Greek language courses at the Greek Embassy. School of Foreign Languages ​​"VKS-ih". Korean Van Goan School

Many people start learning Greek for irrational reasons. People love the sound of Greek, mythology, togas and laurel wreaths. But the way to the heart of Greek culture lies through the grammatical jungle. A fan of Greek speech will have to memorize many prepositions, particles and articles. Plus a generous set of genders, cases, declensions, moods, voices, conjugations and tenses. Greek has a free word order - and in this way it is similar to Russian. So the enthusiast needs to be prepared to surpass Hercules, who performed 12 labors. There is, however, one relief. The Russian language includes such a number greek words that we perceive them as our original ones.

Before starting your Greek private lesson, we help you define a realistic learning goal, taking into account your previous knowledge and the planned course duration. The duration of the course is flexible. Course level. Level. Green lessons with practical content. Includes course material and certificate. The fastest opportunity.

  • Start any time.
  • Duration of the course.
  • Time is aware.
  • Well. 1.
  • Participants.
AgreementCongress size 2 parts.

In Greek lessons for two, you study together with one other person who is asked of you. Your language coach has full focus on you, so knowledge and goals can be addressed accurately and assignments can be flexibly agreed upon. This type of course is most suitable for specific tasks such as preparing for exams, interviews, presentations, as well as for translating and deepening specific terms.

Prepare thoroughly for the study. The starting point for this is the search for a mentor, a mentor. Each student has the right to decide for himself whether to look for a bilingual tutor on Skype, sign up for languages school for Greek language courses under the wing of a Russian-speaking teacher or look for Greek friends in educational social networks focused on learning languages(for example, Need to purchase training manual, preferably intended for serious Russian universities such as MGIMO or Moscow State University. The third point is " languages oh material": songs, books, films, podcasts, interactive languages first games, programs for learning new words (they can even be installed on a mobile phone).

Before you start Greek Lessons for Two, we help you set a realistic learning goal, taking into account your previous knowledge and the planned duration of the course. This type of course is ideal for special assignments that require industry-specific terminology for presentations or document writing.

The price is selected. The duration of the course is at least 24 lectures. With individually defined topics and participants, language training for you and your group becomes even more effective. Your language teacher focuses on the areas that the group would like to improve during the à la carte course. Training time and number of daily lessons depend on the group.

Develop a lesson structure. Regardless of what a paid teacher says, a student studying Greek should learn the language not two or three times a week for two hours, but every day. Learning a language is not cramming, it is immersion in languages y Wednesday. If you wish, you can arrange your daily routine in such a way that the student will literally breathe Greek: Greek radio when waking up, a text in Greek on the way to work, a pocket dictionary-memo during the lunch break and notes on the way home. This style of training will allow you not to forget the theory. And it will even allow you to relieve the stress received during the day.

Together, areas of focus are defined. Modular language training with a customized course concept, tailored to your company's needs. Enter your name. Please enter your email address. Enter your phone number. Language exchange complements other modes of learning such as classrooms, language immersion and the use of multimedia technology because it practices everything you have learned with native speakers in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Learn true Greek as used by regular native speakers.
  • He was used to the way speakers speak in real conversations.
  • He makes friends who speak Greek.
  • Find language exchange partners in Greek.
  • Practice your Greek when writing letters.
  • Practice speaking using text chat.
  • Practice your spoken language using voice chat.
In short, you have everything you need to study and study Greek language through the exchange of languages.

The grammar of the Greek language has remained virtually unchanged since ancient times. Therefore, having learned Greek, you can easily begin reading the works of such great philosophers and scientists as Plato, Xenophon, Hippocrates, Homer and Lucian in the original language. In addition, the New Testament is written in Greek.

Studying Greek in the future will allow you to partially understand most European languages, since many words in them were borrowed from this ancient language.

Email, text chat or voice chat?

Our newest Greek speaking members

When we want to describe something that is particularly unintelligible, we say that it sounds Chinese to us. For a German, however, a strange thing sounds Spanish to him. The language emblem of the incomprehensible varies depending on countries and cultures: for French and English languages this is Greek, for Italians, Arabic; for Finns, Hebrew.

We all have the feeling that some languages ​​are more difficult than others, but the reality is that it depends on the starting point. There are no universally difficult or more complex languages, but more distant relationships, personal inclinations and more noticeable differences with each other's native language. Therefore, calculating the degree of complexity of a language is a complex and completely arbitrary task.


The first thing you need to do when learning any language is to learn its alphabet, pronunciation and writing of each letter, of which there are 24. Greek alphabet used since the end of the 9th century BC and has survived to this day almost unchanged. It served as the basis for the creation of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, so it will not be difficult for European residents to remember it by analogy with the local alphabet.

Calculating the degree of complexity of a language is a complex and completely arbitrary task. Those who have studied classical languages ​​know that Latin and ancient Greek belong to two universes, the degree of complexity of which is related to the way each of them thinks. The Greek is much freer and subject to endless exceptions, so his difficulty is to know how to fight the weight of freedom that obliges him to choose. On the other hand, Latin has the strong and reliable but uncompromising structure of the magnificent architectures of the empire.

Corporate Greek training

Arabic is the most difficult language for an English speaker. Russian, Hebrew and Icelandic are slightly more difficult, while Arabic, Japanese and Mandarin are in the most difficult group, requiring 200 hours of study. In particular, Arabic is the most challenging language for the English-speaking population because it appears completely different from European and Asian families: it is read and written from right to left and consists of several words and letters. To create meaningful proposals you need to master the language and know how to use the few words available.

Aspiration marks

In Greek, there are aspiration marks - marks above the vowels with which words begin. They indicate the need for a hard or soft pronunciation of the first syllable of words.


Similar to Russian, there are three declensions in Greek - first, second and third. Just as in Russian, nouns are inflected by case and number, and adjectives are declined like nouns, agreeing with them in case, gender and number.

Finally, the sounds characteristic of Arabic are very difficult to produce for non-language speakers. Smaller and more distant languages ​​are more complex. A few years ago, two young scientists discovered that smaller languages ​​tend to be more flexible than larger ones. In contrast, creole languages, which arise from admixture between linguistically distinct groups, are considered systematically simpler than other languages, even after becoming "normal" languages ​​with native speakers.

Smaller tongues tend to present more folding shapes than larger ones. But bending is only an element of difficulty. Some languages ​​have very simple sound systems, such as Polynesian, and others exhibit a wide variety of complex sounds, such as the languages ​​of the Caucasus. Languages ​​can have a strictly fixed word order or a completely flexible phrase.


Prepositions in Greek require the use of nouns in a specific case. In most cases, this case is accusative. After all prepositions, an article must be placed, which is determined by the gender of the noun in the sentence.


In Greek, like Western European ones, there are regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs are conjugated by adding an ending to them. Irregular conjugations can be found in special tables that are found in Greek textbooks.

There are languages ​​that have almost no genres, like English and others, with dozens of genres to learn for every noun. Some have endings and inflections, such as Finnish, and there are even languages ​​that are modulated by three different alphabets, such as Japanese.

Researcher Tyler Schnebelen looked for the frequency of exceptions present in a language as a way to classify its complexity. It turns out that it actually has three pitch tones, as well as contour tones, so that depending on the fall of the accent, it completely changes the meaning of the word. While the universal language of our time, English, was ranked 33rd on this list, Basque, Hungarian, Hindi and Cantonese were classified as "normal", with no special exceptions. That is, the number of variables is also not an absolute indicator of complexity.


New words learned should be repeated. For the best effect, you need to repeat already learned words before starting to memorize the next ones. It is better to study words in small portions, but daily.

  • how to learn greek on your own