How can you learn Greek. Is Greek difficult? Exams and tests

Dear Greeks! You asked - we did :) Or rather, not us, but our friends from the most comfortable community for students Greek language in contact with Let's speak Greek! Μιλάμε Ελληνικά! Thank you very much Yuliana Masimova for this article.


  1. Basic phonetics course using Rytova’s textbook
  2. Description of phonetics
  3. Details and features of Greek pronunciation with detailed tables and examples that you can listen to online (page on English language):


6. View all forms of any word, find the initial form of the verb:

Therefore, education must also be aware of its historicity and draw conclusions from it. As for antiquity, this means that regardless of whether we perceive it or not, antiquity lives around us and in us - and it will continue to live, whether we like it or not. And, as the earliest corresponding epoch, antiquity is in many and very different fields the initial epoch of European culture; this is where one must begin to understand if one wants to understand the present.

The rest of my thoughts will be examples. Let's start with the language, our German native language: You can just use, talk or study your structures, or you can study them for your story, just take a look at the historical dimension and start a picture book of discovery. Our German is full of Greek and Latin past and is thus present.

7. Portal Lexigram: dictionary of declension and conjugation of words

8. Verbs and their forms, translation into English. language


9. Textbooks and others teaching aids in Pdf format, registration is required on the site, then you can download books for free (100 points are allocated, one book costs about 2-3 points, points can be replenished in the future):

The relationship between the state and the individual, the forms of the state, as well as democracy, the fundamental questions of political activity and power, were such important topics in antiquity, and they have also been theoretically developed so far, that they have become innovative for the modern era; indeed, there were direct assumptions of ancient institutions in the creation of modern state institutions. The great philosophical spheres were the ancient central themes: logic, the theory of knowledge, and especially ethics, with its pressing questions of freedom, goodness and goodness; sufficient dealing with these issues is the need of the hour and thus very useful for today's young people.

  • For beginners (level A1 and A2): Ελληνικά τώρα 1+1. There is audio for it.
  • Level A1 and A2 - Επικοινωνήστε ελληνικά 1 - Communicate in Greek, audio and workbook with grammar exercises separately. This is a fun textbook with funny cartoons and excellent development tasks colloquial speech. It has a part 2 - for levels B1-B2
  • For levels C1-C2 - Καλεϊδοσκόπιο Γ1, Γ2 (here you can only download samples
  • For levels A1-B2 (released before classification by levels): Ελληνική γλώσσα Γ. Μπαμπινιώτη and Νέα Ελληνικά γα ξένους, it has all the audio
  • Textbook in Russian: A.B. Borisova Greek without a tutor (levels A1-B2)
  • textbook Ελληνική γλώσσα Γ. Μπαμπινιώτη - there are the most best tables in grammar and syntax (although it is entirely in Greek). Anastasia Magazova steals texts


10. Excellent audio podcasts with transcripts in Pdf and downloadable. The language level gradually becomes more complex:

This is probably one of the reasons why, in a survey taken by our school a few years ago, early and then-latin and greek maternity, along with history and chemistry, were the subjects most often cited as having given them lasting impressions and stimulation. The study of these fundamental European themes takes place in the context of working with relevant original texts, with highly developed literature that is inextricably linked with ancient poetry and fine arts. Literature as a deliberately designed text can only be adequately captured in its original language, and the necessary knowledge of the laws artistic form are intensively conveyed in a demanding old language course.

Radio online


Dictionaries and phrase books

17. Russian-Greek dictionary

18. Online Greek-English dictionary with voiceover

Video lessons

19. Greek on BBC - video lessons

And since new literature and art have always been and continue to arise in the context of previous literature and art, literature and art in the countries of European languages ​​are ultimately based on Greco-Latin literature and art: whoever studies European literature and art requires knowledge in ancient literature and art, knowledge of its content and its consequences is the second reason why universities require a Latin or Greek education for many studies.

The previous three sections may seem dry: “too many words” - like the “too many notes” that the Emperor spoke of about Mozart. But the same applies to sheet music and text sheets: those who work with them with commitment, intensity and creativity, for which they begin to live, to sound.

Youtube channels

20. Video lessons Greek from scratch. You need to listen and repeat ready-made phrases in Greek. Subject: everyday communication, cafe, restaurant

21. Greek from the project Speak Asap – Greek in 7 lessons. Vocabulary, grammar at level A1.

Learn quickly and easily with the Greek 50 Languages ​​Course

And at the same time, it retains many archaic forms. It is a fairly homogeneous language, with barely any dialects. An interesting fact is that Greek is one of the languages ​​with a large lexicon. Therefore, if you want to have a very wide vocabulary, you should start learning Greek.

First you will learn the basics of the language. Dialogue examples will help you speak the language easily. No previous knowledge is necessary. More advanced students can strengthen and refresh their knowledge. You'll learn daily phrases so you can use them immediately. You will learn how to communicate in several situations. Take advantage of your break time to learn Greek in a few minutes. You can find out on the way home or from anywhere.

22. Video project Greek-for-you

23. Easy Greek channel – from level A2

24. Audiobooks in Greek:

Learn Greek quickly and for free with the book "50 Languages". Also available. Arab. Afrikaans. Albanian. German. Armenia. Bulgarian. Bengal. Belorussian. Bosnian. Kannada. Catalan. Chinese. Korean. Croatian. Danish. Slovak. Slovenia. Esperanto.

Estonia. Learning a language from scratch by self-teaching is one of the biggest challenges when working with languages, especially if you have no experience. They are only starting points for you, because there is no one foolproof method for everyone. There are those who just start reading and listening to materials in another language, even if they don't understand anything and swear that it forces you to acquire the language.

25. Channel with educational videos on the Greek language for Greek primary school students



30. The open library includes copyright-free works of classical literature, as well as contemporary works posted by the authors themselves. All books on the Open Literature list are distributed freely and legally.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to write in the comments what worked for you to learn a language from scratch without classes. Well it's a little Greek course for those who want to learn, it's something easy so it won't take much time. Explaining all its nuances would be very boring, so we will agree to tell you about the most important thing.

In Greek, personal pronouns are not needed when you conjugate verbs because the ending perfectly indicates which person it refers to. You will only use personal pronouns when you want to insist or need something. Note that the infinitive does not exist in Greek; we will see later what form it takes on the tongue.

31. Free e-booksδωρεανελληνικα-ηλεκτρονικαβιβλια-free-ebooks

32. Interactive textbooks for Greek secondary schools by grade and subject - suitable for students of Greek as a foreign language at levels B1-B2.

Don't ignore this verb: it will be very useful to ask for food, to make a purchase and a thousand other things. Do you have pasta? The current one. Future. This "continuous" future indicates an action that will be repeated or last for a long time. Once you know the root of the verb, the ending of the same. The imminent is the simplest because it is the form you recognize when you open the dictionary or ask for vocabulary: it takes the place of the subject or attribute. A vocative is used to call someone or even something.

It is also used for the apostrophe. For example: Children! What a devil! The parent case is used to indicate the addition of the name or owner of the thing. The accusative case is a case of object complement. In most cases, this case is used after prepositions. to Valencia: from Valencia. Whenever we are going to drop a name, we will only give you the most common forms. Male names. Positive case - a ton of pattern.

For children

34. Little reader: audio books for children

35. Games for children: initial level of language learning. To log in you must enter your name.

Passive ton pater-peter. Mobility. Female names. Neutral names. They also have three genres: masculine, feminine, and neutral. Pasta tastes better than potatoes. Thanks to diminutives, Greek names can become very affectionate and sometimes derogatory: you will hear Yogakis Yogos, Elenitsa Eleni, Zhrisoula - Zhrisa and Vasilikula - Vasilikom.

In addition, these names are abbreviated and simplified: Akis Yorgakis, Lena Elena, Sula Zhrisula, Kula Vasilikula, etc. Hour, I, ruins - hour, hours to mite - minute to reduce - second - second. The noun that follows them is most often placed in the accusative case, preceding or without an article. Let's find out the most common prepositions. and - instead of moving and macaroni, zealous patates of the Tiganites. Wine from Athens. you beat Elada after Pasha.

Exams and tests

37. Portal of the Greek Language Center, which conducts, in particular, exams for the CERTIFICATION OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. Here you can:

— Determine your level of Greek language proficiency
— Find exam centers for the Greek Language Certificate (required for studying and working in Greece)
— Download materials to prepare for the Certificate exams

Rice is sweeter than apples. After breakfast we will go for a walk. We waited until ten. There are vineyards at the exit from the village. The houses are located near the sea. We have a room in the village. Young people are losing this habit, which older people, especially in cities, continue to support. Also, at any time of the day, to say "farewell", "farewell", say: "already sas" or "already him", or the more formal, "adio" or "adios sas". “Hello” is usually just “already.” Reaching out to others. Greeks often use their names to speak, and the most common is to talk about themselves, especially older people, when addressing young people.

Various sites

38. A site with a variety of information about the Greek language, many links to resources:

Learning Greek poses quite a challenge because the Greek language itself is incredibly difficult. The number of courses that offer to study this unique language is incredibly small, and mastering it on your own is very difficult. In order for the Greek language to be learnable, you should organize yourself, show persistence, and acquire the necessary educational literature.

When you talk to an older person, you should treat her even if she does. Note that this patronizing paternalism is still common among Greek girls, which does not always hold up in other European countries. The Greeks say among friends or relatives. How are you?

And they say: kala, are you? -Good and you? Very good, thank God. Yesterday his head hurt a little, but today everything is fine. Greek is the oldest and most traditionally written Western language. Over almost three thousand years of documented history, it has acquired exceptional linguistic richness in all areas of human activity: thought, science, medicine, economics, art, etc. evolution, which has survived its entire long history, has not changed its elementary features which have identified it as such since antiquity.

Stages of learning Greek

If we are learning the Greek language from scratch, then our training should begin with familiarization with the alphabet, the basics of constructing sentences, and memorizing the most simple words, reading and writing. Simple cramming will not help you master the Greek language. This will easily manifest itself when, while in Greece, it will be impossible to read and understand the meaning of a single sign.

From their wealth and prestige, several peoples benefited directly or indirectly and adopted or adapted their alphabet, literature, religion, history, science, law, philosophy and art. Most of vocabulary modern languages ​​of all these branches is associated with linguistic borrowing from the Greek language.

Greek is a "logical" language in its structure and functioning, phonetically balanced, sonically and with enormous communicative capabilities. Similar to classical Greek and Latin language, it can serve as an instrumental language for understanding modern European languages. When speaking in any current language, you are also using Greek, and if you know, it will be easier to understand and know the meaning and etymology of a significant part of the other language's vocabulary.

If learning the Greek language from scratch is required in order to master it for tourism purposes, then the course for beginners is ideal for solving the tasks, since it includes all the most common conversational phrases, used during travel. When the goals are outlined and the tasks are quite clear, you should find a tutor who will help you learn Greek. When choosing a tutor or courses, it is a good idea to pay attention to the cost of the services provided and the duration of the entire course. It is preferable if three main characteristics are combined simultaneously: low cost, efficiency and speed of learning.

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only. The course consists of five weeks, in which the texts themselves will serve as the basis for learning the alphabet, the first inflections and the most common verbs, as well as essential vocabulary. We are creating a course that will run in September.

Is the course open to any student?

In its first edition, the course will work for students studying in the first year of study in the field of sciences and languages ​​of antiquity. Our goal is to be open later in other profiles for students. "Learn Greek faster than with other traditional methods."

An inexpensive way, but, unfortunately, not the fastest, is to study Greek using information resources. You can find an excellent tutor online who will not only tell you where to start learning Greek, but will also conduct classes online.

How to learn a language

Greek is quite a difficult language, so efforts should be made to ensure that it does not remain so. A competent tutor will be able to develop an individual program focused on each student and select literature that will make language learning fun and accessible. The tutor will be able to select effective video lessons and useful audio materials. An experienced tutor will be able to structure the learning process so that learning a language will be easy and fun.

How long does it take to learn Greek

The amount of time required to study Greek can vary greatly. If we study Greek only as a future tourist, then a few dozen classes will be enough for this. If the goal is to master the language perfectly, then the number of classes increases. In addition, the ability to assimilate foreign languages Each person has a completely different level of learning, so the duration of language learning depends on this parameter.

A rather interesting method of learning Greek is to conduct classes with a tutor using information technologies. Lessons via Skype are also highly effective; they are attractive because they do not require extra time spent traveling to and from the tutor. Training takes place at home on a computer.

In many language schools When studying the Greek language, they also use the practice of conducting classes via Skype. This allows you to have a conversation in Greek with the native inhabitants of Greece, who are endowed with high emotionality, so the conversation is never boring. Such conversations help to hone your language skills and feel a little more “Greek”.

Individual and group lessons

The table shows the price of training per month, during which 8 classes are conducted.

Meetings with teachers - twice a week. The visit of specialists is included in the cost of services.

Corporate Greek training

We discuss the conditions for conducting classes with you in advance.