An effective diet with a menu for every day is the best way to get in shape. The most effective weight loss system is the Dukan diet Sample menu of a low-calorie diet for a week

Everyone knows that the Dukan Diet menu for every day is presented by Dr. Pierre Dukan. He claims that the diet will help you achieve optimal body weight and maintain it throughout your life. What are the features of the “Attack” phase? What are the disadvantages of the Dukan Diet? What daily menu is everyone talking about? You will learn about all this in this article.

Dukan diet menu for every day. Today the Dukan diet is number one in the world. She has helped millions of people around the world lose weight, including celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Kate Middleton.

From now on, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with constant calorie counting or strictly limit your diet. The innovative Dukan method is that during the diet you can eat absolutely anything!

The essence of the Dukan protein diet

What makes the French diet so popular? The basis of the Dukan weight loss system is a protein diet and a sharp limitation in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. In just 3-4 days you will feel the effectiveness of a step-by-step weight loss system. Many Hollywood stars have acquired the chiseled “Barbie” figure thanks to a well-coordinated diet for weight loss of the famous diet and exercise. Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez, the wife of Prince William have stunning silhouettes after losing weight with the diet of the French doctor Dukan.

Dukan diet - detailed video information about the diet

If you think that the Dukan diet is the strictest nutritional system, then this is a deep personal misconception. While losing weight, you will not feel the feeling of hunger that constantly reminds you of your existence. The French diet includes many “protein” foods, and protein, as you know, is the “building material” of every cell in our body. And one more important feature of the Dukan weight loss system: the kilograms lost after using the diet do not return for several years!

Features of nutrition according to Dukan

The diet gained worldwide popularity in 2000 after the publication of the book “I Can’t Lose Weight.” In it, the little-known French doctor Pierre Dukan explained why it is extremely difficult for some people to lose weight, and why it quickly returns after strict diets.

According to Dukan, the human body contains a certain supply of cells capable of storing fat. Each person has a different amount, some have more fat cells, others have less. Those who “own” a large supply of such cells have a much higher chance of becoming overweight. Additionally, when a fat cell is unable to accommodate the fat it has stored, it begins to divide. And the amount of fatty tissue increases exponentially.

Four phases of the Dukan diet

  1. Attack - the main weight loss, lasts up to five days;
  2. Alternation - continuation of weight loss, lasts until the desired result, possibly several months;
  3. Consolidation - fixation of results, duration is calculated using the formula ten days for each kilogram of weight lost;
  4. Stabilization - preservation and maintenance of results throughout life.

Each phase has its own list of products. The intensity of weight loss is determined by compliance with the main principles of the diet.

Attack - the first phase of the diet

Doctors consider this stage the most dangerous for health. Pierre Dukan himself agrees with the general opinion, therefore he gives clear recommendations for its observance. First phase. Attack | Dukan diet.

  1. Calculate excess weight. To calculate your weight, you can use the free calculator available on Dukan’s official website. The calculation is carried out in the form of filling out a questionnaire. After entering the data, a letter with the information you need will be sent to your email. You can also obtain averaged data yourself. To do this, subtract one hundred for men and one hundred and ten for women from height in centimeters. Thus, the weight for a woman 164 cm tall should be 54 kilograms;
  2. Stick to the Attack phase for no more than the recommended period. There is a common belief that in this phase a person can immediately achieve the desired weight. This is not only impossible, but also dangerous! During the “Attack”, from one to six kilograms are lost, the Dukan diet menu for every day begins to work correctly. Observe the duration of the phase according to the table.
  • If you are overweight, according to the calculator, up to 5 kg, then the duration of this phase of the diet for you is 1-3 days;
  • Excess weight - from 5 to 10 kg. — duration of the “Attack” phase — 3-5 days;
  • Overweight 10 kg. and more - the duration of the phase is 5-7 days (maximum up to 9 days).

Please note that even despite significant obesity, staying in the first stage of the Dukan diet for more than 10 days is prohibited. It is important to understand that the purpose of this stage is not to quickly lose weight by as many kilograms as possible, but to launch the mechanisms of fat breakdown in the body.

Control your condition. The danger of this stage is the consumption of only animal proteins. This puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and causes dehydration. According to a number of experts, this is precisely what is based on the rapid weight loss of the first week of the diet. It has a motivating effect, demonstrating that weight is beginning to fall.

At this stage it is important to drink a lot. Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day.

Eat oat bran. Consume one and a half tablespoons of the product per day with plenty of water. This can be either a snack or a replacement for one of the meals.

Why does the Dukan Diet menu for every day for weight loss begin with proteins? Its author believes that animal proteins are the optimal food for humans. Our body has been familiar with it since ancient times, and modern fast foods and sweets are not acceptable, since their formulas are foreign to our body.

In addition, proteins are among the most difficult to digest foods. The body spends an incredible amount of energy on their digestion, which eliminates the possibility of transforming excess calories into fat tissue. It is only important to get pure protein, without fat or with a minimum amount of it.

Allowed products on "Attack"

  1. Lean meat: veal, beef, horse meat (with the exception of entrecote and beef sirloin), rabbit. Pork up to 6% fat - not often! Lamb is prohibited;
  2. Offal: liver of beef, veal and poultry, kidneys and veal tongue, tip of beef tongue;
  3. Eggs. Up to two yolks per day. Protein – unlimited per day. If you have high cholesterol, eat no more than 3-4 yolks per week;
  4. Low-fat dairy products 0%: cottage cheese, natural yoghurts, kefir, natural milk, dry milk (do not exceed 3 tbsp per day);
  5. Poultry (skin should not be consumed). Birds with a flat beak are excluded - goose and duck;
  6. Lean ham (no pork skin). Fat content from 2 to 4%;
  7. All fish, without exception: fresh or smoked, fatty, canned in its own juice.
  8. Any crustaceans and molluscs.

All these products must be prepared without fat. You can consume them without any restrictions in quantity and at any time of the day. Forget about calorie counting!

72 Protein Products for the Attack Stage of the Dukan Diet

Some additives are allowed in reasonable quantities:

  • Tomato paste (no sugar) up to 2 tablespoons;
  • Rosehip decoction (from 2 tbsp berries);
  • Gelatin, agar-agar, baking powder (baking powder), yeast;
  • Coffee, tea, herbal teas;
  • Crab sticks (no more than 8 per day);
  • 1 tbsp. paraffin oil. Can be used as a salad dressing. It is advisable to dilute with sparkling water. Do not heat or use for frying;
  • Lemon as a seasoning (do not drink as lemonade or eat as a fruit);
  • Diet Cola and other diets. drinks;
  • Isomalt - 15 g;
  • Vinegar (balsamic or any other of your choice), soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil (olive/rapeseed) 1 coffee spoon;
  • Gluten - 2 tbsp. l. per day;
  • Cumin, parsley, onions (no more than 1.5 onions per day) and other spices and herbs;
  • Low carb, low fat protein shakes/powders;
  • Sugar substitutes (0 kcal), except fructose, glucose and sorbitol, etc.;
  • Inulin - 15 g;
  • Salt and mustard in moderation (they tend to retain water in the body);
  • Gherkins (2 pieces per day depending on size) are allowed as a seasoning for dishes.

During the first phase, dry mouth or bad breath may occur. Don't be alarmed, this confirms that you are on the right track.


  1. The Dukan diet menu for every day involves a daily walk for 20 minutes and exercise;
  2. Eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day. If you are intolerant to bran, you can use 1.5 tbsp. buckwheat (dry). Use with caution, since buckwheat and bran differ in their nutritional properties and are absorbed differently by the body. Exceeding the norm may cause stagnation. Prepare buckwheat at your discretion (you can cook it in water, milk or steam it);
  3. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day (coffee and tea are included in this 2 liters).

Dukan diet menu for every day, table


  • Breakfast: Omelette with meat, coffee.
  • Dinner: Cod fish soup, bran bread.
  • Afternoon snack: Curd mass.
  • Dinner: Meat baked in foil, green tea.


  • Breakfast: Whole cottage cheese, bran bread.
  • Dinner: Meat soup with quail eggs.
  • Afternoon snack: Low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: Fish stewed in its own juice.


  • Breakfast: Fried eggs, herring or salmon, lightly salted, coffee.
  • Dinner: Meat cutlets without adding onions and bread, yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: Kefir.
  • Dinner: Boiled squid.


  • Breakfast: Bread with bran and melted cheese, strong tea.
  • Dinner: Soup with pieces of fish.
  • Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese casserole, tea.
  • Dinner: Baked chicken fillet, kefir.


  • Breakfast: Boiled eggs, kefir.
  • Dinner: Fish cutlets without onions and bread, yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: Milk, bran bread.
  • Dinner: Stewed beef tenderloin, tea.


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, coffee.
  • Dinner: Meat soup with meatballs.
  • Afternoon snack: Yogurt, oat bran.
  • Dinner: Stewed mussels, tea.


  • Breakfast: Whole cottage cheese, coffee.
  • Dinner: Soup with fish pieces, yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: Casserole or cottage cheese pancakes, kefir.
  • Dinner: Meat cutlets, yogurt.

You can change the products on the menu at your discretion, replacing meat dishes with fish, using cottage cheese in its pure form and in casseroles and cheesecakes. The diet does not indicate fluid intake, but you should remember that between snacks you should drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters per day.

Recipes for the Dukan Diet

Recipe 1. Turkey stew with zucchini for weight loss according to Dukan (Dukan diet menu for every day)


  • Breast fillet – 600-650 g;
  • Dill, rosemary to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • Medium zucchini;
  • Half a small carrot;
  • Salt.


Simmer the diced zucchini in a frying pan with a little water under the lid. Cut the fillet and add to the pan. Grate the carrots and also place them with the turkey zucchini. Add salt and seasonings. Simmer until done.

Recipe 2. Dietary pancakes made from cottage cheese according to Dukan.


  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Curd mass – 100 g (without sugar);
  • Sugar substitute - to taste, cinnamon.


Use a blender to beat all the ingredients. Heat a frying pan, drop some oil on it and pour in some dough. Bake the pancakes covered: fry each side for 2 minutes. Spread the cooled pancakes with soft cottage cheese and fold into a “cake”. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve a savory dish, the Dukan diet menu for every day is now always with you.

Recipe 3. Fragrant pie with chicken and herbs during a diet.


  • Egg whites – 4;
  • Cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • Chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • Dried herbs (onion, dill);
  • Kefir – 150 ml;
  • Spices (garlic, turmeric, red pepper and ginger);
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.


Beat the whites with salt. Pass the cottage cheese and spices through a sieve until smooth. Add half the fillet to the contents and blend with a blender.

Cut the remaining chicken into pieces and mix with the curd and kefir mixture. At the end, add the whites. Pour the dough into the mold and sprinkle with herbs. Bake in the oven over medium heat for 35 minutes.

The diet of the Parisian physician Pierre Dukan stands out because it helps to achieve an ideal figure without hunger. A huge number of recipes allow you to make your weight loss period easy and unobtrusive. We offer you a detailed menu and recipes for delicious dishes for each stage of the diet.

The book in which Pierre Dukan outlines the essence of his methodology is called “I Can’t Lose Weight.” The nutritionist says that the reason those who lose weight fail is that they simply do not know how to lose weight. What does the word "diet" mean? Hearing this term, many get scared: they will have to undereat, give up their favorite treats, eat meals by the hour... The Dukan program sweeps away all this.

Most strict weight loss programs have a lot of consequences. These are nervousness, decreased performance, deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin, poor sleep and much more. Helps you get rid of extra pounds without side effects. It's all about the variety of permitted products and the countless number of delicious dishes that can be prepared from them. Pierre Dukan does not ask you to eat at a certain time. By following the menu, you can eat whenever you want, even at night, and your portion can be as large as you can eat.

The basis of the diet is. The French nutritionist talks a lot about the role of protein for a person losing weight. The lack of this element will affect the final result of the diet: instead of a slim and fit figure, you will get a flabby and shapeless body. To meet the need for protein, Pierre Ducane made the first stage of the diet completely protein, and also gave this substance an important place in other phases.

The second product without which healthy weight loss is impossible is vegetables. Starting from the second stage, you will eat a lot of vegetables, the purpose of which is to constantly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and supply valuable elements for the whole body.

Pierre Dukan insists on daily use both during and after weight loss. Bran regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, literally sweeping away all debris from the body, including waste and toxins. Bran itself is not the most delicious product. But for those losing weight, they are a kind of lifeline. After all, you can bake bread and even a cake with cream using bran.

Another important rule is to drink enough fluid. Start drinking 1.5 liters of regular water per day. This will significantly facilitate and speed up the process of losing weight. In addition, water will nourish the cells of the whole body, which will have a positive effect on all its work. You will feel this through stronger sleep, an even mood during the day, and increased performance.

Pierre Dukan divided the entire period of weight loss into 4 stages. Despite the variety of menus and the permission to eat in any quantity, many rules still have to be followed. Only by following the clear Dukan diet plan will you achieve the desired result.

Dukan diet: menu for every day. Product table

Here is a complete list of foods that you can eat without restrictions during the diet. 72 protein products are intended for the first stage. In the second phase, 28 vegetables are added to the protein. In total, we have as many as 100 items, based on which thousands of dishes can be prepared. The final 2 stages are supportive, so during them, in addition to the proposed list, you can eat almost anything you want.

Dukan diet by day, menu: attack phase

The first stage is the most effective among others. This is a real attack on weight through a protein mono-diet. In just a few days you are guaranteed to lose from 1 to 7 kg of your weight. The duration of the phase and its result will depend on the amount of extra pounds you have. So, to lose weight by 5 kg you will need only 1 day of attack, by 10-20 kg - 3-5 days, by 20 kg and above - 7 days. If you are overweight, you are allowed to follow the attack for 10 days, but no more.

General rules for the attack phase:

  • Eat only protein foods.
  • Prepare dishes in any way, but without using oil and fat.
  • Reduce the amount of salt. Spices, herbs, garlic, onions, lemon juice are not only possible, but also necessary when cooking.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • Eat 1.5 tbsp. oat bran every day.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity.

Attack of the Dukan diet: sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: natural black coffee without sugar, scrambled eggs with pieces of meat.
  • Lunch: steamed chicken fillet cutlets with natural unsweetened yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner: fish stew.

Dukan diet recipes for every day: attack phase

Pancakes according to Dukan


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir - 1 glass;
  • oat bran - 3 tbsp;
  • corn starch - 4 tbsp;
  • soda - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • sweetener to taste;
  • vanillin, salt to taste.

Stir the bran in kefir and leave them in a separate container for 60 minutes. At this time, beat the eggs, adding salt, vanillin and sweetener. The eggs need to be beaten only a little, that is, not to the point of white foam.

Combine the egg mixture with the bran and starch swollen in kefir, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Dissolve soda in a teaspoon of water and add to the dough. The finishing touch is 150 ml of boiling water, which must be used to dilute the dough. Leave the mixture for half an hour without refrigeration.

To prevent the pancakes from sticking, grease the bottom of the pan with a napkin soaked in vegetable oil. Bake pancakes over low heat.

Fish cutlets with cottage cheese


  • fish fillet - 0.6 kg;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • oat bran - 2 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • fresh herbs;
  • salt, spices.

Place the fillet and cottage cheese in a blender bowl and mix into a solid mass. Add egg and bran to the mixture, add salt and season to taste. The minced fish will be light and creamy. Form cutlets out of it and fry them on a non-stick surface on one side. Next, place the cutlets in the oven preheated to 200 degrees, rare side down. Bake for about 20 minutes.

Dukan diet: menu for every day of the cruise phase

During a cruise, you seem to be floating on the waves of a protein-vegetable diet. This stage is also called alternation. Full protein days alternate with protein and vegetable days. The cruise phase is your main weight loss period. During this time, all the extra pounds will go away. The duration of the stage will be different for each. On average, 0.5-1 kg will be lost per week. Based on this, calculate the duration of the phase.

The rules remain the same. The norm of oat bran increases to 2 tbsp. per day. It is also recommended to include physical activity. If you don't have the time or desire to go to the gym, take a 30-minute walk every day. Your diet consists of all the foods presented in the table of one hundred foods.

Dukan diet cruise: sample menu for every day

  • Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee, bran bread, scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meat broth, boiled chicken;
  • Afternoon snack: bran pancakes, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner: baked fish with vegetables, a cup of unsweetened tea.

Dukan protein diet recipes: every day menu for a cruise

Navy eggplants


  • eggplants - 3 pcs.;
  • minced beef - 250 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, spices.

Cut the eggplants into thin strips and add salt immediately. Fry in a non-stick pan until the pieces are soft and slightly golden. Add coarsely chopped onion and minced meat to the vegetables, simmer for five minutes, add spices. Stir tomato paste in half a glass of water and pour it over the vegetables. Cook with the lid closed over low heat for 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add greens to the dish if desired.

Chicken with cheese


  • chicken fillet - 0.4 kg;
  • - 100 g;
  • low-fat milk - 1 glass;
  • salt, spices.

Divide the fillet into portions and place them in a baking dish. Salt, add spices, pour milk and sprinkle with grated cheese. It is best to prepare this dish in a mold with recesses for muffins or cookies: the milk will not spread on the baking sheet, and the chicken will be tender and juicy. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

Yogurt jelly cake


  • natural low-fat yogurt - 500 ml;
  • fresh or frozen berries - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sweetener - 150 g.

Dissolve the gelatin in a glass of warm water and let it swell according to the instructions on the package. Heat water with gelatin, slowly pour yogurt into this mixture, add sweetener. Stir until the mixture is homogeneous and add the berries. Stir again, pour the jelly into a beautiful form and place in the refrigerator to harden. The cake will be ready in 3 hours.

Dukan diet: menu by day of the consolidation phase

Consolidation is the stage of consolidating the obtained result. For a person losing weight, this is the most difficult phase psychologically. The ideal weight has already been reached, and most people no longer want to endure restrictions. But Pierre Dukan is inexorable: if you stop now, all your work will be in vain and the lost kilograms will return.

But there is something to be happy about, namely, the expansion of the list of permitted products. The following items have been added to the table:

  • potato;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • pasta;
  • fruits and berries;
  • wine.

These foods, unlike vegetables and protein foods, cannot be eaten in endless quantities. So, the daily intake of fruit is 200 g, honey - 3 tsp, bread - 2 slices. Potato dishes and pasta are allowed twice a week for each of these foods. You can afford 1 glass of wine 2 times a week.

An important rule is to maintain one clean protein day per week. The dose of oat bran at this stage increases to 2.5 tbsp daily.

The duration of the phase depends on the total weight you lost during the diet. For every kilogram lost, 10 days of consolidation will be required.

Consolidation of the Dukan diet: menu for every day

  • Breakfast: a couple of soft-boiled eggs, a slice of whole grain bread with a piece of lightly salted salmon.
  • Lunch: fish soup, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: fruits or berries.
  • Dinner: baked meat with potatoes and vegetables.

Recipes for Consolidation

Stewed champignons


  • champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • dry white wine - 70 ml;
  • greens, salt, pepper.

Fresh champignons do not need to be cut. Simmer them whole by adding water to the pan. When the mushrooms become soft, sprinkle them with finely chopped herbs, pour wine, salt and pepper. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer over low heat until done. Before serving, place lemon slices between the mushrooms.

Chicken with vegetables in natural yogurt


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • vegetable mixture (can be with mushrooms) - 1 kg;
  • low-fat cheese - 150 g;
  • low-fat natural yogurt - 1 glass;
  • salt, pepper

Cut the fillet lengthwise into 2 parts, salt and sprinkle with pepper. Place the chicken in a baking tray and pour half of the yoghurt over it. There is no need to defrost vegetables. Straight from the freezer, place them on the fillets, sprinkle with shredded cheese and pour over the remaining yogurt. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees for about 60 minutes.

Chocolate cheesecake


  • soft low-fat cottage cheese - 0.4 kg;
  • low-fat milk - 0.5 cups;
  • stevia - 20 g;
  • gelatin - 14 g;
  • low-fat cocoa - 50 g.

Stir stevia in hot water. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, let it swell and drain. Heat the container with gelatin slightly, slowly pour milk into it, add cottage cheese, cocoa and water with stevia. Beat everything thoroughly with an immersion blender without turning off the heat.

When the mixture is completely homogeneous, pour it into a beautiful form and send it to harden in the refrigerator. The cheesecake will be ready in about 3 hours. The finished dish is creamy in consistency, tender and pleasant to the taste, but easily separates from the shape and can be cut with a knife.

Dukan diet for 7 days: stabilization phase

The last stage of the Dukan diet lasts a lifetime. This should not scare you, because no one is forcing you to deny yourself your favorite foods for the rest of your life. There are no strict restrictions for stabilization. Pierre Dukan asks you to follow a few simple rules that will help you never gain weight again.

  • The daily norm of oat bran increases to 3 tbsp.
  • 1 day a week is still reserved exclusively for proteins.
  • The nutritionist recommends leading an active lifestyle and staying at home less. Play sports or spend at least half an hour briskly walking every day.
  • You have the amazing privilege of being allowed 2 holiday meals per week.

A holiday meal involves absolutely any food and dish that you can eat in one meal. It could be cakes, hamburgers, ice cream - in a word, any of your delicacies. An important rule of such a meal is that you can only eat what you put on the plate - it is forbidden to take extra.

  • For meat, continue to eat lean varieties.
  • Eat poultry without skin, choose fillet parts. Wings, tailbone, legs, thighs are not recommended.
  • Buy dairy products with low fat content. Pay attention to the lactose content and choose products that have less of it.
  • Limit the amount of salt in your dishes.

Dukan diet: menu for every day for stabilization

  • Breakfast: a couple of slices of hard cheese, scrambled eggs and ham, a cup of natural black coffee.
  • Lunch: seafood with rice and vegetables, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: steamed green beans, grilled fish.

Dukan diet by day: recipes for stabilization

Cheesecake "Geographic"

Ingredients for the dark layer:

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soy flour - 6 tbsp;
  • apple - 2 pcs.,
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp;
  • vanilla;
  • sweetener.

For the curd layer:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • soy flour - 3 tbsp;
  • sweetener;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Apples for the dark layer should be baked. When they are ready, peel them and mash them into a paste. Mix all ingredients, including apples, into one viscous mass. It is best to use a blender for this purpose.

Also prepare the curd layer in a blender, beating all the ingredients. All you need from the lemon is finely grated zest.

Grease the mold with vegetable oil. First, pour out the dark layer and place the curd layer on it. You can mix the layers a little with the blunt end of a knife, then in the cut you will get a fancy openwork pattern. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Rabbit in apple juice


  • rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • apple juice - 0.5 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • soy sauce.

Divide the rabbit into pieces, pour apple juice and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours. Once the meat is cooked, cut the vegetables into cubes. Place pieces of rabbit meat on foil, place vegetables next to them, and pour natural soy sauce to taste. Wrap the meat in foil and place in the oven. Cook for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

What is a therapeutic diet? This is primarily a developed system of therapeutic measures to treat the disease. This concept includes not only sets of products for a balanced diet, but also correctly selected technologies and cooking temperatures. In the article we will look at diet (table) No. 1. The menu for the week will also be presented.

General principles and description of the diet

This type of diet was developed by Mikhail Isaakovich Pevzner. It is prescribed to patients with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, acute and chronic gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers.

The “Table No. 1” diet (the menu for the week is given below) contains many restrictions. Its use is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, normalizing the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, accelerating the process of scarring of ulcers. However, the diet is chosen so that all the beneficial substances needed by the body are supplied with food. The optimal amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats was calculated and selected.

In accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, dishes for the “Table No. 1” diet (the menu for the week and recipes, we repeat, we will describe in the following sections) are either boiled in boiling water or steamed. Some products can be baked, but without the appearance of a crust. The permissible dose of salt for this diet is 6-8 grams. It is necessary to ensure that as little mechanical and chemical irritants of the gastrointestinal tract enter the body as possible. Before going to bed, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of milk or cream. Patients who adhere to this food system should exclude too hot and too cold foods from their diet. The total amount of food should be divided into five to six meals. Portions should be small. What else does the “Table No. 1” diet include? Now we will tell you about it.

It’s best to keep a weekly menu with recipes on hand. The daily diet should be approximately two and a half to three kilograms. If you translate this into calories, you get 2.8-3 thousand kcal per day. What else should you consider? The daily intake of proteins should be one hundred grams, fats - about ninety grams (with 25 grams of vegetable fats), and carbohydrates - from three hundred to four hundred grams. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid.

Since the diet in question is aimed at eating food that does not irritate the gastric mucosa, most often these will be pureed dishes. But the menu will consist of more than just them. It is permissible to eat ordinary dishes that are not ground to a pulp. However, in the acute stage of the disease they will have to be abandoned.

Products that are allowed to be consumed

Below is a detailed list:

1. Bread for this diet may be baked from first or highest grade flour. However, it can be eaten only on the second day after preparation.

2. Cookies and dry biscuits.

3. Baked pies with boiled meat, apples, fish, cottage cheese or jam, savory buns. You can use them twice a week.

  • it is preferable to cook them using potato or carrot broth with the addition of other vegetables;
  • milk soups are prepared with the addition of easily boiled cereals, semolina and non-acidic berries. Vermicelli soup with pureed vegetables is allowed to be consumed;
  • Puree soups can be prepared with meat broth (the meat should not be rough), adding pureed vegetables. To season the first course, cream and an egg-milk mixture or a piece of butter are suitable.

5. Meat and poultry.

For the “Table No. 1” diet (a gastroenterologist or nutritionist can help you create a menu for the week), low-fat varieties of poultry and meat prepared using a certain technology are suitable.

Boiled and steamed dishes made from beef, trimmed pork, young and tender lamb, turkey and chicken are suitable for daily consumption. You can bake a piece of lean veal, rabbit or chicken in the oven. That's not all. It is also allowed to eat steamed zraz, meatballs, cutlets, and balls of minced meat or fish. From boiled meat you can make a dish like beef stroganoff. The tongue and liver are also included in the list of allowed foods on the “Table No. 1” diet. The menu for the week is quite varied.

Boil it, steam it or make cutlets. The main thing is to choose low-fat varieties of fish.

7. Dairy products.

The diet for gastritis of the stomach (menu “Table No. 1” below) allows you to consume cream, milk, fresh non-acidic kefir and cottage cheese, yogurt, and a little fresh sour cream.

  • The products listed above can be whipped and prepared into a pudding or soufflé. We offer two more options - bake cheesecakes or make lazy dumplings;
  • Eating cheese is also allowed, but not spicy varieties (not too often, preferably in grated form).

We eat soft-boiled eggs or a steamed omelet made from them. No more than 3 times a day.

Almost any cereal is suitable for consumption. Porridges are prepared with both water and milk. The most popular are semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge. You can also make puddings, soufflés and cutlets from porridges.

10. Eating vermicelli and boiled pasta is allowed.

  • carrots, beets, green peas, potatoes, cauliflower. Vegetables are boiled or steamed, then pureed. They can be used to make puddings and soufflés;
  • We definitely eat young pumpkin and zucchini;
  • sweet ripe tomatoes. What else does the “Table No. 1” diet for stomach ulcers allow? The menu includes a variety of snacks. Their list is given below.

12. Snacks:

  • salads from meat, boiled vegetables and fish;
  • boiled tongue, liver pates, ham with a minimum of salt without fat, milk sausage, dietary, doctor's;
  • sturgeon caviar.

13. Sweet dishes:

  • mousses, jelly, jelly, puree;
  • mashed baked or boiled fruits and berries;
  • butter cream and milk jelly;
  • marshmallows, honey, marshmallows, non-sour jam, sugar.

12. Spices and sauces

  • a small amount of sour cream;
  • unpassioned béchamel sauce with butter;
  • parsley and dill;
  • fruit sauces, milk-fruit sauces;
  • cinnamon and vanillin.

An example menu for the “Table No. 1” diet is given below.

13. Drinks:

  • coffee with milk, cocoa and tea;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices.
  • premium unsalted butter;
  • vegetable oil (refined).

What is prohibited from being included in the weekly menu during the “Table No. 1” diet? Let's figure this out together.

Products prohibited for consumption

The minimum effect of the diet will be if the patient neglects the recommendations and eats the following foods:

  • rye bread, fresh pastries, butter and puff pastries;
  • fatty, saturated broths with mushrooms, fish, meat, as well as borscht and sour cabbage soup, okroshka;
  • fatty fish;
  • stringy and fatty meat, duck, goose.
  • dairy products that contain large amounts of acid;
  • spicy and salty cheese;
  • hard-boiled, fried eggs;

Dinner: boiled beef.

Fourth day

Breakfast: tea with milk, semolina pudding with baked pumpkin.

2nd breakfast: apple-banana puree.

Lunch: compote, milk soup, steamed chicken fillet with apples.

Afternoon snack: baked apples.

Dinner: steamed zucchini and eggplant.

Day #5

What recipes exist for the “Table No. 1” diet? The menu needs to be varied, so options for the most delicious dishes will be given at the end of the article.

Breakfast: milk and cottage cheese casserole.

2nd breakfast: rosehip decoction and crackers.

Lunch: cutlets made from liver pate and buckwheat, green tea.

Afternoon snack: stewed cauliflower.

Dinner: carrot-cheese salad, rice soup.

Day #6

Breakfast: tea with jam and white bread crackers.

2nd breakfast: cottage cheese and berry dessert.

Lunch: fish pudding.

Afternoon snack: low-fat and non-sour kefir with cookies.

Dinner: mashed potatoes and boiled chicken.

Seventh day

Breakfast: steam omelette, banana-milk cocktail.

2nd breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: boiled pasta, steamed meat cutlets.

Afternoon snack: baked pumpkin.

Dinner: beef stew with vegetables.

Now here are the recipes.

Apples with cottage cheese and honey

Products: 2 pcs. sweet apples, 100 gr. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Preparation: small apples need to be peeled, cored, and grated on a fine grater. Then combine with cottage cheese and grind the mixture until smooth. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix well.

Milk soup with semolina dumplings

Ingredients: semolina 25 g, 250 g milk, 1/4 egg, 5 g butter, 5 g sugar, salt - 1 g.

Preparation: boil 100 ml of water, add semolina and, stirring continuously, cook for 10 minutes, then cool. Add the egg to the cooled semolina. Mix well. Drop the dumplings into boiling water from the prepared semolina mixture with a teaspoon, bring to a boil, then add hot milk, sugar and salt. The soup is ready. Add butter before serving on a plate.

Baked carrot cutlets

Products: carrots 140 g, milk 20 g, semolina 10 g, butter 5 g, wheat flour 5 g, sugar 5 g, eggs 1/5 pcs., sour cream 5 g. Output product - 130 g. Sour cream ready dish 15 g.

Preparation: Peel and rinse carrots. Then cut into strips, pour in milk, add butter, simmer in a saucepan until done with the lid on. In 7-10 minutes. until ready, add semolina and cook, stirring for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mass, then add eggs and sugar, then mix well and make cutlets at the rate of 2 pieces. per serving, roll in flour. Grease a baking sheet with butter, grease the cutlets with sour cream and bake in the oven. It is best served with sour cream.

Zucchini stuffed with rice and vegetables

Ingredients: 250 g of zucchini, 4 g of rice, 75 g of carrots, 20 g of 20% sour cream, 5 g of butter.

Preparation: rinse the zucchini, peel off the skin, remove the core. What's next? Divide the zucchini into 2-3 parts and boil until half cooked. Wash, peel and finely chop the carrots. Then simmer in hot water until tender and add drain. oil. The rice is washed several times in warm water, then boiled until tender. The prepared rice and carrots are mixed and the resulting minced meat is stuffed into the zucchini. Then they are laid out on a baking sheet, which is greased with butter, poured with sour cream and baked in the oven. These dishes are most relevant in the summer season with the “Table No. 1” diet. Weekly menus with recipes often include zucchini because they are easy on the stomach.

Fish quenelles

Products: 80 g fish, 9 g wheat bread, 15 g milk or water, 15 g cream, 3 g egg white, 0.8 g salt. The output is 100 g. Butter or sauce 50 g.

Preparation: fillet of lean fish (for example, pike perch), peeled, together with stale wheat bread soaked in milk, are minced in a meat grinder. Add the egg, chilled cream and salt to the resulting mass. From the resulting mass, dumpling-shaped dumplings are formed. They are placed in a saucepan greased with butter, poured with a small amount of boiling water and cooked until tender. Fish dumplings are served with milk sauce or a piece of butter. As a side dish, pureed buckwheat or oatmeal, as well as boiled vermicelli, are suitable.

Now you know what features the “Table No. 1” diet has. The menu for the week and recipes were also presented in the article.

Dietitian Pierre Dukan developed a weight loss diet based on his 40 years of practice, which has gained popularity both among the general public and among celebrities, such as the Duchess of Cambridge and Jennifer Lopez. The Dukan Multiphasic Diet avoids fasting. At each stage, you should include acceptable foods on the menu that will not only help you lose weight, but also maintain the results achieved throughout your life.

Basic rules of the Dukan diet

The Dukan Diet is based on the following principles:

Reducing your daily caloric intake is useless. The doctor claims that reducing daily caloric intake while following a diet gives short-term results. By returning to your usual diet, the lost weight will immediately return. According to Dukan, you should only include in your menu those foods that do not allow you to accumulate.

Limiting the amount of food consumed is not effective. The Dukan diet is the antipode of mono-diets. You can eat 100 permitted foods on the menu in any quantity to feel full throughout the day.


  • Princess Kate Middleton's diet: before the wedding and after childbirth
  • Protein diet for a week or minus 6 kg in 7 days
  • Diet with rose hips for 10 days for quick weight loss

Daily consumption of oat bran- necessity. Pierre Dukan's statement that oat bran allows you to quickly feel full and removes toxins and waste from the body. Every day you should eat 1.5-3 tablespoons of bran, drinking plenty of water.

You can't do without physical activity. Without physical activity while following a diet, you can reach the point of “Unburned kilograms”, when the weight stops. During physical activity, the body works differently. According to the Dukan diet, you need to take long walks every day, it is advisable to do morning exercises, do sports or fitness several times a week, and do not use the elevator.

According to the rules of the Dukan diet, 4 main stages should be followed:

Dukan diet "Attack"— the menu is designed for 7 days. The goal of the “Attack” is to force accumulated fat to be burned. The menu of this phase contains exclusively protein products. The goal of the “Attack” is to force accumulated fat to be burned.

"Alternation"- lasts until the desired result is achieved. The goal of “Alternation” in the Dukan diet is the desired weight loss. At this stage, certain vegetables are allowed on the menu, in addition to protein products.

"Pinning"- continues depending on the excess weight lost. The menu of this phase of the Dukan diet expands and becomes as close as possible to the final allowable one.

"Stabilization"- continues throughout life. This is a kind of nutritional culture learned at the previous stages of the Dukan diet, which allows you to maintain your weight at normal levels.

Attack Phase

The Dukan “Attack” diet is the very first and most effective phase, which provides for strict restrictions on the menu. Its main goal is to burn fat accumulated in the body. This is done by consuming exclusively protein foods with minimal fat content on the menu.

Consumption of protein products according to the Dukan diet promotes rapid saturation, therefore the portion size of one meal is reduced. The body spends more energy on digesting protein than it receives from it, as a result of which excess weight quickly disappears. It is at the “Attack” stage of the Dukan diet that a sharp weight loss is observed, which, according to the doctor himself, motivates further stages.

Before following the Dukan diet, you should clearly determine duration of the "Attack" phase. It is determined based on the amount of extra pounds:
Up to 5 kg = 3 days;
Up to 10 kg = 4 days;
Up to 15 kg = 5 days;
Up to 20 kg = 6 days;
Over 30 kg = 7 days.

While following the “Attack” of the Dukan diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

Include 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran in your daily menu, drinking plenty of water. In case of individual intolerance, you can replace bran with buckwheat. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water without gas per day. It is recommended to do morning exercises. During the diet, be sure to take walks in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes a day.

Authorized Products

Dukan Diet "Attack" - allowed foods:

  • Lean meat: veal, horse meat, beef, pork (6% fat), rabbit;
  • Poultry (except duck and goose, eaten without skin): chicken, turkey, quail;
  • By-products: kidneys, liver, tongue, lungs;
  • Ham (no more than 4% fat, consumed without skin);
  • Fish in any form: raw, baked, canned, fried, steamed;
  • Seafood;
  • Quail and chicken eggs: white in unlimited quantities, yolk no more than 2 pieces per day;
  • Low-fat or low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Natural yoghurts;
  • Crab sticks (no more than 7 pieces per meal).

The following are allowed as supplements according to the Dukan diet in the “Attack” phase:

  • Olive, vegetable or rapeseed oil (1 tablespoon per day);
  • Lemon juice;
  • Tomato paste (2 tablespoons per day);
  • Apple, soy, balsamic vinegar;
  • Herbs and spices: caraway, thyme, rosemary;
  • Onions;
  • Baking powder, gelatin and yeast in cooking;
  • Gherkins as a snack (2 pieces per day);
  • Sugar substitutes.

Menu for every day

Dukan diet - menu for everyone for the Attack phase (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Meatloaf with egg;
  • Kefir;
  • Boiled chicken breast.


  • Omelette;
  • Rabbit in tomato sauce;
  • Kefir;
  • Grilled dorado in lemon sauce.


  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Beef steak with mustard;
  • Milk;
  • Seafood cocktail.


  • Syrniki;
  • Trout baked in the oven;
  • Natural yogurt;
  • Stewed turkey in cream sauce.


  • Curd casserole;
  • Sturgeon soup;
  • Soft-boiled egg;
  • Veal medallions in tomato sauce.


  • Ham;
  • Chicken soup;
  • Kefir;
  • Salmon baked in the oven.


  • Omelet with ham;
  • Lightly salted herring;
  • Milk;
  • Beef chops.

Alternation Phase

According to the Dukan diet, the desired result is achieved in the “Alternation” phase. This is the main stage in losing weight. Its duration is determined by the loss of excess weight, i.e. when the desired result is achieved, then the “Alternation” phase according to the Dukan diet ends. At this stage, in addition to protein products, vegetables and herbs rich in fiber are introduced into the menu.

Allowed vegetables can be consumed both raw and cooked. However, they are not allowed on the Dukan diet menu every day at this stage. You should alternate exclusively protein days (according to the “Attack” phase) with mixed days (when vegetables and greens are allowed on the menu).

Alternating protein days with mixed days According to the Dukan diet, it is determined based on the desired weight loss:
Up to 10 kg = 1/1
Up to 20 kg = 2/2
From 30 kg and more = 5/5

According to the Dukan diet in the “Alternation” phase, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of oat bran to 2 tablespoons. According to individual indications, they can be replaced with wheat bran or buckwheat brewed in water. The consumption of purified water is increased to 2 liters per day. Physical activity should also be greater. According to the Dukan diet, you need to walk in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes a day during the “Alternation” phase. Don’t forget about morning exercises to quickly achieve the desired weight loss result.

What can and cannot be eaten?

What can you eat during the Alternation phase according to the Dukan system:

  • All protein products allowed in the “Attack” phase;
  • All spices and additives included in the Attack phase menu;
  • Vegetables and greens: cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, asparagus, spinach, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, zucchini, eggplant, leeks and onions, celery, green beans, beets, carrots;
  • 1 unsweetened apple per day;
  • Mushrooms.

An important nuance of the “Alternating” phase of the Dukan diet is that the protein products allowed in the first phase can be mixed arbitrarily, and only two types per day can be selected from the additional ones.

During the “Alternation” phase of the Dukan diet, the following foods should be excluded from the menu:

  • Fatty meat and poultry (duck, goose);
  • Potatoes, peas, beans, corn, lentils;
  • Avocado, olives, black olives;
  • Cereals, pasta and bakery products (with the exception of 2 pieces of rye bread per day);
  • Pastries, sweet desserts, chocolate;
  • Sugar;
  • Mayonnaise.

Menu by day

Alternation phase - menu by day according to the Dukan diet (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Omelette;
  • Trout soup;
  • Milk;
  • Rabbit in sour cream sauce.


  • French scrambled eggs;
  • Cream of chicken soup;
  • Cucumber, tomato;
  • Beef steak. White cabbage salad.


  • Cottage cheese. Apple;
  • Seafood cocktail;
  • Hard-boiled egg;
  • Veal chops.


  • Buckwheat porridge;
  • Tom Yam soup with shrimp;
  • Kefir;
  • Turkey stewed with vegetables.


  • Natural yogurt;
  • Steamed chicken breast;
  • Ham;
  • Lightly salted salmon.


  • Cucumber rolls;
  • Borscht with meat;
  • Natural yogurt;
  • Mackerel stuffed with vegetables in the oven.


  • Syrniki;
  • Beef cutlets;
  • Kefir;
  • Fish soup.

Consolidation Phase

Consolidation phase according to the Dukan system is a gradual exit from the diet. At the same time, the person continues to lose weight, but not so intensely, by about 400 grams per week. The duration of this phase is calculated individually, depending on the kilograms lost, based on the principle of 10 days of “Consolidation” per 1 kg of previously lost weight. For example, for a person who has lost 6 kg, the duration of the “Consolidation” stage should be 60 days.

The Dukan diet menu expands in the “Consolidation” phase:

  • Non-sweet fruits are added, with the exception of bananas, cherries and grapes. But the permissible daily portion of permitted fruits should not exceed the size of an average apple.
  • It is allowed to introduce 6% cheese into the diet.
  • Twice a week you can eat potatoes, rice, pasta, peas, beans and legumes.
  • At this stage, according to the Dukan diet, the daily intake of oat bran increases to 3 tablespoons. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water without gas per day.

It is necessary to be physically active, do exercises or fitness, and take long walks from 30 to 60 minutes a day.

A feature of the “Consolidation” phase of the Dukan diet is the so-called "feasts". These are meals when you are allowed to eat absolutely whatever your heart and stomach desire. They meet once a week and only for one meal, for example, lunch. Also, according to the Dukan diet, you should definitely have a protein fasting day once a week. That is, consume exclusively protein products in the menu according to the “Attack” phase.

Allowed foods on the Dukan diet during the consolidation phase:

  • All protein products allowed in the “Attack” phase;
  • All vegetables, additives and spices allowed in the “consolidation” phase;
  • Sour and sweet and sour fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, apples, kiwi, pears;
  • Berries: melon and watermelon no more than 400 grams per day;
  • Rice, potatoes, corn, beans, peas, pasta, starchy foods 2 times a week;
  • Cheese 6% fat content no more than 40 grams per day;
  • Honey - 3 teaspoons per day;
  • 2 slices of bread.

Detailed menu

Dukan diet - menu in the Consolidation phase (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Oatmeal with honey;
  • Chicken noodle soup;
  • Orange;
  • Meat in French. Salad "Vitamin".


  • Omelet with ham and cheese;
  • Borscht with meat;
  • Mandarin, kiwi;
  • Beef pilaf. Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.


  • Syrniki;
  • Paella with seafood;
  • Apple;
  • Turkey stuffed with prunes in the oven.


  • Cottage cheese with honey;
  • Meat solyanka;
  • Cucumber, spinach;
  • Mashed potatoes. Chicken liver. Carrot salad.


  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Kefir;
  • Tom Yam soup with seafood.


  • Natural yogurt;
  • Seafood;
  • Kefir;
  • Beef chops.


  • Curd casserole;
  • Sturgeon soup;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Macaroni with cheese and ham. Green.

Stabilization Phase

The Stabilization phase of the Dukan diet is the rules of eating behavior that must be followed throughout life in order to maintain the achieved weight loss result and not gain excess weight in the future.

According to the Dukan diet, you should adhere to the main 4 principles in the “Stabilization” phase:

  • Consume 3 tablespoons of oat bran and drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water per day;
  • Pay special attention to your physical activity: avoid elevators, take daily walks for at least 30 minutes, do morning exercises, do fitness;
  • Once a week, arrange a protein fasting day according to the “Attack” phase;
  • Include all foods in your daily diet or eat according to the “Consolidation” phase. It is advisable to eat fruits in the menu in the first half of the day.

According to the Dukan diet, the “Stabilization” stage is no longer a restriction, but a way of life. There is no need to worry about holidays when you want to enjoy culinary delights, because on this day you can indulge in a “feast”. The day after the “belly feast,” you should definitely do a protein “Attack” to avoid gaining excess weight.

Permitted and prohibited products

Allowed products according to the Dukan system during the Stabilization phase:

  • Lean meats (beef, veal, horse meat, pork 6%, rabbit);
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey (without skin);
  • All varieties of fish in any variations of preparation;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Seafood;
  • By-products;
  • Lean ham without skin;
  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • All vegetables (potatoes and legumes should be included in the menu no more than 2 times a week);
  • It is advisable to consume fruits (with the exception of cherries, bananas and grapes) in the first half of the day;
  • Honey 3 teaspoons per day;
  • Bread (2 slices per day), pasta;
  • Lemon, lemon juice;
  • Cocoa;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Ketchup, tomato paste (2 tablespoons per day), adjika;
  • Spices and additives (parsley, coriander, ginger, cumin, pepper);
  • Gelatin, baking powder, yeast;
  • Vegetable, olive oil;
  • Tea, coffee, infusions and herbal decoctions without sugar.

Prohibited foods in the “Stabilization” phase of the Dukan diet:

  • Sugar;
  • Baked goods, sweet desserts;
  • Sweet fruits: cherries, bananas, grapes;
  • Fatty meat and poultry (duck, goose in limited quantities);
  • Fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Mayonnaise and sauces using it in preparation.


Menu for the Stabilization phase of the Dukan diet (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Curd pudding;
  • Norwegian salmon soup;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Vegetable stew with turkey.


  • Omelette. Mandarin;
  • Rassolnik. Cod liver;
  • Kefir;
  • Mashed potatoes. Lightly salted herring. Cabbage salad.


  • Rice porridge with milk;
  • Solyanka from selected meat;
  • Ham;
  • Stuffed fish. Fresh vegetable salad.


  • Soft-boiled egg. Pear;
  • Collection fish soup;
  • Kefir;
  • Beef steak with mustard.


  • Muesli. Orange;
  • Okroshka. Hake fillet;
  • Kefir;
  • Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce.


  • Oatmeal. Apple;
  • “Feast” - we eat whatever we want according to the Dukan diet;
  • Ham;
  • Vinaigrette. Pollock fillet.


  • Syrniki;
  • Borscht with meat;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Chicken breast. Green beans in creamy sauce.


We present to your attention some recipes on the Dukan diet that you can include in your menu:
Meatloaf with egg

Meatloaf with egg


  • Beef;
  • Onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Eggs;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt.

How to cook:

  1. Boil 2 eggs, cool, peel.
  2. We make minced meat. Grind beef and onion in a meat grinder. Add raw egg, chopped garlic, and salt to the minced meat.
  3. Place some of the minced meat in the mold, boiled eggs on top, then sprinkle the remaining minced meat with vegetable oil.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
  5. Let cool slightly and transfer to a plate onto the roll.

Meatloaf with egg diversifies the Dukan diet menu in the “Attack” phase.

Tom Yam soup with shrimp

Tom Yam soup with shrimp


  • King prawns;
  • Coconut milk;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Eggplant;
  • Tomato;
  • Carrot;
  • Chili pepper;
  • Cilantro;
  • Lime;
  • Lemongrass;
  • Garlic;
  • Ginger;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Green onions.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel, wash and chop the vegetables.
  2. Boil the shrimp and remove the shell.
  3. Make a paste: mix the lemongrass stalk with lime juice, chopped green onions and garlic, a small piece of ginger, soy sauce and vegetable oil.
  4. Grind in a blender until smooth.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a pan, fry shrimp in it, pour in paste, add hot water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Strain the broth through a sieve and return it to the pan.
  7. Add coke milk and vegetables.
  8. Cook until the vegetables are ready.
  9. Salt if desired.

Cover the pan with a lid and let sit for a few minutes before serving.
Tom Yam soup with shrimp can be added to the Dukan diet menu for lunch if you follow the “Alternation” phase.

Paella with seafood

Paella with seafood


  • Seafood;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Red bell pepper;
  • Yellow bell pepper;
  • Onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Water;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt, pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the seafood and reserve the broth.
  2. Peel onions and tomatoes, remove seeds from peppers, and cut everything into small cubes.
  3. In a frying pan heated with olive oil, first fry the onion, then add garlic and rice to it, fry for 5 minutes, stirring.
  4. Add tomatoes and peppers, pour in broth, stir.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Fry over low heat for 20 minutes.
  7. If necessary, add broth. Add seafood, turn off the gas, cover the pan with foil, and let the dish brew for 5 minutes.

Paella with seafood is a favorite dish of the Spaniards. Try this dish while following the Dukan diet menu in the “Stabilization” phase.

Trout baked in the oven

Trout baked in the oven


  • Trout;
  • Lemon;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Roll the foil into 2 layers.
  2. We clean the fish, not forgetting to remove the gills.
  3. Lemon mode into two parts.
  4. Squeeze the juice from one part, cut the other into circles.
  5. Place the trout on foil, sprinkle with olive oil and salt.
  6. Sprinkle lemon juice on top.
  7. We place lemon slices both inside the carcass and on top.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven until cooked through, approximately 25 minutes.

The “Attack” phase of the Dukan diet is the most important, and therefore it is recommended to include oven-baked trout in your menu for lunch or dinner. Fish will enrich the body not only with protein, but also with phosphorus.

Cucumber rolls

Cucumber rolls


  • Cucumbers;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Natural yogurt;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt, pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut them into thin slices lengthwise.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with yogurt in a separate bowl, add salt, and add chopped garlic.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Spread the mixture on a cucumber slice and roll it up.
  5. If the cucumbers are not large, we pierce the rolls with toothpicks.

Diversify your menu while following the Dukan diet in the “Alternation” phase with a savory snack - cucumber rolls.

French scrambled eggs

French scrambled eggs


  • Eggs;
  • Tomato;
  • Onions;
  • Slice of bread;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper.


  1. Cut the bread and tomato into cubes, chop the onion, grate the cheese.
  2. In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, fry the onions one by one, add bread to it.
  3. When the bread turns golden, add the tomato and fry for 3 minutes.
  4. Then pour in the eggs, salt and pepper to taste, fry over low heat for 5 minutes until cooked.

French-style scrambled eggs can be safely added to the menu of one of the days of the Dukan diet in the “Consolidation” phase for breakfast.

Photos before and after

This method of losing weight is amazing in its effectiveness. That is why he is so loved all over the world. Next, we suggest being inspired by photographs of those who have reached the end, so to speak.

Photos before and after losing weight on the Dukan diet:

Sample menu of a low-calorie diet for a week



A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese

Stale whole grain toast

2nd breakfast

green apple


Vegetable soup

100 g boiled fish

Green salad with lemon juice and olive oil

Afternoon snack

2 tomatoes


Steamed vegetables

Before bed, 1 glass of low-fat kefir


  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 grated apple

2nd breakfast

  • 1 orange


  • half boiled chicken breast
  • Green vegetables with aromatic herbs and lemon juice

Afternoon snack

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir
  • Durum wheat pasta with vegetable garnish
  • Omelet of two egg whites and one yolk with herbs
  • 2nd breakfast
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice


  • Red vegetable borscht
  • 2 potatoes

Afternoon snack

  • Light green salad


  • Lean fish 100 g
  • Steamed vegetables

For the night glass of low-fat kefir


  • Natural yoghurt with pieces of fruit

2nd breakfast

  • Glass of carrot juice
  • A teaspoon of low-fat cream


  • 100 g boiled veal meat
  • Vegetable side dish

Afternoon snack

  • 2 fresh cucumbers


  • Boiled potatoes in their jackets with dill, olive oil and aromatic herbs


  • Boiled buckwheat with carrots and onions

2nd breakfast

  • Glass of fresh berries


  • Creamy broccoli soup with garlic croutons

Afternoon snack

  • Green vegetable salad


  • Lean fish 100 g
  • Steamed vegetables


  • Oatmeal on water
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Tangerine pieces

2nd breakfast

  • A glass of tomato juice


  • Boiled beans with tomato sauce

Afternoon snack

  • Bell pepper pieces
  • Cottage cheese 100 g
  • Green salad



  • Boiled cauliflower
  • 1 hard boiled egg

2nd breakfast

  • Low-fat yogurt


  • Boiled veal 100 g
  • Side dish of steamed carrots, broccoli and celery

Afternoon snack

  • green apple


  • Couscous with vegetables

Sample menu of the Kremlin diet for a week



Fried zucchini - 100 g (4 c.u.)

Cheese - 50 g (0.5 c.u.)

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs (1 c.u.)

Unsweetened tea (0 USD)


Mashed potatoes - 100 g (15 c.u.)

Grilled chicken - 150 g (0.u.)

Mineral water (0 USD)

Afternoon snack:

Pistachios - 50 g (7 c.u.)


Fish in tomato - 200 g (6 c.u.)

Unsweetened yogurt - 100 g (3.5 c.u.)

Total: 39 USD


Boiled sausages - 2 pcs. (3 USD)

Tomato - 100 g (6 c.u.)

Cheese - 100 g (1 c.u.)

Unsweetened coffee (0 USD)


Fresh cabbage soup - 200 g (4 c.u.)

Boiled pork - 100 g (0 c.u.)

Afternoon snack:

Orange - 100 g (8 c.u.)


Sauerkraut salad - 100 g (5 c.u.)

Meat in breadcrumbs - 200 g (10 c.u.)

Tea without sugar (0 USD)

Total: 37 USD


Green peas - 50 g (6 c.u.)

2 soft-boiled eggs - (2 c.u.)

Tea without sugar (0 USD)


Vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, greens) with tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise - 200 g (5 c.u.)

Lamb lula kebab - 100 g (0.u.)

Compote with xylitol - 200 g (12 c.u.)

Afternoon snack:

Peanuts - 30 g (5 c.u.)


Boiled squid with mayonnaise - 200 g (1 c.u.)

Lettuce - 100 g (2 c.u.)

Unsweetened yogurt - 100 g (3.5 c.u.)

Total: 36.5 USD


Cottage cheese - 150 g (3 c.u.)

Pieces of fruit (apples, kiwi, tangerines) - 100 g (10 c.u.)

Coffee without sugar (0 USD)


Tomato and olive salad with vegetable oil - 150 g (6 c.u.)

Frying - 100 g (4 c.u.)

Mineral water - 200 g (0 c.u.)

Afternoon snack:

Cheese - 100 g (2 c.u.)

Coffee without sugar (0 USD)


Tomatoes with herbs and oil - 150 g (6 c.u.)

Fried fish 200 g - 0.u.

Tea without sugar (0 USD)

Total: 31 USD


Boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms - 2 pcs. (1 USD)

Sea kale salad - 200 g (4 c.u.)

Tea without sugar (0 USD)


Green cabbage soup - 250 g (5 c.u.)

Beefsteak, fried with egg - 200 g (1 c.u.)

Mineral water (0 USD)

Afternoon snack:

Walnuts - 30 g (4 c.u.)


Pork sausages - 200 g (4 c.u.)

Sauerkraut salad - 200 g (10 c.u.)

Unsweetened yogurt - 200 g (7 c.u.)

Total: 36 USD


Omelette of 2 eggs with cheese (1.5 c.u.)

Fried eggplants - 100 g (5 c.u.)

Coffee without sugar - 0 USD


Meat solyanka - 250 g (3.5 c.u.)

Fried saffron milk caps - 200 g (1 c.u.)

Lettuce - 100 g (2 c.u.)

Mineral water (0 USD)

Afternoon snack:

Apple - 18 USD


Dry red wine - 200 g (2 c.u.)

Cheese - 100 g (1 c.u.)

Shish kebab - 200 g (0 c.u.)

Vegetable salad (tomatoes, garlic, sweet peppers, greens) - 100 g (5 c.u.)

Total: 39 USD



Buckwheat porridge - 100 g (14 c.u.)

2 sausages (3 c.u.)

Tea without sugar (0 USD)


Tomatoes - 150 g (6 c.u.)

Grilled chicken - 200 g (0.u.)

Mineral water (0 USD)

Afternoon snack:

Berries (raspberries, lingonberries, currants, strawberries, blueberries) - 100 g (8 c.u.)


Eggplant caviar - 100 g (5 c.u.)

Fried pork - 200 g (0.u.)

Lettuce - 100 g (2 c.u.)

Unsweetened tea (0 USD)

Total: 38 USD

Sample Dukan diet menu

For the "Attack" stage


Scrambled eggs from two whites with the addition of a small amount of milk 2.5% fat and green onions, dill or any other greens;

Lightly salted fish, salmon, trout, herring;

Green or black tea, depending on taste.


Oat bran, 1.5 tablespoons;

Low-fat yogurt.


Boiled beef, preferably lean veal;

Grilled chicken, or simply baked in the oven.

Afternoon snack:

Boiled shrimp or other boiled seafood with hot pepper.


Boiled lamb (preferably lamb), if expensive, veal;

Baked seafood (preferably mussels, shrimp, crab meat);

Any fish in any form;

Low-fat kefir.

For the “Cruise” stage

We alternate protein days with protein-carbohydrate days, eating the following diet:

Protein day


Scrambled eggs and ham;


Low-fat yogurt;


Any fish, fried or boiled, or beef, veal. Any seafood.

You can have fish soup with plenty of fish or meat soup (solyanka).

Afternoon snack:

Boiled chicken.


Cutlets made from minced chicken or turkey;

Low-fat kefir.

Protein-vegetable day


Omelet with onions, herbs, tomatoes and sweet peppers;

Potato or zucchini pancakes.


Oat bran, 2 tablespoons;

Low-fat yogurt.


Vegetable salad, plus fried chicken legs, fish (preferably boiled).

Afternoon snack:

Vegetable salad.


Any seafood or beef, veal in any form (preferably boiled);

Any stewed vegetables.

For the “Consolidation” stage


Coffee, tea if preferred, and cottage cheese.


Oat bran, 2.5 tablespoons;

Low-fat yogurt.


Chicken or turkey cutlets;

Vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack:

Cheese (can be processed cheese).


Seafood in any form (preferably boiled);

Pasta (pasta).

For the “Stabilization” stage


Fruit salad, but without adding grapes, cherries and bananas;

Buckwheat pancakes (made from buckwheat flour) or potato or zucchini pancakes, or pancakes;

Black or green tea.


Oat bran, 3 tablespoons;

Low-fat yogurt.


Meat or seafood with rice and vegetables;

Vegetable soup.

Afternoon snack:

Fruits, excluding grapes, cherries and bananas.


Steamed asparagus or spinach;

Boiled or grilled fish.

Sample menu for sustainable weight loss

7.00 1 Beef broth 200 gr 10 kcal
2 Vinaigrette 50 gr 30 kcal
3 1/2 Cans of Shrimp 50 gr 30 kcal
4 Bran porridge 300 gr 30 kcal
5 Tea with lemon 200 gr 5 kcal
1 Carrot 40 gr 12 kcal
2 Tea with lemon 200 gr 5 kcal
1 Fish soup 200 gr 100 kcal
2 Jellied fish 100 gr 40 kcal
3 Boiled fish, pollock 50 gr 40 kcal
4 Salad (cucumbers, tomatoes) 100 gr 18 kcal
5 Bottle of mineral water 500 gr 0 kcal
1 Banana 100 gr 55 kcal
1 Meat borscht 200 gr 110 kcal
2 Salad (cabbage) 100 gr 20 kcal
3 Blood sausage with lard 50 gr 100 kcal
4 Cottage cheese 100 gr 100 kcal
5 Tea with lemon 200 gr 5 kcal
1 Crab sticks (2 pcs) 50 gr 40 kcal
2 Glass of mineral water 200 gr 0 kcal
3 Chewing gum (stick) 1 piece 5 kcal
1 Chicken broth 200 gr 14 kcal
2 Chicken navels 100 gr 110 kcal
3 Buckwheat 50 gr 75 kcal
4 Salad (cucumbers, tomatoes) 100 gr 18 kcal
5 Boiled egg 1/2 gr 40 kcal
6 Tea with lemon 200 gr 5 kcal
1 Chewing gum 1 piece 100 kcal
1 Glass of vodka 50 gr 40 kcal
2 Fish broth 200 gr 10 kcal
3 Crab sticks (2 pcs) 50 gr 40 kcal
4 Bran porridge 300 gr 50 kcal
5 Salad (cabbage) 50 gr 10 kcal
6 Bottle of mineral water 500 gr 0 kcal
Total: 1199 kcal, weight 4.830 kg