The baby is not attached to the breast. Breastfeeding is a very delicate thing.

Very often, a young mother does not realize that breastfeeding a child is a whole science. But don't be scared! It is not difficult to master it. And very soon it will become clear that, in spite of everything, there is nothing simpler and more convenient than natural feeding. A happy mother should be taught how to properly put a baby to the breast in the maternity hospital or by the family doctor.

Proper latching of the baby to the breast will ensure stable lactation for the mother, will help avoid the appearance of sores and cracks on the nipples, the baby will receive the required amount of milk, and the baby will be much less bothered by the tummy.

When to start breastfeeding

The first breastfeeding of a newborn baby should occur almost immediately after birth. This is necessary so that the first beneficial inhabitants of the microflora appear in his intestines, the development of which will ensure the immunity of the baby.

From the first moments of life, the child does not need any other food other than mother's breast milk. In some maternity hospitals, the mother may be asked to feed the baby formula until milk appears. Of course, we are not talking about children who are weak or born prematurely, or with low weight, etc. They can and should be supplemented with formula, according to the recommendations of the treating doctor. However, this approach in practice often turns out to be an obstacle to the development of lactation.

A child who is not hungry is less likely to be put to the breast, which will cause the mother to produce less milk.

A newborn breastfed baby should be put to the breast as often as possible.

This is especially important during the newborn period for several reasons:

  1. Every drop of colostrum is priceless for the baby’s health; it is this (and not the mixture) that should be the first to enter the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The breast reacts to sucking. Accordingly, the more milk the baby requires, the more the mother will have.
  3. Benefit for mom. During intense breastfeeding, the uterus contracts, which helps it quickly return to normal size.

Proper feeding technique

To put the baby to the mother's breast for the first time, he is swaddled. The baby should be placed on your arm so that its head lies on the forearm, “resting” on the bend of the elbow. In this case, the baby’s nose should be at the level of the nipple (alternatively, you can touch the nipple to the cheek). Thanks to the innate sucking reflex, a newborn baby will easily find his mother’s breast and try to immediately grab it.

Until the baby learns to grasp the nipple on his own, the mother should help him, especially during the first attachments. The baby must grasp the nipple along with the areola, otherwise he will not be able to express milk. The nipple itself is not a nipple.

Sucking only the nipple is incorrect, since it simply has no meaning, milk will not be released, while the baby may simply swallow air.

With one hand the mother holds the baby, and with the other she holds the breast, grasping it with her entire palm, with the nipple and areola located between the middle and index fingers.

If feeding hurts mom

When breastfeeding, young mothers often complain of severe pain during feedings. Yes, it really hurts at first because the nipples are very tender. These painful sensations will dull or disappear completely within a couple of weeks.

If after a few weeks the mother still experiences pain in the nipples or new sores appear, it is worth checking the correct attachment. The baby's mouth should completely capture the nipple along with the areola! This is the only way he can express milk. When the baby sucks only the nipple, the milk does not flow, the baby is nervous, and the mother experiences pain.

If sores appear on the nipples

Unfortunately, when breastfeeding a baby, not many young mothers manage to avoid the appearance of sores and cracks on the nipples. Is it possible to continue feeding? Can.

  1. Use nipple shields of the appropriate size until the abrasions heal. The pads can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  2. Wash silicone pads frequently before use. For this, it is best to use hot boiled water.
  3. To prevent infection, use ointments between feedings. For example, "Bepanten" or any of its analogues. Be sure to thoroughly wash off the cream before feeding your baby.
  4. There is no need to wash your breasts with soap often. This will dry out the delicate skin and promote the formation of new wounds.

Folk remedies or medications

You can find information that when breastfeeding a baby, the use of any chemicals is harmful and unacceptable. Traditional medicine in this case recommends lubricating the nipples with butter, etc. However, this method is not a panacea, this should be remembered. Oil creates a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.“Chemistry” in the form of antibacterial ointments is safer when used correctly.

  • The ointment is applied to damaged skin only in between feedings.
  • It is necessary to thoroughly wash off the cream or ointment before feeding the baby.

Safe feeding rules

Putting a baby to the breast correctly means doing it safely for the baby. Especially young mothers who have not had time to “switch” to the daily routine of a newborn baby should pay attention to this.

What position is best to feed? As a matter of fact, you can feed the baby in any position that is comfortable for mother and baby. At the same time, it is extremely important to monitor the safety of the baby.

Preparing for the birth of a baby is not only about buying all the supplies necessary for a little person (diapers, diapers, a bath, etc.), it is very important for the expectant mother to learn a lot. There are a lot of questions, for example, you need to find out what the correct attachment should be like when breastfeeding and why it is so important.

Why is proper attachment so important?

Further feeding depends entirely on how exactly the baby takes the mother’s breast, how well he grasps the nipple and areola: the amount of milk the baby receives, the baby’s weight gain, the comfort of the feeding process for both, the absence of cracks on the mother’s nipples, the quality of lactation. Improper attachment can lead to a lot of troubles: the baby may simply refuse to breastfeed, and the mother will develop mastitis.

The importance of breastfeeding for a child cannot be overestimated. Breast milk contains all the nutrients and vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and beneficial microelements that are necessary for the growth, timely and full development of the baby. The composition of breast milk is unique, it protects and strengthens the baby’s immune system, and the closeness of the mother calms the little person and makes him feel safe. This is why it is so important to feed the baby with mother’s milk and prevent breast refusal or deterioration of lactation.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when young mothers consciously refuse to breastfeed their baby, and most often this is not associated with illness or other objective reasons. The cause of the problem is the discomfort and pain of the process caused by a simple mistake in applying the baby to the breast.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast

Many young mothers assume that since the process of feeding a baby is inherent in nature, it means that the newborn will intuitively be able to latch on to the breast exactly as needed. But this is a wrong opinion, and the child needs your help. Let's look at how to do this in order:

  • take a comfortable position (there are several options, we’ll talk about them a little later);
  • Take the baby facing you, so that the head and body are on the same line. If the baby's head is thrown back, it will be uncomfortable for him to grab the breast and eat (to see this, try yourself, with your head thrown back, bite off an apple and then eat it);
  • lightly press the baby's tummy against your stomach;
  • lift the baby so that the mouth is opposite the nipple, then pick up the breast (all fingers should remain below, and the thumb should be on top, approximately 5-6 cm from the nipple);
  • holding the breast in the described way, move the nipple along the corners of the baby’s lips, and he will immediately open his mouth wide;
  • Point the nipple at the top of the baby's mouth, but remember that his job is to latch on to the breast on his own. There is no need to try to place the nipple into a small mouth, otherwise you will be guaranteed an incorrect grip and microtrauma (cracks);
  • the spout should be close to the mother’s breast, but under no circumstances “drown” in it;
  • If the baby has grasped only the tip of the nipple, and not the whole, including part of the areola, you should open the mouth slightly with gentle pressure on the child’s chin and repeat the application again.

Often young mothers are faced with the problem of their baby crying when feeding, then the question arises: how to feed the baby in this case? Having attached the baby to the breast correctly - the answer is this. It is best to try to calm the child down, rock him in your arms, say a few gentle and kind words to him, run a nipple along his small cheek or sponge. Mom’s breast is the best sedative for the baby, he will definitely calm down, don’t even doubt it. If it doesn’t work, drop some milk into your mouth, the baby will immediately begin to latch on to the breast.

How to determine whether your baby is latching on correctly or not

To make sure you're applying correctly, look for a few key signs:

  • the child has captured both the nipple and part of the areola;
  • The baby's lips turn outward while sucking;
  • no extraneous sounds are heard (only gulps);
  • the mother does not experience pain, discomfort or other unpleasant sensations;
  • the baby's breathing is calm and measured;
  • The baby is not capricious or nervous.

If the baby is worried, does not draw milk normally, does not turn out his lips when sucking, or loses a well-filled breast, be sure to repeat the application. Also keep in mind that proper attachment will not work if you hold the baby in a way that is inconvenient for him: tilting him back too much, or, conversely, tilting his head forward, or turning it to the side.

Remember: you need to turn not the head, but the child.

What positions are comfortable and contribute to the correct attachment of the baby?

It is very important for proper breastfeeding to have a comfortable and comfortable position for the nursing mother and baby. A woman should not feel discomfort, fatigue, pain or numbness in her arms, shoulders or back. The baby also needs all the conditions for comfortable sucking and proper latching on the breast. Therefore, it is important to choose a position that is comfortable for both; there is plenty of choice:

  • classic arrangement - “cradle”. The mother sits down comfortably, holds the baby in her arms, turning him to face her (stomach to stomach), so that the nipple is captured without turning the head;
  • holding the baby in your arms woven into a “cradle”, you can feed while standing;
  • the child lies on his back, and the mother lies on her side, leans on her elbow and, slightly hanging over the baby, feeds him;
  • The mother places a nursing pillow on her lap, places the baby on it so that the body is “at hand” (one might say “under the arm”), and the legs are behind the mother’s back. This position is useful for a woman so that the baby can suck milk from the lower ducts, in which stagnation very often occurs;
  • the baby lies on the mother’s hand, with which the woman supports the back of the baby’s head, while the other hand is free and can hold the breast in such a way as to ensure the correct attachment of the baby;
  • if the milk flows well enough, then the mother can sit comfortably, reclining on her back, and put the baby on herself.

Advice for an expectant mother: how to prepare your breasts for feeding

Taking into account all the recommendations listed, it will not be difficult for you to establish the correct feeding process. The main thing is to remember: if something doesn’t work out the first time, this is not a reason to be upset, be patient and everything will work out for you!

Is nine months a lot or a little? Nature decided that it is enough for a child to be born ready to learn to live. He has a lot to learn, but there are instincts that nature laid down in the development of a child in the womb, for example. Every child who is full-term and born without pathologies can do this. For nine months, the child receives everything for life support through the mother’s body, but having been born at the appointed time, he is separated from the mother’s body and, in order to survive, must already be able to do something on his own. The best food for a child- This is mother's milk, it contains all the nutrients that the child needs for full and healthy development. Breast milk is believed to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is so important that the child receives breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Nature gives children the main instinct for life support, but many young mothers face the problem of breastfeeding and not everyone manages to feed their baby breast milk for as long as possible; a large number of mothers lose milk in the first months of feeding. Very often the mother herself is to blame for this, so it is important for the mother in labor to know how to make sure that the milk does not go to waste. You need to start learning this from the first day of pregnancy; throughout the nine months, the expectant mother learns to care and protect her baby so that after birth he grows strong and healthy.

How to properly attach a newborn to the breast.

For the feeding process, both the child and the mother, the first feeding is an important moment. In the last months of pregnancy, this is taught in courses for expectant mothers, held in the antenatal clinic where the pregnant woman is being observed. Also, in many maternity hospitals, doctors provide consultation on this issue in the first days of the birth of a child. But every mother needs to learn how to properly latch a newborn to the breast.

Breastfeeding positions are very important. The baby can be fed lying down, sitting and even standing, but every mother needs to choose a comfortable position, because breastfeeding is a long process. The breastfeeding position should be as comfortable as possible and the mother's body should not be tense. Both mother and child should receive only positive emotions from this process. As for the baby, his whole body should be turned towards his mother, his mouth should be turned towards the nipple. The baby's head should be supported, but it should have enough freedom so that the baby can comfortably adjust the nipple in the mouth, and after satiation, easily move away from the breast.

During feeding, the baby's nose should be clean so that he can breathe freely. The baby should comfortably wrap his lips around the nipple so that there is no superficial grip, otherwise the baby may swallow air along with the milk.

Do not force your baby to your chest. Everything that the baby does should be natural; if, nevertheless, the child clasps the tip of the nipple, then do not try to manually open his mouth, do it by gently pressing on the chin.

Is the baby latching onto the breast correctly, how can this be determined?

If the baby has a nipple and areola in the mouth, the lips are turned outward and pressed tightly to the chest, then there is no free access of air into the mouth, and everything is fine;

The tip of the baby's nose should touch the breast, but should not be pressed tightly against it. While latching onto the breast, the baby should breathe through his nose, then there will be a normal process of swallowing milk;

When the baby is feeding, there should be no extraneous sounds other than smacking and swallowing;

The mother should enjoy the feeding process and have a comfortable, as relaxed posture as possible.

To breastfeed properly, do you need to be sterile?

Young mothers are advised to keep the body and feeding area clean, but do not go too far; it is not necessary to sterilize everything. It is not at all necessary to wash your breasts before each feeding; it is enough to wash your nipples mostly in the morning and evening so as not to wash off the protective lubricant that protects the nipples from the growth of bacteria.

When breastfeeding properly, is it necessary to hold the breast with your hand?

Breastfeeding is a natural process, and everything should be natural. If your breasts are large, you can hold them at the very beginning of feeding until the baby adapts, but you should not do this all the time, because you can squeeze the milk ducts and cause stagnation of milk in the breast, which will lead to inflammation of the mammary gland.

Should I give my baby water or tea after breastfeeding?

You need to supplement your baby with tea or water after breastfeeding as needed, only if the baby is full, continues to suck, but spits out the milk, then offer him weakly brewed tea or boiled water. But for most babies, mom's milk is both food and drink.

Is there a need to interrupt breastfeeding and switch to artificial feeding if cracked nipples develop or the mother has a cold? All pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for as long as possible. But if, after all, the mother gets sick and takes antibiotics, then for the duration of the illness until drug treatment is stopped, you can switch to breast milk substitutes. A medical mask can protect the baby from a simple cold, and the mother can continue breastfeeding. Cracked nipples usually appear during the early stages of breastfeeding. To prevent mom from being in too much pain, you can use special silicone nipple covers.

If a woman in labor has questions, it is worth bothering the doctor and getting qualified answers.

When should you feed for the first time?

If the baby and the mother have no contraindications, then the baby should be put to the breast for the first time in the first hours after birth, this will help speed up lactation.

How to understand that a child is full?

If the baby has stopped swallowing milk and releases it from his mouth in a thin stream, lets go of the nipple, turns his head or is already asleep, it means he is full. Pull the nipple out of your mouth, and if the baby calmly lets go, then everything is fine, he has eaten. After finishing feeding, you need to express milk from the breast. To avoid injuring the mammary gland with your hands, you can use a breast pump.

Some mothers worry whether her baby is getting enough to eat. This is quite easy to check, the baby is sleeping or awake, gaining height and weight, his development corresponds to his age.

Should I put my baby on both breasts?

You need to resort to feeding from the second breast only if the baby does not get enough from one. It is best to feed from one breast until the end because hind milk is healthier than fore milk and reduces the need to pump.

Some mothers put the baby on the second breast just in case. In this case, they can overfeed the baby, but there is nothing to worry about, because the baby will definitely spit up the excess.

Proper breastfeeding on a schedule or on demand?

The question is controversial. It all depends on the individual characteristics of both the baby and the mother. A well-fed baby sleeps for 2-3 hours before the next feeding. Currently, in maternity hospitals, if there are no pathologies in the mother and child, they are placed immediately in the same room. In the first days of life, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. After all, how much milk will be produced at the next feeding will depend on how much the baby eats. The frequency of feedings is also affected by the fat content of the mother's milk. If there is little milk or low fat content, then the child will be more likely to show desire. And vice versa, if the mother has a lot of milk and it is very thick and nutritious, then the baby may not require the next feeding for a long time. In any case, by carefully observing her child, the mother will determine an individual breastfeeding schedule.

How long does it take for a baby to get full?

There is no clear time limit here. To satiate a healthy, active child, 30 minutes may be enough. But in this matter, as well as in the matter of scheduling, everything depends on the baby. There are babies with an active sucking reflex, they quickly suck the required amount, others suck more slowly, get tired quickly and fall asleep, to check whether the baby is full or not, you can pull out the nipple or touch the chin, if the baby becomes active and continues to suck, it means he just fell asleep, but not I'm full.

How long should you breastfeed your baby?

How quickly is milk digested in a baby's stomach?

Mother's milk is the ideal food for a baby, no matter how often the baby eats, everything has time to be digested before the next feeding. As soon as the milk is digested, the baby will immediately demand to be fed.

How to feed a crying baby?

There is no need to force-feed a crying baby, because a crying baby may choke on milk; he needs to be gently reassured, rocked in his arms, and his lips moistened with milk from the breast. As soon as the baby begins to breathe more calmly, give him the breast. Usually babies calm down as soon as they smell their mother's milk.

What to do if milk is stagnant?

Many mothers do not express the remaining milk after feeding. At the very beginning of feeding, milk may be produced more than the baby needs; if the remaining milk is not expressed, it may stagnate, lumps form in the breast, pain appears, and the temperature may rise. You need to react at the first signs so as not to lead to mastitis and surgical intervention. First of all, try to express milk, then do a massage under a warm shower. The massage must be done delicately so as not to cause damage to the milk ducts, the best help, of course, is your child, sucking milk from the mother's breast, it will bring her great relief, as soon as the breasts become softer, express all the remaining milk. If these manipulations do not help, then contact your doctor immediately.

The rules for breastfeeding are not complicated. Natural instincts, observation, attention and love for your baby should help you properly attach your newborn to the breast.

Useful and visual video on how to properly attach a baby to the breast:

Every mother should know that the sooner the baby tries breast milk, the better. It is recommended to carry out the first breastfeeding immediately after birth directly in the delivery room in the first 20-30 minutes after birth, taking into account, of course, the condition of the baby and mother. In many foreign countries this has long been the rule.

Immediately after birth, if the condition of the newborn and the mother is good, the midwife places the baby on the mother's chest close to the nipple. If the baby does not suck, but even touches the nipple, then at least a few drops of colostrum will fall into his mouth.

Colostrum is extremely nutritious and very beneficial. It contains a huge amount of proteins, vitamins A, C, B 12, E, immunoglobulins, antibodies, hormones necessary for a newborn. Colostrum is created in order to provide the baby with a smooth transition from the nutrition he received in utero to real mature milk, which is why early first breastfeeding is so important.

Early latching of the baby to the breast ensures earlier and more stable subsequent lactation, and early wetting of the mouth and digestive tract with even a small amount of colostrum with a very high concentration of immunoglobulin A protects the baby from intense bacterial contamination and promotes the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

However, it must be taken into account that there are a number of contraindications to early breastfeeding on the part of both the mother (caesarean section, Rh conflict, etc.) and the baby (prematurity, developmental defects, etc.). These situations should be discussed in detail with specialists.

Laying on the stomach is the logical conclusion of childbirth. It signals to mother and child that the stressful situation ended successfully, that both of them did not work in vain and emerged victorious. The harmony that existed between them before has been restored. Now you can relax and enjoy each other.

The first eye contact is of great importance for establishing a deep emotional connection between parents and their child. A woman holding a child to her chest forgets about her suffering, her face brightens, and at this moment mutual understanding is established between her and the child, allowing her to feel each other without words.

Ways to attach a baby to the breast

Let's say right away - there is no one correct way to hold a baby while feeding. Mother and her child will independently find the most comfortable position for both of them.

Sometimes women can breastfeed their babies from the very beginning without any difficulty. However, most mothers, especially first-time mothers, need help at first. And then it is useful to adhere to the following principles.

Correct positioning of the baby's body is important for latching and successful breastfeeding. If correct breastfeeding and positioning are achieved from the first and early feedings, this will help avoid most problems.

The basic principle is that the baby should be able to latch on easily with a full mouth. To do this, his body must be close to his mother's, and his head must have full ability to move without any restrictions.

Principles of proper latching of a baby to the breast

With irregularly shaped nipples (flat, inverted), children, as a rule, gradually adapt to the unusual shape of their mother’s nipples. If the baby is not latched onto the breast correctly, you must stop sucking and try again.

Signs of improper sucking:

  • The baby sucks or “chews” only the nipple

  • The tongue only works on the tip of the nipple

  • Lips and gums squeeze the nipple in the middle

  • Lips suck only the nipple

There is no need to interrupt feeding - if the baby is full, he will release the breast on his own. If you urgently need to wean him from the breast, you should carefully insert your finger into the baby's mouth to interrupt the sucking, otherwise an unhappy baby may pinch the nipple, which will lead to the formation of cracks.

The duration of breastfeeding does not matter. Most children are full within 5-10 minutes. Some take 20-30 minutes or even more.

If the mother has twins, then there will be enough milk for both. Some women breastfeed both twins at the same time, others take turns.

A premature baby can be put to the breast with a body weight of more than 1800 g in the absence of serious deviations in health. At first he sucks with pauses. There is no need to take the breast from him during these breaks. If, due to the condition of a premature baby, it is impossible to attach to the breast, then it is necessary to feed him expressed breast milk.

Thus, we have examined the main aspects and features of the correct attachment of a child to the breast and sincerely hope that this information will help you.

The most important factor for the favorable growth and health of the baby is proper attachment during feeding. This process is not the most pleasant for a woman. Cracks may appear on the nipples, and feeding may be accompanied by pain. To avoid discomfort, every woman should know how to properly attach a newborn baby to the breast. Therefore, we will introduce you to the action of how to properly attach a baby when feeding.

Proper attachment of your child is considered the foundation for the active development of the baby and his health. One of the most important moments in the first minutes of life is the attachment of the baby to the mother. Under the supervision of doctors, a mother feeds her baby for the first time. If a woman is familiar with how to properly breastfeed her child, she will tune in to this process much faster.

After several feedings of the baby, the mother will develop her own way of carrying out this action. The baby is just learning to eat properly, that is, to suck milk. The sucking skill improves over several months. In the first days it is very difficult for the baby, he begins to get used to the environment and this way of eating, so the mother fully controls this process and helps her child.

To ensure that the process does not present any discomfort and the mother does not feel pain, you should become familiar with feeding techniques and know how to properly apply a newborn to the breast for feeding.

Do not forget that feeding is very important for both the little man and the mother; it contributes to the following factors:

  • activity of the baby, his health;
  • proper nutrition for the baby;
  • forming a bond between child and mother;
  • preventing milk stagnation, which can cause mastitis;

That is why every mother must know how to properly attach her baby for feeding and perform this action responsibly.

Application technique

Many young mothers have the idea of ​​how to properly position their baby while feeding him. The technique of proper feeding will help you understand this issue. Feeding a crying baby is much more difficult than feeding a calm baby. Therefore, before the procedure, you should make sure that the little one is happy and has a clean diaper. Also, when feeding, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the baby, that is, choose the right position. Attaching the toddler to the chest should be asymmetrical. (Picture 1, Asymmetrical application)

Important! Remember that it is considered correct to put the baby to the breast, and not to give it to the baby!

First of all, the mother should choose a comfortable position for both the baby and herself. Since the feeding procedure is a fairly long process, an unsuccessfully chosen position can cause discomfort and pain. Most often, the little one turns its head towards the smell of milk. But it also happens that it’s time to feed, but the little one is not hungry. In such a situation, it is worth enticing the child with a drop of milk on the nipple.

The mother should always hold the baby's head and also hold his shoulders. Thus, the baby's body is on the same line. The head is always turned towards the nipple. The baby almost always opens his mouth on his own when he is brought closer to the food object. A mother who knows how to properly attach a baby to the breast when feeding knows that her main task is to help the little person latch onto the breast. In addition, mommy holds the whole body from below.

If you did everything correctly, but you still feel discomfort, you should repeat the procedure for correct grip. It is worth repeating until all the signs of correct capture are realized.

Signs of a successful breast latch

Every mother should know how to hold her baby while breastfeeding. The baby's body and head are located on the same line. The baby's face is turned towards mommy, the nose is located opposite the nipple. The mother holds the baby's entire body and presses him to herself.

A woman should remember to support her breasts while helping her baby. This should be done with the index finger from below the chest. But do not forget that your fingers should not be located close to the nipple.

To help the baby successfully capture the areola, you need to touch the baby's lips with the nipple. Then wait until the baby opens his mouth wide. Then gently move the child towards you, and point the lower lip lower than the nipple. The lips are pressed around the nipple, to the areola. It is necessary to pay attention that the baby’s lower sponge captures more of the nipple than the lower one. The baby should grab not just one nipple, but also a circle around it.

If the baby only sucks on the nipple, he will not be as full as he will not receive the required amount of milk. The toddler will be capricious, behave restlessly and may even stop sucking milk. Another consequence of improper breast latch may be the formation of cracks in the nipples, as well as their inflammation.

Also, the baby may have problems capturing the lower part of the areola in the first days due to the influx of a large volume of milk. In this case, it is better to have a little milk and then help the baby to latch onto the breast correctly.

When the baby stops feeling hungry, he stops sucking and falls off the nipple. The newborn may fall asleep during the procedure and release the nipple. Do not wean your baby if the meal time has passed; give him the opportunity to decide for himself whether he will continue to eat or whether he is already full.

Pay attention! Correct latching of the baby's breast indicates successful breastfeeding.

Experts highlight the main signs of proper grip:

  • the newborn’s body should fit snugly to the mother’s body;
  • the baby's lower lip seems slightly turned outward;
  • The toddler captured the areola rather than sucking on one nipple;
  • If the baby ate correctly, then at the end of feeding the mother will not experience pain or unpleasant feelings.

Incorrect chest grip

In the first days after the baby is born, mothers do not know how to properly put the baby to the breast for feeding. It is also problematic for mothers to choose a position for feeding. All people are individual and... Some people will feel comfortable lying on their side, others will feel comfortable sitting leaning on a pillow, others can only feed their child while lying down. But the most famous pose is considered to be the “Cradle”. Mommy's hands are positioned like a cradle. The baby's head lies on the bend of the elbow on the side of the chest. Mom holds the baby's back and bottom. The baby should be in a stomach-to-belly position. (Picture 3, “Cradle” position)

It’s very easy to check your baby’s correct latch on the breast. After you hold the baby closer to you, you should look at where the baby’s gums are. They should cover not only the nipple, but also the areola. The milk ducts are located under the areola; by squeezing them, the required amount of milk flows in. If the little one grabs the breast incorrectly, this will lead to cracks, pain in the nipples and the baby will remain hungry.

If you notice that your child is not eating properly, you should stop feeding immediately. But it is very important to remove the nipple from the baby’s mouth only after the sucking has stopped, in order to prevent damage to the nipple. In order for the baby to stop sucking, you need to carefully insert your finger into the corner of the mouth. After which it is imperative to achieve the correct grip. If you don’t succeed, don’t panic, but try until you get it right.