Ginipral: features of safe use during pregnancy. Ginipral for uterine hypertonicity: use in the form of droppers and in tablet form Ginipral during pregnancy dosage

Every woman during pregnancy has heard at least once the expressions “uterine tone”, “hypertonicity”. It happens that sometimes the expectant mother is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth, then the specialist prescribes special treatment and prescribes Ginipral during pregnancy. During pregnancy, when the muscles of the uterus are completely relaxed, this is the norm, that is, a state of normal muscle tension. In an excited state, when muscle contractions occur, this means that the tone increases and the pressure in the uterine cavity increases.

If there is a threat of miscarriage Treatment Medicine
early pregnancy Loss of a child Stress

Hypertonicity of the uterus must be treated, otherwise contractions may begin, which will lead to miscarriage or premature birth. In order to prevent this condition, doctors prescribe medications that can reduce its activity. Often these are simple drugs that are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, but if they do not help, stronger drugs such as ginipral are prescribed during pregnancy.

It can be used starting from the 16th week of pregnancy. Before this, hormonal medications are used, since in the first trimester hormones play an important role in the formation and development of a new life.

If there is a threat of miscarriage

Ginipral belongs to the group of sympathomimetics. This medicine is used to treat pathologies during pregnancy or labor in the following conditions:

  • when during labor there are strong contractions that can harm the baby (asphyxia);
  • if childbirth is complicated and it is necessary to temporarily stop contractions for surgery or other obstetric procedures;
  • to suppress contractions when they start too early;
  • Ginipral is also prescribed during pregnancy if a woman experiences increased uterine tone for more than 12 weeks.

The drug is widely used to prevent premature birth and treat increased uterine tone. Also read and.

Contraction of the uterus occurs with the arrival of the due date. But it happens that a woman comes completely unprepared by the time she carries a child. She may have pathologies, bad habits, an incorrect, sedentary lifestyle - all this can harm the child, he may develop with deviations, developmental delays, etc. In order for pregnancy and childbirth to take place without complications, ginipral is prescribed.

Effect on the fetus and contraindications

Some women experience side effects during pregnancy after taking ginipral. There is an opinion that everything that a woman experiences during this period, the fetus also feels the same. In fact, this is not so; the relationship of sensations is a very rare case. All side effects can only be felt by the expectant mother.

The only time the drug can affect a child is if an overdose occurs (his heart rate may increase). These cases are rare, but still, when taking the drug, it is necessary to monitor the blood pressure and heart rate of the expectant mother and child. There is no effect on the fetus as such.

There are a number of reasons why ginipral should not be taken. These are conditions when taking ginipral during pregnancy is undesirable and can cause side effects, namely:

  • individual intolerance to the contents of the medicine;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heart, vascular diseases, hypertension;
  • diseases of the liver, biliary tract, kidneys;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Therefore, ginipral is taken only as prescribed by a specialist.

The main side effects can be in the form of hand tremors, the woman may feel restless, incomprehensible anxiety. Sometimes there is a decrease in blood pressure, and pain begins in the heart area.

Treatment of increased uterine tone

Often, the use of the drug can cause nausea, vomiting, decreased diuresis, or increased sweating in a pregnant woman. Typically, the effect of ginipral during pregnancy is stopped with verapamil. It is able to suppress side effects.

If side effects are detected, a blood test may show an increase in glucose and a decrease in potassium. Headache, shortness of breath, severe overexcitement - all this can be caused by incorrect dosage of the medicine or neglect of contraindications.

Often an allergic reaction to the drug begins, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, bronchospasms, loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing. This condition can be complicated by anaphylactic shock. If such symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist.

Towards the end of pregnancy (about a few days before the 40th week), the use of ginipral is stopped. Each of the side effects will be enhanced if a pregnant woman often drinks coffee and tea.

In order to reduce swelling, you need to eat a healthy diet, reduce your salt intake and drink more fluids. As soon as the dose of the drug is reduced, all unpleasant consequences will go away.

Instructions for use of the medicine

The medicine is available in the form of a solution (2 ml ampoules) and tablets. The need to take the drug is determined only by the treating gynecologist.

Medicine in the form of a solution

Instructions for using the solution.

  1. It is necessary to dilute the isotonic sodium chlorine solution to 10 ml.
  2. The contents of the ampoule should be administered very slowly over 7-10 minutes. To do this, you need to use an automatically dosing infusion system.
  3. The required dosage and course of the drug are prescribed by a specialist.

For acute tocolysis, the dose of ginipral is 10 mcg, one ampoule of 2 ml. If necessary, pregnant women are given IVs and treatment continues:

  • an ampoule of the substance is administered at a rate of 120 drops per minute;
  • 2 ampoules are injected with 60 drops of solution per minute;
  • 3 ampoules are administered at 40 drops per minute;
  • 4 ampoules are administered at a rate of 30 drops per minute.

Infusions can be given every 4 hours if necessary. If contractions do not resume after 48 hours, treatment continues in the form of tablets.

If a woman switches to tablets after intravenous administration, the first tablet should be taken several hours before the end of the drip. If a pregnant woman starts taking the pills for the first time, she can do this at any time.

Ginipral tablets should be taken with a small amount of water. During pregnancy, you can take the drug regardless of food intake. They can be taken starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. The doctor determines the dosage based on the condition of the woman and the fetus.

Typically the daily dose is from 4 to 8 tablets. Experts recommend taking one tablet every three hours for several days. Then the dosage must be reduced to a period of four hours.

After a few more days, you should take a tablet every six hours. If positive dynamics are observed and the threat of premature birth passes, then the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day.

If you follow the instructions for using ginipral and the recommendations of a specialist, there will be no side effects. Reducing the dose of medication during pregnancy is necessary according to the rules. First, one tablet at a time is removed, and the time period is divided into equal parts. Gradually reducing the dose, the doctor stops taking the pills.

No one can guarantee that even the healthiest woman will have a pregnancy that meets all norms and standards and that no complications will arise.

Even careful preparation cannot guarantee that complications, albeit minor, will not arise, and what can we say about an unplanned pregnancy?

It has been proven that unexpected pregnancy significantly increases the risk of various complications, including uterine hypertonicity.

Uterine hypertonicity is a very dangerous condition that can end very sadly, even leading to miscarriage or premature birth.

In order to avoid such consequences, in obstetrics and gynecology, pregnant women are prescribed appropriate medications, for example, Ginipral.

Warning signs of miscarriage

The appearance of the following symptoms will indicate a possible termination of pregnancy:

  • Aching, cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Aching and pulling pain localized in the lower back;
  • The appearance of bloody, spotting discharge on underwear;
  • Hypertonicity of the uterine muscles. Often women say that the uterus has become “stony” and feel mild contractions. If hypertension persists for a long time, real contractions may begin, and as a result, premature birth or spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • During a gynecological examination, the opening and softening of the cervix becomes noticeable.

When such symptoms appear, hypertonicity is a threat to pregnancy, and emergency medical care is needed. You can call an ambulance and go with the team to the hospital, or get there yourself.

The increase in the symptoms described above will indicate the onset of labor, and this process, unfortunately, cannot be stopped. And even the highest doses of drugs will delay the onset of labor by a maximum of several days.

Ginipral during pregnancy: instructions for use

Hypertonicity of the uterus is dangerous not only because it can cause miscarriage, but also because the supply of nutrients to the fetus is “inhibited.”

The result may be fetal hypoxia, which will slow down its development. And if hypertension was diagnosed in the first trimester, then hormonal drugs are most often prescribed, since its main cause lies precisely in the disruption of hormone synthesis.

For hypertension, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors will prescribe more serious medications, one of which is Ginipral.

So why is ginipral prescribed during pregnancy?

According to the annotation, ginipral is a drug that has a direct effect on the vessels of the uterus and placenta and will help to relax it. Doctors can prescribe this drug no earlier than 16–20 weeks of gestation.

The first trimester of pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to the use of Ginipral. Contraindications also include individual intolerance to the drug, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, asthma, etc.

The decision on the need to take the drug remains solely with the doctor, who will individually decide on the duration of use and dosage of Ginipral during pregnancy.

Ginipral during pregnancy: side effects

It is worth remembering about the side effects of the drug; the most common include headache, dizziness, agitation, tremors of the limbs, and rapid heartbeat.

In order to reduce the likelihood of side effects, drugs that regulate cardiac activity and potassium supplements are prescribed along with the course of Ginipral.

Ginipral can cause sudden surges in blood pressure; for these reasons, therapy should be accompanied by regular monitoring of blood pressure and heartbeat in a pregnant woman.

It has been noted that tea or coffee can increase the undesirable effects of treatment with Ginipral.

The dosage of ginipral during pregnancy is determined exclusively by a specialist, based on the clinical picture and other characteristics of the female body. The daily dose of ginipral tablets during pregnancy should not be 4 - 6 tablets.

In case of repeated cramping pain in the lower abdomen, and with a significant opening of the cervical canal, doctors are forced to prescribe aggressive methods of administering Ginipral.

Often the drug is injected intravenously continuously until the symptoms of the threat disappear. In parallel with the course of IV drips, tablet therapy may be prescribed. Ginipral infusion is carried out in saline solution.

If there are no contraindications to the administration of Ginipral by drip, the drug is prescribed in tablet form - in courses, every few months.

For severe hypertonicity, Ginipral tablets during pregnancy are prescribed at the rate of 500 mcg (tablet) every three hours.

As soon as the uterine tone has decreased, the dosage can be reduced. Ginipral is discontinued gradually - they begin to increase the time between doses to 4 - 6 hours, gradually reducing the dosage of the drug at the rate of 1 - 2 tablets per day.

This condition must be observed if high doses of Ginipral have been prescribed. If Ginipral is abruptly discontinued, hypertonicity will return again, and the threat of miscarriage will remain.

Treatment of threatened miscarriage is always individual and complex.

Ginipral can be combined with other medications, but still the most important thing when there is a threat of miscarriage is to maintain physical rest, sometimes strict bed rest is prescribed.

Every pregnant lady must remember that in order to maintain pregnancy it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and not engage in amateur activities. And the doctor, in turn, will do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy.

As soon as a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she begins to pay close attention to her body and everything that happens to it.

Therefore, pregnant women often turn to doctors with various complaints, especially nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Until recently, all pregnant women who presented with a similar symptom were given the terrible diagnosis of “threat of miscarriage,” and they often like to add uterine tone here.

I already wrote about uterine tone in a separate article, be sure to read it (follow the link Uterine tone during pregnancy >>>).

Of course, the expectant mother was not left without treatment.

And one of the frequently prescribed drugs was Ginipral. When studying the instructions for this medicine, a huge number of contraindications and side effects are striking.

Is Ginipral really necessary during pregnancy or is it prescribed simply to be on the safe side?

What is Ginipral

According to the instructions, Ginipral during pregnancy is a tocolytic agent that promotes rapid relaxation of smooth muscles, including the uterine muscles.

In this way, gynecologists are trying to eliminate the increased tone of the organ, thereby preventing spontaneous termination of pregnancy or premature birth.

Why is it prescribed for pregnant women?

Why is Ginipral prescribed during pregnancy?

  • This is usually done between 22 and 36 weeks, if the woman has no direct contraindications to its use;
  • It is not advisable to take it earlier, since the receptors on which it is able to influence are formed no earlier than the 20th week (read the article on the topic: 20th week of pregnancy >>>);
  • Ginipral tablets are used during pregnancy to eliminate the threat of early labor and are usually prescribed after injections of this drug. The exception is moderate hypertonicity.

Injections are prescribed for:

  1. short-term treatment of uncomplicated hypertension;
  2. turning the fetus over in case of transverse presentation;
  3. the need for emergency transportation of a pregnant woman.

Indications for use

Doctors usually prescribe the use of Ginipral during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • in case of threat of early labor;
  • if hypoxia is detected in the fetus (more about fetal hypoxia during pregnancy >>>).

In the form of a dropper, the drug is prescribed to stop labor if it has begun much earlier than the due date.

In this way, doctors are trying to gain a little time, for example, in order to take a woman in labor to a medical facility, where she and her newborn can receive qualified care.

This prescription of Ginipral at 33 weeks of pregnancy is quite common.

Important! Instructions for using Ginipral during pregnancy indicate that the drug is not effective until 16-22 weeks. And some experts are confident that it should be recommended for use no earlier than 28 weeks.

But what should be even more alarming is that now this drug is prescribed along with vitamin C as an ordinary remedy.

As soon as you complain about a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or slight tonic phenomena, the doctor will immediately prescribe Ginipral. Although this drug is not used in many countries due to severe side effects.

Side effect

Ginipral, prescribed during pregnancy, has side effects, and if you look at them carefully, it becomes scary not only
for the expectant mother, but also three times scary - for the child. Read this list very carefully, think about WHAT is hidden under the Ginipral tablet. During its use the following may be observed:

  1. headache, anxiety, muscle tremors, dizziness;
  2. nausea, vomiting, intestinal atony;
  3. in patients with diabetes mellitus hyperkalemia is possible;
  4. bronchospasm and even pulmonary edema;
  5. skin reactions (redness, rash, itching);
  6. increased sweating, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure; heart rhythm disturbance;
  7. decreased urination, sharp decrease in potassium and calcium in the body
  8. decreased diuresis, which can lead to tissue swelling (read the article Edema during pregnancy >>>).

In newborns - hypoglycemia and acidosis, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. Let us dwell only on the side effects in newborns.
Acidosis is acidification, i.e. oxygen starvation. The brain, heart and adrenal glands receive an acute lack of oxygen. Consequences: cerebrovascular accident, disruption of the cardiovascular system, dysfunction of the hormonal system.
Hypoglycemia is low blood glucose levels. In the fetus, approximately 50% of the body's total energy needs are provided by glucose.

Symptoms in newborns with hypoglycemia:
- eye symptoms are often the first to appear (floating circular movements of the eyeballs, decreased tone of the eye muscles);
- weak high-frequency piercing unemotional scream,
- loss of communication skills, weakness, regurgitation,
- infrequent breastfeeding;
- lethargy, lack of movement or tremor, twitching,
- increased excitability, irritability
Less common clinical symptoms of hypoglycemia include:
- rhythmic tremor, increased muscle tone, convulsions
- apnea – cessation of breathing;
- instability of body temperature;
- tachycardia, arterial hypotension
- increased sweating;
- pallor of the skin.

Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction. Dangerous for life.
Clinical manifestations of anaphylactic shock:
From the cardiovascular system: sharp decrease in blood pressure, acute heart failure;
From the respiratory system: shortness of breath, bronchospasm, swelling of the respiratory tract;
Cerebrovascular accident, seizures
Skin: rashes, swelling, pallor, sweating, bluish lips.

Bronchospasm is a narrowing of the bronchi caused by muscle contraction. The child cannot breathe fully. Most often, bronchospasm has a drug-dependent allergic onset.

These are only the facts that are indicated in the instructions for use of Ginipral. Only few people read it carefully and thoughtfully. It turns out that by prescribing Ginipral, the doctor solves the problem here and now, but does not think at all about how it will affect the child in utero and at birth.

The “undesirable effects” of Ginipral can be eliminated by prescribing hormonal and antiallergic therapy.

The doctor takes into account the side effects of Ginipral and prescribes additional medications: cardiac, diuretic, vasoconstrictor, sedative. Taking additional medications does not exclude the general effect and undesirable effects of the drug.


The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  • the woman suffered any illness in the first half of pregnancy;
  • the pregnant woman is diagnosed with ischemia;
  • the cervix has dilated more than 4 cm;
  • damage to the amniotic sac has occurred;
  • maternal glaucoma;
  • with exacerbation of asthma;
  • in case of liver or kidney pathology;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • for any abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • the pregnant woman’s history included any abnormalities or pathologies that led to the death of the fetus;
  • a woman or fetus has been diagnosed with a pathology that threatens their life.

Ginipral should not be used for uterine tone during pregnancy, since studies have shown (here I will quote my respected E.P. Berezovskaya, an obstetrician-gynecologist with many years of experience and a sober view of modern obstetrics):

“beta-sympathomimetics do not reduce the incidence of preterm birth, do not improve pregnancy outcomes, do not reduce the morbidity of newborns, do not improve the weight of newborns, and therefore should not be used by pregnant women, especially for the purpose of preventing preterm birth.

Many of these drugs have never been tested on pregnant women, although they are prescribed for the purpose of prolonging pregnancy, and the studies that have already been conducted are not enough to talk about the safety of beta-sympathomimetics for pregnant women and their offspring."

Harm to the fetus

Attention! Despite the fact that pregnant women are often prescribed Ginipral at the 35th week of pregnancy or at another period, some gynecologists are confident that, along with a decrease in uterine tone, the medicine reduces the permeability of small vessels.

The result is oxygen starvation in the fetus. Therefore, using it without clear indications is dangerous.

Is Ginipral necessary?

Usually, expectant mothers, fearing for the baby, rush to the antenatal clinic as soon as they notice any unusual condition.

Gynecologists are also trying to play it safe and can prescribe various medications to a pregnant woman with or without reason. Indeed, in this case, in the event of an “emergency situation” no one will blame them for inaction.

However, they modestly keep silent about the fact that any drug has its own side effects that can cause even greater harm.

Important! In addition, recently there has been more and more information about doctors’ falsehood of such a diagnosis as “hypertonicity of the uterus” and the threat of premature birth, especially after the 35th week of pregnancy.

Of course, there may be situations when after this period the child has not had time to gain sufficient weight and is not yet ready to be born.

Remember! But these are still isolated cases, and in the vast majority of situations, taking this and other drugs turns out to be unjustified.

What should those to whom the doctor prescribed Ginipral to prevent the premature birth of a baby do?

First of all, you need to calm down and soberly assess whether there are real reasons for taking this drug.

After all, as you have already noticed, the list of side effects from it is very large and dangerous.

How did you resolve the issue with Ginipral and on what basis was it prescribed to you? Share in the comments.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 30.09.2011

Filterable list

Active ingredient:


Pharmacological groups

3D images

Composition and release form

in a PVC/Al blister. 10 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 blisters.

Description of the dosage form

Pills: white, round, biconvex.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- tocolytic.


Relaxes the muscles of the uterus, reduces the frequency and intensity of contractions, suppresses spontaneous and oxytocin-induced labor contractions. During childbirth, it normalizes the strength and regularity of contractions, suppresses (in most cases) premature contractions and helps prolong pregnancy until the normal due date. Has little effect on the cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman and fetus.


When taken orally, it is well absorbed. It is excreted in the form of a dimethylated derivative in the urine and in the bile - in the form of complex metabolites.

Ginipral ® consists of 2 catecholamine groups, which in the human body undergo methylation via catecholamine-O-methyltransferase. Hexoprenaline becomes biologically inactive only if both of its catecholamine groups are methylated. When administered intrabronchially, 3 H-labeled hexoprenaline is excreted in the urine in the form of a biologically active substance for a relatively long time. Part of the injected substance remains active at the injection site for quite a long time.

Indications for the drug Ginipral ®

Threat of premature birth (as a continuation of infusion therapy).


hypersensitivity (especially in patients suffering from bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity to sulfites);


cardiovascular diseases, especially heart rhythm disturbances occurring with tachycardia; myocarditis, mitral valve disease and aortic stenosis;

arterial hypertension;

severe liver and kidney diseases;

angle-closure glaucoma;

premature placental abruption, uterine bleeding, intrauterine infections;

pregnancy (first trimester);

lactation period.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects

Dizziness, anxiety, slight tremor of the fingers, increased sweating, tachycardia, headache, increased activity of liver enzymes.

Possible decrease in blood pressure, especially diastolic. In some cases, nausea and vomiting develop.

In rare cases - ventricular extrasystole, pain in the heart (cardialgia). These symptoms disappear quickly after stopping the drug.

Blood sugar levels increase due to the glycogenolytic effect of the drug (especially in diabetes).

Diuresis decreases at the beginning of treatment. In patients with a tendency to retain fluid in the tissues, this can lead to edema.

During treatment with Ginipral ® the intensity of intestinal motility may decrease (pay attention to the regularity of stool).

In newborns - hypoglycemia, acidosis, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock.


A number of drugs that lower blood pressure (β-blockers) weaken the effect of Ginipral ® or neutralize it.

Methylxanthines (for example theophylline) enhance the effect of Ginipral ®.

The effect of oral hypoglycemic agents during therapy with Ginipral ® is weakened.

General anesthesia (halothane) and adrenergic stimulants (cardiovascular and antiasthmatic drugs) increase side effects from the cardiovascular system.

Ginipral ® is incompatible with ergot alkaloid, MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, as well as mineralocorticoids, dihydrotachysterol and preparations containing calcium and vitamin D.

Directions for use and doses

Inside with a small amount of water.

Threat of premature birth: 1-2 hours before the end of the Ginipral ® infusion, start taking tablets at a dose of 0.5 mg (1 tablet) every 3 hours, then every 4-6 hours (4-8 tablets per day).


Symptoms: anxiety, tremor, increased sweating, severe tachycardia, arrhythmia, headaches, cardialgia, decreased blood pressure, shortness of breath.

Treatment: the use of Ginipral ® antagonists - non-selective β-blockers that completely neutralize its effect.

Special instructions

Blood pressure, pulse and cardiac activity should be under constant medical supervision.

In patients with diabetes, blood sugar levels should be monitored.

Under the influence of Ginipral ®, diuresis decreases, so you should carefully monitor symptoms reflecting fluid retention in the body (for example, swelling of the legs, difficulty breathing). This is especially important in the case of simultaneous use of corticosteroids or in cases of kidney disease.

Strict limitation of excess fluid intake is necessary.

You should limit your salt intake from food.

During tocolytic treatment, it is necessary to monitor bowel movements.

With prolonged tocolytic therapy, it is necessary to monitor the state of the fetoplacental complex. When the membranes rupture and when the cervix is ​​dilated by more than 2-3 cm, the effectiveness of tocolytic therapy is low.

If surgical intervention is necessary, the anesthesiologist should be informed about Ginipral ® therapy.

It is necessary to take into account the use of any other drugs when prescribing therapy with Ginipral ®.

Coffee and tea may increase the side effects of Ginipral ® .

You should immediately inform your doctor about contraindications or the development of side effects.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

According to the recipe.

Storage conditions for the drug Ginipral ®

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Ginipral ®

5 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
O34.3 Isthmic-cervical insufficiency requiring maternal medical careCervical cerclage
O60 Premature birthPremature pregnancy
Immobilization of the uterus
Immobilization of the uterus before caesarean section
Acute tocolysis
Preventing premature birth
Premature rupture of water
Premature labor pains
Premature contractions in the prehospital stage
Premature birth
Threatening premature birth
Threat of premature birth
O62.3 Rapid laborAcute tocolysis
O62.4 Hypertensive, uncoordinated and prolonged uterine contractionsHypertonicity of the uterus
Cervical spasm
O66.9 Obstructed labor, unspecifiedComplicated labor
P20.9 Intrauterine hypoxia, unspecifiedAcute intrauterine asphyxia
Acute intrauterine fetal asphyxia

Pregnancy can proceed in different ways, not only every doctor knows this, but every woman knows this. There is no ideally quiet period for all 9 months. Therefore, when something does happen, the woman should know what medications and what methods will be used to normalize the pregnancy. To eliminate hypertonicity of the uterus and its excessive contractions during pregnancy, the drug "Ginipral" is prescribed. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

Why is Ginipral prescribed?
First of all, strictly remember dear women. Ginipral is a serious drug, self-medication of which or its unauthorized withdrawal can lead to disastrous consequences, including premature birth or fetal deformation.

Ginipral during pregnancy is usually prescribed for uterine hypertonicity, which usually occurs with multiple pregnancies, an increased amount of amniotic fluid, or complications that are caused mainly by bad habits: constant conflict, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, overeating and excess weight.
Ginipral is usually prescribed in the second and third trimester, because the fetus is already quite “adult” and can perceive all harmful factors more sensitively.

"Ginipral" is prescribed for increased uterine tone (hypertonicity). When it is too tense, the vessels of the pelvic organs are compressed, which leads to a limited supply of oxygen to the fetus, through the umbilical cord and placenta. Blockage of oxygen leads to starvation of the embryo and its subsequent deformation.
"Ginipral" is a drug prescribed to prevent fetal hypoxia (brain damage from lack of oxygen)
When is Ginipral prescribed:

  • danger of premature pregnancy;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • false contractions (contractions of the uterus);
  • prevent uterine dilatation in the second trimester;
  • stabilization of the rhythm of contractions during childbirth.

Contraindications of "Ginipral" and its dosage
Contraindications for which the drug is not prescribed:

  • - increased intraocular pressure;
  • -problems of the thyroid gland, its hyperfunction;
  • -bleeding (uterine or internal organs)
  • -hypertension;
  • -genital infections;
  • - liver cirrhosis (any stage);
  • -renal failure;
  • - obstruction of the bile ducts.
The dosage of the drug is prescribed strictly by the doctor. "Ginipral" is taken one tablet (500 mcg) every 4 hours if the pressure and spasms of the uterus exceed the norm. After the pregnant woman’s condition has stabilized, the drug intake is reduced to 1-2 tablets per day. Ginipral is also administered intravenously through a dropper when there is a need to immediately stabilize the tone of uterine contractions during childbirth or to prevent premature dilatation of the uterus before term.

General recommendations.
If, when examining a pregnant woman, the gynecologist decided to immediately prescribe Ginipral, take this into account. This means there really is a need. Try to follow all doctor's recommendations and stay healthy.