How to clean resin from clothes. How to remove fresh resin from clothes

You can get your things dirty during a walk or picnic, leaning against a pine trunk. Sometimes clothes get dirty during repairs. The resin has a complex structure, so it is difficult to remove. However, if you know some tricks, you can remove tar stains even at home, without going to the dry cleaner.

Preparing to Remove Tar Stains from Clothes

First you need to scrape off the base layer of resin using a spatula or the blunt side of a knife. It is important not to stretch the fabric, rubbing the substance even deeper into the fibers. After preliminary cleaning, pack the item in a bag and place it in the refrigerator freezer for 1-1.5 hours: the resin will harden and become brittle. If you then wrinkle the clothes, the bulk of the black stain will crumble into pieces. Remains will need to be brushed off.

If a large item is dirty that does not fit in the freezer, wipe the resinous blot with an ice cube until it hardens. Then repeat the same algorithm of actions. After freezing and cleaning, as a rule, there is still a dirty residue left. To remove resin from clothing, you need to follow several guidelines: preliminary preparation things:

  • remove dust and dirt from the material with a dry brush - this will prevent the formation of drips and new stains;
  • if soiled clothing has a lining, it should be carefully ripped open so that only the contaminated layer can be treated;
  • the fabric where a trace of resin remains must be placed on a hard surface - a board wrapped in a cotton napkin;
  • The clean material around the stain should be wetted and sprinkled with starch/talcum powder to prevent the dirt from spreading during cleaning.

Heat treatment

Small fresh resin stains can be cleaned with this method. After removing old or extensive stains, as a rule, a trace remains, so after heat treatment, other procedures are additionally carried out to clean the clothes. You can clean the resin like this:

  • place a clean rag or porous paper under the area with the stain;
  • iron this area with a hot iron;
  • change the rags that absorb dirt during the procedure as they become dirty;
  • then soak the product in warm water, rubbing the remaining resin trace with laundry soap;
  • After 20 minutes, wash the material by hand.

If pine sap gets on things made of dense material such as tarpaulin or leather, it is better to heat it with hot air using a hairdryer. The melted substance is removed with a napkin. Medium-density fabric (linen, knitwear) is heated with a hairdryer, while hot air must be passed through a paper napkin. As it heats up, the resin will stick to it and come off the clothing.

Starch paste

To easily clean the resin, the area of ​​contamination is generously lubricated with fat (vaseline, butter or vegetable oil). When the resin softens, it is scraped off with a blunt metal instrument, and then the stain is treated with starch paste:

  • 1 tsp. starch is mixed with 4 drops of turpentine and the same amount of ammonia;
  • Lubricate the dirty area with the composition, then rub with a brush until completely dry;
  • if a mark remains on the item, the procedure is repeated;
  • Cleaning is completed by hand washing using laundry soap.

An alternative would be to use 1 tsp. white clay, the same amount of starch, 1 drop of turpentine and ammonia. The mixture is used in the same way.

Alcohol or vodka

To wash the resin, it is not necessary to use concentrated alcohol: high-quality vodka or even men's aftershave lotion will do. You can clean pine resin like this:

  • soak a cotton pad well in alcohol-containing liquid;
  • soak the stain generously;
  • after 15-20 minutes, rinse the item in clean water, then wash with powder;
  • To get rid of the pungent odor, dry your clothes in the fresh air.

If resin gets on a delicate item, it is better to use a more gentle cleaning method. For this purpose, combine 50 g of laundry soap with 50 ml of pure gasoline (kerosene). The dirty area is smeared with the mixture, and after an hour it is washed and rinsed thoroughly.

Sunflower oil

This product is ideal for removing resin from leather items (jackets, bags, gloves, etc.) without damaging their structure. You can use not only sunflower, but also olive oil. Algorithm of actions:

  • soak a cotton pad in oil;
  • thoroughly wipe the dirty area;
  • degrease the treated area with alcohol or another suitable substance;
  • Lubricate the leather product with baby cream.


Any solvents are good at removing traces of resin from clothes, but they should be used very carefully so as not to spoil the item. You can clean pine sap from the material like this:

  • Apply acetone to the stain with a cotton swab;
  • carefully move from the edges to the center of the stain so as not to smear the resin even more;
  • delete bad smell You can wash the item afterwards with aromatic washing powder and conditioner.

Dishwashing detergents

This is common and affordable way removing stains, including tar stains, on clothes, carpets, wool and fur products. Use the detergent as follows:

  • rub the area of ​​contamination with olive or sunflower oil;
  • then apply dishwashing detergent to it for 5 minutes;
  • Finally, the item is washed under warm water or washed.

Carbonated drinks

To clean pine resin from your favorite things, you need to soak them for 30-40 minutes in any carbonated drink such as Sprite, Fanta or Coca-Cola. For light-colored clothing, choose a colorless soda. Proceed as follows:

  • pour a drink onto the dirty area;
  • after half an hour, wash it using powder;
  • then you need to rinse the clothes thoroughly with clean water.

Stain removers


Directions for use

Price (rubles)

Apply a paste mixture of powder and water or concentrate to the stain. After 10 minutes, wash the item by hand or in a machine.

150 for 450 ml

Dr. Beckmann stain remover salt

Dissolve the contents of the bag in hot water (5-6 l), dip the item into the solution. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave the clothes in the water for 4 hours. Afterwards, wash your clothes and rinse thoroughly in clean water.

95 per 100 g

When the word “resin” is mentioned, many people remember the black, viscous liquid that used to be poured over gas pipes. But this term also means gum, a viscous substance that forms on the bark of fruit and coniferous trees.

Quite often, not only children climbing trees, but also adults can find such an unpleasant “surprise” on their clothes.

Resin is a complex substance, and it is not easy to remove it from clothing. Before you start washing, you should try to clean the resin mechanically: put the item in the freezer.

All resins are influenced low temperatures harden, and in this form they can easily be simply scraped off with a blunt object. You just need to do this carefully so that the resin does not eat deeper into the fabric.

Another important point: the edges of the stain can be moistened with water, which will prevent the resin from further “creeping” across the fabric.

Removing pine (Christmas tree) resin stains from clothes

Many people associate coniferous trees with the New Year: aroma, soothing color and... unpleasant marks on the hands while buying a New Year's beauty - a Christmas tree or pine. These marks are left by the resins that often coat the tree trunk.

The astringent sticky substance gets onto your clothes from your hands, and then the questions immediately appear in your head: “How to wash off the resin” and “What products to use.” There are several proven methods that will help clean pine resin stains at home.

  1. Carbonated drinks. To remove tar stains from your favorite trousers or jacket, just soak them for 30 minutes in any carbonated drink. It is better if it is the popular Cola, Sprite or Fanta. After the specified time has passed, the item must be washed in warm water.
  2. Ethanol. A labor-intensive but effective method using alcohol will remove fresh dirt. What needs to be done for this? Nothing special: moisten a piece of clean cloth or napkin in alcohol and wipe the stained area with it. It will take a long time to rub, but it will be worth it: traces of resin will disappear 100 percent.
  3. Nail polish remover. The essence of the method is the same as in the previous paragraph. There is only one important point: if the fabric is bright, with a pattern, then it is better not to take risks. After all, the aggressive components that make up the liquid can not only destroy traces of resin, but also “wash away” the color or design.
  4. Refined gasoline. Directions for use: soak a cotton swab or a clean rag in the petroleum product and rub the stained area with it until the stain disappears. After this, wash the item in warm water with the addition of , rinse thoroughly and dry on outdoors. The last condition must be met so that the unpleasant aroma of gasoline disappears faster and does not bring discomfort to the owner of the clothing.
  5. Turpentine. The sequence of actions is the same as in the method with gasoline. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can use fabric softener or fabric softener.
  6. Detergent. An affordable and common way to remove stains of any complexity on carpets, fur and wool. Directions for use: rub the stain with sunflower or olive oil, then apply dishwashing detergent to it, then wash (or rinse) in warm water.

If all these methods fail, then you can use synthetic stain removers.

Information about temperature, exposure time and other nuances is indicated on the packaging. Also used to remove resin stains from clothes.

The essence of the method is this: place the soiled item between two pieces of fabric (paper napkins) and run a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the resin will transfer to the fabric or paper, and the item will remain clean. To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, just wash your clothes.

Acids and alcohols can destroy some dyes that are used to dye fabrics. In order not to suffer from such a nuisance, you need to try the product on a piece of fabric (inconspicuous) before starting to remove the resin stain.

Methods for removing tar (black tar) stains from clothing

Tar is a material widely used in construction. But not only builders, but also young researchers can get dirty with it. In such cases, it is better for mothers not to scold their babies, but to immediately begin removing black spots.

There are several ways to do this.

  1. Clay-starch gruel. Prepare the mixture according to this recipe: 1 tsp. white clay, 1 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. turpentine and a few drops of ammonia. All components must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the area of ​​contamination, and left on the fabric until completely dry. When a dry crust forms, you need to take a brush and clean the stain. If a yellow mark remains in its place, you can use hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Vegetable oil. If the resin has already hardened on the fabric, then you need to lightly remove it with a knife, and then use vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, burdock). You don’t have to do anything special: just apply the oil to the stained area and rub a little. Under this influence, the resin will begin to melt and disappear. After the dirt is completely removed from the clothing, you need to wash the item with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Gasoline with starch. This method is not new at all and is familiar to people who face the problem of tar stains on clothes almost every day: aircraft manufacturers, concrete pavers, etc. To clean the stained areas, you need to mix 3 tbsp. gasoline and 2 tbsp. starch, apply the resulting slurry to the fabric and wait until it dries completely. After this, clean the stains with a brush and wash in warm water with added detergent.

In order not to spoil a resin-stained item, it should be washed in warm water.

Delicate removal of tar stains from clothes

If an unpleasant and unsightly resin stain has settled on a delicate fabric, such as silk or wool, then you need to be especially careful when removing it. Such products also have their own ancient folk and modern methods.

  1. Medical alcohol. To remove a resin stain, you need to soak a cotton pad or swab in ether and rub the stained area with it until it completely disappears. After this, wash the item in warm water.
  2. Turpentine, ethyl alcohol, starch. Mix all these components in a ratio of 1:1:1 and apply to the stained area, leave for 12-15 hours. After the specified time, lightly collect the slurry and wash the clothes using an effective detergent.
  3. Solvent. You can remove resin stains from clothes made from delicate fabrics using a common solvent: solvent, white spirit, acetone. The method couldn’t be simpler: soak a clean rag or cotton pad in one of these substances and rub the stain with it until traces of resin completely disappear. After this, wash the items using washing powder, rinse thoroughly and dry in the open air. To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, you need to add a scented conditioner or a few drops of essential oil while rinsing.

When removing tar stains from clothes, it is important not to ignore even the most unusual recipes and remedies. Sometimes the most original and, at first glance, crazy recipe can remove dirt from fabric very effectively.

If all applicable traditional methods did not help, then you need to use washing powders and stain removers.

They say that a wife's fur coat is her husband's face, while the wife's face can be called her husband's shirt. This is why women try to ensure that their man is always dressed to the nines. Unfortunately, anything can happen, then the hostess has to make some efforts to make her loved one’s outfit perfectly clean. One of the most difficult tasks is removing resin stains. However, after you read this text to the end, even this will become easy to do.

The first thing you need to do after you find a tar stain on your clothes is try to remove it mechanically as soon as possible(scrape with a knife or some other sharp object). Be careful, because one wrong movement and you risk damaging the fabric structure. After this, you should put the stained clothes in the freezer for a couple of hours, during which time the resin will harden and, by rubbing it with your hands, you can easily remove the remaining resinous scales (however, this should not be done if the stained fabric is too thin). After these manipulations you need to move on to the main stage.


Take refined gasoline (can be found in the store), turpentine, or, as a last resort, nail polish remover. Blot the resin stain several times with the selected solvent and leave for 20-30 minutes. After the dirt has softened, rub it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. In a few minutes, the stain will disappear, and all you have to do is wash your clothes thoroughly with added powder and dry them in the fresh air.

Drink Coca-Cola

Don’t be surprised, but many people’s favorite “Cola” will not only remove rust, but also remove tar stains from clothes. Soak the stained clothes in the drink for a while, and then wipe off the stain with a cotton pad.

Dishwashing liquid

Treat the tar stain with vegetable oil and leave for a few minutes. Then soak a cotton swab in dishwashing detergent and rub it over the dirty area. Then wash the clothes and dry them as usual.

How to Remove Resin Stains from Delicate Fabrics

Place clean cloths under and on top of the stain. paper napkins and iron the area with a hot iron. The resin will melt and soak into the paper, so don't forget to change the wipes from time to time. After the stain disappears, the clothes should be washed and dried.

How to remove a tar stain from a leather product

Soak the stained area with vegetable oil. After a quarter of an hour, wash everything off with soapy water.

How to remove an old tar stain

Mix a teaspoon of potato starch, 4 drops of ammonia and the same amount of turpentine. Moisten the contaminated area with the prepared mixture and wait until it dries. Then, using a hard brush, clean thoroughly. For best result the procedure can be repeated several times.

Very often, after a fun weekend, housewives have a question about how to remove resin from clothes.
Don't despair, as there are several effective methods how to properly remove resin from the surface of clothing.

Before you begin removing the stain, there are a few things you need to do. You should not try to wash it immediately after identifying a stain. Wood resin is a complex chemical compound that has a complex structure. For this reason, regular washing will not help get rid of the problem.

Wood resin is a complex chemical compound that has a complex structure

Before deciding on the question of how to remove wood resin from the surface of clothing, you need to try to remove dirt mechanically. There is no need to be too zealous, as the substance can penetrate deeper into the tissue structure, and this will complicate further work.

Attention! It is important to remember that when cleaning items from thin fabric you need to be careful, as mechanical processing can damage the fabric, ruining the item.

To mechanically remove the stain, you can use a knife to scrape the stained area. After mechanical processing, it is recommended to place the item in the freezer. The fact is that after freezing the stain is easier to remove from the fabric. After all the procedures have been completed, you can think about how to remove the remains of tree resin from clothes at home.

Before deciding on the question of how to remove resin from wood from the surface of clothing, you need to try to remove dirt mechanically

The problem is that even after freezing, a small amount of resin remains, so other techniques must be used.

How to remove resin from clothes?

How can you remove resin from the surface of clothing without damaging the structure of the fabric?

One popular way to remove tree sap from clothes is to use alcohol.

The following substances can be used to remove contaminants:

  • alcohol;
  • turpentine or highly purified gasoline;
  • nail polish remover;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bleach or stain remover.

One popular way to remove tree sap from clothes is to use alcohol. In order to use this substance, you should take a clean cloth, moisten it with alcohol and wipe the problem area. Alcohol makes it easy to get rid of dirt. But when using it, patience will be required, because the item will need to be left for a while so that the alcohol is better absorbed into the fabric and dissolves the stain.

How to properly remove pine resin from the surface of clothing without damaging the fabric?

Turpentine and refined gasoline are excellent means for removing stains that have formed on the surface of the fabric after a picnic.

Almost every home has carbonated drinks. They can be used to remove tar stains from clothing. Many housewives are interested in the question of how to remove tar stains on clothes using a carbonated drink. It is known that Fanta, Cola and Sprite do an excellent job of removing such pollution. To do this, soak the part of the clothing on which the stain is placed in the drink for a while, and then wash it in the usual way.

Turpentine and refined gasoline are excellent means for removing stains that have formed on the surface of fabric after a picnic. The disadvantage of these products is the unpleasant odor. After removing the stain, the item should be washed using a detergent that can remove the “aroma” of gasoline.

Important! Gasoline used as motor vehicle fuel should not be used. In stores, a specially purified product is sold for this purpose.

Resin on clothes: effective removal methods

If you don’t have alcohol and turpentine on hand, you can use nail polish remover to remove resin from the surface of the fabric. The action of the product resembles a solvent.

But it is worth remembering that the use of solvents can damage the structure of the fabric and its color. You can use an iron to remove dirt. For this purpose, you should place a piece of rag under the material and cover the stain on top with the same piece. After this, the item is ironed with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the dirt will melt and leak onto the rags, and the fabric from which the clothes are made will be clean. If you don’t have rags, you can use paper towels or napkins made from soft paper as pads.

You can use an iron to remove dirt.

If tree resin gets on carpet or fur, the contaminated area is first treated with sunflower oil. The next step is to use a dishwashing detergent that has high degreasing properties and can cope with the problem.

Sunflower oil helps clean leather items.

If severe stains occur, you can use special stain removal liquids or bleaches as a cleaner. For this purpose, the stain is treated with a product, after which it is necessary to wait some time and wash the item in the usual way using washing powder.

Sunflower oil helps clean leather items

If it is necessary to remove an old stain, you should prepare a product that contains:

  • 1 tsp potato starch;
  • 4 drops of ammonia;
  • 4 drops of turpentine.

To remove the stain, moisten the contaminated area with the prepared product. After treatment, you should wait for some time until the mixture on the surface of the stain dries. Next, scrub the treatment area with a brush. If necessary, the treatment should be repeated.

Advice! Methods for removing stains can be combined with each other, which will significantly increase the likelihood of complete removal of stains from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made.

To remove stains, you can use a mixture of starch, turpentine and alcohol

To ensure that contamination is removed as safely as possible, certain recommendations must be followed.

After a fun weekend in nature and walks in the forest, in addition to pleasant memories and vivid photographs, there may also be less joyful consequences. There may be stains on your clothes from resin from the very forest that brought you so many pleasant emotions. Although, you can encounter such spots in a city park. If your child, or maybe you yourself, likes to hug fir trees and pine trees, then you too can become a victim of this problem. But don't rush to despair. There are several ways to remove resin from clothes without harming the fabric.

To begin with

Before you begin the actual removal, you need to do something. Do not rush to immediately wash the resin from your clothes. It has a complex structure that cannot be removed so easily. Therefore, as soon as you notice traces of resin on your clothes, try to remove it mechanically. You just need to be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure. You can scrape it with a knife or other sharp object. After that, put this thing in the freezer. This step will help remove resin from clothes that was not removed with a knife. The low temperature will harden the stain, and any remaining dirt will be easier to remove.
We can say half the work is already done. But even after such actions, a stain may remain on the fabric. So, we continue the operation to remove resin from clothes.

How to remove a resin stain?

There are several measures you could take. They are available to everyone, and these funds are available in almost every home. So removing resin from your family’s belongings won’t be too difficult.

It is important to remember that each fabric has a different texture and quality, so these methods are not suitable for every type of fabric.

For example:

  • acids and alcohols can destroy some types of paints;
  • acetic acid and acetone can destroy silk acetate fabrics;
  • Bleach and alkali can only be used on white fabrics.

Also, during the processing itself, it would be useful to remember some general tips.

  1. To prevent the resin stain from spreading throughout the fabric while removing it, you need to moisten the fabric with water around the contaminated area. This will serve as a limiter. You can also sprinkle talcum powder or starch around.
  2. You need to treat from the edges of the contaminated area to the middle.
  3. If the area of ​​contamination is small, it is more convenient to apply the stain remover with a pipette or a cotton swab.

We wish you success!
Now you know what to do if you encounter unwanted tar stains on your clothing. You can start cleaning!