Secrets of male power. Male power or little secrets of men Penis or penis

Louis XV, with his love of love, surpassed all the French monarchs who came before and after him, even the famous Sun King, Louis XIV! In addition to his main favorite, the Marquise of Pompadour, the king maintained the Deer Park, a complex of guest houses in the Park of Versailles, in which his numerous mistresses lived at full expense.

What is the secret of such extraordinary male power? It's all about special nutrition. It has long been known that all famous lovers had a secret recipe that helped maintain potency for love pleasures. Some of these recipes have become known to us, and we will tell you about them.

The English king Henry I simply adored lampreys. And all because they increase male potency and also promote the production of seminal fluid. In addition, lampreys are an excellent sexual stimulant. It is said that the fascination with lampreys caused the death of the king.

Arab men prefer to increase potency with eggs. In many Arabic culinary recipes, eggs were advised to be generously seasoned with pepper and sometimes cinnamon. Such a dish lit the fire of passion in the blood. And if you beat an egg, brandy with milk, honey and a pinch of salt, the result is an egg flip, which is known as an excellent sexual stimulant.

Snails, especially those that live in vineyards, have been considered an exquisite delicacy since the times of Ancient Rome, which perfectly increases potency. It is customary to prepare a special seasoning for them from parsley and garlic, which can enhance the aphrodisiac effect. Maybe it’s because of snails that the French are considered consummate lovers?

And among the sheikhs from the Persian Gulf, the durfu bird is popular. The bird is native to Pakistan and is protected as an endangered species. Despite this, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs allows sheikhs to hunt the rare bird. It is believed that durfu meat can make a man a real sexual giant.

Sheikh Naftazi, who lived in the 16th century, gives the following advice to all men: “If you want to get masculine strength, crush the fruits of the pistachio tree and mix with honey. Drink this drink in the morning and you will become strong.”

To increase male power, physician Galen advises drinking a glass of liquid honey, adding 20 almond grains and 100 pine seeds. Honey with crushed onion seeds also helps.

Greeneau de la Reniere in his Almanac for Gourmets insisted that dinner belongs to love. And he advised to give preference at dinner to fish of all varieties, oysters, lobsters, crabs, turtles, eggs, pears, apricots, celery, onions, strawberries and cocoa.

The famous Madame Pompadour preferred vanilla chocolate to light a fire.

And finally, a proprietary recipe for increasing potency and increasing sexual desire from our regular client. Take honey and ground ginger root. Mix in a one to one ratio and take half a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Read in the next post about the most unusual ways to increase male strength.

However, from time immemorial, different nations have had less expensive, but repeatedly proven ways to increase potency.

He talks about some of them Doctor of Medical Sciences Valentin Prozorovsky.

Know-how of the Kama Sutra. Before the night of love, ancient Hindus recommend eating a mixture of rice boiled in milk, sparrow eggs, fried onions and honey.

Avicenna's secret. The great Central Asian physician of the 11th century in his “Canon of Medical Science” recommended using nettle, nutmeg, honey, pepper and rooster testicles in your diet to enhance potency.

Samurai diet. In Japan, it has long been known that the potency of men increases when grated radish is included in the diet. This dish was necessarily included in the diet of samurai, who had to be at their best not only in battle. In recent years, Japanese scientists have discovered the same properties in beets.

French drink. Henry IV, known for his bed exploits, invented a special drink for stimulation: a mixture of cognac and egg yolk. The equally famous Madame Pompadour drank a cup of chocolate with celery every morning. Casanova mentioned in his memoirs that eating chocolate with nuts is very effective.

Papa's sauce. This name was given to a medieval drink to preserve potency. It includes the following ingredients: finely chopped ham, onion, carrots, celery, parsley in white wine with chicken broth seasoned with garlic, cloves, lemon zest. You need to fry pre-boiled slices of celery root, adding a mixture of butter and flour in the broth, quail eggs and nutmeg.

Herbalist recipes. Handwritten herbalists, widespread in Rus', for various types of impotence, recommended taking an infusion of herbs and flowers of Vinca minor, decoctions of parsnip roots, rhizomes of asparagus officinalis, orchis capillaria and latifolia, infusion of lungwort, decoction of tubers of Lyubka bifolia, flea plantain, infusion of thyme and wormwood. The effectiveness of all these herbal preparations and others like them is questionable, however, there is no reason to refuse them. However, the use of poisonous plants, such as anemone, also recommended for these purposes, is extremely dangerous.

Testament of the ancient Romans. Pliny the Elder also wrote about the beneficial and miraculous effect of pink onions on the potency. The Romans used almost all pungent plant substances to activate libido: onions, garlic, red and black pepper. Today doctors believe that if they are not contraindicated due to diseases of the stomach and kidneys, they can, of course, be used. The mechanism of their action is associated partly with the general activation of metabolism, and partly with irritation of the urinary tract.

African tree. In Cameroon there grows the so-called “lust tree” yohimbou, or yohimbea, the bark of which, as it turned out, contains the alkaloid yohimbine, which promotes erection. It prevents the constricting effect of hormones on the receptors of the vessels of the penis, which as a result relax and fill with blood. It also has a stimulating effect, since libido also increases. Yohimbine has many side effects, especially for people with heart disease.

Spanish bugs. In Europe in the Middle Ages, the use of Spanish flies (more correctly, Spanish bugs) containing cantharidin, which is an extremely irritating substance for the skin and blood vessels, was very common. Currently, the use of cantharidin for medicinal purposes is prohibited.

Liana of the Incas. The Peruvian drug "Cat's Claw", used to maintain potency, is an extract from the Uncaria tomentosa vine. It is intended for the treatment of prostatitis, but is also effective for impotence. In a significant proportion of cases, treatment of prostatitis alone is enough to restore sexual dysfunction. Although some drugs intended for the treatment of prostate adenoma can reduce potency because they contain substances that block the action of testosterone.

Secrets of Siberian and Far Eastern forests. Ginseng undoubtedly ranks first among the plants growing in this area and used for stimulation. For a long time, his mysterious root, which looked like a little man, was worth its weight in gold. The places where it grows were kept a great secret by local residents, and the collection of roots was associated with legends and magical rituals. Often such legends turn out to be just ancient misconceptions, but when all the methods of modern science were applied to ginseng, it confirmed its merits. The main active principles of this plant have been isolated, and it has been scientifically proven that they are highly effective and have extremely low toxicity. Unlike other known stimulants, these substances cause a tonic effect, which is characterized by a long-term activating effect. It has been proven that ginseng tincture even in small doses increases the performance of healthy people by 25%. The drug is most effective for sexual disorders caused by stress factors.

Eleutherococcus is a natural substitute for ginseng, not inferior, and according to some data even superior to it. Zamanikha from the Araliaceae family has similar properties. Schisandra chinensis has not only a tonic, but also a stimulating effect. However, it is not recommended to take lemongrass before bed; its stimulating effect will last throughout the night. In addition, it is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac disorders and increased blood pressure.

Aralia Manchurian– an even more active stimulant than lemongrass, but aralia is also more toxic. The tincture is used 10–20 drops in the first half of the day. Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is used as a liquid extract, 5-10 drops 1-2 times a day. Contraindicated in the presence of agitation and increased blood pressure. Leuzea safflower (maral root) can also have a beneficial effect on potency. A stimulating dose is 40 drops of liquid extract, a tonic dose is 20–30 drops, with the effect appearing on the 5–6th day of administration.

Pantocrine– liquid extract of non-ossified antlers of young deer. It is most indicated for decreased libido in premenopausal and menopausal women. Apply 45 drops 2 times a day. The effect occurs after 6–8 days and reaches its maximum at 3–4 weeks. Frequent repeated courses reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

The power of the Pomors. Peoples living by the sea, who did not have exotic foods, used very simple methods to maintain male power: the diet should contain as much fresh meat and fish as possible. In addition to essential amino acids, meat contains B vitamins, iron, as well as stimulating extractive substances. Fish is less rich in them, but it contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sea fish contains iodine, molybdenum, copper and zinc - all of these are components absolutely necessary for potency.

No matter how much we think that this is all wrong, but, unfortunately, this problem exists, but at the moment it is better informed. Our men are afraid and embarrassed to appear weak or sick. They believe that it is better to remain silent or come up with some kind of excuse so as not to be embarrassed during sexual intercourse.

But our country does not stand still; it is developing. Nowadays there is a lot of literature, television, mass media and, of course, the Internet. This topic has become more accessible to our dear men. So let's look at some aspects of our problem.

We know that a man is a leader, a continuer of the family. Its productive organ is responsible for the maturation and delivery of sperm to its destination, that is, for “birth”.

Men's league.

Many women think that the male genital organs are simpler. But I don’t want to disappoint you, they were no less complex and harmonious. Because their main difference from women's ones. They are located outside the body. Let's take a look at what the male genital organ consists of.


The scrotum is located behind the penis, in a pouch. Which contains a mass of nerve endings, testicles and, of course, blood vessels. One of the main functions of the scrotum is to create a kind of climate for the testicles - control, for normal sperm production. In order for there to be high-quality sperm, the temperature of the scrotum is lower than the body, which is why the male organ is brought outside. Our nature is very caring for our body and that’s why she thought of everything. When the testicles freeze, the walls of the scrotum and special muscles move the testicles closer to the body, and when the temperature needs to be lowered, they move them away.

Let's look at the second part of male virtues.

Penis or penis

The penis is a very important organ of men. It consists of three parts: head, root and body.

Let's look at all these parts separately.


The head is covered with a loose layer of skin called the foreskin. Sperm and urine are expelled through the urethra, that is, through the opening. Ejaculation occurs during male sexual climax, in other words, orgasm. The most important thing is that the penis is very sensitive because it contains many nerve endings.


It is called the root because it is attached to the wall of the abdomen.


The body is a cylindrical shape that consists of three chambers like tissue. It looks like a sponge that contains many cavities; when a man is very excited, it fills with blood. When the sexual organ is highly aroused, it is called an erect penis. It gains density and increases in size. And therefore, during sexual intercourse, it easily penetrates into the vagina. Loose and elastic skin easily adapts to new “sizes”.

And so we draw conclusions. Dear and lovely ladies, take care of your men. They are very vulnerable like children. It’s not for nothing that people say that men are like children; they need care, care, affection and love.

Give gifts, relax, have fun with your life partners.

DON’T FORGET STRESS, ALCOHOL, IMPROPER NUTRITION “KILLS” our beloved and dear men. Learn to listen and understand them. We wish you success, dear women!

All important life processes in a man’s body are regulated by sex hormones, and testosterone plays a decisive role.

It forms behavioral patterns to achieve set goals, aggression, assertiveness, leadership qualities, endurance and ambition. Testosterone is truly considered the hormone of love - strong libido, decent erection, bright orgasm also applies to it, and for both sexes.

But everyone knows that this does not last forever, and with age, testosterone passions subside. The aging of the body is, in principle, hormonal aging. It’s just that everyone’s age level is different: someone at 50 will still give a head start, and someone at 30 is not capable of anything - poor health, infertility, problems in the sexual sphere.

What affects men's health?

The normal level of the hormone testosterone is 13-33 conventional units. Peak secretion is 30 years. In the morning its indicators are higher than in the evening. Stress, chronic diseases, medication, alcohol and drugs are detrimental to testosterone. Every year, drop by drop, the production of this hormone decreases by 1%. That is, for one man by the age of 30, his level can average 33 USD, while for another it can barely reach 13 USD.

One of the most striking indicators of a man’s health is his waist size! According to modern medicine, obesity is the worst thing that can happen to a man!

Adipose tissue is not an indicator of social well-being and not a passive depot of fat for a rainy day, but an active endocrine organ. Obesity is associated with hypertension, diabetes and 20 types of cancer. It produces the hormone leptin, which leads to aggressive behavior in relation to sex hormones. Leptin itself is not bad; it carries out a signaling relationship between the brain and the fat depot and works as an energy balance sensor. With a loss of 10% of body weight, leptin levels decrease by 53%, and an increase in body weight of 10% leads to an increase of leptin by 300%. But leptin affects sexual hormones according to the feedback principle - more fat, less libido. If a man becomes overweight in his youth, he will reach adulthood with low testosterone. Nothing ages you like obesity. But it is important to remember that most often obesity is not a cause, but a consequence of decreased testosterone! And with every kilogram accumulated, a valuable part of the source of healthy sex disappears!

Determining your own level is simple: take a measuring tape and measure your waist. A waist circumference of over 94 cm is an alarm signal, and a waist of 102 cm is already a sign of danger and a guarantee that aging is proceeding at an accelerated pace.

Testosterone is an excellent antidepressant. If you do not experience attacks of unmotivated bad mood, you do not have insomnia, irritation, deterioration of attention and memory, and depression is not your friend and ally, then you are still on top.

Sex! This is what will definitely indicate the density of testosterone! If morning erections suddenly disappear, the volume of ejaculate is small, orgasms become pale, and in general having sex is more like forced labor, then this is a reason to suspect your testosterone of treason.

How to maintain men's health?

The answer will come from the level of well-being at which these thoughts hit you. A doctor can solve obvious health problems. Reduced testosterone levels will be compensated by hormone replacement therapy, as well as a more humane option - therapy that stimulates the production of your own testosterone. The patient takes an analogue of the hormone gonadotropin, which signals the testicles that it is time to become active.

If there are no problems and you don’t want to have them in the future, then the goal is one - prevention. There is no power over time and age, so it lies in keeping the body and spirit in good shape. Excess weight will be controlled by physical activity and proper nutrition, and love will cope with stress.

Actually, everything is done for her sake.

And most importantly: do not confuse one with the other - eat stress with food, and turn love into sport!

Impaired potency is a common problem that can be solved with medication, lifestyle changes, and home recipes. Male strength will definitely be restored if you choose the right medicine or traditional method of therapy, which is confirmed by reviews. Problems with potency for a mature man become a serious nervous shock, causing complexes. All difficulties can be overcome if a competent solution is found.

What does male potency depend on?

Recent tests by scientists have shown that potency is formed in men during conception, therefore genetics, first of all, influences temperament. Another important factor influencing sexual function is the psychological atmosphere that exists in a couple. In addition, a man’s strength also depends on his relationships with parents, friends, and colleagues. A lack or excess of certain substances can weaken potency or, conversely, increase it, so nutrition plays an important role.

Physical activity of a person, a healthy lifestyle, and the absence of excess weight, regardless of age, have a positive effect on erection and tirelessness during sexual intercourse. If a man moves little, then, on the contrary, this leads to problems with potency even in naturally occurring stallions who are not exposed to stress and other negative factors. It is worth remembering that sexual strength can disappear due to health problems. Moreover, potency is affected not only by diseases, but also by medications taken.

How to increase male power

To restore male potency and regain your former sexuality, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Provide yourself with adequate rest.
  2. At least for a while, take a break from the computer, TV, phone.
  3. Be regularly examined by a doctor and begin treatment promptly when you notice the first symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Don't worry too much emotionally about minor difficulties. Constant stress negatively affects the sexual power of men.

For those who are thinking about how to increase male strength, it is important to reconsider their diet. Many problems with the body are associated with poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, and valuable microelements in the body. To enhance male potency, it is important to consume the following foods:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • green;
  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables.

Folk remedies for increasing potency in men

To improve male potency and regain strength lost due to old age, illness or poor lifestyle, you can use folk remedies. It is not difficult to prepare medications at home to restore sexual function; they have virtually no contraindications and do not cause side effects. Celery juice is one of the most effective remedies for male potency. In addition, you should pay attention to beekeeping products, medicinal plants, and some vegetables.


This unique product has a good effect on the entire body and reproductive system. Natural honey helps normalize male libido, improve sexual function, sperm quality, and increase sperm viability. Due to its unique composition, this beekeeping product relieves inflammation of the genitourinary system and prevents the development of impotence.

The recipe for a tincture that increases male potency is presented below:

  1. Grind 100 g of ginseng root.
  2. Add 0.5 liters of water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.
  5. Drink ½ glass every day until the tincture runs out.


The secret of the effect of this product on the body and benefits for male potency lies in its rich composition. Propolis contains vanadium, chromium, copper, cobalt, nickel, silicon, strontium, titanium, zinc, and is rich in vitamins B, E, H and P. The antiseptic properties of propolis help fight inflammation of the prostate gland and prostate adenoma. Since ancient times, based on this product, medicines have been prepared to increase libido and restore male sexual function.

To prepare potency tincture you need:

  1. Grind 20 g of propolis.
  2. Add 80 ml alcohol (70%).
  3. Infuse the mixture in a dark glass bottle for 7 days.
  4. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth.
  5. Drink 3 times a day, diluting 40 drops with a glass of water half an hour before meals.
  6. Keep refrigerated. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Aspen bark

The best folk remedy for potency is aspen bark. In addition to sexual strength, a man can use a medicinal tincture to get rid of prostatitis and prevent other diseases. Aspen contains phagocytes and flavonoids, and the positive effect of these elements on the body has been proven by experts. You can prepare the bark for making the tincture yourself or buy it at the pharmacy.

Medicine to increase potency is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed aspen bark.
  2. Pour in 1 cup of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey, which will increase the effectiveness of use.
  5. The medicine is drunk before meals.


In terms of nutritional content, few plants can compete with pumpkin. The vegetable contains vitamins A, groups B, K, T, C, E and PP. In addition, pumpkin contains enzymes, proteins, and nitrogenous compounds. Of the microelements, the vegetable pulp is rich in calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, and cobalt. Pumpkin seeds contain stearic, oleic, linolenic, palmitic acid, phytosterols, carotenoids, and proteins. Thanks to this, eating vegetables has a positive effect on blood circulation, the functioning of the genitourinary system, and the production of male sex hormones.

Recipe for pumpkin balls to increase potency:

  1. Grind 0.5 kg of raw seeds.
  2. Add 250-300 ml of liquid honey.
  3. Form into balls the size of hazelnuts.
  4. Dissolve one ball in the morning before meals.


Daily consumption of this specific product helps strengthen and cleanse blood vessels, due to which it is used to eliminate erectile dysfunction. To increase potency, use the following recipe:

  1. Chop 1 kg of garlic.
  2. Place in a 3 liter glass jar.
  3. Pour in warm boiled water.
  4. Leave for 30 days.
  5. Take the product 3 tsp. daily.

Male power pills

If a man’s sexual power is not restored after using homemade tinctures, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe treatment taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient and accompanying diagnoses, determine the appropriate drug or dietary supplement and its dosage. Modern pharmacology offers a large number of effective remedies. However, before you start taking the drug, you should carefully study the instructions.


This drug has been the most popular solution to problems with male potency for several years. Viagra is prescribed only for sexual stimulation. The main active ingredient of the drug is sildenafil, due to which the NO factor is enhanced. Taking the pills helps achieve and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. Take Viagra 40-60 minutes before the start of planned sex. The drug lasts about 4 hours. The price of Viagra potency tablets is 595-650 rubles.


Another effective remedy for the treatment of sexual disorders is Levitra. At the moment, the drug is the latest development in this area and has become a worthy competitor to the popular Viagra. The drug belongs to the group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The main active ingredient of the tablets is vardenafil. The use of Levitra increases the release of endogenous nitric oxide, which prevents the production of a substance that stimulates the outflow of blood from the genitals in men.

Taking Levitra cannot create an erection from scratch. The drug has a gentle effect on the body, helping to achieve improvements in the process of sexual intercourse. When using Levitra tablets, nerve endings receive a signal that causes sexual arousal. In addition, the drug stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which starts the process of eliminating erectile dysfunction and prolongs sexual intercourse. The price of tablets, depending on the dosage, varies from 1075 to 2350 rubles.


This product is produced on the basis of tadalafil and belongs to the fifth type of selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Cialis works similarly to sildenafil, which is the basis for Viagra. The drug was developed by Eli Lilly from the USA and is available in the form of almond-shaped yellow tablets. Cialis is packaged in blisters of 1, 2 or 4 pieces. The price for a pack of tablets is 1450-1600 rubles.
