Electronic journal entrance to the portal. Electronic diary and journal

1 diary Diary online.
Parents will be able to monitor their child's progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, as well as communicate online with teachers and school administration.
Electronic diaries and journals are in many ways similar to ordinary ones, only now you can watch them from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection. This resource combines a whole network of general education and specialized schools from different corners Russia and the CIS, where teachers and parents are not indifferent to the fate of students.


  • developed system of testing students and their parents;
  • publication of the timetable for each class;
  • the ability to set your own name and description of the class;
  • publication of information about the school;
  • keeping a student's diary;
  • grading;
  • recording homework;
  • accounting for absenteeism and comments;
  • SMS-notification of parents;
  • email notification to parents.
The offered services are paid. You can pay for the services of an electronic diary using SMS or at the indicated payment terminals.

Absolutely free diary.
What is required from the school to join? The lesson schedule supports all types of reporting periods: quarters, trimesters and semesters. The diary allows you to create weekly and fractional schedules, group and streaming classes. With the help of a convenient replacement mechanism, you can cancel and reschedule lessons, replace a teacher and an office. Students and teachers have access to their personal lesson schedule. Teachers also have access to the schedules of other teachers in the school. It is necessary to appoint an administrator who will connect new users and manage the work of the school in the Diary.
No software installation or purchase of additional hardware is required. You can work in the Diary from any computer connected to the Internet. Connecting the school to the Diary is absolutely free.
Access to the Diary is provided without a monthly fee and without any other payments.
The school can store an unlimited amount of data in the Diary.

  • Online lesson schedule available to everyone without any logins/passwords and registrations
  • Mobile version of the schedule - easily scan the qr-code and get the schedule on your phone
  • Widget for setting the schedule on your blog or school website
  • Printable schedule poster of your own layout with your favorite characters or bands or just a photo of yourself
  • What is most important in this case: everything works absolutely free of charge, any visitor can create schedules and use it. So the next time you have a question: what is my lesson schedule - just go to the Schoodle website on your computer or phone, find your school / gymnasium / lyceum and your class schedule there. And if it is not there yet, enter it yourself - this is done very quickly.

    Development information technologies provides new opportunities for the organization educational process in a modern school and effective interaction of all its participants: school administration, teachers, students and parents. One of the tools for such interaction is the creation and maintenance of electronic school diaries and electronic school magazines.

    In July 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed making school journals and diaries electronic.

    "Let's do this: we will not remove the paper form of the journal and the diary, but we will make it the responsibility of schools to (introduce) these electronic documents in parallel. In any case, the journal can definitely be introduced," Medvedev said at a meeting of the State Council Presidium, which considers the issue on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation.

    According to the president, this will help teach computer literacy to those teachers who are afraid of computers.

    In July 2012: "Electronic diaries as a mandatory standard will be introduced in schools by 2012, said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko on Thursday, speaking at a meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society in Tver. He noted that at present this program is being implemented by about 30 % of schools According to the minister, there are a number of problems related to ensuring the protection of individual data, but they are solvable.

    In turn, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev noted that the introduction of such a mechanism is "a simple thing." "Almost every school has websites, and if there is a website, then you can provide access to it," he said.

    The President added that the electronic grade book and the student's electronic diary with the parent's access to it are an effective mechanism. Medvedev admitted that he himself used it "for personal purposes." "It's always nice to drop in, look at the success of your child, or vice versa, look at" 2 ", - said Medvedev."

    Currently, more and more schools are switching to electronic diaries. The electronic diary system is a simple, convenient and free way to share information about a student's progress with his parents. Availability and high speed of information exchange is a symbol of the 21st century. The school should not stand still, but must keep pace with the times. The introduction of a system of electronic diaries in an educational institution allows you to bring the necessary information about the achievements of the child to parents instantly and anywhere in the world, and also makes it possible to easily start school informatization.

    For teachers:

    The presence of an electronic diary at school is a great help for the teacher. Applying it in their work, the teacher can at any time enter the necessary information, such as: homework, leave a message for the student's parents, view performance statistics for each student and for the class as a whole, and, most importantly, automatically generate the necessary reports. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be at the workplace at this moment. Since a web interface is used to work with an electronic diary, a teacher can work with an electronic diary and the data it contains from home or from a mobile phone.

    For students:

    Electronic diary allows not only to be honest and open with their parents, but also gives the student the opportunity at any time to look at what was given at home for study.


    In the electronic diary, you can find information about the child's progress, the schedule of his lessons, homework, attendance or lateness. In addition, access to the program makes it possible to communicate with school teachers. Almost everyone at work has access to the Internet. Finding a couple of minutes during your lunch break in order to see how your child is doing at school is very simple.

    Examples of electronic journals and diaries:

    Dnevnik.ru - Unified educational network of Russia, which creates a unique electronic environment for teachers, students and their parents and combines three modules: distance learning, school document management, social network. The basic functionality is free for all participants in the educational process. Users have access to an electronic class journal and an electronic diary of a student, as well as a media library, a library educational literature, online training for testing the Unified State Examination, the opportunity to pass entrance olympiads to the largest universities in Russia.

    An important feature of Dnevnik.ru is a guarantee of the security of storing and using data for educational institutions, certified by the K2 standard in accordance with Federal Law-152 "On Personal Data".

    • Electronic diary of a student

    A web-based student diary with 5 access roles: student, parent, teacher, school administrator and representative. All roles have their own profile form, can exchange personal messages, receive various forms of school reporting, performance statistics in comparative tables and graphs. The system allows you to notify parents by SMS and e-mail, receive the lesson schedule and published information about the school.

    • Electronic magazine for the school "ElZhUR"

    ElZhur is one of the modern software and information systems operating in the segment of information services for educational institutions. Created by a team of Russian developers "Web-Most". The ElZhur system is implemented according to SaaS principles, which makes it possible to scale it, i.e. allows you to release ready-made solutions at the level of municipalities in order to organize full-fledged management and monitoring for education authorities in districts, cities, and subjects of the federation.

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    Electronic journals and diaries at schoolThe best way solutions to everyday issues related to the educational process - both for schools and for parents and students.

    Consider the basic classroom opportunities electronic journal , which allow you to determine its need in the educational process.

    Why do we need an electronic journal for school

    • Availability of the magazine anytime, anywhere with an internet connection
    • Convenient automated performance monitoring
    • Control over the number and completeness of grades
    • Presentation of calculated indicators (average grade, % of students, SDA, etc.)
    • Compilation of any reports is fully automated (including attendance and reasons for missing). Read the overview: ElJour reports and analytics
    • Tools for direct communication between teachers and parents schoolchildren
    • Homework and notes go directly from the electronic journal to the student's diary
    • Possibility to provide additional electronic materials (files)
    • Centralized way to notify about events, schedule changes, substitutions, etc.
    • The ability to conduct surveys and testing, including remotely (via the Internet)
    • Helps the school meet ICT modernization requirements

    We have implemented all these and many other possibilities, and have tried to work in Electronic journal it was easy and convenient.

    And most importantly, our system allows you to add new functionality to it, which is necessary for you and your organization!

    Therefore, if your practice uses special reporting forms or additional statistics, we are ready to provide you with these tools.

    look video presentation of the electronic journal, in which we collected the opinions of teachers and school principals.

    Benefits of using the Electronic Journal for Parents

    • Parents are notified of grades on the day they are given.
    • Immediately informed about absenteeism of their children
    • Control the child with electronic diary, in which all grades, omissions, homework, comments are indicated.
    • Can take timely action to correct the performance situation
    • Can directly contact teachers with questions through correspondence
    • If desired, they will receive notifications via sms or e-mail
    • They will know what topics of the lessons the child missed during the illness
    • They see the dynamics of the child's progress by changes in the average grade
    • Will be able to be informed in case of missing the parent meeting

    The student can also use the tools of the Electronic Journal

    • Always see the current class schedule, taking into account the planned replacements
    • Have in your electronic diary homework written by the teacher
    • Keep track of your average

    In addition, the motivation of students increases, and they take a more responsible approach to attending classes and directly to their studies.

    Literate performance monitoring helps to identify problems with the assimilation of any disciplines in the early stages and promptly draw the attention of parents to this situation.

    "Electronic diary and journal"- a service that allows participants in the educational process to receive information about study schedules, current and final grades and homework assignments online. An electronic diary allows parents of schoolchildren to keep abreast of the progress of their children, receiving this information via the Internet. Also, electronic school document management should provide a reduction in the administrative burden on educational institutions. In addition, various electronic diary systems can support other additional functions - student electronic portfolios, news feeds, social networks, etc.

    These systems are being implemented throughout the Russian Federation, according to "Priority national project "Education""

    Encyclopedic YouTube

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      Electronic diaries and journals

      How to create a blog

      Pros and cons of computerization of schools in Moscow



    According to the definition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

    Electronic journal- Software or electronic services that provide accounting for the implementation of the curriculum, including the progress and attendance of students

    Electronic diary- Software or electronic services that provide electronic information to students and their parents (legal representatives) about the progress and results of the educational process

    Additional functions of the "Electronic diary and journal"

    • Putting marks of various types (s/r, s/r, oral answer, etc.)
    • Entering general or individual homework
    • Assignment of various types of passes (absent, sick, late)
    • Formation of the curriculum by teachers
    • Portfolio of students (entering personal data of the student and his parents)
    • Formation of statistics of attendance / progress of schoolchildren
    • Publication of news and announcements
    • Automatic lesson schedule generation
    • Organization of a platform for communication between teachers and parents
    • Sending SMS messages to parents with child's grades

    Implementation methods

    The introduction of an electronic journal should be accompanied by the development of regulatory support through the development of a system of local acts of the educational institution. the federal law"On education in Russian Federation» provides for the autonomy of educational institutions, which gives each educational institution the right to develop its own regulatory framework that does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The functioning and development of the educational institution is supported by its own legal framework (local acts).