How many soft consonant sounds are there in the word window. Words in which all consonants are hard

HARD AND SOFT CONSONANT SOUNDS 1st GRADE: TABLE, RULE This information will be useful for parents, since it makes it possible to explain to a first-grader child how to distinguish consonant sounds from each other, what they are, and also thanks to what tricks you can easily remember the rules of the Russian language . Contents 1. How to learn to distinguish between hard and soft sounds 2. How hard and soft sounds are indicated in writing 3. Which sounds are always hard and which are soft 4. The concept of voiced and unvoiced sounds 5. Table of hard and soft sounds 6. Educational games to consolidate the material 7. Instead of a conclusion How to learn to distinguish between hard and soft sounds The Russian language is one of the most difficult languages. Therefore, if you want your child to be able to write and express his thoughts correctly, you need to carefully prepare homework and fulfill the teacher’s requirements. And learning a language starts small – with sounds. They are vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless, soft and hard. It will be very difficult for children to immediately understand all this diversity, so it is better to start small. First, the child learns to understand how letters are divided into vowels and consonants. What are sounds and what are letters. When this material has already been mastered, you can begin to distinguish soft sounds from hard sounds. It is necessary to understand that the child must be taught to distinguish and hear hard and soft sounds according to different characteristics. It is important that the child learns to hear consonant sounds and understand why they are hard or soft. Simply memorizing whether a consonant denotes a hard or soft sound will not work, since in different uses the same letter can be both hard and soft (except for exceptions). First of all, we pay attention to the case when a vowel comes after a consonant. It is quite easy to determine whether a consonant is hard or soft. It is necessary to remember that after hard consonants there are always vowels: a; O; y; e; s. If after the consonant there are: and; e; yu; I; e, then these consonants are soft. In order for the material to be well absorbed, it is necessary to reinforce knowledge practical exercises. To begin, choose the most simple words . Such as "mom" or "dad". The consonant sound is hard because after it the vowel sound “a” is pronounced, but in the words “nanny” or “aunt”, the consonant sounds will be soft, since after it there are the letters “i” and “e”, giving the consonants softness . Having remembered this simple rule, children no longer experience difficulties in determining the hardness and softness of individual consonant sounds if they are followed by a vowel. But what should you do if, after a consonant that raises doubt, there is another consonant in the word? The child must learn that in this case the consonant will be hard. Soft sounds always remain outside the rule. For example, the word "pencil". After the “n” there is a “d” and the child understands that the consonant “n” means a hard sound, because after it there is a consonant sound. But in the word “brocade” the letter “ch” still remains soft. When explaining these rules, it is very important not to rush, but to monitor the child’s reaction, and give new rules only after the old ones have been fully mastered and are not difficult to use. Sometimes this division of hard and soft sounds is suitable for first graders. If, when pronouncing a word or syllable, the corners of the mouth move into a smile (i.e., the consonant is followed by one of the vowels i, e, e, yu, i), then this consonant sound is soft. Try saying nya, nyo, ne, nu, ni. The situation is different with solid words or syllables (i.e., a consonant is followed by one of the vowels a, o, e, u, y). You won't get a smile when pronouncing them. Try to pronounce na, but, ne, well, ny. As a result of all these actions, you can explain to the child that if the sound is cheerful, then it is soft, if not cheerful, then it is hard. How hard and soft sounds are indicated in writing In writing, the hardness and softness of consonant sounds are indicated only when writing a transcription. To indicate a soft sound, use the apostrophe "`". Hard sounds are not distinguished by any signs in writing. Below is an explanatory table that clearly shows that the same sound can be both hard and soft, depending on which vowel follows it. Table with examples of writing sounds in soft and hard use: ram [b] [b`] linen pile [v] [v`] elm hump [g] [g`] weight house [d] [d`] uncle gold [z ] [z`] earth cat [k] [k`] whale skis [l] [l`] lemon garbage [m] [m`] ball hole [n] [n`] Nyura floors [p] [p`] singing robot [r] [r`] river sun [s] [s`] seed tone [t] [t`] crown furor [f] [f`] final hamster [x] [x`] hut You can notice that consonant sounds form pairs based on hardness-softness: [v] - [v`]; [k] - [k`], etc. In writing, both hard and soft sounds are indicated same letter, but they are pronounced differently. With the help of such a table, children can more easily understand the hardness and softness of consonant sounds, while remembering that the sign “b” always makes the consonant soft, and the sign “b” always makes the consonant it follows hard. Which sounds are always hard and which are soft? It is important to note that the letters “w”; "sh"; “ts” - are only hard, it doesn’t matter what vowel is behind it, but “th”; "h"; “sch” - soft for the same reason. You can make a reminder for your child, which he will carry in his writing notebook: zh sh c h sh y Be sure to focus on the fact that “h”; "sch"; "y" sit on the pillows here, so they are always soft. The child will remember this association, and will always clearly call these sounds soft. If the child cannot remember which letters are always hard or soft, you can use the following tricky trick. Sew 3 pillows with foam rubber and draw the letters “h” on them; "sch"; “th”, and cut out plates with the letters “zh” from thick cardboard; "sh"; "ts". Place these items in a visible place, such as your desk. Gradually, the child will develop an association of hard and soft letters. You can also paste the following reminder into your writing notebook: “zhi” and “shi” are written with the letter “i.” Explain to your child how things work with other vowels and hard consonants. Write down the exception words in a column. The concept of voiced and voiceless sounds In Russian speech, in addition to hardness and softness, a distinction is made between voiced and voiceless sounds. Phonetics gives a clear idea of ​​whether a consonant sound will be voiced or unvoiced. Voiced sounds are produced by speech when air noisily overcomes an obstacle in the mouth and vibration of the ligaments occurs. Voiced sounds [b] [g] [c] [z] [d] [l][d] [m] [y] [n] Voiceless sounds [k] [x] [p] [ts] [s] [ h] [t] [w] [f] [sch] Voiceless consonant sounds are spoken exclusively with the help of noise, the voice is not involved here, and the vocal cords are in a relaxed state. In many schools, teachers teach children the following phrase: “Stepka want some cheek?” - “Fi!” Here are consonant sounds that are unvoiced in Russian. To remember and distinguish voiced consonants from deaf ones, we divide them into pairs. There are 11 of them in total, if you take into account soft consonants (with the exception of [zh]-[sh]) [b]-[p]; [v]-[f]; [g]-[k]; [d]-[t]; [h]-[s]. So, we found out that letters in the alphabet make several sounds. It depends on the position of the letter in the word. At the end of a syllable ringing sound is muted, the same happens if the letter comes before a voiceless consonant, for example “dove”. In writing we use a voiced consonant and say “dolverka”. Table of hard and soft sounds To once again consolidate the concept of hard and soft consonant sounds, one should distinguish between the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When a soft sound is spoken, the tongue moves forward, rising to the sky with its middle. When pronouncing hard consonants, the tongue does not move forward. To systematize knowledge about hard and soft sounds, let's make a table: Hard and soft consonants Hard before vowels: a, o, u, e, s. at the end of a word before another consonant: trap, glass. f, c, w. Soft after the consonant there is a soft sign: salt, beans, beast. before vowels: e, e, i, yu, i. y, h, sch. Educational games to reinforce material First graders, although already schoolchildren, are still small, and refuse to study in game form not worth it. Therefore, we offer several developmental tasks that will make it easier for children to learn new material. Guess what. We write signs with transcriptions of words. The child’s task is to name the word and name soft sounds. It is best to make the signs bright and large, then it will be more interesting for children to react to them. To start the game, select easy words: [m`el]; [soap]; [l`uk]; [WHO]. And at the end you can complicate the task and give the following words: [b`elka]; [ski track]; [kl`on]. While playing, the child visually remembers the designation of soft consonant sounds and gains practical skills in using knowledge when writing. Choose solid ones! A game similar to “edible - not edible.” To make the game interesting to children, a ball is used. The teacher lines up the children in a circle and pronounces the syllable; if the consonant is hard, the child catches the ball, but if the consonant is soft, he does not. After the child catches the ball, he must independently come up with a new syllable and throw the ball to another player. The game allows children to quickly distinguish between the hardness and softness of consonant sounds. Find a pair. Children are given words with the first consonant used in a hard form, and the child must come up with a word in which the first consonant is soft. For example, the words are displayed: glad, varnish, soap, cart. And the children must choose: row, hatch, chalk, carried (if the children come up with other words, but in the correct soft use of the consonant, it must be counted as the correct answer). If the child comes up with a few words, you need to praise him. This game develops the child's imagination and expands it vocabulary when children share written words. Physical education minute. The teacher says words starting with consonants. If the first consonant sound is hard, the children should sit down, and if the word begins with a soft consonant, then the children jump out and raise their hands up. This game is always perceived with joy by children. Because sitting too long in class allows them to warm up. It also develops reactions and the ability to carefully perceive information. Let's sing, friends! The teacher hums any known melody, using syllables with hard consonants (for example, the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”). And children should hum the same consonant in response, only in soft use. Teacher: Pa-pa-pa... Children: Pi-pi-pi... U: Ho-ho-ho... D: Hee-hee-hee... etc. The game not only quickly teaches you to distinguish between the hardness and softness of consonants, but also allows children to express their creativity. During practical classes, it is very important to pay more attention to conducting classes in a playful way. During the game, the child better assimilates and remembers the information that adults are trying to convey to him. How more interesting game, the better the lesson will be remembered. If children are given only dry rules and exercises, they will quickly lose interest in the learning process and will not delve into the essence of the rules.

We all want our children to write beautifully and competently. The ability to write without errors in Russian is not easy even for native speakers. This skill seems to confirm the knowledge and education of a person, and it is acquired at school. Every year, parents of future first-graders anxiously await the start of the school year and worry about their child’s readiness for a new school life.

There is so much new knowledge and tasks ahead of them! And no matter how wonderful and experienced the teacher is, the child often needs the help of his parents. For example, a first-grader will approach his mother and ask him to name words in which all the consonants are hard, and he will have to remember everything that he remembers about this from school. It’s not always so easy to remember what you once learned in elementary school.

This article is precisely to help parents of first-graders, where we will remember and organize what a first-grader has to learn and firmly learn about consonants and vowels in words. This topic is very important for children’s subsequent mastery of grammar and phonetics of the Russian language; without this, competent writing cannot be achieved in the future.

  • One of the important basic skills that subsequently determines a child’s literacy and his success in mastering the Russian language is the ability to hear and understand its sounds. Here, parents should clearly convey to their children the difference between the concepts of “letter” and “sound”, and teach them to distinguish one from the other.
  • It is no secret that sometimes adults themselves consider it possible to replace one word with another in a conversation with a child, which does not bother adults, but confuses the child. He must firmly remember that a sound is what is heard, and a letter is what is written, and they do not always coincide.
  • The next thing that a little schoolchild has to learn is what building blocks words are made of and how they are conveyed when writing.
    This is exactly what 1st grade teaches children. The student learns that the Russian language divides these sounding building blocks of speech into 2 large groups - vowels and consonants.

A child can easily recognize vowels: they can be sung or shouted. But the consonant is not so simple! Often similar but different consonants are denoted in writing by the same letter, and you need to learn to distinguish them according to certain characteristics.

In their sound, consonants can be hard or soft, voiced or voiceless. Voiceless consonants are those that are created when, as you exhale, the air encounters an obstacle in the form of the tongue, lips or teeth. Voiced will be those where a voice is added to it.

This table below introduces the consonant sounds of these two groups.

Children learn to distinguish between deaf and voiced consonants quite quickly. But how to determine whether the consonants in a word are hard or soft can be more difficult to understand.
Meanwhile, it is necessary for the child to feel all the consonants in a word; this subsequently determines literate writing. It is important that, just like voiced/voiceless sounds, he clearly distinguishes between the hard and soft sounds he encounters.

About hard and soft consonants

In order for a first-grader to learn to distinguish which consonant sounds in terms of hardness and softness indicate letters in a syllable, we draw his attention to the fact that the softness or hardness of consonant sounds is determined by the vowels behind them.

  • When we see or hear vowels a, u, e, o, y after consonant sounds, it means these are words with hard consonants;
  • When consonant sounds are followed by e, e, yu, i, i, then they are soft.

It is best to reinforce your understanding of this rule with examples. To do this, pairs of words are taken where syllables with hard and soft consonants are in the same position, which helps children better understand the difference in their pronunciation and remember this rule.

Table with examples of writing sounds in soft and hard use:

In a combination of two consonants in a row, the first will be hard, even when the second behind it is soft. For example, in KamChatka the sound M is hard and Ch is soft. But it happens that there is no vowel after a consonant, but you have to pronounce a combination of two (or even three) consonants.

Then you need to know the following rule:

  1. Most sounds have 2 pronunciation options - hard or soft, depending on the vowels that follow them. They are called paired consonants. But in the Russian language there are consonants that do not have a pair; they are always hard or always soft.
  2. Always hard ones include C and hissing Zh, Sh. These consonants are all hard;
  3. Only soft consonants include the sound й and the hissing Ch, Sh. If these soft consonants are followed by hard vowels (a, o, u, etc.), they still remain soft.

How hardness/softness is indicated in writing

There are no special symbols to convey in writing how a given letter sounds hard or soft. The softness of consonant sounds is conveyed only when transcribed with a special apostrophe. Hardness is not indicated in any way. At the same time, learning to recognize which consonants denote letters in syllables is not difficult; just remember these rules.

The sound of soft and hard consonants in writing is indicated by two methods:

  • Using vowels that follow a consonant. Softness is denoted by the letters e, e, yu, i, i following the consonant, and hardness by all the others;
  • In the second case, the function of indicating hardness/softness is played by a soft and hard sign.

Let's sum it up

Consonants in the Russian language are divided into several large groups - voiced/voiceless and soft/hard. In both of these groups there are sounds that have a consonant pair and those that are unchanged. Therefore, in each of these large groups, paired and unpaired consonants are also distinguished.


Before A, O, U, Y, E

Solid Soft
beech b b’ running
shaft V V' temple
year G G' guide
house d d' day
hall h z' Earth
bark To To' whale
scrap l l’ fox
poppy m m' measure
nose n n’ carried
park n n' feast
ruble r p' rice
som With With' hay
tone T T' shadow
background f f' hair dryer
halva X X' halva


L, M, N, R, J


X, C, Ch, Shch

We fix it while playing

In order for children to better remember and hear the difference in sounds in a language, they need to reinforce what they have learned at school with games.

  1. Write three words. The players take turns writing each other a word, to which they need to add two more, where there are consonants paired with the given one. For example, bark - mountain - weight;
  2. Or the leader gives a task: write three words where all consonants are of the same type;
  3. Catch! The presenter pronounces a word or syllable and throws the ball to the children. At the same time, he stipulates in advance under what conditions to catch and what not to. For example, we catch voiced ones, but not deaf ones. We catch the hard ones, but not the soft ones.
  4. Start singing! The leader sings soft syllables, and the children respond with the opposite ones. For example: la-la-la in response la-la-la, ha-ha-ha - hee-hee-hee, etc.;
  5. Make a list. Here the child is given the task of making a list of dishes for a holiday, or things for a trip, where in the words all the consonants are soft or vice versa;
  6. Sound charging. Each sound has its own movement. A word with a dull sound - we raise our hands, a voiced one - we jump, etc.

Using this principle, you can come up with new games or adapt existing ones. This allows children to express their own creativity and understanding of what they have learned.

Surely when small child parents send the child to first grade to study, the child may encounter new and unforeseen difficulties. He receives most of the knowledge from his teacher, but not everything can be assimilated and remain in his head forever. The problem may be that the child is still too young to have time to “grab” everything at once.

Such barriers can be given in many subjects and topics. And no, these are not only exact sciences, such as mathematics and natural history. The Russian language can also be overwhelming for many children, because it is one of the the most complex languages peace!

As you know, everything big begins with small things, and children, as a rule, begin to study Russian with sounds, which in turn are classified into soft or hard consonants, stressed consonants and unstressed ones. This topic includes many aspects, the study of which is extremely necessary so that every child can perfectly know the basics of the Russian language.

First of all, for a student to begin to study sounds and their features, he needs to become familiar with the letters, which in their own way are divided into consonants and vowels. You also need to know that there are as many as 33 letters in the alphabet, of which only 21 are consonant sounds in the Russian language, which in pronunciation can give 36 different sound pronunciations.

Consonants are always classified. There are hard and soft consonants, voiceless or voiced, sonorant and noisy, paired or unpaired. At the same time, the voiceless and voiced consonants of the word being defined depend on the pronunciation. They consist of noise and voice. Thus, dull sounds are formed with the help of noise and give only deafness, while the latter are distinguished by the presence of sonority due to the voice.

There are fewer vowel sounds; there are only 10 of them in the alphabet, giving only six sounds. They can be shock or unstressed. When the future first grader has already become familiar with and has mastered this material well, we begin to improve the skill so that the student can easily distinguish a soft consonant sound from a hard one.

At the same time, you need to learn to distinguish using different signs, because simply memorizing does not always help. There are cases when a consonant sound in a word can sound either soft or hard, but there are exceptions. Now let's start learning the rules.

Before what vowel?

Which vowels are soft and which are hard? Let's try to figure it out. The first rule sounds like this: “In the case when a consonant is followed by one of the following vowels - a, o, u, e, s - then the sound will always be hard. And “e, yu, ya, e” always makes consonants soft.” As a result, the last all consonant soft words are given. For example, let's take the word "mother".

After the consonant “m” comes the vowel “a”, which makes the sound hard, and in the word “uncle” the sounds “ya - ya” make the consonant “d” soft. If children learn this simple rule and learn to use it, subsequent determination of the softness or hardness of a sound will not be difficult for them.

To reinforce the material “Hard and soft consonant sounds” even better, give children similar exercises that reinforce these rules. We advise you to start with the simplest words.

Two consonants in a row

In the case of subsequent consonants, we figured it out without difficulty, but what to do when two consonants are in a row and how to determine the characteristics of the sound in in this case? Another rule applies here. Such cases always mean that the consonant will always be firm. Only soft consonants do not appear in this rule.

  • As an example, you can take the word “pen”. After “ch” comes the sound “k”, and the child must understand that “ch” will automatically become a hard sound, since the next “k” is a consonant.
  • Take your time when explaining to your child these simple, but important and sometimes confusing rules. Monitor whether the child understands, ask questions and don’t be lazy to explain several times.

Indication of hardness and softness in writing

Traditionally, all sound recordings are made through transcription. So, in transcription, if the sound is soft, we put an apostrophe after it, which looks like a comma on top. Showing: `. For example, let's take the letter "b". In the word “lamb” there is a hard sound, its sound recording is as follows: [b], and in the word “white” it is already [b`]. In the word “ice”, only “l” and “d” are soft. That is, in essence, the child writes the same letter, but it, in turn, has different pronunciations.

In transcriptions and in writing, a similar moment can be indicated differently, that is, in two ways:

  1. In the case when soft consonants in Russian appear at the end of a word or before another consonant (in most cases a hard one), softness is indicated by a soft sign, the transcription is an apostrophe. For example, “horse”, “ash”
  2. If after a consonant there is a softening vowel (which one, see above in the rule), then it is with its help that the softness of consonant sounds is indicated. For example: “chalk”, “sang”, “luk” - the first sounds are always soft.

It is important to know that you should not ignore the fact that any method of indicating the softness of a sound applies only to those who have a pair in hardness. This means that, for example, in the words “tush” and “ink” the soft sign in the second case only indicates that the given object/phenomenon/creature belongs to the feminine gender. Similar words are: “pike”, “sew”, “drink”, “thicket”.

Constant hardness and softness of a consonant sound

You need to know that there are sounds that, regardless of position, rule or even exception, do not change their position. These are “zh, sh, ts” - they are always hard, and “ch, shch, th” are invariably soft, where zh, sh, ch, shch are hissing consonant sounds.

But it can be difficult for children to remember this aspect well, and then the parent can easily prepare a reminder in a notebook, which will look something like this: zh, sh, ts, ch', sch', y'or just underline the last three letters.

"Soft" words

This can be called words in which all soft consonant sounds are soft. There are a huge number of them. For example: “frost”, “glasses”, “skullcaps”, “fun”, “predators”, “squint” - these are words with soft consonants.

  • A very exciting and educational activity not only for the child, but also for the parent, will be the search for similar new words in which all the consonants are soft.
  • If you have any difficulties, please contact our help! “Pikes”, “uncle”, “blizzard”, “aunt”, “rulers”, “fives”, “ten”, “lilac”, “dates”, “nannies”, “cherry”, “ten” - words, where all consonants are soft. Also play in reverse: we look for all the consonants in the words that are now hard.

Learning by playing

Some sources and reference books recommend focusing on educational games. That is, a child who is carried away by such an activity does not notice how he grasps and learns difficult material. An example of such a game could be the familiar “Find a Pair”.

All that is necessary is to give the child words with hard sounds, and he must come up with something else in response, but with soft ones. This is how you can easily and naturally learn soft consonant sounds in 1st grade!