What a cool way to celebrate your 30th birthday. Celebrating our thirtieth birthday beautifully

Youth is left behind, a truly adult, mature, conscious life lies ahead. The 30th anniversary should be celebrated in such a way that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, preferably forever. The anniversary scenario for a 30-year-old woman must be original enough to please the discerning birthday girl and her friends.

Turn on your imagination

Creative, creative and once again creative - these are the words that should become the motto of everyone who undertakes to create a script for the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman among friends. The birthday girl is still very young, and her friends, most likely, are too, so none of them wants to listen to monotonous congratulations and participate in boring competitions. Games and competitions for such an audience should be “edgy”, but without vulgarity, music should be modern, humor should be subtle, entertainment should be relevant.

First of all, you need to choose a theme for the anniversary. You need to decide whether this will be a traditional celebration or a themed party? You need to choose a theme depending on the character and wishes of the hero of the day. Some people like frivolous entertainment with cocktails, striptease and dancing until the morning, others like high-society glamorous balls, and still others like themed performances in Greek, oriental, and pirate styles. If creative people will be present at the anniversary, then you can arrange something like a skit party with guest performances. You just need to coordinate everything properly and be sure to conduct rehearsals in order to arrange the numbers in the right order and not put the guests in an awkward position.

We decorate the room based on the chosen theme. If there is a traditional celebration ahead, then flowers, balloons, etc. are hung on the walls. You can make a wall newspaper with photographs of the birthday girl (from early childhood to 30 years). For a celebration in the style of a club party, you will have to work on the lighting and surroundings: attach neon lights and mirror ball, provide space for a dance floor. If a skit party is planned, then a stage must be installed in the right place.

Entertainment for the young and cheerful

Competitions: entertaining guests

  1. Call several guests “on stage” and give each one a newspaper or magazine. Then give them scissors (according to the number of guests) and ask them to cut out a gift for the birthday girl. This could be the word: “wealth”, “health”, “car”, or an image. The winner will be the one whose gift the hero of the day recognizes as the most valuable.
  2. Blindfold one of the participants. Give the rest cards with the names of body parts (hand, ear, nose, elbow). Guests approach one person blindfolded and read the cards. Main character He feels the indicated body parts of the guests and guesses who is in front of him. To avoid excesses, it is recommended to choose representatives of the same sex (only men or only women) to participate in the competition.
  3. Divide guests into teams. Give each team a card with a definition: “flower”, “animal”, “car”, “food”. Assignment: come up with the greatest number of congratulations with the specified definition. For example, “bloom like a rose” or “roll in butter like cheese.” Whoever comes up with the most congratulations wins.
  4. Competition for mothers. Divide the female guests into two teams. Assign each team a “child” - real or adult, and give them a set of “children’s” clothes. Let each participant hold one hand behind her back. The task is to dress your “child” before the representatives of the other team do.

Anniversary in nature

If weather conditions permit, feel free to go outdoors. In the fresh air, people relax, become more frivolous, have more fun and make contact. Since we are talking about very young people (after all, the birthday girl is only 30 years old!), the scenario for a 30-year-old woman’s anniversary in nature should be cheerful and spontaneous. The event can take place in different ways, it all depends on the wishes of the birthday girl and the budget. For the wealthy - catering, a swimming pool and guest stars, for the middle class - salads in bowls, a river, kebabs and karaoke.

In order for the outdoor anniversary to be successful, you should stock up on equipment for the forest and barbecue, props for competitions, prizes, gifts and equipment for musical accompaniment.

You need to congratulate the birthday girl at the beginning of the trip, so that she feels that everyone has gathered for her. In order for the hero of the occasion not to experience inconvenience, the gathering should be organized at her home, gifts should be given there, and then you should go into nature.

Take one of the gifts (the most durable one) with you and organize a “treasure search”. Immediately after arrival, ask one of the guests to distract the birthday girl and bury the gift in the ground, and attach pieces of the lawn map prepared in advance to the branches of the bushes surrounding the clearing. Pieces of the map can be attached to guests’ clothes, an ax handle, or a car. Some time after arriving at the clearing, invite the hero of the day and the guests to look for the treasure. The more difficult it is to find a gift, the more exciting the search process will be.

Home holiday

You don’t always want to celebrate your birthday in a restaurant or outdoors. You can celebrate your 30th birthday in your own home. But a home holiday does not have to follow the same scenario (congratulations, toasts, food, TV). You can develop a scenario for the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman at home that will be the envy of professionals. Involve all participants in the future celebration in the process: the hero of the day’s husband, parents, children, friends, or use the services of specialists. You can invite actors, hosts, toastmasters, mimes, magicians, clowns and even stars to your home.

The first truly mature anniversary - 30 years - is a wonderful reason to arrange a real holiday for yourself. Why not do it creatively? Read on to find out how to celebrate the best day of the year, get inspired by our seasonal ideas and weird resolutions, and find out some superstitions about turning 30.

How a girl turns 30: a selection of seasonal ideas

Every time of the year has its advantages in terms of organizing a holiday. And it’s not just about the seasonal menu for the banquet; there are a variety of entertainments, all of which are perfect for summer or winter.

Early spring, when nature is still covered in snow and parties are on outdoors early, suitable for indoor celebrations. Where else to celebrate your 30th anniversary if not in a club? The night disco, bowling alley, and entertainment center are equally great in this regard.

The Easter weekend and May holidays provide the opportunity to go out into nature, so a barbecue or barbecue picnic will be an anticipated event for your guests.

A summer holiday can be wonderfully spent at the dacha with family and friends, exclusively with small children. You can go to the river bank, to a beach club, or a summer cafe. For sports and hunting lovers, the idea of ​​spending a day in an outdoor entertainment complex, where there is a playground, for example, paintball, a shooting range, a ropes course or a water park, will work perfectly. This is also a wonderful idea for celebrating your spouse’s 30th birthday; he and his friends will really enjoy such fun.

The beginning of autumn, when seasonal products are abundant, the best option There will be a rich feast - not too authentic, but everyone will like it. You can throw a feast on the mountain in a banquet hall or at home. Can't give up your dream of impressing your guests? Then resort to the services of the best boss chef in the city - his signature genre and the elitism of the event will raise the feast to the new level.

Late autumn is a great time to sit in a warm sauna, especially since modern bath complexes include a steam room, a swimming pool, billiards, karaoke, and a restaurant all rolled into one. The main thing is to choose a luxury establishment so that everything goes off with a bang.

During the New Year holidays, birthday girls usually have a dilemma - to celebrate the New Year or their jam day on a grand scale? If your choice is in favor of the latter, still focus on your New Year’s well-being; organize a colorful party in a separate room of a restaurant or hotel room.

A suitable theme is masquerade, Hawaii, Moulin Rouge, etc. Whether to invite a host or not is your decision, but don’t forget to prepare exciting leisure activities for your guests in the form of raffles, competitions, concert performances (amateur performances are allowed) and, of course, the traditional birthday cake.

How else can you celebrate your thirtieth birthday?

You can completely opposite approach the plan of your personal holiday and spend it tete-a-tete with yourself or with your loved one. Sometimes you don’t want to gather a loud group, pay tribute to relatives and parents, set the table with salads that set your teeth on edge...

And in return for this, I want to escape from the turmoil, forget myself for a day or two and do something beautiful for myself, make a dream come true, plunge into romance or arrange a romantic holiday named after myself.

The first option for a girl to notice that she is 30 years old is to go on a foreign tour. It’s not as hackneyed as a banquet in a restaurant, it’s also moderately selfish (just what you want from time to time), and compared to a family feast it will leave a truly unforgettable experience.

Maybe you dreamed of seeing one of the European capitals? Or hide from everyone for a week on the other side of the world - in Fiji or Cuba? You are required to have a foreign passport with a visa, purchase a last minute or booked trip, funds for unexpected expenses and several vaccinations if you are traveling to an exotic country.

The advantages of such a present to yourself are a complete change of atmosphere, a sensitive shake-up and brilliant sensations. In a word, there will be something to remember.

The second option is to add a bit of adventure to the familiar party format. How is this allowed to be done? Choose a strange place to celebrate, a new environment and add a little recklessness - just without extreme steps!

Here are some ideas:

  • take your gala dinner to the roof of a tall building with stunning views all around;
  • instead of barbecue at the dacha, take your friends by minibus to a forest house for a few days; after the party, a nice walk in the forest will be for you and your girlfriends, hunting or fishing for your spouse and his friends;
  • if there is a navigable river near you, celebrate a jam day on a boat, yacht or in a floating cafe;
  • gather your girlfriends for a “fashion cult trip” - it can be anything desirable, from shopping and a spa salon to visiting a social event (and suddenly on your jam day there is a fashion week in the capital?);
  • arrange a surprise for your colleagues and invite actors from the event agency to entertain everyone with a game of congratulations - we think that the management will not refuse the girl and will agree to 10 minutes of mayhem in the workplace if you coordinate the appearance of “gypsies” or magicians in the office in advance;
  • celebrate this day in a group of romantics - lovers of hiking or kayaking, climbers, bards, go with these enthusiastic people on a trip to a festival or to the mountains, forest, or river;
  • if you notice in nature, arrange a high Pioneer bonfire or small fireworks (with a person who knows how to do this!);
  • If you are on vacation and there is a sea nearby, hire a diving instructor; Allow yourself to spend every day on the most exciting water attractions, book the most amazing excursion available to you, and don’t forget to film it all!

30th anniversary and prejudices

In addition to fun and joyful moments, this jam day brings some girls a little grief. Many people are not even sure whether to notice it.

The fact is that certain dates usually have a special attitude, and people prone to superstition are afraid to notice such dates as men's 40 years, women's 53 years, children's 13 years. In addition, the Orthodox have a special superstition - not to celebrate 33 years (at this age Christ was crucified). Why haven't they celebrated Jam Day for 30 years? Apparently, the date mentioned in connection with the crucifixion moved to a round one - the thirtieth anniversary, hence a superstitious horror appeared before this anniversary.

In addition, there is a very common belief among women that thirty years is a farewell to youth. And I don’t want to advertise or somehow emphasize my age - not out of superstition, but psychologically.

Unwillingness to accept personal age reaches various levels: from self-irony to depression.

Perhaps the girls do not notice this date, explaining that they are not in the mood, do not want to spend money, etc., but they simply are not morally accustomed to the idea that the mature years of their lives have begun.

So that you are not too irritated by thoughts about your new age, be sure to remember how your parents, relatives, and girlfriends noticed their 30 years. They probably made an effort to make this day go amazingly, and their plans came true. There is nothing terrible about joyfully overstepping this age and entering the charming time in the life of a girl who is “invariably 18”!

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how to celebrate 30 years?. Birthday. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. Girls, I’m thinking: on December 14 I will turn 30 years old. FOR me, the date is just a date, but friends and relatives are hinting at a big holiday.

I celebrated my 30th birthday in a restaurant with a small circle. I hope to stay away from Moscow for all subsequent birthdays. Happy Birthday 30th birthday to a woman or man. On your glorious anniversary, many stars of the first magnitude gathered in the Safisa celebration hall...

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Birthday script for 30 years. We celebrated my husband’s 30th birthday at home with close relatives and friends, then he was buzzing at work for another 2 days, so to speak, expenses. But for me, no one will try like that - like I don’t have enough imagination, but I will celebrate, the truth is here...

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Board and computer games, virtual reality and a rich program of events - the new anti-cafe Bizone offers two levels of pleasure for your secluded relaxation or joyful meetings with family, friends, and colleagues.

Leningradskoe highway, 8/2, bldg. 1

New generation VR arena VR-RING 12+

A site equipped with cutting-edge virtual reality immersion technologies that do not limit the player’s freedom of movement in space.

Khodynsky Boulevard, 4, Aviapark shopping center, 3rd floor

Entertainment and gaming center STATION 2025 6+

STATION 2025 is an unusual entertainment and gaming center where you can arrange a laser tag battle in the scenery that realistically recreates an abandoned space station, go through a laser tag quest with the participation of actors, explore the worlds of virtual reality, find yourself in the center of a whirlwind on the Vortex Tunnel attraction, or play with a friendly team at nerf - sports game with special blasters.

Mikhailovsky Prospect, 1, building 1.

Gamer Stadium esports stadium 12+

Gamer Stadium is an esports stadium in the Aviapark shopping center. All-Russian and international tournaments in cybersports disciplines, weekly night parties for fans of VR, board games and online games, and other cyber events are held here. And you can spend your holiday here!

Blvd. Khodynsky, 4, Aviapark shopping center, floor 3.

Laser tag club "Bear" 6+

A large-scale indoor venue is suitable for events of any level. Here you will find experienced instructors, always ready to help, and exciting quests with many game scenarios.

1st st. Izmailovsky Menagerie, 8, 2nd Khoroshevsky pr-d, 7, bldg. 14

Private cinema "Secret" 0+

Do you like to watch movies on the big screen in a cozy atmosphere, without being distracted by the crunch of popcorn around you? Come to the private cinema "Secret", where you can not only enjoy your favorite movie with a friendly company, but also have a snack, sing karaoke and play video games. Here you can have an unusual date, a themed party or a chic bachelorette party.

st. Volochaevskaya, 25

Loft "BANK" 18+

If you are looking for a suitable place for a party, corporate event, friendly meeting or master class, everything you need is waiting for you in the BANK loft. There is also a stylish bar where you can perfectly celebrate any event.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 12, entrance 4, floor 3

White Rabbit Restaurant 18+

Huge panorama of Moscow! 16th floor, viewing angle – 360 degrees. You will see the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Foreign Ministry building, the Ukraine Hotel, City skyscrapers and the embankments of the Moscow River. The restaurant's chef, the famous Vladimir Mukhin, has won dozens of the most prestigious awards in the field of culinary excellence. He prepares delicious dishes, skillfully combining culinary trends and traditions of Russian cuisine.

pl. Smolenskaya, 3

Kalina Bar 18+

The establishment is located on the 21st floor, the view from the window makes your head spin and your heart skip a beat. Rising in the elevator, at high speed you soar, like a bird, up above the city, watching through the glass as the Garden Ring and New Arbat recede into the distance. The sensations of this spectacle can compete with the attractions - a dose of adrenaline is guaranteed to you.

Novinsky Blvd., 8

Restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus" 18+

Restaurant guests will be offered a choice of one of four halls. Each of them, to one degree or another, recreates pictures from the film of the same name. IN Music hall You will see a huge plane tree, around which there are wooden tables. As expected, Gaidai’s films are often shown here. As entertainment in the evenings, guests are invited to enjoy Soviet melodies performed live by contemporary artists.

ave. Mira, 36, building 1

Restaurant "Turandot" 18+

The restaurant is located on the site of an old mansion from the late 18th century. Over the course of six years, the building was restored and the interior was decorated. The result turned out to be so magnificent and rich that it would not have been possible to achieve it two centuries ago. The restaurant has many rooms, each of which has its own name. The first to greet guests is the “Florentine Courtyard”. The “central” hall occupies two floors with a lounge area and a classic restaurant.

Blvd. Tverskoy, 26, building 3

Restaurant-yacht "Chaika" 0+

The interior of “The Seagull” is dominated by “the modest charm of the bourgeoisie”: white leather sofas, Murano glass chandeliers, wall panels made of precious wood. There is no vulgar, eye-catching luxury here, but a quick two-minute inspection is enough to understand that this place is very, very expensive.

emb. Krasnopresnenskaya, 12, lit. A

Restaurant "Roof Bar" 18+

People come to this restaurant to relax and unwind, because it offers a view of Moscow, and here you can sunbathe in the sun. Yes, just sunbathe, because the “Roof” is divided into two zones - restaurant and beach. You can lie down on a real lawn, and when you get tired of the scorching rays of the sun, go to another area - here you will find sofas under awnings that will protect you from the heat.

Altufevskoe highway, 8

Action game "Hide and Seek in the Dark" 12+

The dark labyrinths of the underground city are teeming with ghosts and traps, and only attentiveness and extreme caution will help you remain undetected in this strange place.

st. Lyusinovskaya, 53, bldg. 2

Restaurant-bar OBLAKA 18+

Restaurant-Bar "Oblaka" offers you to try already familiar and favorite dishes in a new and original version; you also have the opportunity to order amazing and interesting inventions from experimental gourmets. There is an excellent children's menu, and the restaurant holds special events for the youngest visitors.

ave. Kutuzovsky, 48

Restaurant Sky Lounge 18+

The Sky Lounge restaurant is suitable for any meeting, be it a business lunch, romantic dinner, a magnificent anniversary or family celebration. The main feature of the restaurant is that it is located on the 22nd floor in the city center. Here you can spend at least the whole day looking at the panorama opening from the windows.

ave. Leninsky, 32a, Building of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), 22nd floor

Sports and entertainment arena PointUp (“Point Up”) 0+

The Stankolit business park houses a huge, unique, modern sports center, open to the public. Professional athletes and beginners, adults and small children - everyone will find something to their liking at PointUp.

Skladochnaya street, building 1, building 1, Stankolit business park

Restaurant Sixty 18+

Chef Carlo Grecu has made local cuisine interesting even for the most demanding gourmets. It serves Italian, French and Russian cuisine. DJ performances and high-class parties provided the restaurant with an influx of guests who value quality club entertainment.

Presnenskaya embankment, 12, Moscow City International Business Center, Federation Tower, 62nd floor

Restaurant “In the Dark?!”

The restaurant was founded by ophthalmologist Igor Medvedev with the goal of helping blind people find their place in life and find employment. The restaurant's profits go to a fund to help blind and visually impaired people. Here the blind and the sighted change places. People come here for the dark hall, where there is not a single source of lighting. But you don’t get there right away. First, you are asked to choose any of five sets for dinner: red (meat), blue (fish), green (vegetarian), yellow (Japanese) or white (assorted). The meal takes place in complete darkness - this can be a very interesting experiment!

st. Oktyabrskaya, 2

Karaoke club Jimmy Poy 18+

The atmosphere here is conducive to communication and vocal improvisation, and the interior is made in white and gold tones using various materials and textures in the art deco style. Interior space The establishment consists of three zones. This is a bar area, a main hall with a mini-stage and a DJ stand, and a hall for VIPs. Every week Jimmy Poy karaoke hosts themed parties and concerts of popular performers.

Lubyansky Ave., 15/2

Indoor recreational karting Forza Karting

On the territory of the karting center there is a sports cafe with a view of the track through panoramic glass. Good review allows fans to follow the race participants directly from the cafe. The bar broadcasts leading sporting events from around the world.

Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 13, building 3

Le Mans Karting Club 6+

Today, the Le Mans karting club is the largest and safest Moscow karting track. The area of ​​its track is about 3500 meters, and the total length of all tracks is about 550 meters. And since the designers of the track were real racing drivers, its configuration resembles a smaller version of a professional race track. Safety is ensured by experienced instructors and modern asphalt surfaces, which are also used on racing roads - riders are guaranteed maximum grip of the car on the track.

st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 54, building 5, st. 2nd Magistralnaya, 9A

Water park "Kva-Kva park" 0+

Kva-kva Park has everything for lovers of water activities. More than a dozen different attractions will give children and adults a lot of joy and pleasure. After all, a water park is the best place for a fun family holiday, an unusual birthday celebration or an eventful party in a friendly company. Ride the waves or go down wild turns, spin in the “Cyclone” or go down the “Wild River”.

Mytishchi, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 1

Waterpark "Caribbean" 0+

What could be better than a day full of pleasant impressions? A day for yourself while enjoying quality time with family and friends? A day that starts with a warm pool and fast water slides, continues with a spa or steam room, a massage or gym session, a gourmet lunch, a visit to the bar, billiards or bowling? And at the end, you will enjoy a night movie screening on the free beach, located on the roof, right under the stars! This is exactly what a day will be like at the Caribbean water park - an entertainment and recreation center where everyone can find something to their liking.

So, in order to create a festive atmosphere in the apartment, the rooms should first of all be decorated with various garlands, balloons, artificial or natural flowers, multi-colored flags on which you can write to the hero of the day. A special place among such decorations is given to a wall newspaper with photographs showing the hero of the day in different periods life.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare guests for the fact that a special 30th anniversary script and the festive evening will be extraordinary. To do this, it is best to use postcards as anniversary invitations, which will indicate the date and time of the evening.

Scenario for 30th anniversary "Cheerful, warm circle of friends"

So that this holiday rejoices,

So that he surprises in many ways,

Because it happens once

Thirty years have come to you now,

And in their honor today we sing,

To be lucky in everything!


So that your wife bakes pies for you,

So that children always make you happy,

So that the family hearth is always hot,

And if something goes wrong, just don’t cry,

After all, we will hold you forever,

After all, we are always friends for you,

Rest today

Celebrate thirty years of glory!

Chorus 2 times.



The artists sang their song,

But the guests were still sitting,

Now their turn has come,

So that everyone can congratulate the hero of the day!

(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day, giving him their gifts and wishes)


Well, now, for congratulations,

Let's drink without delay

So let's open the bottles

We fill our glasses,

And to our dear, to our beloved Anniversary - let's drink!

(musical break, meal)


Now let's spend

You will like everything about him!

Competition "Winter party"

Everyone is welcome to participate; we are divided into two teams. Each team is placed at a distance of 5 five meters with a chair on which lies: a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, a bottle of vodka (mineral water) and a shot glass. Task: at the command of the leader, each member of his team runs up to his chair, puts on a pea coat, a hat with earflaps, opens a bottle, pours a glass, drinks, undresses and returns to the team. And so, the team that empties the bottle the fastest wins. Prizes: each bottle of mineral water, with parting words for tomorrow.


Let's play, well done

We drank everything from our hearts,

And now let's pour the real wine,

And we drink to the family of the hero of the day!

(musical break, meal)


Now it's time for everyone to stand up

And with joy, dance!

(good cheerful music sounds, guests dance if they wish)


And now I ask you to light the sparkler candle,

Look at the hero of the day with a smile,

And of course, drink to him,

After all, this day is everything for him!

(guests light sparklers, happy birthday sounds, a meal takes place)


I hasten to tell you, friends,

That, alas, it’s time for me,

So please forgive me

But I'll have to leave

And you all are having fun here,

And enjoy this holiday to the fullest!

(the host leaves the holiday, but the guests continue to have fun)

Galina Petrova

Even more anniversary scenarios

Scenario for the 30th anniversary, competitions, entertainment for guests - and congratulations

As everyone unfortunately knows, birthdays come only once a year - so you should prepare for it thoroughly and with dignity. Well, many people have the necessary imagination to make this holiday truly fun and memorable. But everyone wants this, especially if the anniversary is coming soon. On the birthday of your loved one, and especially on the real anniversary of your loved one, you want to show him a lot of attention.

Original gifts for an anniversary

You can approach the presentation of a gift for an anniversary with originality, for example: Prepare five surprises (both big and small) - put the first one under the pillow, and attach a note to it where you can find the next one (and not in a specific place, but for example, “the next gift is waiting for you in the big Moidodyr's room" is a bathroom, where on washing machine there is a gift and another hint, gifts can be placed throughout the apartment and even on the balcony. Also, the gift can be packed in several boxes according to the matryoshka principle (one inside the other). And write a riddle or question on each box. To open the next box, you must first solve the riddle.

Some stores sell mugs, T-shirts, plates, puzzles and much more with pictures, very funny and all sorts of different ones, but the main thing is that you can bring any photo, inscription and almost anything you want there and ask them to print it on a gift. In this way you can do very original gift, maybe the hero of the day will not wear this T-shirt with his favorite face at all, but he will forever have it as a good, bright memory. You can make not just a photo in Photoshop, but something interesting.

Entertaining guests on a festive evening, entertaining for guests

To entertain the guests who came to your party, you can play several entertaining games:


One or more of the guests sit on a small stool facing the audience. The presenter stands behind them and holds a small sign with pre-prepared inscriptions above the participants’ heads (each participant has a very different one, and preferably something significant). The rest of your guests ask them all sorts of different questions, for example, “who do you go there with, how often happens, what do you like to do there, etc.” Participants in the game must answer all questions asked. Naturally, they should not know what is written on the sign.

The host invites several couples. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. Several open bottles of beer or vodka (juice) are placed between each pair of participants. The leader must blindfold the men, and on command they begin to move towards the partner. The goal of the game is to reach your partner and kiss her without touching the bottle. But while all the participating men are being promoted, the presenter’s assistant quietly removes all the bottles. Men intuitively try to get around obstacles with the “help” of spectators like “Vanya, go right, go right. Be careful!!! He’s about to fall,” etc.


This is a very interesting and win-win game for any company, of any age. They record pieces of bright, well-known songs onto a computer disk. The presenter must have an assistant who will play the right “music” at the right moment. The host walks from one guest to another and puts a knitted hat on their head, saying, “Let’s see what our hero of the day is thinking about now.” And he puts a hat on the head of the hero of the day. At this time, the assistant turns on the music.

For example:

"My gifts squeak and bite,

They scratch each other vying with each other.

Of course, this does not concern my guests.

They will leave all happy with themselves."

30th anniversary for women " anniversaries

It is better to invite guests to the celebration not by telephone, but with the help of beautiful invitation cards, which can be sent by mail or given personally to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Where and with whom to spend the anniversary.

A young woman’s 30th anniversary can be celebrated in a narrow family circle at home or in the country. If the weather permits, you can organize a picnic in nature or rent a gazebo with barbecue in the recreation area.

With your closest friends you can sit in a cafe or visit the sauna, play bowling or billiards, go to a disco or have a picnic on the beach on a fine summer day. If you like thrills, play paintball with friends or go to a karting club.

You can celebrate your 30th birthday at work with your colleagues by having a tea party during your lunch break or at the end of the working day.

And if you plan to invite many guests to your 30th anniversary, then the best place for the celebration will be a restaurant.


Whatever place you choose, you need to decorate it. The decoration of your holiday may consist of balloons and fresh flowers. You can paste photographs of the birthday girl everywhere at different periods of her life, draw congratulatory posters or a wall newspaper.

Organization of the anniversary.

To prevent guests from getting bored, there should be a toastmaster at the anniversary who controls the order of toasts and congratulations, and also entertains the people with jokes, songs and competitions. The role of presenter can be taken on by one of the birthday girl’s friends or relatives. It is even possible that the hero of the day will want to spend her evening herself.

The celebration should begin with the presentation of gifts. Then the presenter can talk about the life of the hero of the day, starting from early childhood, alternating his stories with toasts, additions, congratulations and good wishes to the hero of the occasion. The presenter can read the telegrams and greeting cards, which were sent by relatives and friends of the birthday girl.

A 30th birthday scenario for a young woman may include various games, competitions, quizzes and skits. For victories in competitions, guests can receive souvenirs as a gift from the hero of the day - things that supposedly belonged to her before (her favorite rattle, toy, book, pen with which she wrote at the institute, etc.) or a portrait with her autograph and a kiss.

Your celebration must include a dance program. Music for dancing should be selected taking into account the tastes of the birthday girl and recorded in advance.

30th birthday scenarios for a woman

In order not to create a 30th anniversary script for a young woman yourself, you can choose a ready-made option to suit your taste.

  • Anniversary script for a woman
  • Anniversary script in French style
  • Scenario “Giving a Holiday”
  • Anniversary scenario for a woman at work
  • Scenario “Anniversary on Olympus”
  • Scenario " Women's friendship»
  • Script "To a Girlfriend"
  • Scenario " Cool anniversary»
  • Anniversary script in oriental style

Turning thirty is a very important mark on the scale of life. Thirty years is a kind of boundary between youth and adulthood. The thirtieth anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale more often than the twentieth and fortieth anniversary. If you are about to celebrate your thirtieth birthday and want it to be a bright, memorable holiday, there are three ways: spend a lot of money on the birthday celebration, throw a party in an unusual place, or come up with original idea holiday. We’ll talk about ideas and themes for celebrating the thirtieth anniversary.

How to celebrate your 30th birthday: a few ideas

You can choose almost any theme for your thirtieth birthday that is interesting to the hero of the day, his family and friends: it could be a gangster party, a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian-style party, etc. However, you can tie the topic either specifically to the birthday person - that is, to his hobby, profession, life interests, or directly to his thirtieth birthday. We will consider the last option.

1. Party “We are 20” (15, 18, etc.). IN in this case The 30th anniversary party is dedicated to the short period when the birthday boy and his classmates (classmates) were 20 years old.

That is, for example, a party could be dedicated to the year 2001. The holiday slogan: “We are always 20 in our hearts!”. For a woman’s thirtieth birthday, you can choose the year when she was 18. Then the slogan will be slightly different: “We are always 18 in body and soul!”.

The hero of the day and the guests try to dress the way they dressed when they were 20. To remember what fashion was like, you can look at photographs in your photo albums and on the Internet.

The music chosen is fashionable at the time. If possible, objects relevant to that time are used - for example, you can make a “garland” from antediluvian mobile phones, which at that time had just appeared in our lives. Floppy disks, Kodak film reels, etc. will also work.

How to have fun? Firstly, you can watch video collages of the hero of the day and his friends at the age of 20. Secondly, you can arrange a quiz on the knowledge of that era. The host names any event in the world (politics, art, science, natural disasters, etc.) that could have happened that year, and the guests guess whether this event actually happened in that year or whether it happened in another time or did not happen at all. You can also arrange games and entertainment that were popular at parties when the hero of the day was 20 years old.

2. 30th Anniversary Party “30!” Everything revolves around the number thirty. Firstly, the room is decorated with thirty numbers - these can be paper numbers, electric garlands mounted on the wall in the shape of a thirty, balloons with this number, etc.

You can order a decoration like this for your birthday: decoration with balloons. A large arch of balloons flanked by the numbers “3” and “0” will look amazing at the entrance to the celebration site.

You can give out any details with the number “30” to your guests. For example, shoulder bands, caps, T-shirts, etc.

The more thirty there are at the holiday, the more entertaining it is. This could be 30 dishes, 30 cocktails on the table, 30 bouquets, etc. By the way, when inviting guests, you need to inform them that the gift also contains “thirty”. For example, relatives can give a gift certificate for 30 thousand rubles; someone will present 30 fish hooks or 30 wine glasses, and someone will order engraving. This will be interesting.

Entertainment can also (and preferably) be tied to the number “thirty”. For example, ask what the number “30” will become if you swap the numbers. Guests will answer that this will be an emergency phone number. Immediately after this, you can hold some kind of competition or game on a medical theme (see our medical party scenario).

Another option is to ask guests to tell what kind of emergency method they will use for the hero of the day to save him from the blues. There can be a lot of ideas, ranging from “I’ll come to him with champagne” or “I’ll take him fishing” to “striptease” and “I’ll give birth to his baby.”

Second entertainment. If the number “thirty” is read differently - the number 3 as “three”, and 0 as the letter “o”, then you get the word “trio”. This can be presented as a rebus by asking guests to read the word in thirty that denotes a musical ensemble. When the rebus is solved, you can organize a creative act of three people. Moreover, it can be a completely serious, lyrical number or a humorous, playful one. For example, male guests with their mouths taped shut can serenade the hero of the day.

Third entertainment. The number “thirty” can be read as the syllable “ZO”. The host can invite guests to name two words ending in –zo. There are 2 words with –zo: belly and iron. When the guests guess them, the host will say: “We wish the hero of the day to always eat from the belly and have a character like iron”. Then competitions tied to these topics can be held (comic “iron muscles” strength competition, culinary competition, etc.).

3. Retro party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary “I was born.” The celebration of the thirtieth anniversary can be held in the form of a retro party dedicated to the era when the hero of the day was born. Retro decor is used, guests come in clothes of that time, and appropriate music is selected. Entertaining moments can also be tied to the place where the hero of the day was born and to the profession of his parents.

4. Cinema anniversary 30 years. A film is selected that was shot in the year the hero of the day was born. This is taken as the basis for the holiday scenario.

For example, in 1981 films were made "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova in the title role and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles"- these films are quite suitable as a theme for a holiday.

For example, the hero of the day may be in the form of Sherlock, and his wife in the form of Watson. The holiday can be held in the form of an investigation into the case of the disappearance of the “Elixir of Youth”, which is received by the mother of the hero of the day.

A carnival party can be a lot of fun, with performances by professional singers and dancers, magic tricks, competitions among guests for juggling and the ability to speak tongue twisters with nuts in their mouths.

If a holiday has an idea, then the entire structure obeys it. There is nothing superfluous in the script; all its elements are harmonious and interesting. Such holidays are always memorable because they leave the impression of something very bright.

We wish you a successful and very beautiful thirty year anniversary!

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