Extra boost of energy. How to quickly cheer up in the morning and get a boost of energy for the whole day? See your family

In today's hectic world, it's easy to feel completely exhausted. And it seems that it is precisely at such moments that a deadline begins to loom on the horizon, a boss calls, or someone else demands attention. If you're feeling low on energy, there are a few steps you can take to get back on track. Moreover, these tips and tricks can be used for the rest of your life.


Food as a source of energy

    Eat some mint. Recent studies have shown that productivity increases in both office workers and athletes when the scent of mint is present. So if you're feeling low, chew a peppermint or mint gum to boost your energy.

    • Or, if possible, smell some strong aromas, including mint. If you have it on hand essential oils, one deep breath will be enough to bring your senses into a state of high alertness.
  1. Drink a caffeinated drink. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks, is great for a short-term energy boost. Doctors recommend that healthy adults limit their caffeine intake to 400 ml per day, which is about four cups of coffee, 10 cans of soda or two energy drinks.

    Add chia seeds to your food. Not only are chia seeds all the rage right now, but they are said to have some powerful energy-boosting properties. Chia seeds are full of B vitamins, fiber and protein, so they can provide you with an extra boost of energy.

    • Chia seeds make a good ingredient in yogurt or smoothies (taste depends on your preference). You can also add them to bread or muffins.
  2. Prepare your own energy-boosting foods and drinks. So, do you want a cereal or protein bar to keep you going? Energy drinks and bars are good, but if you make them yourself, it's even better. Homemade food is not subject to additional processing, so it is much healthier.

    Drink plenty of water. Water itself is a great health booster, so drink enough of it to stay alert and active. Water can also be obtained from food, such as soup or watermelon.

    Have a snack. If you feel a little low in energy, it may be time to grab a snack. This will not only give you the necessary boost, but will also prevent you from overeating in the future.

    • To support your body, combine complex carbohydrates with protein. Good choice there will be fruit with peanut or almond butter. Cheese, yogurt or a protein shake are also good options.
  3. Get your nutrients. To maintain energy throughout a tiring day, the first thing you need is breakfast. And we're not talking about dough with a hole in the middle. A good breakfast means protein and fiber, not a plate full of carbs. Choose whole grains, lean meats, eggs and fruits.

    Energizing mood

    1. Have a laugh. Laughter increases your heart rate and activates your muscular system. Therefore, laughter is great for cheering up. Take a break from work and watch a silly YouTube video. If your boss catches you, tell him you were just getting motivated.

      Don't press the snooze button on your alarm clock. Research shows that this action actually causes more big fatigue. Think of it this way: you wake up, fall into a kind of half-sleep, wake up, fall into a kind of half-sleep, and repeat, repeat, until you finally get out of bed. This only makes you feel more sleepy, and it would be better to spend that half hour actually resting.

      Yawn. Did you think that yawning only occurs when you are tired or when your body needs oxygen? Think again. Yawning also wakes up the brain, cooling it and sending a burst of energy to it. So yawn, because it will do you good.

      Look for something red. Our bodies still carry the program of our ancestors. We have stimuli that trigger the fight and flight response, and color as a stimulant is of great importance to the brain. We, like animals, are disturbed by the color red. If you want to awaken the subcortical structures of your brain, look at something red.

      Take a moment for yourself. Sometimes fatigue has less to do with how much sleep you get and more to do with what you did all day. The brain can only handle so much stimulation, and sometimes fatigue is its way of telling you it's time to take a break.

      • Or just take time to do what you want. A piece of dark chocolate, a moment with a book, a video game - whatever you want. If an activity makes you feel better, take a moment to do it. You will feel better and happier.

    Activities that energize

    1. Stretch. You don't have to exercise to cheer yourself up. Just stretching is enough. Grab the top (or sides) of the doorway and pull your chest forward. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Stretching your core muscles will increase blood flow to your brain, which will energize you.

      Get into an argument. Exercising is one of the most common ways to revive the flow of energy in the body. And although it may seem like the last thing you want to do right now, once you start, you will feel better.

    2. Start cleaning. A dirty desk, kitchen, or home can be very draining. You may not realize it, but just being in that environment can make you tired. Even if you just need to put a few papers in folders, do it. One small step often leads to something bigger.

      • Imagine how nice it will be to come home or work in a clean space. You will be more comfortable in your place and will be energized simply by being in an environment with such good chi. Even a 15-minute effort will help you see improvements.
    3. Get outside to get some vitamin D. Vitamin D can be found in dietary supplements, but not in the food itself. With a vitamin D deficiency, you will feel sluggish and lazy. To get this nutrient, you need sunlight. Open the windows or take the dog for a walk.

      • Try not to rely too much on caffeine. It is highly addictive and can cause problems in the body in the future.
      • A good old trick is to splash cold water on your face. However, this only works for a few seconds, so if you take a cool shower and eat a high-protein snack (like peanut butter spread on an apple), the effect will last much longer.


      • Be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience chronic fatigue, as it could be a sign of a serious medical condition.
      • If you decide to drink coffee or tea, also drink water, as both drinks have a diuretic effect and can make you dehydrated and even more tired.
      • If you suffer from insomnia, consult your doctor about long-term treatment.

Everything in the world is energy and everything living in the world needs energy. Energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, since it is uniformly present in all places and constantly changes from one state to another all the time.
In nature, everything is balanced, and a person who lives correctly, in harmony with himself and with the world around him, spends and receives energy in proportion. However, modern life often requires us to spend too much energy, and the rhythm and style of life do not provide the opportunity to replenish the energy spent. Being energetic and full of strength is not always possible.
We often try to find a way to recharge ourselves with energy, sometimes forgetting that we are wasting it completely in vain. Each of us feels the stress everyday life, stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy and poor-quality nutrition, overload at work and too much time spent with electronic gadgets. And with all this, we do not want to change anything, we are looking for ways to draw vital energy from somewhere. By and large, refusal bad habits and changing your life gives a lot of energy and improves the quality of life, and now we offer seven rules, using which you can feel cheerfulness and a surge of vitality.

1. Sunlight

Sunlight gives energy to all living things on earth; it is impossible to imagine life without the sun. Sunlight charges with energy everything that falls into its rays, since solar energy is the powerful energy of the cosmos itself, feeding and permeating everything around.
The sun's rays are streams of energy that can sometimes work wonders with our body. Under the influence of sunlight, the human body produces many substances that are useful and necessary for functioning. Everyone knows that sun rays form biologically active compounds in the skin and help increase vitamin D.
There is nothing better and more useful in the morning, immediately after waking up, to plunge into the rays of bright warm light. Sunlight nourishes the body not only with energy, but also with warmth, stimulates the body to awaken and work, and gives a sea of ​​positive emotions. Immersion in sunlight perfectly energizes, improves mood, and gives a surge of strength. It’s even better and more useful to take a short walk before starting work, leaving thoughts about problems and worries and completely immersing yourself in the sunlight.
For those who engage in mental work at work, it is recommended to place their workstations next to a window, where on a bright sunny day the sun's rays will become an endless source of energy and will help to complete the work quickly and efficiently. Scientists claim that this will increase a person’s attention and productivity at least twice. In general, you should try to make the most of daylight hours, and it’s better to move important things to the evening.

2. Cold water provides healing and good spirits

Our ancestors long ago knew very well that temperature changes contribute not only to hardening the body, but also stimulate all processes in our body, increase morale and good health. Pouring cold and hot water perfectly stimulates all the body's defenses. A contrast shower can provide such temperature changes.
A contrast shower is a great way to use the body's reserve forces and enhance metabolic processes. A cold shower forces the body to function properly, and increased blood circulation helps improve nutrition of all tissues and organs. A contrast shower also stimulates brain function, improves mood, and a person feels cheerful and energized.
Many people are afraid of the procedure of taking a contrast shower, because they think that a contrast shower is mostly dousing them with cold water. This is where the erroneous ideas about the correctness of taking a contrast shower lie. In fact, dousing yourself with cold water in a contrast shower occurs after warming up the body with warm water.
First you need to warm up the body with warm water, and then douse it with cold water. Alternating cold water with warm water, you need to finish the contrast shower again with warm water. You can even simplify the contrast shower procedure by simply rinsing with cold water for 30 seconds after taking a hot shower. This will refresh and invigorate.

3. Laughter is the best medicine

Everyone knows from early childhood that a positive mood is not only a source of cheerfulness and energy, but also an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, problems and illnesses. Laughter improves the quality of life, makes it simpler and easier, promotes health and ensures longevity. Sometimes positive attitude much more effective than tablets and pills.
The popular proverb says it for a reason: laughter is the best medicine! And it's true. Research has shown that laughter increases endorphin levels and reduces the effects of stress. The more we laugh, the better we feel, because laughter creates vigor, and five minutes of laughter can replace forty minutes of rest. To spend the coming day cheerfully and productively, laugh in the morning, improve the mood of yourself and those around you. If it’s difficult to perceive everything positively at once, learn to simply smile, to yourself and to those around you, and you will also begin to receive smiles from others in return.
Laughter not only improves mood and gives a charge of vigor, but also improves the quality of life, helping to overcome difficult situations more easily, and significantly increases life expectancy. During laughter, many muscles are activated, relaxing, oddly enough, the entire body. Very often we keep many problems inside ourselves, thereby creating tension throughout the body, spending a lot of energy. And tension, as we know, is the cause of all diseases. Laughter helps to relax and relieve tension, and increases our energy, adding strength for other things.

4. Jasmine scent

Smells and aromas can have an effect on the human body. There is even a whole science - aromatherapy - that studies this area. Aromatherapy is perhaps the most pleasant type of treatment and influence on a person, which has an amazing, almost magical effect. One of the most effective means The use of jasmine is considered to have an effect on the body in aromatherapy. The special properties of the ether of this plant simultaneously affect the physical and emotional energy state.
Jasmine flowers have an incredible, amazing and unique scent that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Jasmine has a good effect on the nervous system; it is used in the treatment of neuroses and stress relief. The scent of jasmine invigorates and energizes. There are many types of jasmine scented perfumes. If you want to feel a surge of vitality, change your perfume!

5. Without water there is no life

Water is very important for our body, it is the basis of all processes occurring in the body. Water, just like food, can produce energy when digested. If the body's cells receive enough water, they perform their work as efficiently as possible and are constantly recharged. When there is not enough water, cells begin to give up energy and the overall energy level of the body begins to fall. Water is the main component of cells in the body, because cells consist of 80% water.
Water is an indispensable component, because it helps maintain health and refreshes. Often the cause of a drop in the body’s energy and a deterioration in well-being is the body’s slagging. Water best cleanses our body and perfectly removes toxins from the body. If your health worsens and your energy level drops, you need to provide your body with enough water.
Tea, coffee and juices cannot replace clean water, and the cells of the body need clean water. And in order for clean water to get into the cage as quickly as possible, you need to drink melt water. Melt water is the purest high-quality water that does not contain salt chlorides and harmful substances and connections. Preparing such water at home is easy and affordable for anyone who wants to be healthy and energetic.

6. Chocolate cures sadness

Many people believe that chocolate is the most delicious and easiest source of energy. And this is also true. Chocolate contains a lot of sugar and fat, and these are the main suppliers of energy for the body. For normal muscle function and nervous system Magnesium and potassium are needed, which are also found in chocolate. Chocolate replenishes lost energy well and quickly. It’s not for nothing that children and athletes love it so much, who spend a huge amount of energy and need to quickly replenish it.
Chocolate is a good source of joy; it perfectly creates a feeling of comfort, lifts your mood and helps relieve stress. Chocolate invigorates and increases performance; chocolate is a precious source of energy and well-being. It perfectly restores strength. And for those who are worried about their teeth, scientists reassure: chocolate does not destroy teeth, as is commonly believed. It contains substances that prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity and destroying tooth enamel. However, you need to know when to stop everything. Therefore, from time to time you simply need to treat yourself to your favorite chocolate. This product will increase your blood glucose levels, resulting in a feeling of satisfaction and energy.

7. Kindness is a source of internal energy

Everything around obeys the law of conservation of energy. If the priority in life is only consumption, then accordingly you will need to give a certain amount of energy for this. And if you spoil, giving energy to others, you can get it in return.
Everything that we give into the world around us comes back to us, both good and evil. And it is much wiser to give only good things into this world, because you can get much more back. But here it is important to understand one thing: the exchange of energies (giving energy to the world and receiving it back) is possible only with a sincere attitude. You cannot give and receive something without doing it sincerely.
If you want to receive a lot of energy, learn to be kind, live in kindness, do good deeds. Kindness is a source of internal energy; it fills us very well with positivity and internal energy. She, like a magnet, begins to attract all the good things into our lives. After all, everyone knows that after selflessly helping others, one then feels uplifted and a surge of energy. If you are looking for saturation with internal energy, then here you go main advice- do good deeds. If you don’t know what to do, choose the kindest one from all the options. Good always comes back to you! And this happens exactly at the moment when you especially need it.
We hope our advice will help you find a source of replenishment and increase of internal energy. And if you have your own effective methods, then you can share them with others in the comments ELECTROSTATICS

1.1. Electric charges. Methods of obtaining
charges. Law of Conservation of Electricity
1.2. Interaction of electric charges.

charged bodies.
electric field. Superposition principle
electric fields.

Subject of electrodynamics.
Electrodynamics is a branch of physics that studies
carrying out
electric charges.
Electrostatics is a section of electrodynamics,
carrying out this interaction is called

1.1. Electric charges. Methods for obtaining charges. Law of conservation of electric charge.

nature has two kinds
electric charges, conditionally
called positive and
occur when glass is rubbed
o silk; negative –
charges similar to those
occur when amber is rubbed
about fur. Charges of the same sign
repel each other

are attracted

Electrical charges are inherently atomistic
(discrete). This means that in nature there is
the smallest, further indivisible charge that has received
name of the elementary. The magnitude of the elementary
charge in absolute value in the SI system:
| e | 1.602 10 19 Cl
It should be noted, however, that according to modern
strongly interacting
particles – hadrons (mesons and baryons) – constructed
from the so-called quarks - special particles,
carrying a fractional charge. Some quarks have
charge ±2e/3, and some – ±e/3. In free
state of quarks are not observed. This allows
consider that the elementary charge in nature
is still an integer charge e, and not
fractional charge of quarks. Charge of macroscopic bodies
is formed by a combination of elementary charges and
is therefore an integer multiple of e.

To conduct experiments with electrical
ways to obtain them. The simplest
and the most ancient method is rubbing
some bodies by others. This method
underlies the action of some
For example,
Van de electrostatic generator
Count (Van de Graaff R., 1901-1967),

Another way to obtain electrical charges is based on the use
phenomena of electrostatic induction. Its essence is illustrated by the figure.
Let us bring it to an uncharged metal body divided into two halves
(without touching it) another body, charged, say, positively. Thanks to
the displacement of a certain fraction of free substances present in the metal is negative
charged electrons, the left half of the original body will acquire
excess negative charge, and the right one is the same in magnitude, but
positive charge of opposite sign. If now in the presence
external charged body, separate both halves into different sides And
remove a charged body, then each of them will be charged. IN
As a result, we will get two new bodies, charged equal in size and
charges of opposite sign.

Electric charge measuring device

One of the fundamental laws of nature
is experimentally established
law of conservation of electric charge.
algebraic sum of charges of all
body remains constant:
q qi const
i 1
Law of conservation of electric charge
states that in a closed system of bodies there are no
processes of birth or
disappearance of charges of only one sign.

10. 1.2. Interaction of electric charges. Coulomb's law. Application of Coulomb's law to calculate the interaction forces of extended charged objects

1.2. Interaction of electric charges.
Coulomb's law. Application of Coulomb's law for
calculation of interaction forces between extended
charged bodies


was installed in 1785
(Coulomb Sh., 1736-1806).
small charged
balls depending on
distances between them with
with help
torsion scales.


The electrometer is a rather crude instrument; He
does not allow to study interaction forces
charges. In his experiments, Coulomb measured forces
attraction and repulsion of charged balls with
using the device he designed -
torsion balances, which differed extremely
For example,
the balance beam rotated 1° under the influence
forces of the order of 10–9N.
The idea of ​​measurements was based on a brilliant guess
Coulomb's theory that if a charged ball is brought into
contact with exactly the same uncharged, then charge
the first will be divided equally between them. So
Thus, a way was indicated to change the charge of the ball
two, three, etc. times. In Coulomb's experiments it was measured
interaction between balls whose dimensions
much less than the distance between them. Such
charged bodies are usually called point bodies
A point charge is a charged body with dimensions
which can be neglected in the conditions of this problem.


As a result of his experiments, Coulomb established that the force
interaction of two point charges directly
is proportional to the size of each charge and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them, and the direction of the force
coincides with the straight line passing through both charges:
q1q 2
F k 3 r
The proportionality factor k depends on
selection of units of measurement included in this formula
12 F
; o 8.85 10
4 o
q 1Cl; r 1m; [F] 1H.
In the International System of Units (SI)
Coulomb's law is therefore written as:
q1q 2
4 0 r


In the International SI system per unit of charge
pendant (Cl) is accepted.
A coulomb is a charge passing through a
cross-section of the conductor at a current of 1 A.
The SI unit of current (ampere) is along with
units of length, time and mass of the main
unit of measurement.
The charge of an electron in the SI system is equal to
e = 1.602177·10–19 C ≈ 1.6·10–19 C.


It must be emphasized that in this form the law
The Coulomb formula is formulated only for point charges,
that is, such charged bodies whose dimensions
can be neglected compared to distance
between them. If this condition is not met, then
differential form for each pair
elementary charges dq1
dq2, to which
Charged bodies “break”:
4 0 r
presented as:
4 0 q1q2 r
Integration in this formula is carried out over all
charges of each body.

16. Example. Find the force F acting on a point charge Q from the side of an infinitely extended rectilinear charged thread. Distance from charge

to thread a, linear charge density
q Cl
threads τ.
l m
4 0 r 2
l 0
dq dy
r 2 a2 y2
dFx dF cos
dFy dF sin
a2 y2
, sin
Q ady
4 0 (a y)
Q ydy
4 0 (a 2 y 2)
4 0
a2 y2
(a y)
The required force F = Fx= Qτ/(2πε0a)
2 0 a

17. 1.3. Electric field. Electric field strength. The principle of superposition of electric fields.

carried out through special kind matter,
change the properties of the space around them.
This manifests itself in the fact that when placed near
charged body has another charge (let's call it
trial) force acts. According to the magnitude of this force
one can judge the “intensity” of the field created
charge q. In order for the force acting on
test charge, characterized the electric field
precisely at this point in space, the test charge,
obviously must be pointwise.


By placing a test charge qpr at a certain distance
r from charge q, we will find that it is acted upon by
force, the magnitude of which depends on the magnitude
taken test charge qpr.
q qpr
4 0 r 2
It is easy, however, to see that for all test charges
the ratio F/qpr will be the same and depends only
on the quantities q and r, which determine the field of the charge q in
given point r. Naturally, therefore, accept it
"intensity" or, as they say, tension
electric field (in in this case fields
point charge):
qpr 4 0r 2


Thus, the electric field strength
is its strength characteristic.
Field strength is a vector. His direction
with the direction of the force vector,
acting on a point charge placed in it
field. Therefore, if in an electric field
tension place a point charge q, then on
the force will act on him:
F qE
The dimension of the electric field strength in

20. It is convenient to represent the electric field using lines of force. Line of force is a line whose tangent vector at each point coincides

It is convenient to represent the electric field using force
lines. Line of force is a line whose tangent vector is
each point coincides with the direction of the tension vector
electric field at this point. It is generally accepted that power
lines start on positive charges and end on
negative (or go to infinity) and nowhere
are interrupted.
Examples of depicting electric fields using lines of force:
point charge (positive and negative), dipole,
uniform electric field


electric field strength created in
some point in space by a system of charges,
equal to
electric fields created at the same point
space by everyone
E E1 E2 ... En

If you are constantly tired, change your diet(s) or what you do all day(activity), you may need to do a 180 degree turn on these things.

How to fill your body with energy

You won't be able to do the things on this list all the time—you'll get tired trying to get more energy—but try them all out to see which ones work for you or your schedule. Add some tips to your routine or mix them up to add a twist.

1.Change your socks to freshen up.

This is an amazing trick. Take a spare pair of socks with you to work and change them after half a day (say, after lunch). You will be amazed at how fresh you will feel. This trick is especially useful on days with a lot of walking.

2.Rock out loud

Whether you work alone or in the same room with colleagues, listen to just one rock song and you can replenish your energy reserves.

Working with colleagues? Get everyone singing together! The point is to choose a song that everyone can sing along to. Raising your head up and singing the song out loud will fill you with energy. One song, just three minutes. It's a quick adrenaline rush that doesn't last long. But you will continue to sing this song to yourself all night while working on a never-ending project.

3.Get rid of a stuffy nose

If you have allergies, your sinuses are blocked and you feel tired and irritable. Find the right meds and clear up your sinuses (and your mind, too).

4.Work according to your body clock

There is a natural ebb and flow of energy throughout the day. We wake up groggy, even after a solid eight hours of sleep. We reach our energy peak early in the morning, and naturally we want to rest in the afternoon. The second surge of energy comes in the early evening, after our low energy point, which is just before bed. As you can imagine, this is the natural rhythm of energy throughout the day. Work on important tasks during your rush hour.

5.Eat a piece of chocolate

Not too much. If you want something sweet, give preference to chocolate. We get a buzz from endorphins, which begin to be produced after we eat something tasty (not to mention the fact that chocolate itself contains an energy boost in the form of caffeine). Dark chocolate contains more caffeine than milk chocolate.

6.Have an afternoon snack

A small, low-sugar, protein and/or fiber snack a couple of hours after lunch will help you gain energy. We offer several options:

  • mixed nuts;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • apple and peanut butter;
  • frozen berry smoothie;
  • granola bar.

7. Gossip with your colleagues

A little gossip and chit-chat with colleagues in the afternoon is a great anti-depressant for your tired head. This effective way, since you can take your mind off things and free your mind from thoughts, thereby giving it a rest. Mental breaks in just a few minutes will revitalize you.

8.Eat a lot of berries

Especially blue, red and purple berries. This color is obtained due to the content of anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants that increase energy levels. Berries of any kind contain tons of them.

9. Wear brightly colored clothes

This trick involves projecting moods onto other people, who in turn project their moods onto you. If you wear dark, cool tones, you give off a gloomy vibe and people will respond with the same attitude. If you wear bright, happy colors, you will ensure that the way others treat you will stimulate your own mood and energy levels.

10.Take a nap

But do it in your chair. Don't lie down on the sofa, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect. Sleep should be short - only 5-10 minutes; if it lasts longer, you will be lethargic for the rest of the day.

11. Flirt

It's fun, harmless and very effective. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like a little flirtation.

12.Aromatherapy with lavender

Studies have shown that the scent of lavender increases alertness. Subjects took math tests before and after 3 minutes of lavender aromatherapy. The group completed the trial faster and with more accurate results after aromatherapy.

13.Wake up at the same time every day

Including on weekends. This will help set your body's clock. Otherwise, you will be awake when you should be asleep. Or worse, sleeping when you should be awake (for example, dozing off in a meeting). The essence of the method is to go to bed at the same time every night. If you need to change your sleep cycle all at once, stop eating 16 hours before the time you want to wake up.

14.Drink plenty of water

Dehydration is an ominous cause of fatigue. If you drink less than 8 glasses of water a day, you will be sluggish all the time. Drink at least a 1.5 liter bottle, but aim for 2 liters. Try drinking water this way for at least a week and see how your overall energy levels increase.

15.Use caffeine wisely

Coffee and caffeinated sodas will help increase your alertness, but be careful not to become addicted. The temptation to drink more coffee to become more alert will be very strong. After all, you won't be able to work or function until you drink a double espresso. Drink coffee only at the beginning of the day to avoid insomnia later, which will become worse every day.

16.Avoid energy drinks

Energy drinks provide almost instant hyperactivity, but they always lead to a crash. Energy drinks can be compared to credit cards - you spend energy from the future to get a short-term boost of strength now. As a result, you will constantly feel an even greater lack of energy until you reach “bankruptcy”.

17.Eat foods with a low glycemic index

Choose complex carbohydrates (low glycemic index) over bad, simple carbohydrates (sugar). Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which means they are high in sugar, are much easier for your body to digest. This leads to a sharp jump in energy followed by a drop in blood sugar.

The list of foods with a high glycemic index includes white bread, potatoes, and anything containing high amounts of sugar (such as soda). Low-glycemic foods include fruits, vegetables, grains (such as whole grain bread), meat and pasta. Before your next trip to the store, check this list.

Easily digestible fiber is an element that helps slow down the body's absorption of sugar. It balances your energy levels, prevents high blood sugar and helps prevent deterioration in your overall health. By the way, fiber prevents constipation.

Don't worry too much about which type of fiber to consume—they're all good for you. Introduce easily digestible fiber into your diet: nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, oatmeal.

19.Take Vitamin C

Eat your daily dose of citrus fruit (such as drinking orange juice in the morning) or take vitamin C tablets. Study after study shows the relationship between deficiency citric acid and chronic fatigue. Vitamin C also helps you absorb more nutrients from food.

20.Smell citrus scents

In addition to vitamin C, citrus scents (such as orange, lemon, lime) also stimulate activity. So add a little lemon perfume to your shaving foam.

21. Pay attention to B vitamins

B vitamins cover a number of body functions, and many are also involved in the process of converting blood sugar into usable energy. To make sure you're getting enough B vitamins, eat a balanced diet.

Ex-smokers often report being 2-3 times more energetic after quitting the habit. Nicotine negatively affects your sleep, so you don't get enough sleep all the time. This leads to you becoming irritable, frustrated and tired, which pushes you to smoke even more. This is a vicious circle of energy draining.

23.Play to relax

Gaming keeps your mind engaged (unlike, say, watching TV) but doesn't require a ton of energy. Play a quick game like Scrabble on Facebook, but be mindful of the time limit if you don't want to get reprimanded by your boss.

24.Eat less, but more often

Eat snacks throughout the day. By eating smaller, more frequent meals, you will maintain a certain amount of energy instead of falling into a food coma. Use as a snack healthy products containing little fat and sugar.

25.Drink a cup of tea

In a recent study, scientists from the University of London noted that drinking a cup of tea 4-6 times a day can reduce the level of stress hormones in the body. The results of the study show that "drinking black tea can relieve daily stress in life."

26. Rinse your face

Simply letting the cool water touch your face will wash away the dirt and stress of the day. For the same effect, you can take a shower or jump into the pool. A shower stimulates the circulatory system and metabolism. Rinse to feel more energized.

27. Stand up, stretch and take a couple of deep breaths

Stretch your arms, back, legs and neck. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath and exhale slowly but firmly. Repeat several times. It only takes 30 seconds, but the results will be instant. When you get back to work, you'll have the clear head and fresh feeling you need to tackle urgent or boring tasks.

28.Learn to be organized

When your world is organized, you don't have to spend mental energy keeping track of a million things. and performance, well described in many books.

An overall positive and optimistic outlook on life will keep your energy levels high. Yes, many unpleasant things can happen, but if you worry about them unjustifiably and exaggeratedly, you will only exhaust yourself. Look for the positive in any situation and you will never feel tired.

30.Take a mini-vacation

Choose one day and just do only what you really want. No work, no worries, no errands. Enjoy one full day of rest and then return to work more motivated and energized.

31.Eat a big breakfast but a light lunch.

A large lunch, especially one with a lot of carbohydrates or fat (like a burger), will leave you feeling heavy when you return to the office. Your sluggishness will last until the end of the day. Instead, eat a hearty breakfast. It will provide you with the necessary boost for the whole day, and especially at the time when your body needs it most. Plus, a hearty breakfast will make you more productive in the morning. Double victory.

32. Choose proteins instead of carbohydrates and fats

Meat products (low-fat) contain a lot of protein, which will help you feel energetic for a long time. It also prevents blood sugar from rising, thereby ensuring more sustainable energy levels. Lean protein foods include fish and other seafood, lean pork or chicken breasts (“white meat”).

Sorry, we promised new and unconventional methods, but first we have to remind you of something banal. You already know that you need to sleep well, eat well and exercise. We won’t decipher it, few people follow it anyway. Let's say a few words about introducing a healthy lifestyle into your daily routine.

How to recharge your energy through exercise

Work out during your lunch break or at least go for a walk. In 2004, researchers from Leeds City University discovered John J. Ratey "Spark!: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" that workers who visit the company gym show best results and cope with stress more easily. In addition, they enjoy their work more, experience less stress, and do not feel tired in the afternoon, despite the energy expenditure during training.

How to sleep more

4. Be optimistic

The soldiers need to make a forced march of 40 km in full armor. But some were told that the distance was 30 km. Others say that they will have to walk 60 km.

After completing the forced march, the researchers measured the levels of stress hormones in the blood of both groups. What happened? It turned out that stress corresponds not to reality, but to expectations.

What conclusion do we draw? Everyone gets what they expect.

The brain does not like to force the body to waste resources until it sees a real chance of winning. Physical strength is inaccessible as long as there is no faith in success, because for the human body there is no situation worse than wasting all resources and failing. The moment confidence appears, a gate opens through which a flow of energy flows. Hope or despair is what we program ourselves for, say the authors of the book “Maximum Brain Power”.

Optimists have more energy. Pessimists have more stress. Everything depends not on objective circumstances, but on the point of view on them.