Scheme of weaving Easter eggs with beads. Master class on beading an Easter egg using hand weaving and mesh weaving techniques

I only give diagrams of the belts and there are no diagrams of a whole egg with complete tops.

Let me explain.

Very often you see on the Internet, in a book or in a magazine, a photo of an amazingly beautiful egg with a ready-made diagram. The explanations say - the height of the egg is 10 cm. You measure your workpiece - hurray, 10 cm!!! and start weaving. And you have a bummer. Your beaded shirt either doesn’t fit on the egg and you get unsightly gaps, the tops don’t pull into place, or vice versa - the shirt puffs up and fidgets around the workpiece, and the tops stick out like berets.
You are in a panic, you don’t understand what’s wrong with you, you’re trying to change it... Why is this happening? Everything is very simple. The blank is of a different shape, not the same as that of the author of the diagram. That is, both the height of the egg and the waist circumference are the same, but the egg does not work out. And all because your workpiece has a slightly higher or slightly lower waist than the author of the diagram. Your egg is more pot-bellied and round, or vice versa - more slender and elongated. It seems like a small thing. But because of such little things, the egg does not turn out. After all, the author calculated a scheme that ideally suits HIS size and configuration of the workpiece, but your workpiece is different from it. If you weave with a mesh or a cross, this is not important, since the fabric with a mesh is more plastic and adapts to the characteristics of the workpiece. If you weave tightly, and even with a pattern, then every bead is important. It is she who may turn out to be superfluous in the row and will stand on end, or she may not be enough, and you will end up with an ugly hole.

From my own experience, having gained a lot of knowledge, having finally figured out these subtleties, I will try to teach you how to select and calculate the pattern of an egg so that there are no such troubles.
This is why I never draw diagrams of the tops, because even if I repeat my egg according to my scheme for the nth time, with the same preparations, I manage to make different tops. But we have the tops of the heads in the second part.

Now up to the waist.

For the first experiments in weaving, I recommend taking patterns not with a solid pattern, but with individual motifs, between which there are rows of background beads. It is easier to adjust such a pattern to your workpiece by changing the number of rows of background beads between the motifs and the number of motifs. When you have already learned to calculate the size of the belt both in height and length, calculate the decreases on the tops of the heads and weave them evenly, you will be able to take complex drawing and create your own personal masterpiece. For example this one)))

Well, I’m almost finished with the introduction, now about the diagrams))) I probably seemed a little boring to you, but forgive me, I just really want you not to be disappointed when creating your first egg

I will specifically post not only my own, but also patterns found on the Internet (for example, for embroidery or fillet knitting crochet). It doesn’t matter what these diagrams were originally intended for, the main thing is that they have a pattern in the cells. I want you to see that you can use almost any pattern as long as it fits the size of the workpiece. The fact is that, firstly, I don’t want thirty absolutely identical “incubator” eggs to appear on the site, and I think you, too, want to create something of your own. Something that you will look at with pleasure and that you will be proud of. And secondly, I want you to learn how to calculate the egg pattern for yourself, without waiting for someone somewhere to publish a diagram of the finished egg. For my part, I will help you with advice, if you don’t succeed on your own, I will help you with the calculations. Believe me, it’s absolutely not difficult, the main thing is to try. At one time I studied in master classes, went through a lot of literature, but I had to figure out many simple things with my own mind. There was no one to ask. So if you don’t understand something, ask, I’ll definitely tell you everything I know.

Well, now the diagrams.

Patterns for eggs 6.5 cm in height and below

In this design you can use pink buds if you put them, the bottom blue flowers and a small pink flower.

I became terribly interested in myself and from the last drawing I selected and redrew the birds. They turned out to be wonderful birds, look.

I’ll say right away that for eggs of this size, the maximum height of the pattern is no more than 24 -25 cells. The lower the workpiece, the smaller the height of the main pattern. In this case, the height of the belt can be 10-16 cells (in increasing size of the workpiece) and the maximum length of the belt is up to 82 cells. The smaller the egg, the shorter the belt; there are such little ones that only about 60 rows fit on them. We will calculate more accurately when you measure your workpiece in detail. I’ll tell you how to do this below.

For eggs 7-8 cm tall (higher possible).

For eggs of this size, the maximum height of the main pattern is 30 -32 cells. The length of the belt is 96-108 cells.

Yes, if this diagram is placed vertically, then it is suitable for eggs of a greater height than 6.5 cm)))

Here you can use rosebuds vertically.

You can also use diagrams drawn for brooches here (links in the previous topic)

Schemes for eggs from 8 to 10 cm (higher possible) in height.

Here the maximum height of the pattern can be up to 40 cells, the length of the belt is 108 - 120 cells.

You can rummage some more

In eggs of this size, the height of the main pattern can reach 50-60 cells, and the length of the girdle can be up to 160 cells.

Now about a more accurate calculation of the size of the belt.

We take our workpiece and mark a more even, practically without narrowing, area approximately in the middle of the egg. It will be shifted down a little something like this.

We measure the height of this section with a tailor's centimeter (you can also use a ruler, but it's more convenient for a tailor's). On my sample of a belt with a 2cm weave in height, 9 Czech beads of size 10 are placed. That is, there are approximately 4.5 beads in 1 cm. The height of my flat area on the egg is 6 cm. Multiplying 6 by 4.5 we get 27 rows. But for Ndebele fabric you need an even number of rows, so we remove one and get a waist height of 26 rows. Why do we remove and not add a row? Yes, because it is precisely this added row that can then stick out like a stake and become puffy. Therefore, we always count towards a decrease. In general, for an egg 8-8.5 cm high, the maximum girdle height is 24 rows.

Now we measure the waist of the egg using a tailor's meter. I have 6 beads in width on a sample of 1 cm. The waist of my egg is 19 cm. Subtract one centimeter ( Necessarily!!), multiply 18 by six to get 108 rows. Why do we subtract a centimeter? Yes, because the belt still narrows towards the edges, and if we weave it based on the thickest part of the egg, then the edges of the belt will lag behind the workpiece. Just as when sewing an allowance is given, so on the contrary, it is taken away from us for a better fit of the belt to the workpiece. IN finished form The Ndebele belt is quite plastic, it will grow in the center, narrow towards the edges and our shirt will fit like a glove.

Now about the drawing. You have chosen a picture with a height of, for example, 32 cells. The height of the belt is 24 squares. This means we will complete 8 rows of the pattern when we move from the girdle to weaving the tops. This means that in the figure we must select 24 rows in height for weaving the belt. Since the egg narrows more strongly at the top, we shift these 24 rows down relative to the middle of the picture. That is, with a drawing of 32 cells and a belt of 24 cells, we separate 2 or three rows from below, and 6 or five rows from the top, respectively. Now we distribute the pattern along the length of the belt, that is, in width. For example, the width of our motif is 32 cells. And the length of the belt is 108 cells. Four motives do not fit. So we multiply 32 by 3, we get 96. From 108 we subtract 96 - what remains is 12. We divide 12 by three (after all, that’s how many motifs we have) - we get 4. This means that between the motifs we get four rows of background without a pattern. All !! Absolutely nothing complicated.

On the eve of the revered and beloved Easter holiday, many housewives begin painting eggs and making Easter cakes traditional for this holiday. It’s not surprising, because on this day it is customary to treat all your loved ones and acquaintances painted egg. Yes, it’s nice to feel like the Easter Bunny and delight others with cute signs of attention. However, is it so good to receive in return an unimaginable amount of the same eggs that need to be used in the near future, otherwise they will simply go bad? And some of these gifts look so beautiful: covered in bright paint and decorated with patterns or holiday stickers. How wonderful it would be to put such beauty on a shelf and admire the symbol of the past holiday for many more months. Why not? In our master class on making easter egg using beads especially for beginners, you will learn how to make beautiful and durable gifts that will delight your loved ones with their appearance for many years.

Master class on braiding eggs from beads for beginners

Before you start making an original Easter egg, you need to prepare all the necessary materials for work. Most of them can be bought at a specialized craft store.

Necessary materials:
  • 3 jars with multi-colored beads.
  • A skein of fishing line.
  • Wooden egg.
  • Thin needle.
  • Scissors.

1) The first step is to measure the number of beads for the width of the egg. To do this, we collect beads on the fishing line until there are enough beads around the egg at the widest point.

Be sure to remember the resulting number of beads!

2) Now we begin to weave a pillow for the egg. We connect 5 beads into a flower with a needle, and then weave the first row, adding one bead each between the same “flower” elements of the previous row.

3) Before weaving the next row, change the color of the beads. Then insert two beads in the space between the beads of the previous row. We do the third row in the same way, but again insert one bead at a time.

4) To weave the fourth row, insert one bead once, two beads the second time, then one again, and repeat in a circle.

5) Change the color again for the new row. Now we begin to weave several rows in the same way as we did in the previous step, until there are as many beads in the row as we got in the first step, measuring the width of the egg.

6) Now it’s time to reduce the number of beads in the row. To do this, we need to use the same approach that we used when increasing them. In other words, in rows where three beads were inserted at intervals, you need to decrease by three. It's better to just skip them while weaving the next row.

At the end of the weaving, we tie a knot of wire on top and that’s it, our beaded Easter egg is ready!

Learning the technique of mosaic weaving Easter eggs

The mosaic method is completely simple to implement and is perfect for beginning needlewomen. You don’t need to look for a pattern or calculate the number of beads per egg. It is enough to choose the desired color and size of beads, thin fishing line and needle.

Mosaic egg weaving is performed in the following sequence:

1) We start with a small flower with a core of one bead and petals of six.

2) We weave the second row of beads between the “petals” of the first row.

3) We do the third row in a manner similar to the previous step, but between the beads of the second row we weave not one, but two.

4) When weaving the fourth row, we place one bead on the needle and also distribute them between the elements of the previous row.

5) The next, fifth row, goes for expansion, so we weave three beads between the beads of the fourth row.

6) We weave the sixth row, inserting 2 beads in the spaces of the fifth row.

7) Now the “top” of the egg is ready and you can begin to further braid it.

8) The seventh row goes for expansion: we pass the needle through 2 beads of the previous row and, stringing one bead on a fishing line, pass the needle through every third bead of the 5th row.

9) In the eighth row we alternate weaving two and three beads into the previous row.

10) Chains 9 and 10 are typed in the same order, but for the ninth row of the main part diagram mosaic weaving String one bead per thread, and for the tenth bead - 2 at a time.

11) After finishing the 10th row, the braid must be gradually narrowed. The process is similar to expansion: as much as we increase the number of beads in a particular row, we decrease it.

12) Finish the mosaic weaving of the Easter egg by creating a flower with one bead in the center. The thread is secured by inserting it into several beads of the upper chains.

In addition to the usual braiding of eggs with beads, you can also use more complex patterns with other patterns. For example, this photo shows a pattern of weaving with a diamond-shaped mesh of beads.

The technique of double-sided weaving is also interesting. An Easter egg made according to this pattern looks quite simple, but at the same time original.

Video on the topic of the article

For further training in braiding eggs from beads, we suggest you study a selection of video materials on this topic. Good luck!

The tradition of decorating eggs for Easter arose a long time ago, and nowadays more and more interesting ways to do this are appearing. But you don’t have to make beautiful things only on holidays. Do you want to learn how to weave eggs from beads? A master class for beginners will help with this. As a result, you will get not only an original holiday attribute, but also just a beautiful souvenir.

What may be useful

If you are determined to learn how to make beaded eggs with your own hands, be patient. This art does not welcome haste. You will also need multi-colored beads, fishing line, threads or wire, the thinnest needle (or a special one for these purposes). In specialized stores you can purchase egg-shaped blanks made of wood or plastic. They are needed in order to master the weaving technique. By the way, you can also make stands for Easter eggs from beads. The smaller the beads, the more delicate the pattern will be. Transparent beads are only suitable for snow-white blanks.

Not only are they braided with beads, there are also techniques for pasting and decorating (decoration). In the latter case, stock up on special film pockets. You will get a very beautiful, elegant option.

A few words for beginners

Those who weave eggs from beads need patterns. And even more so they will be useful for beginners. When you can perform this technique with ease, then you will be able to do them yourself. And don’t start with something complicated; choose a simpler option, where the patterns and pictures won’t have too many details.

Of course, the beads should be multi-colored, but do not neglect the shades. Thanks to them, you can make smooth transitions between layers and weaving elements. Interesting options are obtained by adding beads or glass beads.

If you want to make your wooden egg more realistic, coat it with white acrylic paint. The papier-mâché technique would also be appropriate. You can not use any preparations at all, but simply carefully release the contents from the egg.

DIY Easter eggs made from beads. Schemes and sizes

A novice craftsman needs to realistically assess his strengths and not immediately take on complex weaving. Choose from two or three colors, no more. Take those where there are individual motifs, and not whole pictures. This will make it easier for you to adjust the belt patterns to your workpieces. There are many nuances here - you need to know the height of the egg, the shape - more elongated or pot-bellied. You will always have to calculate the crown individually. For those who want to make Easter eggs from beads, patterns for embroidery and crocheting, painted in cells and matching the size of the workpiece, will also be useful.

So how do you measure an egg? The first is the belt. To measure it, identify a flat area where there is almost no narrowing either up or down. Measure its height. Look at the diagram to see how many beads (i.e. cells) there are per centimeter. By multiplying one by the other, you will get the required number of rows.

It is important for those who weave patterns to be able to correctly fit the workpiece. If the waistband height is less than suggested, subtract the difference. You will complete this number of rows when you make the crown. The height of the belt relative to the middle of the picture in the diagram will need to be shifted down. The number of rows to be separated from the top will be one and a half to two times greater, since the egg always tapers more strongly in this direction.

Mathematics will also help you determine the width correctly. Count how many cells are in the motif and compare it with the width of the belt. You need to find out the required number of beads for the selected egg. Well, calculate it relative to the length of the belt, and that's it. If it is shorter than in the diagram, it means you will need fewer beads - the drawing will simply change in scale.

In progress

Making beads is not difficult, you just need attention and patience. Over time, everything will work out much faster.

The braiding of the egg begins with the belt. If it fits like a glove, does not puff up anywhere and has no gaps, then you have done everything correctly, and now you can start building up the tops. As a rule, you should start from the top. Only in the case when the outer row moves away slightly should further weaving be started from the opposite edge in order to pull up the excess.

It was already mentioned above that when braiding an egg with beads, the patterns that were chosen may be larger than the workpiece. So, those same decreasing rows are best done on a background where there is no pattern or the color is monochromatic. You need to include them in the weaving one by one. Perhaps as you work, you will realize that you will have to reduce beads more than planned. It all depends on how sharp the egg is. In this case, alternate - decrease beads after two or three rows, then after one and, finally, in each row. To make them as invisible as possible, do them at a color transition.

Once the drawing is finished, move on to the next crown. The fact is that your weaving will always shift in the direction in which you did it. Therefore, you need to pull it in the opposite direction and start from here. It is very important! To ensure that the weave fits well, do not forget to regularly pull it slightly in the desired direction. After finishing the drawing, think again about how to distribute the decreases more correctly. Never place them one on top of the other.

Let's finish

When you finish making beaded eggs, the weaving patterns for the top crown, which was deliberately left unfinished, are no longer needed. Even a novice master is able to come up with some kind of pattern for it on the fly. And you don't have to close it completely. Let your pattern simply surround the remaining space. Place a nice matching bead or something else in it.

You can separately weave some kind of decoration from beads and add it to the top as an additional decoration. It will turn out very unusual and beautiful.

So, by following simple steps, you will learn how to make woven Easter eggs from beads. Let the master class for beginners given in the article always serve as a good hint for you.

Beaded egg holder

For Easter version it will be very appropriate. And for painted or wrapped eggs it will be an excellent decorative element. Thanks to beads or glass beads, the stand will look very elegant and festive.

Find a base that will fit the bottom of the egg. For example, a plastic cap from a jar of medicine or cream, or a circle from a small piece of tape may be suitable.

If you wove a belt for the egg, then you will need a shirt for the stand. Measure the base in the same way as you measured the workpiece, using the same principle. You already know how to make beaded eggs. The weaving patterns that were used for them can also be used for the stand, or you can take others - at your discretion. The main thing is that they match in color and overall style.

It is better to start weaving a shirt from the bottom, and not from the middle of the base. And then pick up the rows. You can complement the resulting stand with openwork edges, just for beauty. Make the bottom the same pattern so that the souvenir as a whole looks more harmonious, but only after you put the shirt on the base.

Openwork stand

Bugles and small beads will come to your aid here. suitable color. If in the previous version you collected rows, then here you will weave patterns and connect them together. Determine the number of beads in the pattern by the size of the bottom and the number of motifs on the egg.

The simplest option is round patterns. That is, around the beads there is glass beads alternating with beads. You will get these round stars. The very first one is the bottom one, it is also the load-bearing part of the stand. The next pattern is above it, slightly narrower, so that the result is a leg. And the next one or two rows will be larger so that your testicle fits tightly into the stand. Don't make too many of them; a total of three to four rows of patterns is quite enough. You can simply make an imitation of grass, as in the picture.

Weaving an egg from beads most often involves the subsequent making of a stand. This will make your creation look more complete.

DIY beaded eggs. Pasting technique

For those who don’t want to bother with weaving, we can offer another, simpler method. This is pasting. Here the cost of an error is not so high, since all the flaws can be easily corrected as work progresses.

This method is remarkable because as a result you can get not only an Easter souvenir, but also simply an unusual decorative accessory.

It is recommended to use the pasting technique on real eggs or blanks. But not very big. If you chose the first option, you need to release the contents from the egg. To do this, carefully make two holes - at the top and at the bottom. Let the bottom one be a little larger. It’s not scary if the shell cracks slightly, the main thing is not to break the integrity of the shape. Be sure to carefully rinse the shells and dry them.

Weaving an egg from beads provides the option of subsequently placing it on a stand. A glued egg can be hung. To do this, you need to break off a small piece from a toothpick and tie it to a thread or thin hair elastic. And then just carefully push it into one of the holes.

Putting on a pattern

So, your base is completely ready for decoration. Take a soft pencil and draw the pattern you want to lay out on the workpiece. This should be done in a circular manner over the surface of the egg.

You can determine for yourself where you will start gluing the beads. The main thing is that the first line lies evenly. You can outline it with a simple pencil. However, small movements up or down will only add individuality to the craft.

What exactly needs to be done? String several beads onto a thin needle, carefully dip one end into glue and attach to the egg in the right place. Hold it for a while to help it set better. Each row must be completed in the round. If the glue is transparent, it will be easier for you to correct mistakes.

As you can see, you can different ways make beautiful eggs for Easter. They may be decorated with beads for a long time, but such a souvenir is always unique. It can be presented as a gift along with other Easter attributes to family and friends.

And the finishing touches

The loop that you attached to the workpiece at the very beginning can also be decorated. For example, use a bow, ribbon for this purpose, or also braid it with beads. If you make several of these eggs, you can make a small garland or a bunch of them, which will be an excellent decoration for the kitchen for the holiday.

By the way, it is not necessary to cover the entire egg - you can just make separate patterns or designs. If you have sequins, use those too.

So you have learned how to make eggs from beads. Let the master class for beginners on weaving and pasting techniques, given in the article, become the initial stage on the path of your independent creativity.

What if you just decorate?

Decorating eggs with beads also includes simple decoration. This method is great for eggs that will be served.

For example, you can weave an apron from beads. Of course, here it is also important to measure the egg correctly so that it fits properly. First you need to weave a round mesh with three or four rays (or belts). Next, you place the egg in it and complete the row that will connect the tails. Or just cover it completely with mesh.

If you want to add something else, braid the crown at the top, as described above.

Those wishing to learn how to make eggs from beads will certainly find the master class for beginners offered in the article useful. Good luck!

In anticipation happy holiday During Easter, I want to create an atmosphere and beauty in the house. Following tradition, we paint eggs and buy or make souvenirs for our loved ones. Just a beautiful decorative Easter egg made of beads, made by yourself, can become such a souvenir and decoration for the holiday. In this article we will look in detail at how to make Easter eggs from beads, weaving patterns for beginners and tips on choosing material and execution techniques.

The most important thing in beading is the beads themselves. Sometimes they give advice to beginners to choose simpler and cheaper beads. But it’s better not to do this. Buy several shades of good quality beads and weave with pleasure. You will understand in your work that no other material can compare with high-quality Japanese or Czech beads. It is smooth, with smooth edges, and the same size.

The finished product, even if made by the hands of a novice craftswoman, will look decent and will add neatness and dignity to your product. So, the best beads are Japanese. We will include Toho beads among them. But Czech also looks good, only if it is not a fake. You should think about the pattern and color scheme for your product in advance and buy the colors that will be useful to you. It is important to know that the beads differ in numbers. The higher the number, the smaller the bead size. No. 10 is suitable for braiding eggs.

In addition, you will also need fishing line. This can be a special thin monofilament for weaving or regular sewing thread to match the main color of the beads. You will also need a needle. There are special needles for beading. They are flexible and thin.

Now we come to the next one, very important point- basis for Easter eggs. You can take any artificial egg made of plastic, foam, or wood. It is better to pre-glue a foam egg with a simple one. toilet paper and paint it so that it is smooth and does not crumble. But if the foam is well compressed, then this need not be done.

Some craftswomen braid natural eggs. To do this, you need to pierce the shell at the top and bottom and pump out the contents. Dry the shell, cover it with toilet paper and PVA glue, dry it and start weaving. Each craftswoman chooses an acceptable and more convenient base for weaving.

Simple weaving patterns

Beaded holiday eggs always look festive, bright and interesting. They certainly attract attention. The pattern on them can be completely different. This is a geometric pattern, which is obtained by combining beads different color and even sizes in a certain sequence, and floral motifs. In addition, it is quite possible to weave letters, traditional “ХВ” for Great Easter. Even a beginner can master such interesting and at the same time simple Easter eggs made of beads, and weaving patterns for beginners are presented step by step in the article below.

Let's try to make an egg with letters and a geometric pattern. Detailed master class with descriptions and diagrams for braiding Easter eggs from beads, created especially for beginners.

For work we will prepare:

  1. Czech beads No. 10 several shades. Choose no more than 3-4 shades that combine well with each other and match your idea.
  2. Monofilament or sewing thread with a beading needle.
  3. The base is in the form of a wooden egg blank. You can choose plastic or plastic.
  4. Glue "Moment Crystal" or any other suitable for polymer surfaces.

When everything is ready, let's start the process:

  1. First we string several beads for the base, the lower part of the egg. We do this according to the diagram in the photo.
  2. First, we collect 7 beads in a circle.
  3. Then we expand the diameter, attach beads in a circle, alternate colors according to the diagram and our idea.
  4. The important point is the closure of the series. It is important to return the needle and thread to the bead with which the row began, so that it is completed and secured.
  5. When we have a small heel for the bottom of the testicle, we need to carefully glue it to the base.
  6. Let's wait a little for the glue to dry and the surfaces to set.
  7. Now we continue weaving along the egg. We expand the surface.
  8. We weave in rows, alternating the color of the beads.
  9. From the 17th row you can already see the formed flower.
  10. We continue weaving the pattern, carefully alternating the color of the beads.
  11. Now you need to mark on the workpiece the place where the letters will be located for convenience.
  12. When we have reached the intended letters, we begin to weave beads according to a pattern of a different color to represent these letters.
  13. The letter diagram is given below for convenience.
  14. Forming letters.
  15. Now the final stage, we braid the crown.
  16. Here comes the tapering cloth.
  17. We weave beads of different shades according to the pattern.
  18. We complete our weaving with one bead, as at the beginning of the process, placing it in the center.
  19. Pass the finishing circle of 6 beads several times to secure and secure the thread, hide the tip.

This is not the easiest weaving option, but it is very interesting and quite accessible for beginners.

The easiest way to braid eggs with beads

And now another option on how you can braid an egg with small beads simply and quickly. The result is no less beautiful and amazing than in the previous description.

The video that follows shows in detail the pattern of weaving an Easter egg from beads for beginners. This is a simple geometric weaving option that is accessible to everyone. Its principle is to string a certain number of beads on a thread in a certain order of colors and paste tightly in a spiral along the entire surface of the workpiece.

You will also need a blank, a thread with a needle and beads of the selected colors for this work. It is important to choose a good glue. It’s better to take Moment Crystal. It dries quite quickly and no traces are visible.

A stick will also come in handy to adjust the spirals of beads so that they lie flat.

During the weaving process, we string beads onto a thread, alternating shades of beads in a certain sequence. We fix the thread with beads with glue, coating small area workpiece surface.

Easter egg made of beads and beads

And here is another amazing option for creating an Easter egg from beads and beads. It is suitable for beginners, the work here is quite simple. Be sure to make yourself such a souvenir for the Easter holiday. He will decorate yours festive table or room, will definitely attract the attention and admiration of guests.

  1. To work you need to prepare:
  2. Egg preparation.
  3. Beads in white and blue shades.
  4. Monofilament and needle.
  5. Beads are blue or dark blue.

Follow the diagram shown in the video. After the base is ready, start weaving the belt for the middle. The diagram and sequence of actions is presented in the video below.

After the top, bottom and middle parts are ready, connect them together on the surface of the workpiece with a seam using monofilament and a needle.

Easter eggs made of beads, braided with a belt with pictures

Eggs braided with a belt of beads and beads with a picture in the form of an icon or a temple are very interesting. Let's figure out how to do this. It's actually very simple. For work, prepare:

  1. The basis is in the idea of ​​the egg.
  2. Thermal film for decorating Easter eggs with the image of an icon.
  3. Beads of the desired colors.
  4. Monofilament and needle.
  5. Belt pattern.


  1. We put a thermal film with the image of the icon on the blank. We lower the workpiece into boiling water to shrink the film. It takes the shape of an egg.
  2. According to the pattern for the belt, we weave a belt for the egg from beads of the desired color.
  3. When the middle part of the belt is woven, we place it on the testicle and finish the rim according to the size of the testicle.
  4. Everything is ready, you can leave it like that. But you can decorate the top of the egg with a woven crown, glued rhinestones, and half beads.

Easter eggs can be placed on stands made of the same beads or artificial flowers. You can hang them on ribbons from the branches of a bouquet or attach bead legs to them. You can also put such beautiful eggs in a basket and make a whole composition for the holiday. Have fun creating!

Holiday Happy Easter all filled with symbols of resurrection, and painted eggs are no exception. In many cultures, the egg symbolizes the origin of life. Its ideal shape has inspired many craftsmen and artists to create masterpieces. The apogee of Easter art - the famous Faberge eggs from precious metals and stones. Elegantly made beaded Easter eggs are often as decorative as jewelry masterpieces.

Preparing for work

Naturally, you need to braid with beads not a real raw or boiled egg, but a special base that will not spoil. In the old days, a whole egg shell, released through 2 small holes at both ends, filled with wax, was used as a base.

Nowadays, wooden eggs are most often used as a base, as well as plastic or papier-mâché. It is better to select beads for an Easter egg according to the pattern. Pure bright colors are preferred, black is undesirable. Ornaments made from chopped beads and bugles look good.

You will need:

  • the basis;
  • beads (10-20 g, depending on the size of the base);
  • thin fishing line or nylon thread;
  • bead needle;
  • diagram of an Easter egg made of beads.

Honeycomb weave

Many craftswomen create patterns on their own; you can take the traditional pattern of simple cellular weaving as a basis. Usually, First, a braid is made for the central part of the egg - the “belt”. The belt is tightened on the egg, then the ends of the egg are braided one after the other, the number of beads in the row gradually decreases.

There is no universal scheme for braiding the ends, since the shape of the bases can differ quite greatly. When making Easter eggs from beads, it is important to feel how the beads fit on the rounded surface of the egg.

Openwork weaving

Simple honeycomb weaving can look luxurious and delicate if you combine regular beads and glass beads or larger faceted beads.

Using this pattern, you can braid an Easter egg with beads, starting from the ends. In this method, 2 halves of the braid are connected with a seam in the middle.

Tight weave

Smooth and dense beaded Easter eggs are woven using the mosaic weaving technique or hand weaving technique. In the first case, the beads are shifted relative to each other by half a length, and in the second they are located clearly in checkerboard pattern. These methods are more labor-intensive, and more beads will be required, but the most incredible patterns and even landscapes can be laid out on a thick beaded fabric.

The finished egg can be decorated with pendants; the top can be crowned with a large bead, dome or cross. To make the composition uniform, the egg stand can also be braided with beads. But eggs in a wicker basket also look attractive.

Laying out on wax

To decorate a decorative Easter egg with beads, you don’t have to weave something. Any of the most whimsical patterns can be laid out on a wax base. To make the drawing smoother, it can be outlined on wax in advance.

Bead weaving is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming task. If you don't have much time left, try mastering .