How to use the aroma sachet instructions for use. Scented sachets

A lavender sachet is probably the most popular product in a lavender store.

And it seems that everyone knows what it is and why it is needed. But we are often asked: what is a sachet?

So let’s talk about what it is, and most importantly, how to choose a quality sachet.

The word “sachet” is of French origin (French sachet) - for several centuries this has been the name given to pillows or bags made of fabric, filled with aromatic petals, herbs, and spices.

Once upon a time, such bags decorated the living rooms and bedrooms of rich houses.

Every girl wanted to have a sachet in her room, because this interesting little thing not only pleased the eye, but also spread a pleasant aroma. Sachets were also used for medicinal purposes. They put in the bag not just aromatic, but medicinal herbs that could soothe and relieve insomnia and fears. Lavender has been especially valued for this property for a long time.

Often the bags were decorated with braid or fringe, embroidered with beads; girls from wealthy families sewed them from the finest silk and lace, and soaked them in their favorite perfumes or essential oils.

Sometimes a loop was sewn onto the aromatic sachet. Such a bag could be hung next to clothes, and then it performed another important function - it drove away insects, in particular moths, and, of course, the clothes acquired a pleasant aroma!

In general, nothing has changed over hundreds of years; sachets are still used to scent cabinets and chests of drawers, placed next to the bed or under the pillow.

Today, sachets amaze us with their variety and beauty. Often there are not just bags and pillows, but figured sachets in the form of animals or objects, richly decorated with embroidery, beads, and lace. Any needlewoman can make a sachet!

But if you don’t want to make the sachet yourself, you can buy it.

How to choose a quality lavender sachet

External beauty, of course, matters. When choosing a sachet, you should pay attention to the quality and naturalness of the materials, the neatness of the seams, and the harmony of the design. It is best to choose a sachet made from natural fabrics: cotton or linen. Such sachets are pleasant to the touch, transmit the aroma of herbs well and prevent flower pollen from waking up, leaving marks on the laundry.

Sachets made of synthetic materials also have a right to exist. As a rule, they are more attractive in price. Organza bags and pads are cheap and easy to throw away after use.

But if you choose a beautiful sachet with hand or even machine embroidery, then it is better to give preference to sachet bags or reusable pads. When the aroma of herbs weakens, you can fill in a new filler, or change the fragrant block.

Now let's talk about the filler in the sachet.

possible only with the placement of an active link to the source

A sachet is a bag of aromatic herbs. Used to scent the home and as a talisman. Herbs and flowers can treat illnesses, but they do not need to be taken internally. You can inhale their smell, it also has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is convenient to place aroma sachet around the house to fill it with a beneficial aroma.

History of appearance

There is a belief that the Indians dried something associated with this incident to remember the event. They inhaled the aroma to remember the happiest moments of their lives.

For ancient warriors, their wives put herbs on their campaigns, which were considered amulets. Cloth was not always used for this; sometimes they were placed in horns that closed tightly.

The upper classes wore herbs in medallions as a talisman. A lady of the 18th-19th century was supposed to have a sachet with pleasantly smelling flowers with her; it replaced perfume. Ladies decorated the bags with embroidery, ribbons and lace.

Simple peasants sewed aromatic herbs into everyday clothes to protect against the evil eye. They were also placed around the house not only for a pleasant smell, but also for protection from evil spirits.


An aromatic sachet can be used to create a pleasant smell in the house, as well as to scent clothes and bedding.

The filler can be herbs, petals, twigs, the main condition is a pleasant smell. You can also use spices and essential oils.

Filling options:

  • Zest of lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • Dried rose hips, barberries, raspberries;
  • Small cereals;
  • Spices – vanilla, cinnamon, cloves;
  • Petals of roses and other flowers.

Essential oils can be chosen to suit your taste. You can use invigorating scents of lemon or eucalyptus, subtle floral scents (rose, jasmine, lavender) or light coniferous scents - juniper, fir.

Methods of application

Most often, sachets are placed in closets with clothes so that the laundry has a fresh smell and does not smell musty. If you choose pleasant, soothing aromas and place them in piles of bed linen, then falling asleep will be more pleasant and sleep will come faster.

You can make a special sachet to repel moths and other harmful insects. These bags can be placed in woolen items, and can also be hung next to a fur coat. Then you can be sure that moths will not spoil them.

You can use the aroma to protect against evil spirits as a talisman. It should be hung above the front door or on the head of the bed. In the latter case, the pouch can cure insomnia and normalize sleep.

Another use is to hang it near your desk to encourage work activity. Smells can help you concentrate and get into the mood for work.

There are smells that calm the nervous system and can change a person's mood. If you add them to a sachet and spread it throughout the apartment, the residents will always be in a good mood.

It is known that some odors can treat diseases. Basically, these are diseases of the respiratory system. For example, pine aroma is beneficial for asthma patients. The smell of eucalyptus helps with a runny nose. Using this knowledge, you can make bags for treatment.

DIY moth protection

To make an aroma sachet, you need to sew a bag. It can be simply in the shape of a square, or of an unusual design. For a gift, you can choose a heart shape. Fantasy bags can be in the shape of ice cream, cake, house, snowman.

After you have decided on the shape, you need to draw a pattern. It’s easy to make yourself or find it on the Internet. Then the pattern needs to be transferred to the fabric.

It is best to take fabrics that allow air to pass through - cotton or linen. Craft stores sell small scraps of various colors. A simple plain fabric is usually decorated with embroidery of flowers and herbs. They also use decorations such as lace, decorative ribbons and buttons.

Sew your bag, but don't forget to leave an opening for filling. Now you need to make a mixture to repel moths. Lavender is most often used for this. It is combined with pink petals and violet root in a ratio of 3:2:1. Fill the bag with this mixture and sew up the hole.

Done - you can put a bouquet of aromas in a pile of woolen items or in the pockets of a fur coat.

DIY New Year's scented bag

For many, New Year is associated with the smell of oranges, tangerines and cinnamon. You can make such an aromatic sachet to create a New Year's smell and decorate your home.

To make it, prepare:

  • Organza white and orange;
  • Orange narrow ribbon;
  • Dried orange slices;
  • Cinnamon sticks;
  • Coarse sea salt;
  • Orange essential oil.

First sew the bag. Cut two squares of white organza with a side of 10 cm. Sew them together, leaving one side unsewn. Cut out squares with a side of 12 cm from orange organza. Sew them together.

Prepare the mixture in a cup. Add essential oil to sea salt and stir. Pour it into a white bag, add orange slices and cinnamon sticks. Sew up the free side.

Insert this pouch into the orange one and sew up the open side. Make a bow from the ribbon and sew it on top. It will turn out beautifully if the organza is transparent and the inner bag is tightly stuffed with filling.

Bag for attracting money

Herbs have long been endowed with magical properties. Including people believe that some of them bring money. This can be easily checked by making a sachet.

To do this you need to take green cotton or linen. Sew a simple square or other shape from it. It is important to make it small so that you can put it in your pocket or bag.

To fill, you need to prepare a mixture of patchouli, cloves and cinnamon in proportions 3:2:1. This mixture is poured into a bag and sewn up.

You should always carry a pouch with you to carry money.

Aromatization of linen

Rose is perfect for imparting a delicate scent to linen. You can use such bags in the closet with personal and bed linen.

Take satin or silk fabric. A natural composition is preferable, since polyester does not allow odors to pass through. Draw a heart or nightgown pattern on paper. These shapes are best suited for the wardrobe. If you don't want to sew a complex design, just cut out squares.

Sew the fabric of your choice into a bag. Decorate it with lace or ribbons.

Now you need to prepare the mixture. Take 50 g rose petals, 25 g lavender, 2 g orange zest, powdered orris root, a few drops of rose and lavender oil. Mix well and pour into a bag.

Sew up the resulting structure and place it on the shelf with linen.

Sachets have been used for many centuries to scent the home, bed linen, and clothing. This is a bag filled with herbs, flower petals, essential oils and various scented items. The most important thing when creating it is to take into account the tastes of the household. The smell should not irritate; on the contrary, you need to create a composition that will calm the nervous system.

When creating with your own hands, you can feel like a perfumer who selects scents and measures out their exact quantity. This is a creative process where only you decide what ingredients to put and in what quantities. You can scent your home or give it to friends for the holidays. It is better to give such gifts only to people whose tastes you know.

Video: How to make aromatherapy at home

An aromatic sachet is a small fabric bag with a filling that gives a pleasant aroma. Natural ingredients are most often used as filling: zest, aromatic herbs, flower petals, pine needles, tree bark, sea salt, vanilla sticks or cinnamon - the choice is almost limitless. To give a more lasting and pleasant smell, add a few drops of essential oils to the filler.

Aromatic sachet can be

  1. put in the closet so that the selected aroma permeates the things on the shelves
  2. hang in the car instead of an air freshener
  3. Place it at the head of the bed to breathe in your favorite scent while you rest
  4. Leave on kitchen or bathroom shelves to create a cozy atmosphere and mask unpleasant odors.

It’s quite simple to make an aroma sachet, just like with your own hands; you don’t need to have any handicraft skills to do it.

To sew a fragrant pillow with your own hands, you need to prepare:

How to sew an aromatic sachet?

Cut out 2 identical pieces from a piece of fabric: rectangles or squares, not forgetting to add 1 cm to each side (seam allowances). You can also make a sachet in the shape of a heart or any other shape; for this, it is better to first draw the desired shape of the future product on paper, and then cut it out and use it as a pattern.

If you plan to decorate the cover with embroidery, then it is more convenient to do this before the parts are sewn.

For an aroma sachet made in the shape of a bag, you need to sew 3 sides of the parts folded together with the right side inward. Then the finished product is turned outward, the outer edge is processed, stuffed with any filler and tied with a ribbon.

If the shape of the aroma cover is a pillow, a heart or another shape, you need to stitch all sides, leaving a small unstitched area on one of them. Through it, the product is turned inside out and stuffed, and then carefully sewn up from the outside.

What to fill the Aromatic Sachet with?

Possible options:

  1. Dry herbs. You can collect aromatic mixtures yourself in the summer or buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy. First, the plants are crushed to enhance the smell emanating from them. This can be done using a coffee grinder, blender or mortar. The crushed composition is sifted to get rid of very fine powder, the rest is poured into a bowl. Essential oils are added there to give a more intense aroma to the filler. The most common lavender sachet (no additional grinding required)
  2. Sintepon. The pad is stuffed with artificial fibers, stitched up, and then, after drawing oil into a syringe, they pierce the fabric with a needle in several places, injecting liquid.
  3. Sea salt, pine needles. The mixture is poured into a bowl, aromatic oils are dripped in, then the pillow is stuffed with it.
  4. Sawdust - holds the aroma perfectly, can be purchased at any pet supply department (just take unscented sawdust)

Large ingredients - vanilla sticks, tree bark, plant roots - will look impressive in a sachet made of translucent fabric (organza, lace). Oil is also dripped onto them before being placed inside the case.

What oils should I use for aromatherapy?

Essential oils can have a variety of effects: invigorate, calm, improve mood or relax. Therefore, it is important to select scents taking into account where exactly the scented pads will be used.

For the bedroom

To ensure proper sleep and rest, you can create compositions from the essential oils of the following plants:

Melissa fights bad mood, protects against bad dreams, helps with headaches.
Lavender puts you in a positive mood, eliminates depressive thoughts, relaxes, and fights insomnia.
Rose relieves stress.
Oregano helps to forget about problems and difficulties with sleep.
Peppermint fights neuroses, equalizes energy balance.
Chamomile It has a calming effect, helps to improve mental balance, and is used against depression, stress, insomnia and neuroses.
Thyme improves the activity of the central nervous system and tones the nervous system.
Myrrh, sage, frankincense, juniper and cedar eliminate obsessive thoughts, even out mood, relieve fatigue.
Pine and fir protect against respiratory diseases, they are good to use during the ARVI season.
Geranium and valerian– antidepressants.

For cabinet

The most popular sachet scent for the closet is lavender. In addition to the pleasant smell, the fragrant bag will protect things from moths.

Other possible solutions: rose oil, mint oil, lemon oil, rosemary oil, ylang-ylang oil. For a shelf with bed linen, a lemon balm scented aroma is suitable.

For the kitchen

Sachets for the kitchen are filled with spices or aromatic herbs.

A good option is coffee essential oil. It promotes awakening, eliminates drowsiness, increases concentration, and improves performance. Coffee oil has a special property - it enhances the pleasure that a person receives in the process of any activity. So, by making a coffee-scented sachet, you can turn routine cooking into an exciting activity.
Carnation helps to recover from mental and physical stress, relieves stress.
Coriander calms, helps fight fears, increases creativity.
Mint restores strength, fights fatigue, nervous excitement, helps eliminate unpleasant thoughts.
Cinnamon relieves stress, awakens cravings for activity, increases sensitivity, improves digestion
Citrus invigorate, set you up for a productive working day, relieve depression and fatigue of the eye muscles.

For the bathroom

Since the bathroom has high humidity and the filler gets damp very quickly, they do not use dry herbs, but bags filled with salt. Sea salt can be mixed with beeswax and then add essential oil to this mixture.

To create an invigorating scent in the bathroom, use oils of clove, pine needles, sage, rose, basil and rosemary. To relax, use aromatherapy with essential oils of chamomile, lavender, myrrh and frankincense.

For car

It is important to concentrate when driving, so substances with invigorating aromas are used to fill sachets.
Tea tree oil relieves fatigue and weakness, increases alertness, helps in stressful situations, repels insects.
Fennel essential oil eliminates the smell of tobacco, has an anti-stress effect, reduces nervousness.
Basil helps concentrate and improves memory.
Laurel and lemongrass reduces fatigue, increases alertness.
Lemon helps cope with nausea.
Verbena invigorates, reduces irritability, improves mood and stimulates mental activity.
Grapefruit helps fight drowsiness while driving, increases activity, improves mood, and relieves aggression.
Patchouli increases vigor and readiness for action, speeds up reaction, and gives a charge of optimism.

Whatever filler is chosen, it needs to be replaced with a new one every 3-4 months - after this period, almost all the aroma is exhaled, and the sachet loses its properties.


Probably, many of us, buying sachets with our favorite scents in the store, wondered: is it possible to make such a thing ourselves and, having beautifully decorated it, give it to someone? Of course you can! And the design depends entirely only on your rich imagination!

What is a sachet?

Translated from French, “sachet” means a bag or sachet. Currently, this word has several meanings:

Previously, a sachet was a must in every home of a self-respecting housewife. Bags of herbs, decorated with embroidery and ruffles, hung in every room, starting with the hallway. They were intended for unobtrusive aromatization of rooms. By the quality of the sachet and its beauty, the guests judged the merits of the hostess.

Nowadays, the sachet has partially retained its properties, but under the onslaught of artificially created flavors it has faded into the background, imparting its subtle natural aroma to linen and wardrobes, and repelling moths.

Sachet packaging

The packaging and appearance are perhaps the most interesting part of the sachet from the point of view of fantasy work. It can be made of paper, sewn from cotton or thin synthetic translucent fabric, crocheted or knitted from threads. The shape can be any: from a bag tied with a beautiful braid or ribbon to a complex geometric shape of elegant pillows embroidered with patterns.

If you want to do something unusual, you can sew a doll in a dress with a fluffy hem, inside which is hidden a bag with fragrant contents. You won’t be ashamed to give it to a friend, sister or mother. A heart made of stylish fabric with trim will serve as a valentine to a loved one. You can make a set of pillows of different sizes, sewn from satin fabric and tied with a narrow satin ribbon. The child will not mind a funny animal, a favorite cartoon or movie character, settling in his things or on the table, shelf with books.
The fragrant bag can be decorated with anything: beads, embroidery, lace, beads of different sizes and shapes, various ribbons, rhinestones, artificial flowers, ribbons, and so on.

What is the aroma base made from?

The contents of the sachet depend on your capabilities, desires and preferences. Most often, they are filled with dried fragrant flowers, combining them in a composition, or used separately, for example, the flowers of lavender, beloved by many.

Sachets can be filled with rose petals, medicinal aromatic herbs, pine needles, pieces of coniferous tree bark, vanilla sticks, cinnamon, citrus fruit peels and other aromatic plants. You can dry fresh flowers in a shady, well-ventilated place until completely dry, then crush them into fine crumbs with your fingers and fill the prepared bag or box.

You can also use sea salt as a sachet filler, mixing it with beeswax or a few drops of your favorite essential oil. By the way, essential oil can also be added to the plant contents of the sachet to enhance the aroma or create a unique perfume composition.

Essential oil can also be used to flavor artificial filler - padding polyester or padding polyester. To do this, the sewn sachet is pierced with a syringe needle containing a few drops of essential oil and the oil is evenly distributed in the filler over several injections.

What scents can you use?

Aromatic oils can work real miracles. They can lift your spirits, set you in a working mood with the aroma of coffee and grapefruit, add a touch of bliss, peace with the scent of sage, lavender, roses or passion with the aroma of patchouli, jasmine, cinnamon, bergamot.

Subtle aromas will remind you of flowering meadows with the smell of chamomile, mint, wild rosemary, oregano, St. John's wort, or bring back childhood memories of family ski trips in a pine forest, favorite New Year's holidays with the smell of pine needles and tangerines.
Lavender and mint will help relieve tension and relax. Headaches and fatigue accumulated during the day will be dissolved by sleeping on pine pillows, giving vigor and protection from respiratory diseases.

It is not for nothing that aromatherapy has become so widespread and is still used for non-drug effects on human well-being. This small pillow and fragrant bag serve the same purpose. It is important not to overdo it with aromatic oils in the sachet, so that the smells in the rooms where you are most often are not strong and pungent. The same applies to sachets for scenting laundry.

1) a small decorative pillow, scented or filled with solid aromatic substances, which is placed in the linen to give it a pleasant smell;
2) type of cosmetic bag: a small decorative fabric bag in the form of an envelope, decorated with embroidery and ribbons, in which handkerchiefs, combs, hairpins, etc. are stored;
3) a fabric bag with a large number of compartments for storing small haberdashery items.
[Fr. sachet - pouch, sachet, from sac - bag, bag< лат. saccus — мешок, сумка < греч. sakkos — мешок.]

Aromatic sachets have been bringing a piece of warmth and comfort into our lives for several centuries.

Previously, sachets were made from a variety of materials from leather to sea shells; nowadays, sachets are made from fabric and come in a variety of sizes; the palm size is considered the most optimal.

Of course, the secret of the sachet was also known to our great-great-grandmothers. They did not know such a word, but they collected fragrant medicinal herbs and made pillows from them on which they slept, covered in meadow or forest aromas.

The arrogant British invented their own version of sachets - they still scent their linens in their bedrooms using carved wooden figures, which, however, evaporate quite easily.

The Soviet version of the sachet - scented soap - not only perfectly scented the contents of cabinets, but also drove away impudent moths.

The Indians have a tradition: in memory of every good event, they dry various odorous objects associated with it. From time to time they inhale their aroma and relive the happiest days of their lives.

Sasha is an excellent gift; it is not only a purely practical thing, but also a way to demonstrate your care and friendship to a loved one.

Sachet scents should be chosen wisely and tastefully.

Bedding made from natural fabrics retains the scent for a long time and, if you have already stopped loving it, even washing may not help get rid of the persistent smell.

This accessory can be placed in a dresser drawer or on a wardrobe shelf; it will fill your linen with an unobtrusive but persistent aroma of roses, flowers, forest or cinnamon.

Charming in their simplicity, cotton sachets create a special atmosphere in the dressing room; in addition, thanks to them, clothes will always be fresh and fragrant.

What and how to fill the sachet:

you can use dried oregano (this is a very effective fragrance for linen and clothes), dried lavender, mint, blackcurrant leaf, rose petals, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, clove stars. You can also buy ready-made mixtures for sachet (you can find very interesting options in stores, for example, with the smell of the sea).

For this you will need:

For embroidery I used this pattern (slightly changed the palette and composition), author Sophie Helene:

  1. Embroider any picture you like in advance. It took me four days to embroider. I embroidered with millimeter crosses. The size of the embroidery is determined by the frame prepared in advance. The frame can be made of any material, I prefer wood. It is better to embroider on harsh calico. This fabric has a weave of threads that is convenient for embroidery and is not too loose; grass dust will not spill out.
  2. Trying the embroidery on the frame. We put dots in the corners. From these points we will draw lines to the corners of the embroidery to form a parallelepipid-shaped bag.
  3. Using the marked points as a guide, fold the fabric. First, along the perimeter from point to point, then we lay diagonals from the placed points to the edges of the corners of the fabric.
  4. We bend the corners inward and sew perpendicular to the main part of the embroidery. Sew from the inner corner to the outer edge. We do not bring the seam to the edge. This will allow you to later bend the outer edge outward.
  5. You should end up with a shape that looks like a box lid.
  6. Bend the edge outward evenly around the perimeter. The width of the bent part should be equal to the inner protrusion in the frame. The back of the frame rests on this protrusion.
  7. Checking symmetry and level. There should be no distortions.
  8. Let's try it on the frame.
  9. Let's check how the protruding part of the bag looks.
  10. For the back wall of the bag, cut out two rectangles. The lower one is the main part, the upper one is the valve.
  11. We cut off the lower part with embroidery.
  12. We pin the valve.
  13. Checking symmetry and level.
  14. Sew it together. I sewed with the needle back stitch.
  15. Iron the stitched edges.
  16. The result is a bag with a slot for stuffing. Subsequently, the bag can be removed from the frame and the filling can be changed.
  17. Trying the bag on the frame. Fill with aromatic herbs.

In order for the bag to keep a beautiful shape, I fill it with holofiber. I iron over the embroidery. The shape becomes more streamlined. Then I take out almost all the holofiber, leaving just a little at the bottom so that the bag does not sag. And I fill it with herbs, flowers, spices. You can use essential oil to enhance the aroma or coffee beans. In this sachet I put mint leaves and flowers, coffee beans and lemon and tangerine peels. Very fragrant!

The frame was additionally decorated. First, I painted it with latex paint (designed for wooden surfaces). The paint is thick. The brush is hard with an uneven (ragged) edge. The paint lay down in grooves. I painted along the grain. Painted it on all sides. The paint was completely dry in two hours.

Then I drew a drawing with a simple pencil - an improvisation on the theme of the embroidered motif. Painted with acrylic paints. For the main design I mixed blue and brown. I added “volume” with white and bronze paint.

All. The sachet in a wooden frame is ready.

Nov 15, 2015 Galinka