The strongest boys in the world. Fame or deprivation of childhood? The most pumped up child The most muscular children

Are children fragile, weak, helpless creatures? No matter how it is! These kids will be able to compete on equal terms with any adult, and they will even give him a head start! Look at them - and no longer look for excuses for your reluctance to go to the gym!

Do push-ups seem like a tough exercise to you? But seven-year-old Andrei Kostash is able to do several thousand push-ups in a row! His recorded record is 4,000 push-ups, which he did in 2 hours and 29 minutes, setting a Ukrainian national record. Is the result impressive? But Andrei himself was dissatisfied. According to him, his personal achievement is 6,000 push-ups. He had been training for the record since he was 5 years old, dreaming of testing himself. Andrey dreams of becoming an actor and, in addition to strength training, does martial arts and gymnastics. The father acts as his personal manager, dreaming of making his son a star.

Yang Jinlong lives in the Anhu province of China. At seven years old, he weighs 50 kilograms. But his kilograms are not fat, but muscles! The parents say they knew about their son's extraordinary abilities from the very beginning: at the age of nine months, the boy could easily lift a five-kilogram canister of oil. Today, Young easily carries his own father weighing a hundredweight on his back and carries one-hundred-pound bags of cement. But his most impressive stunt is dragging a two-ton truck from place to place with a rope tied around his waist.

Russian Maryana Naumova is perhaps the strongest girl in the world. At the age of 15, she took part in the Arnold Classic strongman tournament, pressing a barbell weighing 150 kilograms from her chest. At the same time, Maryana became the first girl under 18 to win the right to participate in the tournament. Today she is the holder of 15 world records and the holder of the title “Master of Sports of International Class”. Today Maryana is 17. Alas, we will not hear about her next achievements soon: in 2016, she was suspended from sports competitions for two years due to a positive doping test.

American Clarence Cummings is considered one of the most promising weightlifters in the world today. But he is only 15 years old! His athletic career began with a victory at the National Weightlifting Championships in Dallas, where he won a gold medal with a total result of 305 kilograms. At the same time, his result in the clean and jerk - 175 kilograms - was recorded as a US record among men. Moreover, the weight of the athlete himself is only 68.5 kilos!

“There has never been an athlete in the United States who competes in this weight and demonstrates such power at such a young age! If we were talking about basketball, Cummings would be Michael Jordan,” said former American Weightlifting Federation President Dennis Snethen. Clarence himself shows enviable modesty. In a recent interview, he said: “People come up to me for autographs, and I say to them: “What is it for me?” This is all weird to me. I'm an ordinary 15-year-old guy."

When Naomi Kutin was 9 years old, she broke the world record in strength lifting. Today she holds records in the bench press, seated press and deadlift. By the age of 10, she was lifting a barbell weighing 97.5 kilograms from a sitting position—more than twice her own weight. With this, she broke the record of an athlete who was four times her age. She's already earned the nickname "Supergirl" and she loves it. She speaks with pleasure about sports: “It’s fun, and it also keeps you in shape. At school I always beat the boys in all competitions.” Unfortunately, in 2016, Naomi was injured, which is why she stopped performing for some time.

Liam was left without parents as an infant. When he was adopted, the adoptive parents were warned: the boy was born premature, which could lead to medical problems in the future. Indeed, the boy grew up in an unusual way: by the age of five months he could already support his own weight, and at nine months he could independently climb up and down the stairs! At the same time, he ate an unusual amount, but did not gain weight. As it turns out, Liam’s body lacks myostatin, which is why his muscles grow much faster than those of ordinary people. This problem is very rare; doctors first recorded it in 2000. As a result of this developmental anomaly, Liam's muscles are more than twice as large as those of his peers - and he puts them to good use. At the age of three, he was already doing speed push-ups and competed in the Strongest Baby tournament. Now the boy is 9 years old, and he is the hope and support of his school wrestling team. Perhaps a big career in wrestling is just around the corner for him

Arat Hosseini is the youngest of the little strongmen, but no less admirable! He is only two years old, but his abilities are incredible. He lives in the city of Barbol, in the Iranian province of Mazandaran. Every day he devotes 10-20 minutes to training. Judging by the video recordings, the boy easily makes a 360-degree turn on the trapeze. He also does a full cross split in the air while supporting his body weight on his arms. He is capable of doing push-ups with a weight of 6.5 kilograms on his back, and although this weight is twice the weight of a typical two-year-old, Arat does it effortlessly.

Carlos Senter does not do weightlifting; he knows that lifting weights can be dangerous for a child's body. At the age of 10, he gained fame as a bodybuilder. Carlos built his body gradually and confidently through regular exercise and a healthy diet. “He doesn’t eat sweets at all,” his father, Carlos Sr., was surprised. “I have no idea why.” At the age of ten, his physical fitness was already a source of amazement, and it was then that he began posting his lessons on Youtube and selling them on DVD, earning the nickname “workout boy.” Carlos's classes were intended for children of his age - however, it is unlikely that many of his peers could cope with Carlos' workload. Today he is 15, and he continues to train, dreaming of soon leaving bodybuilding for American football.

Jake Schellenschlager is following in the footsteps of his father, a former bodybuilder. Already at the age of 11 he began to lift in the gym. At 14, he took part in his first competition in Pennsylvania, bench pressing a barbell weighing 102.5 kilograms with a body weight of only 54 kilograms. His achievement in deadlift was then 79 kilos, and now it’s about 200.

Speaking of motivation, Jake states, “I want to go forward and be able to lift four times my own weight.” Well, most likely he will be able to.

Another young bodybuilder, this time from Britain. For Cosmo, bodybuilding is also a family affair: not only he, but also his father and even his 4-year-old sister participate in competitions. True, while Cosmo only has the right to demonstrate his muscles, competitions in weight lifting are inaccessible to him due to his age. But now he has become a star on Instagram, where he shows off his sculpted muscles to thousands of fans and boasts that his body fat content is only 6.5%.

Kyle was just 12 when he was crowned the strongest boy in his age group in the world, lifting 140kg - more than twice his weight - and earning the nickname "little Arnold". He exceeded the previous world record by a quarter. He took up kickboxing at the age of 4, and by the age of nine he had already received a black belt. But from the very beginning, he considered his goal to be “to become a professional bodybuilder, like his father.” “A lot of people think I’m being forced into bodybuilding,” says Kyle. - But that's not true. It’s just that other guys like to roam the streets, and I like to train.” Really, try it, force this one - you will regret it!

From birth, parents, Yuri and Larisa Akulova, prepared a great future for their daughter Varya. Both of them were professional strongmen and met in a circus tent. Yuri began training Varya when she was only 4 days old. “I tied heavy bolts to her arms and legs so that while she tossed and turned in her crib, she would exercise her muscles,” says the girl’s father. At one and a half years old she was already going out to the playpen with her parents, by four she was lifting 25 kilograms, and by five she was already lifting 90! By the age of 14, Varya was lifting weights of 300 kilos! Experts believe that the girl has unique genetics, giving her the opportunity to achieve incredible heights in lifting weights. Varya herself dreams of this: her main desire is to become an Olympic champion in weightlifting.

This Ukrainian boy has been training since the age of two under the guidance of his father. Richard's regimen is strict: daily - 300 squats and 600 push-ups. At the age of 6, he was chest pushing a barbell weighing almost a hundredweight, and his body fat content was below 1%. Richard later admitted that throughout his childhood he felt unhappy: due to constant training, he never made friends and did not know a normal childhood. However, his father achieved his goal - he provided the boy with a better life. After Richard starred in the film “The Strongest Boy in the World,” the creators of which gave him the nickname “little Hercules,” he became famous in the world and got the opportunity to leave Ukraine. Today, Richard Sandrak works as a stuntman on the Universal Studios show Waterworld.

Dylan, Jessica, their father Nick and mother Callie are characters from the TV show "World's Strongest Family", and that means something! In the film, they said that they train 240 hours a week, or 8 hours a day. Schoolboy Dylan trains with a 60-kilogram barbell and claims that “I just don’t feel good without training.” Jessica is 5 years old - doctors recommend at this age to start training with a load of half a kilo, and Jessica lifts almost half a centner! When asked why she needs training, the girl replies: “I want to be like my mother, she is beautiful and strong!” Indeed, you can’t deny Callie’s strength: she, like Nick, is a regular participant in the Strongman competition, where they actually met. Feeding such a family is a whole problem: four bodybuilders need about one and a half hundred eggs per week alone!

Giuliano is on the left in this photo, Claudia (also a boy) is on the right. That's all you need to know about two children from Romania: these photos are enough to marvel at their abilities. Well, perhaps a few more facts: in 2009, then 5-year-old Giuliano was included in the Guinness Book of Records for “the fastest walk of 10 meters on his hands with a heavy ball sandwiched between his legs.” His brother Claudia was born in 2006 and began training at 18 months. A few years ago, the boys' father, Lulian Straw, moved with the boys to Florence, hoping to get caught in some show there - but nothing came of it. The family had to return to Romania - and again train until exhaustion: now Lulian hopes that he and his sons will be able to find a place for themselves in some show in Britain. And then, perhaps, the guys will repeat the success of Richard Sandrak, finding a job thanks to their talents in some prosperous Western country.

Since ancient times, strength and courage have been valued in boys. All nations have legends about mighty heroes who, from childhood, amazed those around them with their unprecedented strength. Nowadays, strong children attract public attention and sometimes become the cause of sensations or even scandals.

Bruce Khlebnikov

Bruce Khlebnikov is a boy of Armenian origin, whose name was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the first time in 2001. Bruce's mother admitted to reporters that during pregnancy she was constantly drawn to watch films with Bruce Lee, after whom she named her newborn son. The boy, as if even in the womb, was imbued with sympathy for the great fighter and from an early age began to imitate his beloved hero. Bruce trained tirelessly under the supervision of his parents and managed to achieve amazing success.

Bruce's name first appeared in the Guinness Book of Records when he was seven years old. The child was able to move the Volga car. A couple of years later a new record was set. Bruce managed to move a huge military fighter, which weighs up to 12 tons. In total, the Book of Records contains about thirty records of a miracle boy from Russia, the strongest child in the world.

By the way, Bruce even personally knows Van Damme, who highly appreciated not only the unprecedented strength, but also the excellent stretching of the young man. Currently, the matured Bruce lives in Moscow and sometimes acts in films. The hero prefers not to advertise his personal life.

Another feature of Bruce Khlebnikov is that he has not cut his hair since birth. Maybe his strength lies in his hair, like Samson?

Little Chinese Yang Jinlong, like Bruce Khlebnikov, was able to get into the Guinness Book of Records for the first time at the age of seven. It was then that he managed to not only move a passenger car, but also carry an adult man on his back.

Yan’s mother and father say that from birth their child had a simply inhuman appetite, which caused amazement among the people around him. This is precisely what they explain its unprecedented power. In addition, Yang independently trained his muscles, carrying heavy sacks filled with grain from place to place. The weight of one such bag reaches 60 kilograms, so the child’s strength is truly amazing, because lifting such a bag is not difficult for him.

Ian has one more feature: at seven years old, he weighs as much as 50 kilograms. The rest of the children look rather slender compared to the hero.

In his homeland, Yang is very popular, since strong people have always been valued in Eastern cultures.

Giuliano was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009 as the strongest boy in the world. At that time, the little Italian was only five years old. The child's father is a former athlete. He began training his son at the age of two, using unique methods that he developed independently, taking into account Giuliano’s individual characteristics and preferences. The training really turned out to be very effective: the exercises that the baby is able to perform are amazing. The child is able to do push-ups parallel to the floor without touching it with his feet. Not every adult athlete can perform such tricks. In addition, Giuliano has developed muscles, due to which he looks quite unusual for a small child.

Giuliano has a younger brother, Claudio, who is also very active in strength sports. Already at the age of three, Claudio was able to do his first hundred push-ups.

It is worth noting that the public often condemned the father of the children, believing that he overloaded the children too much and harmed their developing bodies. This is necessary in order to attract attention to children and cash in on their worldwide popularity. However, the man denies all arguments and claims that his sons like to train. They practice as much as they want, and between bars and weight lifting they draw, watch cartoons, or play outdoors with their friends. To dispel the doubts of the alarmed public, the father regularly arranges complete medical examinations for the children, the results of which become known to the general public.

In 2012, at the age of seven, this boy from Ukraine set a world record for continuous push-ups. In two hours, the child did four thousand push-ups, without ever stopping to rest. This test took almost two and a half hours. Thus, it took Andrey just over two seconds to do one push-up. The record was set in the presence of sports experts and numerous journalists, who were shocked by the unprecedented strength of the child and his will to win.

Andrey was trained by his father, Alexander Kostash. Alexander claims that he never put pressure on Andrei and did not force him to perform exercises to develop muscles. His son one day expressed a desire to take up sports. When the training began, the amazed Alexander noticed that the child’s muscles were developing at an unprecedented speed, and his strength was growing exponentially. After just a week of training, Andrei could do push-ups about a hundred times. Gradually, the son overtook his father both in technique and in the number of approaches. At the moment, Andrei is preparing to set new records for squeezing a barbell, the weight of which is more than half the boy’s weight.

True, Andrei is not going to devote his life to sports. Currently, he is actively acting in films in Ukraine and abroad.

Ukrainian Varvara Akulova is the strongest girl in the world, but that’s another story.

Journalists found the most famous “strong boy in the world,” Richard Sandrak. The child became famous at the age of 8, when his photographs spread all over the world. 18 years later, the media published new photos, and it turned out that not a trace remained of the former muscleman.

Richard Sandrak was born in Ukraine in 1992. Two years later, his parents emigrated to the United States. Already at the age of three, the boy began to engage in sports and martial arts: he worked a lot with weights, spending at least two hours a day on this.

At the age of 7, Richard got a personal trainer, Frank Gardin, who organized the show Believe It or Not.

The pumped-up child began to appear in various well-known bodybuilding shows in America. In 2009, he played a role in the film “Little Hercules 3d”, and at the age of 8 he received the title of “the strongest child in the world.”

A couple of years later, Richard's life changed dramatically - his father was imprisoned for domestic violence. When he started beating his mother, the boy himself called the police and stopped communicating with him.

At 26 years old, Richard Sandrak no longer resembles the former strongman. He currently works as a stuntman for the Waterworld show at Universal Studios Los Angeles.

I don't swing anymore, I'm tired of it. I keep fit by running and skateboarding,”

said the former strong boy.

Fifteen years ago, the world went crazy for “Little Hercules,” eight-year-old Richard Sandrak, who looked less like a child and more like a professional bodybuilder. In the 2000s, the boy was called the strongest child in the world.

Richard was born in a small village in Ukraine into the family of Pavel Sandrak, a world martial arts champion, and Lena Sandrak, a professional aerobics practitioner. When the boy was two years old, the family moved to the United States, and soon Richard began to be trained. When he was eight, he chest pressed his double weight. When he turned 11, he could already bench press triples. But now Richard is 26 years old, and he refused to fulfill the dream of his parents, who essentially deprived him of his childhood.

The boy's father, a former martial arts champion, supervised the hard training and strict diet. Society both admired Richard's incredible results and condemned his too harsh attitude towards the child. A family from Pennsylvania moved to California to try to break into the coveted world of show business and hired a manager to promote Richard.

The parents dreamed of turning their son into Arnold Schwarzenegger and wanted him to star in a Hollywood film.

When Richard was 11 years old, his father was sent to prison for three years for domestic violence: he beat his wife. The boy called the police himself. After this, Richard stopped communicating with his father, but continued to train. And after adolescence, I gave up training altogether.

Now Richard Sandrak is 26 years old, he looks like an ordinary guy, without prominent muscles and six packs. “I don’t swing anymore, I’m tired.” He stays physically fit by running and skateboarding.

He works as a stuntman in the Waterworld show at Universal Studios Los Angeles, where he is shot and set on fire five times a day. “They tried to make me out to be a mistake of nature. But there are a lot of kids who achieved similar results.”

Although Richard gave up training, he does not regret fame and what his childhood was like. “I'm proud of my past. And I don't want to hide it. I just don’t want to live like this anymore.” Sandrak dreams of one day becoming an engineer and working for NASA.

I don’t even think of bragging, but sometimes I can carry all my purchases from the car in one go. Of course, this doesn't make me a world class strongman, but sometimes it's pretty impressive (less so if I only bought one thing). But the 15 children we'll talk about below will definitely amaze you with their strength. We have found world record holders in all categories, and if you think that the list includes only boys, you are sadly mistaken, because some girls have received the title of strongwoman.

Most of these children started training as soon as they could walk. One girl’s father put weights on her arms so she could pump up her muscles while still in her crib! We also have a child on our list who suffers from a condition that causes incredibly rapid muscle growth. This seems like a real superpower to me!

Two of the list have a brother or sister who can also be called strongmen. So what you're actually going to read about are 17 kids who will make you regret missing your workouts. Some of them even have cheeky nicknames like Little Hercules, Little Arnie and Supergirl!

15. Andrey Kostash - does 6000 push-ups

Do you like push-ups? But Andrei Kostash loves it, since his fame came thanks to the fact that at the age of 7 he performed 4000 consecutive push-ups on the floor in 2 hours 29 minutes. This became a new national record for Ukraine, where Kostash is from.

If you thought a record of four thousand push-ups was impressive, Kostache was disappointed with the end result. He later noted that his personal record was 6 thousand push-ups.

Andrey had been training since he was five years old and wanted to test himself. Kostache has a strong desire to become an actor, but he is also involved in martial arts and gymnastics. Today, Kostache's manager is his father, however, little is known about his activities in 2016.

14. Yang Jinlong - moving a van

Yang Jinlong now lives in Anhui, a province of China. Jinlong (7 years old) is one of the heaviest people on our list, weighing about 50 kilograms. His parents claim they knew about their son's disability when he was just 9 months old and could lift a 5kg metal canister of oil.

Jinlong has put his strength to good use, although that oil drum is a far cry from his most recent impressive feats. One of the most attractive can be considered the one when Jinlong decided to put his father on his back and carry him in a combined style. This fact becomes more mind-blowing when the father's weight becomes known - almost 91 kilograms.

Jinlong also has videos posted of him carrying a 100-kilogram bag of cement on his outstretched arms. And last but not least, Jinlong pulled a 1.85 ton minivan down the road with a rope tied around his waist.

13. Maryana Naumova - bench press 150 kg barbell at 15 years old

Maryana Naumova comes from Russia and may well be considered the strongest teenage girl in the world. She is now 17 years old, but when she was 15, she took part in " Arnold Classic" and did a bench press of 150 kilograms. Known for her achievements, Naumova was the first girl under eighteen to participate in the tournament. At the moment, she has set 15 world records and is officially considered an international master of sports.

12. J.K. Cummings - Michael Jordan of Weightlifting

JK Cummings is one of the most stunning weightlifters in the world, and he is only 15 years old. Fame came to him when he participated in USA Weightlifting National Championships in Dallas and won a gold medal, lifting a total of 305 kilograms. This included a 175-kilogram barbell clean and jerk, an American record for men. However, his height is only 157.5 centimeters and his weight is 69 kilograms.

"There has never been such a strong man in America with such weight and at such an age. Never. Compared to basketball, Clarence Cummings can be called Michael Jordan" said former USA Weightlifting President Dennis Snethen.

Despite all his achievements, Cummings remains a humble child, who said in an interview: “ People came up to me and asked for my autograph. And I asked in response: “Mine? For what?". All this is very strange to me. I am the same as other 15-year-old children».

11. Naomi Kutin - lifted 97 kilograms at age 10

When Naomi Kutin was just 9 years old, she broke the world powerlifting record. She also holds the women's squat, bench press and deadlift records.

When she turned 10, she could lift a barbell weighing 97 kg, which was twice her weight. Thus breaking a record that previously belonged to a girl 4 times older than Kutin!

She also has a cheeky nickname, Supergirl, which is also the title of a movie released this year. Regarding her love of sports, Naomi says: “ It's fun and very good exercise. At school I always beat the boys in sports".

10. Liam Hoekstra - the disease gives more than 50% of the muscles

When Liam Hoekster was adopted, his parents were concerned about the medical problems that could arise from being born prematurely. The boy grew up and ate large amounts of food, but did not gain much weight. Perhaps it was because he used the energy he received to transform into a beast!

At five months, Liam could bear his own weight and crawl. When he was 8 months old, he could already do pull-ups, and at 9 months he could walk up and down the stairs.

Hoekstra suffers from myostatin, a muscle hypertrophy that leads to rapid muscle growth. The disease gives him 50% more muscle than other children his age. He could do quick pull-ups at age 3 and had no health problems. Hoekstra was also invited as a guest on the show" The strongest children in the world"He is now 9 years old, and there was also news that he is a pretty good wrestler on the school team.

9. Arat Hosseini - Can do push-ups with seven kilos on his back

Arat Hosseini is the youngest on our list, but that only makes him more attractive! He is only two years old, but he is already stunning with his abilities.

Hosseini now lives in Baol, in the Mazandaran province of Iran. You will be amazed to hear that his parents said that he only exercises 10-20 minutes a day. Videos show him performing full 360-degree rotations on the trapeze. If that's not impressive enough for you, Hosseini also does the splits while holding his own body weight on his arms.

Hosseini doing push-ups with a weight of 6.5 kg on his back, which is more than half the weight of a normal two-year-old child, is like child's play for Hosseini!

8. CJ Center - sold DVDs with exercises, does not lift weights

While most of the people on this list lift weights, which seems impossible, CJ Senter avoids it because he knows it can be dangerous for children. He gained attention at age 10 (2011) by building a killer body through healthy eating and other forms of exercise. Speaking about his diet, the boy's father Carlos remarks: " He really doesn't eat candy, I don't know why".

CJ is also known as " The Workout Kid", a nickname he earned after he posted his workouts on YouTube and began selling DVDs of them. His workouts teach kids his age to embrace working out as fun.

7. Jake Schellenschlager - still training, can lift over 180kg

Jake Schellenschlager was inspired by his father, a former bodybuilder, when he started going to the gym at age 11.

When he was 14, he took part in a competition in Pennsylvania, where he bench pressed 93 kilograms and lifted a barbell weighing 102 kg, while he weighed only 54 kg. His deadlift weight when he was 11 was 80 kg, and now it is more than 180 kg.

Talking about his motivation, Jake says: “ I keep training to get better and better. My goal is to continue to progress and eventually lift 4 times my body weight" Jake also announced on his Instagram account 4 weeks ago that a film about his achievements is currently in the works.

6. Cosmo Taylor - training since age 11, 6.5% body fat

When it comes to bodybuilding, it is clear that there is incredible talent all over the world. There is no more famous bodybuilder in Britain than Cosmo Taylor. Now 16, his father and sister (4 years old) are also frequent participants in bodybuilding competitions.

Cosmo is just getting to the age where he can compete, but he said he has been training since he was 11 and has never been seriously injured. Describing people's reaction to him, Cosmo says: " Some people want to see my abdominal muscles, my arms, they think it's really cool. Some even want me to be their personal trainer!"

5. Kyle Kane - lifted 140 kg at 12. Nickname - "Little Arnie"

When you get a nickname" Little Arnie"How can you not get on this list? When Kane was just 12, he became the strongest boy in his age group, as he lifted a weight of 140 kg, which was more than twice his own. The previous record was 207 kilogram, Kane was a real beast that day.

Kyle started kickboxing at age 4 and earned his black belt by age 9. Mentioning his love for barbells, he says: " I just want to have as much muscle as possible. I hope one day I can train for the Olympics and compete in World's Strongest Man, but putting that aside, I want to be a professional bodybuilder like my dad. People might think I was forced into weightlifting, but I wouldn't I did something I wouldn’t want to do. I do it because my peers love climbing trees. It’s very exciting when you break a world record. Not all 12-year-olds can boast of such achievements. , I want to continue to break records and set new ones every year if I can."

At the moment, Kane is able to lift 272 kg with his legs and bench press 90 kg, and his deadlift is 140 kg.

4. Varya Akulova - started training when she was 4 days old

When Varya Akulova was born, it became clear that her parents had big plans for her. Her father Yuri and mother Larisa were professional weightlifters who met each other while working in a traveling circus. Yuri began training Varya when she was only 4 days old. In an interview he said: " I had a firm intention from the very beginning that our little Varya would become the strongest girl in the whole world... I put weights on her arms and legs so that when she moved in the crib, she would have to use her muscles".

When she was 18 months old, she performed in the circus, by the age of 4 she was able to lift 25 kilograms, and by 5 - 89 kilograms. This was just the beginning, and already at 14 she was able to lift 300 kg. Some experts believe that her strength comes from genes passed on by her ancestors.

Talking about her life, Varya says: " People think it's weird to be a strongman. They think I should wear fashionable clothes, put on makeup and listen to music - typical girly things. But I'm happy. I just have to be careful with my friends. I hit a boy at school who was teasing me and he flew several meters away. I don't know what my strength is".

She continued: “I love it, traveling, competing and the fans. I like my life. And one day I will be at the Olympic Games."

3. Richard Sandrak - 600 push-ups, 300 squats and 1% body fat

Richard Sandrak from Ukraine, started training at the age of two. Many consider him the strongest man. By age 6, he could bench press 80kg. Since childhood, he trained with his father. Although I don't think anyone would blame his father for not being able to do the same amount of exercise as Sandrak - 600 push-ups and 300 squats. Therefore, it is not surprising that Sandrak has only 1% body fat. Unfortunately, he was not the happiest child and said that he did not have time to make friends due to training.

Having received the nickname " Little Hercules"he also appears in the documentary" The strongest boy in the world"You wouldn't even recognize Sandrak now; he works as a film stuntman at Universal Studios on a water show.

2. Dylan and Jessica Best - study 240 hours a week

Dylan and Jessica, along with their father Nick and mother Kelly, appeared on the TLS channel show " The strongest family in the world". Probably quite suitable for second place on this list. Dylan usually deadlifts 59 kilograms, and when asked about it, he says: " Working out is like coffee in the morning. If I don't do this, I don't feel good.".

Talking about his daughter, Nick says: " People think it's weird that Jessica can lift twice her weight. But she enjoys doing it and doesn't hurt herself".

When asked about her motivation for working out, Jessica says: " I want to be like my mom because she is beautiful and strong"Nick eats 10,000-15,000 calories a day, but he's far from the only one who spends a lot of time in the produce department. The whole family eats constantly, including 120 eggs every week.

Originally from Romania, Giuliano has been named the strongest boy in the world. Giuliano says he likes to lift weights all summer long so he can make a splash when he returns to school.

In 2009, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. His record was recorded as " fastest walk of 10 meters on your hands with a heavy ball sandwiched between your legs". If that's not impressive enough, he can also do 41 push-ups on the pegs in 1 minute 32 seconds.

Luljan Stroe's father took them to Florence to perform in the show, but the plan failed. As a result, they returned to Romania and are lifting iron again. Their plans are to move to Britain in the hope of gaining more attention.

Many people oppose their family because it forces boys to train, causing harm to their health. The younger brother Claudius followed in his brother's footsteps when he was only 18 months old. While not as impressive as his brother's, he can do vertical push-ups and peg push-ups, as well as splits on metal rings.

Children who started training from a very young age and have already set world records. The incredible physical abilities of children amaze the imagination. They are capable of carrying an adult on their back or pulling a two-ton car.