In different countries, women were punished for cheating on their husbands. How in different countries they punished a wife for cheating on her husband! The most shocking punishments of women for cheating

Human imagination and cruelty know no bounds. By the way, where are similar lists for men?

1. In Siam, the culprit was placed in a special contraption, and the elephant could enjoy the unfortunate woman, thinking that she was a female elephant.

2. The Koreans pumped the victim with vinegar and, when it swelled to the proper size, beat it like a drum with sticks until it died.

3. The ancient Danes punished adultery with death, while murder was punishable by a simple fine, this shows which of the two acts was considered more serious.

4. The Mongols cut the traitor into two parts.

5. In the Kingdom of Tonkin, she was trampled by an elephant.

6. Disobedient or guilty harem dwellers in the East had their bodies cut in the most tender places and molten lead was dropped drop by drop into the open wounds; lead was also poured into the substance... Or they made a pincushion out of her body, only instead of pins they used wooden nails soaked in sulfur, set them on fire, the flame was maintained by the subcutaneous fat of the victim.

7. In Africa there is a small kingdom of Luango, where there is a custom of throwing a traitor and her lover from a steep cliff.

8. The Gauls usually smeared her with mud, then dragged her body along the ground through the entire city.

9. In some countries, the husband himself tried the wife: he executed her on the spot if he believed that she was guilty; this can be called an echo of that long-standing tradition according to which husbands could get rid of their wives who were boring them.

10. The savages of the Miami tribe cut off the noses of adulteresses, the Abyssinians dragged them out into the street and tore them into pieces.

11. The natives of Canada made an incision on their head, then tore off their scalp.

12. A Singaporean man who suspected his wife of cheating taught her a lesson in a very unusual way.
The jealous man tied up his wife and forcibly made tattoos on her body.
Tattoos for an unfaithful wife consisted of drawings of the sun, arrows and the words “one road”.
One can only guess what exactly the “artist” wanted to say with such a combination, but a forensic psychiatrist declared him sane.
The tattoos were done so professionally and carefully that special surgery would be required to remove them.
It is worth noting that in family conflicts, the Singaporean judicial authorities most often side with men.
Apparently, in the situation with the jealous tattooist, the judges were struck by the very fact of non-trivial marital revenge.
Caning is still a practice in Singapore.

13. In the Eastern Roman Empire, sinners were sold in the market square to everyone.

14. The savages of the Guax-Toliam tribe, discovered by French explorers in America, threw the traitor at the feet of the leader, cut her into pieces, and everyone present ate her.

15. In Turkey and some parts of Germany, a woman who committed adultery was tied up and put in a bag with a cat.
They hit the bag with flails, trying to hit the cat. An angry animal scratched and bit a woman

16. In Diyarbakir, a criminal was executed by the whole family, and everyone had to strike her at least once with a dagger.

1. In Siam, the culprit was placed in a special contraption, and the elephant could enjoy the unfortunate woman, thinking that she was a female elephant.

2. The Koreans pumped the victim with vinegar and, when it swelled to the proper size, beat it like a drum with sticks until it died.

3. The ancient Danes punished adultery with death, while murder was punishable by a simple fine, this shows which of the two acts was considered more serious.

4. The Mongols cut the traitor into two parts.

5. In the Kingdom of Tonkin, she was trampled by an elephant.

6. Disobedient or guilty harem dwellers in the East had their bodies cut in the most tender places and molten lead was dropped drop by drop into the open wounds; lead was also poured into the substance... Or they made a pincushion out of her body, only instead of pins they used wooden nails soaked in sulfur, set them on fire, the flame was maintained by the subcutaneous fat of the victim.

7. In Africa there is a small kingdom of Luango, where there is a custom of throwing a traitor and her lover from a steep cliff.

8. The Gauls usually smeared her with mud, then dragged her body along the ground through the entire city.

9. In some countries, the husband himself tried the wife: he executed her on the spot if he believed that she was guilty; this can be called an echo of that long-standing tradition according to which husbands could get rid of their wives who were boring them.

10. The savages of the Miami tribe cut off the noses of adulteresses, the Abyssinians dragged them out into the street and tore them into pieces.

11. The natives of Canada made an incision on their head, then tore off their scalp.

12. A Singaporean man who suspected his wife of cheating taught her a lesson in a very unusual way.

The jealous man tied up his wife and forcibly made tattoos on her body.

Tattoos for an unfaithful wife consisted of drawings of the sun, arrows and the words “one road.”

One can only guess what exactly the “artist” wanted to say with such a combination, but a forensic psychiatrist declared him sane.

The tattoos were done so professionally and carefully that special surgery would be required to remove them.

It is worth noting that in family conflicts, the Singaporean judicial authorities most often side with men.

Apparently, in the situation with the jealous tattooist, the judges were struck by the very fact of non-trivial marital revenge.

Caning is still a practice in Singapore.

13. In the Eastern Roman Empire, sinners were sold in the market square to everyone.

14. The savages of the Guax-Toliam tribe, discovered by French explorers in America, threw the traitor at the feet of the leader, cut her into pieces, and everyone present ate her.

15. In Turkey and some parts of Germany, a woman who committed adultery was tied up and put in a bag with a cat.

They hit the bag with flails, trying to hit the cat. An angry animal scratched and bit a woman

16. In Diyarbakir, a criminal was executed by the whole family, and everyone had to strike her at least once with a dagger.

Prince of Denmark - drink poison Gertrude!
The ancient Danes punished adultery with death, while murder was punishable by a simple fine, which shows which of the two acts was considered more serious.

Kievan Rus. Before Christian Rus' - the maximum punishment was “go away” or “expense”.
Since there were no “divorces”, like priests, in Rus' at that time, the maximum punishment was that people separated, or rather the wife was kicked out of the house.
This is due to the fact that the legal status of women during Kievan Rus was different than in Europe. During this historical period, women in the Ukrainian family enjoyed some autonomy and independence, which was reflected in women's rights.
The legal status of women was determined by the large role of their labor in the family. Unlike Roman law, which dominated everywhere in Western Europe, the law in Rus' gave a woman the opportunity to manage her property herself. According to customary law, she had her own property, consisting of a dowry, which in some regions of Rus' even included her own land plot.
And on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, almost everything was allowed! Yes, and at the same time, the issue of childless couples was resolved in this way.

Kievan Rus. Christian Rus' - they could cut off their hair, or they could kill both the traitor and the lover!
In an effort to consolidate marriage, church statutes prohibited hidden forms of violation of marriage laws: adultery and sexual relations between relatives. According to the church charter of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the church was given broad jurisdiction in the field of imposing punishment for these crimes.
According to the book of Deuteronomy (chapter XXII, art. 22), both were subject to the death penalty. If a person only suspected a woman of treason, without having any evidence, then, according to the book of Numbers, he handed the woman over to a clergyman for testing, which was carried out in the form of ordeals. The Church was not responsible for the consequences. According to Byzantine law, the traitor's braids were cut off, after which the marriage was canceled.
The church law of Kievan Rus punished not only the betrayal of a woman, but also attacks on her honor. This can be seen in Deuteronomy XXII, where it is said that rape entailed consequences: “If someone meets an unbetrothed maiden and seizes her and lies with her and finds them, then the one lying with her must give the father the revelation fifty shekels of silver, and let her be his wife, because he has defamed her, and for the rest of his life he cannot divorce her.”

Changed it to look like an elephant!
In the Kingdom of Tonkin, a traitor was trampled by an elephant.
Changed it - now with an elephant!
And in Siam, customs were more tolerant, although the elephant was involved here too. The culprit was placed in a special contraption, and the elephant could enjoy the unfortunate woman, thinking that it was a female elephant.
With a whip - and no sadomasochism or pleasure.
In similar cases, the ancient Bretons (Britain), also most likely out of perverted motives, or out of a sense of solidarity, simply marked adulteresses to death.
Together we changed - together and jump!
In Africa there is a small kingdom of Luango, where they say there is still a custom of throwing a traitor and her lover from a steep cliff.

I got tired of it - he executed me and told everyone that she was cheating!
In some European countries, the wife was tried by the husband himself: he executed her on the spot if he believed that she was guilty; this can be called an echo of that long-standing tradition according to which husbands could get rid of their wives who were boring them.

Savages - they are savages.
The savages of the Miami tribe cut off the noses of the adulteresses, the Abyssinians dragged them out into the street and tore them into pieces.
Scalp for treason.
It is believed that the natives of Canada made a neat cut on their head and then tore off their scalp. But scientists are not confident in this fact and the debate is still going on.
Changed - it means for sale!
In the Eastern half of the Roman Empire (Byzantium and Constantinople), sinners were sold in the market square to everyone.
The whole family gets a knife.
In Diyarbakir (just don’t ask where it is), the criminal was executed by the whole family and everyone had to strike her at least once with a dagger.
How is this NOT Sparta?
In some provinces of Greece (in some colonies), where, unlike Sparta, adultery was not allowed, anyone could kill a traitor with impunity
Changed it - ate it!
The savages of the Guax-Toliam tribe, discovered by French explorers in America, threw the traitor at the feet of the leader, cut her into pieces, and everyone present ate her.
The main thing is that children do not see!
The Hottentots, who allowed parricide, the murder of mother and children, treated adultery harshly. They punished the traitor with death, and even the testimony of a child served as proof of guilt.

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In addition, the problem of female infidelity today, in the age of the desire for gender equality, is, in our opinion, very acute. Perhaps, much more acute than male infidelity - about them, relatives, everything has already been said, proven, retold.

The Kingdom of Denmark is not without sin

What is more serious – murder or cheating on your husband? For the ancient Danes, it was definitely the second. These once noble descendants of the Prince of Denmark punished female adultery only with death , and nothing else. Of course, already in those days in “civilized” Europe they were punished for murder... with a pretty penny. Whether he poisoned, executed, hanged or fucked to death - a simple fine, and go on your way, you bastard p...n. But on the other hand, this shows that female lust is a terrible force.

No chance

The fellow countrymen of the glorious Genghis Khan also believed that it was necessary to get rid of the traitor only by killing her, and quite cruelly at that. Cutting a woman into several pieces is a worthy punishment for treason in ancient Mongolian style. In their understanding, the woman who cuckolded her nomad was not worthy to live, nor was she worthy to die with dignity.

The elephant will punish, not the husband

In ancient Siam, an adulteress was given a chance to live, albeit a very small one. And all because the size of the elephant’s value was, on the contrary, very large. What does the elephant have to do with it? Exactly the traitor was given over to be torn to pieces by this eternally sacred eastern animal - she was placed in an ingenious medieval device imitating a real elephant, through which the sacred the animal could enjoy intercourse with the most unfortunate of the unfortunate, believing that he was doing it with a female elephant.

Humane Europe? No, I haven't heard

Rigid patriarchy in the Old World remained in yesterday, but managed to properly leave a legacy in history. So, in many European principalities and states of the past, the cheater was entirely left to the judgment of her husband. More precisely, to be torn to pieces, because in 99% of cases there was only one sentence - death. And that's more lucky cheaters, with whom their spouses dealt with, as they say, quickly and painless – he cut off his head or simply stabbed him to death with his ancestral sword, and that was it. And how much the traitors suffered, whose lives ended with whipping, burning alive and even cutting out their genitals. By the way, many historians also say that in approximately the same way husbands could get rid of their wives who simply bored them.

Nothing personal, just business

In the East of the Roman Empire, in Byzantium and Constantinople, cheating on one’s husband was punished much more “humanely” than the above methods, resolving the issue purely on a commercial level. Sinners were simply put up for sale on the market square, where any feudal lord could buy them. If the slave turned out to be of no use to anyone, then it’s all lost...

Not Greek democracy

In Ancient Greece, as is known, adultery (adultery) was almost not punished in any way, which is why the bed adventures of the ancient Greek rulers, and even the Gods themselves, are so richly represented in myths and legends. But in some colonial provinces of Ancient Greece, treason was punished “in the European way” - again, by murder. Moreover anyone was allowed to kill the culprit in any way they wanted.

Always hungry

Savages are savages in America too. The aborigines of the Guax-Toliam tribe, traces of which were discovered by the French in Central America, were also cannibals treason was dealt with by eating the culprit. They threw her at the feet of the leader, cut her alive into small pieces, and the whole tribe relied on the most disgusting gluttony.

Everyone will answer

Surely, feminists of all stripes noticed that only the woman herself paid for all women’s sins. What about the lover? Did the horned husband really leave him alive and unharmed? Oddly enough, in most cases yes! The cable cable can be seen from afar. But the inhabitants of the small African kingdom of Luango, which still exists today with its primitive customs, set out to correct this injustice. There For treason, both the harlot and her lover are certainly thrown off the cliff.

The East is a delicate matter

But in many Arab states, to this day, female infidelity is considered a grave sin, allowing one to punish a spouse as harshly and independently as possible, even to the point of reprisals. And this despite the fact that it is not even customary to talk about male infidelity in modern Arab countries. Like, a man is the master of his own happiness, including sexual happiness. But in most cases, if a husband beats his wife half to death for infidelity or even shoots her, the court will justify such actions of the man.

The guilty ones in adultery concubines of the eastern harem in ancient times in general were subjected to inhuman suffering : they cut into the most tender and intimate places, and poured hot lead into the wounds, and poured lead into the harlot’s vagina. Or they could simply place a naked woman in a barrel with rats, or tie her up in such a way that they would gnaw out her insides.

On still the same In the wild East, even today there is an official execution for female adultery according to the traditions of Sharia. Thus, in Iran and Pakistan, a woman is subject to mass stoning for fornication, and in this case it is almost impossible to find the extreme in murder. Collective popular revenge is held in high esteem among the Majakhets. In Afghanistan, a girl is buried in the ground up to her waist. and anyone can also throw stones at the unfortunate woman, but if the woman manages to dig herself out of the ground before she is hit with a stone or dies from exhaustion, she is declared forgiven.

IN modern Saudi Arabian cheaters exclusively drown, and at the hands of the disgraced relatives of the guilty party.

In banana-lemon

In Singapore, back in the last century, cheating husbands forcibly gave tattoos on their bodies with the inscription “one road”. The procedure itself is very painful, and in those days there was no way to remove such tattoos except by cutting or burning them. Today in Singapore the laws have become softer, but for female infidelity are still punished in a special way: They are beaten with sticks in public.

Pre-Christian Rus'

And of course, about the Slavs, about whose sexual pleasures there is a lot of different information circulating on the Internet today, and most of it is nonsense, fake, denim. Thus, the tradition of polygamy in the Slavic lands appeared much earlier than the same eastern harems (and yes, there is a lot of direct and indirect evidence of this today), but unlike the lustful sheikhs, who in every sense have 10 wives, 2 or 3 wives were enough for our brother , and the latter found themselves in such a family absolutely voluntarily and could also always leave it voluntarily.

In case of cheating on your husband, bad the wife was simply kicked out of the house and deprived of any property of her husband. In other, more recent times - the sinner was tied to a tree for a day in a public place , and any passerby could look at the harlot, point a finger at her and be sure to spread the rumor throughout the cities and towns. It would seem that she escaped with a slight fright. But after such punishment, the chances of a successful marriage and a happy life for the sinner were reduced to almost zero. At that time, no one wanted to give birth to an unfaithful woman. And only in Christian Rus' The punishment for female adultery has become more severe.

Then a harlot could have her hair cut off, put in prison, or even killed.


1. In Siam, the culprit was placed in a special contraption, and the elephant could enjoy the unfortunate woman, thinking that she was a female elephant.
2. The Koreans pumped the victim with vinegar and, when it swelled to the proper size, beat it like a drum with sticks until it died.
3. The ancient Danes punished adultery with death, while murder was punishable by a simple fine, this shows which of the two acts was considered more serious.
4. The Mongols cut the traitor into two parts.
5. In the Kingdom of Tonkin, she was trampled by an elephant.
6. Disobedient or guilty harem dwellers in the East had their bodies cut in the most tender places and molten lead was dropped drop by drop into the open wounds; lead was also poured into the substance... Or they made a pincushion out of her body, only instead of pins they used wooden nails soaked in sulfur, set them on fire, the flame was maintained by the subcutaneous fat of the victim.
7. In Africa there is a small kingdom of Luango, where there is a custom of throwing a traitor and her lover from a steep cliff.
8. The Gauls usually smeared her with mud, then dragged her body along the ground through the entire city.
9. In some countries, the husband himself tried the wife: he executed her on the spot if he believed that she was guilty; this can be called an echo of that long-standing tradition according to which husbands could get rid of their wives who were boring them.
10. The savages of the Miami tribe cut off the noses of adulteresses, the Abyssinians dragged them out into the street and tore them into pieces.
11. The natives of Canada made an incision on their head, then tore off their scalp.
12. A Singaporean man who suspected his wife of cheating taught her a lesson in a very unusual way.
The jealous man tied up his wife and forcibly made tattoos on her body.
Tattoos for an unfaithful wife consisted of drawings of the sun, arrows and the words “one road.”
One can only guess what exactly the “artist” wanted to say with such a combination, but a forensic psychiatrist declared him sane.
The tattoos were done so professionally and carefully that special surgery would be required to remove them.
It is worth noting that in family conflicts, the Singaporean judicial authorities most often side with men.
Apparently, in the situation with the jealous tattooist, the judges were struck by the very fact of non-trivial marital revenge.
Caning is still a practice in Singapore.
13. In the Eastern Roman Empire, sinners were sold in the market square to everyone.
14. The savages of the Guax-Toliam tribe, discovered by French explorers in America, threw the traitor at the feet of the leader, cut her into pieces, and everyone present ate her.
15. In Turkey and some parts of Germany, a woman who committed adultery was tied up and put in a bag with a cat.
They hit the bag with flails, trying to hit the cat. An angry animal scratched and bit a woman
16. In Diyarbakir, a criminal was executed by the whole family, and everyone had to strike her at least once with a dagger.

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