English alphabet with transcription. See what the "English alphabet" is in other dictionaries

English is the most widely spoken language these days. It is spoken in all countries, especially in those frequently visited by tourists. Wherever you go, in any corner of the Earth, you can easily find a person who, speaking in English, can show you how to get somewhere and even give some good advice regarding local rules and regulations.

For this reason, the study of this subject begins at school. From the first grade, a little person is preparing for adulthood, and thanks to language lessons - for communication - free and interesting, without any barriers, the main of which, of course, is language.

How does one start learning a language? Of course, from his alphabet. One of the most curious representatives of the English alphabet is the letter "h". She is eighth in order. And what is remarkable, the sound of this letter is similar to the surrounding "ji" and "jay".

In order to have a complete understanding of it, you need to know the following:

  • How is the letter "h" spelled?
  • How to pronounce it(in itself and, of course, in words).

Unlike the Russian language, some letters in English name have one thing, but in words they are read completely differently. Here, for example, the letter "G". When reading the alphabet, its seventh letter is pronounced as "ji". However, in the words “give” (give), “garden” (garden), it is read exactly like the Russian “g”.

The letter ech - how do you spell it?

The sound of this letter is similar to the Russian "x". In terms of its spelling, the capital “eych” is identical to the Russian “en”: both letters are written like “Н”, in exactly the same way. Lowercase, on the other hand, looks like an uppercase "pe", but with an elongated "tail" (the English "h" really looks like "p").

The writing of this letter begins with the end of the "tail":

  • First, they put a full stop, as if they were going to write "p".
  • instead, a loop is written out (the line starts moving to the right and, leaving a rounded trace at the top of the line, descends to its very bottom so that the starting point, together with a short segment, remain on the left side);
  • the last stage is the writing of the familiar Russian "p".

The process as a whole is quite simple. At first, of course, you can get confused in all the "loops" and transitions to native letters. But - a little practice, and even an awkward first grader will quickly cope with "h", confidently writing it out.

How to pronounce the letter h

The letter "h" is one of the consonants of the English language. It is precisely in sound that it corresponds to the Russian “x”, with the difference that its sound is lighter, airy (it is classified as a deaf consonant).

There are specific rules that explain when and where the sound “h” occurs, as well as what kind of pronunciation is correct.

  • This letter is written exclusively before vowels.. The tongue should be in the same position as at rest. Lips - somewhat open, relaxed, but not too wide open.
  • The desired sound is formed in the gap between the vocal cords. The air, passing from the lungs outward, creates friction and gives out the same sound, similar to "x". The ligaments, however, do not vibrate.
  • It must be taken into account that the Russian analogue of the sound of the letter "h" is unnecessarily noisy. In order to avoid a gross error in pronunciation English word, you need to relax the top of the throat, and make the air push aspirate and less intense.
  • The exception is the letter "eych", located between two vowels. In this case, its sound will be more sonorous, expressive.

Words starting with ech

And now - oh concrete examples words that contain that letter. Among them:

  • Horse (horse).
  • Habit (habit).
  • Hit (hit).
  • High (high).
  • Hand (hand).
  • Hope (hope).
  • Huge (large).
  • Hate (to hate).
  • Holy (holy).
  • History (history).

English alphabet with transcription

Like any other alphabet, English is divided into consonants and vowels.

  • Consonants: Bb; C c ; D d ; F f ; G g [ʤi:]; H h ; J j [ʤei]; K k ; L l ; M m ; N n ; P p ; Q q ; R r ; S s ; T t ; V v ; w w [‘dablju:]; X x ; Z z .
  • Vowels: Aa; E e ; I i ; O o ; U u ; Y y .

Thus, the letter ech, which is part of the English alphabet, is quite interesting in terms of its location in words, its pronunciation and, of course, its spelling. Remembering these rules is quite simple, but as a result you can get a clear pronunciation, without any accent and correct, calligraphic writing.

G is the seventh letter of the English alphabet. It has several spellings, the technique depends on the font (printed/handwritten) and character type (capital/lowercase).

Writing technique

To write the letter "G", it is preferable to take a sheet of lined paper so that you can see the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Printed capital "G"

  1. Write a capital letter "S":
  2. draw a crescent moon with a hole on the right
  3. From the bottom point of the letter "C" add a horizontal line to the left, halfway inside the letter

Printed lowercase "g"

  1. Write lowercase letter"With".
  2. The only difference from the capital letter "C" is that the lowercase letter is almost twice as small.
  3. From the top point of the letter "c" draw a vertical line down, turning into a hook to the left.

Printed lowercase "g"

  1. At the top of the line, draw the letter "o" 7/8 in size from the lowercase letter.
  2. From the bottom right point, draw an oval loop to the right and down.
  3. Add an "ear" to the upper right point.

handwritten capital

  1. From the lower left point of the line, draw an inclined line leading up to the right.
  2. Unfold the loop to the left and down. Crochet the loop to the right to the very top of the line.
  3. Draw a slanted line going down to the left. Crochet it to the left. The hook should cross the first line (step 1).
  4. Draw a horizontal line to the right, inside half the letter.

Handwritten lowercase " g»

  1. Draw about a figurative form with an inclination.
  2. From the bottom right point, add a slanted line leading down to the left.
  3. Unfold it to the left with a loop and bring it up.

Pronunciation of the letter "G"

The letter "G" has two main reading rules and several minor ones.

g = [g]

  • before vowels a, o, u.

legacy [‘legəsi] - inheritance, heritage

go - to go

regulate [‘regjuleit] - regulate

  • before any consonant.

ingredient - component

  • at the end of a word.

leg - leg

g = [j]

  • before vowels e, i, y.

page - page

giant [‘dʒaiənt] - giant

gym - gym


  • g = [r] before the endings -er and -est of adjectives and adverbs.

big - big / bigger ['bigə] - more / biggest ['bigəst] - the biggest

begin - begin (sya) anger - anger

gift - a gift

forget - forget

get - receive

target - target, target

girl - girl

together - together

give - give

forgive - forgive

geese - geese

finger - finger

tiger - tiger

hunger - hunger

  • g = [g] in words of French origin.

garage - garage

  • gn = [-] at the beginning and end of words.

gnome - gnome

sign is a symbol; signature

ng = [ŋ]

The tongue is located at the base of the lower teeth. The mouth is open wide. The back of the tongue is pressed against the lowered soft palate, the air stream follows through the nasal cavity. For nasal sound, it is required not to raise the tip of the tongue to the alveoli.

kingdom [‘ kiŋdə m] - kingdom

gh = [g], [f], [-]

The reading of words with the letter combination "gh" must be checked in the dictionary due to variations in pronunciation and lack of rules.

ghost - cast

tough - tough

1 Voiced English alphabet

The letters are interactive: click to listen to them.

2 Letters of the English alphabet with transcription

Capital (capital letter) and lowercase (small letter) letters, letter name, transcription. in green vowels are highlighted, consonants are highlighted in blue.
A a-a- Bb-bee- c c-cee- D d-dee-
e e-e- F f-ef- G g-gee-[ʤi:] H h-aitch-
I i-i- Jj-jay-[ʤei] Kk-kay- l l-el-
M m-em- N n-en- O o-o- Pp-pee-
Q q-cue- R r-ar- S s-ess- T t-tee-
U u-u- Vv-vee- Ww- double-u - [‘dablju:] X x-ex-
Y y-wy or wye- Zz-zed-; (Amer. var.) zee -

3 English alphabet audio files (mp3)


4 English alphabet in song

American pronunciation

British pronunciation


5 Pronunciation of English letters in words

The names of English letters are rarely pronounced, usually only in abbreviations or in some complex words, for example:

  • tee shirt (= T-shirt) - T-shirt (shirt in the shape of the letter T);
  • aitchless (= h-less) - not knowing the literary language, uncultured (not able to pronounce the letter h);
  • deejay (= DJ= disc jockey) - disc jockey;
  • emcee (= MC= master of ceremonies) - manager, entertainer, leader;
  • okay (= OK) - well okay.
And also in derivative words:
  • exited out (ex- cross out, cross out) - erase, cross out;
And in the names of objects derived from the names of letters:
  • em- polygraph. letter m as a measure of what is printed on a line, page;
  • wye- connection of railway or tram tracks in the form of a triangle (in the form of a letter Y).
Some groups of letters, such as p and b, m and n, are difficult to distinguish in speech, especially in a situation of radio or telephone communication. Pilots, police and other services, needing to prevent such embarrassment, use the phonetic alphabet. In the phonetic alphabet, each letter is assigned a name that makes it possible to uniquely separate one letter from another. For example, in the phonetic alphabet of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the letter b matches the word bravo, letter ppapa, letter nnovember, but the letter m- name Mike. ...........................................

6 English alphabet in idioms

alphabet soup- Amer.; joke. jumble of letters (abbreviations, abbreviations; especially about the names of organizations)

alphabetical- elementary, simple, elementary

ABC- alphabet, alphabet; primer; rudiments, foundations

as easy as ABC- very simple, elementary; like twice two is four

all the way from A to Z– from A to Z, from the very beginning to the very end

not to know A from B– be ignorant (do not distinguish "A" from "B")

if you have said A, you must also say B- said "A", say "B"

have a plan B- have a backup plan (have a plan "B")

grade-B movie- second-rate, low-budget film

D-day- ist. the day of the landing of the allied forces in Normandy (June 6, 1944); abbr. from Decimalization Day the day of official conversion to the metric system of measures in the UK

dot one"s i"s(and cross your t "s) - put dots over i (and dashes on t)

X"s and O"s- game of tic-tac-toe

X- British; mouth a conventional sign that denoted the quality of beer and ale (XXX - beer of the highest quality); something unknown or unnamed (X-files - secret materials); kiss (at the end of the letter: Love from Kathy XXX - With love from Kathy. Kiss.); amer.; unfold ten dollar bill

X-ray- X-rays

XYZ Affair- ist. X-Y-Z case

V sign- a sign of victory or hope for victory

V neck- V-shaped neckline

V- Amer.; unfold fifty dollar bill

Y– unknown value; something unknown or unnamed; fork, fork

Zzz- "xp-r-r", onomatopoeia of the snoring of a sleeping person

catch some Z's- Amer.; slang. take a nap

Z-day- important day; decisive day


7 Games and songs for memorizing the English alphabet (flash)

About the English alphabet

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. British and American English alphabets differ in the pronunciation of the letter Z.
It is believed that the most common letters in English language are the letters E and T, and the least common letters Z and Q.
There were periods of history when an ampersand appeared at the end of the English alphabet ( & ), which is used in English as a preposition and(and).
The apostrophe is not included in the English alphabet, but it performs an important function - it is used to reduce words. Some words and phrases can be distinguished in writing only by the presence of an apostrophe: its(possessive places from it) and it's(local and verb: it is); were(pl. verb was) and we're(local and verb: we are); Shed(v. get rid of) and she"d(local and verb: she would). The apostrophe also serves to distinguish a possessive pronoun (ending -"s) from plural nouns (ending -s).

Coloring pages, pictures and copybooks with the English alphabet

English alphabet in verse

The Alphabet

A, B, C and D, pray, playmates, agree.
E, F and g, well, so it shall be.
J, K and L in peace we will dwell.
M, N and O to play let us go.
P, Q, R and S, love may we possess.
W,X, and Y, will not quarrel or die.
Z, and ampersand,
Go to school at command.


Was an Apple Pie

A was an Apple pie;
B bit it;
C cut it;
D dealt it;
E eat it;
F fought for it;
G got it;
H had it;
J joined it;
K kept it;
L longed for it;
M mourned for it;
N nodded at it;
O opened it;
P peeped in it;
Q quartered it;
R ran for it;
S stole it;
T took it;
V viewed it;
W wanted it;
X, Y, Z, and all wish "d for a piece in hand.

Alphabet and street names in the USA

Everyone knows the American tradition of naming streets numerically, but streets in the United States were also named after the letters of the English alphabet. For example, in Washington, "vertical" (North-South) streets are numbered, and "horizontal" (East-West) streets are alphabetic. When designating streets in Washington, all letters of the English alphabet are used, with the exception of the last three - X, Y and Z. Also, no street letters J, and Jay Street is named after former Chief Justice John Jay\John J ay. Behind the street named after the last letter of the English alphabet ( W Street), there are streets with two-syllable names, also obeying the alphabetical order: B elmont Street, C lifton Street, E uclid Street, F airmont Street, etc. Still further on are streets with three-syllable names again in alphabetical order: A llison Street, B uchan Street, C rittenden Street, etc. In the northwestern sector, there are streets with botanical names in alphabetical order, but without taking into account the number of syllables: A span Street, B utternut Street, C edar Street. The last street V erbena Street - located on the border with the state of Maryland.

U.S. letter marking system

Many colleges and universities, elementary and high schools in the United States use a letter system to assess student achievement. In this system" BUT" exhibited for excellent work, " B"- for good, " C"- for satisfactory, " D"- for bad and" F" - for unsatisfactory work. Each grade, except for F, can be with a plus or minus, meaning an intermediate level. For example, "B+" is "very good", but not yet "excellent". Most schools also assign numerical values ​​to each mark.

English alphabet

  1. sh = [ʃ]. "shine" [ʃajn].
  2. zh = [ʒ]. "Zhukov" [ʒukov] (only in practical transcriptions)
  3. ch = [ʨ]. "China" [çajnə]
  4. kh = [χ]. "Kharkov" (only in practical transcriptions)
  5. th = [ð] or [θ]. "the" [ðe]; "think" [θiŋk]


Writing in English appeared around the 5th century AD. e. [ source?], Anglo-Saxon runes were used for recording, only a few small fragments of records from that time have survived. Replacing runes with letters started in the 7th century source?] with the arrival of Christian missionaries. AT 1011 a monk of the Benedictine abbey named Byrhtferð used the English alphabet, consisting of 23 letters Latin alphabet(without J, U and W), padded ampersand, four letters based on Anglo-Saxon runes: Thorn(th), Vunyo(w), , ȝ (yoȝ, yog) and ligature. His version looked like this:

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z & Ȝ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ

In the 16th century, the letters U and J were proposed as derivatives of V and I, and the ligature W (VV) received the status of a separate letter. Ligatures æ and œ can be used in some words of Greek and Latin origin, such as encyclopædia - encyclopedia, but due to the technical limitations of keyboards and printing devices, they are often replaced by ae and oe, respectively.

letter frequency

The most common letter in English is E, the rarest is Q. Below is a list of letter frequencies used in English.

Letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Frequency, % 8.17 1.49 2.78 4.25 12.70 2.23 2.02 6.09 6.97 0.15 0.77 4.03 2.41 6.75 7.51 1.93 0.07 5.99 6.33 9.06 2.76 0.98 2.36 0.15 1.97 0.10


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