Where is Yulia Lipnitskaya? Yulia Lipnitskaya - biography, information, personal life

Yulia Vyacheslavovna Lipnitskaya is a Russian figure skater, participant in figure skating competitions at the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014), who received the title of team champion. Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (2014).

Russian figure skating star, Olympic champion Yulia Lipnitskaya was born on June 5, 1998 in Yekaterinburg. The young athlete began her career when she was barely 4 years old. In early childhood, not being able to pronounce words well, the girl called herself “Olympic” instead of “Lipnitskaya,” which later turned out to be a kind of prediction of her own destiny.

The mother raised the child alone, since the father left her before the birth of her daughter. Daniela Leonidovna brought the baby to the local school at the Lokomotiv Sports and Youth Sports School. Yulia’s first coaches, Elena Levkovets and Marina Voitsekhovskaya, not only became the girl’s idols and best teachers, but also gave her the opportunity to continue her journey in one of the most beautiful sports.

Mom Daniela Leonidovna, who chose figure skating for her daughter, did not even suspect what success her little daughter would achieve in the near future. After all, the initial goal was to improve the girl’s health and do something useful and exciting.

Six years later, the Moscow stage of the biography of Yulia Lipnitskaya began. The athlete and her mother moved to Moscow. The reason for the move was the high hopes placed on the skater. She learned everything that Yulia could be taught in Yekaterinburg.

The girl was assigned to the Moscow Sports School No. 37. Julia ended up in a group with a famous one, which trains athletes in single skating. Igor Pashkevich also helped in preparing the young athlete.

Figure skating

Yulia has incredible flexibility and good stretching by nature. It was these qualities that allowed Lipnitskaya to perform the most complex elements that adult and experienced athletes have been honing for years. By the end of 2009, the skater could perform all triple jumps “excellently”.

In the 2009-2010 season, the figure skater took part in the Russian Championship and was among the top five winners. The next season, in which Yulia took part as an adult athlete, also became significant for her: the girl took 4th place.

In 2011-2012, the Russian woman attended the Grand Prix, which took place in Poland, and won it. After that, Julia began to win only prizes. And already in Italy, the figure skater again took gold. Then there was a victory in Canada, where Yulia showed herself worthy and managed to significantly outpace her main rival.

Soon the Russian figure skater went to the Russian Championship with the main goal - to win. Julia succeeded. The athlete deservedly received silver at this championship. The next step was winning the World Junior Championships. Lipnitskaya was able to win the gold medal and beat the famous American, who was predicted to win.

Yulia began preparing for the Olympics in Sochi in advance. The first was a victory in the 2012-2013 season in a tournament that took place in Finland. After this, the athlete achieved victory in China and France at adult competitions.

The victory in Paris was double for the skater: Lipnitskaya was able to not only win gold, but also get the maximum level. But Yulia did not compete in the Grand Prix final. The young athlete received an injury due to which she was unable to go on the ice. The girl missed not only the final, but also the Russian Figure Skating Championship in 2013.

Only in the second half of the 2012-2013 season was the figure skater able to take fifth position at the Russian Championships. This was the first time out after the injury. After this tournament, the stellar period of Yulia Lipnitskaya’s biography began, the athlete again began to take prizes.

The World Championship turned out to be a prize for the figure skater. Julia won silver in Milan. Of course, after the injuries the athlete received, she needed some time for rehabilitation. But Lipnitskaya quickly regained her strength and entered the Olympic season again as a winner.

Competitions in Finland, which took place in the 2013-2014 season, brought Yulia victory. Canada, Grand Prix - a new victory. In the Grand Prix final, Lipnitskaya took second place due to a small mistake she made in her program.

The athlete’s landmark victory was the gold at the European Championships in 2014. The figure skater not only received a gold medal, but also beat her main competitors by a fairly large number of points. The girl skated the program perfectly and deserved the victory. It is noteworthy that at this championship Yulia’s opponents were experienced colleagues who had won prizes more than once. At the European Championships in 2014, the girl was the youngest.

Young Lipnitskaya receives strong support from her mother, who accompanies the athlete at all competitions. They are together when Julia wins and when she falls. For a figure skater, a mother is the most important and important person, as Yulia has repeatedly said in her own interviews.

Olympics in Sochi

The fact that Yulia Lipnitskaya would represent her country at the Olympics in Sochi was quite expected. The girl managed to achieve results that some athletes can only dream of. Lipnitskaya was the main hope of the Russian figure skating team.

In the team figure skating competitions, which took place on February 6, 8 and 9 in Sochi, Yulia Lipnitskaya became the Olympic champion. She won and skated both programs perfectly. It was Lipnitskaya who won the most points, which helped the Russian figure skating team. The girl performed very difficult elements in her performance and received all possible bonuses. To date, Yulia Lipnitskaya is the country’s youngest Olympic champion.

In February 2014, it became known that Yulia Lipnitskaya was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation. This event became an excellent incentive for the athlete, when in the same month the girl took part in the short program competition in women's figure skating. Russia was represented by two figure skaters - 15-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya and 17-year-old. After the short program, Yulia Lipnitskaya took fifth place, as.

On February 20, 2014, the decisive skate took place - the free program. Yulia Lipnitskaya performed to the music of the legendary film “Schindler’s List”. The athlete performed perfect jumps and unique spins, but a few moments before the final the skater fell.

As a result, the 15-year-old athlete showed the fifth result in the sum of both programs. Adelina unconditionally won that Olympics, giving Russia the first gold in the modern history of women's singles skating.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, who managed to achieve incredible success, is a very young girl. Therefore, fans and fans of figure skating were sure that more than one Olympics awaited Lipnitskaya.

After the Olympics

After the Olympics in Sochi, Yulia Lipnitskaya did not rest on her laurels. The skater began the next season at the Grand Prix stage in China, where she skated the short program and became a leader. But, unfortunately, the day after the success, an unfortunate fall occurred: the girl’s free program failed. In total, the athlete managed to gain a foothold in 2nd place.

Accumulated fatigue turned out to be the reason for the disappointing defeats in Barcelona and Russia. At home, the girl ended up in 5th position following the results of her free program and was not included in the team for the European Championships.

Yulia Lipnitskaya started the new season at the Finnish “Finlandia Trophy”, where she was able to take 2nd place. Two weeks later in Milwaukee, America, the Russian woman took 6th place at the Skate America Grand Prix series stage. At the national championship, luck turned against Yulia again: the girl ended up in the middle of the table. Yulia was included in the Russian national team as a reserve.

In November 2015, Yulia Lipnitskaya replaced coach Eteri Tutberidze, and Alexey Urmanov took over to prepare the athlete for further competitions. The training took place in Sochi.

No matter how dark and light stripes alternated in the sports biography of this beautiful figure skater, Yulia undoubtedly had a brilliant future. Not only the girl’s Russian fans were sure of this, but also foreign fans of the figure skater’s athletic talent. For example, The Guardian wrote about Yulia Lipnitskaya’s abilities. The publication called the girl an unusually gifted figure skater and a rising star, who overshadowed even the famous figure skater with her skating.

However, after the Olympics, the figure skater’s star began to gradually fade.

Personal life

With the move to Sochi, where the athlete now trains under the leadership of Alexey Urmanov, changes have also emerged in the personal life of Yulia Lipnitskaya. The girl escaped from her mother’s care and, as can be seen from the photographs on the page in “ Instagram“, now he has time not only to prepare for further games, but also to rest.

17-year-old Yulia spent time with her colleague Vladislav Tarasenko when he came to Sochi. According to media reports, the young athlete also dreams of changing his training location and moving to a southern city.

At the end of 2015, information also appeared on the Internet about the young figure skater’s affair with the athlete Maurice Kvitelashvili. Yulia was introduced to the young man by her friend, a figure skater and 2015 world champion.

While training in Sochi, Yulia Lipnitskaya mastered the technique of makeup artistry, graduating from the Make-up ART Stylish beauty school. This skill is necessary for professional figure skaters to independently prepare for competitions.

At home, the athlete has a cat, Chop, and a spitz, Peach, who was given to the girl by her fans. Lipnitskaya also does not miss the opportunity to ride horses - the athlete has loved loyal animals since childhood.

Yulia Lipnitskaya today

At the beginning of 2016, Lipnitskaya performed at the Russian Championship, where she took third place; in February 2016, Yulia received silver in the final of the Russian Cup, held in the city of Saransk. Luck smiled on the skater in March 2016. Yulia Lipnitskaya won a gold medal in Innsbruck, Austria, at the Tyrol Cup.

But then an annoying dark streak followed again. In the pre-Olympic season in Bratislava at the Nepela Memorial, the Russian’s performance was not entirely successful. Having received the maximum number of points for the short program, the skater performed a free program with marks. As a result, the girl took 2nd place.

In October, it became known that Yulia Lipnitskaya would not take part in the Grand Prix series in Chicago: the girl’s old back injury had worsened. Due to pain, the skater skated her program at the Rostelecom Cup, held in the fall in Moscow, with a long stop, as a result of which she lost points and became twelfth on the list of participants. A collective decision was made to suspend Yulia’s sports career to restore her health.

In the spring of 2017, new photos of the girl appeared on Lipnitskaya’s closed Instagram account, in which it was clearly noticeable that the girl had gained weight. Rumors about Julia's pregnancy began to spread on the Internet. In the comments, the girl categorically rejected the fans' speculations. As it turned out later, the skater gained weight after treatment.

On August 28, 2017, the athlete’s mother reported that Yulia Lipnitskaya. The 19-year-old figure skater made this difficult decision immediately upon arriving from Europe, where the girl was undergoing treatment for anorexia.

The famous figure skater commented on the latest news about Lipnitskaya’s decision, saying that there must be good reasons for this. Coach Alexei Mishin and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko spoke out in support of Yulia’s choice, and do not lose confidence that the athlete will return to the sport with renewed vigor.

Now Yulia Lipnitskaya, together with her mother, is organizing a new apartment in the south-west of Moscow in the Rasskazovo residential complex, which the athlete received as a gift from the founders of the Sezar Group holding.


  • 2011 – winner of the Junior Grand Prix final
  • 2012 – world champion among juniors
  • 2012, 2014 – silver medalist at Russian championships
  • 2014 - European champion
  • 2014 - silver medalist at the World Championships
  • 2014 - Olympic champion
  • 2013 - silver medalist of the Grand Prix final

After the Olympics in Sochi, many skeptics pointed out that Yulia Lipnitskaya received much more attention than O, who won first place in women's single skating. But if Adeline became the queen of figure skating in Sochi, then Yulia can rightfully be considered an Olympic princess, who took gold in the team competition and became 5th in individual performances. After all, she is only 15 years old (she is today) and she will have chances to win Olympic gold more than once.

The youngest Olympic champion in women's single skating

Already at the age of 12, Yulia learned to perform the most complex combinations (cascades) in figure skating: axel in 2.5 turns, triple and double toe loop. Even in men's figure skating, not every skater includes these elements in their programs.

Training cannot be left even for a day!

Lipnitskaya naturally has good stretching. This is what allowed the young figure skater to perform a non-standard rotation in the short and free program at the 2014 Olympic Games. Julia raised her leg forward, whereas they usually lift it back. At the same time, Yulia herself says that if you give up stretching exercises for at least two days, you will no longer be able to perform this element.

Julia started studying at the age of 4. She was brought to her first lesson at the local sports school "Lokomotiv" by her mother, who supported the girl all these years. Family support made it possible not to give up in the face of difficulties, especially at the first training camp away from home. Then my mother decided to move to Moscow, where Yulia had more opportunities for development (SDUSSHOR No. 37). And the decision was correct: at the age of 15, the “ice princess” has the title of Russian and world champion among juniors, won three stages at the youth Grand Prix, and silver in the “adult” national championship.

Well-deserved success of Yulia Lipnitskaya

Yulia’s first coaches were Elena Levkovets and Marina Voitsekhovskaya. Today she is trained by Eteri Tutberidze and Sergei Dudakov, and is responsible for choreography.

In the 2012/2013 season, due to injuries and adolescence, Yulia skated poorly, but managed to get into shape for the Olympics. This proves it.

Getting a ticket to the Olympics was not easy for Yulia. Such professionals as those who already had experience of performing at world championships competed with her. But Lipnitskaya managed to prove and show her skills.

Adelina Sotnikova (left) and Yulia Lipnitskaya (right)

Let not everything work out in the individual competitions, and the fault here is largely on the sports officials who rushed to take Lipnitskaya around the country and drag her out to presentations and awards, but in general, we can only wish her even more success in her sporting career.

The Japanese liked Julia so much that they drew her in anime style

At the end of August, sports channels and resources exploded with yet another news: in 2017, the famous figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya left the sport. According to the latest data, the reason for her departure is anorexia. The girl tried to overcome the disease on her own. Later she turned to specialists for help. Only recently did she manage to relatively return to a comfortable shape.

Read all the details about the decline of the figure skating star’s career in our article.

When did Yulia Lipnitskaya end her sports career?

At the end of August 2017, it became known about the end of Yulia Lipnitskaya’s sports career. TASS reported this. From trusted sources it became known that Yulia conveyed her desire to complete her sports activities through her mother.

It also became known that the figure skater warned federation members back in April about her upcoming retirement from the sport. At that time, the girl returned from Europe. She stayed there for 3 months. All this time, Yulia Lipnitskaya was being treated for anorexia.

Yulia Lipnitskaya in childhood

According to the mother of the now former athlete, Yulia has not recently received a salary from the Russian Figure Skating Federation. The girl lived exclusively on an Olympic scholarship. The president of the federation said that he had not received official documents confirming Lipnitskaya’s decision to leave big-time sports.

It is worth recalling that the young figure skater gained popularity in 2014. The girl won a gold medal in the team tournament at the Olympic Games. In addition to gold, Yulia also has silver awards. Lipnitskaya participated in the World Championships, where she was able to win silver. The girl won gold at the European Championships in 2014. Another of her awards was silver in the Grand Prix final. This award went to the figure skater in 2013.

How did the athlete herself comment on her departure?

The figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya herself did not comment on the latest news about the end of her sports career. After it became known at the end of August 2017 that the girl had left the sport, journalists were unable to get a comment from the young athlete. So Yulia Lipnitskaya neither confirmed nor denied her retirement from figure skating. Some of her fans still hope that this information was false, and Yulia will definitely return to the ice.

Yulia is a talented figure skater

By the way, in June 2017 it was not yet known for sure whether Lipnitskaya was leaving the sport. FFKKR President Alexander Gorshkov stated that the athlete did not provide him with plans for 2017-2018.

Journalists from Russian sports publications decided to independently contact Yulia Lipnitskaya by phone to obtain confirmation of information about her retirement from sports. The skater said that she is not ready to comment yet.

Care details

Julia became a real star of the 2014 Olympic Games. At that time, the girl was only 15 years old. Sports analysts note that only singles skaters at the 1936 games managed to do this.

Among Yulia’s fans is the President of the Russian Federation himself, Vladimir Putin. He also followed the Olympic Games. Vladimir Vladimirovich publicly “showered” the figure skater with compliments.

Who would have thought that after 3 years everything would change dramatically. A real shock for the figure skater’s fans today is her retirement from the sport in 2017. From the latest news for August, it became known that we will no longer be able to see Yulia Lipnitskaya at the reporting competitions. The girl decided to quit big sports.

Yulia with former coach Eteri Tutberidze

The figure skater found herself on the verge of her mental and physical capabilities. According to the athlete’s mother, the treatment did not bring Yulia the desired result. She still has trouble getting her body the nutrients it needs. The girl simply doesn’t have enough strength to train. Yulia was diagnosed with one of the most common diseases among young girls - anorexia.

Sports analysts believe that the stress that the skater experienced after her victory in 2014 is to blame. She tried to meet the expectations of fans. The fans' demands increased significantly after Vladimir Putin himself praised Yulia Lipnitskaya.

With Vladimir Putin

Partially, the expectations of figure skating fans were not met. The girl failed to win a medal in single skating. A huge burden fell on Julia in the form of psychological pressure. The latter is due to the fact that she did not live up to all hopes at the Olympic Games. Because of this, she developed digestive problems. The girl began to rapidly lose weight. Changes in Julia's figure were noticeable even to the naked eye.

What is the former figure skater doing now?

Besides sports, Yulia Lipnitskaya has something to do now. From the latest news it became known that the girl was invited to work at the fast food chain Burger King. Yulia was offered the position of Product Director for Chicken Fillet. The owners of the chain decided that Lipnitskaya best corresponded to their ideas about the director of a product made from dietary chicken breast.

Yulia Lipnitskaya on ice

From the figure skater’s letter, it became known that the owners of Burger King offer Yulia to work on promotional events for the product, including elements of figure skating. In addition, her position involves collaboration with foundations to combat anorexia and obesity.

From unverified sources it is known that Julia did not react to this proposal.

Prospects for working with Plushenko

Over the past few weeks, information has been constantly popping up in the press about a possible collaboration between Evgeni Plushenko and Yulia Lipnitskaya. The fact is that the two-time Olympic champion decided to offer the girl a place on his team.

Evgeniy said that he had repeatedly tried to contact Yulia by phone. However, the number was unavailable. The skater said that he would continue to try to reach the girl, but through her agent. He wants Yulia to skate with his team and participate in the show.

Evgeny would like the girl to work in the shows “The Snow King” and “The Nutcracker”. The skater also noted that he is ready to wait for Yulia’s decision if necessary. He realizes that she does have some health issues that need to be addressed. As soon as Yulia is ready to skate again, Plushenko is waiting for her on his team.

Rumors of pregnancy

After leaving big-time sports, Julia decided to quit grueling training and a strict diet. Because of this, the girl gained a little weight. After her photos in the new “weight category” hit social networks, spiteful critics started talking about the former athlete’s possible pregnancy. Especially “vigilant” Internet users, having seen Yulia’s pictures, decided that the girl left the sport precisely because of the upcoming birth of a child. We hasten to disappoint them. Julia is not pregnant.

Yulia Lipnitskaya: photo

She confirmed this fact herself on her social network page. After another comment about her imaginary pregnancy, Yulia rudely replied to one of the users that this is a real speculation. “Do I now have to weigh 37 kg all my life to please you?” - this is how the figure skater commented on the ongoing gossip about her person.

Now the girl is actively renovating her new apartment. The property is located in the southwest of Moscow. The girl really likes the location of the apartment. Nearby there is a forest and a lake. In general, all conditions have been created so that the skater can relax as much as possible and take a break from gossip and rumors about herself.

Opinion of Alexander Zhulin

Alexander Zhulin is a famous Olympic medalist and coach. He said that he was not surprised by the latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya’s departure from big-time sports in 2017. Alexander said that he had long known about Yulia’s health problems. He knew that the athlete was so eager to lose weight that her legs began to cramp due to underweight.

The coach told why Yulia developed anorexia. It turns out that a turning point came in the girl’s life when she began to grow up and get better. Because of this, some elements of the program began to be difficult for her. Julia has lost her inherent lightness and “coolness”. The coach notes that the skater performed jumps not so much due to height, but rather due to her “coolness.”

Yulia Lipnitskaya now

Julia decided to deal with this problem radically - the girl began to lose weight intensively. Moreover, losing weight became an obsession for her. Repeatedly during performances she had to finish her performance early because her legs began to cramp.

Yulia Lipntsikaya is a famous figure skater who recently announced the end of her sports career. Many people think that this is due to anorexia. Fans want to know where figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya is now, what she does, and also want to see her before and after photos.

Recently there were rumors that figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya has anorexia. On the Internet you can find photos before her illness and after treatment. Where is she now? These and other questions can be answered in this article.

Julia was born in 1998, on June 5 in Yekaterinburg. Her dad left the family when her mother was still pregnant, so Yulia grew up without a father. At the age of 4 she was sent to artistic skating, only to find a passion for the girl in life. However, she liked this sport so much that she decided to take it up professionally and connect her destiny with skating.

After graduating from the children's figure skating school, Yulia enters the school of Eteri Tutberidze, one of the most famous coaches of women's singles skating. Since then, a white streak began in Lipnitskaya’s career.

A long period of junior and then adult competitions, various cups and Grand Prix began. But Julia gained real world fame by performing a number in a red coat, dedicated to the film “Schindler’s List,” at the 2014 Sochi Olympics, which brought her victory. Her performance so touched not only the Russian, but also other fans that she received a standing ovation.

For example, Steven Spielberg, director of the film “Schindler’s List,” sent Julia a letter expressing gratitude for her embodiment as a girl in a red coat. But Yulia failed to get a gold medal - the skater made some mistakes in single and free skating.

Important! Yulia Lipnitskaya became the youngest winner of the adult Olympic Winter Games!

After this, a stellar period began in the career of figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, who had not yet developed anorexia, dividing her life into before and after. The Times magazine put her photo on the cover of its issue, wanting to know where she is now and what she is doing, calling her one of the best figure skaters in the world. However, this brought not only a reason for pride, but also great inconvenience. She could not train as before due to the close attention of her fans.

Injuries received during previous performances and training made themselves felt. One day, Julia did not take part in competitions due to a back injury. Since then, she seems to have been haunted by failure. At the 2015 Russian Championship, she took only ninth place.

November 2015 began with her decision to change coaches. The reason was her scandal with Eteri Tutberidze. The eldest Lipnitskaya constantly interfered in her daughter’s training, which the renowned coach did not like at all, and then scandals and quarrels between Yulia and Eteri began.

Yulia decides to leave Moscow and move to Sochi, which she does. Alexey Urmanov becomes her coach. However, changing her coach did not help her achieve heights. At the Russian Championship in 2016, Yulia Lipnitskaya moved from 9th place to only 8th place.

Soon she went to Austria; during a performance, fibers in her hip adductor muscle burst.

Interesting! At the championship in Austria, the athlete skated with a serious injury and never showed that she was in pain!

The doctors immediately issued a disappointing verdict - not to get out of bed for a month. For an athlete, skipping training for a month can result in disastrous results. But Yulia Lipnitskaya did not listen to the doctors. That is why she took 8th place at the Russian Championship - due to a hip injury, Yulia was unable to perform tricks well.

This wasn't her only problem. Yulia did not go to the Chelyabinsk Championship due to a bruised hip joint and post-traumatic arthritis.


In 2016, the figure skater began to grow and gain weight. She began to gain weight sharply. Figure skaters are strictly forbidden to gain weight, so Yulia Lipnitskaya begins to urgently lose weight. Her irregular diet and rigorous training led her to anorexia. Her family says she didn't eat anything for days. The deterioration in health made itself felt.

Interesting! The athlete experienced a hormonal imbalance, and she gained weight even when she didn’t eat anything!

Yulia Lipnitskaya was sent to a European clinic for three months of treatment for anorexia. After such a break, there was no question of continuing a sports career. Missed training, numerous injuries, deterioration in health after taking pills - all this became the reason for Yulia’s announcement of retirement from figure skating.

This is what Yulia Lipnitskaya’s mother addressed to the Russian Figure Skating Federation. The managers said that they would meet with the champion and Alexei Urmanov after the skates in Sochi to discuss this decision.

Later life

In 2017, Yulia and her mother moved to an apartment on New Moscow, allocated to them for the Sochi victory. Before that, they lived in rented apartments.

One day, Yulia posted a photo on the social network Vkontakte, where her fans said that she was pregnant, because Yulia had recovered significantly after treatment for anorexia. To caustic comments, Lipntsikaya replied that she no longer wanted to be thin, she was tired of weighing 37 kilograms.

The head of the Figure Skating Federation, Valentin Piseev, said that the decision to leave was made during her treatment in Europe. Her mother says the same thing. However, Yulia’s coach, Alexey Urmanov, refused to satisfy the request to end her figure skating career and is waiting for the September skates in Sochi.

Many journalists and athletes supported Yulia in her decision to leave sports. They said that anorexia was incompatible with figure skating, so it was only a matter of time before her career ended.

Lipnitskaya herself explained her departure by saying that she no longer had the desire to go on the ice. Figure skating no longer attracted the Olympic champion. A different life awaited her, studying at a university, an interesting profession.

Important! On September 9, 2017, the Figure Skating Federation announced the termination of Yulia Lipnitskaya’s sports career.

In October, Yulia tried herself as a sports commentator. On October 20, the Grand Prix stage took place, which lasted more than eight hours. Lipnitskaya spent all this time broadcasting. Since then, she has been commentating on figure skating on the Telesport TV channel.

The details of Yulia Lipnitskaya’s life became known after she became an Olympic champion.

At the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, the stars of women's single skating were 15-year-old Alina Zagitova and 18-year-old Evgenia Medvedeva. And at the last Olympics in Sochi, the star was 15-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya, who made the greatest contribution to the victory of the Russian team (20 points for the two first places). It is noteworthy that she, like Medvedeva and Zagitova, was the ward of one of the best Russian coaches -.

What happened to the world famous athlete, who is now 19 years old? At the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Lipnitskaya became the champion in the team competition and the second youngest Olympic champion in figure skating in the history of the Winter Olympics. In the short program of the tournament, she perfectly performed all the necessary elements and impressed with her unique stretching, which is characteristic only of professional gymnasts and ballerinas.

The free program, which Lipnitskaya performed to music from Schindler's List, made the figure skater famous throughout the world. The director of the film, Steven Spielberg, wrote thanks to Yulia for being able to carry the image of a girl in a red coat (from the film) through the entire performance. After winning the team competition in Sochi, Lipnitskaya began the most difficult period - media pressure, increased attention, bordering on hype.

It was no longer possible to live and train in peace. They wanted to name an ice skating rink after the champion, her photo was on the cover of the Times, and she was begged to be present at numerous social events and television shows. Coach Lipnitskaya admitted that during this period Yulia did not have a single correct training, although it was then that she needed to hone her jumping technique.

At the 2015 Russian Championships, she took only 9th place, and because of this she was not included in the team at the European Championships. " Now I understand why some athletes end their careers after the Games. People are just sucked dry, everything is sucked out of them", quotes Yulia elle.ru. By 2015, the relationship between the ward and her coach had noticeably deteriorated. In the sports community, Eteri is known as a strict and demanding mentor who always sets a high standard for her athletes.

Today, Tutberidze’s uncompromising condition is to remove parents from training their children, since there is a negative experience with Yulia Lipnitskaya. In one of the interviews, she said that Yulia’s mother actively interfered in her daughter’s activities. In November 2015, Lipnitskaya changed her coach, choosing Alexey Urmanov as her mentor. At that time, Tutberidze was already training Lipnitskaya’s competitors - young Medvedeva and Zagitova, and Urmanov was the only one who was ready to deal with the exceptional Yulia.

Weight problems made themselves felt again in 2016 - Lipnitskaya gained extra pounds, which motivated the athlete to actively lose weight. To lose weight, she took extreme measures - she ate almost nothing. Result: anorexia. By 2017, the athlete’s athletic performance began to deteriorate, and in August of that year Lipnitskaya announced her retirement. A year later, on September 12, 2017, Julia gave an interview in which she admitted: “ I don't feel like going on the ice anymore. That's the whole story" The athlete decided to try herself as a sports commentator.

However, it recently became known that Lipnitskaya decided to return to big-time sports, but as a coach. On her VKontakte page, she informed her subscribers about the opening of the Ilinykh-Lipnitskaya Figure Skating Academy.

The main office of the school is located in Moscow, and training camps and master classes will be held in different cities of Russia. As follows from the online post, the first training camp will be held in the Tver region in March. In addition to Lipnitskaya, 2014 Olympic champion Elena Ilyinykh and silver medalist of the Winter Youth Olympic Games Maxim Miroshkin will act as coaches. Numerous fans of the athlete wish her good luck and believe in her new victories.