When the baby starts talking. When does a child start talking? What to do if it doesn’t meet a certain deadline.

Speech is one of the abilities that distinguishes man from the animal world. The development of the brain as a whole is judged by the degree of speech development.

Let's find out: that is, when sounds and their combinations pronounced by a child can be designated as the beginning of speech. A newborn baby screams - he informs us that he is hungry, sick, and uncomfortable. But this is exactly what a dog does when you don’t feed it or lock it in an unfamiliar room.

This may also explain why bilingual children are better at interpreting other people than monolingual children of the same age. The scientist tested, for example, by presenting the skill package to his small subjects. The researchers asked children who they thought were likely to be. Together with the head of the trial, they were finally allowed to watch. It turned out that the pack did not actually contain smart ones, but, for example, pencils. The children were subsequently questioned in what would likely be another child being found in a paper roll.

So, at what age do children start talking?

The average standards adopted by children's specialists for assessing the development of a child's speech are as follows:

At the age of seven months, articulation of syllables appears (ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, etc.). Around twelve - the child begins to pronounce the first short words(usually consisting of one syllable).

In about six months, a year, you will be able to hear sentences consisting of two or three simple words from the lips of your son or daughter.

Children who cannot yet insert themselves into others respond “small” because they cannot distinguish between their own knowledge and the knowledge of another person. Bilingual adolescents are, however, more able to discriminate between language peers across a variety of similarly designed studies.

“Not all children are the same for multilingualism.” So that children can really take advantage early second language, certain conditions must prevail. “They need to be strengthened in their native language according to their age, otherwise the attempt will go backwards,” explains Schröter. The danger that a child will not be able to speak one or another language is very great. In addition, it matters how intensely the child comes into contact with another language. "If you want a child to speak a second language as well as his native language, he won't be there for a week or two," says the linguist.

During the second year of life, speech will improve. And by the age of three, the baby will already be able to speak in simple phrases.

By four - complex sentences.

But it’s no secret that there are “silent people” who stubbornly refuse to speak even at three years old, although their hearing, vocal apparatus and intellect are fine.

Why is this happening? What prevents a baby from starting to pronounce words, is it really only loving parents who understand their child perfectly?

An early foreign language is not necessary!

More and more kindergartens are offering these language programs called "bilingual." However, this leads to false expectations. In kindergartens that are truly bilingual. Despite numerous positive research results, Marburg lecturer Frank König warns that bilingual concepts should be widely used in German kindergartens: “Not all children are equally suited to multilingualism, but this is not a question of intelligence, but a question of whether the child speaks or not it is also open to foreigners and new ones due to its individuality.”

Let's try to figure out when a child starts talking

Man is a social being, he learns by imitating others, so first of all, of course, the child must hear speech and be involved in this process. It's wide known fact. But it also happens that they constantly talk to the baby, but he remains silent and does not even try to say anything. Many people will be surprised now (pronunciation of words is easy for us, we perform this action automatically), but your child simply does not know how to do this, his speech apparatus does not receive the necessary signal from the brain. When a child begins to speak, it is only when the motor speech area begins to form in his head.

For these children learning was easy; others may have exaggerated the second language. “Just because it is possible that children grow up bilingual, it is not necessary to realize them,” says the language teacher.

Pauline Schröter from the Max Planck Institute in Berlin also advises that the child should be given enough challenges to cope with his or her normal development, and if there is no need to learn another language so early, then it should not be forced. In any case, the offensive “the sooner the better.” Because: it's never too late to learn foreign languages. "There is a critical phase in childhood when children learn languages ​​very easily, but it also has advantages when someone is older when starting a new language," says Schröter.

Therefore, it is necessary to form and develop this center. How to do this?

If you carefully examine the map of the brain, you will notice that the area of ​​interest to us is very close to the area responsible for movements, being, in fact, part of it. This means that the speed of speech acquisition depends on how well the child’s motor skills are developed.

Unlike a child, a student already knows about grammar and may use other learning strategies that the child does not yet know. Six months later, both may come to the same conclusion. A student can speak Swedish just as well as a bilingual child, she says.

Looking beyond the rim may not cause harm at any age, experts agree. When children learn in another language, they are also exposed to parts of another culture. The stranger is no longer a stranger. Multilingualism is not a good thing to do anything. “To maintain tolerance and understanding of other cultures, the child should not be fluent,” emphasizes Schröter. “There is already a weekly program where children practice individual words, songs and rhymes.”

Scientists have conducted research in this area, and have revealed a clear dependence on the speed of speech acquisition in children, specifically on the development of their hands and fingers (the ability to perform fine movements).

At five months little man begins to oppose the other fingers of the hand with the thumb. Grasping an object is now done not with the palm, but only with the fingers. After two months, the baby pronounces the first syllables.

Comparisons of today's languages ​​as well as older records provide new evidence about cultural development in the Andean region. For offers on foreign language we believe more rationally. Multilingualism promotes mental psychiatry. Bilingual kindergartens and schools are underway. Or, in most underdeveloped countries, most people speak three or more languages. Thus, without a clear distinction between considered and reasonable assessment of the results, the reported states say little. Either the parents spoke different languages, or the language of instruction was different from that of friends and family. Joining one of these groups was strongly determined by the question of whether the child became exposed to different languages ​​in a “situation.” Examples: Mother speaks only Landesprache - father speaks only German; or school only German- only in your native language. In addition, the skills of children with bilingualism - like all other gifts - are distributed differently. For children, it may be less important to see the fish's orientation more quickly. children who are well trained in computer games are not always capable of complex intellectual achievements, otherwise we must be surrounded by loud "intelligentsia". It would be decisive if they learned different behaviors in linguistic cultures. It is also true that you can learn languages ​​at any age. This may also depend on the respective language and family relations. Many journalists call “experts.” If these were scientists, it should be said that since one can rely on the sound background. So it's about speaking, not learning a language. There can be no question of overload if different languages used by different adults in a bilingual children's school. This is not about “language”, but about the emotional relationship between the child and the exiled person. If this is true, each child learns to speak the language of the person concerned. This article makes some very strange statements that in no way capture the practical experiences of parents and educators in multilingual environments. “Not all children are the same for multilingualism, but it has nothing to do with intelligence, but whether the child is a linguist or whether their personality is open to others and to others.” "The child has enough challenges to cope with his or her normal development, and if there is no need to learn another language so early, then you should not force it." This is more or less the opposite of what experience shows. Learning languages ​​is a quasi-automatic, unconscious process in children, especially in kindergarten. Sometimes there may be a slight delay during speech collection, but that's about it. And then comes the hammer: After six months, both may come to the same result. A student can speak Swedish just as well as a bilingual child. Here's just the statement: "If you want a child to speak a second language as well as his native language, this will not be achieved with one to two hours a week."

  • Worldwide valid explanatory model?
  • In search of the general laws of language, linguists have recently been studying rare variants.
  • However, they are often in danger of extinction.
The first words are very special.

At eight or nine months he picks up small objects with two fingers, and by one year the first words appear.

During all the first years of life, first a new improved movement of the fingers appears, followed by progress in speech. It never goes the other way.

What to do if your child starts talking late or doesn’t speak at all

But what can you do if your child does not speak for one and a half to two years? We asked an expert. One thing in advance: like general development In children, language development in little ones is very individual. In general, however, we can say: most children speak their first words after about a year. Is it mom or dad - or something else entirely? The first words often refer to a relative of the child as mom, dad, grandpa or grandpa, or to an object that is very interesting to the child, such as a car or a ball, or to an activity that the child performs repeatedly.

Instead of finding out from everyone And having heard the information, in a panic scolding the baby for his stupidity or bad, harmful character, do a finger massage, sculpt from plasticine, draw, play, exercise on exercise equipment, sort out cereals, lace up shoes, make beads. Teach your child to show on his fingers how old he is. Know that there is a test conducted on young children, based on the results of which you can immediately confidently tell whether the child is already speaking or not. The testing teacher asks the child to show one, two and three fingers in turn (imitating him). If the movements are clear, then the child is speaking.

Like "away" when he's hiding, or "yes" when he's pointing at something. Although they don't speak much, children between the ages of ten and fourteen months already understand more words than they can speak and can also complete smaller tasks. A few words remained for a few words, but within about a year and a half there has been a rapid increase vocabulary and combining words in two-word sentences. Young children name and experience things they see in their environment.

They also describe objects, people, animals, body parts, food, drinks, clothing, etc. they also begin to talk about what they are interested in - actions and actions - go, go, eat, run, sleep, cook, give, Functions are also named - small, large, hot, cold, broken. In addition, many "small" words, such as there, up, down, away, are found in children's languages.

Love and develop your children.

Speech is one of the abilities that distinguishes man from the animal world. The development of the brain as a whole is judged by the degree of speech development.

Let's find out: , i.e., when sounds and their combinations pronounced by a child can be designated as the beginning of speech. A newborn baby screams - he informs us that he is hungry, sick, and uncomfortable. But this is exactly what a dog does when you don’t feed it or lock it in an unfamiliar room.

Within 24 months, children should be able to speak at least 50 words and make small sentences by combining. These phrases usually consist of two words. Gradually these sentences become longer and the grammar improves. They learn to form plurals by placing verbs in second position in the main clause and ending with the correct ending, inserting clauses and using different cases. The pace of grammar may vary.

Children over 3 years old have about a thousand words in their active vocabulary, talking about their activities and correctly formulating simple sentences. But what happens when children don't talk? When should parents worry about when? Children learn to speak in different ways quickly. During the second year, the child should begin speaking his first words and say at least 50 second birthday words and word combinations.

So, at what age do children start talking?

The average standards adopted by children's specialists for assessing the development of a child's speech are as follows:

At the age of seven months, articulation of syllables appears(ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, etc.). Around twelve - the child begins to pronounce the first short words (usually consisting of one syllable).

About half of these children reach their third birthday, which is called a "late boomer." However, this catch-up period often only appears, although at the age of three they show centuries of linguistic development, but appear again at preschool age. If you are uncertain or concerned about language development, talk to your pediatrician and speech therapist who specializes in treating children. Are there early age factors that indicate a possible speech disorder?

Each child has his own individual pace when speaking. There is a need for action if. Children aged 0 to 6 months show little interest in the environment and do not hesitate. Vocabulary grows very slowly between one and a half and two years, and the child does not point to objects named by adults. Children on their second birthday speak fewer than 50 words and do not produce 2-word sentences or exhibit aggressive behavior due to the need to communicate. They still put a verb at the end of sentences for 3 years, don't answer simple why, why or ask questions.

  • They often do not understand the words used on their first birthday.
  • Children for 15 months do not speak a word.
If these readings are observed for a delay or deviation from normal development speech, in collaboration with doctors, differentiated explanations by a speech therapist should be initiated.

In about six months, a year, you will be able to hear sentences consisting of two or three simple words from the lips of your son or daughter.

During the second year of life, speech will improve. AND by the age of three, the baby will already be able to speak simple phrases.

By four - complex sentences.

But it’s no secret that there are “silent people” who stubbornly refuse to speak even at three years old, although their hearing, vocal apparatus and intellect are fine.

Why is this happening? What prevents a child from starting to pronounce words, is it really only loving parents who understand their child perfectly?

Let's try to figure out how a child begins to speak

Man is a social being, he learns by imitating others, so first of all, of course, the child must hear speech and be involved in this process. This is a widely known fact. But it also happens that they constantly talk to the baby, but he remains silent and does not even try to say anything. Many people will be surprised now (pronunciation of words is easy for us, we perform this action automatically), but your child simply does not know how to do this, his speech apparatus does not receive the necessary signal from the brain. When a child begins to speak, it is only when the motor speech area begins to form in his head.

Therefore, it is necessary to form and develop this center. How to do this?

If you carefully examine the map of the brain, you will notice that the area of ​​interest to us is very close to the area responsible for movements, being, in fact, part of it. This means that the speed of speech acquisition depends on how well the child’s motor skills are developed.

Scientists have conducted research in this area, and have revealed a clear dependence of the speed of speech acquisition on motor activity children, specifically on the development of their hands and fingers (the ability to perform fine movements).

At five months, the little man begins to oppose the other fingers of his hand with his thumb. Grasping an object is now done not with the palm, but only with the fingers. After two months, the baby pronounces the first syllables.

At eight or nine months he picks up small objects with two fingers, and by one year the first words appear.

During all the first years of life, first a new improved movement of the fingers appears, followed by progress in speech. It never goes the other way.

What to do if your child starts talking late or doesn’t speak at all

Instead of asking everyone when a child starts talking, get busy. Massage your fingers, sculpt from plasticine, draw, play finger games, work out on exercise machines, sort out cereals, lace up your shoes, make beads. Teach your child to show on his fingers how old he is. Know that there is a test conducted on young children, based on the results of which you can immediately confidently tell whether the child is already speaking or not. The testing teacher asks the child to show one, two and three fingers in turn (imitating him). If the movements are clear, then the child is speaking.

Love and develop your children.