Parables about relationships with parents. A parable about parents, children and faith: “One day a woman came to God” Interesting parables about the love of parents

The problem of the relationship between parents and children will always remain acute and painful in all times and centuries, and it will never be completely exhausted by any of the philosophers, sages and psychologists. Only people themselves can resolve this intra-family impasse by realizing their mistakes. Clients often approach me, like any professional psychologist, asking for solutions to family problems. How to help a person when he does not see his mistakes, how not to traumatize him during a stressful situation, how to help him find the right solution himself without edification? In this situation, I use metaphorical techniques, bibliotherapy and fairy tale therapy techniques. This is the most loyal way out in the current situation: a person listens to a parable with a seemingly similar problem and casually approaches the solution to his problem, to the realization of his mistakes, and a certain way out is gradually outlined.


She stood on her knees in front of her son, Asked him to let her into the house... But he was indifferent, regretting that he answered the bell and opened the door. She didn’t take her eyes off her son, she hoped and still waited. Did you love? Well, of course, I loved it! Otherwise I would have died, but I didn’t come. She cried and did not understand, How could all this happen? Perhaps a drop of pity remains? She simply had nowhere to go. She was just scared, lonely... And he threw away the cigarette butt and said: Maybe it will be cruel, Get out of here... I didn’t call you! He slammed the door like a backhand. My soul was filled with pain! I put a big, bold dot: Live, if you don’t want to live, then die! What kind of force is needed for this? What kind of love is needed then? Rising from her knees, she crossed the house, and wandered away from here to nowhere.


Quite old. Where can she go now? To a nursing home? - He’ll burn with shame! Having raised three sons under her heart, she speaks about each of them with such warmth. It’s time to go to my sons, where else, and then, as God judges. An old woman goes to the city, through the harvest, with a bag of dried berries and mushrooms. First to the smaller one: “How is the little one? He’s been sick since the cradle. I wish he’d quit smoking.” He extended his arms to meet her: “Mom!” And they didn’t have time to close the doors. How happy her son is! He scooped up a handful of raspberries, sat him down on the ottoman, pushing the cat off, he gave tea to his dear guest, and in the morning: “Now then, mother, where?” With shortness of breath, uphill, towards the middle old woman. And now in front of her is a familiar house. "Stay ma." And I didn’t have the courage, and a lump of resentment rose in my throat. And the matchmaker stood at her post at the shaky river, And the guest, the mother, overcame her tears. The daughter-in-law in the kitchen, without extinguishing her smile, cut off a pie for the road. And with a soft, sticky pie in my pocket, I went to the station and took a long-distance ticket. And in the morning, in the thick fog, dawn caught her among the silent stones. So I found my son’s house. So why doesn’t he call her home, And doesn’t kiss the mole above her eyebrow, And doesn’t take an accordion to celebrate? The elder is under the obelisk. Is mom happy? The wet handkerchief slipped over her eyes, she hugged the cold stone with her hands, and burst out: “Take me, son!” She’s very old, where can she go now? To a nursing home? He will burn with shame. She carried three sons under her heart, and speaks about each one with such warmth!


One day, a little boy returned home from school and gave his mother a letter from his teacher. Out of nowhere, the mother suddenly began to cry, and then read the letter out loud to her son: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small and there are no teachers here who can teach him anything. Please teach it yourself." Many years after his mother's death, he was looking through old family archives and came across this letter. He opened it and read: “Your son is mentally retarded. We can no longer teach him at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you teach it yourself at home.” The boy's name was Thomas Edison and by that time he had already become one of the greatest inventors of the century. Edison cried for several hours straight. He then wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age." Appreciate your mothers! Only they love us for who we are and believe in us, no matter what.


One day a chita came to the orphanage to choose a son or daughter for herself. When they saw the boy alone there, they really wanted to take him home. Left alone with the boy, With a sweet smile they said to him: You are Nice and suit us perfectly: We would gladly take you in with us: And he, with his eyes downcast, was silent. Well, why don't you answer? Look: we are giving you a dump truck. And here are some candies, if you want. “Thank you,” was the polite answer. But there are a lot, a lot of toys here. What else do you have for the kids? And the boy’s voice trembled in hope. After exchanging glances with his wife, the husband said: Well, home We have a dacha and a car. And looking into the boy’s eyes, he quietly added, “I’m just missing a son. Tell me, what would you like? We’ll buy you, if we can.” And the boy looked away with sadness, a tear that never came true. fell from his eyelash. The husband and wife were silent in embarrassment, afraid of their own care, to sadden the boy even more. I only want to be loved. And the adults felt ashamed that they had completely forgotten about love. The tears and sadness, the souls of the boys, the lonely pain became clear: Oh, how he yearned for love, In his orphaned, hopeless lot! And what did they offer him? Toys, sweets, wealth, He needed love. Just mom and dad. The boy got up, Well, I went." And he took a step towards the door. And the husband and wife, in agreement in their souls, pressed them to themselves: Darling, believe us: We love you! Don't go! Be a beloved son. And the boy cried quietly on the chest of his mother and father, hearing his name.


Hurrying to do dirty deeds, sneaking through the streets like a thief, the Mother threw her little son over the orphanage fence. He lay down in the grass for a little while and walked away from the blow. He could not stand on his feet yet, but he crawled very well. Not submitting to failure, getting up on all fours with difficulty, He crawled with an unchildishly bitter cry to look for his new home. The rain was drizzling, and the gray city seemed to be sad too, because the boy once called the one behind the fence his mother. Just yesterday he pressed himself to her hands, to her chest: Just yesterday he smiled, not knowing what was ahead. As he fell asleep, he made plans to play with cars in the morning. He didn't want to get up so early when his mother woke him up. He called her, but soon realized that he would achieve nothing. The mother on the other side of the fence no longer heard him. And, continuing to cry loudly, looking for comfort and warmth, he crawled into the booth where the dog lay down to feed his puppies. The dog jumped up in horror, ready to enter into a fight, not understanding what had happened or what to do next. The look was like a shot, but... it misfired! And pity replaced anger. It was as if the man’s grief was echoing in the dog’s heart. She did not touch the boy, feeling that there was no evil in him. And with a friendly, ringing bark, it seemed to be calling people. The baby soon left the booth, trusting in someone else’s hands. The dog turned out to be sensitive not only to its own puppies. And the mother on the other side of the fence and the mother of six puppies will be the topic of conversation throughout the years, and perhaps centuries.


Once upon a time there was a blind girl who hated herself for her blindness. She hated everyone else too, with the exception of her loving fiancé. He always supported her. One day she told him: “If only I could see this world, I would marry you.” And so someone became a donor, giving her his eyes. When the blindfold was removed, she could see everything and she saw her fiancé. And he asked her, “Now that you see, will you marry me?” The girl looked at him and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She didn't expect this. The thought that she would have to look at these unseeing eyes for the rest of her life was unbearable to her, and forced her to abandon her promise. Her boyfriend left, crying, and soon wrote her a letter in which he said: “Take good care of your eyes, my dear - before they were yours, they belonged to me.” This is how our brain often reacts when our status changes. Only a few remember what life was like before and who supported them in the most dire situations. Life is a gift Today, before you make a quip, think about those who cannot speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food, think about those who have nothing to eat. Before you complain about your spouse, think about those who alone pray to God for a companion. Today, before you complain about life, think about those who died too early. Before you complain about your children, think about those who cannot have them, despite their great desire. Before you complain about the mess and dirt in your home, think about those who live on the street. Before you worry about the distance you have to travel, think about those who walk it. And when you are tired and complain about your job, think about the unemployed, the disabled and all those who would dream of your place. But before you raise your finger and judge another, remember that each of us is a sinner. When sad thoughts overcome you, smile and think: “You are still alive and needed”!


We pretend that we don’t care, but we ourselves understand that this is not so. We say we hate when we really love. We slam the doors, realizing that we will return more than once. We know that our wish will not come true, but we still throw coins into the fountain. We see different people, but we forget to meet the one and only one. We smile when we really want to cry. We say that everything is fine when things couldn’t be worse. We put our hands in our pockets when we want to hold hands. We turn on music when we are afraid of silence. We make promises, knowing that we will never keep them. We talk about the shortcomings, forgetting to list the best. We pretend to be busy when we just want to be alone. We give a lot of advice, realizing that we will never apply them in our lives. We think that everything is hopeless without trying to do anything. We think that we understand why we live, considering all of the above to be meaningless.


Appreciate those whose hands with warmth will warm you when there is a blizzard in your heart, Who is dear to you with spiritual beauty, Who looks at problems without fear Appreciate those who did not curse you, When others condemned you in trouble, Who quietly gave a helping hand, While others loudly promised Appreciate those , who responded to your pain with dignity remained silent without an evil look And those in whom there is never pretense Forget those who do not need to be appreciated We are all wrong about something We all had both joy and anxiety Let them value you as you value and you are the People who came into your life from God.

Psychologist-consultant Statsenko L.V.

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The sage said:

“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”



Parable about parents and children

One day a man came to the sage.
- You are wise! Help me! I feel bad. My daughter doesn't understand me. She doesn't hear me. She doesn't talk to me. Why does she need a head, ears, tongue then? She's cruel. Why does she need a heart?
The sage said:
- When you return home, paint her portrait, take it to your daughter and silently give it to her.
The next day, an angry man burst into the sage and exclaimed:
- Why did you advise me to do this stupid act yesterday!? It was bad. And it got even worse! She returned the drawing to me, full of indignation!
- What did she tell you? - asked the sage.
“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”

Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your master; when he is 10 - your slave; when he is 15 - your double; but then it’s one of two things: either a friend or an enemy, depending on your upbringing.

A. Hasdaim

Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them correctly.

D. Baldwin

We do not make laws for our children, all we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaulay

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Parable about parents and children

One day a man came to the sage. “You are wise!” Help me! I feel bad. My daughter doesn't understand me. She doesn't hear me. She doesn't talk to me. Why does she need a head, ears, tongue then? ...

Lesson for parents and children “Conflicts in the family” (for parents and students in grades 7-9)

Lesson for teenage children and parents about behavior patterns in cases of conflict situations in the family. Purpose: - To develop an understanding of the essence of conflicts, an understanding of the natural...

One day a man came to the sage.
- You are wise! Help me! I feel bad. My daughter doesn't understand me. She doesn't hear me. She doesn't talk to me. Why does she need a head, ears, tongue then? She's cruel. Why does she need a heart?
The sage said:
- When you return home, paint her portrait, take it to your daughter and silently give it to her.
The next day, an angry man burst into the sage and exclaimed:
- Why did you advise me to do this stupid act yesterday!? It was bad. And it got even worse! She returned the drawing to me, full of indignation!
- What did she tell you? - asked the sage.
“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”


One day, young people from a distant village came to the sage.
- Sage, we heard that you give everyone wise advice, show the right path, reveal the truth. Help us too! The older generation in our village no longer understands us, and this is very difficult for us to live with. What should we do?
The sage looked at them and asked:
- What language do you speak?
- The entire younger generation speaks gibberish.
- What about the older residents?
The young people thought about it and admitted:
- We didn't ask them.
- That’s why you can only listen to them, but not hear them!


One girl, very hard-working and fast, complained that she did not have time to do everything she planned in a day. An old man passing by heard her complaints and said:
- And you, dear, come with me on a long journey - maybe you will find a way to solve your problem. But first, do those things of yours, without completing which you cannot set out on your journey. When you do, call me.
And the girl thought quite a bit and answered:
- Yes, I’m already ready.


Two people lived next door. One had a nice house, an affectionate wife, smart children, order in the household, and comfort in the house. And the other one was not in poverty, but it seemed to him that the paint on his neighbor’s fence was brighter, and his cow gave half a liter more milk, and much more. He could not tolerate such injustice and went to the local sage. I began to ask him:
- Make sure, sage, that your neighbor doesn’t have everything better than me.
The sage answers him:
- Here's a jug of water for you. Go home with him and every time you notice something good from your neighbor, take a sip of water from the jug.
The man returned home and began to do as the sage told him: when he saw something good from his neighbor, he took a sip from the jug. And the water in the jug does not decrease, but with every sip taken it becomes more and more. And the man began to pour water into mugs, jugs, and bowls. And soon all the dishes in the house were filled with water, and it kept coming and coming. The man was afraid that water would pour over the edges and flood the house. He ran to the sage and said to him:
- Why did you, sage, give me this jug of water? I have so much of it now that I could drown.
And the sage answered him:
- I gave you this jug of water so that you would only want to drink when you are thirsty.


Somehow in ancient times such a story happened.
A poor fisherman, tired of his life's problems, decided to ask the wise old "sea wolf" for advice.
He comes to the old sailor and says:
- I don’t know what to do... I went to sea for so many years, fished - everything was fine. But lately, as soon as I go out to sea, I can’t see land, and I start getting seasick. What to do? I don't know... I love this job. Both my grandfather and father were fishermen. And I don’t know how to do anything else. How can I recover, what kind of seasickness did I get?
Then the experienced gray-haired sailor said:
- Next time you go to sea, go to the sun and don’t forget about your dream.
He said this and went to his house.
The fisherman stood there and shrugged. I didn’t understand anything myself, but it was inconvenient to bother the old sailor again. He went home.
And now the time has come to go to sea again. The fisherman took the fishing gear, took everything he needed, and swam away from the shore.
It floats for a day or two. The weather is great, sunny. But suddenly the sky became cloudy, the boat began to toss from side to side, and then the fisherman began to feel ill. Seasickness started again. The fisherman thought that now the end had come for him. He can't do anything with himself. I don't have the strength to steer the boat. He lay down on the bottom of the boat and began to dream of what would have happened if he had remained alive: “I would have seen the sun, lay on the soft green grass, basked in the rays of the summer sun, listened to the chirping of the birds. I would hug my wife, kiss my son, go visit someone with friends. How wonderful life is!” And then the clouds parted and the sun came out again. And the fisherman began to feel so good, as if he had never had any seasickness.
And the fisherman realized: “You cannot live by the sea alone. The dream and memory of what is dearest brings back the sun to us and drives away illnesses.”


One day a certain man was looking for happiness, and he went to an old mountain, on which, according to legend, magic stones could be found. Whoever finds his stone will have great luck.
From a distance the mountain seemed low, accessible, covered with soft greenery. But when the man came closer to it, he saw that it was covered with impenetrable forest. Centuries-old trees, intertwined with branches and roots, firmly held the stone body of the mountain, not at all intending to share their wealth.
For three days and three nights the tired wanderer searched for his stone. And now, despairing of finding anything, he went to the stream to drink. At the bottom of the stream lay two stones: a blue transparent crystal and a simple brown cobblestone interspersed with mica that sparkled in the sun. It was a great success to find two stones at once.
The man picked up both stones, looked at them for a long time and could not understand which one he liked best, which one to choose. The crystal was very beautiful, but too light and fragile, and the cobblestone was not so beautiful, but it was weighty and reliable...
And the wanderer went home, holding a magic stone in each hand. And he thought on the way that too much happiness and luck is also a heavy burden.



One person once decided that his fate was too difficult. And he turned to the Lord God with the following request: “Savior, my cross is too heavy, and I cannot bear it. All the people I know have much lighter crosses. Could you replace my cross with a lighter one?” And God said: “Okay, I invite you to my storage of crosses - choose the one that you like.” A man came to the storage room and began to pick out a cross for himself: he tried on all the crosses and they all seemed too heavy to him. While trying on all the crosses, he noticed a cross at the very exit, which seemed lighter than the others, and said to the Lord: “Let me take this one.” And God said: “So this is your own cross, which you left at the door to try on the others.”

The sage went to the market and turned to the horse trader:
- Why does one horse cost you ten times more than another?
- Because it runs ten times faster.
- But if she jumps in the wrong direction, she will move away from the target ten times faster...
The merchant thought for a moment and lowered the price.

A stonecutter once complained about his fate: “Why am I who I am? Why can't I be rich? And the Angel, hearing his words, made him rich.
He felt happy until he saw the king and realized that he could not be happy without power. The angel turned him into a king.
One day he drew attention to the Sun and envied its ability to turn green fields into yellow, dry up rivers, and drive animals in search of water. And the Angel made him the Sun.
He felt happy until he saw a Cloud giving life to parched fields and making rivers full of water. And again the Angel came to his aid and turned him into a Cloud.
He enjoyed happiness for a long time - until the moment when he noticed the Rock, which was strong and stable, not paying attention to either the scorching Sun or the rains shed by the Cloud. He wanted to become the Rock, and the Angel granted his wish. He became the Rock, enjoyed his power and was happy. He laughed at the Sun and teased the Cloud.
And this continued until one day a stonecutter came...

One day, two monks who had taken a vow of strict asceticism approached a small river and were just about to ford it when a young woman appeared and asked the monks to help her cross the river.
The younger monk was at a loss, but the elder, without thinking twice, picked up the woman in his arms and carried her across the river. Thanking for the help, the woman left, and the monks moved on.
Having come to his senses, the younger monk attacked his senior comrade: “How could you? We made the strictest vow not to even approach women, and you took her in your arms!.. You pressed her to yourself!..” His indignation knew no bounds. He tirelessly scolded and scolded his companion, but he remained silent and calmly walked on.
Finally, the senior monk stopped, looked with a smile at his comrade, who continued to seethe, and said: “I carried this woman in my arms for only five minutes and long ago forgot about it, and you have been carrying her for two hours!”

One day a student asked the Master:
- Tell me, how can I learn to find a common language with any person with whom life confronts me?
“It’s simple,” said the Master. - There are only one hundred and twenty-seven types of people. Once you study all these types and learn how to communicate with each, you will never experience difficulties.
The student devoted ten years to the study of one hundred and twenty-seven types of people and, when he considered his studies complete, he went to the big city. But on the way he was stopped by a robber and robbed. Forced to return to the Teacher, he complained:
- My knowledge did not help me! I tried to identify the type of robber and communicate with him accordingly, but that didn't stop him from robbing me!
- However, you remained alive - isn’t this the result? - said the Master. - Besides, you did not understand the main thing. You didn't see the person behind the type.

The boy daydreamed before going to bed.

“I’ll soon become an adult, and what will I do for people? - he thought. “Let me give all the inhabitants of the Earth something most beautiful, something that has never happened and never will happen.”

And he began to sort out what kind of Beauty to give to people.

“I will build a magnificent Temple.”

But I immediately changed my mind: there are a lot of beautiful temples.

I also thought: “I’ll compose an extraordinary Song!”

But I hesitated again: there are also a lot of songs.

“I’d rather sculpt a miraculous Sculpture!”

And again he discarded the thought: there are many sculptures not made by hands.

And he became sad.

So I fell asleep with this thought.

And I saw a dream.

The Sage came to him.

“Do you want to give people the most beautiful thing?” – he asked.

“Yes, I really want to!” – the boy answered passionately.

“So give it to me, why are you delaying?”

“But what? Everything has already been created!”

And he began to list: “I wanted to build a Temple, but all the temples have already been built...”

The sage interrupted him: “One single Temple is missing, which only you can build...”

The boy continued: “I wanted to compose a Song, but there are also many of them...”

The sage interrupted him again: “People lack one single Song, and only you can compose it and sing it in that Temple...”

“I thought about making a magnificent Sculpture, but is there anything left that hasn’t been carved?”

“Yes,” said the Sage, “the only Sculpture that people need so much has not been sculpted, and only you can sculpt it and decorate your Temple with it.”

The boy was surprised: “After all, everything has already been done!”

“Yes, but all that Beauty of the world lacks only one splendor, the creator of which you can become,” said the Sage.

"And what kind of beauty is this , which fell to my lot?

And the Sage said in a magical whisper: “You are the temple, make yourself magnificent and noble. The song is your soul, refine it. Sculpture is your will, sculpt your will. And the planet Earth and the entire Universe will receive Beauty that no one has yet known.”

The boy woke up, smiled at the Sun and whispered to himself: “Now I know what Beauty I can give to people!”

Skyscraper Parents

The Sage came to a big city and stopped at a skyscraper. “We need help here,” he thought. I entered the elevator and went up to the hundredth floor. From the apartment, the sage heard his father scream. A young mother opened the door and smiled sadly.

-What do you want, old man? – she asked.

The father's scream was heard again.

The woman felt embarrassed.

“The TV screen stupefies our Child, so the father demands that he turn off the TV,” she apologized.

The sage said:

– Fill it with light and the screen will fade before it.

- What?! – the young mother was surprised. – Then the computer absorbs it!

The sage said:

– Fill your child with culture and the computer will become for him like a pencil case for necessary things or a shelf for books.

- Yes?! - Mom asked again. - And if he wanders around the streets all day, what should we do then?

The Sage said:

– Instill in him the concept of the meaning of life, and he will go in search of his Path.

“Old man,” said the young mother, “I feel your wisdom.” Give me some guidance!

The Sage answered:

– Check the fullness of light in yourself, check your thirst for culture, check your Path within yourself.

Mom was a smart and kind woman, so she thought: “Living on the hundredth floor of a skyscraper is not enough for me to recognize the light, culture, and path in myself. I need to dive into the depths of my soul to figure out who I am to my children and who they are to me!”

But if she were stupid, she would say to the old man: “Did you go up to the hundredth floor to ask for a piece of bread or to give me stupid instructions?” But she said:

- Thank you, old man!

The husband came out to the noise with a dissatisfied look.

- What's happening? - he asked his wife. - Who is he?

“He is a sage,” answered the wife. – Ask how to raise our children, he will tell you!

The man gave the old man a searching look.

“Okay,” he said, “tell me three qualities for raising a son!”

The Sage answered:

– Courage, devotion, wisdom.

– Interesting... Name three qualities for raising a daughter!

The Sage said:

– Femininity , motherhood, love.

“Oh,” exclaimed the woman’s husband, “this is wonderful!” Give me some guidance, old man!

The sage smiled.

- Here are three commandments for you: be a brother to your children, be a refuge for them, know how to learn from them.

The father was smart and strong-willed, so he decided for himself: “That means I need to change my attitude towards my son and daughter, and I will do it.”

But if he were stupid, he would think: “Lord, what does this old man bring - courage, femininity , love... Who needs these moldy concepts in our world? And what should I learn from my children - stupidity and insolence?.. This is pedagogy on the first floor, and not pedagogy for those who live on the hundredth floor of a skyscraper.”

- Thank you, old man! - said the father and turned to his wife. - Give him what he needs!

But the Sage did not need gifts, he entered the elevator and pressed the button down. He was in a hurry.


I don't break the toy, I really don't! Give it back to me!
It seems to you that I am breaking it, because you don’t know me.
But I take it apart to look inside, to find out how it works.
I'm researching a toy and want to use it in my own way.
I brought this with me, there is something new in it that you do not know.
I need to gain experience so that years later I can prove myself and assert myself.
I'm not interested in the toy, and I don't want to know how much it costs.
But what my future leads me to will be worth many times more, and in it will be my gift for all of you.
Appreciate in me that I “break” a toy, and do not play by its rules.
I have my own rules, and I won’t let a toy control me.
If I obey all the rules of all the toys that you buy for me, I will soon become a toy myself - don’t you understand that?
Today I “break”, and tomorrow I will build my life on this experience.
Don't be angry, mom!
Don't scold me, dad!
Give me back the toy while it can serve me!
And it would be better for you to observe where Nature directs me!


One day, several frogs... wanted to have a running competition. Their goal was to reach the top of the high tower. Many spectators gathered to watch the competition and cheer on the participants... So, the race began... To tell the truth, none of the spectators even thought that the frogs could reach the top. One could hear the following words from everyone: Oh, how hard it is!!! and are like: They will NEVER reach the top!
or: They won’t succeed, the tower is too high!
One by one, the frogs began to leave the distance... Except for one, which stubbornly climbed higher and higher...
People kept shouting: It's too hard!!! Nobody can handle this!
More and more frogs lost their last strength and left the competition... ...But one frog continued to persistently move towards the goal... She didn’t want to give up!
In the end, there was no one left except this frog, who, with incredible efforts, was the only one to reach the top of the tower!
After the competition, other participants wanted to know how she did it! One of the participating frogs approached the winner to ask how she managed to achieve such incredible results and reach her goal.
And it turned out...
The winning frog was DEAF!!!

Never listen to those who have the bad habit of being negative and pessimistic about everything, because they rob you of your most beautiful dreams and hopes that you keep in your heart! Always remember the power of words. Any word written or spoken affects your Actions!
And therefore: ALWAYS be POSITIVE! And above all: Just be DEAF when they tell you that YOU cannot achieve your Dreams! Always think about this: AND YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

A parable for parents and teachers. The best teacher - who is he?..

The parents chose the best teacher for their son. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.
“What a funny old man,” one boy laughed.
“Hey, little fatty,” another made a face.

The children screamed and jumped around their grandfather and grandson. Then the teacher rang the bell, announcing the start of the lesson, and the children ran away. The grandfather resolutely took his grandson by the hand and went out into the street...

“Hurray, I won’t go to school,” the boy was happy.
“You will go, but not to this one,” the grandfather answered angrily. - I'll find you a school myself.

The grandfather took his grandson to his house, entrusted him to the care of his grandmother, and he himself went to look for a better teacher. When he saw a school, the grandfather would go into the yard and wait for the teacher to let the children go for a break. In some schools, children did not pay attention to the old man, in others they teased him. Grandfather silently turned and left. Finally, he entered the tiny courtyard of the small school and leaned wearily against the fence. The bell rang and the children poured out into the yard.
- Grandfather, are you feeling bad, should I bring some water? - a voice was heard.
“We have a bench in our yard, please sit down,” one boy suggested.
- Do you want me to call the teacher? - asked another child.

Soon a young teacher came out into the yard. Grandfather said hello and said:
- Finally, I found the best school for my grandson.
- You are mistaken, grandfather, our school is not the best. It's small and cramped.

The old man did not argue. He agreed on everything with the teacher and left. In the evening the boy's mother asked his grandfather:
- Father, you are illiterate. Why do you think you have found the best teacher?
“They recognize teachers by their students,” answered the grandfather.

Parable about mother.

The day before birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how will I understand it? After all, I don’t know his language?

The angel will teach you his language and will protect you from all troubles.

What is the name of my angel?

It doesn't matter what his name is. He will have many names. But you will call him MOM.