Symbolic gifts for men. Symbolic gifts: how to choose the right one What to give a friend purely symbolically

There are only a few people who know how to choose and give gifts correctly. The secret of these chosen ones is simple: they know that a gift must have a secret meaning in addition to its practical meaning. You can present an expensive gadget so boringly that there will be no feeling of celebration left, or you can present a simple stone and tell what in Greece it means: “May your money be as heavy as this stone.”

You can flaunt your knowledge of symbolism beautifully, or you can skimp on it ugly. Who likes it more?

Western tradition - to get away with little blood

Of course, not all cultures are equally symbolic. Each country has its own etiquette for giving gifts, but the deep life meaning in them is laid mainly in the East. In the West, things are much simpler.

Are you about to give a terribly expensive gift, but you're afraid the recipient doesn't appreciate your generosity? There is a wonderful American tradition for this case: enclosing a receipt! True, they do this not to brag, but to give a person the opportunity to exchange their gift (if they don’t like it) for real money. By the way, it is Americans who give the most gifts in the world.

But the Irish don't send checks. Because there's no point. It is customary to give gifts here only to children. Adults do without such conventions. When going on a visit, you are supposed to take with you some food (preferably homemade) and wine. So if your close person is interested in the currently fashionable Celtic motifs, don’t be surprised that you showed up with a bottle of vodka and self-cut sandwiches. The main thing is that traditions are respected!

Scandinavians and Finns don’t rack their brains too much either. The best gift is a candle! In these northern countries, living fire is a symbol of warmth, comfort, and light. Denmark generally ranks first in the world in per capita consumption of candles. But the Swedes prefer to give homemade candles. The art is simple: cover a rope well soaked in alcohol with soft wax or paraffin. Then everything depends on your sculpting talent. At least the gift budget is minimal, unless, of course, you don’t mind a little alcohol for a good person.

In France, with its cult of reason and education, a good art album, a highly intelligent book or a film are considered excellent gifts. In this way, you emphasize your respect for the cultural level of your interlocutor. Therefore, it is unlikely that a Frenchman will give such a gift to a Belgian - there are too many jokes in France about the stupidity of its northeastern neighbors. And indeed, the problem of gift symbols in Belgium is being solved in the most radical way. The gift is often accompanied by a card on which it is written in detail what exactly the item means. So that the recipient, God forbid, does not perceive the gift in some way incorrectly.

And finally, about caution. If you celebrate Valentine's Day cheerfully among the Germans, you will be misunderstood. For Germans, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of crazy people. And his day is celebrated primarily in psychiatric hospitals. However, what is love if not temporary insanity?

It's a delicate matter

In classical Eastern culture, every object is a symbol of something intangible. Without a detailed reference book it is impossible to understand these intricacies. Let's try, however, to find some key points of Eastern gift-giving.

It’s a commonplace that you can’t give a Chinese a watch. It is believed that keeping track of time reminds the Chinese of death. Maybe so. Moreover, the expression “giving a watch” sounds in Chinese exactly like “attending a funeral.”

In China, people are generally very sensitive to the sound of words. Thus, “four” is considered an unlucky number only because it is consonant with “death.” But we can turn our neighbors' prejudice to our advantage. Is it proper to give a girl a mobile phone that she has long dreamed of? After all, it certainly contains the ill-fated clock!

Give me a fan instead! After all, its shape is similar to the lucky “eight” (two divergent features that, according to Chinese thought, lure and prolong happiness). Or something else of a similar shape: for example, an umbrella.

A great way to offend a Chinese person is to give him something, no matter how valuable, but in a rectangular elongated box. The trained gaze of slanted eyes will immediately see a coffin in this, and, consequently, a wish for death.

It seems that our southeastern friends are tired of their own total symbolism. At least they consider money to be the best gift. True, etiquette has been developed for this case too: the bills must be crisp, fresh from the bank, and certainly in a special red envelope with best wishes written on it.

And the second most desirable gift in China now, alas, is... binoculars. Moreover, they do not respect their own, Chinese optics, but are completely delighted with ours, especially the army ones. And no symbolism! It’s just that here it’s not considered indecent to peek at each other, and the general lack of curtains contributes to this. It is probably believed that if you are hiding from your neighbors, then you have something to hide from the party and the government.

But in general, the value of a gift for the Chinese is in its value. Getting away with an incredibly cute but cheap trinket is extremely indecent.

The Japanese, while in no way inferior to continental Asia in the complexity of traditions, still treat them more calmly. So, on February 14, they give each other expensive chocolate and eat it to the point of diathesis. This is their convenient symbol of love.

Islanders generally love to eat. For example, a food set of expensive products is considered an excellent gift. This is not accepted among us, but perhaps it’s in vain? A good basket from Globus Gourmet will please a normal girl much more than a thirty-four teddy bear the size of a live baby elephant. Or it’s considered chic to bring back food from a trip that is produced only in the city where you were. Reminds me a little ex-father-in-law– from every business trip he brings a pile of labels from local beers.

And the Japanese prefer to give flowers to their girls through delivery services. You won’t see a man with flowers on public transport – that’s not the samurai way. In addition, some Japanese are so strict that they are still convinced that giving flowers is the prerogative of members of the imperial family. This is exactly how it was accepted in the Middle Ages. So you can tell your offended friend: “Let Medvedev give you flowers!”

In contrast to the Western taboo on piercing gifts, in the East a good saber is an excellent gift for a man. Such things are especially valued in Muslim countries. True, there may not be a weapon accepted from a woman’s hands. War is a man's business.

And do not give anything in Saudi Arabia on February 14th. For celebrating this ungodly day there is a heavy fine.

In general, Muslims probably have the most big list something that cannot be given. Of course, alcohol is excluded. Pigskin- Same. Works of art are extremely undesirable: they often contain images of people who are not approved by orthodox Islam. In poor countries like Pakistan, it is better to give utilitarian things; in spoiled countries like Arabia, a carpet is considered a classic gift, but dishes or trinkets made of porcelain or silver will also do.

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Everyone gives gifts. The male spider presents the bride with a fly - so that the spider does not eat the male himself after the wedding night. The stupid penguin boldly catches a fish and gives it to his passion, who could easily get this fish herself. The weaver bird is said to bring fresh flowers to the marital bed. And in the St. Petersburg zoo, a small macaque once stole a mirror from a servant and presented it to the dominant male.

There is only one universal symbol in gifts. "Heart" means "love." Here you will be understood both in Namibia and the Falklands. And maybe even in the St. Petersburg zoo.

A gift that carries some meaning can be called symbolic. The name “symbolic” is rather arbitrary, because every culture has its own symbolism, its own.

For example, in Russia almost all gifts are given one at a time, but this is unacceptable, because there it is very important that every thing has a pair.

The superstition of the people or one particular person plays an important role in all this. If someone wants to believe in something that will bring them luck, then it will probably happen. And if you don’t believe in it, then there will be no symbolism in it.

Superstitious nation

As practice shows, despite the fact that the world is moving forward with huge steps, everyone has the right to choose religion, culture, political views, in our country more and more people are becoming superstitious.

Therefore, when choosing a gift for any celebration, you should take into account some signs created by people themselves:

There are a huge number of things in the world and each carries a certain meaning. Therefore, for a person who is very suspicious and insecure, it is better to give only those gifts that you agreed with him in advance or not to give anything at all.

What to give for which holiday?

Moving a little away from the topic of superstitions, I would like to say that for every holiday it is customary to present a certain gift. This is not a requirement, but is most likely a good option.

So, the symbol of a birthday is a cake.
Therefore, ordering for your loved one (be it a woman or a man) original cake, you can't go wrong. It’s good if it reflects the birthday person’s inner world or hobbies.

If the treat is for a child, then it is better to depict the child’s favorite character or toy on it. You can also order a cake with a photo.

On March 8, since it is a spring holiday, it is necessary to give flowers. Better seasonal ones, such as snowdrops or. If you want something more luxurious and expensive, then take a closer look at flowerpots and decorative trees. They also carry a little bit of spring and light.

On February 23, it is customary to give military-themed gifts. If you want to really pleasantly surprise your father or grandfather, then make an offering with your own hands.

It can be anything, give free rein to your imagination. If the gift has already been purchased, then you can make an original card for it.

According to tradition, it is always customary to give a card with beautiful wishes and poetry. You can come up with a poem yourself and arrange it on these original postcards:

On a wedding anniversary, they give something that corresponds to the wedding date. Each year has its own special name, which, in turn, corresponds to some material. For example, the first year () you need to give things made of chintz, the fourth (linen) - things made of linen, etc.

For the wedding itself, you can buy any thing that will symbolize love. It is customary to receive icons (only in pairs) and a blessing from parents.

It is customary to give things for everyday use. Everything a couple might need in the first months of life in a new home. Depending on the price you are looking at, you can buy from

Don't know what to present to a colleague or good friend? Give a symbolic gift. What could it be? Symbolic does not mean useless. Few people enjoy figurines or calendars. So if you can’t come up with one on your own, use the ideas below.


Girls really like this symbolic gift. Representatives of the fair sex change their wallets like gloves or, as they say today, like phone cases. Such a gift will be useful, functional, and most importantly - necessary. But remember that a wallet is not given without money. Therefore, you will have to put at least 50 rubles inside. But you can show originality and put inside not a bill, but a souvenir. Today, souvenirs that “live” in a wallet are popular. It could be a raking spoon or a money mouse.


You can present sweets or cookies as a symbolic gift. You can make such sweets either with your own hands or buy them in a store. The main thing in such a gift is the packaging. Make it out of cardboard or make a small bag out of paper. You can put a large lollipop or curly gingerbread cookies in it. Or you can buy cookies with wishes. Small sweet gift can be presented for any occasion. It is much more pleasant to receive than a trivial chocolate bar.


Today, symbolic gifts made by hand are popular. If you know how to make soap, then do not hesitate to present the result of your activities to your friends. Close people will appreciate not only your skill, but also your care. After all, no chemicals are added to homemade soap. It consists exclusively of oils and natural additives such as coffee, orange zest or rose petals. If you don't know how to make your own soap, you can always buy it at the store. Such a gift will not only be pleasant, but also utilitarian.


A symbolic gift for New Year could be a bottle of champagne. This drink is associated with the holiday and will definitely be appropriate on a set table. What champagne to give is up to you. If you don't know the person's preference, go for semi-sweet. If you want to make a small surprise for a man, you should present him with small bottles of strong alcoholic drinks. You can buy several types of whiskey or cognac and pack it in one beautiful box.

Pot with a fresh flower

What a symbolic one should look like Present flowers, but not in the form of a bouquet. A living plant can decorate a colleague’s table or windowsill. These can be small roses, even colored cacti. Choose a flower that matches your friend's personality.

Such a gift can please a person for a long time, especially if it takes root and grows. And to make the gift unique, when you give a flower, give it a name. And then you can from time to time wonder how “Grisha” or “Misha” is doing there.

piggy bank

What can you give as a symbolic birthday gift? If a person tells you that he always doesn’t have enough money for something, present him with a piggy bank. You can choose the standard version in the form of a pig or in the form of another animal. For example, cats or dogs. Some may find this type of gift old-fashioned. Today, young people keep their savings on a card. Well, what can you say about this? The money from the card is spent, but if you “feed” the pig with 100-ruble notes, you can save it, for example, for a future vacation.


The ideal symbolic gift for a man is a glider. A diary is one thing that almost no person can do without. Even people who stay at home all day have to plan their activities. And if a person is a businessman and is forced to make important decisions every day, then he will not be able to do without such a thing. The secretary plans only work matters for men. But she won’t remind you that you need to pick up your shoes from repair, or that you should go to the hairdresser next week.


A symbolic gift for a man for the New Year is cozy slippers. Representatives of the stronger sex rarely buy such new things for themselves. No, men don’t mind such little money. Rather, it is their natural dislike of shopping, especially clothing stores. Therefore, if you know the size of a man’s feet, you can buy him soft slippers. For example, a model made should have a classic shape. In this case, the man will definitely like your gift.

Creativity kit

This gift will be appreciated by any girl who does needlework in her free time. Which set should you prefer? You can purchase a set for weaving with beads or for sculpting from polymer clay. If your friend embroiders, then give her a complex pattern, if she knits, give her a knitting magazine, and if you don’t know what exactly the girl is interested in, buy diamond embroidery. Any needlewoman will love gluing rhinestones to canvas. Today, paintings that need to be painted by numbers are popular. If your friend has always dreamed of feeling like an artist, give her this opportunity.


Cute things always attract women's attention. That's why win-win gift- this is a box. Girls will especially love a musical item that has some element of interactivity. Such a box will be used not only for its intended purpose, but will also take its rightful place on the cosmetic table. You will be pleased to see that the girl appreciated the gift.


This is a universal gift. If you know your friend loves to cook, give him some spices. After all, the taste and piquancy of the dish depends on the dried herbs. Good spices in beautiful packaging They are expensive, and not every person can buy a set right away. Therefore, you can present the person with something special that is difficult to find on the shelf of the nearest supermarket. It could be saffron, star anise or cilantro. If you know that your friend doesn’t have beautiful spice jars, give them exactly that. You don't have to buy a big set. You can lay the beginning of a collection, and if a person appreciates the gift, he will buy the missing parts himself.


You don't know at all, present the keychain. This thing, oddly enough, constantly needs updating. Key rings get lost, break, get dirty and quickly go out of use. Therefore, you can safely present something of high quality and metal. You may find a keychain with a lighter, knife, or bottle opener built into it. Based on the person’s needs and preferences. If you are giving such a souvenir to a girl, then you should give preference to a small soft toy.

When you choose a gift for a man, you are, first of all, guided by your knowledge of the hero of the occasion, the feelings you have for him and the festive situation for which the gift is dedicated. This is all, of course, understandable and beyond doubt. But gifts also come in completely different themes and categories. And in order to more clearly understand what kind of gift is suitable for this or that representative of the stronger sex, let us dwell in detail on one of the most popular and interesting species presents. Let's look at what they are, symbolic gifts for men.

Symbolic gifts become such when they are endowed with this quality by the people who purchase these products. But that's not all. Symbolic gifts are known for their understatement, a hint of something. In particular, they can symbolize: friendship, love, and even the age-old connection of generations.

Thus, the award products that are presented on our website symbolize success and victory over something, recognition of the extraordinary qualities of an employee, and even tender feelings for the recipient. If you give your beloved man a figurine with the engraving *Winner of my heart*, the hero of the occasion will have no doubt about your feelings. By presenting an employee with a figurine on a professional holiday with the inscription *For the courage and heroism shown on the fields of business battles*, you will show how much you value your colleague. And an Oscar with the inscription “For Best Actor” will symbolize success, achievement of goals, and self-sufficiency. After all, only the most select few are awarded the famous American knight.

Romantic gifts can also be classified as *symbolic gifts for men*. Give the young man a keychain *Halves of a Heart*, keep half of the product for yourself, and give the other half to your loved one. He will always be next to you, in your heart and soul, just like you, next to him, and his half of the keychain will always remind you of you and warm you in a moment of separation.

Finally, an extremely symbolic gift is the Genealogical Book. This is an original gift for any holiday. By presenting this gift, you are giving not just a beautifully designed unique publication. This is a valuable historical document that will be completed over many years and passed down from generation to generation. This book is especially relevant as wedding gift or a present for an anniversary. A bright and memorable gift with meaning will delight any man. The cover is a wooden case. The delivery set includes: the book itself, a DVD with recommendations for completing the publication, and the author's brochure "Writing a Genealogy Book." Drawing up a family tree begins with filling out the Main Sheets of Relatives, which can be easily distributed among all generations, by clan and by family. The content of these pages will allow you to present family ties in a visual form and in a traditional form. In addition, based on them, you can create a Calendar of family memorable dates. It is possible to fill out the sheets both on the computer and by hand. Keeping a Pedigree Book is an excellent opportunity to communicate with relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. Information must be updated regularly.

You need to give symbolic gifts with a special feeling; remember that the recipient will definitely understand what you intended to say with your presentation. And for close and dear people, such gifts are ideal options that can be presented for almost any celebration.

Close friends and family always try to give gifts with meaning - not only useful and welcome, but also hinting at shared memories.

However, traditional gifts also have their own meaning, which the people have preserved in memory for centuries. In order not to get into trouble, before the upcoming holiday it is worth studying the theory, familiarizing yourself with the signs and meaning of gifts.

Often a young girl gives a boy a lighter or a stylish shirt, not suspecting that she herself is causing a rift in the relationship. Usually these things, given on a ceremonial occasion, lead to separation.

It is believed that a tie is not the best best gift, its meaning varies depending on who brought it.

If he is his own woman (wife, girlfriend), then she will sit on the neck and tighten the knot tighter. If a tie was presented by a stranger (colleague, acquaintance), there is a belief that she has plans for this man.

She can become a homewrecker and take her husband away from the family. Even if you don’t have such motives, think about whether friendship is worth risking? What if someone from the birthday boy’s entourage believes in omens!

Superstitions ascribe negative meanings to some gifts - knives, wristwatches, towels. These items lead to quarrels, separation, and cooling of relationships.

However, wise people came up with a way to avoid adversity. If the birthday person “buys off” your gift with a ruble, he, in fact, will acquire the item and will not fall under the spell.

You should also give a coin for a pet (even fish or a parrot) - otherwise, according to legend, it will not take root.

Gifted slippers, scarves and lonely mugs carry a negative meaning. But a leather belt is considered against adversity.

There is another interesting meaning of gifts, which directly depends on their quantity. If a guest gives a pair of identical things, he brings harmony, balance and tranquility to the house.

So, having bought one towel, add a second one - and neutralize the “separation” effect. When coming to a housewarming party, the best thing you can do is to give a similar symbolic couple: two sets of bed linen, two photo frames or two vases.

Counts bad omen re-gift other people's gifts or things from your home. Even if they are almost new, they are already saturated with your family energy. By giving it into the wrong hands, you are tearing it away from your own hearth.

A person who has parted with personal values ​​may experience health problems or discord with family.

“Containers” donated without contents are considered unsuccessful.: bags, wallets, piggy banks, briefcases, boxes, cosmetic bags. In general, everything that should get used to the filling in advance.

Therefore, be sure to put a small bill in your purse, a scarf or cream in your bag, a modest piece of jewelry in your box, and, for example, lip gloss in your cosmetic bag.

The meaning of gifts from is future tears and sorrows. It is believed that nymphs or mermaids who live at the bottom of the sea cry with mother-of-pearl pearls. Handkerchiefs have the same sad meaning.

Of the jewelry, only rings given before the wedding have a symbolic meaning: put on a finger before marriage, they lead to separation, albeit not quickly. If you can't wait to please a lady jewelry, opt for earrings or pendants.

Expensive alcohol as a gift can lead to strong friendship, if the bottle was drunk with the donor. Or to the deterioration of the health of the birthday person if it was not uncorked on the same day.

A carpet is considered a successful, albeit bulky, gift - it symbolizes wealth and success. However, before you buy this rather large item, make sure that the birthday person has somewhere to put it.

It is imperative to rely on the meanings of gifts if you are going to visit a very superstitious and well-read person. Nowadays, not everyone gives meaning to signs, but there are also people who truly believe in them.

If they receive from you, say, scissors or a bouquet of dried (artificial) flowers, they may not let you in again, misinterpreting your motives.

Much depends on what signs the birthday boy believes in - Slavic or European. In Rus', for example, yellow flowers were never considered “homewreckers”: on the contrary, they symbolized the sun, joy and gold of coins.

In Europe, wristwatches are not considered an inappropriate gift - they are often presented to those whom they want to constantly remind of themselves.

A superstitious boss, to whom you give an expensive pen for his birthday, will decide that you are planning to “lead his hand,” that is, to manipulate.

And an enlightened friend, having received sunglasses from you, will think that you are imposing your opinion on her, forcing her to look at everything through your eyes.

On the other hand, if your boss and girlfriend are not keen on omens, you can try it - maybe it will work!