What do centenarians eat? Products that prolong and shorten life. What can you eat to prevent inflammation? Products that shorten your life Products that shorten your life

Today, perhaps, France can be called the most paradoxical in matters of nutrition, health and life expectancy. It is in this country that lovers of fatty foods live, who at the same time manage to look great and live long. And, despite the fact that the French prefer foods rich in cholesterol, flour products and alcohol, the “French paradox” is explained by the fact that meals are taken in small portions. In addition, the French, unlike, for example, the Americans, do not have a cult of fast food, and a portion of cheese with croissants and a glass of dry red wine for lunch will help not only maintain excellent physical shape, but also prolong life.

It is interesting that hard varieties of cheese, so criticized by modern nutritionists, are a component of the daily menu not only of the French, but also, for example, of Abkhazian shepherds, whose life expectancy you can only envy. From time immemorial, the diet of highlanders included cheese, bread and wine.

One cannot help but remember the Japanese, who are recognized throughout the world as long-livers. Their menu is qualitatively different from the food of the French and consists mainly of low-calorie food, most often seafood and rice. In addition, the Japanese eat a lot of vegetables, tofu, soups, a little fish and even less meat. This is probably why the average life expectancy of Japanese women is 86 years, and for men - 78 years, and there are very few obese people among the Japanese.

Principles of healthy eating for centenarians

Modern scientists have proven that excess weight negatively affects life expectancy, but despite this, obesity has become almost a national problem in some countries.

This is explained by the fact that we rarely think about nutritional culture, and often do not even know that at the age of 25, when the body stops growing, the metabolic rate begins to decrease. But out of habit, we continue to eat the same dishes in the same quantities, without thinking that the body can no longer cope with processing the large quantities of nutrients that enter it, which, unspent, turn into fat deposits and threaten us with obesity.

Moreover, changing the situation is quite simple, you need to reduce food consumption by about 30% without even changing the composition of the products. Thus, you can increase your life expectancy by several years. In addition, this principle of healthy eating for centenarians helps reduce the risk of endocrine diseases and heart and vascular problems that older people are usually susceptible to.

Another postulate of longevity is a low-calorie diet, which can be replaced by a periodic low-calorie diet, the main effect of which is to slow down aging and improve health.

Products that extend life

Thinking critically, we will definitely note that ordinary residents of our country have practically no opportunity to pamper themselves with seafood or natural dry red wine every day. But we have our own “elixir of youth” and it is honey! Scientists attribute the miraculous properties of this product to the fact that it contains a high content of antioxidants, the very substances that prevent the body from aging. In addition, with the help of honey therapy, you can perfectly strengthen your immune system and gain a boost of energy.

Another great opportunity to maintain health and prolong life is to fast, and don’t be confused by the fact that this is a religious tradition, since fasting is a great way to cleanse and unload the body. Therefore, you can think through a Lenten menu in advance, which today can be made more than varied and prepare for losing extra pounds and gaining additional years of life.

Foods that shorten your life

“Allowed” food additives

The already tired phrase “Read the label!” is becoming more and more relevant. And indeed, there is so much that is not there: stabilizers, preservatives, and flavor enhancers, which are hidden under the letter “E”. Therefore, after looking at the label, it is better to completely abandon the product, which contains solid E-shki. It is much more reasonable to give preference to so-called “live” food, which primarily includes vegetables and fruits, and it is much healthier to buy fish in a store than semi-finished products prepared from it.

Unhealthy vegetables and fruits

Such products include vegetables and fruits coated with paraffin, which allows them to preserve their presentation, color and taste for a long time, but is itself a toxic substance that is not absorbed by the body. This is usually how fruits and vegetables from far away are processed, so choose products that are grown in your region.

If you are not sure that vegetables or fruits were grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, then give preference to juices prepared from them, since during their production all harmful substances remain in the juicer in the pulp of the fruit.

White poisons

Nutritionists advise completely eliminating white refined sugar from your diet, replacing it with honey. Also, products prepared on its basis, such as preserves, jellies, marmalades, etc., do not prolong life.

You can significantly improve your health, and therefore prolong your life, by giving up salt; this advice is especially relevant for those suffering from high blood pressure. Perhaps a little secret will help you: it is better to salt a ready-made dish, and not during the cooking process.

Another disadvantage is yeast, which can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines, which means that it is also better to minimize the consumption of yeast-containing products. Coarse flour will also be more useful than premium wheat flour.

The accumulation of sludge in the body, and therefore its premature aging, can be associated with the consumption of dairy products by adults; they are especially dangerous for those who suffer from intestinal dysbiosis. According to many researchers, milk is capable of accumulating harmful substances, and its pasteurization destroys not only pathogenic bacteria, but also contributes to the breakdown of vitamins and nutrients.

Heavy food

If you are a convinced meat eater, then limit your consumption of meat dishes to three, and later twice a week. For weakened organisms (during and after illness), such heavy food is not recommended at all, since it requires too much energy to digest it. Interestingly, meat broths are also difficult to digest.

Unfortunately, the list of products that shorten a person’s life does not end there; you can add sweet carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, chips, smoked and fried foods, as well as excessive amounts of coffee, alcohol, ketchup and much more.

And one more very important rule of longevity - do not prepare food for future use for several days, since after a while it will not only not contain substances useful to the body, but will also begin to produce toxins. And food that was prepared immediately before consumption will bring maximum benefit and significantly more energy than, for example, yesterday's hodgepodge.

Take care of yourself and allow your body to live a long and healthy life!

They say: “You are what you eat.” Hence the simple conclusion - your health and your illnesses are derived from what you eat. In the fight against cancer, in addition to complex pharmacology, ordinary foods, which are the essence of life for the human body, help.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of products that help strengthen the overall immune system, have an antidepressant effect on the psyche, and increase the overall tone of the body. But the most remarkable property of these beneficial products is that they can stop the growth of cancer cells.


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, watercress and other vegetables have already earned a reputation as cancer fighters.

These vegetables contain indoles, which stimulate the formation of a powerful antioxidant - the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Scientists believe that indoles inactivate excess estrogens, which can cause cancer, especially breast tumors. These vegetables also contain a lot of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. For maximum preservation of indoles, it is advisable to consume these vegetables raw, or after short steaming.

Soy and soy products

Soybeans and any products made from soy (tofu, tempeh, miso and soy sauce) prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition, they contain isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which have antitumor activity. In addition, soy products reduce the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Various types of onions and garlic

Garlic has chelating properties, which is the ability to bind toxins, including, for example, the potentially carcinogenic cadmium from cigarette smoke, and remove them from the body. It also activates white blood cells, which engulf and destroy cancer cells. One of the most common types of cancer is stomach cancer, but regular consumption of garlic and onions reduces the likelihood of this disease. Garlic also serves as a source of sulfur, which is necessary for the liver to perform its detoxifying function.

Onions act in a similar way, although to a lesser extent. Both garlic and onions contain allicin, a sulfur-containing substance that has a powerful detoxifying effect. Considering that the liver is a universal organ that cleanses our body of any carcinogens and pathogens, the importance of onions and garlic cannot be overestimated.

Brown algae

Brown algae contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, which regulates the metabolism of sugar (energy) in the blood. It is known that, starting from about 25 years of age, the thyroid gland gradually decreases in size, and many people experience insufficiency of its function (decreased hormone production) with age. If energy production decreases, blood sugar metabolism changes accordingly, creating favorable conditions for cancer to occur. Brown algae contains a lot of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Nuts and fruit seeds

Almonds contain leatril, a natural substance that contains a cyanide-like substance that is deadly to cancer cells. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese ate the seeds and pits of fruits such as apricots, believing that they suppressed the development of cancer.

Flaxseed, sesame seed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain in their hard outer shell lignans. These are so-called phytoestrogens (substances that imitate the hormone estrogen in their action), which help remove excess estrogen from the body. Excess estrogen is known to stimulate the occurrence of hormone-dependent cancers, particularly breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.

Lignans are also found in soybeans, tofu, miso and tempeh, which may be one reason why hormone-dependent cancers are less common in Asian countries.

Japanese and Chinese mushrooms

Maitake, shiitake and rei-shi mushrooms contain powerful immunostimulants - polysaccharides called beta-glucans.

They are not found in ordinary mushrooms, so it makes sense to look for these natural oriental medicines, even in dried form, in supermarkets and shops selling Chinese food. Use them in any dish where mushrooms are added.


In recent years, tomatoes have received special attention due to the discovery of their antitumor properties. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant

Fish and eggs

They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Currently, the preferred fish species is flounder.

Citruses and berries

Citrus fruits and cranberries contain bioflavonoids that support and enhance the antioxidant activity of vitamin C, which these fruits and berries are especially rich in. Strawberries, raspberries and pomegranates contain ellagic acid, a strong antioxidant that prevents gene damage and slows down the growth of cancer cells. With blueberries we also get substances that prevent oxidative processes and slow down the aging process.

Healthy Seasonings

Turmeric (turmeric) is a bright yellow powder from the tubers of a plant from the ginger family, widely used as a seasoning. Turmeric has good anti-cancer properties, especially in the treatment of bowel and bladder cancer. It can reduce the body's production of specific enzymes associated with inflammation, which are abnormally high in patients with certain types of inflammatory diseases and cancers.


Both green and black contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins), which have the ability to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Green tea is the most effective in this regard, black tea is slightly less effective, and herbal teas, unfortunately, have not shown this ability.

According to a report published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (USA) in July 2001, these polyphenols, found in large quantities in green and black tea, red wine and olive oil, may protect against various types of cancer. Dried green tea leaves contain approximately 40% polyphenols by weight, so consuming green tea may significantly reduce the risk of stomach, colon, lung, liver and pancreatic cancer.

Are there any foods that, on the contrary, increase the risk of cancer or worsen the course of the disease? Such products exist, and these are primarily:


Alcohol abuse has been found to increase the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver and breast. Women at high risk of developing breast cancer should avoid drinking alcohol altogether, since drinking even a few drinks per week increases the likelihood of developing the disease.


Meat consumption should be limited if you have cancer or are at increased risk of cancer. Several studies have found a higher risk of colon and stomach cancer among people whose diet consists primarily of processed meats. This may be due to the addition of nitrites, which are widely used in cooking as food additives. In addition, meat contains cholesterol, and consumption of fatty, high-calorie and cholesterol foods leads to the development of obesity, which is associated with a higher risk of developing cancer (breast cancer in postmenopausal women, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer). , kidney).

Data from scientists from Stockholm were recently published. Swedish doctors summarized the statistics of scientific studies in which almost 5 thousand people took part. It was found that for every 30 grams per day increase in processed meat consumption, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases by 1,538%. According to scientists, the increased risk of cancer may be associated with the addition of nitrates and preservatives to these products. In large quantities, these substances are carcinogenic. The second important factor is the impact of toxic substances formed during smoking of meat.

Salt and sugar

It has been found that individuals who consume large amounts of salted foods are more susceptible to developing cancer of the stomach, nasopharynx and larynx. There is no data on the dangers of salt used as a seasoning, but moderation is also needed here. Consuming large amounts of sugar is dangerous in terms of developing excess weight, which, as already mentioned, increases the risk of developing cancer. It is better to replace it with honey.

· 13.02.2019

Artificial sweeteners increase appetite and contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds. Therefore, if we choose such foods to lose weight, their effect is the opposite.

We are what we eat. Our overall health and well-being depends on what products we choose. Eating some of them disrupts the functioning of human body systems and prevents active life.

Since our health depends on what we eat, we should be careful when choosing foods. You need to ensure that your diet is balanced and varied. It is important to avoid foods that contribute to the accumulation of toxins, as well as junk food.

Foods that shorten life expectancy

Today we will tell you about 10 familiar products to everyone, the consumption of which disrupts the normal functioning of our body and leads to health problems.


Sausages (ham, sausages, salami) contain a large amount of fat, especially the so-called saturated fat. If 100 g of product contains more than 1.5 g of such fats, the risk of developing obesity and, as a consequence, cardiovascular diseases and stroke increases greatly.

In addition, the nitrates contained in such products increase the likelihood of cancer. Sausages contain a lot of salt, which also contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Sugary drinks lead to problems with excess weight and. Although sugar is necessary for our body to perform various vital functions, its excess is very harmful to health.

French fries

Pizza and burgers

The consumption of these products is also highly undesirable due to the high content of saturated fat, salt and sugar. Although these products are very popular around the world, they are very harmful to human health.

Ice cream

A favorite delicacy for many, with such a variety of tastes and aromas...However, it is also high in saturated and trans fats, sugar and cholesterol. Besides this, Ice cream is a very high-calorie product.

The large amount of sugar they contain increases the risk of diabetes, insulin resistance, and also causes problems with excess weight.


We use salt every day when preparing food at home. Finished products are also distinguished by their high content. Excessive salt consumption leads to the accumulation of various toxic substances in the body, causes fluid retention, and increases muscle volume.

6 g - this is the amount of salt per day our body needs.

Artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite, which leads to extra pounds.

Red meat

Saturated fats found in red meat negatively impact human heart health. Therefore, experts recommend reducing its consumption. It is also undesirable to eat it, since it takes a very long time to digest; as a result, our body spends a large amount of energy on this process.

Refined carbohydrates

Such carbohydrates lose their nutritional properties, so they should be excluded from the diet. Grains themselves have many beneficial benefits, but they are stripped of them when processed.

Excessive consumption of such carbohydrates leads to increased blood sugar levels and the accumulation of fat deposits, which negatively affects health.

Don't forget...

Nutrition is an important component of our lives, on which the health and quality of our life depends. Therefore, it is so important to take the choice of products seriously, to ensure that the diet is balanced, rich in all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients our body needs.

Such a responsible position is the key to health and...


  • Cross, A. J., Ferrucci, L. M., Risch, A., Graubard, B. I., Ward, M. H., Park, Y., … Sinha, R. (2010). A large prospective study of meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: An investigation of potential mechanisms underlying this association. Cancer Research. https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-3929
  • Drewnowski, A., & Rehm, C. D. (2013). Sodium intakes of US children and adults from foods and beverages by location of origin and by specific food source. Nutrients. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5061840
  • Ritchie, L. D., Spector, P., Stevens, M. J., Schmidt, M. M., Schreiber, G. B., Striegel-Moore, R. H., … Crawford, P. B. (2007). Dietary Patterns in Adolescence Are Related to Adiposity in Young Adulthood in Black and White Females. The Journal of Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/137.2.399
  • Qi, Q., Chu, A. Y., Kang, J. H., Jensen, M. K., Curhan, G. C., Pasquale, L. R., … Qi, L. (2013). Sugar-sweetened beverages and genetic risk of obesity. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ogx.0000428186.98260.df

We all know that food contains certain substances that charge our body with energy, help it fight various infections, or help us gain weight.

But not all products are equally useful. Modern food is increasingly using chemicals that can harm our health.

We offer you a list of the most dangerous foods for our body.

1. Soda

If you love sugary carbonated drinks, then you should know that they are the main cause of the worldwide obesity epidemic. They also provoke a million types of cancer, lead to memory loss, nervous disorders and premature aging. Looks like it's better to smoke!

2. Hot dogs

Whatever is inside this bun - sausage, sausage or ham - it hits your body powerfully. The whole point is that you eat a huge amount of excess salt and processed fats. In the future, this will definitely lead to cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Well, and obesity - where would we be without it?

3. High-calorie baked goods

All those decadent cakes are a nightmare for your teeth, your heart and your waistline. Do you want to wake up one day as a 50-year-old toothless old man who survived a heart attack? Keep eating the brownies.

4. Canned fruit

These are no longer fruits. This is liquid sugar.

5. Artificial sweeteners

Sugar is, of course, evil. But all the sweeteners you try to replace it with are even worse. They are hungry and contain almost no calories, but cause metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

We all know we won't live forever. But this does not mean at all that we will definitely get sick. We have the power to make our bodies graceful, graceful and healthy. And although genetics determines the occurrence of some types of diseases, we can make a significant contribution to our health if we eat right. Making dietary choices based on the antioxidant content of foods can change not only the age we appear, but also our life expectancy and quality of life decades from now. The easiest option is to add more plant-based foods to your diet.

Why do plants prolong life?

Numerous studies on life expectancy and reducing the risk of disease mention a plant-based diet in one way or another. We all initially have different physiological data, and, of course, it is not only nutrition that protects us from disease. However, it plays a key role. The most aging foods are those that create an acidic environment in the body (sugar, alcohol, refined grains, processed foods and red meat). The consumption of such products leads to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, which significantly reduces our quality of life.

How to eat healthier? What foods improve the quality and length of our lives? Focus on the most important foods and add them to your daily diet. This will help change the negative attitude from “what I can’t eat” to “what I can eat.” Here are 8 amazing products:

1. Leafy greens and green vegetables

Green foods should become the basis of the diet, because they form the “foundation” of any food pyramid. Greens contain vitamins, minerals, and protein. These are unique natural alkalizing foods that we can eat all year round. Kale, kale, chard, broccoli, arugula and spinach are the best choices because they are rich in calcium, protein, iron, chlorophyll, magnesium, vitamins B, C, A and E. They also contain many antioxidants that help prevent cancer and other diseases.

2. Berries and pomegranate

Berries and pomegranate are unprecedented products of the “anti-age” group. They strengthen the nervous system, protect the heart, prevent cellular destruction that leads to Alzheimer's disease, have a low glycemic index, and therefore maintain insulin levels at normal levels. Plus, berries are high in fiber, which means they improve digestion, lower cholesterol and help maintain normal weight. Berries contain many antioxidants, which, in turn, are designed to fight free radicals - the main cause of aging. Pomegranates and berries are good for heart health and good blood circulation. These are excellent foods that contain nutrients that can prevent memory loss and brain damage.

3. Cocoa

Cocoa (raw chocolate) is one of the best foods for supporting heart and brain health. Cocoa is rich in substances that maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If you're looking for a way to get enough healthy plant fats, look no further than raw organic cocoa powder. Raw cocoa is a wonderful product for cardiovascular health, improving blood circulation, hormonal system and even digestion (due to the content of beneficial bacteria).

4. Orange root vegetables

Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and carrots are rich in beta-carotene (a plant form of vitamin A) to support immunity. Orange vegetables are a good choice for fighting inflammation and cardiovascular disease. It's a source of fiber and healthy complex carbohydrates that slow your metabolism better than most grains and processed carbohydrates. They maintain insulin levels and reduce oxidative stress, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Orange vegetables are also on the anti-age list; they make the skin healthier and more beautiful due to their high antioxidant content. Let at least one product from this list (cooked or raw) be in your diet every day.

5. Avocado

The avocado is now called the “new apple” in the health industry, and is loved not so much for its taste as for its unsurpassed properties. Avocados contain vitamin E, protein, magnesium, B vitamins and unsaturated fats, which prevent the body from aging. Eating avocado facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients. Just make sure you buy ripe avocados, which are actually healthy. Try replacing one of your favorite dairy products with them - you will feel the difference. Avocado is a versatile product that can be used in any dish, from sweet to savory.

6. Coconut

It is a healthy and tasty source of fat, fiber and protein. Substances contained in coconut support the immune system and brain, which in turn significantly increases life expectancy. Coconut helps the body maintain adequate cholesterol levels, which are necessary for the production of certain types of hormones. This benefit makes coconut and other vegetable fats an excellent alternative to animal fats. Coconut also has anti-inflammatory properties, supports insulin levels, and contains more fiber than any grain.

7. Walnuts (and other nuts and seeds)

Nuts and seeds are some of the best foods for increasing your longevity because they reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. Walnuts, for example, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve brain and heart function, even reduce weight. Hemp seeds, flax, chia and pumpkin seeds are also excellent sources of omega-3. Almonds and cashews also contain magnesium and iron, speed up metabolism, help fight fatigue and reduce insulin levels. Just don’t forget that nuts are very high in calories, so eat no more than 1-3 servings (30-90g) of nuts per day.

8. Apples

Apples are definitely a long-living product. The English proverb says: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and this is not far from the truth: apples are among the top anti-cancer and heart-healthy foods. Green apples have less sugar than red apples, they improve immunity and even prevent cancer. At the same time, red apples have more antioxidants. Therefore, it is better to alternate apple varieties: Granny Smith, Opal, Fuji, Golden. Always add them to your shopping list.

Another way to increase your lifespan is to add beans and lentils (if you can tolerate them), as well as mushrooms, cabbage (including cauliflower) and olives. And don't forget about physical activity - let it be a 30-minute brisk walk, gentle yoga, or a walk in the park during your lunch break. Good sleep and a lack of stress also contribute to preventing disease and increasing life expectancy.