its action and only gets better.”

“Honestly, it didn’t have the expected effect. So, if ever as a temporary replacement. Neither bad nor good"

Universal skin creams

A popular and affordable product that focuses on triple action: nutrition, protection and radiance. The active components of the cream provide continuous support to the skin - it looks fresh, naturally radiant, dense and elastic. It can be used for any skin type and can also be used as a night cream.

« Universal cream, which can replace a bunch of unnecessary tools, saving space and money. The skin after it is simply lovely – tight, stretched and healthy.”

“Only after I started using this cream, I decided not to change it. The skin reacts well, the pleasant texture contributes to a comfortable feeling. My face looks smoother and fresher.”

Effectively restores the skin thanks to the content of jojoba oil and vitamin E. The components of the product penetrate deeply into every cell of the dermis, fill them with moisture, nourish them, and stimulate regeneration. As a result, the appearance of the skin improves significantly after just two weeks of systematic use.

“A good moisturizer and nourisher for any time of year. The budget price adds bonuses to the product"

“I’ve been friends with Nivea for a long time and I noticed that my face is in no hurry to age - it looks very young, fresh, and all this thanks to the cream”

Having studied reviews from experts and customers, it becomes clear that there are many decent facial skin care products, the main thing is to choose one that will allow you to look stunning at any age.

Incredible! Find out who is the most beautiful woman on the planet in 2019!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Mar 29 2017


To moisturize the skin, get rid of wrinkles and look attractive at any age, every woman tries to choose the perfect face cream. One that does not dry out, does not tighten, does not remain a greasy film, and is well absorbed - the selection criteria are individual for everyone. Let's look at how to choose the cream that suits you.

Types of face creams

A huge number of types of face creams both makes it easier and more difficult to choose, because to understand what suits you best, you need to try a lot of options. There are day and night products. By type of effect - for dry, combination, oily skin, moisturizing, mattifying, correcting, anti-aging. The main thing in choosing is to determine your skin type and the necessary set of procedures with the help of a cosmetologist or yourself, observing the quality and structure of the pores.


Most brands of face creams have been known for a long time. French cosmetics L’oreal and Garnier are popular in the mid-price segment. More affordable ones include the German company Nivea and the Russian brands Pure Pearl, Black Pearl, Clean Line, and the new, developing brand Libriderm. More expensive products belong to the group of medicinal cosmetics; they can be found in pharmacies and specialty stores. These are Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Avene, Lierac - mainly French brands that are more expensive, but position themselves as an exceptionally high-quality product.


There are mineral, collagen products, with hyaluronic, salicylic acid, glycerin, with natural plant components, antioxidants, white clay, oils (olive, shea, avocado). The full composition of a face cream is always printed on the packaging; you need to read and check whether there are any substances among the ingredients that may cause you an allergy.

Nourishing face cream

La Roche-Posay nourishing face cream has effective results, according to consumer reviews. Their Nutritic line is ideal for saturating, moisturizing different skin types, and can be used in combination with special topical products. If you have dry skin, cosmetics from the Toleriane series are good.

Main advantages:

  • light, delicate texture, quickly absorbed;
  • has a quick effect;
  • low consumption;
  • high cost.

Price: from 1300 to 1500 rubles per 40 ml tube. You only need to apply a small amount, so this amount can be enough for several months of daily use.

Among the cheaper products, we can highlight the Russian organic company Natura Siberica: a night or day nourishing cream for oily facial skin with an anti-aging effect. It contains natural extracts of Manchurian aralia, calendula, cornflower flowers, cloudberries, which improve skin tone, trigger regeneration processes and actively saturate cells.

  • organic composition;
  • reasonable price;
  • deep action;
  • pleasant smell.

Among the minuses there are:

  • possibility of an allergy to one of the herbal components.

Price: 400-600 rubles for nourishing cream. Volume – 50 ml.


Vichy face moisturizing cream contains hyaluronic acid and is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin. It received good reviews due to its versatility and good absorbency. Belongs to the Aqualia Termal series, contains thermal water. The price of the product is high - 1100 - 1400 rubles for a small tube of 40 ml.

Pros of the cream:

  • easily absorbed;
  • refreshes and cleanses the skin;
  • softens rough areas;
  • smoothes the face.
  • People with oily skin need to use it little by little, in moderation.

L'Oreal's moisturizing line is in good demand. It guarantees hydration, care, formation and revival of the protective layer of the dermis. Suitable for combination and normal skin, normalizes processes in cells; according to the instructions, it is best to use the product in the morning and evening. It has a favorable price - 200-300 rubles per 50 ml jar.

  • regulates sebum production without drying out the skin;
  • suitable for different ages;
  • improves complexion.
  • dense texture;

Super moisturizing

Super moisturizing face cream is suitable for dehydrated, dry skin after prolonged exposure to the sun. One of the leaders in this category is the products of the French company Yon-Ka, which contains natural essential oils and phytocomponents. This line is expensive: 2800-3200 rubles, but according to customer reviews, the result justifies the price.

Pros of Yon-Ka:

  • pleasant aroma of each cream;
  • smoothes and evens out the skin;
  • eliminates peeling, moisturizes.
  • small volume: 28 ml.

For intense hydration, they also choose the Urtekram series with aloe vera juice and a collection of natural herbs. These are Scandinavian organic cosmetics that have earned the trust of customers with their honest composition, environmental design and high quality standards. Price: 750-950 rubles.

  • action throughout the day;
  • deep effect on dry areas;
  • gentle cleansing of oily areas;
  • not very common on the market;

After 30

The characteristics of face cream after 30 years are slightly different from products for younger skin. Combating the first signs of maturity, maintaining water balance and elasticity - these are the main tasks of such cosmetics. It helps keep the skin fresh and smooth for as long as possible, giving it a radiant, youthful appearance. The Black Pearl rejuvenating serum is popular.

What are the advantages of Black Pearl?

  • deep hydration;
  • can be used together with other means;
  • affects the eyelids, forehead and other problem areas;
  • affordable price: 200-350 rubles.
  • may cause allergies: you need to check the reaction on the skin of your hand or eyelid.
  • Doesn't absorb very well on thick skin.

Among the professional medicinal cosmetics, we can highlight the Beginning of Youth line from the Algologie company. These are French products, which are distinguished by a large number of minerals, water base; it maintains the natural composition of the skin, saturates it with vitamins, and restores stem cells. The cost of the cream is 2800-3100 rubles.

Pros of the line:

  • restores firmness and elasticity;
  • specially designed for ages 30+;
  • does not dry out, does not leave greasy marks.
  • high cost;
  • effective only for 30 to 40 years.


Anti age cosmetics require special attention - they are constantly being changed, tested, and the best innovative additives are used. If the skin begins to fade, it needs to be constantly moisturized and tightened using natural products. For an anti-aging cream to have all the necessary properties, you need to try it personally and select it wisely. High positions in the ranking are occupied by the Mizon series against wrinkles and sagging.

What are its advantages?

  • adequate cost (800 – 1700 rubles for different models);
  • can moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth the skin;
  • contains natural extracts: sea minerals, cucumber, oils.
  • You can’t find it everywhere, you’ll probably have to buy it in an online store;
  • May not be suitable for sensitive skin.

L'Oreal Paris Revitalift line - promotes tightening, elasticity, and has a lifting effect. Night cream for combination skin can be used by people with different skin types; it is suitable for problem areas of the face, eyes and neck. The cost is normal - 500-800 rubles, you can order on the official website of the distributor - all models of the line are available in the catalog.

Pros of L'Oreal anti-aging:

  • night deep exposure;
  • visual tightening of flaccid areas;
  • suitable for combination skin;
  • will not cope with deep wrinkles;
  • Thick texture, best used only at night.


A budget face cream can also be good. After all, the skin only needs good hydration, a complex of vitamins and a water composition, and not expensive extracts and substances. The ratings are topped by German products Nivea and the young Russian brand Libriderm. They have earned trust with their consistent quality and stable, noticeable effect. Briefly about each of them:

Advantages of Nivea facial care products:

  • Good for daily use in combination: cleansing balm and facial cream.
  • Can well moisturize dry skin.
  • Hypoallergenic, have a safe composition and a pleasant smell.

Their disadvantages:

  • Not effective enough in the fight against age-related signs.

What can you say about the advantages of Libriderm products?

  • Affordable price, domestic manufacturer.
  • Favorable volumes.
  • A large selection of facial products: revitalizing serums, super moisturizing masks and simple nourishing creams.

Of the minuses:

  • Controversial reviews, clinically unproven effectiveness.

For mature skin

Among creams for mature skin, Korean and Japanese cosmetics receive good reviews. You can highlight the company SANA: the products include collagen and hyaluronic acid, macadamia oil, pomegranate extract and soybean isoflavones. The price of Good Aging cream is from 1700 to 2200 rubles. Cosmetics do not contain concentrates, fragrances or dyes.

Benefits of SANA Good Aging for skin:

  • improves color and appearance, adds shine and whiteness;
  • retains moisture;
  • prevents the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • makes it healthier, matte.
  • rarely found in stores, you need to order on the supplier’s website;
  • not a small price.

A good cream for moisturizing the face with anti-aging effect is Jurassic Spa. According to reviews on the irecommend portal, it tones and rejuvenates the skin, and the price is very affordable - 500-700 rubles.

Pros of the cream:

  • renews collagen in cells;
  • convenient packaging format;
  • a rare and useful ingredient - muira-puama extract;
  • enhances skin microcirculation from the inside.

Cons: there are not many stores where you can order this product; the quantity of each series is limited.


With the advent of new brands, the popularity of natural face creams has increased greatly. Factors such as detailed composition, biodegradable eco-packaging, and lack of testing on animals greatly influence the promotion of a brand in the ranking of natural cosmetics. The companies Institut Esthederm and Fitocosmetics are known in different price categories.

Pros of Institut Esthederm:

  • Professional French cosmetics have proven themselves well in the market.
  • Wide selection of products, different in type of impact.
  • Deep healing effect.

Cons: The price is not cheap: 1,500 – 10,000 rubles for different types of creams.

More information about Fitocosmetics:

  • budget version of natural cream (180 – 300 rubles);
  • wide range;
  • light, not dense texture.
  • moisturizes well;
  • not very effective for problem skin;


Anti-aging face creams help keep the skin soft and soft for many years, it restores it from the inside and delays the aging process. There are now a lot of options for such cosmetics, the choice depends on your preferences and skin type. Some creams are suitable for both the face and hands. Popular anti-aging series:

  • Greek company Sostar

Price – 400-600 rubles.

Pros: contains collagen, retinol, tightens the skin, has a good anti-aging and softening effect.

Cons: little-known brand, has few recommendations.

  • Natural inexpensive creams Home doctor

Price – about 100 rubles.

Pros: the active ingredient is ginseng, which helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Eliminates signs of wrinkles and fatigue.

Cons: the effect is short-lived, short-lived.

After 50

Choosing a face cream after 50 years of age can be difficult, since skin at this age tolerates the effects of cosmetics differently. Soothing smoothing masks, night creams and life-giving serums are good options. Prices are very different: from 50 rubles for domestic creams to 10,000 for professional cosmetics. The most popular in different categories:

  • Renophase

Price – 4000 – 6500 rubles

Pros: clinically proven effects, effective composition, soft, light structure, good absorption. It deeply affects cells and restores their energy.

Cons: expensive, not available in all pharmacies.

Price – 200-300 rubles.

Pros: moisturizes well, suitable for different skin types. Evening and daytime use.

Cons: not suitable for sensitive, damaged skin.

How to choose a face cream

All products advertise themselves well, so you can find out where the truth is only by trying it on yourself. You should always ask to apply the product to your skin and feel its density, texture, smell - using these criteria you can determine whether it is right for you. The best face creams are those that preserve your beauty, and do not cost more or are beautifully packaged, so you need to choose carefully:

  • Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date.
  • For an active and noticeable result, use medicinal cosmetics: Vichy, Aven, Bioderm. It costs more, but is much more effective.
  • To soften the skin in winter, cheap baby creams with chamomile, calendula, and other herbs are well suited.
  • For problem skin with frequent rashes, a cream with iodine and salicylic acid is suitable.