Scenario for 23 for the second youngest group. Scenario of the festive entertainment program “Best Form” for kindergarten

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Scenario sports festival by February 23 in the junior group.

Target: Introduce the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day;

- Cultivate a good attitude towards dad.

- Develop physical qualities- speed, strength, endurance.

- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Educator: Children and dear adults! Today we have gathered to celebrate a special holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - fathers, brothers, grandfathers.

In our group we also have our own, still small, future men, soldiers, defenders.

All the boys of our country

Must be brave

So that the borders are protected,

To make the girls smile.

And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

Game: "Parade"

So our tambourine sings

A covenant for the guys' parade

"Rides quickly on horses

Cavalry detachment (gallop)

"Ships are sailing on the sea

Look here they are” (hands in a boat)

“In the sky, pilots are pilots

Leading big planes" (arms to the sides)

“Tanks are racing in a clean field

Operated by a tank driver"

"And now the time has come

Shout Hurray to the army" (marching)

Educator: Come on, brave fighters,

You guys are great

Let's show it together

How did the soldier serve?

A game:

1. How did you serve? ( big finger up)

2. How were you friends? (fingers locked)

3. How did you shoot at the target? (index finger forward)

4. How did you sleep in the barracks? (snore)

5. How did you eat the porridge? (Yum Yum Yum)

6. How did you sing the song in formation? (la, la, la)

7. How did you miss home? (crying)

8. How did you march? (march on the spot)

9. How did you laugh? (ha, ha)

Educator: Well done guys, have fun

Today is a holiday for the guys,

Come on, more fun

Be young today

Let's play together!

A game:

(And now my friend,

Who will take the flag faster)

Educator: Our children are dexterous and brave,

Fast, skillful.

They play sports

They are hardened from childhood.

Well done. Guys, where are the gifts we made yesterday with our own hands?

What will we give to dads?

But pussy we know where the gifts are.

Kisa: They were taken by a cunning fox.

And she wants you to walk the difficult path and find it.

Educator: Shall we look for a fox?

Will you cope with the task?

Pussy: And when you go through all the obstacles, you will find gifts for dads, they are guarded by a cunning fox and she will give them back only when all the guys have completed the task.

1. We will walk with you through the swamp, but you only need to step on the bumps.

2. Then we will walk along the mastic across the river.

3. Then we will climb through the cave.

4. And let's ride horses.

But there is no fox anywhere?!

Pussy: I recently saw a fox run by and leave marks.

Follow the tracks and find her.

Chanterelle: So you found me, but before I give you the gifts, I want to ask you:

Please play the game “In an Even Circle” with me.

Educator: Well done.

And now we have no big surprise for fathers and grandfathers.

Let's show you what gifts we have prepared.

We wish all dads

Don't grow old and don't get sick,

Do more sports

Have a sense of humor.

Educator: We managed everything.

That's how great our kids are.

The border guard won't whine,

And the rocket scientist won’t whine,

Even if it falls

And he'll break his knee,

Because bruises

It's nothing for a soldier.

That's what all the guys are like

Even though he’s still a baby.

You can watch the video

To the music of A. Filippenko “Good Soldiers” the children enter the hall. Children stand in a semi-circle.

Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we celebrate the holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates our fathers and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, reads poems in their honor. We will also congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. This day has become for Russians a holiday for all men - defenders of the Fatherland and the family hearth; with the holiday of strong, brave and noble men.

We warmly congratulate you

Happy Army and Navy Day

Let there be joy in

What someone remembers, waits for and loves

And let a smile flash

And let the wrinkles smooth out

And let spring sing in your soul

Today is a holiday for you, men!

Reading the poem “My Best Dad!”

1st child: Dad, you are the best in the world,

Best father on a huge planet!

How I admire you, how proud I am,

I hold on tightly to your friendship and hand!

2nd child: Thank you dear daddy

Why did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like light in a window!

3rd child: I want you to be happy,

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful!

And the best of fathers!

4th child: You are strong and brave

And the biggest one

You scold for the matter

And you praise – with all your heart!

5th child: I'm walking next to you

I'm holding your hand!

I imitate you

I'm proud of you.

6th child: My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

Beloved, attentive,

He's affectionate.

7th child: I'll hug him

And I whisper quietly:

My daddy, I love you

I love you so much!

8th child: You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

9th child: Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -

Most best DAD my! - all together.

Ved: And now we don't yawn,

We sing a song loudly.

Ved: Sit on the benches

And marvel at the daddies.

Without a doctor there is no service even

The doctor is everywhere, always important to us!


Hello boys!

Hello girls!

Hello adults!

Give me some attention

Now there will be a competition here!

I ask you to answer -

Is everyone healthy or not?

I'll ask you to stand up

And execute the commands:

Everyone breathe... don't breathe

It's okay, take a rest!

Raise your hands!

Perfect! Lower

Bend over, straighten up

Stand up straight, smile!

Ved: Hello, Doctor!

To grow strong

To go to the army,

We will recruit teams

Let's play now!

Ved:- Guys, do you want to become as strong, smart and brave as your dads? (Children's answers.)

Then I propose to conduct real army exercises! You and I will divide into 2 teams and choose a captain for each team from among our present dads.

(One dad is selected for each team. A star of the same color as the other participants is glued to the team captain. The name of each team is announced: blue stars, red stars, etc., special emphasis on color)

And now it’s time for us to play, kids!

And we remind the fighters:

Friendship and speed are your motto!

And at the end a valuable prize awaits!

1st task: Run to your destination! Sit on the cube and quickly run back!

Task 2: I'll give the car a ride

I want to be a driver, like dad! (they roll the truck to the cube and back)

Task 3: We'll move the ammunition

We won't let a friend down (skittles)

4 task. “Airplane Design” - competition for captains.

The team captain constructs an aircraft from an A4 sheet of paper, and then compete with each other in the flight range of the combat aircraft.

Equipment: sheets of colored paper – 2 pcs., table – 2 pcs.

5th task: Well, here's the last task:

Take the guys to the other side, show dads your strength.

Our program is coming to an end. Our participants successfully completed all tasks and showed themselves to be true defenders of the Motherland. You can always rely on such warriors, they will save the world!

The jury sums up the results


Dear fathers and grandfathers!

May you smile today

Your children did their best for you!

And on this wonderful holiday

They have prepared gifts for you.

There remains one more pleasant moment of our evening - congratulations for our boys. Girls give the boys memorable gifts.

(Girls give gifts to boys)

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter,

For the excitement of competition, which ensured success.

Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief:

We say: “Goodbye, happy new meetings!”

The boys enter the festively decorated hall to the accompaniment of music and stand near the chairs that stand in the center of the hall.

Educator: This holiday is very important

Celebrating in February

Feast of Brave Warriors

Celebration of peace on earth

Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Greetings are sent to all heroes

Hundreds of little kids!

1 child: Served in this army

Our grandfathers and fathers,

The boys will get big

There will be great guys too

2nd child: I will go serve as a tank driver,

I'll learn to shoot at a target

3 child. I have a simple dream

I wish I could conquer the heights!

I dream of becoming a pilot

But first I'll grow up

4 child: I would become a captain

Swim in rivers and seas

I will protect Russia

On warships.

5. I like infantry

Helmet, flask on belt

Very important job

Be a soldier on the ground.

6. Let's grow strong

So that the Motherland blooms

And know neither warrior nor trouble

Only peace and sunshine.

Children sing the song "Good Soldiers".

Presenter: Resourceful and dexterous

There must be a soldier

Strength and Endurance

He won't be harmed

Training for a soldier

Starts in the morning

Competition for cheerful, dexterous

Get ready kids.

Competition "Get ready for a hike."

Two people compete to see who can collect provisions for the trip the fastest.

(Matches, spoon, glass, flask, stew, salt, etc.)

Presenter: Let's continue the competition

Military competitions,

Let's play fun

Run, jump and gallop.

Competition No. 2. "The fastest"

In the competition, two participants compete and need to jump to the pin as quickly as possible in bags and return back.

Children sing the song "White Ships".

Host: Now, we’ll go to sea

Seagulls hover in the open air

Good for all of us

Sail on the white waves

Come on kids

A new game for you.

The game “The Sea is Troubled” is being played.

Host: Today the girls prepared a small concert for our boys. Now the girls will sing ditties and recite poems for the boys of future defenders of the Fatherland.

Now Dasha will read a poem called “Serezhin’s Airplane.”

The plane brought Serezha

And placed it at the gate

And the sparrow from the birch

Jumped on the plane itself

Get out sparrow

My plane is for people,

Don't jump over the edge

I don't ride birds

I am Seryozha - a brave pilot

I, as soon as I want,

On a real plane

I'll fly with my dad

I will hold the steering wheel in my hands,

I'll fly beyond the clouds

Well, this plane

Let the sparrow take it.

Presenter: And now the laughing girls will sing ditties loudly.

All the girls: We sing for you today

And we have the same motive

Congratulations on the 23rd

We really, really want

Every boy in our group

Very clever and handsome

That's why I'm so glad, of course,

Our entire female team.

1 girl: Dima wanders between the ridges,

Picks everything!

Where is the carrot, where is the weed?

He won't understand it at all!

2nd girl: And with Arkasha the bully

There was an interesting case

He got into a fight with a girl

And he got it in the neck.

3. Girl: Seryozha is quarreling with friends,

He uses his fists

The bully has under his eyes,

Bruises do not go away.

4. Girl: Ilya doesn’t like to eat lunch

I always have no appetite

Shouts - buy chewing gum.

Not just one, but a pack.

All together: Ditties have a beginning

The ditties have an end

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's just say well done!

Host: And now, friends, it’s time to play,

We continue competitions, military competitions.

Competition No. 3. "Arc"

Two participants compete in climbing under an arc.

Presenter: Oh, what great fellows,

Our warriors are brave.

We will be proud of them

There is a lot to learn from them!

Competition No. 4. "Fast and agile."

2 participants compete to collect the balls into the box as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who completes the task first.

Presenter: With all the tasks

The soldier must cope

Obstacles and difficulties,

He should not be afraid.

Competition No. 5. "Swamp".

Each participant must cope with obstacles when passing through the swamp.

Host: Oh, how fun we played

And we are not tired at all,

Well done guys,

Real fighters!

A boy reads a poem.

There are blizzards in February

We didn't want to go for a walk

We won't go for a walk

We'll find something to do at home,

We will draw in a notebook

Two large armored cars

And tankers at the parade,

All infantry troops

And every single picture

About our dear Army.

Presenter: To officers and soldiers

Of our valiant country

All the guys wish

Never know war!

On the Day of Defender of Russia

Congratulations to our dads,

Happiness, joy, health

We want to wish them!

But, I would like to say to our boys - the future defenders of our Motherland.

Dear boys, we congratulate you on Russian Army Day. We wish you to grow up healthy, dexterous, brave, skillful, and honest. Love your Motherland and become a worthy successor to your grandfathers and fathers.

Girls give boys gifts. All participants of the holiday go to the group for tea.

Entertainment script

In the 2nd junior group


Teacher of the 2nd youngest

Groups "Rosinka"

GBDOU kindergarten No. 25

Moskovsky district

Troshina N.A.

Target: contribute to the psychological rapprochement of children and parents, the development of harmony in relationships.


1. Educational:

Expand children's understanding of public holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Continue to teach children to play various games, following the rules;

2. Developmental:

Develop speed, agility, accuracy, intelligence;

Develop the ability to read poetry loudly and expressively; to sing songs;

Develop the ability of children and parents to interact with each other;

3. Educational:

- cultivate love for the Motherland; a feeling of pride for your loved ones (for dad, older brother, grandfather);

Foster a sense of camaraderie;

Introduce children to a festive culture of behavior.

Equipment: march "Good Soldiers" lyrics. T. Volgina, music. A. Filippenko: flags; 1 task “Who is faster” 4 hoops (red, blue, yellow, green), construction kit parts red, blue, yellow and green flowers; Task 2 “Sharp shooters”: 10 pins, 5 balls; Task 3 “Tower”: 4 hoops (red, blue, yellow, green), 6 cubes each different color(red, blue, yellow, green); Task 4: “Designing an airplane”: 4 sheets of A4 colored paper (red, blue, yellow, green).

Preliminary work:conversations about the army, about soldiers; learning poems and songs “Good Soldiers”; learning movements to marching music; making gift medals for dads, teamwork“Heavenly Parade” for the festive decoration of the group.

Notes . Before introducing readers to the holiday scenario, I would like to note that we offer our competition games, songs, a selection of thematic poems, and musical accompaniment, focusing primarily on our students. There are no losers in our competitions - all are winners. After each lesson, praise is given to the entire team.

Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we celebrate the holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates our fathers and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, reads poems in their honor. We will also congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. This day has become for Russians a holiday of all men - defenders of the Fatherland and family hearth; a holiday of strong, brave and noble men.

Game "Parade". The teacher hits the tambourine:

Our tambourine hums and sings,

He invites the guys to the parade.

Twenty little guys

We went to the parade.

The festive parade in honor of Defenders of the Fatherland Day is declared open. (All children march with flags to the music “Good Soldiers”).

Reading the poem “My Best Dad!”

1st boy: Dad, you are the best in the world,

The best father on the vast planet!

How I admire you, how proud I am,

I hold on tightly to your friendship and hand!

2nd boy: Thank you, dear daddy,

Why did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like light in a window!

I want you to be happy,

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful!

And the best of fathers!

3rd boy: Can he play football?

Can you heat up the soup for me?

Maybe watch a cartoon

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

4th boy: Can he play checkers?

Maybe even wash the cups,

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

5th boy: Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

Guys, do you want to become as strong, smart and brave as your dads?(Children's answers.)

Then I propose to conduct real army exercises! You and I will divide into 4 teams and choose a captain for each team from among our present dads.

(One dad is selected for each team. The captain of the team is given a star of the same color as the other participants. The name of each team is announced: blue stars, red stars, etc., special emphasis on color)

And now it’s time for us to play, kids!

1 task. "Who is faster"

You need to assemble the parts of your team's color constructor into a hoop of your color. The captain selects one player for each stage of the task.

Stage 1 – assemble the details of the construction set of your color into your hoop;

Stage 2 - who will quickly transfer all the details from their hoop to the large hoop;

Stage 3 – repetition of stage 1;

Stage 4 – repetition of stage 2;

Stage 5 - collect the construction set parts of your color into a bucket.

Equipment: 1 hoop, construction parts in blue, red, green and yellow, 4 hoops and 4 colored buckets.

Task 2. "Sharp Shooters."

- There is a proverb: “It’s not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target.” Let's check what kind of shooters you are!

The competition is held for each team separately. Skittles (10 pieces) are placed in front of the team, each participant is given a ball and the opportunity to shoot one shot. The participant puts his feet wide, the ball between them, bends down and pushes the ball with his hands in the direction of the pin. The task is common to the whole team - to knock down as many pins as possible.

Equipment: skittles – 10 pcs., ball – 4 pcs.

3 task "Tower".

2 players from each team take part. The main task is to build a tower of 6 cubes, placing them on top of each other. 4 teams participate at once. Whoever finishes faster wins. The game is played 2-3 times.

Equipment: cubes of different colors – 24 pcs.

Guys, I suggest we all take a little break and listen to a poem about dad read by Ulyana Kudryashova.

You are strong and brave

And the biggest one

You scold for the matter

And you praise – with all your heart!

You are the best friend

You will always protect

Where necessary - you will teach,

You'll forgive me for the prank.

I'm walking next to you

I'm holding your hand!

I imitate you

I'm proud of you.

4 task. "Airplane Design"- captain competition.

The team captain constructs an aircraft from an A4 sheet of paper, and then compete with each other in the flight range of the combat aircraft.

Equipment: sheets of colored paper – 4 pcs., table – 4 pcs.

Our program is coming to an end. Our participants successfully completed all tasks and showed themselves to be true defenders of the Motherland. You can always rely on such warriors, they will save the world!

Dear viewers, who do you think won?

Spectators: Friendship!

Let's applaud our dads and participants. Guys, now you can give medals to your dads, hug and kiss them.

All Popes are awarded medals.

Dear team captains, let me thank you for your participation in the celebration.

There was one more pleasant moment of our evening - congratulations to our boys. Girls give the boys memorable gifts.

(The girls present the boys with gifts prepared by the parent committee)

- We sincerely congratulate our dads on this wonderful holiday We wish you family happiness, success in all your endeavors, excellent health and always a good mood!

The final moment of the holiday is a group photo of dads holding their baby.

Skripkina Galina Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU V/garden No. 21
Locality: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Name of material: abstract
Subject: Holiday scenario for February 23 in junior group 2
Publication date: 17.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario for the holiday in the younger group on February 23
Goals of the holiday:
to unite the children's team, create an atmosphere of joy and celebration for children.
education of moral and patriotic qualities.
- attract children to participate in the holiday; - develop children’s communication skills; - develop artistic abilities.
Educational areas:
“Cognition”, “Music”, “Communication” Materials and equipment: Caps and sailor suits for boys, bows for girls 2 flags for each child For games – hoops, “horses”
Celebration progress:
To the music of A. Filippenko “Good Soldiers” the children enter the hall. Children have flags in their hands. Children stand in a circle.
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
Tanks are driving across the bridge: forward, forward, forward! (“motor”) An airplane above the ground: ooh, ooh! (arms to the sides) Missiles are allowed to take off: Uh, uh! (they squat, palms folded in front of the chest, stand up and raise their arms up) Our guns are hitting like crazy: bang, bang! (“boxing”) Salute to our army! (raise their hands up) Hurray! Hooray! Children take their seats
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
Our parade begins with cavalry soldiers (I put on budenovki for the children who came out to recite poems) 2. Skok-skok! - on a horse.
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
I have a star on my hat, I have a machine gun behind me, Because I am a soldier! 3. Mom gave me a horse on my birthday.
To the music of A. Filippenko “Good Soldiers” the children enter the hall. Children have flags in their hands. Children stand in a circle.
I have a wonderful horse - a sight for sore eyes!
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
I am proud of my horse, He flies like the wind.
I overtake all the horses in the world on it!
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
Let's see how fast our cavalrymen are, and how fast their horses are. Let's play the game “Bring a Letter” Game “Bring a Letter” Two envelopes, two horses, two chairs. Children, on command, must run to the chair, take the letter, and return to the starting position. You can play 2-3 times.
To the music of A. Filippenko “Good Soldiers” the children enter the hall. Children have flags in their hands. Children stand in a circle.
Our cavalrymen are fast. And their horses are fast. And airplanes have already appeared in the sky at our parade (children come out reading poetry) 4. What kind of birds are in the blue sky High, high.
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
We continue our parade. And we meet future cosmonauts, future rocket scientists. 6. To control a rocket, you must become strong and courageous.
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
They don’t take the weak into space: After all, flying is not easy work! 7. Astronaut - fly forward!
Our turn will come.
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
I'm still training to fly under the clouds!
The music sounds, sings, calls us all to the parade. The holiday is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided to organize a toy military parade in our music hall. Our boys will be soldiers. They will tell and show what real warriors and defenders should be like. And our girls will be dolls. They will dance for us today. Let's start our parade! 1. We are still preschool children, but we walk like soldiers, we will love our homeland, we will serve in the army. Dance with flags (music by Alekseeva) After the dance, collect the flags
Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets.