Meaning of torch tattoo. What does a torch tattoo mean? What does tattooing a torch in barbed wire mean?

Today we suggest you understand the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a torch. That's what they call it special kind a lamp that can provide intense light for a long time. In this case, the light will not go out outdoors and even with bad weather. Our ancestors used various types of resin, as well as wax and other substances, which were sometimes the most common coating for a torch frame.

Once upon a time, our ancestors used torches for signaling on ships. In those distant times, they were as important as weapons. A significant role was assigned to them in various religious vessels that are associated with the cult of fire and the sun. This is where the use of torches came from during various celebrations.

During the Eleusinian holidays, the Greeks guarded their own fields with torches in their hands. Thus, with the help of fire they could protect their fields from evil. But in Greek cities such rituals were of a religious nature. They loved to use torches in various ceremonies in Athens, where they held torch races. The winner was considered the one who managed to run with an unextinguished torch in his hands.

It’s interesting that people have been doing torch tattoos for a long time. Most often, such body designs were chosen by those who were in prison. Also, such a body design was often made as a talisman or as a hooligan tattoo. At the same time, everyone put their own special meaning into such a tattoo.

What does a torch tattoo mean?

Beautiful body art depicting a torch is often made by both men and women. Representatives of the fair sex often choose colorful tattoos in the old school style. Men prefer graphics-style body images. Such tattoos always look impressive and unusual.

Such a tattoo with a torch design will mean an eternally burning fire, freedom and independence from other people’s opinions.

Meaning for men

Tattoos in the form of a torch are often chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. A beautiful body image of a man is made on different parts bodies. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex choose a black and white body pattern. A torch tattoo for men means:

  • love of freedom
  • independence
  • strong purposeful character
  • sincerity
  • desire to start a family
  • Love
  • militancy

A tattoo in the form of a torch on a strong male body can tell about the strong purposeful character of its owner.

In addition, such a body image sometimes means a desire to start a family and find love. A man with such a tattoo probably has a special inner world.
A similar body pattern on a male body can tell about the independent and at the same time spiritual character of its owner.

Meaning for women

Often, representatives of the fair sex choose stylish tattoos with the image of a torch. Most often, women prefer colored tattoos in the old school style. Women make such body drawings not only because of their beauty, but also because of their special symbolism.

Spectacular tattoos with the image of a torch for a woman mean:

  • desire to start a family and find love
  • freedom-loving character
  • independence from other people's opinions
  • sincerity

It’s not for nothing that a woman is called “the keeper of the hearth” and the house is compared to fire, something warm and soulful. That is why a tattoo with a torch on a woman’s body will mean the owner’s sincerity, as well as the desire to create a strong family and find love.

A lady with such a tattoo probably has a freedom-loving character and does not depend on other people's opinions.

Which image should you choose for a torch tattoo?

There are many various options body drawings depicting a beautiful torch. Before going to a tattoo parlor, it is important to decide on the desired body image.

As in any other place, a person in prison is looking for a way of self-expression and self-affirmation. Tattoo is one of the attributes of the life of prisoners. It shows the status of a person in the zone, as well as the degree of hierarchy of the prisoner in the world of thieves.

In this article overview of the meanings of some tattoos.

Skull and crown are symbols of criminals seeking power;

crown on the back - humiliation,

tiger or other predator - intransigence;

snake - the highest degree in the hierarchy of the criminal world;

dagger, knife, sword, ax - revenge, threat, cruelty;

the key is keeping secrets;

executioner - honor the law of thieves;

Madonna - alienation;

torch - friendship;

stars - disobedience.

Text tattoos- these are usually assurances of love, spells, threats, complaints about fate, aphorisms.

Examples: “If you don’t know grief, love me!”, “Onius-tali (walk under escort)” (on your feet), “Born for torment, I don’t need happiness.” “Let them hate, as long as they are afraid,” etc.

You can often find individual letters abbreviation tattoos, carrying a certain meaning:

ELEPHANT - death to a cop from a knife, or: from an early age there are only misfortunes.

CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison (it’s difficult for one).

B LITS - take care of love and value freedom. However, NINA was not and will not be an activist. This means BREAD - I will keep my only love. Perhaps YACHT - I want you.

SOS - save me from court (I'm saving myself from bitches). In addition, Letter tattoos can be applied to two people at the same time so that the entire word or abbreviation is added when they meet. It seemed that, say, one was pricked with the letters “BR”, the second – “AT”, and when they shook hands one could read the word “BROTHER”.

Tattoo designs can also be of the following themes:

Head of Jesus Christ on the cross and Bible. Of course, underneath them is the word “Freedom,” like a bonfire with tongues of flame. However, the meaning of the tattoo is that freedom and faith burned out. In any case, it is applied to the chest and shoulder.

Skull and crossbones. Perhaps tattooed on the shoulder and forearm, as a rule, are cruel, aggressive people.

The criminal code pierced with a dagger is an anarchist tattoo. Finally, Apply primarily to the forearm.

“Slave of the CPSU”, “Slave of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” and the like express disagreement with the slave status, bullying and regime in the correctional institutions. It seems to be tattooed on the forehead, eyelids and hands. I hope such tattoos were once cut out in the camps along with the skin, the skin was pulled together and stitched. Thus, if the tattoo was on the forehead, the hair on the head was pulled down and the forehead became narrow.

A burning cross wrapped in barbed wire. So, below there may be an inscription: “Believe in God, not in communism.” By the way, it is applied to the chest.

The head of a demon with a dagger stuck in its neck. Perhaps this is an anti-Semitic tattoo, applied to any part of the body.

A window with prison bars and a prisoner behind it. There is probably an inscription on the tape: “Whoever has not been deprived of freedom does not know its value.” They say it is applied to the stomach.

A five-pointed star and the inscription: "Death to garbage." In the end, Comments are unnecessary here. In general, they tattoo on the chest, shoulder, lower leg.

A girl with a sword in her hand, hearts strung on the sword. But here is the image of a heartbreaker. This means that Drops of Blood is the number of hobbies. Obviously a youth tattoo.

A running horse represents freedom, tattooed by recidivist thieves.

A woman on a globe with cabalistic signs. Finally, believers in the mysterious destiny and fate are getting tattooed.

Lion, axe, sword, shield, book, laurel branch. And now this tattoo is chosen by those who respect the power of eila and reason.

Cowboy with a girl on a horse. It may very well be that for the convicts this is a symbol of good luck. In particular, tattoos are preferred by minor thieves.

Muse with a harp. It seems that Tattoo is associated with maintaining secrecy, mystery, and secrecy.

Flying Demon. Namely, it should be understood as follows: “My idol is an evil demon.

Four knights and an inscription in Latin: “To live is to fight.” It turns out that the Tattoo symbolizes courage and loyalty.

Portrait of Napoleon. But on the other hand, this is a tattoo of “authority” in the criminal world.

A girl with a torch in her hand riding a cannon. In truth, the tattoo of a criminal who has been serving prison terms since his youth.

Girl by the horse. A youth tattoo by which initiates recognize “deniers”—those who refuse to work in the ITK.

A woman with an apple in her hand, entwined with a snake. The owner of the tattoo informs that he has been sophisticated from a young age.

Among the tattoos of the criminal world, you can find many symbols borrowed from foreign sailors, in whose homeland they can be deciphered differently. For example, in Mexico the winged serpent is considered the patron of knowledge, and the butterfly is a memory of the dead who have flown to heaven. A snake swallowing its tail is the oldest symbol of the sun among many peoples of Africa, and the scarab beetle is a symbol of the sun in Egypt. In Yugoslavia, the deer is a symbol of justice. Let's give a few examples.

Scorpio and flower are a symbol of love, sweetness, long married life; “Beware - I am your enemy” is the Indian interpretation of this symbol.

A closed circle of a winged snake, in its center there is a six-pointed star - caste, eternity, continuity (Israel).

The griffin is a symbol of keeping secrets in Iran.

A snake entwined around the neck of one or more people is the personification of evil (oriental tattoo).

Skeletons dancing with a guitar - contempt for death (Mexico).

A child is life force, procreation (oriental tattoo).

A turtle with a crown is a symbol of longevity and tranquility (Korea).

Carp is a harbinger of good luck, purity of soul (Korea).

Snake with a lion's head - agility, strength, luck (South America).

The head of a woman with an amulet is a symbol of revenge (Spain).

Shaking hands in a wreath of flowers, in the center the Latin inscription “Union” - an ancient tattoo of thieves of Southern France.

The Latin letters “T” and “L” are a symbol of thieves (Germany).

Tattoos among women who find themselves in places not so remote are less popular than among men, and in terms of variety and content they are much poorer.

Text tattoos, as a rule, for women in prison testify to their love and family: “I will remember you all my life,” “I will not forget my dear Vasya,” “Mom, sleep and wait for me,” etc. They are accompanied by edifying inscriptions character like “Don’t trust men.” There are also other inscriptions, the content of which relates directly to the tattooed woman. These are sad confessions of mistakes made in life, complaints about one’s unlucky star, and often use obscene words, expressions or abbreviations.

It has been noticed that women more often get tattoos on closed areas of the body. The motives that guide women who get a tattoo are somewhat different from men’s. These are love experiences and attachments, the desire to forever imprint in the memory of a person or event (divorce, abortion, loss of innocence, first love). Lesbians may have their partner's names tattooed on them.

Younger women in the ITK are more often not satisfied with applying a primitive design, but decorate their bodies with complex compositions, requiring a high level of performance from the tattoo artist. There may be tattoos about the nature of their criminal activities and lifestyle, their place in the criminal world.

Tattoos are made by women who are strong by nature, strong-willed, and also sentimental.

Women prefer to get a tattoo in the lower abdomen, on the lower back, under the knee, on the temple and chest.

Let's look at some typical women's tattoos.

A heart pierced by an arrow, drops of blood and a vignette. Tattoo in memory of first love.

A skull entwined with a snake and crowned with a heart in the skeleton of the arms. The tattoo suggests that the mother-in-law ruined love or sent her to prison.

Swan with a crown on its head. Pain about what was lost: was innocent or free. There may be a corresponding date underneath the tattoo.

Handshake, flower, bell, initials. The tattoo sums it up: I served time with my friend from call to call.

Swallow with an envelope in its beak. This is a symbol of amnesty, a reduction in the term of imprisonment.

Angels represent hope. A falling angel is a collapse of hope.

Kissing doves. This is a symbol of love.

Apple of temptation. A tattoo in memory of the loss of innocence, the first try of drugs or alcohol. Accompanied by date.

Man and woman kissing. Tattoo in memory of a loved one.

Baby's head. A tattoo in memory of an abandoned child or a forced abortion.

Girl on a stork. Single mother tattoo.

A woman entwined with wire against the background of a cross. The owner of the tattoo considers herself innocently convicted. Thief symbol.

Devil swinging on a chain, horseshoe. The tattoo reads like this: there was happiness, but the devil took it away.

Head of a woman, dagger, shackles, inscription “Rus”. The tattoo means that its owner served a sentence in a foreign land.

A woman wrapped in barbed wire against the backdrop of the sun and a sailboat. The tattoo expresses hope for a bright future (water - purification, sun - father).

A woman mourning at the tomb. Tattoo in memory of relatives who died in custody.

A girl with two revolvers in her hands. Tattoo of a female “denier” (refusing to work and follow the regime).

Woman's head, bowl, syringe, cobweb. Drug addict tattoo.

Head of the Gorgon Medusa, sword, burning torch. The tattoo says: “I will take revenge for evil.”

Dove on the palm, grille and sun. This tattoo is given to those convicted as minors.

A burning candle, a ribbon and cards of the suits of clubs and spades.

Candle. This is a symbol of thieves' luck. If the candle burns, she served her sentence. The ace of clubs is prison, the ace of spades is hope. The head of a witch with the body of a snake wrapped around a woman's head. A tattoo symbolizing evil fate.

A woman in monastic clothes holding a child. The tattoo expresses the desire for freedom and reminds of the mother.

Shackled hands reach out to a poppy flower. Passive lesbian tattoo. Apply on the thigh.

A woman’s head framed by a horseshoe, the inscription in Georgian: “You are my sun.” The tattoo expresses faith in future happiness and hope for parole.

Indian head. The tattoo symbolizes violated rights.

A rose wrapped in barbed wire. Tattoo of a convict who celebrated her 18th birthday in prison. (A rose with thorns on the hip is a symbol of a passive lesbian).

Tulip. Similar tattoo—turned 16 years old in prison.

A woman flying in the form of an angel. Thieves tattoo.

A dagger entwined with a snake. A tattoo means that its owner has begun to steal or rob.

A bell wrapped in wire. The defendant reports that she served her sentence from start to finish.

Crucifixion. Thieves tattoo. The cross in it symbolizes prison.

Bug. Tattoo about place in the criminal hierarchy; means that its bearer is familiar with thieves’ traditions and laws.

Heart entwined with a snake. A symbol of unhappy love, love without reciprocity. Lesbian tattoo is done on the front of the thigh.

Seagulls, sun, sea. A tattoo that states the owner's intention to die free.

The devil with a daisy in his hands. A symbol of life for good luck, agreement with any outcome.

Treble clef. A symbol of the former cheerful life.

Church. For women, like men, this symbol signifies the desire for leadership. It is inflicted by those convicted of theft and robbery who are aggressive towards the court, the prosecutor's office, police officers and the administration of places of detention.

Cat. Symbol of a member of a group of thieves.

Mermaid is a symbol of good luck.

Woman with a guitar. Lesbian tattoo. Apply to the front of the thigh.

Cross on the grave, the grave is shaded. The tattoo means that revenge has been taken.

Eye in a triangle. A tattoo of active lesbians, applied to the buttock, can be on the arm without a triangle.

Woman with child. The tattoo expresses longing for home and family.

A heart pierced by an arrow and a dagger. Tattoo of a woman who is ready to do anything for love.

Lattice, bottle, glass, cards. This symbol indicates the choice of a criminal lifestyle.

Tiger head. The symbol of "denied".

Butterfly is a symbol of eternity. Tattooed on the lower abdomen.

Head of Satan. A tattoo applied to the thigh means that its owner has fraternized with vice.

Nude woman. Tattoo of active lesbians.

The cross is a symbol of a thief.

Lily flower. Tattoo of passive lesbians, applied to the shoulder.

A woman's head with a suit of clubs on her chest is a symbol of thieves.

Today we offer understand the meaning of a torch tattoo. This is the name given to a special type of lamp that can provide intense light for a long time. At the same time, the light will not go out in the open air and even in bad weather. Our ancestors used various types of resin, as well as wax and other substances, which were sometimes the most common coating for a torch frame.

Here you can find out about the meaning of the torch tattoo, learn facts about the meaning and history of the drawing, view popular tattoo options. For those who select the basis for a unique sketch and create an exclusive drawing, we suggest, as an addition, to view the following sections of the catalog:

History of the torch tattoo

Once upon a time, our ancestors used torches for signaling on ships. In those distant times, they were as important as weapons. They played a significant role in various religious vessels, which associated with the cult of fire and sun. This is where the use of torches came from during various celebrations.

Greeks during the Eleusinian festivals guarded their own fields with torches in their hands. Thus, with the help of fire they could protect their fields from evil. But in Greek cities such rituals were of a religious nature. They loved to use torches in various ceremonies in Athens, where they held torch races. The winner was considered the one who managed to run with an unextinguished torch in his hands.

I wonder what tattoo people have been making it in the form of a torch for a long time. Most often, such body designs were chosen by those who were in prison. Also, such a body design was often made as a talisman or as a hooligan tattoo. At the same time, everyone put their own special meaning into such a tattoo.

The meaning of a torch tattoo in a criminal environment:

  • cleansing from past sins;
  • desire to be freed from captivity;
  • hope for a better life.

The drawing was often supplemented with images of an olive branch, the rising sun and various inscriptions. Variants of tattoos of a torch clutched in a hand, the wrist of which was shackled with a broken chain, were also common.


Times have changed, and today a torch tattoo is no longer associated with prison and anyone can get it. Such a tattoo assumes the presence of a large, bright color pattern, always with a burning fire of red, orange or blue. Anyone will recommend just such a sketch, because if you choose a small drawing, the colors may “float” over time. Nowadays, torch images are made in different styles, complementing it with roses, skulls, arrows and bright ornaments.

Meaning of Torch Tattoo

In general, the Torch tattoo is pure men's tattoo. Each man has his own priority, puts his own meaning and meaning into the tattoo. For some, a burning torch - symbol of freedom, greatness and eternity, for others - masculinity, constancy and independence, for others - a symbol of spirituality, God, rationality. For some, this is fiery passion, mutual love and even fidelity, marriage, family, children.

There is currently a large assortment of color images of the torch, a great variety of them, of various sizes and types. Usually the torch is depicted as a separate picture, but it may be a fragment of a large textured pattern or emblem on the human body.

People who decorate their body with a torch tattoo strive for camaraderie, freedom and independence, knowledge, hope and faith. They are distinguished by fortitude and unyielding firmness in their choice, because a torch, which means a burning fire, is one of the four elements, dangerous and destructive, which brings both benefit and harm. Therefore, owners of such tattoos are always vigilant and careful; when handling them they must be careful and always be on the alert.

Torch tattoo designation for men

A man who has a tattoo of a burning torch on his body is usually very independent, serious and unyielding, distinguished by strength of character, attentiveness and sensitivity to loved ones. You need to be very careful in your statements when communicating with such a person.

Most often, representatives of the stronger sex choose a black and white body pattern. Torch Tattoo for men means:

  • love of freedom;
  • independence;
  • strong purposeful character;
  • sincerity;
  • desire to start a family;
  • Love;
  • militancy.

A tattoo in the form of a torch on a strong male body can tell about the strong purposeful character of its owner.

In addition, such a body image sometimes means desire to start a family and find love. A man with such a tattoo probably has a special inner world.
A similar body pattern on a male body can tell about the independent and at the same time spiritual character of its owner.

Also suitable for men

Meaning for girls

Often, representatives of the fair sex choose stylish tattoos with the image of a torch. Most often women prefer colored tattoos in the old school style. Women make such body drawings not only because of their beauty, but also because of their special symbolism.

Spectacular torch tattoos for a woman it means:

  • the desire to start a family and find love;
  • freedom-loving character;
  • independence from other people's opinions;
  • soulfulness.

No wonder they call a woman "homemaker" and compare the house to fire, something warm and soulful. That is why a tattoo with a torch on a woman’s body will mean the owner’s sincerity, as well as the desire to create a strong family and find love.

A lady with such a tattoo probably has a freedom-loving character and does not depend on other people's opinions.

On what part of the body should I get a Torch tattoo?

The flaming torch tattoo is most often applied forearm, shoulder, thigh or hand, very rarely - on the chest or back. Almost always this tattoo immediately catches the eye and attracts attention to the person who has it.

In what style to make a tattoo with a torch

There are many different options for body designs depicting a beautiful torch. Before going to a tattoo parlor, it is important to decide on the desired body image.

A tattoo depicting a torch in a old school style. This body design is distinguished by its colorfulness and visual convexity of the image.

Tattoos with the image of a torch in realism style. Such body designs are often made by representatives of the stronger sex.

In addition, you can make a stylish tattoo with a torch and other original elements. It can be flowers, an eye and much more.

A torch tattoo means life, fire, light, truth, common sense, freedom, male strength, greatness, infinity, fertility, courage, constancy, independence, spirituality, faith in God, rationality, fiery passion, mutual love, fidelity, marriage, family, children, extinguished - death.

Meaning of torch tattoo

Since ancient times, the torch has symbolized life itself, a flame in the darkness, justice, reason and freedom. In ancient times, a torch eloquently symbolized male strength and fertility, and when extinguished meant death. For this reason, at the stage of choosing a tattoo, a person must understand that in the drawing the torch must be depicted as burning.

In addition, when studying the meaning of a tattoo with an image of a torch, it is worth remembering that the history of its appearance goes back to places of imprisonment, and therefore this tattoo is often found on the bodies of many convicts.

In general, a torch on a person’s body is a truly masculine tattoo. Moreover, each representative of the stronger sex, depending on his character, life goals and principles, puts his own meaning into this image. Some people take a burning torch as a symbol of freedom, superiority and eternity, others consider it a sign of courage, stability and independence, and still others consider it a sign of spirituality, God and reason. Some people see in the torch fiery passion, mutual love, devotion, marriage and family.

A man with a body image of a burning torch wants to emphasize his independence, determination, seriousness and inflexibility of character, attention and care for the people he cares about. When communicating with such a person, you should be careful in your statements and judgments.

IN modern world The meaning of a tattoo with the image of a torch is gradually losing its criminal symbolism, as many variations of tattoos on this theme appear. Of course, today in places of deprivation of liberty they continue to apply the design of a torch, but, as a rule, such a tattoo is monochrome and monotonous. IN in this case The details of the composition become important.

Former prisoners stuff a torch onto their bodies to commemorate the time they have served, and often its base is wrapped in barbed wire, the number of knots on which indicates the number of years spent behind bars, and the number of needles indicates the number of times they have been in prison. Also, a tattoo with a torch may indicate that the crime was committed with a careless form of guilt. If the torch is held in the hand, then the drawing means friendship in the place of detention.

There are a great many tattoos with a colored image of a torch; they come in various sizes, types and compositions. As a rule, a torch is an independent tattoo, but it happens that it serves as the central link of a large image on the human body. In this case, the meaning of the tattoo consists of the individual meanings of each element.

The image of a burning torch is usually applied to the forearm, shoulder, hand, and thigh. Less often - on the back or chest. A tattoo with a torch almost always attracts the attention of others.

Despite the fact that a torch tattoo is classified as a masculine tattoo, sometimes it can also be found on a woman’s body. In this case, the drawing will express the desire for superiority and equality with men.

Many tattoos of Russian criminals are, to one degree or another, related to religious objects. Although the biblical commandments prohibit killing and taking the property of others, people who violate them every day hope for the mercy of God. They carve images of saints, angels, and candles on their bodies. That's what we'll talk about.
It must be said that a candle, as one of the elements of a thieves’ tattoo, began to be used by Russian criminals more than a century ago. A tattoo of one of the old imprisoned swindlers has been preserved, depicting a convict with a half-shaved head and a candle in his hands against the background of a cross. Initially, this design adorned the body of the grandfather of its current owner. They said that he was exiled from the Samara region to the famous Sakhalin hard labor during the reign of Tsar Alexander II and was released from there in 1872 under the open supervision of the police. This tattoo was made by a camp piercer based on a description given by the grandson of a Sakhalin convict, a thief named Golova. He served his sentence in one of the Kolyma camps. The head was very proud of this tattoo and considered it a kind of family heirloom.

Another crime lord's stomach featured a skeleton holding a candle. This tattoo was done in 1952 in Solikamsk. The thief in law flaunted his position among other prisoners. He adhered to thieves' principles and was not going to deviate from them. This could be judged by the motto, which was an integral part of this tattoo. It read: “Only death will correct me!”
And if the above-mentioned tattoo could be considered hooligan, then the other one, depicting an angel with a burning candle, cannot be called anything other than a talisman. It should symbolize the life of a prisoner, similar to the flame of a burning candle. One strong gust of wind and it will go out.
The image of a candle as an integral element of the classic thieves' tattoo of an authoritative recidivist thief also became a talisman. This is the so-called subclavian star. The tattoo was gouged out on the body of a thrice-convicted felon convicted of theft of government and personal property. Despite the fact that the thief grew up in a single-parent family (his father drowned in a drunken shop), he managed to finish 10 classes at a school in one of the colonies of the Arkhangelsk region. The criminal was very fond of Yesenin’s poems. Perhaps poetry pushed him to place a burning candle in the center of the thief’s subclavian star instead of the usual “grin.” The meaning of this tattoo was: “I live while my candle burns.”
A burning candle as a symbol of the short duration of earthly existence is also found in many criminal tattoos. It must be said that the owners of such tattoos made great efforts to ensure that the candle of their life burned out as quickly as possible. Many of them did not live to old age, giving up their sinful souls on a camp hospital bed. Their amulet did not help them.

Sergey Shchukin
Copies of the tattoo were done by Dantsik Baldaev
Based on materials from the newspaper "Behind Bars" (No. 3, 2010)

The image of a torch in the hand symbolizes the desire for freedom and camaraderie in places of detention