Physical education, recreation, sports and mass work at school. Sports sections Date and year of birth

Physical education, recreation and sports work at the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1506

Sports and mass work is understood as a system of actions aimed at developing personal resources, the formation of positive stress-resistant forms of behavior, and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren.

Under mass sports work is understood as involving schoolchildren in organized sports employment and participation in mass sports events at various levels.

The school’s pedagogical efforts are concentrated on organizing work that is aimed at developing in the younger generation orientation towards a healthy lifestyle, Creation unified sociocultural spaces on the school grounds.

New goals of education highlight an individual humanistic approach to the child’s personality. One of the tasks is to place emphasis in the educational process on the need to preserve and maintain health at any age and psychological and pedagogical technologies for the formation of active psychological protection, a value-based attitude to health, and individual resilience.

Goals of organizing physical education, recreation and sports activities at school

  1. Formation of a new quality of the educational space of the school, in which the physical culture, health and sports activities of schoolchildren are a social process based on the principles of social partnership and uniting all healthy intellectual, moral-volitional, cultural-value, ideological, professional resources.
  2. Promoting the culture of leisure among children and adolescents through the organization and participation in mass sports events.
  3. Socialization of children and adolescents on the basis of environmentally friendly models of an alternative field of sustainable moral position initiated in the school environment and obtaining the necessary physical development through involvement in physical education and sports.
  4. Formation of the image of the school as a territory of health in the public consciousness.

Objectives of organizing physical education, recreation and sports activities at school:

  • comprehensive care for the safety of life and health, physical and mental development of children and adolescents;
  • promotion and approval of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, their parents, and school teachers;
  • organization of meaningful, educational and entertaining leisure for children and adolescents;
  • creating conditions for the socialization of a teenager’s personality at an early stage of his development;
  • monitoring the health of children and adolescents and assessing the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Types of organization of physical education, recreation and sports activities at school:

Physical education, recreation and sports activities at school include the following: types of activities:

  • monitoring the state of physical development of the modern generation of children, which is alarming and requires active action by all structures of legislative and executive power;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle through classroom, extracurricular, and leisure activities, organization of physical education, recreation and sports activities at school;
  • participation in the development and implementation of preventive and educational programs, the Health program, and school development;
  • expanding leisure opportunities for students through maintaining and developing a network of school-based sports and recreational sections, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
  • education of future parents and psychological and pedagogical education of adults in the field of family leisure through participation in sports events;
  • formation of a positive parental opinion on the issues of raising children through sports;
  • developing the habit of sports and leisure and attention to one’s health as a family value;

The system for organizing physical education, recreational and sports activities at school contains several modules:

  • physical education lessons;
  • therapeutic physical culture;
  • work of school sports sections and sports sections of other departmental affiliations.
  • mass sports events at various levels;

Physical education and maintaining the health of students is one of the most important activities of our school. It is carried out in accordance with the charter of the secondary school, which emphasizes that protecting the health of students is the concern of the entire teaching staff, including physical education teachers.

Material and technical base for physical education and recreation work

  • The school has two gyms and a sports complex, which includes a mini football field, a volleyball court and a playground with exercise equipment. The educational institution also actively uses the material resources of the Polar Star swimming pool. Physical education lessons are fully provided with the necessary equipment.

Methodological training of teachers; mastering modern technologies

Questions about the theoretical and methodological foundations of health-preserving pedagogy, about the personal approach to preserving the health and physical development of students are constantly considered at meetings of the methodological association. Physical education teachers bring their discussion to meetings of the entire teaching staff of the school. It is recommended to conduct gymnastics before the start of lessons and physical education breaks during the lesson. Teachers participate in the development of lessons, extracurricular activities on health conservation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers of the methodological association are involved in mutual visits and analysis of lessons from a health-saving perspective.

  • Methodological work is being carried out to generalize and disseminate the work experience of school teachers. On October 20, 20013, the school held a municipal seminar for physical education teachers “Physical education lessons without exemptions,” which was highly appreciated by colleagues.

Organization of the educational process

When organizing the educational process at school, special attention is paid to scheduling training sessions, electives and clubs in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The school takes a personal approach to preserving the health of students. Each teacher begins the school year by studying the health certificate of each student in order to organize the educational activities of students in accordance with the recommendations of medical workers.

The physical education teacher keeps individual cards of the physical development of schoolchildren, regulates the individual physical activity of students in physical education lessons depending on the child’s level of preparation, and for further physical improvement and health promotion, offers individual homework to practice certain skills.

The school organizes work with children with various health disorders. Since the special group includes children of different ages and the range of their diseases is diverse, physical education teachers mainly use individual work with each SMG student.

Organization of extracurricular sports and recreational activities

Extracurricular sports and recreational work is one of the most important areas of the educational work system of the school as a whole. An annual cyclogram of physical education and health activities has been developed.

Sports clubs have been created and operate on the basis of the school: football, aerobics, recreational gymnastics, chess, tennis, ballroom dancing. As part of this area, children take an active part in regional, district, and city competitions.

The school hosts Health Days, subject weeks dedicated to physical education, tourist rallies, hikes, and sports festivals. Schoolchildren participate in sports competitions at the school and municipal levels. An educational institution considers the participation of schoolchildren in sports competitions as an excellent opportunity for their self-expression, self-realization, and self-affirmation.

Every year, high school students take part in military field training as part of the Pre-Conscription Youth Spartakiad.

Much work is being done to prevent smoking, use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, and develop hygiene skills and healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.

The school has organized close cooperation and maintains continuity in the physical education and development of children with preschool educational institutions located in the microdistrict of the educational institution. Pupils of senior groups of preschool institutions come to school for classes in the Early Development group, meet future teachers, and work out in the school gym.

School methodological association of physical education teachers

Theme of methodological unification: The system of methodological work in physical education as a means of increasing the professional potential of teachers, ensuring the achievement of a new quality of education.

Target: Continuous improvement of the level of pedagogical skills of teachers, their erudition and competence in the field of the academic subject and methods of teaching it.


  • Increasing the competence of teaching staff.
  • Creation of a system for searching and developing gifted children.
  • Preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of each student.
  • Increasing educational motivation of students.
  • Generalization and distribution of positive teaching experiences of teachers.

Composition of the physical education teachers' educational organization

Full name

Date and year of birth


University (year of graduation)

Refresher courses


Zueva Larisa Alexandrovna


TsOMOFK, 2013

Improving physical qualities through breathing techniques

Skripnik Natalya Valerievna


TsOMOFK, 2013

Improving physical qualities through health-improving aerobics.

Viktorov Daniil Andreevich

Higher State Budget Educational Institution VPOTVGU, 2006

Improving physical Qualities through the game of football

Novikova Yulia Svyatoslavovna

GBOU SPOSPT "Sport", 2010

MIFK and S, 2014

Improving physical qualities in high school girls through recreational aerobics.

Information about educational programs and their methodological support in the subject

Subject - physical education grades 1-11

  1. Comprehensive physical education program for grades 1 - 11. “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 2011, V.I. Lyakh and N.A. Zdanevich
  2. Work programs are agreed upon at the School of Education and approved by the head teacher and director
  3. Textbooks:
  • “My friend is physical education!” 1 - 4 grades V.I. Lyakh, “Enlightenment”. Moscow, 2011
  • “Physical education” 5 - 7 grades. V.I. Lyakh, “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 2011
  • “Physical education” 8 - 9 grades. V.I. Lyakh, “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 2011
  • “Physical education” 10 - 11 grades. V.I. Lyakh, “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 2011

MOE work plan for the 2014-2015 academic year

Topic of the meetings

Questions for discussion



Session No. 1 “Planning and organizing methodological work for the year.”

Goal: to adjust and approve the activities of the physical education teachers’ educational organization; develop common ideas about the prospects for working on the method. topic.

  1. Approve the work plan of the Moscow Region for the new academic year.
  2. Discussion and approval of work programs for the 2014-2015 academic year.
  3. Approval of the calendar plan for physical education, recreation and sports events for the academic year.
  4. Correction and approval of work on self-education topics
  5. Study of regulations and documents. (Regulations on holding subject Olympiads)

Physical education teachers.


Session No. 2

“Federal State Educational Standards on the path of transition from Federal State Educational Standards of NOO to Federal State Educational Standards of LLC”

Goal: professional development skills and providing conditions for the growth of professionalism

  1. Designing a technological map for a physical education lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Basketball in a new way according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Adapted program for elementary school “Basics of road safety.”
  4. The use of non-standard forms of conducting physical education lessons in the context of a competency-based approach in education.
  5. Results of the 1st round of subject Olympiads (analysis)
  6. Results of the first quarter

Physical education teachers.

Session No. 3

“Improving the quality of students’ knowledge as a result of the active use in the learning process of methods and technologies that contribute to the formation of positive motivation of students”

  1. Forming motivation for physical education and sports through a combination of gaming, competitive and modern information technologies.
  2. Psychophysiological patterns of students' perception of information.
  3. Play is the path to physical development.
  4. Results of the second quarter
  5. Results of the regional round of the Olympiads
  6. Approval of the work plan for the subject decade
  7. Increasing the efficiency and quality of education based on new approaches to the modernization of Russian education.

Physical education teachers.

Session No. 4

“Formation of health-preserving competence through lessons and extracurricular activities”

  1. Sports and recreational activities in extracurricular activities.
  2. Competence-based approach to creating a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Formation of practical skills in physical education among schoolchildren.
  4. Results of the subject decade (analysis)
  5. Safety as a form of student behavior in everyday life.
  6. Results of work for the first half of the year

Physical education teachers.

Session No. 5

“Analysis of the effectiveness of the Ministry of Defense for the year”

  1. Analysis of the work of the Ministry of Defense for the 2014-2015 academic year.
  2. Summing up the results of the year on student performance and program implementation.
  3. Comparative analysis of physical fitness testing (monitoring).
  4. Analysis (results) of the district sports competition for schoolchildren.
  5. Discussion of the long-term work plan of the Moscow Region.
  6. Review of new methodological literature.
  7. Miscellaneous

Physical education teachers.

Intra-school co-management and control plan

I quarter

  • Coordination of the MO work plan.
  • Approval of work programs, clubs, sections
  • Checking the educational and methodological base of teachers
  • Formation of groups for classes in clubs and sections
  • Monitoring physical development
  • Conducting school subject Olympiads
  • Health protection in physical education lessons (checking magazines using T/B)
  • Checking the level of physical fitness of students in grades 5 - 8 at the beginning of the school year


  • Participation in the municipal round of subject Olympiads
  • Control over documentation for mass sports work.
  • Ensuring safety precautions in physical education lessons

III quarter

  • Analysis of student attendance at physical education classes (9-11)
  • Keeping journals of group work
  • Subject decade
  • Monitoring the implementation of programs, curricula, timeliness and objectivity of grading, quality of filling out journals

IV quarter

  • Organization and conduct of physical education and health activities during the day (grades 5-8)
  • Level of physical fitness of students at the end of the year (physical fitness monitoring)
  • The effectiveness of techniques and methods for organizing educational activities in physical education lessons (grades 2 - 4)
  • Monitoring the implementation of programs and curricula.
  • Checking the readiness of exam materials
  • Annual student certification
  • Analysis of the performance of the ShMO

Work between meetings

  1. Preparation for school and regional Olympiads.
  2. Repair of school playground equipment.
  3. Mutual attendance at lessons.
  4. Studying scientific and methodological journals and additional literature on subjects.
  5. Purchase of new methodological literature.
  6. Replenishment of methodological piggy banks.
  7. Organization and conduct of extracurricular activities.
  8. Participation in competitions, exhibitions and competitions.
  9. Help colleagues (as needed).
  10. Purchasing new and disposing of old equipment.
  11. Promoting a healthy lifestyle and physical education and sports through newspapers, corners, and speeches.
  12. Design and renovation of sports corners and stands.
  13. Work on replenishment and development of the physical education classroom.
  14. Speech at parent meetings and individual conversations with parents.
  15. Issue of subject newspapers.

Working with gifted and motivated children

  1. Work of circles and sections.
  2. Preparation and participation in exhibitions and competitions.
  3. Work in the scientific society of schoolchildren
  4. Reviewing reports and abstracts.
  5. The use of reports, abstracts, as well as poster material in lessons, class hours, in teaching corners, at parent-teacher meetings, and in preparation for exams.
  6. Participation in school, municipal, regional, All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
  7. Participation in the school and municipal stages of regional subject Olympiads, as well as at the All-Russian and international level.
  8. Preparation and implementation of a ten-day period of physical education.

Sports and mass work at school.

With all the importance of the lesson as the basis of the process of physical education at school, the dominant role in introducing students to daily physical exercise, of course, belongs to extracurricular physical education, recreational and mass sports work. The future belongs to it, because even an individually differentiated approach will not give such a positive result that is achieved by properly planned sports and mass work. The main goal is to introduce physical education and sports into the everyday life of schoolchildren.

A system of actions aimed at developing personal resources, the formation of positive stress-resistant forms of behavior, and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren is understood.

Under sports mass workrefers to the involvement of schoolchildren in organized sports employment and participation in mass sports events at various levels.

The main thing is that physical education and health activities, as a rule, should cover all students in each school.

Objectives of organizing physical education and recreation

  • comprehensive careon the safety of life and health, physical and mental development of children and adolescents;
  • propaganda and approvalhealthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, their parents, school teachers;
  • organization meaningful, educational and entertainingleisure for children and adolescents;
  • creation of conditionsfor the socialization of a teenager’s personality at an early stage of his development;
  • monitoringhealth of children and adolescents and assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Types of physical education and recreation organization

and sports activities at school:
-monitoring the state of physical development of the modern generation of children, which is alarming and requires active action by all structures of legislative and executive power;

Promoting a healthy lifestyle through classroom, extracurricular, leisure, educational activities, organization of physical education, recreation and sports activities at school;

Participation in the development and implementation of preventive and educational programs, the Health program, and school development;

Expanding leisure opportunities for students through the preservation and development of a network of school-based sports and recreational sections, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Education of future parents and psychological and pedagogical education of adults in the field of family leisure through participation in sports events;

Formation of a positive parental opinion on the issues of raising children through sports;

- formation of habits of sports leisure and attention to one’s health as a family value;

Creation of a school press center and publication of the newspaper “Everything is healthy for healthy people” to promote sports leisure.

The main role in organizing physical education and health activities during the school and extracurricular hours, for organizing extracurricular and mass sports work rightfully belongs to the school physical education council. Who has been working at our school for many years. The Physical Culture Council (CPC) is created by school order. Members of (SFS) are students in grades 1–11. According to its structure, the team is headed by a council of 7–10 people, the work of which is led by the chairman. The most active students of the school, who prove themselves to be skillful organizers, are elected to the council.

The following commissions are created under the council (FC): for mass physical culture, for holding sporting events, for preparing physical education assets, for propaganda and agitation, economics, and for awards. Thus, the commission for physical education and mass work helps school management, class teachers and physical education teachers in organizing physical education and health activities during the school day.

Sports Events Commission- together with physical education teachers, organizes intra-school competitions, helps organize the work of sports sections, participates in recruiting national teams to participate in city and republican competitions, registers school records, and keeps records of students who have met sports classification standards.

Commission for the preparation of physical culture assets- helps the physical education teacher prepare public referees for sports, instructors, physical trainers for organizing and conducting physical education, health and sports events at school.

Does a lot of workpropaganda commission. She organizes her work through wall printing, a video series with photographs, sports events, demonstration performances by athletes, creates a corner of the school’s sports glory, places photos of the best athletes, and organizes shows and competitions for the best sports class.

Economic commission- promotes and actively helps the school management in improving the educational and sports facilities, ensures the safety of sports equipment and equipment.

Award committee- encourages not only the best athletes, but also the school’s sports activists. Based on the results of the sports year, the best athletes are awarded badges and certificates.

Extracurricular sports activities at school cannot become complete if they are not accompanied by a system for organizing sports sections.

Sports sections- are created for students who want to regularly engage in one or another sport. When creating a sports section, first of all, the conditions are taken into account to ensure their successful operation - the availability of a sports base, the specialization of those who can conduct classes. In each sports section, students are divided into age groups: junior, middle, senior. Classes in sections are held 2-3 times a week. Before enrolling in the section, students must undergo a medical examination at the school doctor or clinic at their place of residence.

Along with sports sections, the school createsgeneral physical training (GPP) groups.Their task is to increase the general physical fitness of students by using various means of physical education and sports in their classes, which form the basis of the physical education curriculum. Students who are somewhat behind in their physical development or need additional classes as they are not sufficiently prepared to meet the requirements of the curriculum are involved in classes in such groups.

Extracurricular sports and mass work at school cannot become full-fledged if it is not accompaniedsystem of school sports competitions– Spartakiad . Students love them; Spartakiads stimulate students to systematically, regularly engage in sports. Spartakiads are an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports among students.

Internally, school competitions (Spartakiads) are held in various sports throughout the school year, depending on climatic conditions and the completion of the educational material of the physical education program. Internally, school competitions (Spartakiads) are not only an integral part of extracurricular sports activities, but also enrich students with a high interest in the need for systematic physical education and sports outside of school hours. The main thing is that properly organized competitions within the framework of the Spartakiad contribute to strengthening the health of students, their physical development and physical fitness.

Organizers of school competitions must remember that participation in sports competitions of any student must be preceded by sports training. Only in this case will competitions be useful for the student.

Conclusion: The raised issues of organizing extracurricular physical education, recreational and sports activities at school indicate the versatility of the forms and methods of this work.

Of course, this work requires a lot of work from the school’s teaching staff, especially physical education teachers.

Therefore, the main direction in holding any physical education, sports and other events should be the lively, interested participation, first of all, of the schoolchildren themselves. This work on organizing physical education and health activities should not be spontaneous and uncontrolled. It should be systematically directed by the administration, physical education teachers, the entire teaching staff of the school should be involved in this work, but this work should become more fruitful if it is closely connected and supported by out-of-school forms of physical education of the students themselves.

Brief description:

  • - physical development: contribute to general physical development, improve health, develop dexterity and coordination of movements, develop muscle strength;
  • - mental development: help develop willpower, perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for oneself, the ability to endure pain and fatigue, overcome obstacles, teamwork skills;
  • - additional benefits: good rest after a long period of sitting at a desk, the opportunity for the child to throw out accumulated energy in a constructive form.

Sports sections can be very diverse: hockey, volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, various types of wrestling, athletics, trampoline, swimming pool. It’s impossible to list everything. Each sport has its own specifics. Some require certain initial abilities to practice. Others can be done by anyone. The specific choice depends on the data of the future athlete, his interests and preferences, other factors (availability of sections near home, cost of classes, etc.)

Main tasks of sports sections

Sports sections are created for students who want to engage in a specific sport.

Main tasks of the sections:

  • - to introduce schoolchildren to systematic sports;
  • - promote their sports improvement in their chosen sport;
  • - prepare them for participation in extracurricular competitions;
  • - promote the acquisition of knowledge and skills in instructor work and competition judging.

Distribution of sections by age group

Schoolchildren from the main medical group who have received a doctor’s clearance to attend classes are invited to join the section. Conducting a competitive selection is undesirable, as this contradicts the main objectives of extracurricular work. In the section, students are divided into groups taking into account age (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 years), gender, and level of sports preparedness. According to the current situation, children are allowed to participate in sports activities:

from the age of 6 - to classes in artistic gymnastics (girls), rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating;

from the age of 7 - to classes in freestyle, chess and checkers, table tennis and tennis, synchronized swimming, trampolining, diving, swimming, artistic gymnastics (boys), acrobatics, water skiing;

from the age of 8 - to take classes in badminton, basketball, football, alpine skiing, orienteering;

from the age of 9 - to classes in water polo, volleyball, speed skating, athletics, skiing (biathlon), cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping, sailing, rugby, handball, field hockey, ball, with puck;

from the age of 10 - to classes in rock climbing, fencing, weightlifting, luge, modern pentathlon, shooting, kayaking and canoeing, rowing, cycling, freestyle wrestling, classical wrestling, judo, sambo, boxing;

from the age of 11 - to take classes in equestrian sports, archery, and skeet shooting;

from the age of 17 - to take up bobsleigh.

For students aged 8-9 and 10-11 years, classes are held twice a week for 45 minutes, for other age groups - three times a week for 90 minutes. Classes in sports sections are conducted by physical education teachers, military leaders (in applied military sports), teachers of other subjects who have appropriate training in a particular sport and are competent in the methods of organizing and conducting sports activities with children. Such sections exist in almost all secondary schools.

Classes in a circle or section are:

  • - change of activity. If your child attends a sports section, then school mental activity is replaced by physical activity. If it's a music school or an art group - a creative one. In applied arts circles - motor (motor) activity, that is, manual labor. Even if your son or daughter chose chess, a math or literature club, they will still do only what they like, what interests them;
  • - change of communication style. As a rule, in circles or sections there is a more informal atmosphere than at school. There are no such strict requirements for discipline. Can you imagine the pleasure a little schoolboy gets from not having to sit still and silent, answering only when asked? The teachers in the circle are not as strict as the teachers at school - they allow you to fool around, run around, make noise. All these liberties are allowed, of course, within reasonable limits. Therefore, you do not have to worry that your child will be “spoiled” by such indulgence;
  • - change of social circle. Such extracurricular activities, as a rule, take place in groups that are smaller than the average class at school. A separate room is usually allocated for classes. Unlike classes and, especially, breaks at school, the child is not surrounded by a large noisy community, and therefore he gets the opportunity to take a break from being at school;
  • - change of scenery. Children's clubs try to equip premises intended for activities with children taking into account their interests. They are equipped with games, toys, creative materials, and sports equipment. The child’s responsibilities here do not include sitting straight and motionless for forty minutes on a hard chair at a desk that is not always suitable for height. In a good circle, a tired student will have various areas for studying, playing and relaxing: if you want, study at the table, if you want, sit comfortably on a children’s sofa or pouf, you can even sit on the carpet if you prefer. Switching will help your son or daughter take a break from a tiring school day and cope with the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. After classes in a circle or section, the child can start doing homework with fresh energy.

way to organize a child's leisure time. This is one of the most common pro arguments given by parents. Indeed, clubs and sections are often the only way to organize time after school for those fathers and mothers who work and cannot sit at home with their beloved child after school. A child who attends extracurricular activities is less likely to get into trouble on the street, do something bad at home, or acquire bad habits (for example, learn to smoke under the careful supervision of older friends or become addicted to playing the slot machines that are now on every corner and multi-colored lights flash invitingly). Agree, in a circle under the supervision of a leader, a child is safer.

Classes in a circle, sections are communication. For parents of a shy, shy child, psychologists often recommend enrolling him in some kind of club. The groups there are usually small, which means that the stress is not as great as, for example, at school, and it is not so scary to meet someone. As a rule, children in a circle are more similar to each other because they have common interests. This makes it easier to establish friendships. In addition, for all children, a group in a circle is a model of society in miniature. A less formal setting provides more opportunities to try out different behaviors. And the need to achieve a common goal forces children to develop communication skills, learn to resolve conflicts, defend their opinions and find compromises.

formation of responsibility, independence. If a child wants to attend his favorite club, then he must learn to remember and control many things at once. For example:

  • - remember the class schedule and show up for them on time;
  • - remember, collect and bring everything necessary for classes (a young dancer, for example, every time needs to bring a leotard, skirt, socks, special shoes, and even do her hair);
  • - remember and independently complete the homework given by the supervisor (learn a song, draw a landscape, learn a dance step, practice a sports exercise, etc.); Organize your time in such a way that you can do everything: go to school, do your homework, help mom and dad, and chat with friends. For a seven to nine year old child this is a very difficult task. He still has neither “adult” willpower, nor “adult” memory, nor “adult” forethought and prudence. It is worth considering that a child will not learn all this if his parents or grandparents do everything for him. It all depends on the adults. You cannot do for a child the work that he is able to do (even if initially with effort) himself, if you want to use the potential of extracurricular activities. But helping your child learn independence is simply necessary. We will talk about how to organize the time of a child attending extracurricular activities later.

Classes in clubs and sections contribute to the development of abilities. There are several options here:

  • - first option: you know exactly what the child is capable of. Then you send him to a section in which classes are aimed at their development;
  • - second option: neither you nor the child have yet decided exactly what he wants and can do, or perhaps the child does not show pronounced talent in any particular area. It's okay: let him study in different circles, even if he changes them periodically - in this case his abilities will also develop. There are no children devoid of talents. Therefore, it is possible that when you try, you will discover something for which your son or daughter really has an inclination. In any case, the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom will not be in vain: he will grow up to be a well-rounded person, which will certainly be useful to him in later life.

Classes in a circle, sections contribute to increasing self-esteem. By visiting a section that is really interesting to study in, even the most insecure child will definitely achieve success. Let it be small, but very important for him. This small victory will strengthen the child’s faith in himself and his strength. He will become more confident not only in club situations, but in life in general.

Sports training methods

In sports training, the term method should be understood as the method of using the basic means of training and the set of techniques and rules for the activities of the athlete and coach.

In the process of sports training, two large groups of methods are used:

  • 1) general pedagogical, including verbal and visual methods;
  • 2) practical, including the method of strictly regulated exercises, game and competitive methods.

Verbal methods used in sports training include story, explanation, conversation, analysis, discussion, etc. They are most often used in a laconic form, especially in the process of training qualified athletes, which is facilitated by special terminology and a combination of verbal methods with visual ones. The effectiveness of the training process largely depends on the skillful use of instructions, commands, comments, verbal assessments and explanations.

Visual methods used in sports practice include:

  • 1) methodologically correct demonstration of individual exercises and their elements, which is usually carried out by a coach or qualified athlete;
  • 2) demonstration of educational films, video recordings of the technique of motor actions of students, tactical schemes on mock-ups of playgrounds and fields, etc.;
  • 3) the use of simple landmarks that limit the direction of movement, the distance covered, etc.;
  • 4) the use of light, sound and mechanical leading devices, including those with program control and feedback. These devices allow the athlete to obtain information about the tempo-rhythm, spatial and dynamic characteristics of movements, and sometimes provide not only information about movements and their results, but also forced correction of motor action.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise include methods primarily aimed at mastering sports techniques, and methods aimed primarily at developing physical qualities.

Among the methods aimed primarily at mastering sports techniques, there are methods of learning exercises both as a whole (holistic-constructive) and in parts (dismembered-constructive). Learning the movement as a whole is carried out by mastering relatively simple exercises, as well as complex movements, the division of which into parts is impossible. However, when mastering a holistic movement, athletes’ attention is consistently focused on the rational execution of individual elements of a holistic motor act.

When learning more or less complex movements that can be divided into relatively independent parts, mastering sports techniques is carried out in parts. In the future, holistic performance of motor actions will lead to the integration of previously mastered components of a complex exercise into a single whole.

When using holistic-constructive and dismembered-constructive methods, a large role is given to introductory and simulation exercises. In imitation exercises, the general structure of the main exercises is preserved, but when they are performed, conditions are provided for the development of motor actions.

Among the methods aimed primarily at improving physical qualities, there are two main groups of methods - continuous and interval. Continuous methods are characterized by a single continuous execution of training work. Interval methods involve performing exercises both with regulated pauses and with involuntary rest pauses.

When using these methods, exercises can be performed both in a uniform (standard) and variable (variable) mode. With a uniform mode, the intensity of work is constant, with a variable mode it varies. The intensity of work from exercise to exercise can increase (progressive option) or change repeatedly (variing option).

Continuous training methods, used under conditions of uniform and variable work, are mainly used to increase aerobic capacity and develop special endurance for work of medium and long duration. An example is rowing at distances of 5000 and 10,000 m with constant and variable speed, running at distances of 5,000 and 10,000 m, both with uniform and variable intensity. These exercises will, as a rule, help to increase the aerobic performance of athletes, develop their endurance for long-term work, and increase its efficiency.

The possibilities of continuous training methods in conditions of variable work are much more diverse. Depending on the duration of parts of exercises performed with greater or less intensity, the characteristics of their combination, the intensity of work when performing individual parts, it is possible to achieve a predominant effect on the athlete’s body in the direction of increasing speed capabilities, developing various components of endurance, and improving private abilities that determine the level of sports achievements in various sports.

In the case of using a varying version, parts of the exercise can be alternated, performed with different intensities or with different intensities and varying durations. For example, when skating a distance of 8000 m (20 laps of 400 m), one lap is completed with a result of 45 seconds, the next one is completed freely, at an arbitrary speed. Such training work will contribute to the development of special endurance and the development of competitive technique. The progressive version of the load is associated with an increase in the intensity of work as the exercise is performed, and the descending version is associated with its decrease. Thus, swimming a distance of 500 m (the first hundred-meter segment is swam in 64 s, and each subsequent one is 2 s faster, i.e. in 62, 60, 58 and 56 s) is an example of the use of a progressive option. An example of a descending option is skiing 20 km (4 laps of 5 km) with results of 20, 21, 22 to 23 minutes, respectively.

Interval training methods (including repeated and combined) are also widely used in sports practice. Performing a series of exercises of the same or different durations with constant and variable intensity and strictly regulated rest pauses is typical for these methods. Examples include typical series aimed at improving special endurance: 10 x400; 10 x 1000 m - in running and skating, in rowing. An example of a varying option can be a series for improving sprinting qualities in running: 3x60 m at maximum speed, rest - 3-5 minutes, 30 m - running at maximum speed, slow running - 200 m. An example of a progressive option are complexes, involving sequential passage of segments of increasing length (running a series of 400 m + 800 m + 1200 m + 2000 m) or a standard length at increasing speed (six times swimming a 200 m instance with results - 2 min 14 s; 2 min 12 s; 2 min 10 s; 2 min 08 s; 2 min 06 s; The descending option involves the opposite combination: sequentially performing exercises of decreasing length or performing exercises of the same duration with a consistent decrease in their intensity.

Progressive and descending variants can also be combined in one complex.

Exercises using interval methods can be performed in one or more series.

In the modes of continuous and interval work in sports training, a circular method is also used, aimed at selective or comprehensive improvement of physical qualities.

The game method is used in the process of sports training not only for initial training in movements or selective influence on individual abilities, but also for the comprehensive improvement of motor activity in complicated conditions. To the greatest extent, it allows you to improve such qualities and abilities as dexterity, resourcefulness, quickness of orientation, independence, and initiative. In the hands of a skilled teacher, it also serves as a very effective method of instilling collectivism, camaraderie, conscious discipline and other moral qualities of the individual.

No less important is its role as a means of active recreation, switching those involved to another type of physical activity in order to accelerate and increase the efficiency of adaptation and recovery processes, and maintain a previously achieved level of preparedness.

The gaming method is most often embodied in the form of various outdoor and sports games.

The competitive method involves specially organized competitive activity, which in this case acts as the optimal way to increase the effectiveness of the training process. The use of this method is associated with high demands on the technical, tactical, physical and mental capabilities of the athlete, causes profound changes in the activity of the most important systems of the body and thereby stimulates adaptation processes, ensures integral improvement of various aspects of the athlete’s preparedness.

When using the competitive method, the conditions for conducting competitions should be varied widely in order to bring them as close as possible to those requirements that are most conducive to solving the tasks.

Competitions can be held in more complicated or easier conditions compared to official ones.

The following are examples of complicating competition conditions:

  • - competitions in mid-mountain, hot climates, in bad weather conditions (strong headwinds in running, short distances, cycling, etc.);
  • - competitions in sports games on smaller fields and playgrounds, with a larger number of players on the opposing team;
  • - conducting a series of fights (in wrestling) or fights (in boxing) with relatively short rest breaks against several opponents;
  • - competitions in games and martial arts with “inconvenient” opponents who use unusual technical and tactical patterns of fighting.

Facilitation of competition conditions can be ensured by:

  • - planning competitions at shorter distances in cyclic events;
  • - reducing the duration of fights, fights in martial arts;
  • - simplification of the competitive program in complex coordination events;
  • - use of lightweight projectiles in track and field throwing;
  • - reducing the height of the net in volleyball, the height of the ring in basketball;
  • - the use of a “handicap”, in which the weaker participant is given a certain advantage - he starts slightly ahead (or earlier) of other participants, gets an advantage in scored pucks or balls (in sports games), etc.

It should be noted that all of the above methods of sports training are used in various combinations. Each method is not used in a standard way, but is constantly adapted to specific requirements determined by the characteristics of sports practice. When selecting methods, it is necessary to ensure that they strictly correspond to the assigned tasks, the age and gender characteristics of athletes, their qualifications and preparedness, general didactic principles, as well as special principles of sports training.

Dosing of physical activity

Dosing loads means dividing them into proportions, determining the size of a single, repeated use. Indicators of the magnitude of the load when performing individual exercises are the duration and intensity of the work.

Physiological indicators of loads that can be used by a teacher in work practice are the heart rate of students, their objective feelings of difficulties in work and external manifestations of reactions to the load.

Regarding the choice of loads, the following should be noted:

  • 1. The training impact of the load should be proportional to its intensity and duration.
  • 2. In order to increase the physical performance of schoolchildren, it is necessary to increase the load from lesson to lesson. If this is not done, performance will remain at the same level or even gradually decrease.
  • 3. When working with children, it is recommended to increase the volume of load, first due to duration, and then due to intensity.
  • 4. In a series of classes, you can increase the loads gradually, stepwise or in waves.
  • 5. The total load of a series of exercises must correspond to the children’s ability to adapt. Weak loads are ineffective, while excessive ones are harmful, so we need to look for the optimal level, gradually observing the reaction of schoolchildren.


Features of motor activity in primary school age.

Organization of physical education, health, sports and mass work at school.

Forms of physical education and health work with children of primary school age



One of the main goals of the school is to improve the health and proper physical development of students. For this purpose, various forms are used: physical education lesson, physical education minutes, sports sections, active breaks, health hour, sports holidays, health and sports days. Primary school teachers, physical education teachers and medical workers are working together to monitor health status.

With all the importance of the lesson as the basis of the process of physical education at school, the dominant role in introducing students to daily physical exercise, of course, belongs to extracurricular physical education, recreational and mass sports work.

In recent years, this work, along with its established forms, has practically been enriched with very effective types of improving the health of students, increasing their performance, and, to a certain extent, the psychological impact on their consciousness of the idea of ​​​​the need to use physical culture and sports in their daily activities. Physical education and health activities, as a rule, should cover all school students.

Considering the motor activity of children, we observe it in movements of various forms, in which speed, strength, dexterity, endurance, or a combination of these qualities are manifested to one degree or another. The degree of development of physical qualities determines the qualitative side of children’s motor activity and the level of their general physical fitness.

By combining physical education classes with general physical training, we thereby carry out a process of comprehensive physical training, which has great health benefits.

Features of motor activity in primary school age

The main indicators of the general physical fitness of schoolchildren were, are and will be achievements in basic movements. In them, as if in a magic trick, one can see the ability to control one’s body, the ability to perform a movement economically, quickly, and accurately. These movements reveal the level of development of physical qualities, speed, agility, strength, etc. Of course, the pedagogical process in physical education is not limited to a narrow set of exercises “applicable in life conditions.” The greater the number of motor conditioned reflexes a student acquires, the more complex and varied motor tasks the teacher can set for students, the easier it is to acquire the skill. And a motor skill is characterized by the unification of individual operations into a single whole, the elimination of unnecessary movements, delays, increasing the accuracy and rhythm of movements, reducing the time to perform an action as a whole, strict systematicity in movements, and the coherence of various body systems.

Motor skill allows you to save physical and mental strength, facilitates orientation in the environment, and frees up consciousness for timely comprehension of the action.

It is known that the lack of movement in the life of children of primary school age is one of the reasons for poor posture, deterioration in the functionality of the foot, the appearance of excess weight and other disorders in physical development: insufficient physical activity reduces the functional cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the child, resulting in an inadequate reaction the heart is under stress, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, and motor development slows down. A sedentary child has fewer motor skills and is characterized by a lower level of motor qualities. Children with movement deficits have less strength and endurance, are less fast and dexterous, are less hardened, and get sick more often.

It is known that the need of children of primary school age to move 18-22% per day is satisfied by independent, spontaneous movements. These include movements of the arms and legs. Turns of the torso, head, hand movements during writing, labor, drawing, going to the board, etc. however, spontaneously created movements in lessons cannot fully satisfy students' movements.

On days when a physical education lesson is scheduled, the deficit in physical activity is 40%, and on days when there are none, it increases to 80%. Based on their data that the lesson maximally compensates for 40% of the natural biological need of schoolchildren for movement, the daily volume of active movements should be at least 2 hours, and the weekly volume of at least 14 hours.

At the present stage of school development, it is unacceptable to limit the physical activity of students only during physical education lessons. In a school setting, physical inactivity can be eliminated by those types of physical education that are daily, widespread, and mandatory for all healthy children.

All types of physical education and health activities in extended-day schools play a huge role here. They are the main providers of the movements necessary for the child. In schools, where physical education and health work of all kinds, where it is mandatory for all healthy people, there is no problem of “motor starvation” with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the first days it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to strictly adhere to the regime. Failure to comply with the regime, the inability to systematically distribute time, negatively affects the growing body of the child.

When we see a lethargic, nervous, insufficiently physically developed child with poor posture, we can also unmistakably say that he spends little time outdoors, is inactive, and goes to bed late. Which means he doesn’t get enough sleep. The lack of physical education and physical exercise negatively affects not only the physical development, but also the psychoneurological status of the child.

A solid routine that includes all aspects of the motor regime will help children structure their day in such a way that they have enough time for lessons, for helping at home, for games and entertainment, and for playing sports. A variety of movements is necessary for the growth and functioning of a child. People have known for a long time that movement promotes health. We often hear talk about physical inactivity, i.e. about a decrease in physical activity, insufficient physical activity. A seven-year-old child spends 3-4 hours at a desk at school, then prepares homework for 1-1.5 hours at home and sits in front of the TV for the same amount of time. And without movement, without proper rest in the air, as a rule, there is no full development.

Physical inactivity is fraught with the danger of causing various kinds of undesirable deviations in the child’s health, leading to mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. Conversely, schoolchildren who engage in daily physical exercise show slightly greater increases in height, a significant increase in chest circumference, and an increase in lung capacity and muscle strength. Significant changes also occur in metabolism: nutrients are better absorbed, oxidative processes occur more intensely. Physical education also has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s entire musculoskeletal system, which creates conditions for the development of health.

Physical education at school in the primary grades continues to teach children:

Breathe correctly, combine breathing with movement;

Difficult walking and running;


Basic skills of running long and high jumps;

Toss and catch the ball with one or two hands;

Throw the ball at a target at different distances;

Climb the gymnastic wall in various ways;

Elements of sports team games;

Swimming and skiing are often taught.

Organization of physical education, recreation, sports and mass work at school

The main role in organizing physical education and health activities during the school and extracurricular hours, for organizing extracurricular and mass sports work may belong to the school council of the physical education team.

Sports sections are created for students who want to regularly engage in one or another sport. When creating a sports section, first of all, the conditions are taken into account to ensure their successful operation - the availability of a sports base, the specialization of those who can conduct classes. In each sports section, students are divided into age groups: junior, middle, senior. Classes in sections are held 2 - 3 times a week. Before enrolling in the section, students must undergo a medical examination at the school doctor or clinic at their place of residence.

Along with sports sections, the school creates groups for general physical training (GPP). Their task is to increase the general physical fitness of students by using various means of physical education and sports in their classes, which form the basis of the physical education curriculum. Students who are somewhat behind in their physical development or need additional classes as they are not sufficiently prepared to meet the requirements of the curriculum are involved in classes in such groups.

Work with students assigned to a special medical group (SMG) for health reasons occupies one of the important places in the implementation of the tasks of physical education of schoolchildren and is carried out in groups of therapeutic physical education (PT). Group exercises (physical therapy) are conducted with children assigned to a special medical group (SMG) who have health problems and are contraindicated for increased physical activity. Group exercises (physical therapy) can be either permanent or temporary, depending on the disease.

The task of preparing students to fulfill educational standards occupies one of the central places in educational activities in physical education. The implementation of the task of passing control standards directly depends on the effectiveness of physical education lessons, on the extent to which students have mastered the practical and theoretical material of the curriculum, what level of mastery of skills, abilities, qualities and knowledge the physical education teacher was able to provide to his students. It must be remembered that preparation for passing educational standards is carried out not only in physical education lessons, but also in extracurricular and extracurricular activities in various sports.

Particular attention is required for students with insufficient development of motor qualities and skills. For this group of students, additional extracurricular activities are organized to prepare for passing educational standards. The physical education teacher must select and determine individual physical exercise tasks for this group of students, based on the individual, age-related characteristics of the development of the students’ physical qualities. It is also necessary for the physical education teacher to establish direct contact with parents to monitor the physical condition of students, and, in agreement with the parents, keep a diary of self-monitoring of their physical condition.

Special tasks for the preparation of young athletes are solved by the training groups of the Youth Sports School. The organizational structure of this work makes it possible to attract a wide range of children and adolescents to regular sports activities. Depending on the specifics of the sports cultivated at the school, branches of the Youth Sports School may be created at the school. An important organizational and pedagogical problem is the selection of students into the initial training groups of the Youth and Youth Sports School.

In the initial training groups, the Youth Sports School is carried out on the principle of mass participation in sports, and then with the goal of achieving certain sports results. The creation of such a link in the school structure makes it possible to additionally attract a large number of students to regular classes. This group of initial training of the Youth Sports School should be an independent structural unit of the school, which should solve the main task - attracting the maximum number of schoolchildren to physical education and sports through physical training based on one of the sports. It is important to remember that in these groups, students should become involved in the sport as a whole.

Of particular note is such a form of work as the organization of a summer sports and recreational camp, which allows year-round educational and training work with students.

Extracurricular sports activities at school cannot become full-fledged if they are not accompanied by a system of school sports competitions - Spartakiads. Students love them; Spartakiads stimulate students to systematically, regularly engage in sports. Spartakiads are an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports among students.

Organizers of school competitions must remember that participation in sports competitions of any student must be preceded by sports training. Only in this case will competitions be useful for the student.

The program of health and sports days includes: outdoor sports games, mass competitions, “Fun Starts”, “Ah, come on, boys! "", "" Come on girls! "", "" Dad, Mom - I'm a sports family! "", "" Leather Ball "", "" White Rook "", "" Jumper's Day "", open starts for the best runner, jumper, thrower, etc.; in winter conditions - skiing, sledding.

It is necessary that all these types of active recreation take place without excessive increased physical activity; it is interesting for all students. One of the mandatory conditions is the provision of medical care for this event.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of a health day is mass participation. Therefore, when carrying out, the main attention is paid to the employment of schoolchildren, the active participation of all of them in the planned types of programs. Students temporarily released by a doctor from physical education classes are also part of the class at the venues of sporting events, which will have a positive impact and will find worthy application of the acquired knowledge and skills in the students’ future life activities, increasing the level of educational and extracurricular physical education and health activities at school.

Forms of physical education and health work with children in elementary school.

The school’s physical education and health program includes:

Preparation and holding of various sports events and competitions, games, health days;

Conducting thematic classes, conversations, parent meetings;

Organization of excursions, hikes, walks;

Organization of interesting and fruitful leisure time, including vacation time;

Promoting a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents;

Involving parents and other adults

For physical and psychological relief of students, sports sections and clubs have been created. Physical education and health activities at school during the school day are carried out in a wide variety of forms.

For health purposes, conditions have been created to satisfy the biological need of children to move. In total, the student’s physical activity time is at least 2 hours a day. This volume is achieved through gymnastics before the start of classes, physical education minutes in class, outdoor games during breaks, physical education lessons, extracurricular sports activities and competitions, health days, and independent physical education.

At school, for students in grades 1-5, physical education is required during the lesson. The physiologically reasonable time for a physical education break, lasting 1-5 minutes, is considered to be the 15-20th minute of the lesson, so the teacher plans it so that after completing work on the logical block, they can spend a physical education minute and move on to the next stage of learning.

The duration of the changes is strictly observed. Between lessons, the children rest for at least 10 minutes, and after the second and third lessons - 15 minutes.

In this case, the following requirements must be met: maximum use of fresh air, outdoor games. This is facilitated by the presence of a playground for grades 1-5, a stadium and a sports town in the school yard.

Depending on the time of year, health day is held in different ways: in the fall - the “Autumn Trail” tourist rally, in the winter - “Zarnitsa”, in the spring - “Well done fun”, etc.

The result of excellent sports training was the children’s high performance in regional competitions. It is noteworthy that graduates of the school, continuing their studies at secondary educational institutions and universities, are members of the sports teams of these institutions and participate in competitions.


The main goal of education has always been considered to be the development of the child’s mental and intellectual abilities. The rapid pace of the scientific and technological revolution inevitably leads to an increase in educational loads, which do not contribute to improving the health of students.

Computerization of modern schools and the introduction of computer technology into the educational process without proper compliance with age restrictions have a negative impact on health, leading to the development of severe fatigue in children and adolescents.

Our turbulent 21st century can be called, without exaggeration, the century of physical inactivity, or reduced mobility, and hypokinesia - a decrease in strength and range of movements. Therefore, protecting children's health is one of the most important tasks of our time. After all, the correct, harmonious development of children is the key to the health of future generations. The only path leading to the health of every child is a person’s attitude towards their health. One of the most important tasks in improving the educational process is the organization of a motor regime for schoolchildren, which provides active recreation and satisfies the natural need for movement.

Sports competitions should help attract as many children and adults as possible to physical education.

The main task is to convey to children that health is a treasure, for the sake of which it is really worth not only sparing no effort and time, but also giving up bad habits. Every child should know that a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable means of maintaining and strengthening health.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, it is proposed to use the following forms of work with schoolchildren: drawing competitions, newspapers and posters, essay competitions, and holding discussions during class hours.

  • 14.Physical education of students with poor health. Characteristics of one physical education program for students classified as SMG.
  • 2.Preparatory:
  • 3.Special medical
  • 15. Physical education in universities. Characteristics of the physical education program.
  • 16.Physical education of students in vocational education colleges and secondary specialized educational institutions. Characteristics of the physical education program.
  • 17. Physical education during the main period of working activity.
  • 18. Physical education in the system of education of preschool children.
  • 20. The essence and content of the “International Charter of Physical Education and Sports” and “Sports Charters of Europe”.
  • Section 1. Purpose of the charter: - to allow every individual to engage in sports;
  • 22. The standardization of trainers’ work is not limited to this and has other aspects.
  • 23-24. Professional and pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher and sports coach. Ways to improve professional skills.
  • 26. Organization and content of comprehensive control. Self-control in your chosen sport.
  • 27. Organization and holding of competitions in the chosen sport. The panel of judges for these competitions. Regulations on competitions.
  • 29. Forms, tasks and organization of physical education of elderly and senile people.
  • 30. Physical education. The process of forming motor skills.
  • II. Methods of conjugate influence.
  • III. Methods for developing physical qualities:
  • 46. ​​Control in the training process management system.
  • 47. Selection and orientation in sports.
  • 48. Sports form and patterns of its development, periodization of sports training.
  • 49. Heterochrony in the development of motor abilities.
  • 50.Strength abilities and methods of their education.
  • 51. Endurance and methods of its education.
  • 52. Flexibility and methods of its education.
  • 53. Speed ​​abilities and methods of their education.
  • 54. Coordination abilities (dexterity) and methods of their education.
  • 55. Sports training as a long-term process.
  • 56. Regularities (principles) of sports training.
  • 58. Organization and content of the work of youth sports schools.
  • 59. Structure and content of a physical education lesson.
  • 60. Timing and analysis of a physical education lesson in a secondary school.
  • 61. Blood system: composition and functions of blood plasma. The structure and characteristics of the formed elements of blood. Blood system during muscle activity.
  • 62. Vascular system: structure and functions of blood vessels. Hemodynamics. Regulation of blood circulation at rest and during muscle activity.
  • 63. Heart: structure of the heart. Heart function indicators. Adaptation of the heart to large muscle loads.
  • 64. Endocrine system: organs with endocrine function. The nature of hormones and the mechanism of their action. Hormones and physical performance.
  • 65. Middle mountains: physical factors of middle mountains. Adaptation to hypoxia at the genetic and phenotypic level. Mid-mountain training.
  • 66. Structure and functions of the cerebral cortex. The reflex principle as the basis of higher nervous activity. Properties of human temperament and sports activity.
  • 67.Sensory systems: structure and functions of analyzers. Motion control.
  • 68. Autonomic (vegetative) nervous system: sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric divisions. Reflex regulation of autonomic functions.
  • 69. Structural elements of the human body. Growth and development. Acceleration and retardation. Age and sports performance.
  • 70. Breathing. Structure and functions of the respiratory organs. Regulation of breathing. Breathing in unusual conditions (muscular work, high-altitude hypoxia).
  • 71. Metabolism: basal metabolism. Daily energy expenditure and research methods. Energy expenditure during sports activities.
  • 72.Thermoregulation: temperature homeostasis. Thermoregulation in conditions of high and low temperatures. Body temperature during muscle exercise.
  • 73. Physiological foundations of health: hyperdynamia and physical inactivity. Age and start of sports. Physiological justification for health training.
  • 74. Biological rhythms: classification of biorhythms. Biorhythms and construction of the training process.
  • 76. Nutrition and muscle activity: basic principles of nutrition. Nutrition during various sports. Nutrition in competition conditions.
  • 77. Pharmacology in sports: dopings of the latest generation. Pharmacological drugs and their possible use in the correction of sports activity.
  • 78. Fu classification: postures and muscle activity. Classification of fu based on the criterion “method of performing exercises”, taking into account the factor of energy supply.
  • 79. Physique and sports: total body sizes and proportions. Morphofunctional profile of a high-class athlete.
  • 80. Muscle tissue: the structure of a muscle as an organ. Energy of muscle contraction. Pano as an indicator of the development of muscle energy in ontogenesis.
  • 1. Muscle structure
  • 2. Types of muscles
  • 3. Structure of skeletal muscle
  • 4. Anaerobic energy production
  • 81. Adaptive processes during sports activity: the concept of adaptation. Stages of adaptive processes. The price of adaptation to large muscle loads.
  • 82. Adaptive processes during sports activity: sports training as a process of directed adaptation. Biological principles of sports training.
  • 85. Physiology of the aging organism.
  • 86. Hormonal profile of the male and female body. Sexual characteristics during muscle activity.
  • 87. Restorative processes during sports activity: unevenness, heterochronicity and phases as patterns of recovery processes. Medical and biological means of recovery.
  • A sports school of any type and name is created by the founder on his own initiative. To register a sports school, the founder submits to the relevant authorities an application for registration, the founder’s decision to create a sports school, its charter, and a document confirming payment of the state registration fee.

    Rights to educational activities arise upon receipt of a license.

    A sports school can be reorganized into a sports school by decision of the founder and in agreement with the government bodies of physical education and sport. The status of SDYUSHOR is assigned subject to direct training in a sports school of student-athletes who have the sports title “Master of Sports” or who have taken 1-6 places in championships of Russia, Europe, the World, and the Olympic Games.

    The financing and material resources of the sports school are its property.

    Main tasks: The sports school is designed to promote self-improvement, knowledge and creativity, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, professional self-determination, the development of physical, intellectual and moral abilities, and the achievement of high levels of results.

    At the initial preparation stage the following tasks are set: development of mass sports, involvement of the maximum possible number of children and adolescents in systematic sports, education of physical, moral, ethical and volitional qualities.

    At the educational and training stage of preparation the following tasks are set: improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing sports performance, preventing bad habits and crimes.

    At the stages of sports improvement and VSM, the following tasks are set: attracting the optimal number of promising athletes to elite sports so that they achieve high results, allowing them to join Russian teams.

    Stages of long-term preparation:

    Sports and fitness - Youth Sports and Youth Sports School covers 10-12% of children aged 6-16 years

    Initial training – Youth Sports School (DYUSSHP, SDYUSHOR)

    Educational and training school – Youth Sports School, Sports School (DYUKFP)

    Sports improvement - SDYUSHOR, ShVSM (Youth Sports School) 0.2% 16-25 years old

    Highest sports skills - SDYUSHOR, ShVSM

    Performance evaluation criteria:

    Sports and recreational: stability of the composition of students, attendance at training sessions. Dynamics of growth in individual indicators of the development of physical qualities of those involved.

    Initial training: stability of the composition of those involved. Dynamics of growth in individual indicators of the development of physical qualities of those involved. Level of mastery of the basics of sports techniques, hygiene and self-control skills.

    Educational and training: health status, level of physical development of those involved. Dynamics of the level of preparedness in accordance with the individual characteristics of students. Mastering the volume of training loads, mastering the theoretical section of the program.

    Sports improvement: level of physical development and functional state of those involved. The athlete's performance of training and competitive loads. Dynamics of sports and technical indicators. Results of performances in all-Russian competitions.

    Highest sportsmanship: stability of performance results in all-Russian and international competitions. The number of athletes trained for Russian national teams.

    Organization of the educational and training process: The sports school organizes work with students throughout the calendar year. The main forms of the educational and training process are: group educational and theoretical classes, work according to individual plans, medical and rehabilitation measures, testing and medical control, participation in competitions, instructor and referee practice.

    Conditions for enrollment in a sports school:

    At the initial stage of preparation Persons who wish to engage in sports and have no medical contraindications at the minimum age established for the sport are accepted.

    At the educational and training stage of preparation Only practically healthy athletes who have completed at least one year of the necessary training are enrolled on a competitive basis, provided they fulfill the requirements for general physical fitness and special training.