Forms of organizing independent children's visual activities. Modern approaches and forms of organizing work on artistic and creative development in visual activities Forms of organizing children's artistic activities

Consultation for teachers “Free forms of organization

artistic experience of preschool children"

Petrova Irina Vyacheslavovna,
teacher MKDOU kindergarten "Raduga" Tazovsky village, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Today, every teacher uses various forms of interaction with children and their parents, both in the educational space and beyond. These are conversations and stories, master classes, educational projects, didactic games and exercises with artistic content, artistic activities in specially organized classes (modeling, appliqué, drawing, artistic work) and in free activities, taking into account the individual interests and abilities of each child, artistic experimentation. Many of these forms have long been known in preschool practice; their choice by the teacher consistently leads to the expected results. Such forms, a master class, a project, an art history conversation, are relatively new, and therefore require not only testing, but also knowledge of theory. The most difficult forms to use: artistic experimentation and independent artistic activity. In the process of art education, a child learns about the world around him and himself in this world. Artistic activity introduces a child to human culture: family, regional, national, world. Artistically – productive activity is considered today as a specific children's activity in which the child masters the artistic “language”, masters various artistic instruments, creates his own original product, new, significant for the child himself, realizes and cognizes his “I” and thereby expresses his attitude towards the world around him and himself to yourself. In properly organized artistic activity, the child reveals his understanding of the world. The next form of organizing artistic experience is artistic experimentation. Experimentation is understood today as a free search activity in which the child acts as a researcher, independently makes discoveries, solving tasks and problems - cognitive, artistic, moral, social, etc. (N.N.
Poddyakov). Experimentation involves the child gaining experience through trial and error. The role of the teacher is to create a developing subject-spatial environment. As a result, children develop the ability to accept and analyze an intellectual or artistic task and discover the meaning. In different types of artistic activities, children actually and mentally experiment with various materials (household, natural, artistic), their properties and ways of influencing them. These methods and the artistic experience acquired with their help ensure the formation of a basic culture of creativity in children. Experience in this area has shown that it is necessary to create conditions for children to freely experiment with artistic materials and their properties, tools (tools) and artistic words. Children of early and early preschool age, under conditions of experimentation (manipulation), master art materials and independently make their first “discoveries”: paper is light, flat, etc.; clay (plasticine, dough) is not like paper, it is like a “lump” (voluminous), but it can also be changed. Thus, kids explore not only artistic materials in the diversity of their properties, but also the ways they influence the material. Children of senior preschool age, in the activity of artistic experimentation, make “discoveries” of a different level, related to the search for methods of compositional solutions, expression of the mood and character of a character, transformation of flat forms into three-dimensional bodies and vice versa - three-dimensional into flat, etc. Main path artistic development child - independent creativity. Manifestation of independent artistic activity- an indicator of a high level of creative development of children, since independent activity always arises on the child’s initiative, meets his interests and proceeds without the direct guidance of an adult. The presence of independent artistic activity also indicates the influence on creative development child of a competently organized educational process.
The peculiarity of independent activity of preschoolers is that children, on their own initiative and based on their interests, actively master the types of art available to them. We formulate independent research activities among the students in our group. For this purpose, conditions have been created for artistic experimentation. Today it is important to understand that artistic experimentation and independent activity are special types of children's creative activity and, at the same time, free forms of enriching and organizing the aesthetic experience of children.

Drawing is one of children's favorite activities, giving great space for the manifestation of their creative activity. The themes of the drawings can be varied. The children draw everything that interests them: individual objects and scenes from the surrounding life, literary characters and decorative patterns, etc.

In kindergarten, colored pencils, watercolors and gouache paints, which have different visual capabilities, are mainly used.

The originality of modeling as one of the types visual arts is in volumetric image mode. Modeling is a type of sculpture that includes working not only with soft materials, but also with hard ones (marble, granite, etc.). Preschoolers can master the techniques of working only with soft plastic materials that are easily manipulated by the hand - clay And plasticine.

Children sculpt people, animals, dishes, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, toys. The variety of topics is due to the fact that modeling, like other types of visual activities, primarily performs educational tasks, satisfying cognitive and creative needs of the child.

In the process of practicing appliqué, children get acquainted with simple and complex shapes various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut out and paste on. Creating silhouette images requires great work of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details, which are sometimes the main characteristics of the object.

Applique classes contribute development mathematical representations . Preschoolers get acquainted with the names and characteristics of protozoa geometric shapes, get an idea of ​​the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, corner, center, etc.) and quantities (more, less). These complex concepts are easily acquired by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.

In the process of practicing appliqué, preschoolers develop sense of color, rhythm, symmetry and on this basis is formed I have artistic taste. They don’t have to make up the colors or fill in the shapes themselves. Giving the kids paper different colors and shades, they are taught the ability choose beautiful combinations.

Designing from various materials more than other types of visual activities related to the game. Play often accompanies the design process, and crafts made by children are usually used in games.

In kindergarten the following are used types of design: from building materials, construction sets, paper, natural and other materials.

In the process of construction, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. All types of design contribute to the development constructive thinking And children's creative abilities.

Every child (under conditions of targeted upbringing) gives preference to one or another type of visual activity. Placed in a situation of possible choice when solving an educational task, he receives optimal conditions for his artistic development.

Forms of organization of visual activities.

Organized classes are carried out under the guidance of a teacher. They are included in the mandatory “grid” of weekly classes. These classes are conducted systematically according to a pre-developed plan and in order of increasing difficulty.

Often in preschool educational institutions they conduct integrated classes, uniting various types of artistic and aesthetic activities: musical, theatrical and gaming, speech, visual activities of preschoolers. Main goal Such activities are an opportunity to develop the child holistically, in the interconnection of the intellectual and sensory spheres.

Organized entertainment as a form of work with preschool children, they are carried out once every two weeks. The entertainment content is varied. Entertainment that combines different types of arts is useful for aesthetic development.

Holidays, organized in preschool institution, is also an important form of aesthetic education.

When holding holidays, a complex of educational tasks is solved - moral, intellectual, as well as tasks physical development and aesthetic education. The holiday should be emotionally rich. The beauty of the setting, the solemnity of the music, the general high spirits - all this increases sensitivity to the aesthetic side of reality.

Independent artistic activity - process of expression individual characteristics the child, his relationship to the world around him and to himself (in a form feasible for him). Independent artistic activity is independent because it arises on the initiative of children to satisfy their individual needs. Independent activity meets the needs of children, revealing their artistic inclinations. And although children do not always sing correctly and do not move very accurately, their enthusiasm is great, since this is done according to their own desire and initiative. To implement their plans, preschoolers need certain skills and abilities, ways of independent action. That is why it is so important to take into account the connection between music classes and children’s independent activities.

An important role in the successful implementation group activities Preliminary work, preparation of equipment, materials and organization of children take place. When organizing collective classes, first of all, take into account characteristic features joint activities children of each age, their level of cooperation.

Individual work with children of preschool age helps to overcome and smooth out the specific difficulties experienced by the child during training in frontal classes; it is built on the basis of a careful and comprehensive study of the characteristics of the child’s development.

1. Direct organized educational activities (NOD)- the main form of organizing the activities of preschool children.

It is allocated in the daily routine for a certain duration in accordance with the age of the children, work programs and a special attitude towards the final product of children's activities. The results are analyzed by the teacher to provide an individual approach, they are evaluated by parents and administration and serve as a means of reporting.

ECDs are subdivided according to leading learning objectives, by type of activity, by the source of themes and ideas, by the psychological process underlying them, by the organization of children's activities, and by the place where they are carried out.

The form of organization of children is determined by the teacher in accordance with the learning objectives - frontal - used by the teacher when mastering new skills, and the rest in leading to creativity.

2. Independent creative activity of children- This is an activity organized on the initiative of the child himself. It is often reproductive in nature, repeating what children learned in class.

The specificity of managing this activity is that the teacher creates a developmental environment, stimulates the child’s activity, and brings the adult and the child closer together. The content of this activity determines the emotionally intelligent mood and experience of children.

3. Club and studio activities- creating conditions for the development of the child in accordance with his abilities.

Special condition- the presence of a qualified leader, program, equipped premises, carried out at the expense of parents. The activities of the circle are carried out at special times.

4.Children's creativity competitions are carried out in accordance with the regulations, which indicate the purpose and objectives, age limits, content, procedure - date, stages, deadline for summing up results.

5.Excursions conducted by a specially trained specialist - a guide, lasting no more than 40 minutes, in museums, cultural centers, at exhibitions, in parks, at enterprises, at bus stops, etc. The excursion is carried out with proper organization and in the presence of 1 adult for 5-10 children, depending on the age of the children.

Direct organized educational activities (classes) are the main form of organizing training in visual arts. The structure is direct organized educational activity (classes) of drawing.

Introductory part. This is the activity of the teacher for 7 - 15 minutes. In this part, the teacher uses all the methods and techniques that correspond to the GCD topic. Creates interest in future activities and activates children's attention. The teacher actively uses educational and visual aids, demonstrating objects and images, as well as diagrams and algorithms of visual techniques. This part involves activating children's speech in a live dialogue with the teacher. At the end of the introductory part, with generalized questions, the teacher finds out how the children understood the tasks assigned to them and finds out the algorithm for future actions.

The main part of the GCD- this is the practical activity of children to achieve their goal.

The teacher finds out:

1. Whether all children have started practical activities, clarifies children’s difficulties and stimulates inclusion in the creative process.

2. Determines the direction of execution of image algorithms. Helps with individual showing and encouragement.

3. Brings children to the end of practical activities. IN younger age Children who have completed the images can wash their hands under the supervision of a nanny. In older age groups, you can use a delayed creative task to work on individualizing the image; this can be an encouragement, a suggestion, a reminder.

Analysis of children's creativity product– in this part, the works are exhibited on a stand, organizing a small exhibition. You can look at them right away, or at any other time. For younger children, creativity analysis should always be positive, but key issues can be emphasized by adults. This develops children's speech and introduces visual terminology. In middle age, the analysis of work should highlight the quality of work, the fulfillment of assigned tasks, and the allocation of funds with the help of which these tasks were completed. It should already be distinguished individual qualities children's works. Senior, preparatory - the teacher teaches children to independently evaluate their work and the work of their peers, encouraging them to give an assessment in accordance with the task.

Classes can be different in terms of leading tasks, the nature of the activity, the type of image content, the method of image and material.

Types of GCD for leading tasks:

Educational lesson, imparting new knowledge to children, introducing new methods of representation (showing a method of action with repetition by children);

Developmental lesson, classes on the application of acquired knowledge and skills, methods of representation (with a repetition of an already learned method of action);

Fostering creativity, consolidating acquired knowledge with exercises, repetitions (the child, fluent in drawing techniques, uses new ideas), creative activities.

Each type provides its own goals, objectives and methods of leadership, activities of children. A creative activity can complete the 2 previous types, but also precede them to study the experience of children.

According to the form of organization of activity: individual, frontal, steam room, subgroup, collective, complex.

According to their location: art studio, in a group, on the street, in the park, in the museum.

By type of activity: drawing, modeling, applique, design.

By image method and material: painting with paints, modeling with clay, paper applique, designing from natural materials.

Classes are differentiated according to the type of image content: subject, subject-thematic, illustrative, decorative drawing.

According to the mental process, underlying the activity: from nature, on a topic proposed by the teacher, according to the children’s plan, from memory, from imagination, from imagination. During the lesson, the child can remember, observe, accumulate visual images, convey impressions in lines and colors.

GCD according to the method of compiling material and image content:


Combined (introduction to art and drawing), on literary themes, musical, from the life of nature, from the life of children.

Modern methodology for organizing GCD special attention focuses on a democratic style of managing children's creative activities.

Currently in Russia, the most common form of providing correctional assistance to preschool children with developmental disabilities is their upbringing and education in special preschool institutions, special groups at general education kindergartens, a group of home-based education and short-term stays for children with developmental disabilities in special ( correctional) general education preschool institutions. The main tasks of the work of the home-based education and short-term stay group are to conduct correctional work with children, training parents in pedagogical technologies for cooperation with their child, techniques and methods of raising and teaching them in a family environment, and providing them with psychotherapeutic assistance.

Integration of children with developmental disabilities into mainstream educational institutions(rethinking by society and the state of their attitude towards problem children, recognition of their rights to provide equal opportunities with others in various areas of life, including education):

  • - combined integration, in which children with psychophysical and speech development, corresponding or close to the age norm, 1-2 people are brought up on equal terms in mass groups, receiving constant correctional assistance from a special group teacher-defectologist;
  • - partial integration, in which children with developmental problems, who are not yet able to master the educational standard on an equal basis with healthy peers, join mass groups only for part of the day (for example, in the second half) of 1-2 people;
  • - temporary integration, in which all pupils of a special group, regardless of the level of psychophysical and speech development, are united with healthy children at least 2 times a month to carry out various educational events, for example, at holidays, competitions, individual classes, etc.

Most children with special needs are raised at home or in general education preschool institutions.

Visual arts classes are divided into stages:

  • 1. Preparatory period. The goal is to develop children's interest in activities and express their emotional state.
  • 2. The next period is the transition to the simplest visual exercises (drawing, modeling, appliqué). The goal is to become familiar with basic materials (paints, paper) and tools (pencils, brushes), mastering basic technical skills (hold a pencil, brush correctly, draw lines, roll out plasticine, etc.).
  • 3. Independent performance of work with minimal help from a teacher is the third stage of organizing classes in visual arts.

During visual arts classes you must:

  • - cultivate positive emotional attitude to visual activity and its results;
  • - learn to point to a sign called by the teacher;
  • - learn to name objects and their images;
  • - to form a holistic perception of the subject and achieve its reflection by means of visual activity (modeling, drawing, appliqué);
  • - learn to correlate image elements with parts and details of a real object and know their names;
  • - to form the correct perception of shape, size, color, spatial relationships and the ability to convey them in the image;
  • - develop hand motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

In addition to classes, excursions are conducted (to nature, to a museum, exhibition hall, etc.) with observation of the necessary phenomena.

Elena Podolskaya
Visual activities in preschool educational institutions

1. Directly educational activity as a form of teaching visual arts, features of organizing and conducting frontal, collective, complex classes.


1. Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person’s life, but it has lasting significance; it is the most difficult from the point of view mental development stage of early ontogenesis. In modern education systems of most developed countries preschool education Recently, great importance has been attached. After all, in preschool age all the basic parameters and characteristics of the individual are laid down, the direction and quality of further development of his intellectual, emotional and physical abilities, interests and opportunities. Ignoring the developmental characteristics of a child at this age is fraught with serious problems. In this regard, it is relevant to study modern forms of educational organization activities of preschoolers.

General characteristics of forms of children's organization visual arts.

1 Classification and characteristics of occupations by visual arts.

In the methodological literature there are various names of classes on visual arts: subject, plot, decorative . At the same time, it is often add: "and by design". Although the occupation "by design" can be on any topic.

It is necessary to distinguish between types and types of occupations according to visual arts. Types of occupations are differentiated by the nature of the leading, dominant tasks, or more precisely, by the nature of the cognitive children's activities, formulated in tasks:

Classes to impart new knowledge to children and introduce them to new ways images;

Classes to train children in applying knowledge and methods of action aimed at the reproductive method, knowledge and the formation of generalized, flexible, variable knowledge and skills;

Creative classes in which children engage in search activity, are free and independent in the development and implementation of plans. Of course, the creative process also includes reproductive activity, but it is subordinate to creativity and is part of the structure of the creative process.

Selection different types classes are to a certain extent related to solving the problem of training focused on the development of independence and creativity. Education that involves direct transmission to preschoolers "ready" knowledge, skills, prevails in classes of the first type. General didactic teaching methods directly correlate with these types classes: information-receptive - with classes on communicating new knowledge, reproductive - with classes on exercising in the application of knowledge and skills, partially search (heuristic) and research - with creative ones. These methods, organizing the entire learning process in the classroom, integrate all other, more specific methods and techniques (examination, conversation, etc., determining the nature of cognitive activities children in each of them.

Thus, in each type of lesson, the goal, objectives, and teaching methods are systematically and interconnectedly implemented. visual arts. In the pedagogical process, all these types of activities take place. Artistic creativity involves the manifestation and development of individuality. One of the conditions for the implementation of this approach is that the teacher takes into account the individual experience of children. Unfortunately, individual experiences are not always easy to identify. That is why in the work system the occupation of the third type (creative) can not only conclude, but also precede all the others. In this case, the teacher has the opportunity to identify the current level of children’s ideas about the subject and how to images. Sometimes such information is acquired by the teacher in the process of observing independent visual activities for preschoolers. Given such information, the teacher can build differentiation individual work with children, purposefully uniting them into subgroups.

Classes on visual arts with preschoolers can be differentiated not only by type, but also by appearance. The same activity can be classified as different types depending on the selection criterion. So in terms of content images distinguish between subject, plot, decorative (drawing, modeling, applique). By method (way) images distinguish between drawing (modeling, applique) from idea, from memory, from nature.

By nature of choice topics: on a topic proposed by the teacher, and on a free topic chosen by the child (so-called classes "by design").

By source of themes of intentions: classes on literary topics (fairy tales, stories, poems); on musical themes; on topics of the surrounding reality.

Let us dwell on their characteristics in more detail.

So, classes separated by method, method images, according to idea, memory, from nature. Visual activity for presentation(otherwise you can call it from your imagination) is based mainly on combinatorial imagination, during which experience and impressions are processed and a relatively new image. Image from memory is built on the basis of the representation of a specific object that the children perceived, remembered and try to be as accurate as possible depict. Image from nature is the creation of an image on the basis and in the process of direct momentary perception of an object or phenomenon.

All these types of activities (and preparation for them) organized on the basis of direct perception (visual, auditory, tactile-motor). They also presuppose the participation of memory processes, and therefore the division into types is conditional and is carried out according to the leading mental process.

There are classes on a topic proposed by the teacher, and on a topic chosen by the children independently, the so-called classes by design or on a free topic. The teacher defines a broad topic within which individual topics may vary ( "Who will I be", “What do I want to ride?”, "Joyful Day" etc.). When working with preschoolers, such a limitation is useful, since activity, with all its freedom, acquires greater focus not to the detriment, but to the benefit of creativity. True creativity is always purposeful.

In the methodology of teaching children visual activity under the term"drawing from memory" refers to the process of reproducing on paper an object in the spatial position in which this object was at the moment of perception. Their meaning is in the development of perception, observation, visual memory; teaching children to observe and remember what they see, and then reproduce it.

Image(drawing) from nature. Opportunity images preschoolers of a subject, a phenomenon in the process of its direct perception from a certain point of view with the goal of conveying it as accurately and expressively as possible has long been contested in preschool pedagogy. N.P. Sakulina was one of the first to turn to this type of drawing. The most in-depth study on this topic was carried out by R. G. Kazakova.

A study by R. G. Kazakova shows that a preschool child has access to image an object from life without conveying volume and perspective. Preschooler depicts shape with a linear contour, structure, relative size of parts in an object, color, location in space.

Learning objectives in this form classes: teach children to peer into nature, see expressive features, notice its originality and convey it as accurately as possible in the drawing (modeling). Teach children to compare what they receive image with nature in progress images. This last step is especially difficult for children. The general meaning of such classes is to develop children's perception, to teach the ability to see nature.

A variety of such activities can be drawing still lifes. It is advisable to combine drawing still lifes and landscapes from life with preschoolers’ perception of works fine art art of these genres. Stories about artists and the perception of artistic paintings evoke corresponding aesthetic feelings in children and give rise to motives for their own visual arts, make it more meaningful.

2. Forms and methods of organizing joint activities outside of class.

2. I identify three main forms of joint children's activities:

“jointly – individually”, “jointly – consistent” And “jointly - interacting”:

A) “Together - individual”- characterized by the fact that participants activities at the beginning they work individually, taking into account the general plan, and only at the final stage everyone’s work becomes part of the overall composition.

The task is given to everyone immediately, at first they work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself does what is assigned to him, the better the work of the team will be.

This, on the one hand, creates conditions for mobilizing the child’s creative potential, and on the other, requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization activities also applies to the fact that it allows you to involve in collective creative activity a fairly large group of children who have no experience of working together.

b) “Together - consistent”- involves working on the principle of a conveyor belt, when the result of the actions of one participant is closely related to the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

V) “Jointly - interacting”- the work is performed by all participants simultaneously, coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

During classes in II younger group I use all three forms together children's activities. The choice depends on the tasks that are set for the children in the lesson.

3. Features of organizing entertainment visual arts.

3. The main pedagogical conditions for the implementation of artistic and aesthetic development are:

Creating an environment of emotional well-being;

Creation and updating of a subject-development environment;

Creative approach to the content of education;

Variability in the choice of lesson topics, forms, means, methods of working with children, materials provided;

Using a student-centered approach in teaching children;

Synthesis of classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué with classes to familiarize children with nature; use of musical works in classes visual arts;

Implementing a regional approach to content selection fine art, musical, gaming and other artistic activities(systematic familiarization of children with art historical material from artists, poets, composers describing the nature, work, and life of the Kola Arctic);

Interaction with families of pupils;

Continuity in work with cultural institutions.

Our work on artistic and aesthetic education is part of a holistic educational process and includes everyone participants: teachers, children, parents.

The preschool operates in accordance with "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. – M. “Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010, « Educational program preschool educational institution in combination with partial programs: Aesthetic education program for preschoolers "Beauty. Joy. Creation." (authors: T. S. Komarova, A. V. Antonova, M. B. Zatsepina); “Introducing children to the origins of Russian national culture” (author: Knyazeva O. L.); "Theatre-creativity-children" (author Sorokina V.); "Rhythmic mosaic" (author A.I. Burenina).

The kindergarten has organized a network of additional educational services:

there are aesthetic circles focus: "Craftsman"- By visual arts; "Visiting a fairy tale"- theatrical; "Creative workshop"- for paper and plastic. Target group work– enrichment of the spiritual world of children by various means; formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; development of children's natural abilities.

An educational and methodological manual has been created set:

Programs of artistic and aesthetic education and methodological recommendations;

Long-term plans for priority areas work: circle activities for all groups;

Lesson notes, leisure and holiday scenarios;

A selection of didactic musical games has been made;

Library of educational literature to introduce children to the world of art.

All material is systematized.

The organization of the educational process is being implemented through:

Classes on visual arts,

Music education classes,

Theatrical activity,

Club work,

Individual work,

Exhibitions of children's works, personal exhibitions,

Visiting theaters

Holidays, concerts, performances.

One of important conditions the implementation of a system of artistic and aesthetic education in a preschool institution is the correct organization of subject-development environment:

Each group kindergarten aesthetically decorated in a certain style, equipped with theater, play corners in groups; art centers; music, book corners, corners of the North;

There is a costume room with theatrical props;

An art studio has been opened where children can study productive species activities, prepare exhibitions of drawings and crafts using unconventional techniques images;

The art studio houses a museum of folk crafts and children's crafts for activities with children. Objects of decorative and applied art are available (Dymkovo clay toys, objects of Khokhloma, Gzhel masters, necessary artistic material for drawing, sculpting, appliqué and artistic design, albums for introducing types and genres of art with methodological developments for organizing classes with children. Designed cards with "step by step" demonstrating the technique of creating an image;

A workshop environment has been created where manuals and equipment are always at hand for the child, encouraging him to take action;

IN senior group fragment is framed "Russian hut", where integrated classes are held to familiarize oneself with the life and traditions of the Russian people;

Collections of paintings by Russian artists have been selected;

Extensive media library;

Audio and video collection;

Audio and video equipment in groups and music halls;

Available methodological developments for classes in decorative and applied arts;

The creative process is accompanied fiction, poetry, musical works.

Changing rooms are used effectively group rooms And corridors: They house exhibitions of children's drawings. A gallery of children's creativity has been created.