Cleanliness of school uniforms: basic care recommendations from specialists. How to wash a school backpack How to wash a school backpack

09/14/2017 0 3,267 views

All schoolchildren's things get dirty very quickly. To keep them clean, find out how to wash them school backpack V washing machine at home, and act correctly.

Can I wash my backpack in the washing machine?

Before you wash your backpack at home, find out what kind of washing is acceptable. To do this, read the label and special attention Pay attention to recommendations regarding care.

If there is a note that machine wash is prohibited, then use a different cleaning method. If this option is acceptable, proceed with the procedure.

As a rule, all models that have a simple design and are made of dense and practical materials such as polyester, canvas, and cotton can be machine washed. These are Vance backpacks and others.

How to properly carry out the procedure in the washing machine?

To wash a school backpack in a washing machine, you must follow important rules and follow the instructions:

  1. First, carefully study the instructions on the label regarding product care. If they are not there, find out what material the backpack is made of and take its characteristics into account when choosing a washing method.
  2. Check the briefcase and remove any items remaining inside. You also need to fasten the zippers and clasps. If there are any removable parts, it is advisable to remove them. Some models, such as the Beckman, have solid elements in the backrest, such as aluminum tires or frames, and must be removed first.
  3. If there are heavy dirt and obvious stains on the surface of the backpack, then it is advisable to remove them before a full wash. Half an hour before the procedure, treat problem areas with a specialized stain remover or laundry soap, vigorously scrub them with a brush, and then rinse. You can also clean the product from the inside, because stains from drinks, ink, and food may remain on this side. But do not use aggressive compounds that can damage the material or change color.
  4. If it is heavily soiled after prolonged and active use, you can soak the briefcase in warm water with added soap (it can be pre-rubbed, turning it into shavings) and baking soda. The average soaking time is from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  5. To avoid damage to the backpack during washing, it is better to place it in a special bag of suitable size. If it is small, the product may become deformed. If there is no bag, you can replace it with a regular pillowcase.
  6. Place the briefcase in the bag in the drum of the washing machine, turn on the appliance and select a gentle wash program, for example for delicate fabrics, wool or silk. The number of revolutions should be minimal (no more than 400), as should the temperature, the optimal value of which is 30 or a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius. Start the wash. You can additionally turn on the rinse function, but spinning is not recommended.
  7. When the cycle is complete, remove the item from the drum and remove it from the bag. Flatten it well, turn out the lining and pockets and put it to dry in a ventilated area. Do not leave the backpack in direct sunlight or near heaters to avoid fading and deformation.

To wash your backpack correctly, follow the recommendations:

  • If the label has not been preserved, then you can find information about the material and care on the brand’s official website. Well-known manufacturers, such as Herschel, describe in detail all catalog items.
  • For washing, you can use both powders and liquid or gel products. The former usually cost less, but small solid particles can get stuck in the fibers of the material, making it difficult to wash out and making rinsing more difficult. Gels have a more gentle effect and are easy to rinse.
  • If you need to use a stain remover, try it on small area products from the reverse side.
  • After finishing washing, do not keep the backpack in the drum, but remove it immediately, as dampness can cause mold to form.
  • Even if the label indicates that the briefcase can withstand high temperatures, it is advisable to stick to moderate values ​​so that the material does not deform and the color is preserved.
  • Before the procedure, evaluate the quality of the coloring: run a wet finger over the surface of the backpack. If there is any dye left on it, use the most gentle product and cool water, and do not wash the backpack with other things.
  • If an Adidas hiking or sports backpack or a model of another brand has bad smell, then pour talc or flour inside, leave for an hour, and then shake out. For prevention, you can put a thick fabric bag filled with soda or the same talcum powder in the product.

What items cannot be machine washed?

Wash in washing machine Not all backpacks are possible. This washing method is not suitable in the following cases:

  1. If the product has a solid frame made of wood, chipboard or plywood. After washing, the backrest may lose its shape due to exposure to water. If plastic, stainless steel or other water-resistant materials are used as the base, then washing is allowed, but hard parts may need to be removed.
  2. It is also undesirable to wash an orthopedic backpack, since it probably has a non-removable frame and significant dimensions. The product may simply not fit into the drum of the washing machine and either damage it or become deformed.
  3. You should not allow it to get wet if your hiking or tourist backpack has water-repellent impregnation or other special protective coating. After washing with powder, the composition may be completely washed off, and then the product will lose its original characteristics.
  4. A leather briefcase cannot be washed: its surface should be wiped with a damp cloth. You can use a soap solution to remove dirt. Eco-leather will not withstand machine washing either.
  5. If the manufacturer does not recommend machine washing, then you should not risk violating such instructions.

We wash by hand

A backpack that is not machine washable can be washed more gently by hand. It is carried out like this:

  • Prepare a container that is sufficient in volume and matches the dimensions of the backpack. Fill it with water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.
  • Dissolve a detergent in water: powder, gel or soap.
  • It is better to remove stubborn stains before washing using. Apply it to problem areas, scrub them with a brush, then rinse with water.
  • Immerse the product in the container until it is completely submerged in water. If heavily soiled, soak the briefcase for about an hour.
  • Start cleaning: thoroughly scrub the surface of the backpack with a brush with fairly hard bristles.
  • If you are happy with the result, proceed to rinsing in clean, cool or slightly warm water.
  • Shake off the briefcase, but do not try to wring it out by twisting it, as this may cause deformation.
  • Dry the backpack in a vertical or horizontal position on the balcony or in a room with open windows.

Video: how to wash a school backpack?

School uniforms are designed to make children look beautiful and smart at school. But, children are children, and very often the uniform turns out to be dirty after just a few days at school. Therefore, it has to be washed very often. If not properly cared for, pellets may appear on items, the fabric loses its original appearance and becomes pale. Getting your uniform in order sometimes requires a lot of time and effort. In order for your uniform to always remain beautiful, you need to follow a few simple rules in caring for it.

  • You need to wear your uniform very carefully and try to avoid heavy contamination. Of course, it can be difficult to explain this to a child, especially one of primary school age, but you need to try to do it.
  • After school, the child should immediately change into home clothes. Also, when going for a walk, you need to change into different clothes.
  • After the child has taken off his school uniform, it is necessary to immediately inspect it. If there is contamination, it is better not to put it off until later, but to wash the uniform on the same day. This is very important, since fresh stains can be much easier to remove than old ones.
  • You should only store the uniform on hangers to prevent it from getting wrinkled. It is advisable that each item of clothing hangs on a separate special hanger.


How to properly wash a school uniform? Even with the most careful wear, no one is immune from stains. When washing school uniform some points need to be taken into account.

  1. Before washing the product, you need to read the label, which indicates at what mode and temperature it should be washed.
  2. Before washing, you need to remove all items from your pockets, fasten buttons or zippers, and turn items inside out.
  3. Trousers, skirts and sundresses for school are usually made from a combination of woolen fabric, so when washing them in a washing machine, you need to select a mode for this type of fabric.
  4. It is advisable to wash the uniform at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
  5. White cotton shirts, blouses and turtlenecks should be washed separately from other clothes at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.
  6. If hard-to-remove stains appear on white items, you should use mild bleach.
  7. To remove stains from trousers, skirts, sundresses or jackets, you need to treat the stain with soap before washing.
  8. If this does not help, you need to use a special stain remover. Before use, it is advisable to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  9. It is better to wash your school jacket by hand.
  10. If stains cannot be removed with a mild stain remover, it is better not to use too strong products, as they may damage the fabric. In this case, in order to return the items to their original appearance, it is recommended to take the item to the dry cleaner.

How to iron correctly

In order to give the perfect shape after washing appearance, you need to pet her. You need to select a mode for ironing wool fabric. It is better to iron the form when slightly damp. It is better to iron out creases on trousers and folds on a skirt using a damp cloth. A school jacket, as a rule, does not require ironing if it is dried on a hanger. If, nevertheless, this is necessary, then it is better to iron the jacket from the wrong side.

By following these simple rules for caring for your school uniform, you can maintain its attractive appearance for a long time. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to save money on buying a new school uniform to replace a damaged one, and your child will always look neat and smart during school hours.

The issue of washing a backpack is related to the material from which each specific product is made, and has many nuances. It is important to understand how to wash a backpack correctly, because an inappropriate mode on the washing machine or low-quality powder used in washing can irreversibly damage the fabric.

Is it possible to wash a backpack in the washing machine found in every home? Yes, quite. An ordinary school backpack, made from materials without special impregnations, tolerates automatic washing well.

How to wash a backpack in a washing machine? To do this, the most contaminated areas are treated with a stain remover, after which the product is soaked in a weak solution of vinegar and baking soda for one and a half to two hours. This procedure will rid the backpack of excess odors generated during its use. After soaking, the item is placed in a special laundry bag or an ordinary unnecessary pillowcase to protect the straps, zippers and valves of the backpack from damage during the washing process, and loaded into the washing machine.

Automatic in the car

When choosing a washing mode in a washing machine, you should set the following values:

  • delicate mode;
  • minimum number of revolutions during spinning;
  • low washing temperature (preferably 30 degrees).

The delicate mode will allow you to wash the backpack in the washing machine and will maintain the normal condition of the fabric and prevent color loss.

After washing is complete, remove the backpack from the pillowcase, turn out all the pockets, straighten it and hang it until completely dry.


What to do if your backpack cannot be washed automatically? Usually information about this is indicated on the label.

Most of these products intended for tourists are made of fabric using special water-repellent impregnations. It is prohibited to wash such backpacks in a washing machine, so as not to wash out such impregnation and not to spoil the fabric itself.

In addition, washing in a machine poses the following risks:

  • The fabric of the backpack is severely destroyed under the influence of the chemical components of any washing powder; after the first wash, the water-repellent properties of the fabric are noticeably reduced.
  • The material of a travel backpack is usually quite dense and difficult to rinse after using washing powder.
  • Aggressive components of the detergent, which may remain after washing, come into contact with a person’s skin while wearing a backpack, thereby causing rashes and irritation on the skin.
  • The heavy loads experienced by the fabric during machine washing eventually lead to the formation of holes in the backpack, which are very difficult to sew up yourself.


If machine washing is not possible, you should periodically hand wash and clean the backpack. Can I wash my backpack by hand? Yes, for this purpose the backpack is “disassembled” into its component parts, all detachable parts of the backpack are disconnected. Afterwards, warm water is poured into a regular basin and a soap solution is added. The backpack is soaked in a basin, pre-treated with a brush and soap.

After washing, the backpack is straightened and hung out to dry completely.

How often should you wash your backpack? The frequency of washing your backpack depends on the degree of soiling. You shouldn’t wait too long so that you don’t have to “fight” with old dirt and stains when washing. However, you should not wash your backpack too often, so as not to wear out its fabric.

What could be better than a backpack? This method of carrying things is very convenient, creates minimal stress on the muscles of the body, and is a roomy and quite attractive product. Its only drawback is for those who love classic style in clothes - sportiness. However, modern fashion trends allow you to combine previously seemingly incompatible items. And therefore, backpacks are becoming very popular not only among young people, but also among adults. As a result, many are interested in whether backpacks can be washed in a washing machine, whether hand washing is necessary, and so on. Let's try to understand such questions and give clear answers. We will use video as a visual aid.


Despite the apparent durability and reliability of the materials from which backpacks are usually made, they are actually very easy to damage if you choose the wrong washing mode. Therefore, every little detail like this (as it sometimes seems) should be given due attention in order to prevent irretrievable loss of the product. We continue to figure out how to wash a backpack in a washing machine.

Automatic procedure

Let's figure out whether you can wash your school backpack in the washing machine or not. Actually, then we will get an answer regarding all other types of these products: tourist, mountaineering and others.

So, you need to act like this:

  1. If the material does not contain special impregnations, then very strong stains should be treated using a stain remover. Do not use chlorine-containing products.
  2. The backpack is soaked in a pre-prepared vinegar solution, to which a small amount of soda is added. The product should remain in this mixture for about 1.5 hours. Exposure to the solution will remove unpleasant odors that could have accumulated in the fabric.
  3. Next, the product needs to be packed in a special case, first check whether all pockets and compartments are zipped.
  4. We load the backpack into the drum of the automatic washing machine and set the delicate washing program. The temperature should be at a minimum. Even if the material can withstand more severe conditions, it should not be tested, as this will negatively affect the durability of its operation.
  5. For washing, experts recommend using gel powders. They have excellent qualities and are able to effectively remove contaminants even at low water temperatures. If using traditional washing powder, it must be added in minimal quantities. It is also advisable to use an additional rinse.
  6. When the wash is finished, the backpack should be immediately removed from the washing machine. Drying is best done in the fresh air, but without direct sunlight. It is necessary to ensure that moisture is completely eliminated.

We looked at how to wash a school backpack in the washing machine. If you were unable to wash the item properly the first time, you can try again. Only in this case is it recommended to pre-soak with stain remover for 2 hours.

If washing is contraindicated

Sometimes the manufacturer prohibits washing an item. For example, tourist products must be cleaned manually. They are made from a special fabric that can lose its quality if not properly cared for. It is prohibited to use an automatic washing machine for several reasons:

  • powder formulations can destroy tissue;

  • the aggressiveness of machine washing affects the water-repellent qualities of backpacks;
  • some types of materials do not allow them to be rinsed well when using a washing machine, which can subsequently cause allergic rashes on the skin;
  • due to mechanical loads, the seams of products can stretch, which quickly leads to wear and tear of backpacks;
  • Many models are equipped with additional decorative and other elements, washing with which is contraindicated.


So, we figured out how to wash a backpack in an automatic washing machine, what you need for this, what recommendations to follow. If you do everything correctly, school, tourist, and other types of backpacks, for example from Wenger, will serve you faithfully for many years, maintaining its properties and external qualities. Proper care will provide you with a reliable companion that will not only help you carry heavy or personal items, but will also be a permanent, up-to-date accessory to your personal wardrobe.