Classes for children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. The influence and significance of sports games for the physical development of children

For children 5-6 years old. I hope you have already successfully completed the lessons for ? September lessons are coming up.

In fact, the division by month is quite arbitrary; the tasks are simply “tied” to the month of the year to make it more interesting. And so, you can use tasks from any month for the development of your child.

In parallel with schoolchildren, classes began in kindergartens and experienced teachers teach children there using their own methods. But, nevertheless, parents should not distance themselves, and on Saturday morning, after watching morning cartoons, it will be useful to spend half an hour with their child and work with him additionally, and at the same time check his level of development (in some collections of developmental activities there are mini tests) . So shall we begin?

Changes in nature in September.

  • For communication with your child and developmental activities, it is best to use walks in the fresh air. Teach him to observe what changes in nature occur with the onset of autumn.

Pay his attention to the fact that with the onset of autumn, the sun no longer shines so brightly, it has become cooler, butterflies and other insects have disappeared, swifts and swallows are no longer visible in the cities, i.e. The flight of birds to warmer regions began. The leaves on many trees and shrubs have turned yellow or red, the flowers in the meadows have bloomed, a cold wind often blows, and it is drizzling.

  • In a park or square, find and examine spruce, linden, maple, birch, oak, and rowan. Draw the child's attention to characteristic features of these trees: bark, leaves, fruits and seeds. Offer to collect from falling leaves autumn bouquet. At home, place the bouquet in a vase. Let your child try to trace and color individual leaves, and then work with him to draw a still life with a bouquet of leaves.

Tell your child riddles about trees:

Developmental activities.

  • Improving object comparison skill in size, invite the child to look at the picture and compare first the height, and then the thickness of oak and rowan. You can also suggest comparing the lengths of the branches of these trees.

(The oak is tall, and the rowan is low. The oak is taller than the rowan. The rowan is lower than the oak. The oak is thick, and the rowan is thin. The oak is thicker than the rowan. The rowan is thinner than the oak. The oak has long branches, and the rowan has short ones. The oak branches are longer than the rowan branches. The rowan branches are shorter oak branches.)

  • Improving plane orientation skill, training a child in use of prepositions, invite him to look at the picture and tell where each of the animals is.

(A squirrel sits in a hollow. An owl sits on a branch. A hare sits under an oak tree. A magpie flies in front of an oak tree. An elk stands behind an oak tree.)

Educational games.

Developing grammatical structure of speech child, teach him to form the plural form of nouns. Offer him an educational game:

  • You throw a ball to your child and name a tree, vegetable or fruit. He catches the ball, forms the plural form of the noun, and returns the ball to you.

For example:

Invite your child to name what is shown in the picture, and then form the plural of the name.

An educational game to develop a child's mathematical understanding.

  • Offer to place oak and maple leaves collected during a walk on the carpet in a loose order. Check in advance to make sure there are equal numbers. For example, five. Let the child count first the oak leaves and then the maple leaves and draw a conclusion about their number:
    “There are five oak leaves. There are also five maple leaves. This means oak and maple leaves equally - five each.”

Now let him think about how to arrange the leaves so that it immediately becomes clear that there are equal parts. He should arrange the leaves in two rows in pairs.

Ask your child to think about how to make one more oak leaves and one less maple leaves. The child must offer two options:
add one oak leaf or remove one maple leaf.
Let him count how many leaves of each type there will be in the first and second cases.

When telling your child about what happens in the life of wild animals in the fall, read to him the fairy tales of V. Zotov (from the book “Forest Mosaic”). They will enrich the child’s understanding of the animal world. Here is one of the fairy tales.


- Knock, knock, knock! - Woodpecker knocks in the forest.
- You were missed here! - Lynx exclaimed. “I was just getting ready to rest, and he knocked.”
A wild cat the size of a dog was lying on the trunk of a fallen tree. She had thick fur hanging down the sides of her head, and tassels adorned the tips of her ears. The animal's tail is short, as if cut off at the end. The lynx stretched out its long legs with wide paws.
Sorry,” the man sitting on a nearby tree politely bowed his head.
Woodpecker.—It’s very difficult to see you. A spotted coat makes you almost
unnoticeable among the glare of the sun falling on the ground. Sorry again.
The woodpecker flew a little higher.
“But still, let me treat this tree,” he asked and explained: “There are many bugs sitting under its bark.” And to get them, I need to poke them a little with my beak.
- If so, then I don’t mind. We must always come to each other’s aid,” Lynx stood up and jumped to the ground. “I’ll rest in another place.”
Stepping carefully, the predator headed deeper into the forest.
...Lynx hunts many animals and birds. It will hide somewhere behind a fallen trunk, an old stump, or sit on a thick branch on a tree and wait for prey to appear. And then he rushes at her with big leaps. The lynx usually does not attack a person; it tries to hide from him in dense thickets.

When checking how your child has learned what he read, ask him questions.

/ for children 5 – 6 years old /

Teacher-psychologist: Ursulenko Tatyana Yurievna

Objectives: To teach children to separate the sequence of events, to navigate

space, generalize, classify, develop memory, attention,

fine motor skills, develop logical thinking.

Lesson No. 1

1. "Getting to know each other."

2. “Say your name affectionately.”

3. “Many - one.”

4. “Say the opposite.”

5. “Draw a path.”

6. “Assemble a cut picture.”

Lesson No. 2

1. “What happens: round, square and triangular.”

3. “Draw a line.”

4. “Complete the drawing to make a picture.”

6. “Listen to the clapping.”

Lesson No. 3

1. “Collect a flower.”

2. "The fourth wheel."

3. “Build a pyramid.”

4. “Build a house.”

5. “Cross out the extra picture.”

Lesson No. 4

1. “Find the same mitten.”

2. “What comes first, what comes next.”

3. “Lay out the nesting dolls in ascending order.”

4. “Counting to 10.”

Lesson No. 5

1. “What comes first, what comes next.”

2. “What does a blot look like?”

3. “Find a “ROUND” shaped object.”

4. “Name the days of the week.”

5. “Listen to the clapping.”

6. “Fix the blanket.”

Lesson No. 6

1. “Find the extra object.”

2. “What has changed.”

3. “Collect a picture.”

4. “Cross out the extra one.”

5. “Many - one.”

Lesson No. 7

1. "Be careful."

2. “Say the opposite.”

3. Cross out all the “ZEROS”.

4. "Guess what it's like"

5. “Collect pictures.”

Lesson No. 8

1. “Name the words denoting animals.”

2. "Four elements."

3. “Counting to 10 and back.”

4. “Collect a flower.”

5. “Connect the dots.”

Lesson No. 9

1. “Fix the blanket.”

2. “Collect geometric shapes».

3. “Many - one.”

4. “Finish the sentence.”

5. “The fourth wheel.”

Lesson No. 10

1. “Complete the beads in sequence.”

2. “Name the opposite words.”

3. “Collect a flower.”

4. “Find the difference among the snowmen.”

5. Guess the riddles:

“Lives in a hole, chews crusts. Small legs, afraid of cats.”

“Four dirty hooves got right into the trough.”

Lesson No. 11

1. “Mend your boot.”

2. “Who needs what? »

3. How many angles does a “triangle”, “circle”, “square”, “rectangle” have?

4. “Collect a picture.”

5. “What comes first, what comes next.”

Lesson No. 12

1. “What the mood is like.”

2. “Listen to the claps.”

3. “What does a blot look like?”

4. “Counting to 10 and back.”

5. “Find the difference in the pictures.”

6. “Guess the riddle.”

Lesson No. 13

1. “Find the difference in the pictures.”

2. Name objects “round”, “triangular”, “square” in shape.

3. “The wind blows on...”

4. “Many - one.”

5. “Who is the odd one out? "

6. “Go through the maze.”

Lesson No. 14

1. “Let’s build a house from numbers.”

2. “What to whom? ""What to whom? "

3. “Strange still life” (for attention).

4. “Catch the rhyme.”

5. “Go through the maze.”

6. “Collect a picture.”

Lesson No. 15

1. “The fourth wheel.”

2. “Remember your place.”

3. “Find the missing item.”

4. “Guess the riddle.”

5. “Make a picture.”

6. “What comes first, what comes next.”

Lesson No. 16

1. “Finish the sentence.”

2. "Path".

3. “Find similarities and differences.”

4. “Guess what happened before and after.”

5. “Name the neighbors of the number.”

Lesson No. 17

1. “Connect the beads with one line.”

2. “Find identical objects.”

3. "Full boots."

4. “Find out who I am? "

5. “Finger gymnastics.”

6. “Muscle relaxation exercise.”

Lesson No. 18

1. “Name your neighbors.”

2. “Lay it out yourself.”

3 “Find all the grasshoppers.”

4. "Magic Forest".

5. “Go through the maze.”

6. Name objects of “round”, “triangular” shape.

Lesson No. 19

1. “Listen to the claps.”

2. “Pick a patch for the blanket.”

3. “Remember your place.”

4. "Down by the River."

5. “Depict the mood of the music with colors.”

Lesson No. 20

1. “Find the difference in the pictures.”

2. “We draw patterns from memory.”

3. “Find yourself a mate.”

4. “Get ready for a week.”

5. “Counting to 10 and back.”

6. “Name the neighbors of the numbers.”

Lesson No. 21

1. Let's remember the days of the week.

Game "Build a week."

2. Count to 10 – 15 and back.

Game: “Name your neighbor.”

3. Lay out the numbers up to 10.

4. Game: “Freeze” (performing movements according to the picture).

5. Lay out the sticks according to the picture.

6. Game: “Green Friend” (botanical lotto).

Individual lesson on sound automation [s] (for children 5–6 years old)

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution No. 36

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten"


Individual lesson

sound automation C

(for children 5-6 years old)


Vostrikova Ekaterina


teacher-speech therapist MADOU No. 36.

Kemerovo 2013

Topic: Sound from

1. Instill the correct pronunciation of the sound “C”.

2. Train the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develop gross motor skills.

4. Develop phonemic awareness.

5. Enrich the child’s vocabulary.

6. Develop clear diction.

Equipment: pictograms, pictures, sound profile.

Integrations educational areas: Socialization, communication, health, physical education

Methods and techniques: Visual - demonstrations of pictures, gaming - verbal and didactic games.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

In front of the child are pictograms indicating various emotions, the speech therapist asks him to depict these emotions.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

(Lip exercises are performed).

1. Exercise “Smile”.

Pull your lips straight towards your ears

Frogs really like it.

Smiling... Laughing... .

And their eyes are like saucers.

(Perform the “Smile” exercise 5-6 times, lips stretched in a smile, teeth exposed).

2. Exercise “Tube”.

I imitate an elephant -

I pull my lips with my trunk

(The exercise is performed with closed teeth, lips extended forward 5-6 times).

3. Exercise “Smile-tube”.

(Exercises “1” and “2” alternate 5 times).

Speech therapist: Now let's play with our tongue. Watch how we do it and remember.

(Language exercises are performed).

1. Exercise “Spatula”.

Place your tongue with a spatula.

And hold it calmly.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it under counting:

One, two, three, four, five!

The tongue can be removed.

Speech therapist: Listen and do this exercise as I tell you: “Put a relaxed, soft tongue on your lower lip, make sure that the sponge does not curl up, then put the shoulder blade in your mouth, lower it behind your lower teeth, try to keep your tongue lying calmly, not moved and did not tremble” (5-7 times).

2. Exercise “Brush your teeth”

I brush my teeth

I brush my teeth.

And outside...

And inside.

Didn't get sick, didn't get dark,

Don't let them turn yellow.

3. Acoustic - articulatory profile of the sound “C”

Speech therapist: Look and tell me what the sponges do when pronouncing the sound “s”?

Child: smiling.

Speech therapist: What remains between the teeth?

Child: - gap.

Speech therapist: Is the tongue narrow or wide?

Child: wide.

Speech therapist: Where does the tip of the tongue rest?

Child: in the upper teeth.

Speech therapist: The tongue, what else does it do?

Child: bends over in a slide.

Speech therapist: What kind of air flow?

Child: (applies, at a distance, to the neck back side palm and checks the air stream) - Cold.

Speech therapist: Check with your palm whether this sound is dull or voiced?

Child: deaf.

Speech therapist: What kind of sound is this, hard or soft?

Child: hard.

Speech therapist: Let’s repeat it again (the child does).

Speech therapist: Let's imagine that we went on a trip by car, and suddenly the car got a flat tire. And now, in order to go further, we need to pump up the tire. Let's get up and “pump the wheel” (the child makes imitation movements, as if he is “pumping the wheel” by leaning forward and saying sound s-s-s-s, the adult monitors the articulation of sound).

5. Speech therapist: We are tired, pumping up the tire, it’s time to rest:

The sun came out from behind the clouds,

We will stretch our arms towards the sun.

(Stretching - arms up)

Hands to the sides then

We'll spread wider.

(Stretching - arms to the sides)

We've finished warming up.

The legs and back were rested.

6. Phonemic hearing:

Speech therapist: Now is the time to check how attentive you are. Listen carefully and clap your hands when you hear the sound [C].

(Сь, Ж, З, С, Ц, Сь, Ж, С, Ц, Ш З, Ш, Сь, Ц, С, Ш, С)

Now raise your hand when you hear a syllable with the sound “S”: ZHA, SA, SHO, JO, SU, CA, ZA, SHO...

Speech therapist: Listen and pronounce the syllables that I tell you.

Game "Echo"

SA – SO – SU – SY;

SO – SA – SU – SY;

SU – SO – SA – SY;

SY – SA – SU – SO.

(Child repeats syllables)

7. Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound s in words:

The speech therapist asks the child to repeat the words:

soup, bitch, court, chest, dry, vessel, Saturday, son, full, son, etc.

8. Game “Name it”

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [s] in words using object pictures depicting words with the sound s.

The speech therapist invites the child to take pictures out of the magic chest and name the objects depicted on them.

Lesson summary:

Speech therapist: What sound did we study today?

Child: Sound [s]

Speech therapist: What words with the sound [s] do you remember?

(Child names words)


1. Konovalenko V.V. Individual - subgroup work on correcting sound pronunciation - M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011. - 216 p.

2. Lylova L. S. Individual and subgroup speech therapy classes with children preschool age- Voronezh. : I. P. Lakotsenina N. A., 2012 – 176 p.

3. Spivak E. N. Sounds S, S, Z, ZZ. Ts Speech material for automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5-7 years old - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2010. - 40 p.

Summary of a lesson with children of the older group (5–6 years old) Topic “Good friends”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3" Alatyr

“Origins” and “Education at the sociocultural level”

Summary of a lesson with children senior group(5-6 years)

Theme "Good friends"


Shvedova O. V.

Active activity Good friends

(The lesson is held jointly with parents)

I. Program content:

1). Initial acquaintance with the sociocultural category “Love”.

2). Developing the ability to show kindness to each other.

3). Developing in children the ability to negotiate and come to a common opinion.

II. Preparation for the lesson: reading fairy tales “Sivka-burka”, “Winter quarters of animals”, “Golden comb cockerel” in the family and kindergarten.

Materials for the lesson: Books for the development of children 5-6 years old “Good Friends”. Pencils, hearts (cut out of cardboard, illustrations for fairy tales.

III. Progress of the lesson:

1. Preparatory stage.

Work in a circle: conversation with children about friendship and friends (based on parents’ stories about childhood friends).

2. Individual stage.

The teacher explains the task to the children.

Guys, listen carefully, select and mark with a + sign those words that characterize good friends.





Mutual aid

Operating time 5 minutes.

3. Work in pairs.

Guys, I ask you to unite in pairs and complete the same task together, listening carefully to each other and coming to a joint decision.

(The teacher sequentially names words that characterize good friends, pausing after each to give the children the opportunity to compare each other’s choices and come to a joint decision).

Operating time 5 minutes.

4. Group discussion and peer review.

One of the pairs presents their choice, beginning the answer with the words “We have decided. ", "We think. " The teacher identifies those who agree with the submitted solution.

5. Examination of illustrations from the fairy tales “Sivka-Burka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Winter Lodge of Animals”, “Golden Scallop Cockerel”.

Guys, think about what fairy tales these illustrations are from and answer the following question: “Can the heroes of these fairy tales be called good friends? »

In which of these fairy tales do you think the main characters showed loyalty and trust in each other; honesty and integrity in performing assigned work; agreement; mutual assistance.

The little humpbacked horse helped Ivanushka in all matters, became faithful to him and good friend. Tell me, can you and I show kindness to others?

6. Dramatization of M. Sadovsky’s poem “Kind Heart”. I once brought a puppy into the house,

A homeless tramp.

To feed him a little,

Poor hungry guy.

Well, well,” said my mother, “let Him live a little,

There is such sadness in his eyes!

There is a spoon of soup.

I later found a kitten in the yard, barely alive,

I brought it to the house too,

Mom said again:

Well, well,” she said, “let Him live a little,

There is such sadness in his eyes!

There will be a spoon of porridge.

I found a chick under the nest,

Crows hovered over him. I hid the tomboy in his hat. We came home with him.

Well, well,” said my mother, “let him live a little. There is such sadness in his eyes!”

There will be a crumb of bread.

One day I brought a hedgehog

A snake and a turtle.

And the hare ran into our door, probably out of fear.

Mom said: - Let them live -

The apartment is so wonderful.

And if you make room, there’s room for us too!

The teacher gives the children hearts and asks them to write on them.

names of your friends.

7. Final stage.

Reflection for children.

Do you consider yourself a true friend? Why?

Reflection for adults.

What new things have you discovered today? How will you feel when you go home?

Home\About children\Preparing for school \Developmental activities for children "Fun Lessons"

Educational activities for children "Fun Lessons"

There are a lot of activities aimed at developing a child’s thinking and they make it easy to diversify a child’s leisure time. solving riddles, coloring books, copybooks, and various logic tasks... On this page we have collected a variety of tasks for the diversified development of children from 3 to 7 years old.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them. You can then save the image to your computer and print it for an activity with your child.

Developmental activities for children 3-4 years old

Developmental activities for children 5 years and older

We develop memory, thinking, attention and fine motor skills.

Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old

We develop memory, thinking, attention and fine motor skills.


#1Katerina07/09/2015 15:56 I found so many useful and interesting things on your site! Thank you!

More details

Oh guys, what happened, who's saying this? You know? Let's ask? Who are you?!

The lights go out, Tchaikovsky's melody plays, December, a slide show is projected on the wall, Photographs of winter landscapes,

Look, children, how beautiful nature is in winter. (Children admire)

What kind of winter did you see?

Children (snowy, frosty, clean, white)

Well, guys, now we know exactly what nature looks like in winter and we can draw our own landscapes. Think about what time of day - day, evening, or maybe night - you want to depict and, in accordance with the intended time of day, choose the tone of the paper. Take a seat at the tables.

(Vivaldi's music sounds quietly, February,)

Now close your eyes and imagine the landscape you want to draw. What kind of trees grow there? How are they located?

Have you imagined? - Then draw what you have in mind.

(While the children are working, I quietly approach each child and, if necessary, help them with questions, explanations and clarifications.)

When the trees are ready.

Snow saves plants and earth from cold and winds.

Guys, come here quickly, the trees in our forest are completely bare, should we cover them with snow so that they don’t freeze in the cold?

(children tear up napkins and throw them up, imitating snow)

Children, what kind of snow?

Children: white, fluffy, cold, etc.

Let's conduct an experiment to see if the color of snow changes depending on the time of day and lighting. (We are conducting an experiment)

Now let's get back to our landscapes, Let's paint some snow,

Let's cover the trees with snow. -Well, finally, our drawings are ready. Vanya, what did you draw? What did Katya draw? (Everyone talked about their work)

I really liked your drawings and I’m sure that our girl will also like them and she will understand what a winter forest looks like.

Did you like today's lesson? Here are some pieces of ice for you, if you liked it, then give me a red piece of ice, and if you didn’t like it, then give me a gray one.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

More details

Children's educational games online. Free flash games for kids.

Children's educational online games

How do we help our children develop?

We buy them interesting toys, read books with them, sculpt them from plasticine, do applique work, and so on.

The main benefit of all these activities is their diversity. Playing various toys the child develops diversified, tries himself in various types activities, which allows parents to see and develop his natural inclinations at an early stage of the child’s development.

Children's educational online games are a logical continuation, an evolution of those board games, construction sets and other off-line games that we buy in stores and are used to playing with children.

There's another one interesting point. We all had to learn to work on a computer at one time or another; this is an acquired skill, no one was born with it. As you know, for a child, especially a preschooler, best form training - game.

Everything is simple here. A child likes a toy, plays with it, and at the same time, automatically and effortlessly learns the basics of working on a computer. Almost on an intuitive level, he understands how to open the section he needs on the website, download the toy he is interested in... Such learning happens very quickly - the child is not “learning”, but just playing!

Big request. Pay attention to how your child sits at the computer. Here are the basic rules that it is highly advisable to follow:

  • you need to sit in front of the computer without slouching or leaning too much to the left or right
  • The distance from the child’s face to the monitor must be at least the diagonal of the monitor!
  • immediately teach your child to hold the mouse correctly, this will help him in our children's educational games and make it easier to continue getting acquainted with the computer

Fortunately, now you can find quite a few high-quality and interesting educational games for children, because the Internet and mobile technologies provide immeasurable freedom for choice and creativity.

We are always open to communication, if you have ideas for new online games that have not yet been implemented on our website - write, we will try to do it!

The most popular games of the month:

Material from the site

Developmental activities based on the seasons for children 5-6 years old. January.

Educational activities and games for children 5-6 years old. January.


The site "Children's Playground" welcomes you and congratulates you on your past New Year holidays and with the beginning of a new school month for your kids. I didn’t make a reservation about the educational one, because... A child at this age is constantly learning.

And not only in preschool educational institution, but also during walks, while communicating with peers and, of course, while communicating with parents. To help parents, I am publishing this developmental material that will help children 5-6 years old study the seasons, introduce them to the features and signs of each month. Here you will find interesting games and classes.

It's time for the January issue. You can find our past issues in the archive of the “Children’s games and activities” section. First issue here.

Nature in January

The month of January has begun (ask your child what number it is in the winter months, what number it is in the year). Winter has firmly come into its own. The frosts are getting stronger, the ground is covered with snow, lakes and rivers are covered with ice.

On clear winter days, shaggy frost glitters silver on the tree branches. Draw your child's attention to these signs of winter. Invite your child to find definitions for the words. ice, snowdrift, snow. Ask him questions:

  • What kind of ice? – cold, slippery, smooth, transparent.
  • What snowdrift? – soft, plump, white, big.
  • What kind of snow? – fluffy, white, crispy, silvery.

Tell your child about how difficult it is for wintering birds to endure frost. Ruffled pigeons sit on the eaves, sparrows scurry around, sparrows search for something in the snow, and titmice scurry along the windowsills and balconies.

When you go for a walk, take with you some seeds, bread crumbs or a handful of millet. Place this food in the feeders. You can make your own bird feeders from scrap materials.

Read to your child a poem by an unknown Russian poet of the early 19th century.

Educational games for children 5-6 years old

To develop your child's constructive skills, mathematical understanding, and creative imagination, play an educational game called “Fold the Shape” with him. Let him try to fold a fox from the geometric shapes you prepared. If it’s a bit difficult for him, suggest trying to assemble it according to the sample (assembly diagram)

When the child completes the task, ask him to tell what geometric shapes are used to assemble the fox (two circles, one oval, three semicircles, four triangles).

To develop a child’s mathematical understanding, teach him to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation. Invite your child to count the snowflakes on the cards and show the number corresponding to each card.

To develop the grammatical structure of a child’s speech, practice the formation of nouns in the genitive case. Using the pictures below, encourage your child to complete the sentences:

Talk to your child about how toys can help. How should you handle toys, can they be broken? Let the child try to draw these toys and complete the missing parts.

Invite your child to compose a comparative story or, if he finds it difficult, let him finish the sentences - you start, the child finishes:

  • The mouse is small, and the elephant... (big)
  • The mouse has a long tail, and the elephant has a long tail... (trunk)
  • The mouse loves cheese, and the elephant loves... (bananas)
  • The mouse is plastic, and the elephant... (porcelain)

Read Russian to your child folk tales “The Fox and the Jug”, “Khavroshechka”, “Finist - Clear Falcon”, “The Braggart Hare”(you can download audio versions of some fairy tales for free on our website). Draw the child’s attention to figurative expressions and the beauty of the Russian language. Tell your child that Russian folk tales teach goodness. Invite your child to look at the pictures below and say which fairy tales they refer to (“The Fox and the Jug”, “The Braggart Hare”). Let the child retell the episodes of the fairy tales to which these pictures relate.

That's all. I wish you patience and understanding with your child.

And we have a February issue ahead, with which we will complete the year-long cycle of educational games and activities by month and season for children 5-6 years old.

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Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old. March.

Hello, dear readers of the Children's Playground website.

With that article I begin a series of publications, in my opinion, very interesting educational material for children 5-6 years old. This material was kindly provided to me by a kindergarten teacher. It is aimed at adults who, using this material, can tell children about nature and work on the development of the child’s speech and mathematical abilities.

Each lesson is “tied” to a specific month of the year. Since it’s March now, we’ll start in March.

March.We observe changes in nature.

  • The sun is shining brighter. Long icicles hung from the roofs. Tits sing loudly, sparrows chirp. Spring is on the doorstep...

Try to spend more time outside with your child on these wonderful spring days. Draw his attention to the signs of the coming spring: loose melted snow, thawed patches, streams.

Invite your child to expose his face and palms to the sun and feel how warm it has become. Show cumulus clouds in the sky and explain that their appearance is a sign of the coming spring.

  • During a walk, invite your child to affectionately name all the signs of spring that you are talking about. that game promotes development of grammatical structure of speech child, will help train him in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:

Beam – ray of light, Tree - tree, Branch - twig, Bird - bird, Cloud - cloud, Sun - Sun, Stream – trickle, Thaw – thawed patch.

  • Tell your child that it is in March that night and day become equal in length.
  • Tell your child that rooks come to us in March. Maybe you will be able to see them in the park or outside the city.

Watch the rooks build their nests. Tell your child about folk superstition: early arrival rooks - by early spring.

  • Read an excerpt from a poem about spring to your child and offer to learn it.

Again there is no rest for the streams - Day and night they gurgle in the bushes. The golden sun walks in clear, clear skies. B. Asanalis

  • Make a riddle about spring. Let the child guess it and explain how he did it.

She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. If he waves his magic wand, a snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

Educational games

  • Developing grammatical structure of speech child, we teach him to coordinate numerals two And five with nouns according to the pattern.

Swipe ball game "Two and Five". You throw the ball to the child and say the first part of the phrase. The child catches the ball, finishes the phrase and returns the ball to you.

You: Two birds - child:five birds, Two branches - ... , Two puddles - ... , Two thawed patches - ... Two rays - five rays, Two rooks - ... , Two bushes - ... , Two chicks - ... , Two clouds - five clouds, Two buckets - ... , Two windows - ... , Two trees - ... .

  • Learn with your child finger gymnastics . It will be useful to you as a physical education break during homework, it will help development of fine motor skills child.


You are my friend, blackbird, (the child waves his crossed palms like wings) Speckled tail (bends one finger on both hands for each line) The nose is sharp, the barrel is motley, the feathers are thin, the songs are sonorous, they are sung in the spring, (again waves his folded palms like wings) In winter they are forgotten. Folk song.

  • We develop mathematical representation and creative imagination.

Invite your child to complete the following images using sticks, and then count how many sticks were needed to make each of them.

  • Exercising a child with dividing words into syllables, clap the following words with him:

sun-nysh-ko, weight-on, ru-che-yok, so-sul-ka, pro-ta-lin-ka, rook, ob-la-ka, le-do-hod, chick

  • Working on development and development phonemic representations child, invite him to look at the picture and first find three objects that have a sound in their names, and then three objects that have a sound in their names. Train your child in determining the place of the indicated sounds in these words (for example, in the word icicles sound in the middle of a word puddles – at the beginning).

Let's read

  • Read E. Stewart’s poem about spring to your child. Offer to learn it, work on correct pronunciation sounds, clarity of diction, expressiveness of speech.

*** Spring has come, decorating the cornices with icicles. The streams gurgle fervently, washing away the snowdrifts. Forgetting the former frosts, The tear-stained snowy melted woman fell on her side without strength.

Winter is completely unwell - It’s time for her to get ready for the journey... And the sun in every puddle is ready to swim. And between the wet snows, Having broken through their windows, the brave snowdrops are already rising to their feet.

Invite your child to draw an illustration for this poem. If necessary, provide him with the necessary assistance.

If you have a minute of time, please leave your feedback in the comments. Your opinion is very important to us.

We will continue to publish interesting educational activities for children 5-6 years old in the “Children’s games and activities” section. To avoid missing out, subscribe to site updates, and new articles will be sent to your mailbox immediately after publication.

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Material from the site

Integrated lesson for children 5–6 years old Merry Birch Kindergarten

– Do you know the game about the birch tree? Teach me!

Physical exercise “Merry Birch”

Birch in a white sundress steps in place In the spring he leads a round dance hands on the belt, Earrings ring quietly turns to the right and left And the birds are still calling for a visit rhythmically swinging your arms towards yourself. He will open his branches-arms, arms to the sides Will lower the branches-fingers down bring your hands down to the center. Will offer leaves to the sun rhythmically swinging your arms above your head So that a ray hangs on the branches.

(After completing the game, an image of a birch grove is projected onto the screen)

Educator: So we ended up in a birch grove. It's so nice here. We've come a long way.

Pencil: I really want to stay at home. In the forest. Thank you children for helping me on a difficult journey.

Educator: And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But to make our return journey go faster, I know the magic words.

Cover your face with your hands. And so we all returned Home together.

part 4

Educator: Here we are in kindergarten. The pencil remained at home, in the forest. And we had an exciting journey. But you all know that after every trip, memories remain beautiful photos, souvenirs. And we have nothing with you.

We didn't have a camera. And we didn’t find any souvenirs in the forest. I suggest you make wonderful paintings yourself. But only from what.

We draw with colored pencils every day, and sometimes they break. What are we doing with you? We sharpen it correctly with a sharpener, and throw away the shavings as garbage.

I suggest you make beauty out of these shavings.

There is material for applique on the tables. Pre-prepared chips are in cardboard boxes made by the children themselves in a previous lesson on manual labor. Each child signed their own box.

Children each find their own and begin applique. The teacher's demonstration is partial. On a magnetic board finished sample. Children cut out a tree trunk from white paper in the shape of a thin cone. Drawing with a simple pencil crown

And gradually they begin to cover the crown with glue, gluing it immediately before the glue dries up the pencil shavings. Green grass works the same way.


Our fingers are like legs, the index finger of one hand greets the thumbfinger of the other hand. Involved at the same timeindex fingers and thumbs of both hands. We ran along the path.

That's how fast we ran, clench your fists That they tripped and fell. spread your palms and place them on your knees

At the end of the work, the paintings are placed on the board. Subsequently, the children make frames for them.

More lesson notes for kindergarten:


Thursday, September 13, 2012 17:05 + to quote bookRead in fullTo your quote book or community! Educational activities and games for children 5-6 years old. September.

It's time to release new selection developmental activities for children 5-6 years old. I hope you have already successfully completed your lessons for August? September lessons are coming up.

In fact, the division by month is quite arbitrary; the tasks are simply “tied” to the month of the year to make it more interesting. And so, you can use tasks from any month for the development of your child.

In parallel with schoolchildren, classes began in kindergartens and experienced teachers teach children there using their own methods. But, nevertheless, parents should not distance themselves, and on Saturday morning, after watching morning cartoons, it will be useful to spend half an hour with their child and work with him additionally, and at the same time check his level of development (in some collections of developmental activities there are mini tests) . So shall we begin?

Changes in nature in September.

  • For communication with your child and developmental activities, it is best to use walks in the fresh air. Teach him to observe what changes in nature occur with the onset of autumn.

Pay his attention to the fact that with the onset of autumn, the sun no longer shines so brightly, it has become cooler, butterflies and other insects have disappeared, swifts and swallows are no longer visible in the cities, i.e. The flight of birds to warmer regions began. The leaves on many trees and shrubs have turned yellow or red, the flowers in the meadows have bloomed, a cold wind often blows, and it is drizzling.

  • In a park or square, find and examine spruce, linden, maple, birch, oak, and rowan. Draw your child's attention to the characteristic features of these trees: bark, leaves, fruits and seeds. Offer to collect an autumn bouquet from falling leaves. At home, place the bouquet in a vase. Let your child try to trace and color individual leaves, and then work with him to draw a still life with a bouquet of leaves.

Tell your child riddles about trees:

Developmental activities.

  • Improving the skill of comparing objects by size, invite your child to look at the picture and compare first the height, and then the thickness of oak and rowan. You can also suggest comparing the lengths of the branches of these trees.

(The oak is tall, and the rowan is low. The oak is higher than the rowan. The rowan is lower than the oak. The oak is thick, and the rowan is thin. The oak is thicker than the rowan.

Rowan is thinner than oak. The oak has long branches, and the rowan has short branches. Oak branches are longer than rowan branches. Rowan branches are shorter than oak branches.)

  • Improving the skill of orientation on a plane, training the child in the use of prepositions, invite him to look at the picture and tell where each of the animals is.

(A squirrel sits in a hollow. An owl sits on a branch. A hare sits under an oak tree. A magpie flies in front of an oak tree. An elk stands behind an oak tree.)

Educational games.

When developing the grammatical structure of your child’s speech, teach him to form the plural form of nouns. Offer him an educational game:

  • You throw a ball to your child and name a tree, vegetable or fruit. He catches the ball, forms the plural form of the noun, and returns the ball to you.

For example:

More details

Development of a 5-6 year old child. October.


We continue to publish activities aimed at the development of a 5-6 year old child. These publications can be used by parents for individual lessons with their child during joint walks (watching nature) or while at home. This is not a training program. These collections of activities for child development will help you get closer and be aware of what a 5-6 year old child should know.

I hope that you have already completed the September issue of developmental classes. You will find all articles with educational activities for children aged 5-6 years in the section “Children’s games and activities”

Now it’s October - mid-autumn, and we, traditionally, begin by observing autumn changes in nature.

Autumn changes in nature.

Observe with your child what changes in nature occur in October?

The weather is getting worse. It became windy and cold. The sky is increasingly covered with clouds, and light rain falls.

But you still need, if possible, to walk with your child every day in the yard, in a park or square. And it is no coincidence that doctors say that there is no such thing as bad weather, but only clothes that are inappropriate for the weather.

If you dress for the weather, you can spend the required two hours with your child in the fresh air. You can accomplish a lot in these two hours!

  • Count the fallen colorful leaves on the path and in the puddles. Practice ordinal and quantitative counting with your child. (First leaf, second leaf..., fifth leaf. One leaf, two leaves, three leaves..., five leaves)
  • Let the child try to remember the names of the trees and let him first list the short names (spruce, oak, elm, maple), and then long (birch, rowan, aspen) .
  • Collect acorns, cones, chestnuts, ash and maple seeds for crafts.
  • Draw with sticks in the sand, try to write numbers and letters, play a game with your child called “Complete the picture.”

If you have the opportunity, watch with your child the flocks of birds flying south. Tell him what birds fly to warmer climes for the winter. (swifts, swallows, nightingales, rooks, starlings, geese, swans, ducks), and which ones stay with us for the winter (pigeons, sparrows, crows, jackdaws, magpies). Ask if your child knows that birds that fly south are called migratory, and birds that stay with us are called wintering birds?

Let him name the birds shown in the picture. Which of them have already flown south?

Educational games and activities for children 5-6 years old

  • Learn with your child moving exercise, which is good to use as a physical education break during homework.
  • For development grammatical structure of a child's speech, teach him to use nouns in the genitive case. Offer him a ball game "Yes - no" You throw a ball to the child and name the object that you seem to have. The child catches the ball, says what he doesn't have, and throws the ball to you.
  • For development visual attention and perception use next task. Invite your child to look at the picture and decide which item is extra and why.

If it’s the size, then it’s a radish.If by color - then appleIf according to the place of growth, then again there is an extra apple.

  • Developing fine motor skills, creative imagination and constructive skills of the child, invite him to make crafts from natural materials collected on a walk.
  • Developing mathematical representations child, we introduce him to the composition of the number 5. (you can make the number 5 from the numbers 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1). To play, you can use cubes, balls or cars of two colors. Let your child count them and then try to make the number 5 using other combinations.
  • While walking, watching the leaves fall, read a poem by L. Razvodova to your child. Invite him to learn this poem, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds, clarity of diction, expressiveness.
  • Read Russian folk tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox” to your child. Ask them to guess which fairy tales the following illustrations were made for. Let him remember a fragment of the fairy tale depicted in the illustration.

That's all! If you have a minute, please leave a comment. Your opinion is very important to us.

November is coming, and in November we will get acquainted with new activities for the development of a 5-6 year old child. In order not to miss out, subscribe to site updates and new articles will be sent to you by e-mail immediately after publication.

Developmental activity for children 5-6 years old

Methodological development classes for older preschoolers: “We can do a lot!”

Description: The educational activity “We can do a lot!” is intended for children of senior preschool age. Conducted by an educational psychologist to prepare children for school. The development of the lesson can be used by educators and additional education teachers.

Purpose of the lesson : Development of cognitive activity of preschool children at the stage of preparation for school through play activities.


1. Teach children to game form solve the tasks assigned to him.

2. Promote development creativity, imagination, attention, child’s speech, development of a sense of cohesion.

3. Cultivate interest in future school life, awaken interest in one’s own personality, and develop a positive interest in learning.

Children's age: children 5-6 years old

Type of activity : combined.

Methods : verbal, visual, practical (exercises, game).

Preliminary work : prepare the following educational and methodological support for the lesson:

Mittens cut out of paper with different patterns


Drawings of a bicycle, letter, boots, hat, book, umbrella, hammer and nail

Soft toy


Blackboard, pencils for children

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part

I.1. Greeting "Hello, everyone with braids"

Who has sisters, who ate candy today, who behaved well today and who behaved poorly, who blonde hair. (Children instead of answering “yes” say “hello”).

II. Main part

II.1. Exercise “Say it in one word”

Target : development of the cognitive sphere

Carrying out : Let's check if you are ready to work. Now I will tell you words, your task is to name them in one word (children answer in turns)

Faith, Hope, Elena, Love

January, March, July, September

A, B, C, C, N

Monday, Sunday, Thursday

Table, sofa, chair, bed

Flip flops, boots, shoes, shoes

Ox, bear, hedgehog, fox

Chicken, heron, pigeon, swallow

Dandelion, clove, chamomile, clover

Hammer, screw, saw, screwdriver

II.2. Exercise-game “Mittens”

Target: developing the ability to interact with peers and negotiate a common cause. Establishing emotional contacts in a group

Carrying out : to play the game you need to cut out mittens from paper, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. Each pair of mittens has an ornament painted on it that is not similar to other mittens. The presenter lays them out around the room. On command, the children scatter around the room, find their pair, take pencils (three colors), and try to color their mittens as quickly as possible, having previously agreed on what colors the ornament will be painted in so that the mittens are the same. The winner is the pair of children who paint their mittens the same color the fastest.

II.3. Physical education lesson “Grasshoppers”

    Physical education minute. Stork(Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch their back.)- Stork, long-legged stork,Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)- Stomp your right foot,Stomp your left footAgain - with the right foot,Again - with the left foot.After - with the right foot,Then - with the left foot.And then you will come home.

II.4. Exercise “How to use...”.

Target : development of imagination, creative thinking.

Carrying out: The presenter names an object and invites the children to say how it can be used. Example: newspaper - read, write, build a boat, lay it on the floor, use it as a toy, tear it up for a cat, make a hat on its head, just tear it up, etc.

II.5. Exercise “What does this word mean?”

Target : development of thinking, speech

Carrying out : There are drawn objects in front of you. Imagine a person who does not know the meaning of any of these words (you can sit a toy and tell it). Try to explain to him the meaning of each word, for example, “Boots” are waterproof shoes for walking through water and mud.

III. Final stage

III.1. Lesson reflection : what exercise did you like best, what did you not like.

The results of the children’s task completion, their activity, and answers show that the goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Latipova Aisylu
Developmental activity for children 5–6 years old

Methodological development classes for seniors preschoolers: “And we can do a lot!”

Description: Developmental activity“And we can do a lot!”, intended for children of senior preschool age. Conducted by an educational psychologist to prepare children for school. Development classes can be used by educators and additional education teachers.

Target classes: Development cognitive activity of preschool children at the stage of preparation for school through play activities.


1. Teach children to solve the tasks assigned to them in a playful way.

2. Contribute development creativity, imagination, attention, speech of the child, development feelings of unity.

3. Cultivate interest in future school life, awaken interest in one’s own personality, and develop a positive interest in learning.

Age of children: children 5-6 years old

View classes: combined.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical (exercises, game).

Preliminary work: prepare the following educational and methodological support classes:

Mittens cut out of paper with different patterns

Drawings of a bicycle, letter, boots, hat, book, umbrella, hammer and nail

Soft toy


Blackboard, pencils for children

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part

I.1. Greetings “Hi everyone with braids”

Who has sisters, who ate candy today, who behaved well today and who behaved badly, who has blond hair. (Children instead of answering "Yes" They say "Hello").

II. Main part

II.1. Exercise “Call it in one word”

Target: development of the cognitive sphere

Carrying out: Let's check if you are ready to work. Now I will tell you words, your task is to name them in one word (children answer in turns)

Faith, Hope, Elena, Love

January, March, July, September

A, B, C, C, N

Monday, Sunday, Thursday

Table, sofa, chair, bed

Flip flops, boots, shoes, shoes

Ox, bear, hedgehog, fox

Chicken, heron, pigeon, swallow

Dandelion, clove, chamomile, clover

Hammer, screw, saw, screwdriver

II.2. Exercise-game "Mittens"

Target: development the ability to interact with peers and negotiate a common cause. Establishing emotional contacts in a group

Carrying out: to play the game you need to cut out mittens from paper, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. Each pair of mittens has an ornament painted on it that is not similar to other mittens. The presenter lays them out around the room. On command, the children scatter around the room, find their pair, take pencils (three colors, and try to color their mittens as quickly as possible, having previously agreed on what colors the ornament will be painted in so that the mittens are the same. The winner is the pair of children who is the fastest colors his mittens the same way.

II.3. Physical education minute "Grasshoppers"

1. Physical education minute. Stork

(Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch their back.)

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

After - with the right foot,

Then - with the left foot.

And then you will come home.

II.4. Exercise "How can you use...".

Target: development of imagination, creative thinking.

Carrying out: The presenter names an object and invites the children to say how it can be used. Example: newspaper - read, write, build a boat, lay it on the floor, use it as a toy, tear it for a cat, make a hat on its head, just tear it, etc.

II.5. Exercise “What does this word mean?”

Target: development of thinking, speech

Carrying out: There are drawn objects in front of you. Imagine a person who doesn't know the meaning of any of these words (you can sit the toy down and tell it). Try to explain to him the meaning of each word, for example, "Boots"– waterproof shoes for walking through water and mud.

III. Final stage

III.1. Reflection classes: what exercise did you like best, what did you not like.

Task results children,their activity,responses show that,the goal classes achieved.