Alphabet for kids printable letters. ABC coloring book in pictures to print, coloring letters of the Russian alphabet for children in pictures. Bright, colored cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Dear parents!

Are you thinking about starting to learn the alphabet with your baby? Congratulations! You are on the right track! You can print the letters of the Russian alphabet in A4 format directly from this page!

The material contains 33 letters of the Russian alphabet. And not just letters, but association letters. Each inhabitant of the alphabet is depicted as an object, which gives the baby a clear idea of ​​its meaning.

Pedestrian Bridge A pedestrian bridge is the fixed bottom edge of the design object and thus outside the installed mirror. Footnotes Comments, sources, or additional explanations for textual or graphical motifs are added to the bottom border of a font size smaller than the flow text. A footnote is indicated as a text passage with an asterisk in parentheses or a number.

If the text contains a lot of footnotes, one works smartly with numbers that rise in the text before the footnote is set, once the normal height values ​​are set. Footer A footer is a separate line at the bottom of a text page that can contain the page number and other information.

How to learn the alphabet

First of all, decide on the age at which you plan to start training. Experts recommend doing this no earlier than 3 years, because it is then that children have a very developed curiosity and an increased ability to remember. Remember a few rules for creating speech lessons.

  • Plan lessons from simple to complex: first the most popular letters (a, o, e), at the end less popular in the baby’s speech (ш, р, ь and ъ sign).
  • Show your child no more than three letters a day. Reinforce lessons with graphic materials.
  • Start each new lesson by repeating what you have learned. Be sure to do an associative series, sing a song about a letter or tell a story.

Have fun learning!

Gamma Value Gamma value describes the weighting of the tonal values ​​of an image relative to highlights, shadows, or midtones. A full page screen is called a screen that shows the full page format undefined. Dual-sided screens show full duplex printing.

A thought dash is roughly equal to half a semi-square and is used to emphasize a transition more clearly than a comma. Blocked Significantly enlarged character letters are called blocked and can attract attention during design and have an interesting effect.

The Russian language is one of the most vibrant, interesting and rich languages ​​in the world. Millions of the best works are written on it - stories, fairy tales, poems. The language is rich and will not be repeated. Like everything fundamental, the Russian language has its own basis - the alphabet.

The birth of the Russian alphabet

Work on the creation of the alphabet began in 860 by order of the ruler of Byzantium, Michael III. He commissioned two brothers from the Greek city of Thessaloniki: Cyril and Methodius, to form a written Slavic language. Later, the Cyrillic alphabet was formed from the Greek version of the alphabet by Bulgarian monks.

Transformations of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet

Raster Design Raster design is for the simple design of multiple pages that must have the same basic layout. By dividing the existing format using horizontal and vertical lines, cells are created that are evenly distributed across printable and non-printable areas across multiple pages. This creates a consistent layout.

Font sizes - top, middle and bottom. The size between the top and bottom length to width translates into a square. Symbol A symbol is a letter containing a set of symbols in several forms. This is useful in Arabic space, for example, because it changes the shape of a character as a function of the position it occupies in the word.

The formation of the Russian alphabet is directly related to the adoption of Christianity in Europe. Slavic writing began to spread from Bulgaria after Tsar Boris adopted Christianity in 860. It was in Bulgaria that the first written Slavic school was founded. In it, ancient writings - chronicles - were translated into Slavic. Further, the Old Church Slavonic language appeared in Serbia and Kievan Rus. It was the fact that Old Church Slavonic became the recognized language of the official Russian Church that influenced the fact that over time it replaced Old Russian. At the same time, it retained stable expressions and the folk tone of the speech of the Slavs.

Golden Section This is a way to divide the empty format ideally into mirrors and sentence mirrors. The degree is also called "font size", which is another word for "font size". Gradation Curve Gradation curve shows the relationship between the amount of light and the blackening produced. A straight line at an angle of 45 degrees shows in the histogram that the input and output values ​​remain unchanged. By manipulating the curve, the range of image density is not changed, but only the distribution of density levels - the existing values ​​of the input image are adjusted to the desired output values.

Transformations of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet

Since the Russian alphabet was based on the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet, which spread after the Christianization of Rus', it initially had 43 letters.

Over time, 14 letters were deleted and 4 letters were added. This is due to the transformation of speech - sounds indicating unused letters have disappeared from it. First of all, the following were missing: iotized usas, large usas.

Gray Wedge The Gray Wedge shows standardized gray values ​​in a fixed graduated ratio. It can be scanned to check color and contrast, and it can be displayed or printed on a monitor. The gripper pulls the paper into the printing machine. Therefore, a piece of paper requires what is called a “grip edge” on one edge.

This includes fonts that do not have approaches at the beginning and end of letters. Horizontal lines are drawn from a starting point, at a freely definable but fixed step width. Bulleted paragraphs can be assigned to a base grid. Line spacing is adapted to the base raster.

Under Patriarch His Holiness Nikon in the second half of the seventeenth century, a widespread census of books took place. This period is considered the time of reforms of Russian spelling. The serial numbers of the letters were recorded. But even at that time the alphabet was different from the modern one. Later, already under the reign of Peter I, superscript characters and some duplicate letters denoting numbers were excluded. At that time, Arabic numerals had already been introduced and the extra characters became irrelevant.

Primary Font The primary font is the font used by the installed product, regardless of whether different awards are used. Gutenberg is considered the inventor of movable letter writing. Hanging indentation. When indentation is applied, the first line of a paragraph is given less space in the left margin than the text line that follows. So the first line starts earlier and is therefore longer. Visual indentation is used to optically structure text.

Halftone Images Halftone images have continuous, uninterrupted color transitions because all colors must be present and not mixed as they would be when reproduced with existing printing inks. Main title The main title is the main title of the document.

Back in 1917, the Russian alphabet had 35 letters. But as a result of the writing reform carried out in 1918, 33 letters remained in the Russian alphabet.

Structure of the Russian alphabet

Each word consists of minimal parts - sounds. They, like atoms in molecules, form the shell of a word. Each word and its form has a different sound design. What matters is the combination of letters in a word and the placement of stress.

How to start learning letters with your child

House correction compares the manuscript with the given text. The header contains information such as start and end, creation date, or file length. For a processor, the header is especially important for programs because it contains information that clearly identifies it in memory. So the processor needs to know exactly how extensive the space reservation software is accordingly.

Payment system hexadecimal numbers are used to display numbers. Help lines Help lines are useful when placing objects in graphics programs that cannot be optimally placed due to their asymmetrical, auto-aligned shape. Objects can be "magnetically" locked into freely movable guide lines.

In order to correctly distinguish the sound of a letter in a particular word, transcription is used. Transcription is a generally accepted graphical form that displays the sound of a word. Transcription shows:

  • Syllables in a word.
  • Which syllable is stressed in the word? Stress is indicated when a word consists of two or more syllables.
  • Softness of consonants.

The letters of the alphabet are divided into several groups. The largest division of sounds is into vowels and consonants.

Hints. Readable font quality was good at the start of desktop publishing a decade ago, both on screen and on the printer is still an issue. Relatively low resolution devices should present contours written at high resolution. Simple mathematical rounding when adapted to the device's representation leads to disturbing effects. The white areas appear uneven, the thickness of the shaft is lost, and worst case holes are formed. In addition to describing the contour, they store additional information, so-called hints.

There are only six letters that are stressed vowels. When pronounced, the sound does not encounter any obstacles when passing through the oral cavity. When playing sounds, the ligaments of the larynx work - if you put your hand to your throat, you can feel the movement of the ligaments. If a person can freely shout or sing a letter, most likely it is a vowel sound. It is vowels that are the basis of syllables. The stressed syllable sounds most distinctly in a word. Unstressed syllables may be pronounced differently. That is why when writing words it is necessary to select test words.

The birth of the Russian alphabet

Due to the constant increase in printer resolution in recent years, the problem of raster problems in paper output is moving into the background. However, on screen, the problem is now also particularly related to the increase in the proliferation of online services, which leads to an increase in screen exposure. Histogram. In a histogram, the histogram represents the distribution of density values ​​or the color intensity of an image. Each bar represents one of 256 possible tonal values. The higher the tonal value bar, the more often an image pixel with that tonal value is present.