Haircut horoscope for October. When can you cut your hair according to the oracle?

October is one of the best months of 2017 for a visit to the hairdresser. The moon will be especially favorable to those who choose the optimal day to change their image.

A haircut on favorable days of the lunar calendar will make your hair stronger, your health stronger, and generally harmonize your life.

When to get a haircut: lunar calendar

  • October 1—it’s better to postpone going to the hairdresser: you may incur financial losses. Hair coloring is permitted.
  • October 2 - getting a haircut on this day will prolong your life, and dyeing it a natural color will “attract” the people you need.
  • October 3 - any manipulation with hair is contraindicated.
  • October 4 - today's haircut promises good luck and stability.
  • October 5 – cutting your hair is recommended only for those who want to get better. You can dye your hair the color given to you by nature.
  • October 6 - today you can resort to hair coloring using natural dyes. Haircuts should be excluded.

The most famous natural and harmless hair dyes are, of course, . We have already talked about their benefits and methods of use.

  • October 7 - a haircut will have a positive effect not only on your image, but will also improve your complexion. Any experiments are welcome in hair coloring.
  • October 8—both coloring and cutting are contraindicated.
  • October 9 - a haircut will please you, and dyeing it in your “native” color will help you establish mutual understanding with others.
  • October 10 is the best day to change your image: you can cut your hair and dye your hair any color.
  • October 11—you should give up coloring and give preference to a haircut: it will make you irresistible.
  • October 12—today’s haircut will attract negativity, and coloring will also disturb the internal balance.
  • October 13 – use for painting natural dyes and don’t cut your hair: your relationships with family and friends will suffer.
  • October 14—haircutting poses a threat to your health. Bleaching is not recommended. It is recommended to use tonics or natural dye.
  • October 15 - this day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts and coloring.
  • October 16 - a haircut will help you become richer, and changing the color of your curls to a lighter one will attract monetary luck.
  • October 17 - if you value your health, refuse any manipulations with your hair today.
  • October 18 - there are no restrictions on coloring, and cutting your hair threatens a quarrel with loved ones.
  • October 19 – You shouldn’t dye your hair, but you should get a haircut: your life will be transformed.
  • October 20 - if you cut your hair, illnesses will attach themselves to you. We advise you to lighten your strands today, and Fortune will smile on you.
  • October 21 - the body's defenses will be recharged if you use natural paint when coloring. No need to get a haircut.
  • October 22 - after today's haircut, life will sparkle with new colors, and dyeing it in golden and copper colors promises you quick wealth.
  • October 23 – don’t get your hair cut if you don’t want to tempt fate. You can resort to coloring, but without “chemistry”.
  • October 24th is a great day for a haircut: it guarantees health for both your hair and you. It is better to refrain from coloring your hair.
  • October 25 is one of the best lunar days month for a haircut. Only mild products are recommended for coloring.
  • October 26 - migraines may follow a haircut on this day. Today you can change your hair color to dark using only henna and basma.
  • October 27—Take care of your health: stop cutting your hair. Dyeing your hair in dark shades will help you find a way out of the impasse.
  • October 28 - you can easily find mutual language with people if you lighten your hair a little today or add copper tones. Scissors and hair are incompatible today: fraught with future injuries.
  • October 29—You cannot cut your hair to avoid possible material losses. Try going back to a hair color that suits you good mood.
  • October 30 - a haircut may lead to immediate financial losses. Vegetable dyes are recommended for coloring.
  • October 31 is a very good lunar day for a variety of haircuts. New hairstyle will prolong your days, and dyeing your hair in your “native” color will attract people to you who will help you reach a new stage in life.

Before you go to the salon to change your hairstyle or hair color, take a look at the lunar haircut calendar for October 2017: perhaps the day you chose due to the unfortunate placement of the planets is completely unsuitable for bold experiments with your appearance.

Not a bad day for a haircut only if you are ready for radical changes in your look. Minor correction of length and shape can negatively affect the overall condition of the hair. When it comes to coloring, you can safely try new shades and color combinations.
2 October

A haircut today will have a positive impact on the current state of affairs. Experiment with length and design: in any case, you will be satisfied with the result, and your hair will significantly accelerate its growth. It is better to postpone coloring to a more successful day.
October 3

Incredible, but true: the lunar calendar of haircuts guarantees that today's experiments with length will contribute to a sharpening of intuition. A new haircut will give you self-confidence and help increase your importance in the eyes of your colleagues. But today it’s better not to risk changing the shade, focusing on home care.

It is better to postpone a haircut today until a more favorable moment: there is a risk that correcting the shape will cause unnecessary worries and internal doubts. When coloring, give preference to proven shades and as natural a color palette as possible.
October 5

Moon calendar haircuts for October warns that any experiments with the image can negatively affect not only the condition of the strands, but also your peace of mind. Be careful when choosing shades for coloring, pay attention to restorative procedures.
October 6

The moon is in the sign of Aries, which means that now hair is more capricious and susceptible to damage than ever before. external factors. It is recommended to reschedule both haircut and coloring to a more successful day: new image will attract troubles and unexpected expenses into your life.

Decide to get a haircut if you have long wanted to change something in your life: an updated hairstyle will open up new horizons for you. The right shade and well-done coloring will also have a positive impact on your professional success.
October 8

Feel free to adjust your hair length if you want to maintain the shape of your new hairstyle for as long as possible. When coloring, try to return to the shade with which only the most pleasant moments were associated in your life. Changing your look is guaranteed to bring positive changes into your life.
October 9

The lunar haircut calendar 2017 does not recommend experimenting with the look today: in any case, you will be completely dissatisfied with the final result. When deciding to dye, give preference to proven dyes, and trust the procedure itself only to your master.

This is not a bad time to change your image, given that a new image is guaranteed to bring only positive emotions into your life. After cutting, the hair will be easy to style, and the chosen shade will delight you with its durability for a long time.
October 11

Approach all issues related to appearance with caution today. After cutting and coloring, hair may become unruly and difficult to style. If the strands are dry and lifeless, this is an excellent time to carry out restorative procedures.
October 12

A haircut today will attract an influx of positive material energy into your life: a new image will play into your hands, increasing your importance in the eyes of business partners and colleagues. However, when choosing a new shape and design, it is important to remember that adjusting the length during the waning moon will significantly slow down hair growth.

It is better to reschedule today's trip to the salon to a more successful day: any manipulations with your hair on this day can cause a sharp deterioration in your health. Be careful when working with hot stylers - hair today is especially susceptible to any thermal influence.

In all respects, a wonderful day to go to a beauty salon. New business contacts, an inexhaustible fountain of internal energy and a lot of unexpected and at the same time pleasant meetings and acquaintances - this is what awaits you if you dare to change your shade and haircut on this day.

Be careful when experimenting with your image today. A new hairstyle and even a slight change in shade can cause self-doubt. If it is not possible to reschedule your visit to the salon, limit yourself to restorative care and light styling.

Astrologer Vera Khubelashvili told Woman's Day about better days to sign up for a beauty salon in the second month of autumn.

Vera Khubelashvili, astrologer:

The autumn season inexorably brings us closer to the winter cold. And October is a difficult month for hair, since it already receives little sunlight and is deficient in essential vitamins. If the eyes are considered the mirror of the soul, then hair reflects not only our inner world and mood, but can also say a lot about a person’s health. Therefore, it is so important to choose the most favorable time for haircuts and coloring in this cold autumn month. If you take care of, cut and color your hair in accordance with the heavenly and wise luminary, then firstly, you will be satisfied with your hairstyle, and secondly, you will not harm your well-being and will even attract success to your life.

It has long been known that manipulation of hair, and especially cutting and coloring, is a kind of magical process, so it is very important to live in accordance with the stars. This month, Venus, the planet of beauty, will be in two zodiac signs. In the first half, Venus will move through the sign of Virgo, and from October 14 will move through the sign of Libra, where she is very cozy and comfortable! With Venus in the sign of Virgo, classic feminine haircuts are good, without unnecessary or asymmetrical details.

And here when Venus is in the sign of Libra - from October 14 - you can do any haircuts you like. Venus is very strong in this sign, so it will “help” you get the image that suits you most.

The most successful new changes will be in the first half of the month for representatives of the earth element - Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. The first ten days will be no less successful for changing the image for representatives water elementPisces, Cancer and Scorpio. But the second half will bring true satisfaction to air signs - Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Any experiments with your appearance will bring you the expected joy. By the way, for the fiery ones Leo, Sagittarius and Aries this period will also be favorable in matters of changes in appearance!

It should be remembered that the periods of full moons and new moons in ancient times and to this day are excluded for any procedures with appearance, including in matters of hair care. This month P The Full Moon falls on October 5th and the New Moon falls on October 19th.. These days, try to avoid any serious hair treatments. And even better, one or two days before and after, also exclude serious manipulations with the hair.

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It is believed that the waxing phase of the moon actively influences rapid and healthy hair growth. Quite frequent experiments with coloring have a bad effect on the hair structure, and no matter how you cut or straighten it, it still breaks and falls out. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a day when the Moon is waxing, then any coloring and haircut will take place without terrible consequences for your hair. When the Moon is waxing, it is good to cut hair for those who want to speed up their growth. However, this month the first 5 days are not the best for haircuts. If you still want to grow long hair, shorten your ends from October 20 to 29: you will notice that they will begin to grow much faster than usual! The most successful days for haircuts are October 8, 13−18, 25, 26.

Even if you haven’t found “your” hairdresser, feel free to go to the hairdresser after October 14, when Venus begins her march through the sign of Libra, where she will help you in all matters of beauty and bestow her magical help (except for days around the autumn new moon - October 19). You can rest assured that under the auspices of Venus in Libra, you will definitely get the image that will help you shine in any place and society.

* Unfavorable days for hair treatments: October 3−5, 10−12, 17, 19, 24, 27, 31.

Hair coloring in October 2017

If you don’t want to correct hairdressers’ mistakes or doubt your hairstyle, you don’t need to get your hair cut or dyed on unfavorable lunar days. It is best to postpone going to the hairdresser if the appointment date falls on the Full Moon - October 19 and the New Moon - October 5. This is a rather stressful period, when passions are raging all around, and there is no need to look for esoteric reasons - your master may simply have Bad mood or headache, and the result in this case is obvious. Coloring done these days will not give a positive result and the hair may be seriously damaged. Wise advice: if you want your new hair color to last for a long time, then you need to make a nourishing mask 2-3 days beforehand. The hair will be filled with moisture, and the pigment will become more durable.

The following days are good for hair coloring:

Ø October 8: in order to attract success and happiness to your side, you should return to the hair color that was on your hair during the brightest period of your life;

Ø October 11: if you need useful connections and acquaintances, paint yourself a light color;

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Ø October 15: dark tones of dyes will help establish business understanding with your boss or find new job;

Ø October 22: natural paint will affect the growth of efficiency, improvement of well-being;

On the thirteenth lunar day (October 3) you should refrain from coloring. The negative background of this day can paradoxically affect the result of coloring.

Coloring should be rescheduled from October 10, 16, 20 and 25 to another day. Changing hair color is fraught with negative events, unstable state of mind, conflicts at home or in a team.

Unfavorable days for hair coloring: October 5, 7, 8, 14, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27.

There is another very important concept in astrology - the Moon without a course. This is the time when any endeavors do not bring the desired result, no matter what they concern. And this directly applies to the results of visiting beauty salons. Therefore, be sure to take these periods of the moon into account when planning a visit to the hairdresser!

2.10.2017 14:13 – 2.10.2017 17:26.

4.10.2017 10:19 – 4.10.2017 23:40.

7.10.2017 1:38 – 7.10.2017 2:56.

8.10.2017 16:45 – 9.10.2017 4:44.

11.10.2017 1:25 – 11.10.2017 6:38.

13.10.2017 7:00 – 13.10.2017 9:41.

15.10.2017 8:28 – 15.10.2017 14:19.

17.10.2017 14:27 – 17.10.2017 20:35.

19.10.2017 22:12 – 20.10.2017 4:41.

22.10.2017 14:35 – 22.10.2017 14:57.

24.10.2017 19:44 – 25.10.2017 3:12.

27.10.2017 8:22 – 27.10.2017 15:59.

29.10.2017 19:22 – 30.10.2017 2:46.

Be the most attractive, desired and loved. Let the stars add confidence to you and guarantee a stunning effect!

One of the important components of a woman’s beauty and well-being is the condition of her hair. In order not to harm the beauty of your hair and choose favorable days for coloring, trust the lunar calendar for October 2019.

People have long noticed how strongly the phases of the moon affect all areas of human life. This happens insofar as fate, health and mental well-being are under the direct influence of celestial bodies.

The position of the Moon in the world has the strongest influence on hair coloring. zodiac sign. Positive impact is observed from Capricorn, Taurus, Leo and Virgo, and Sagittarius. Unfavorable signs are: Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Pisces.

Every month heavenly body goes through growth and decline phases. Based on these changes, a detailed calendar of the Moon's states is compiled, giving advice on general directions. IN growth phase coloring goes well in decreasing order- on the contrary, it was unsuccessful. Special attention deserve a new and full moon.

Numbering by days of the cycle and specific dates are also important. Look in this lunar calendar to see which day of the month is best to dye your hair.

Lunar coloring calendar for October, choosing favorable days

Favorable days for hair coloring in October 2019 for women and men

On the calendar green The days are marked when it is best to change or update your hair color in October 2019, and in red when changing the color is not recommended.

Coloring calendar for October
Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

The most favorable days for hair coloring in October 2019 are 2, 3, 5, 15, 16, 22, 24, 25, 31

In general, these are good dates for updating the color - 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 30

Neutral days for coloring in October - 1, 21, 23, 29

The most unfavorable days for changing your image are 28

Not the best numbers to change color - 11, 13, 18, 20, 26, 27

Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar in October 2019


When is the best time to dye your hair in October 2019?

  1. Moon in Scorpio -
  2. 4 lunar day -
  3. Waxing Crescent -
  1. Moon in Scorpio - Any color leads to radical changes in the way of life.
  2. 5 lunar day - A good day for lightening.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Promotes color fastness.

According to the Lunar coloring calendar - October 2, 2019 is one of the most auspicious days to change your hair color this month.

  1. Moon in Sagittarius -
  2. 5 lunar day - A good day for lightening. Light shades will lie evenly and aesthetically on the hair. Blonding done on this day will look as natural as possible.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Provides thick hair.
  1. Moon in Sagittarius -
  2. 6 lunar day - Any procedures at the hairdresser will have a depressing effect on the body. The resulting coloring will be unsatisfactory. It can lead to painful hairstyles and loss of vitality.
  3. Waxing Crescent -
  1. Moon in Capricorn - You can achieve long-lasting and bright color. The dye applied at this time will adhere well to the hair.
  2. 7 lunar day - A great day to radically change your hair color. It's a good time for bold experiments. The moon will have a beneficial effect on color. The color will be bright, which will add sexuality to the look and attract outside attention.
  3. Waxing Crescent - It's time to experiment. The risk is minimal. If the resulting result does not please you, you should safely cut your hair. Hair will quickly grow back.

According to the Lunar coloring calendar, October 5, 2019 is one of the most favorable days for changing hair color this month.

  1. Moon in Capricorn - Health-improving effect. Coloring will have a good effect on the condition of the roots and the appearance of the hairstyle.
  2. 8 lunar day - You should be careful when choosing a shade. It is not advisable to dye your hair, since on this day your reputation and authority are in a vulnerable position.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Provides even color application. It is best to apply paint during this lunar phase.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Aquarius -
  2. 9 lunar day - Good calendar time for lightening. Any light shades applied on this day will end up looking good.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Positive effect on the body and other areas of life. The positive experience of coloring will have an impact on the overall health and position of a person in the world.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Aquarius - Aquarius denies everything “ordinary.”“Normal” hair color, habitual or conservative coloring is guaranteed to end in failure.
  2. 10 lunar day - Natural dyes have a positive effect. Natural pigments will affect your position in society and strengthen your immune system. After the procedure there may be changes in better side relations with management.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Chemical resistance. During the waning moon, it is allowed to use unnatural coloring pigments, since at this time they are unlikely to harm the hair.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Aquarius - This is the worst time to experiment. On this day you do not need to do any hair treatments. Postpone your visit to the hairdresser.
  2. 11 lunar day - The perfect day to dye your hair all shades of copper and red. This is the right time to add a little warmth to your look. Copper and reddish shades attract financial flows. On the 11th day, the Moon especially favors these tones.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Strong energy.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Pisces - The procedures have a positive effect on the development of intuition. You should not dye your hair unless necessary, but taking care of it can improve the well-being of the subconscious.
  2. 12 lunar day - The calendar recommends dyeing using natural dyes. This time will help to wrap public opinion to your own benefit by changing your image. To do this, you should dye your hair with natural pigments. As a result, you can expect a promotion or an improvement in your position in your social circle.
  3. Waxing Crescent - The best time to dye and change your image. Dyeing with the waxing moon gives hair shine and silkiness.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Pisces - Hair condition may worsen. Dyeing is fraught with seborrhea and unruly hairstyle. The new color will most likely be dull and will have a negative impact on your hair texture.
  2. 13th lunar day - This day is not suitable for coloring. It's better to wait for a better time.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Promotes color fastness. Hair will remain brighter longer if you dye it during the waxing phase of the moon.
  1. Moon in Aries -
  2. 14th lunar day - At this time, you can successfully change the shade. The moon on day 14 has a good effect on the results of color experiments. Daredevils can expect shiny and healthy hair. Things at work, financial condition and relationships with superiors improve.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Provides thick hair. Any procedure will have a positive effect on hair growth.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Aries - General decline in energy. Deterioration in physical well-being, vulnerability to disease. Hair and scalp are particularly sensitive to chemicals
  2. 15th lunar day - Carrying out any procedures on hair is contraindicated. Health on this day is in a vulnerable position. It is better to refrain from all possible manipulations with your hair. Otherwise, they can bring illness and a depressed state of mind to the owner of the hair.
  3. Waxing Crescent - Provides health and strong roots. The hair texture will be denser. Reduced risk of developing dandruff or split ends.

Not the best day to update your image.

  1. Moon in Aries - Unfavorable time for hair coloring. The Moon in Aries negatively affects any new beginnings associated with a change in image. Not worth it at all once again touch your hair: cut, shave, dye.
  2. 16 lunar day - Suitable for repainting in dark shades. This day is conducive to coloring in all the dark colors of the spectrum.
  3. Full moon - Time for dramatic changes. Coloring can greatly change the entire course of your life. It is better to refrain from procedures if this seems to be an undesirable outcome.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Taurus - Brings a positive impression. Coloring for Venusian signs leads to good results and positive emotions.
  2. 17th lunar day - You can dye your hair any color except dark. Blonde and red hairstyles will improve existing connections between people. This is a good time to establish or get things moving in personal relationships.
  3. Waning moon - Depletion of energy reserves. A new color can cause a state of internal devastation.
  1. Moon in Taurus - The condition of the hair and scalp improves for the better. Any procedures related to hair and appearance are indicated for the Moon in Taurus.
  2. 18 lunar day - Personal associations are especially important on this day. On day 18, it is important to choose shades that are somehow associated with positive impressions from the past.
  3. Waning moon - Lack of joy.

According to the Lunar coloring calendar, October 16, 2019 is one of the most favorable days for changing hair color this month.

  1. Moon in Gemini -
  2. 19th lunar day - A great day for any hair treatments. Painting will extend the lifespan and find reliable allies.
  3. Waning moon -

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Gemini - Brown-haired women are better off refraining from any interference in their appearance. It is advisable to wait for the Moon to move into another sign.
  2. 20 lunar day - It is better to postpone your visit to the salon. The moon does not predispose to coloring.
  3. Waning moon - Vulnerability to common problems. Split ends, hair loss and dandruff are possible.

Not the best day to update your image.

  1. Moon in Gemini - Geminis favor light shades. The best time to change the color to light colors, but it is better to refrain from painting in other colors.
  2. 21 lunar days - Any colors are allowed. Coloring procedures attract new acquaintances with prosperous people. Existing connections with successful or established friends are also strengthened.
  3. Waning moon - Public condemnation. Due to the low energy potential in the waning moon phase, people can react sharply to any changes in image in their environment.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

  1. Moon in Cancer - The moon does not favor hair coloring. Do not wait good results after color change. The paint won't last long.
  2. 22 lunar day - The influence is unstable. It has a positive effect on your financial situation and encourages you to buy real estate. May lead to mild hormonal imbalance and weight gain.
  3. Waning moon - You should not dye your hair during the waning moon. At this time, it is better not to develop activity and postpone classes for a more favorable time. The exception is short hair.

Not the best day to update your image.

  1. Moon in Cancer - The sign of Cancer provides contradictory and unpredictable results from manipulations with appearance. The instability of Cancer can either restore mental comfort or lead to serious disorder.
  2. 23 lunar day - The procedure has a positive effect on the immune system. As a result of coloring, the level of general well-being increases. The influence of the Moon is especially noticeable on the condition of the skin, which improves literally before our eyes.
  3. Waning moon - A lackluster result. There is a risk of getting dull hair.

Neutral day for hair coloring

  1. Moon in Leo - Coloring will lead to a beautiful result. The health of the curls improves and vitality increases.
  2. 24 lunar day - Color leads to pronounced changes in the social environment. Dark colors will influence the state of affairs in the team and cause a positive response
  3. Waning moon - Quick washout. Hair dyed under the waning moon does not retain the brightness of the color.
  1. Moon in Leo - A great time to manipulate your appearance. Dyeing in Leo has a beneficial effect on the image and general condition of the hair. The pigment applies smoothly and has a high degree of brightness. The main thing is not to perm, otherwise the voluminous hair will be impossible to control.
  2. 25 lunar day - Coloring will lead to conflict and stressful situations. You should not dye your hair at this time. Changing your image on this day is fraught with the risk of inciting minor squabbles and will lead to at least one major quarrel. A trip to the hairdresser can end in disputes with people around you. There is a certain risk of losing visual acuity.
  3. Waning moon - Deterioration of health. As a result of dyeing, hair can become thin and lifeless.

Neutral day for hair coloring

  • 27 lunar day - Great time for bold decisions. A strong change in hair color attracts good luck.
  • Waning moon - Lack of joy. Even the long-awaited change of image and desired coloring may not bring a satisfactory result.
    1. Moon in Libra - The airiness of Libra makes the hairstyle look effortless. The dye will not last long and your hair may become frizzy.
    2. 28 lunar day - On day 28, the calendar runs out of luck. It is advisable to postpone staining until the beginning of the next lunar cycle.
    3. Waning moon - It is recommended to refrain from experiments. The waning moon does not favor new beginnings, so the procedure may end in disappointment. The results can be both unpleasant and extremely beneficial.
    4. 1st, 2nd lunar day - The effect varies depending on the dyes chosen. Coloring with natural substances has a positive effect on financial well-being.
    5. New moon - Coloring at this time is contraindicated. At the end of the lunar cycle, you can effectively remove boring hair color, since this time is conducive to any cleaning. During an eclipse, there is a positive impact.

    The lunar coloring calendar warns that the new moon is an unfavorable period for any effects on the hair.

    1. Moon in Scorpio - Unpredictability of results. This is the most risky time for changing your image and coloring procedures.
    2. 3 lunar days - The calendar advises against radical changes in appearance on this day of the lunar cycle. It is unacceptable to bleach your hair. When dyeing, only natural dyes should be used.
    3. Waxing Crescent - Strong energy. It will be easiest to come to terms with any disappointments during this period.

    Neutral day for hair coloring

    1. Moon in Sagittarius - At this time, it is difficult to achieve beauty through coloring. The result of the procedure itself may upset or leave you unsatisfied.
    2. 4 lunar day - It is not recommended to try new shades. It is believed that on this day one should approach coloring with caution. It is better to refrain from experiments.
    3. Waxing Crescent - The best time to dye and change your image. Dyeing with the waxing moon gives hair shine and silkiness.

    In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.

    1. Moon in Sagittarius - Jupiter rewards brave girls with wealth and luck. In response to hair manipulation, Sagittarius brings good luck and happiness to life.
    2. 5 lunar day - A good day for lightening. Light shades will lie evenly and aesthetically on the hair. Blonding done on this day will look as natural as possible.
    3. Waxing Crescent - Promotes color fastness. Hair will remain brighter longer if you dye it during the waxing phase of the moon.

    According to the Lunar coloring calendar, October 31, 2019 is one of the most favorable days for changing hair color this month.

    Lunar calendar of haircuts for October 2017, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the zodiac signs, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The lunar haircut calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of when you can cut your hair according to Oracle. The lunar calendar for hair cutting for October 2017 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for cutting your hair. In the Lunar haircut calendar for October 2017, various events have an impact specific action for cutting human hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will preserve your positive forces and get rid of everything negative, and find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

    When to cut hair in October 2017 for women?

    The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of your hair depends on proper nutrition and care. The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by cutting hair. To know when you can cut your hair according to the Oracle, you need to be guided by the lunar haircut calendar for October 2017. Sticking to simple recommendations, You can increase the effect of proper care take care of your hair and be able to enhance the positive results of hair care procedures.

    How does the moon phase affect hair cutting in October 2017?

    The phases of the moon in October 2017 primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser to maintain healthy hair: the tendency to hair loss may increase or, for example, dandruff may occur. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc. If you have a penchant for changing your hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that your hair grows quickly in October 2017. In this case, for cutting your hair, it is better to choose the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter. If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdressing salon, choose a favorable day when the Moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you should stop cutting your hair, because cutting your hair on these days shortens a person’s life.

    Lunar calendar of haircuts for October 2017 by day, favorable days

    After October 6, you can allow yourself any fantasies in terms of haircuts, even if something is wrong, it will be possible to fix it in the near future. By the way, hair grows faster during sleep - so try to get enough sleep and not change day to night. The time after the full moon from 20 to 27 can also be used to communicate with stylists. Dedicate the beginning and end of the month to hair care. In general, the entire month of October 2017 is a time for decisive people who do not depend on the opinions of others. The second half of the month will become more productive in actions, bright individuals will be able to receive income, recognition, and prospects for influence. An extravagant haircut will help in these endeavors. Medium haircuts that allow a woman to change her look in different situations will work best.

    1 Oct. 2017 16:39 - 12th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from September 30th. 2017 7:56 to 2 Oct. 2017 17:44. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

    Oct 2 2017 17:06 - 13th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from September 30th. 2017 7:56 to 2 Oct. 2017 17:44. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

    Oct 3 2017 17:30 - 14th lunar day. Moon in Pisces from 2 Oct. 2017 17:44 to 5 Oct. 2017 0:08. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 14th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a luckier person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property material well-being. (en spyod `phel). Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    Oct 4 2017 17:52 - 15th lunar day. Moon in Pisces from 2 Oct. 2017 17:44 to 5 Oct. 2017 0:08. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. On the 15th lunar day it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with blood pressure and an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear. Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    Oct 5 2017 18:13 - 16th lunar day. Moon in Aries from October 5th. 2017 0:08 to 7 Oct. 2017 3:08. In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts. The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts, because at this time you can attract misfortunes and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

    Oct 6 2017 18:35 - 17th lunar day. Moon in Aries from October 5th. 2017 0:08 to 7 Oct. 2017 3:08. In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts. The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

    Oct 7 2017 18:59 - 18th lunar day. Moon in Taurus from 7 Oct. 2017 3:08 to 9 Oct. 2017 5:00. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 18th lunar day is bad for haircuts, as there is a high probability of attracting situations related to theft of property or damage to it. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable moon positions. Hair grows strong and healthy, with less split ends.

    Oct 8 2017 19:28 - 19th lunar day. Moon in Taurus from 7 Oct. 2017 3:08 to 9 Oct. 2017 5:00. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), however, if the second aspect (moon in the zodiac sign) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable moon positions. Hair grows strong and healthy, with less split ends.

    Oct 9 2017 20:03 - 20 lunar day. Moon in Gemini from October 9th. 2017 5:00 to 11 Oct. 2017 6:52. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 20th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. In Tibetan: dbultog. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

    Oct 10 2017 20:46 - 21 lunar day. Moon in Gemini from October 9th. 2017 5:00 to 11 Oct. 2017 6:52. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 21st lunar day is ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and attractive (gzugs bzang). Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. The hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

    Oct 11 2017 21:40 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Cancer from 11 Oct. 2017 6:52 to 13 Oct. 2017 9:52. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 22nd lunar day is good for a haircut - you will be able to get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

    12 Oct. 2017 22:43 - 23 lunar day. Moon in Cancer from 11 Oct. 2017 6:52 to 13 Oct. 2017 9:52. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 23rd lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid cutting your hair today if other aspects suggest it. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

    Oct 13 2017 23:54 - 24 lunar day. Moon in Leo from October 13th. 2017 9:52 to 15 Oct. 2017 14:34. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

    Oct 15 2017 1:09 - 25 lunar day. Moon in Leo from October 13th. 2017 9:52 to 15 Oct. 2017 14:34. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you may lose sight of the most important thing, not see opportunities coming and going. (mig tshag ong). Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

    Oct 16 2017 2:26 - 26 lunar day. Moon in Virgo from 15 Oct. 2017 14:34 to 17 Oct. 2017 20:58. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 26th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be voluminous, strong and magically attractive.

    17 Oct 2017 3:42 - 27 lunar day. Moon in Virgo from 15 Oct. 2017 14:34 to 17 Oct. 2017 20:58. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 27th lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and your good mood will not leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be voluminous, strong and magically attractive.

    Oct 18 2017 4:57 - 28 lunar day. Moon in Libra from 17 Oct. 2017 20:58 to 20 Oct. 2017 5:04. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. An ideal day for a haircut - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes). Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    Oct 19 2017 6:11 - 29 lunar day. Moon in Libra from 17 Oct. 2017 20:58 to 20 Oct. 2017 5:04. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. Haircut on the 29th lunar day is strictly not recommended - you can go astray and get into a lot of trouble. (bla `khyams). Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    Oct 19 2017 21:12 - 1 lunar day. Moon in Libra from 17 Oct. 2017 20:58 to 20 Oct. 2017 5:04. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. 1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts. Tibetan sages say that cutting your hair on this day shortens your life. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    Oct 20 2017 6:23 - 2nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio from 20 Oct. 2017 5:04 to 22 Oct. 2017 15:26. In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts. A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    Oct 21 2017 7:34 - 3rd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio from 20 Oct. 2017 5:04 to 22 Oct. 2017 15:26. In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts.
    Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illnesses into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money like crazy. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    Oct 22 2017 8:42 - 4th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio from 20 Oct. 2017 5:04 to 22 Oct. 2017 15:26. In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts. Haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    Oct 23 2017 9:47 - 5th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius from October 22. 2017 15:26 to 25 Oct. 2017 3:30. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you luck and wealth. A very good day to radically change your appearance. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

    Oct 24 2017 10:47 - 6th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius from October 22. 2017 15:26 to 25 Oct. 2017 3:30. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 5th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - you can attract illnesses into your life or simply become depressed, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

    Oct 25 2017 11:41 - 7th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn from October 25th. 2017 3:30 to 27 Oct. 2017 16:08. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 7th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

    Oct 26 2017 12:28 - 8th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn from October 25th. 2017 3:30 to 27 Oct. 2017 16:08. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 8th lunar day is very good for haircuts. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

    Oct 27 2017 13:07 - 9th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn from October 25th. 2017 3:30 to 27 Oct. 2017 16:08. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using soft natural ingredients. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

    Oct 28 2017 13:40 - 10th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from October 27th. 2017 16:08 to 30 Oct. 2017 3:04. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 10th lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

    Oct 29 2017 14:08 - 11th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from October 27th. 2017 16:08 to 30 Oct. 2017 3:04. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 11th lunar day is simply ideal for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a “bomb”. This haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

    Oct 30 2017 14:32 - 12th lunar day. Moon in Pisces from October 30th. 2017 3:04 to 1 Nov. 2017 10:02. Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut. The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    Oct 31 2017 14:54 - 13th lunar day. Moon in Pisces from October 30th. 2017 3:04 to 1 Nov. 2017 10:02. Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut. The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed). Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    Lunar haircut calendar for October 2017 - when to perm your hair

    Nature gave someone lush curly hair, and someone has gorgeous straight hair. But it just so happens that the desire to at least sometimes show off their curls is common to almost all women. In fact, it’s not all that complicated – hair perm is a fairly simple procedure, although it requires a certain approach. According to the lunar calendar, some signs affect the hair in such a way that it begins to curl on its own; all it takes is a little help. These are the signs of Virgo, Leo and Taurus. Despite the fact that October begins with the last quarter of the moon, curls on October 1, 2, 3, as well as October 15, 16 will be simply magnificent. Curls will also hold well during the waxing period of the moon (from October 12 to October 18), the hair will not only become fluffy and manageable, but the hair roots will also become stronger. If it scares you chemical exposure hair, but you still dream of beautiful curls, pay attention to biowave - a relatively new procedure. The current solution does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, and they are the ones that have such a negative effect on the hair, thinning it and destroying the structure. When bio-curling, curls are fixed with more delicate components. This curl lasts for about three months and is most suitable for oily and normal hair. Don’t risk the health of dry and brittle hair, and of course, choose the right day according to the lunar calendar.

    Lunar haircut calendar for October 2017 - when is the best time to dye your hair

    Like curling, hair coloring also has a significant impact on hair structure, especially if it is bleaching or lightening. Stylists do not recommend immediately lightening your hair by more than three tones - it is better to do it gradually. Constantly changing color also has a negative effect on your hair. You should not completely change the color more than once every two to three months. Natural organic dyes (henna, basma, tea decoction, onion peel) do not have a negative effect, but on the contrary, improve the condition of the hair. You can't dye your hair right away perm– you need to wait at least three days. After coloring, you should not wash your hair for two or three days, but restorative masks, on the contrary, are welcome. Lunar horoscope shows that in October you can dye your hair the whole month, with the exception of 5, 19, 20, 21 and from October 27 until the very end of the month. When dyeing at home, the hair is divided into four parts by parting and starting from the back of the head. The hair on the forehead and temples is dyed last, as they absorb the dye faster.

    Unfavorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar for October 2017

    In October, the new moon and full moon coincide on the 5th and 19th, respectively. Since this month's full moon coincides with a lunar eclipse and the constellation Taurus, don't get your hair cut on October 20th either. These days you can only take care of your hair, and only in a gentle way. You can limit yourself only to rinsing with herbal tinctures and decoctions. Compresses made from burdock, sage, and vitamin complexes also bring benefits. Two days in the middle of the month, when the moon will be under the influence of Sagittarius (October 8 and 9), are unfavorable for haircuts.