Elena Korikova - photos before and after plastic surgery. How poor Nastya has changed: biography with a photo of Elena Korikova Unsuccessful plastic surgery of Elena Korikova

In 2003, the series “Poor Nastya” was released on television screens. In this historical drama, which was broadcast in 34 countries, the main role was played by the little-known actress Elena Korikova. The viewer could not help but like the fragile figure of the 31-year-old artist (although her heroine was a very young lady of marriageable age), the graceful features of a truly angelic appearance. And what Elena Korikova looks like now and whether she has had plastic surgery can be seen in the photo from 2018.


The future star Elena Korikova was born in Tobolsk on April 12, 1972. Her parents, Yuri Alekseevich and Tatyana Korikov, divorced shortly after their daughter was born. The artist’s mother was a ballerina; due to her busy tour schedule, she did not have enough time for her child. Therefore, until the age of 8, Elena was raised by her grandparents in a village near Tobolsk. Then, together with her mother, the girl moves to.

Elena Korikova first became acquainted with acting while studying at school - she attended the local theater-studio “Epos”. Her mother sewed her daughter’s costumes for her performances. One day in the Korikova newspaper there was an advertisement for the recruitment of actors for the city Drama Theater. The level of professionalism didn't matter. The girl somewhat questioned her talent, but she came to the selection and not in vain - she was selected. Thus began a new, creative page in the biography of Elena Korikova.

She continued writing it after graduating from school, successfully passing the entrance exams to VGIK and becoming a workshop of the famous Sergei Solovyov.

While still in her first year, Korikova received her first film role. Her heroine’s name was Masha, and the film that Anatoly Mateshko directed was called “Ha-bi-assy”.

During her studies at VGIK, Korikova had a lot of work. The first professional recognition came after the film “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”. For her participation, the actress received the Nika Award. His diploma work was participation in the play “The Seagull”, which was staged at the Sovremennik Theater. In general, Elena Korikova’s professional biography is closely connected with her personal life.

Personal life

Elena Korikova was officially married only once. The first husband's name was Dmitry Lipskerov, he is a writer. However, the marriage was short-lived. It is not known what caused the divorce - the difference in age (Dmitry is several years older than Elena) or in outlook on life. Some people close to the couple claim that quarrels and everyday problems are to blame

But even before the divorce, Korikova’s personal life was full of novels. One of them attracted the attention of the entire acting world of Russia. In the 90s, the actress met the son of her colleague Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Dmitry Roshchin. The couple was very beautiful. Having learned about his beloved’s pregnancy, Roshchin started talking about. However, Vasilyeva did everything to ensure that her son broke up with Korikova. Son Arseny was born after the separation, which prompted Roshchin not to acknowledge paternity. Later he was ordained a priest and got married.

But even children born in an official marriage did not force the man to recognize Arseny.

Korikova’s third beloved cameraman, director Maxim Osadchiy, was involved in raising Arseny. In 1998, they all left for Russia together. Here the actress became the face of the Jacques Dessange fashion house. A few years later the couple returns to Russia. The civil marriage of Korikova and Osadchy lasted 10 years.

    Do you like actress Elena Korikova?

The actress repeatedly left her husband, then returned. But, despite all attempts, the family could not be saved. Maybe the reason was that the couple did not have children together.

Some associate the separation of Korikova and Osadchy with the beginning of the actress’s filming in “Poor Nastya” and the surge in popularity. Others say that the reason was a whirlwind romance with co-star Daniil Strakhov. However, the actors themselves denied any connection with each other.

Later, one could observe Korikova’s romance with a famous presenter. As it seemed to fans of the artist, Malakhov was too picturesque, although he beautifully looked after his beloved. Quite quickly the couple broke up.

There are rumors that Korikova had an affair with tennis player Marat Safin. They were also fueled by the actress herself, who repeatedly stated that she had met the one she had dreamed of all her life. But, despite this, the romance ended in separation.

Further, Korikova’s personal life was filled with love for Sergei Astakhov. The actors were together for about two years, but still broke up. Afterwards, Korikova was often noticed in the company of producer and director Sergei Chernykh.

Elena Korikova today

Popularity, numerous novels and attractive appearance made Korikova the subject of numerous rumors. This forced the actress to hide many of her photos from the public. However, the right action played a cruel joke on Korikova - the artist began to be suspected of what she was doing

Because of the artist’s secrecy, they began to say that Korikova had received “youth” injections and after one of them her face became so distorted that yesterday’s beauty turned into a monster. Moreover, the actress was accused of alcoholism. However, the way Elena Korikova looks now does not in any way confirm this information. Moreover, on her Instagram page in May 2018, the artist posted a photo of a court decision in a lawsuit against Express Newspaper. It was this publication that at one time published information that Korikova became an alcoholic.

If you carefully look at the photos from 2018 and later photographs, you will notice that Elena Korikova has now changed her natural platinum hair shade to a sophisticated red one. Tight-fitting clothing has given way to outfits that hide some age-related changes. There is a little less cosmetics, which is not surprising if you remember that the actress is already 46 years old - the makeup should be more sophisticated. The waist became not so thin, having acquired several extra pounds.

Korikova answers all questions about her slightly changed figure quite adequately - time is not under the control of any person and age, of course, takes its toll. However, according to her, she takes criticism calmly, perceiving it as a guideline for perfection.

Looking at the photos of 2018, many fans, and critics too, note that now Elena Korikova looks happier. Having abandoned her film career and completely switched to working in the theater, the artist was able to become herself. Today she plays a lot in the theater, tries out different roles.

Korikova was repeatedly asked whether she had undergone plastic surgery. But every time she assures that she will never decide to lie on the surgeon’s table.

In the fall of 2003, the television series “Poor Nastya” was released on television. Despite the obvious historical inconsistencies and protractedness, the project soon found fans in 34 countries. In addition to the beautiful costumes and dramatic plot, the popularity of the series is largely due to the leading role, actress Elena Korikova. Let's find out more about this beautiful and talented woman and how her fate turned out after “Poor Nastya”.

Childhood and youth

The future actress Elena Korikova was born on April 12, 1972 in Tobolsk. She inherited her regal bearing and fragile beauty from her mother, the famous ballerina Tatyana Korikova.

At one time, a successful career prevented the woman from not only spending a lot of time with her daughter (until the age of 8, Elena was raised in the village by her grandparents), but also cost her her husband - some time after the birth of the baby, the couple divorced.

Later, Tatyana and her daughter moved to Rostov-on-Don. Here, compensating for the time lost in childhood, the woman actively began to help the baby develop her talents. And there were a lot of them. In addition to her unusual beauty, young Elena showed acting abilities quite early. While still a schoolgirl, she began to play in the Historical Theater-Studio "Epos".

After graduation, Korikova decided to conquer the capital and submitted documents to VGIK. Soon the girl successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in a course for

First work in cinema

The touching beauty of Elena Korikova could leave few directors indifferent. Therefore, already from the 1st year, the girl began to be invited to act in films.

For most, the actress was associated with the image of Turgenev’s young lady, so the first films with Elena Korikova were film adaptations of classical Russian literature, as well as historical projects.

The first film with Korikova was a comedy about the post-war years in Crimea - “Ha-bi-assy”. In future years, she appeared in film adaptations of “Three Sisters” and Chekhov’s story “In the Ravine” (“Golden Ring, Bouquet of Scarlet Roses”).

After graduating from VGIK in 1995, Elena Korikova continued to actively act in film. In the same year, she received “Nika” and a prize from the Kinoshock festival for her role as Lisa in “The Peasant Young Lady.”

In subsequent years, the actress tried herself as a model and starred in video clips of famous Russian (Alla Pugacheva, Leonid Agutin, Dmitry Malikov, Valery Leontyev) and Ukrainian performers (Pavel Zibrov, Alina Grosu).

In 1998, Korikova left for New York for several years, while she continued to simultaneously act in Russian cinema. So in the same year she plays a small role in the film adaptation of “Mu-Mu”.

In 2001, the actress received an offer to work at Sovremennik and returned to Moscow. In this legendary theater, Korikova played leading roles in such cult performances as “Three Sisters”, “Three Comrades”, “Demons”, etc.

"Poor Nastya"

In parallel with her work on stage, Elena was looking for a way to return to cinema again. And soon she manages to do this, as she gets the main role in the television series “Poor Nastya.”

This story told about the fate of Anna Platonova, the illegitimate daughter of Prince Dolgorukov and the beautiful serf Martha.

It is worth noting that in addition to Korikova, this project allowed such TV stars as Marina Klimova, Daniil Strakhov and Pyotr Krasilov to light up.

The most famous TV series and films with Elena Korikova

The project “Poor Nastya” brought the actress all-Russian fame. Unfortunately, Korikova was unable to properly manage her fame and began accepting offers to star in not very successful projects.

Her most famous works in future years are “Spy Games”, “Agent in Love”, “Champion”, “Kiss of Socrates”, “Moms”, “Women on the Edge”, “Cycle”, “Rustle” and others.

“Poor Elena”, or Elena Korikova before and after plastic surgery

It's no secret that in the film business, for a woman, appearance is sometimes more important than talent. Therefore, in order to maintain their attractiveness, many actresses undergo the most dangerous and complex operations. However, not everyone benefits from these procedures.

Unfortunately, Elena Korikova was no exception to this rule. Despite her successful career, just a few years after “Poor Nastya,” her beauty began to gradually wither away. What caused this? Unknown. Some said that the busy schedule undermined the actress’s health. Others argued that Korikova’s love for alcohol and cigarettes was to blame. Still others explained premature aging by the individual characteristics of the body.

In any case, in order to restore her former beauty, the actress risked plastic surgery. Despite the fact that it was a secret procedure, quite soon after it, numerous photos of Elena Korikova before and after plastic surgery began to appear on the Internet.

At the same time, most admirers of the artist’s talent admitted that the operation clearly did not benefit her and did not improve the appearance of “poor Nastya”, but on the contrary, it aged her. Therefore, many people yesterday began to wonder how old Elena Korikova really is, because she began to look like she was 50-something.

The topic of the actress’s failed attempt at rejuvenation was especially relished on the eve of the tenth anniversary of “Poor Nastya.” In connection with this date, many videos have appeared on the Internet showing how the leading actors have changed over the years.

As one would expect, the lead actress got the most, because photos of Elena Korikova before and after plastic surgery became almost the highlight of every article or video on this topic.

In fairness, it is worth noting that not only Korikova has lost her former beauty. Likewise, another actress from “Poor Nastya” changed beyond recognition due to an unsuccessful procedure. We are talking about Anna Gorshkova, who, moreover, is 9 years younger than “poor Nastya”.

Well, for those who want to form their own opinion about the changes in Elena Korikova’s appearance before and after plastic surgery, it is worth watching one of the most recent projects with her participation - the 2017 series “Cycle”, in which the actress played the greedy doctor Lidia Petrovna Gatich.

Personal life of the actress

Having considered Korikova’s biography and filmography, as well as information about her plastic surgery, it is worth learning about the actress’s personal life.

Just like her appearance, there is a lot of gossip about the artist’s romances. After the release of “Poor Nastya,” she was credited with having affairs with almost any man with whom she appeared next to in the photograph. In addition, various rumors periodically appeared about the children of Elena Korikova.

Which of these gossips is true? Let's figure it out.

Korikova officially got married for the first time while she was a student. Her chosen one was the famous Russian writer Dmitry Lipskerov. Unfortunately, this marriage soon broke up.

The actress’s new lover was a student of the VGIK directing department, Dmitry Roshchin (son of the famous actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva). It was he who became the father of Korikova’s only son, Arseny. Unfortunately, neither Dmitry nor his relatives wanted to accept Elena and her child into the family. So “poor Nastya” had to raise the boy on her own.

The second husband of the actress and a caring father for Arseny was the creator of video clips - Maxim Osadchiy. By the way, it was with his help that Korikova received many roles in music videos. The couple later divorced.

In the early 2010s, the actress had a long affair with her colleague, Sergei Astakhov. But after a few years, this relationship came to an end.

Today, the actress does not have a permanent life partner, but things can still change. After all, despite her age and not very successful plastic surgery, Korikova is still in demand in the profession and respected by many fans.

In the biography of Elena Korikova, according to her, there was both bad and good, and every moment of life was taken for granted. The actress believes in God and does not forget about biblical truths: the test is given according to one’s strength and only to those who are able to withstand it.

The image of a sophisticated, defenseless young lady is deceptive. A harsh Siberian childhood fostered in Korikova a punchy character bordering on stubbornness.

Childhood and youth

Actress, TV presenter and singer Elena Korikova was born in April 1972 in the city of Tobolsk. The girl’s mother, Tatyana Korikova, was a ballerina, so due to her busy work schedule she could not devote much time to the child. Tatyana divorced her husband Yuri Alekseevich Korikov when her daughter was still little.

Until the second grade, Lena lived in the village with her grandmother, a teacher at a local school. Later, the girl and her mother moved to Rostov, where she graduated from school.

The future star's desire to become an actress appeared during her school years, although as a child Elena did not think seriously about such a career. Korikova attended the Epos theater studio in Rostov, and her mother even sewed outfits for performances herself. The girl decided on her future career thanks to chance - she saw an advertisement in the newspaper that the city drama theater was recruiting actors.

Actors of different levels of professionalism could take part in the casting. Elena doubted her talent, but she came to the selection and was invited to join the theater troupe.

Immediately after graduating from school, the girl went to enroll in the capital's theater university. Elena successfully passed the exams at VGIK and studied at the workshop.

As a child, Korikova did not communicate particularly closely with her father. For the first time in many years, she met him in Tyumen after graduating from school. By that time, Yuri Alekseevich had a new life: a wife and two children. Initially, communication between the adult daughter and father did not work out, but Elena soon found a common language with him. Subsequently, Yuri Alexandrovich gave his daughter an apartment in the capital. Later, the artist’s mother lived there.


The girl started acting in films from the 1st year. In 1990, Korikova played for the first time in a movie, in A. Mateshko’s fairy tale “Ha-bi-assy”. Later she was invited to her melodramatic film “I promised, I’ll leave” by Valeria Akhadov.

Korikova received her first recognition and popularity thanks to the film “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”. The actress was awarded for best actress at the Kinoshock film festival. Elena was also awarded the Nika Prize. And this is for 1995, when the girl was just graduating from VGIK. The actress played her graduation role at the Sovremennik Theater; her Nina Zarechnaya from “The Seagull” won the approval of viewers and critics.

In 1998, Elena moved with her family to America, where she tried herself as a model and also works as an actress. Immediately upon returning to her homeland, Korikova was offered a job at the famous Moscow Sovremennik Theater, on whose stage the actress performed for 3 years (from 2001 to 2004). Elena played in the classic productions “Three Comrades”, “Three Sisters”, “Demons” and others.

Note that Korikova also worked in other theaters: the Film Actor's Theater, Millennium, the Taganka Actors' Commonwealth and the Moscow Independent Theater.

Elena Korikova in the series “Poor Nastya”

The actress’s hard work paid off doubly, because in 2005 she gained national recognition and fame thanks to the popular TV series “”.

The film is based on a pseudo-historical plot, filled with both real personalities and fictional characters. The series tells the story of a girl who grew up on a noble estate as a wealthy heiress, while in fact being an ordinary serf. Her secrets and relationships captured the attention of viewers. Elena’s filming partners were and, whom the actress immediately considered a fan.

Since then, Korikova began to be invited to television projects as a participant and presenter. She shone in the shows “Two Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Circus with the Stars”. In 2006, the actress hosted the popular program “Fort Boyard”.

Elena Korikova tried herself as a singer and even recorded the song “Bad Girl” together with. The actress began a fruitful collaboration with, Elena actively participated in the tours of the musical group.

Group "Vintage" - "Bad Girl"

In addition, the actress has repeatedly starred in videos of Russian pop stars: and even in the video “Call me with you.”

In 2012, Elena starred in a romantic video for the song “My Woman,” where she played the role of a modern woman. Korikova appeared before the audience first as a modest woman, and then as a spectacular beauty in a scarlet dress, which Andrei Kovalev gave to the artist after filming.

Alla Pugacheva - “Call me with you”

Korikova is involved in one of the 8 short stories that make up the lyrical comedy “Moms”. In the film, Elena turned into a secretary in love with a rich but lonely businessman who suddenly decided to visit his mother on the eve of the March 8 holiday. The short story was directed by.

In 2014, the actress played the main role in the melodramatic series “My Mother Against.” Elena's character is the mother of a 16-year-old daughter. The girl studies at the institute, her mother teaches there. The family idyll collapses when the teacher awakens feelings for a graduate student. A woman's soul is corroded by hatred and jealousy when a young man becomes interested in her daughter.

The film was directed by Andrei Selivanov, with whom Korikova worked in the film “A Year in Tuscany,” where she embodied on the screen the image of the wife of an oligarch, the owner of a villa in need of renovation. With the appearance of an architect in the house, the skeletons stored in the closet of each family member also emerge. Thus, the heroine Korikova is involved in the death of the millionaire’s first wife.

In the dramedy “Unformat”, the actress became the on-screen wife, who played the role of a showman and TV presenter, who shone in the past, but has now turned into an alcoholic. The character is trying to return the former star to the studio.

The series “Women on the Edge” presented Elena Korikova in the image of a killer of 3 husbands. Life circumstances push heroines to extreme measures. Understands the motives of crimes with the help of Denis Sinyavsky and.

In the detective story “The Kiss of Socrates”, Korikova herself is already investigating crimes in the company - the theft of cultural property. A stern criminologist has to simultaneously solve puzzles and get an eccentric art critic out of dangerous scrapes.

The film “Threads of Love” was filmed in the famous Moscow Fashion House on the Embankment. The main role of a dressmaker from the outback who conquered the capital was played by. In the story, the actress fought with Korikova for the heart of the director of a fashion house, performed by.

Personal life

The personal life of Elena Korikova is quite eventful. Her blond hair and petite figure (the actress’s height is 160 cm) attracted bright and famous gentlemen. The actress has more than one serious relationship behind her, and her men have always been of interest to the press.

The girl’s first love was Dmitry Roshchin, the son of actress and playwright Mikhail Roshchin. The entire acting community watched the relationship between Elena and Dmitry.

The couple turned out to be beautiful, but the artists never got married. According to rumors, Vasilyeva did not accept the girl and forbade her son to marry. As a result, Dmitry abandoned Korikova and did not recognize his son Arseny, who was born after the separation. Now Dmitry Roshchin is the rector of the Moscow Church on the Three Mountains, and he and his wife Lyubov are raising 8 children.

After an unpleasant breakup, Elena Korikova officially got married for the first and only time. The actress was married to her husband, a writer, for only a year.

As Elena later said, passion ruled the relationship between the spouses, and when problems and quarrels began to outweigh the joy of living together, they separated.

The actress’s third choice, director and cameraman Maxim Osadchy, replaced Korikova’s son with a father. Together with her new boyfriend, the actress immigrated to the United States, where she became the face of the Jacques Dessange fashion house and acted in experimental films, but the couple soon returned to Russia.

Elena lived with Maxim in a civil marriage for 10 years. She left her husband several times and returned again, but in the end the family broke up.

This break coincided with Korikova’s filming in the popular melodrama “Poor Nastya,” which gave rise to many theories. Some fans linked the actress’s breakup with the fact that Elena became a popular actress and stopped using her relationship with the director, while others suspected Korikova of having an affair with her co-star on the set, Daniil Strakhov.

The actors denied having a love affair with each other. Strakhov is a married man, he rudely cut off any questions about his affair with Elena.

Subsequently, the actress had an affair with, in which the actress’s fans did not believe. The TV presenter elegantly but spectacularly courted Elena: he gave expensive gifts and promised to propose right from the stage at the TEFI ceremony. But instead, the couple announced their separation.

Elena Korikova was credited with a love relationship with a tennis player. The artist told the press that she had met the man of her dreams, but despite this, the romance came to an end.

According to rumors, the athlete’s mother intervened, forbidding him to continue his relationship with Elena due to the age difference - the actress is 8 years older.

Elena's next declared love was an actor, with whom the actress dated for 2 years. Then Korikova was often seen in the company of Sergei Chernykh, director and producer of commercials, entertainment events and television projects.

In 2018, Elena was credited with an affair with former athlete and ski instructor Evgeniy Neshchadimov - the actress looked so happy and flourishing in the general photo.

The actress’s bright appearance, attracting the attention of men, raised questions about her naturalness. Internet sites constantly post collections of photographs of Elena supposedly before and after plastic surgery, emphasizing that it is impossible in 20 years to remain the same as in her youth.

But the artist herself vehemently denies that she went under the surgeon’s knife. Korikova admits that she would never resort to plastic surgery, because, being a deeply religious person, she believes that a person needs to live with the face and body with which he was born.

The touch of artificiality in Korikova’s appearance was explained by the overly bright and specific makeup with which the actress emphasizes her facial features - photos of Elena without makeup rarely appeared on the Internet. The woman demonstrated her natural beauty only in "Instagram", when I decided to open an account in 2016.

On the same social network, she reported that she won a lawsuit against a publication that accused her of alcoholism. According to the artist, lawyers are scouring the Internet to identify information that discredits Elena’s honor and dignity. If something like this is discovered, the authors will be in trouble.

Elena Korikova now

Journalists and fans, who thought that Elena Korikova had fallen out of the picture, rushed to a conclusion. In 2018, the crime film “Rustle” with the leading role was continued.

In the series “Rustle. The Big Redistribution ”the main characters feel sympathy for each other and hope that something more will grow out of this. Korikova got the role of the widow of a criminal authority, who received a fortune after the death of her husband. And, oddly enough, a criminal investigation officer helps preserve the inheritance.

Zaitsev’s character is simultaneously busy searching for a traitor in the department, and Korikova’s heroine has a new friend, around whom a love affair revolves.

Elena didn’t like the way she looked in the first “Rustle,” but after learning how successful the series was with viewers, she agreed to participate in the continuation. Korikova shared footage from the set on Instagram, causing a new wave of admiring reviews and wishes that the artist would not stop expanding her own filmography.


  • 1995 – “Young Lady Peasant”
  • 1997 – “Dead Man’s Buddy”
  • 2003 – “Poor Nastya”
  • 2005 – “The Right to Love”
  • 2008 – “Champion”
  • 2011 – “The Kiss of Socrates”
  • 2012 – “Moms”
  • 2013 – “Women on the Edge”
  • 2014 – “Year in Tuscany”
  • 2014 – “Threads of Love”
  • 2016 – “Rustle”
  • 2018 – “Rustle. Big redistribution"

The fragile, sophisticated actress Elena Korikova was born in 1972 in Tobolsk. She always dreamed of becoming a movie star and graduated from VGIK. The most memorable role of the beauty was the main character of the television series “Poor Nastya”.

Many viewers could not believe that the role went to Elena at the age of 31, because Nastya was no more than 19!

The actress’s natural abilities were recognized as a miracle, a reward from above. She quickly captivated the male audience and began appearing in candid photo shoots and videos. One of the “hottest” is the video of the group “Vintage”, where she and Anya Pletneva appear in revealing outfits.

It seemed that time had no power over Korikova. However, recently the actress has disappeared from television screens, and she rarely appears in the theater. A photo taken by chance on the star’s birthday put everything in its place. Elena Korikova became the victim of an unsuccessful plastic surgery, or rather, another one of those that she did.

Even during the first erotic photo shoots, fans began to notice that the actress’s breasts had become larger and more voluptuous. Elena noted that beautiful appearance is the result of a proper daily routine and nutrition. But it has long been known that sleeping and eating cabbage does not make breasts grow.

Some movie stars admitted in closed interviews that Korikova resorted to liposuction, that is, she removed excess folds of fat from problem areas - the hips and waist.

The lips were also inflated with fillers; they increased slightly in size, but obviously became plumper. And it’s not a matter of correctly selected decorative cosmetics.

In the photographs, Elena Korikova looks completely different before and after plastic surgery. Botox injections undoubtedly ruined the actress’s beauty. After them, the woman looks older than her age - her face is covered with tubercles, her eyes are asymmetrical, her lips are blurred, the contours of her face are barely noticeable.

Now the actress is completely different from the pleasant, innocent girl that her loyal fans are accustomed to thinking of her as.

April 25, 2015, 12:38

On April 12, actress Elena Korikova celebrated her birthday, in honor of which journalists from our “favorite” portal super.ru photographed her in, frankly speaking, not the most successful outfit and captioned it just as beautifully: “The aged Elena Korikova celebrated her 43rd birthday in a Georgian restaurant.” .

Since Korikova is not now the wife of some influential oligarch, other publications picked up and developed this tactful and bright headline:

What happened to 43-year-old Elena Korikova
Aged sex symbol of the 90s Elena Korikova celebrated her 43rd birthday
Elena Korikova has lost her former beauty
Aged Elena Korikova celebrated her birthday in a men's company
The star of “Poor Nastya” Elena Korikova has aged terribly
Elena Korikova has noticeably aged, but continues to smoke a lot and have fun in the company of men
Elena Korikova shocked with her aged appearance
One of the main sex symbols of Russian cinema, Elena Korikova, has lost her former beauty

At one time, Korikova was often discussed on Gossip Magazine, because thanks to her beauty she was one of the femme fatales of the party (here, in a post with a self-explanatory title, everything is listed in detail).

But recently she has disappeared from the news, judging by the website dedicated to her (rather wretched, but regularly updated), Elena constantly acts in TV series and travels around the country with various performances. He makes a living, I think.

There was also a rather sad one on Gossip in honor of her 40th birthday, where she somewhat debunks her glamorous image: “In recent years, I live only with work and my son. But they carefully mold me into the image of a slutty girl. As soon as Korikova goes out with someone - and the next day they put me in bed with this man. It’s cruel. And my jaw drops when I find out that I have a palace apartment and a couple of Bentleys under my driveway. People, I haven’t changed my car since 2004! there is no possibility."

One of the recent posts on Twitter is also sad: I have everything the same - home-work-home

Why am I making this post? Well, I just read an interview with Korikova a long time ago, where I remember the phrase that she had a very beautiful mother, who had a hard time reaching that age when beauty, alas, leaves a woman. And then I thought - I wonder, how will Elena herself cope with this?

By the way, here is a photo with my mother

And here are the same photos from Super

Where, thanks to a truly creepy outfit, Elena can easily be confused with her namesake Kondulainen, who has long been demonstrating to us how difficult it is for a once beautiful woman to grow old if she loses the adequacy of her self-esteem over the years.

I hope this doesn’t happen to Korikova....and yet - how is it that a grown woman suddenly starts wearing outfits that not every 20-year-old would wear? Why do they do this when there are millions of beautiful images around in which a woman with Korikova’s appearance will be dazzling?

Finally, a few relatively recent photos of Elena:

Gossip Cop, April 2012

Photo from the same birth, 2015

2014, probably some kind of series

Series Threads of Love (2014)

Photo with my son

In conclusion, what do I want to say? Yes, Korikova is no longer a girl and filming cheap TV series and touring the country does not help her look like Ulya Tseytlina. Yes, in an outfit, God forgive me, now you can’t tell Korikova from Kondulainen, but in normal clothes, she’s a beautiful woman! And only 43 years old!

The headlines are still vile, but maybe after this Elena will reconsider her approach to her wardrobe and appearance (perhydrol blonde is terrible, and even with curls!).