Project for the first junior group. Project in the first junior group "toys"

PROJECT in 1 younger group

"Children's Health Week"

Developed by:

Yandukina Galina Amangeldievna.

Teacher of the 1st junior group

MBDOU "Kilemarsky kindergarten "Teremok"

April 2016

Project type : educational-game

Project duration: short-term from April 4, 2016 to April 8, 2016

Project participants : children of the 1st junior group (from 2 to 3 years old), parents, teachers


Children's health is the most hot topic to date. After all, modern society needs active and healthy people, so health needs to be strengthened as early as possible. Healthy lifestyle skills acquired at an early age will serve as the foundation for overall development and will remain important in later years.

Diagnostics of the physical development and health of children in the first junior group of our preschool educational institution showed that only 37% of children belong to the 1st health group, 63% - to the 2nd. There are no absolutely healthy children at all. Children suffer throughout the year mainly from upper respiratory tract and ENT diseases (acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)

Project goal - to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in young children, to increase the competence of parents in matters of children’s health, their desire for self-education

Project objectives:

Activate the motor activity of children;

Maintain a daily routine kindergarten and at home;

Develop cultural and hygienic skills and nutritional culture in children;

Form the basic principles of safety and preservation of your health;

To interest parents in the issues of developing a healthy lifestyle for children in the family


I Preparatory stage

Stage objectives:

Creation of a developmental environment: select materials, toys, attributes for motor, communicative, and play activities of children; didactic games, illustrative material, fiction on the topic “Health and Safety”

Select materials for children’s productive activities (modeling, drawing, construction games)

Make a long-term plan for activities with children

Select information, develop an action plan with parents

II stage - Main

Goal - Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children and parents

Project implementation

Day of the week

Type of educational activity

Collaborative activities between teachers and children

Interaction with parents

From 4.04.16 to 8.04.16

Daily wellness work

Morning exercises with rattles

Gymnastics after sleep “We want to be healthy”

Finger gymnastics“I have a head”, “Delicious vegetables”, “Ball”

Breathing exercises “Sultans”, “Butterflies are flying”, “Blow up a balloon” “Airplanes”

Walk in the fresh air

Visual gymnastics

Questioning parents on the topic: “Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family”

Exhibition“Health paths for our kids”


Sports and exercise are best friends

“To be healthy, get exercise” - talk about the benefits morning exercises

Folder - moving

"Prevention of acute respiratory infections" - inform parents about the most common illnesses of children of this age - colds and treatment methods.

1.Cognitive development: “Health Secrets” - to develop knowledge about healthy lifestyle, which is important for health


Play activity

Outdoor games:“On a Level Path”, “Hit the Target”, “Sparrows and the Car”

Didactic games:"Cut pictures" ( sports), Games with water

Plot-role-playing game"Hospital"


I want to be healthy

How to avoid getting sick and be healthy

Examination of illustrations with the profession of a doctor, conversation

Conversations with parents “Take care of your health from a young age” - Explain to parents the need to create prerequisites in the family for the full physical development of the child.

1.Speech development: “Memorizing the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Vodichka, Vodichka”

2. Physical culture"Visiting the Bunny"

Play activity

Outdoor games “Steam Locomotive”, “Catch Me”, “Carousel”

Didactic games “What does a doctor need?”, “Helpful-harmful”

Shulzhik “The Mirror Loves” clean faces", E. Charushin "Bear"

“Do not put dirty objects in your mouth (book “Rules of Conduct for Well-mannered Children”)

Theatrical activities

“Why did the little bear get sick?”

Reading fiction

G. Lagzdyn “Charging”, “Washing hands”

I. Shevchuk “Early in the morning for exercise”


Vitamins for health

Vegetables and fruits are healthy health products

Looking at illustrations

Memo for parents “Be healthy, baby”

1. Modeling: “Cherry is a healthy berry”

Play activity

Outdoor games: “A piece of fruit for each”, “Place fruits and vegetables in baskets”, “Sunshine and rain”,

Round dance game “Dance with Rattles”

Didactic game“Find and name healthy products”

Role-playing game “Fruit and Vegetable Store”

Reading fiction

Poems and riddles about vegetables and fruits, looking at illustrations

Visual activities

“Color the turnip” - individual work (gouache)


Cleanliness is the key to health

“We are friends with water and soap”

Looking at pictures “Greasy girl”, “Neat girl”

Physical education lesson with parents

"Physical education with mom and dad"

1. Speech development: “Yes, long live the scented soap and the fluffy towel”

2. Physical culture

Play activity

Didactic games and game exercises : “Find an item for washing”, “Let’s show Pinocchio how to wash and dry with a towel”, “Wonderful bag” (personal hygiene items)

Role-playing game “Katya’s doll’s bathing”

Reading fiction

A. Barto “Dirty Girl”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Bathing” Z. Alexandrov, L. Korchagina “Washed”

Circle " Top-top heel"

promote the physical development of children early age through dance and play activities


My body

“My body”, “I am a boy, I am a girl”

1.Drawing “Rays for the sun”

2. Physical culture

Consultation“Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children”

Play activity

Outdoor games: “Big legs”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Where are our hands”

Didactic games and game exercises: “Show body parts”, “Assemble a doll” (cut-out pictures)

Music game"Hello pens"

Dance “Fingers and Hands”

Reading fiction

A. Bosque “What are eyes for”, I. Demyanov “What are legs for”, E. Kapganova “Olin’s helpers”

III Stage - Final

Final event:

Physical education “Dr. Aibolit is our guest”

Photo report "Children's Health Week"

Expected results of the project

Children: enrichment of motor experience; promotion motor activity; health promotion; development of cultural and hygienic skills, nutrition culture; formation of the basic principles of safety and preservation of one’s health.

Parents: enriching parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical education and health improvement of children.

Used literature:

1.Mosyagina L.I. A holistic system of physical education health work with children of early and primary preschool age. - St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2013. - 288 p.

2. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. Grow healthy, baby! Health improvement program for young children. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006

3. Educational games with kids up to three years: a popular manual for parents and teachers / comp. T.V. Galanova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.

4. Movement + movement: a book for a kindergarten teacher. - M.: Education, 1992.

5. Kharchenko T.E. Morning exercises in kindergarten. Exercises for children 2-3 years old. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011.

MKDOU Zdvinsky kindergarten "Sun"

general developmental type

Health conservation project for preschool children 2 - 3 years old (1st junior group “Bee”)

Sitnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna


Health saving project for preschool children 2 - 3 years old

"Be healthy, baby!"

Description of material : I bring to your attention a project aimed at improving the health of children, at developing in children the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and cultural and hygienic skills. This development may be useful for preschool teachers. This material is intended for children 2 - 3 years old. In the health-saving space of a kindergarten, a special place is occupied by physical education and recreational work and the correct organization of motor activity of pupils, taking into account individual characteristics children, time of year and operating hours of the preschool educational institution. The educational process includes recreational activities: breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical exercises and dynamic breaks, finger gymnastics, self-massage, music and rhythm classes, relaxation. Children's diet includes fruits, juices, salads, and vegetables.


Protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of a child’s health. This task is especially acute during the adaptation period, when children experience a significant increase in the number of cases of illness, which requires the use of modern, innovative approaches to educational and health work. Educational area physical development requires us to form healthy lifestyle habits in children, which always come first.
In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

Problem: Children have not formed the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and have not fully developed cultural and hygienic skills (neatness and self-care skills).

Justification of the problem :
1 . Parents don't pay enough attention physical development children (protection and promotion of health), education of cultural and hygienic skills in children.
2. Children do not have enough knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills and a healthy lifestyle.

Project type: wellness

Project type : short-term (February 2016)

Project participants: children of the junior group "Bee", teachers, parents, health worker, physical education instructor.

Target: improvement of children's health, formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

1. Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, preventing morbidity and injury.
2 . Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
3. Education of cultural and hygienic skills, formation of ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.
4 . Development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers.
5 . Activate vocabulary: health, healthy lifestyle, exercise, physical education, rules, personal hygiene.
6 .Strengthen the connections between the kindergarten and the family, change the position of parents regarding their health and the health of their children

Expected results :
1 .Children have developed initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. 2 .Cultural and hygienic skills have been formed and they know the basic rules of personal hygiene.
3. Children take the initiative on their own: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, and ask questions. show creativity, activity and detail in their work.
4 .Activated and enriched vocabulary children on the topic.
5 .They enjoy drawing, sculpting, and playing various games.
6 .Participation in joint activities parents.

Product of project activity : Setting up a health corner in the group, creating files of various gymnastics (breathing gymnastics, articulation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, physical education exercises), outdoor games.

Project implementation:

Stage 1 -Preparatory stage

Working with parents:
- Questioning of parents.

Consultation “Help your child improve his health”, “Culture of a healthy lifestyle in the family and kindergarten”.
- folder – movement “Daily routine is important”;
- Conversations with parents on disease prevention.
- a memo for parents “Rules of hand washing”, “Prevention of intestinal infections”, “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2-3 years old”, “Massage - here I come!”;
- Advice to parents on developing cultural and hygienic skills, on conducting morning exercises, on organizing physical activity, on organizing proper nutrition;
- Recommendations " Sample recommendations on hardening children”, on a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 -Practical

Working with children:
Wellness activities (daily at special times):
- Morning exercises;
- Dynamic pauses, physical exercises;
- Breathing exercises;
- Finger gymnastics (with objects) with pronunciation of poetic forms.
Hardening activities (daily)
- Air baths, hygiene procedures.
- Walking barefoot along massage paths;
- Self-massage of feet and hands.
Preventive measures
- Fortification;
- Lightweight clothing indoors and outdoors;
- Prevention of flat feet (walking on ribbed paths, etc.);
- Games aimed at developing correct posture

- Role-playing games“Family”, “Hospital”, “We are athletes”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Getting ready for a walk”, “Toys at the doctor’s and others;
-Didactic games and exercises aimed at instilling cultural and hygienic skills and a healthy lifestyle: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk,”
“Let’s put the doll to sleep”, “Bathing the doll”, “Let’s feed the doll”, “Water, water”,
“Wash your hands”, “Washbasin”, “Doing your hair”, “Grey cat is washing himself”, “I’ll tell you, and you show me”, “Test the taste” and others.
- Gymnastics for the eyes;
- Conversations with children "Talk about proper nutrition", "Me and my body", "What do I know about sports", " Healthy Products– vegetables and fruits”, “Why is exercise necessary”, “Rules of behavior while eating and washing”.
- Reading fiction (K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino Mountain”), Russian folk tale“About naughty arms and legs”, nursery rhymes, poems, asking riddles on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, “KGN”;
- Reviewing the material on the topic “Types of sports”, “Personal hygiene items”, “If you want to be healthy”, “ Bad habits", "How to properly use personal hygiene items."
- Outdoor games“Catch a mosquito”, “Mice and a cat”, “Find your color”, “Hen and chicks”, “Get in the circle”, “Find your place” and others;
- Articulation gymnastics;

Stage 3 - Final

Result of the work:
- film – presentation about the work done.

Enrichment of the physical culture corner

Exhibition of works by children and parents

Making a wall newspaper

Appendix No. 1

Questionnaire for parents



3. Do you do exercises at home?

4 Do you follow a daily routine on weekends? Which?


6 What type of hardening do you use at home? (check)

systematic ventilation

salt path

breathing exercises

walk at any time of the year



outdoor games

board games



9. What kind of advice would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Thanks for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for parents

"Physical education in the family."

1 . How often does the child get sick, what serious illnesses or injuries has he suffered?

2 . Do you know what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle? Explain.

3 . Do you do exercises at home?

4 . Do you follow a daily routine on weekends? Which?

5 . Do you have a home physical education equipment? Which?

6 . What type of hardening do you use at home? (check)

systematic ventilation

breathing exercises

walk at any time of the year

walking barefoot on the "miracle rug"

7. Do you go for walks with your child after kindergarten? How many hours do you go somewhere and where?

8. What does your child do in the evenings and on weekends: (check)

outdoor games

board games


9 . What kind of advice would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Appendix No. 2

(wall newspaper “Dad, Mom, I - sports family!»)


Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 92
Location: Angarsk city, Irkutsk region

Short-term project for the first junior group “With the theater we grow, we learn, we develop!”

Subject field:"World of Art".

Project type: role-playing game.

Age: children three years old.

Problem: external interest of children and parents in theater and theatrical activities.

Justification of the problem:

1. Insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater.

2. Children’s “acting skills” have not been developed.

3. Superficial knowledge of parents about different types of theater in kindergarten and use for acting with children.

Target: developing an interest in theater and joint theatrical activities among children and parents.


1. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the theater.

2. Instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice).

3. To interest parents in purchasing, manufacturing different types theater and give information about ways to play at home with children.

Project execution:

At the beginning and at the end of the project, a survey of parents was conducted: “Do you play theater with your child at home?” and research observation of children “Independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten!”

Solving problems with children:

Watching the musical play “The Adventures of Kolobok” and talking about what they saw (showed by children in the older group).

Conducting an excursion to music hall and viewing props for puppet theaters.

Presentation for children of different types of theater “Kolobok”, “Turnip”.

Active use of different types of theater in joint activities with children.

Playing out etudes, nursery rhymes, mini-scenes, etc. in individual work.

Creating a play environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten (making masks, hats, selecting music).

Rehearsals with children.

Solving problems with parents:

Visual information for parents: the folder “Theater for Everyone” with a description of the history of the theater, its types, a master class on making theaters.

Exhibition and presentation of different types of theater “Play with us!” (examination of theaters, options for their manufacture).

Production of new types of theater in the group.

Scenario of joint activities to solve problems:

  1. Choice of topic by the teacher.
  2. The teacher introduces children and parents to the topic “We grow, learn, develop with the theater”, drawing up a plan for project activities.
  3. Drawing up a diagram of interaction between teacher + parents + children in the process of working on the project.
  4. Selection required material(articles for parents, questionnaires for parents, events for children).
  5. Selection of the final event: children's performance of the mini-skit “Hedgehog”, the sketch “Newbie”, the nursery rhyme “A Squirrel Sits on a Cart” and the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Description of the product resulting from the project:

  1. Sketch based on A. Brodsky’s poem “Novichok”

Silent came to kindergarten.

A very timid newbie.

At first he didn't dare.

He didn’t sing any songs with us.

And then, we see we got used to it:

Like a bunny hop and jump!

How bold I have become.

He even sang a song!


  1. Nursery rhyme

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:

Little fox-sister,

Bunny with a mustache,

To the fat-fifted bear,

To the toothy wolf cub,

Loud cockerel,


  1. Mini-scene based on the poem by L. Korchagina “Hedgehog”

If only you were a good hedgehog

You just can’t pick it up!

Not good? So what!

I'm not a hedgehog without needles!

  1. Dramatization game “Cats and Mouse!”

This pen is a mouse,

This pen is a cat,

“To play cat and mouse,

We can do it a little."

The mouse scratches its paws,

The mouse is gnawing on the crust.

The cat hears it

And sneaks up to the Mouse.

The mouse grabbed the cat,

Runs into a hole.

The cat sits and waits

“Why isn’t the Mouse coming?”

  1. Fairy tale "Turnip"

There lived a grandfather, a woman, and a granddaughter! One day a woman and her granddaughter went to cook porridge. And grandfather decided to plant a turnip!

Grandfather: I’ll go and plant a turnip! Grow, grow, sweet turnip! Grow, grow, turnip, strong! So the turnip grew, sweet, strong, big, big.

Grandfather: It's time to pull the turnip out of the ground!

He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out! Grandfather called Grandma!

Grandfather: Grandma, go help, pull the turnip!

Grandma: I’m coming, I’m coming, I’ll help you now!

Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - Together: We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.

Grandma called her granddaughter.

Grandmother: Granddaughter, run to help us, pull the turnip!

Granddaughter: I’m running, running, I’ll help you!

Granddaughter for grandmother, Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - Together: We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.

Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, help us pull the turnip!

Bug: Woof, woof, I’ll help, I’m already running to you!

A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - Together: We pull, we pull, we can’t pull.

Called Bug< кошку.

Bug: Cat, help us, pull the turnip!

Cat: Meow - meow, I’m coming to your aid!

Cat for the Bug, Bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip - Together: We pull, we pull, we can’t pull it out.

The cat called the mouse.

Cat: Mouse, where are you, run to us, help!

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee, I’m already in a hurry, I’ll help you all!

A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - Together: Pull, pull - and we pulled out the turnip.

Everyone was satisfied and happy! Together we pulled the turnip out of the ground! Now grandma will cook turnip porridge, delicious and sweet! And the fairy tale is over, and well done to those who listened!

Project result:

Project product: acting out a sketch, nursery rhymes, mini-scenes in individual work.

70% of the group’s families participate in the project.

Parents got acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, methods of production and performance.

When conducting a survey at the end of the project “Do you play theater with your child at home?”, the desire of parents to engage in theatrical activities at home with children, going to the theater.

Many parents purchased and made theaters for home use.

The enthusiastic use of the theater center by children in a group in independent activity and good performance " acting skills» for children 3 years old.

Making props for theatrical activities.

Interdisciplinary connections

Name of educational areaContentTasks
  1. Table theater "Turnip"
  2. Table theater "Kolobok"
  3. Imitation game “Who am I?”
  4. Puppet theater "Kolobok"
Learn to carefully follow the heroes of a fairy tale; Help the teacher tell a fairy tale.

Teach children to tell a fairy tale by role; get into the role.

Learn to recognize animals by onomatopoeia and movements; learn to use voice, facial expressions and gestures in the game.

Teach children to follow the development of the plot.

  1. Game "Magic pipe"
  2. Game-situation “Sunny bunnies”
  3. Playing out the fairy tale “Turnip”
  4. Game "Petrushkin Concert"
Encourage expressive onomatopoeia; learn to play roles in collective improvisation.

Develop imagination, encourage physical activity in improvisation.

Distribute roles, teach to maintain consistency in the plot of a fairy tale.

Arouse interest in theatrical play.

  1. Playing out the sketch “Newbie”
  2. Nursery rhymes “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”
  3. Mini-scenes “Hedgehog”
Learn to play roles in improvisation, encourage expressive pronunciation of text, learn to use facial expressions and gestures.
  1. Game "Dance Fox"
  2. Game "Playing with a doll"
Invite the fox to dance and find out what instrument she dances to.

Perform movements with the doll in accordance with the words as shown by an adult.

Planned time for project implementation by stages

Organizational forms of work on the project

Forms of workNameDeadlines
"Playing with a Doll"March 13
Listening and watching with discussionRubber Toy Theater “About the Capricious Bear”March 13
Game situation"Sunny bunnies"March 14
Collective improvisation"Magic pipe"March 15
Listening and watchingTable theater "Turnip"March 15
re-enactmentFairy tale "Turnip"March 16
ViewPuppet theater "Kolobok"March 16
Outdoor game with musical accompaniment"The little fox dance"March 17
re-enactmentSketch “Newcomer”, nursery rhyme “Squirrel sitting on a cart”March 20
Creative storytellingTable theater "Kolobok"March 21
re-enactmentMini-scene “Hedgehog”March 21
Musical and didactic game"Petrushkin Concert"March 22
Imitation game"Who am I?"March 22
DramatizationGame "Cat and mouse"March 22
Independent work with parentsQuestionnaire “Do you play theater with your child at home?”March 13, March 22
Final event: dramatization by childrenNursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”, sketch “Newbie”, mini-scene “Hedgehog”, fairy tale “Turnip”March 23

Name: Short term project for 1st junior group “With the theater we grow, we learn, we develop”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Project activities, 1st junior group

Municipal state preschool educational institution- kindergarten No. 6 in Tatarsk

E.A. Mozzherina



Project type: (cognitive-creative, group project).

Project duration: long-term

Project participants: children of the 1st junior group, group teachers, music director, kindergarten nurse, parents of pupils.

Relevance of the project:

In the first years of life, intensive emotional development of the child occurs. But when a young child enters kindergarten, many changes occur in his life: a strict, planned daily routine, the absence of parents during the day for several hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers and adults unfamiliar to him, a new room, a completely different style. communication. All these changes strike the child suddenly and simultaneously, creating a stressful situation for him, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions.

Therefore, the awakening of positive emotions for early childhood should become dominant directions in organizing the life of preschool educational institutions. One of the means of creating positive emotions in children in preschool educational institutions is the emotionally developing environment and especially its emotionally activating component, i.e. organizing children's employment - games, activities, surprise moments. To avoid complications during the adaptation period and ensure its optimal course, clear, professionally coordinated and thoughtful work of teachers, nurses, and interaction with parents is necessary.

Target project - Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Providing favorable conditions that help prevent emotional distress in children, increasing the level of pedagogical literacy of parents in matters emotional development child.

Tasks project

    Formation of a positive emotional response in children and adults, the desire to attend kindergarten.

    Form friendly relationships and develop communication skills in children.

    Involving parents in active cooperation with group teachers. To unite the team of parents, to involve them in participation in the life of the group.

Implementation the project is carried out through various types children's activities and work with parents.

Project implementation stages :


    Collection of information about the families of future preschool pupils.

    Compilation individual card development of pupils.

    Analysis of methodological literature.

    Organization of a developmental environment in a group.

    Practical activities

    joint games (verbal, finger, movement, experimental games);

    looking at books, illustrations, paintings; reading and learning works of oral folk art;

    performing dramatizations, showing theatrical performances, puppet theaters;

    educational conversations;

    organizing excursions around the kindergarten and its territory.

    Product of joint activity.

    Design of a developmental environment in the group;

    Children's portfolio;

    Design of information stands; portable material;

    Photo stands:“We are playing!”, “Nature has no bad weather"", "Our holidays";

    Design of the mini-museum “Visiting a Fairy Tale”;

    Holidays (“Farewell Summer”, “Journey to autumn forest", New Year's "Visiting Parsley", March 8 "Ryaba Hen")

Working with parents:

    Questioning, familiarizing parents with the organization of the educational process of preschool educational institutions,

    Participation of families of pupils in equipping the subject-developmental environment of the group.

    Individual conversations with parents.

    Design of information stands; portable material; photo stands:“We are playing!”, “Nature has no bad weather”, “Our holidays”.

    Together:Let's work together “Building a snow town on a walking site”; design of the mini-museum “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, production fairy-tale heroes, writing fairy tales.

    Parent meetings:“Features of the adaptation period of group children, tasks of raising and teaching children of the 3rd year of life” (September); “The emotional life of a child at an early age” (February) “What our children have learned in a year” (May)

Expected result:

    Favorable passage of the adaptation period in children.

    At the end of the project, the children of the group will have a positive emotional state during the day, and emotional tension will decrease.

    Children must learn to respect kindergarten staff, traditions and values.

    Children must develop a sense of attachment to the kindergarten so that the kindergarten truly becomes a second home and so that children enjoy attending kindergarten.

    Formation of partnership, trusting relationships between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils.

    Increasing the competence of teachers and parents on issues of adaptation, education and development of children.

In parallel with solving the main problems, they are solvingtasks for children to work on:

Relieving emotional and muscle tension;

Reducing impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression;

Development of skills to interact with each other;

Development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

Development of a sense of rhythm,general and fine motor skills,coordination of movements;

Development of gaming skills and voluntary behavior.

Providing psychophysical, personal and intellectual development babies;

Project result

During implementation this project The children's adaptation to kindergarten was successful, without complications.By the end of the year, I believe that we have achieved good results. Observing the children in the group, we can say with confidence that the children have become more relaxed, sociable, sociable, they make contact with their peers and with adults,freely seek help from the teacher, carry out his requests and instructions.

The children got acquainted with the kindergarten with interest and looked at photographs of their group. We learned about the professions of the kindergarten, got to know the employees and began to treat them more respectfully.Children know the location and purpose of the dressing room, group and bedroom rooms, where the items for games are located. During their stay in kindergarten they maintain good mood, willingly go to the garden (without tears) and play with each other.

We gave special attention to the creation of a positive emotional microclimate in the group, specially organized communication between an adult and a child, as well as subject environment promoting emotional development.


Let's plant onions!

Washing the turtle

named Natasha!

Here's a scarlet flower

we raised!

Snail! Snail! Stick out your horns...

I'll give you a piece of the pie!





Pedagogical project"Spring Sun"

Antonova Valentina Valerievna, teacher at MBDOU d/s "Fairy Tale" (Semikarakorsk)

Project participants: Teacher, children of the first junior group.
Implementation period: 1 week, March 2015.
Project type: short-term, creative, information and research.
Relevance of the pedagogical project: The topic of the project was not chosen by chance. I would like to introduce children to the sun and its influence on nature, because with the arrival of spring the sun begins to shine brighter and warmer. The children noticed this, of course. In conversations with children, some of them found it difficult to name the color and shape of the sun; they used little verbs and definitions related to the sun.

Project goal: Formation of an active vocabulary in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming (primarily); cognitive (observations, experiment, artistic expression); development of creative skills
Project objectives:
1. Give to children elementary representations about the sun and its influence on the world around us.
2. To form children’s cognitive activity when observing the sun.
3. Enrich children’s vocabulary on this topic using the words “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc.
4. Reinforce the concepts of “yellow”, “round”, “similar”, “not similar”.

Expected result:
- enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc.
- cognitive interest in experiments;
- development of observation skills in children.

The project is being carried out in 3 stages.
First stage:

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children to identify children's knowledge about the sun.

Sample questions: What color is the sun? What shape is the sun? What is the sun for? etc.
Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games, using the “sun”, illustrative material.
Preparation of attributes for games and activities.

Second stage:
Types of activities

1. Reading fiction (Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes)

Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window!
Sunny, dress up!
Red, show yourself!
The kids are waiting for you
The little ones are waiting!
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
Very happy about the sun!

Physical education minutes


The sun came out from behind a cloud,
We will stretch our arms to the sun. (stretching - arms up)
Hands to the sides then
We will spread wider (stretching - arms to the sides)
We've finished warming up
Relax your legs and backs!

***The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps***

The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping, (folded palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek)
Even the wind doesn't make any noise. (we shake our hands up)
Early in the morning the sun rose, (raised hands up, stretched)
Sent all its rays. (we shake our hands up)
Suddenly a breeze blew (we swing our arms open to the sides)
The sky was covered with a cloud, (they covered their face with their hands)
And he shook the trees (swinging the body left and right)
The rain pounded on the roofs (jumping in place)
The rain is drumming on the roofs, (clap your hands)
The sun is sinking lower. (bending forward)
So it hid behind the clouds, (we crouch)
Not a single ray of light is visible (they stood up and hid their hands behind their backs).

2. Motor outdoor game “Sunny Bunny”

Sunny bunnies playing on the wall
I'll beckon them with my finger,
Let them run to me
Well, catch it, catch it quickly!
Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!
He ran to the ceiling.
(children catch a bunny on the wall. The teacher points the mirror lower, the children try to catch the bunny)

3. Exercises for morning exercises (with elements of breathing exercises) “Spring Sun”

Educator: Guys, look out the window.
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We'll clap our hands
We are very happy about the sun.
(A. Barto.)

Let's show the sun how much we like it.

No. 1 Walking in a circle, holding hands (15 s)
No. 2 Walking in different directions (10 s)
No. 3 Running in a circle (10s)
No. 4 Walking in a circle (10 s)
No. 5 Formation in a circle.

Exercise “Let’s warm our hands in the sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms down.
Hands forward, turn palms up and down.
Return to starting position. (repeat 5 times). The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Hide your palms”

Starting position: lying on your back, pressing your hands to the floor - warming your tummies.
Turn onto your stomach - warm your back. You can turn on your side and warm your side (repeat 5 times). The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Rejoice in the Sun”

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist.
8-10 jumping in place (2-3 times, alternating with walking). Breathing is voluntary.

Breathing exercise “Grow Big”

Stand straight, legs together, raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes – inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot – exhale. Say: “U-h-h-h!” (repeat 4-5 times)

4. Cognitive - research: Observing the sunrise and sunset - using illustrations and with the help of parents at home

5. Communicative Didactic game “Describe the picture.”

Target: Development of voluntary memory, observation, logical
thinking, auditory memory. Practice identifying a group
objects united by a common characteristic, a foreign object.
The child is asked to carefully look at the picture. Child
must not only name what is depicted, but also describe the form,
number, size, spatial arrangement of objects and their

6. Productive Conducting sculpting and appliqué classes on the theme “Sun”

***Modeling lesson on the theme “Sun”***

Purpose of the lesson: Continue teaching with a pressing movement of the index finger.
use your finger to smear the plasticine on the cardboard; form
interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: sheets of blue and light blue cardboard according to the number of children,
yellow plasticine.

Progress of the lesson: Before starting the lesson, you need to prepare the groundwork -
"sun in the sky" To do this, roll yellow plasticine
colored ball, then flatten it and press it onto the cardboard in the center
leaf. Distribute the blanks to the children.

Educator: You have blue skies in your pictures. And the sun is shining in the sky.
Only it shines weakly and does not warm at all. How do you think,

Children: Because the sun has no rays.
Educator: Let's help him and make rays. (Offer the children
press the edge of the plasticine sun with your finger, press
harder and pull your finger down or to the side - this will happen
ray of sunshine.)

Educator: This is how the beam turned out! Let's make a lot of sun
rays! Now it shines brightly! (Invite the children to work
on one's own. To make the rays longer, you need
press harder on the plasticine. For ease of use, you can
rotate the workpiece.)

At the end, you need to ask the children what kind of sun we got (radiant, bright).

***Collective application lesson on the theme “Sun”***

It is advisable to use collective works for decoration group room, doll corner.
Target: attract children to participate in the production collective application. It develops aesthetic feelings and stimulates their desire to engage in appliqué.
Material: colored paper yellow, glue, scissors, pencil, base (tight circle for the sun’s head).
Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to outline their palm on a sheet of yellow paper, helps in outlining and cutting out the resulting palm.

Explain that each palm will be a ray to our sun, and the more rays there are, the brighter the sun will shine and warm the children.
Educator: Do you guys like to solve riddles?
Children: Yes
Educator: Listen to the riddle and try to guess it
Round, warm,
Beautiful, kind
It shines for everyone
Warms everyone
Makes everyone happy
Gives everyone health.
Children: This is the sun.
The teacher shows the base of the sun (yellow circle) and invites the children to glue their cut out palms to this circle.
Bucket sun
Come up quickly
Light up, warm up,
Calves and lambs
Yes, little guys!
The teacher encourages the children
The teacher encourages the children and praises them for correctly glued palms.

Third stage:

Summing up the project.
Design of a corner for parents based on the results of the project.
Used literature:
1. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Junior group. – M.: “KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS”, 2006.
2. Koldina, D. N. Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Lesson notes/D. N. Koldina. – M., 2009.
3. Yanushko, E. A. Modeling with young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2005.
4. Yanushko, E. A. Speech development in young children. 1-3 years. /E. A. Yanushko. – M., 2010.