Spring grass modeling in the first junior group. Open class May2013 weed

Lesson notes on sculpting « Flower"(I younger group).

Maam.ru > Sculpting lesson notes

sculpting (younger group)...

Summary of GCD on testoplasty for children 1 youngest groups: "Spring grass".Children first youngest groups love to draw, but they lack creative skills and abilities. To arouse children's interest in art and promote the development of creative...

Nsportal.ru > Lesson plan for

Lesson notes on sculpting For first groups early age...

Material: green plasticine, boards for sculpting, illustrations for the poem. Preliminary work: Teacher with children at the window - Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly outside. The days have become warmer. The snow melted and began to grow through the ground grass.

Infourok.ru > Sculpting lesson notes

Summary of the “flower meadow” nodes 1 youngest group...

1 younger group(from 2 to 3). Type of lesson: collective. What kind flowers in the clearing? (Yellow, red, blue.) And what color? grass? (Green.) GCD 35. Modeling.Topic: " Flower in the flowerbed.” Goal: to continue teaching children how to combine in crafts natural material and plasticine.

65-school.ru > Summary of the “flower” node

modeling Spring grass.docx - Abstract of GCD for sculpting V..

Abstract of GCD for sculpting V 1 youngest group on the topic: “Spring grass» Purpose: to introduce A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural Song”, to teach how to coordinate words into a sentence, to develop memory; continue to learn how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from the whole...

Znanio.ru > modeling Spring grass.docx -

Class " Flowers" For 1 th youngest groups

Finger gymnastics « Flower" Like little children have flower scarlet Modeling bas-relief "Beautiful flowers" - Tear off pieces from plasticine, apply them to Download the summary of the game lesson for 1 th youngest, nursery groups kindergarten (3rd year...

Vospitatel.com.ua > Lesson “Flowers” ​​for 1st

Lesson plan for application, sculpting (younger group)...

Methodological developments. Application, modeling. Lesson plan for application, sculpting (younger group) on the topic: Summary of GCD on testoplasty for 1 youngest groups"Spring grass".

Dsdnr.ru > Lesson plan for

Plasticineography "Spring" flower"for children youngest groups.

Kladraz.ru > Plasticineography

Open lesson May2013 grass | Educational portal...

Spring grass Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception fiction Technologies: gaming, information and communication, dialogue, health-saving, social gaming...

EduContest.net > Open lesson May 2013

Teacher portal | "Ladybug" ( modeling 1 younger group)

State budget preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 18 Kirovsky district Abstract of educational activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of young children preschool age Theme: "Ladybug" ( modeling 1 younger group)...

Portalpedagoga.ru > Teacher portal | "God's

Summary of GCD in first youngest group"Flower meadow..."

Abstract of direct educational. activities in first youngest group. "Flower Meadow" prepared.(green, yellow, red, blue); size (large - small); activate children's vocabulary using words: flowers, clearing, trees, grass

Uchitelya.com > Summary of GCD in the first

Summary of the educational activity “Flower Meadow” in 1 youngest group

Abstract directly educational activities"Flower Meadow" in 1 youngest group into baskets. What color is the basket, what color and flowers we will collect.

Ped-kopilka.ru > Abstract of the NOD "Flower"

Lesson notes youngest group (speech development): "Spring...

Progress of the teacher's lesson in youngest group. I. Org. moment. The teacher invites the children to go by train to walk through a forest clearing. The day comes, the breeze blows, they hesitate flowers. Evening comes, the dandelion closes its flowers.

Chudor.ru > Lesson notes for junior

Summary of GCD on testoplasty for 1 youngest groups Spring...

Educator: I'll show you how to do it correctly sculpt weed.(rolling out sausages and smearing them onto a cardboard base) Each child has a board for sculpting, salt dough green, napkin. GCD outline for drawing Green grass V 1 youngest group.

ProfHelp.net > Summary of GCD for

For the teacher | Summary of the final integrated...

on artistic and aesthetic development in 1 youngest group. “The chicken came out for a walk fresh weed pinch..."MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 4" Date: March 25, 2016 Group: 1 Junior No. 1 Participant teacher of MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 4” Krivolapova Larisa.

Dlyapedagoga.ru > For the teacher | Abstract

Lesson notes on sculpting in the second youngest group on the topic...

Techniques sculpting: Pinching, rolling ( 1 th method), pressing, smearing. - Today is our doll’s birthday. Let's give her flowers. What do you have flowers? (stem, leaves, petals) What color are the stem and leaves? (green) And the petals? (various...

Konspekty-zanyatij.ru > Sculpting lesson notes

Integrated lesson in first youngest group“And a cow...”

We will fashion a magic cow weed. Before we begin sculpt, you need to stretch your arms. Look, we have magic ones on our tables, and now the butterflies will play with flowers. Butterflies fly, rejoice, the music turns off, and each butterfly flies to its own flower.

Dohcolonoc.ru > Integrated lesson in

Lesson notes on sculpting V first youngest group."Flowers For...

Very beautiful flowers we are succeeding, I think that mothers and grandmothers will be very pleased with the gifts you made for them. Let's look at our flowers. What color did they turn out? flowers at Marina's? At the end of the lesson, you need to review each...

Pedagogcentr.ru > Sculpting lesson notes

Summary of direct educational activities on...

Summary of direct educational activities on sculpting V first youngest group « Flower for mom." Look what flower I'll do it. (The teacher uses a cut-out flower a cardboard base on which a layer is pre-applied...

Moyamatem.ru > Abstract

Lesson notes modeling younger group "Flower for mom"

Ok.ru > Lesson summary: modeling

Lesson plan for application, sculpting (younger group)...

...sculpting (younger group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities in first youngest group By sculpting on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities in first youngest group By sculpting on the topic: " Flower for mom."

StudyDOCX.ru > Lesson plan for

Municipal budget preschool

« Modeling" For first youngest groups. (1 - organized children's activities per week, total continuous educational activities per year - 36). Compiled by: I.V. Stakhova, teacher of the MBDOU “Golden Key”.

Zkluchik.ucoz.com > Municipal budget

lesson notes on modular sculpting V 1 youngest group...

They come to the window. Educator: Look how light it is here today group. Do you know why? The sun looked into our window. Look how brightly the sun shines, this warm, bright color makes us more cheerful. The sun will warm us, and weed And flowers.

Thematic modeling is a great way to develop a child. And the seasons, and in particular spring, contain a lot of ideas for creating crafts with your own hands.

Spring- it’s time for nature to renew itself and flourish. With the arrival of this wonderful time of year, not only the earth wakes up. Awakens from hibernation and fantasy blues, creative impulses and inspiration blossom. When you hear the word spring, the first flowers peeking out from under the snow, tender green grass, and swollen buds on the trees immediately appear before your eyes. Spring is a wonderful time of year and a time to create crafts with your own hands.

Perfect for making themed items modeling. There are a great variety of materials for this type of creativity. This can be plasticine, clay, dough, plaster and much more. Each of them has positive features that are unique to them. Anyone, both a beginner and a highly skilled master, can choose the material to their liking. There are practically no age limits for modeling as a form of creativity. Both kids and adults enjoy sculpting.

Spring made of plasticine.

Modeling from plasticine is usually done by children. It is easy to knead, it is flexible and has bright colors. By diligently rolling out plasticine with their fingers and palms, children develop fine motor skills, memory, imagination and fantasy. Very often you need a theme for sculpting, and spring is perfect for this. The easiest way for children is to sculpt what they see, what surrounds them. The easiest way to make a plasticine craft on a spring theme is on cardboard. Just knead and smear the plasticine on the white side. Let the little one come up with the picture himself, or create it during the modeling process. This will help develop imagination and unleash the creative potential of the baby. If a child finds it difficult to create a complete image, adults can help him by drawing outlines with a pencil, and the baby will only have to color them. Only instead of paints there will be multi-colored and bright plasticine. There is no need to limit your child's creativity to a rectangular piece of cardboard. You can cut out an oval and depict on it a lake with water lilies that bloomed in the spring, or turn a round piece of cardboard into a stump and “plant” it on it ladybug, also created from plasticine. Making a butterfly “sitting” on a blooming flower is new level skills. Create three-dimensional figurine more difficult. Several of these products can be combined into a composition. For example, make several spring flowers and put them in a plasticine vase. Or you can combine. On one piece of cardboard, depict a clearing with green grass and snowdrops, and fasten the second piece of cardboard vertically, creating a background.

Spring made from dough.

One of the most popular and environmentally friendly materials for modeling is dough. You can buy it in specialized craft stores or create it yourself at home. Both adults and children enjoy sculpting with dough. The simplest recipe includes only three components. Flour, water and salt are available in every home. This dough can be given to children to work with without fear; even if they taste it, nothing bad will happen. Adults can add wallpaper glue, starch, dyes and much more to the dough to create their own creations. Dough products are dried in the oven or in the fresh air. They can be coated with glossy or matte varnish or decorate with paints.

Basket with flowers made from salt dough.

This craft can be created together by adults and children. To prepare the dough you will need:

  • Flour 2 cups;
  • Salt 1 glass;
  • Water ¾ cup.
  1. Mix all ingredients and knead until the dough becomes elastic.
  2. Make 3 flagella from a small piece of dough.
  3. Weave a braid out of them, trim the edges and straighten them. (basket preparation)
  4. Roll out a thin strip, fold it in half and twist it into a rope. (basket handle)
  5. Roll a few small drops, flatten them and draw veins with a knife. (leaves)
  6. Make several different sized dough balls. (flower petals)
  7. Make a cake from a piece of dough and attach all the parts, moistening the joints with water.
  8. Let the basket dry.
  9. Color the basket and flowers
  10. Dry the basket again.

    Spring made of clay.

    Clay is a natural product formed during the destruction of rocks. It happens various colors- green, blue, white. For modeling, clay purchased from a special craft store is best suited. Sold in powder form or ready-made. Modeling made from so-called polymer clay is more attractive and simpler, due to the absence of the need to fire the product. Before you start modeling, clay, like plasticine and dough, needs to be kneaded. When working, it is better to use both hands to symmetrically design the right and left sides of the product.

    IN modern world is increasingly being used polymer clay or, in other words, plastic. According to the method of hardening it is divided into:

    • Self-hardening;
    • Baked.

    Self-hardening - hardens in air within 24 hours. Such clay is plastic, stretches easily and rolls out very thinly. Thanks to these properties, it is popular when creating flowers and dolls. This clay should be stored in airtight packaging. The disadvantage of such clay is the fragility of the finished products and deformation from contact with water. Crafts made from this clay require careful care.

    Baked polymer clay hardens when heated to a temperature of 110 - 130 ⁰C. You can use the oven or “cook” a product made from such clay in water. Thermoplastics are temperature sensitive. In a cool room it will take longer to knead. Old hardened thermoplastic can be softened with special products or regular vegetable oil. Thermoplastic products are durable. Thin parts can regain their shape after deformation, they are very flexible.

    It is better for small children to work with natural clay. This material is environmentally friendly and easy to handle. Kids can, for example, make a gift for their mothers for March 8th - clay beads and paint them with bright colors.

    Clay beads.

    To prepare you will need:

    • Clay;
    • Acrylic paints;
    • Bamboo stick;
    • Thread or cord for stringing beads.

    The gift for mom is ready.

    These are just a few examples of children's creativity. Let the kids sculpt, imagine and create masterpieces.

“Poem by A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”.
Spring grass
Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction
Technologies: gaming, information and communication, dialogue, health-saving, social gaming, personality-oriented.
Goal: Formation of children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature (Spring).
Objectives Material Organization
1. Educational:
Acquaintance with A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural Song”
Develop the ability to combine words into sentences
Develop memory
Give a general concept of “spring”
Find the color green in your surroundings
2. Developmental:
Pinching small pieces of plasticine from a large one
Rolling them into sticks
Carefully laying them out in the picture
Develop the ability to work collaboratively
3. Educational:
Greeting a guest correctly
Respect fellow workers
Love and protect nature Demonstration material:
Large walking doll Masha in warm clothes
Subject picture “Forest clearing”
Sprouted grass
Weed from threads
Decorative plastic grass
Sprouted oats
Green plasticine
Wet wipes Preliminary work:
Observation of seasonal changes in nature on a walk.
Looking at illustrations in books and albums
Planned results:
The child shows emotional responsiveness to the appearance of the guest doll Masha, when reading A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural Song”, examines the doll and the plot painting “Spring” with interest, answers questions, tries to tell what he sees in the picture, masters the basic movements when performing physical education exercises “Our red flowers...”, take an active part in productive activity(sculpting grass in the meadow).
Content organized activities children
1. Organizational moment.
The teacher draws the children's attention to a knock on the door and invites the children to go see who has come to visit them. The door opens and the teacher introduces the walking doll Masha. “Hello children!” says the doll. The teacher invites the children to say hello to the doll and touch it with their hands. "What's your name, girl?" - asks the teacher. "Masha!" - the doll answers. Then the teacher says to the doll: “Oh! Masha! Why are you dressed so warmly, it’s already spring outside! Children, let's remember that in spring it is already warm and there is no need to wear warm coat, a warm hat, the leaves have already bloomed on the trees, we see bright flowers on the lawns, and what else can we see on the lawn (question for the children), let's go to our picture and see what else the Red Spring has pleased us with.
Viewing the slide show: “Here are the leaves, here are the flowers, and here is the grass!” We look at the plot pictures and answer the teacher’s questions:
What time of year?
What is shown in the picture?
What color is the grass in the picture?
What color is the sun, the sky?
(Remember colors, names of plants, etc.)
Slide No. Title Contents
2 Green meadow The teacher shows a picture and remembers with the children what color the grass is.
3 Chamomile Together with the children, they remember what these flowers are called, what color the petals and center are.
4 Dandelions The meadow turned yellow - the dandelions bloomed. Let's remember what color these flowers are
5 Red flowers in the meadow And here are the red flowers in the meadow, remember the color red
6 This is a multi-colored meadow. We remember the new color - purple, and introduce this color into the passive dictionary.
7 Green grass The main color of spring is green, without green grass our meadow would not be so beautiful
8 Our meadow What a beautiful meadow it turned out to be!
“Surprise from Masha”:
“What did Masha bring us as a gift? Let's look into the bag! The teacher takes out green grass (sprouted oats) from the bag. - “Thank you, Masha, for the gift! Children! But I also brought you some real grass to look at and something we can play with!” He takes out a knitted piece of “grass” from the basket, plastic grass and cut out turf with grass in a tray. “Children, you can touch the grass with your hands and tell what it feels like.” Children touch the grass.
2. Main part
“Let me read you a poem about weed!” Reads an excerpt from A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Rural Song”
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
Children, following the teacher, try to repeat the poem, finishing the lines.
Physical education minute
"Our red flowers..."
Our red flowers, join the palms in a boat in front of you (“prayer pose”)
Open the petals, one at a time, starting with the thumb, spread your fingers to the sides, leave your wrists connected.
The breeze breathes a little, blow on your hands - “flowers”
The petals are swaying. Move your fingers back and forth
Our red flowers, Take turns putting your fingers together, joining your hands in a boat (“prayer” pose)
Close the petals, shake your head, shake your palms left and right
They fall asleep quietly. Rest your head on your folded palms
3. Modeling grass in the meadow.
Educator: “Children! Look at the drawing! (The teacher shows his unfinished drawing of a forest clearing where there is no grass) Spring is drawn here! Here are the trees with small green leaves, here are the colorful flowers in the meadow! But what is this! What is missing in our meadow? Right! No weed! What color is she? That's right, green! We have plasticine! What color is it? Right! Green too! This means that you and I can “plant” grass on our drawing by making it out of plasticine! Each of you will roll up a plasticine “stick”, and we will stick it on the drawing, and you will get a green meadow.”
The teacher shows techniques for rolling out small sticks - sausages - from plasticine. Children perform the exercise by repeating straight movements with their palms after the teacher. The teacher makes sticks together with the children, then sticks “grass” with them on the drawing. During sculpting, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that everyone sculpts one stick, and as a result, many blades of grass are obtained, controls the work process, sculpting techniques, and helps children who have difficulty doing the work.
4. Reflection
Educator: That's how many blades of grass you made!! A whole meadow appeared. I just want to run through it, like in summer, barefoot!
Along the green meadow
I'm running without slippers!
And the grass is tickling
I want to laugh!
But a little more time will pass, and the same grass will grow in fields, meadows, and parks. In the meantime, let's show our work to the doll Masha! We will admire our work together and invite Masha to visit us again!