Feast of the Resurrection of Christ in kindergarten YouTube. Holidays in kindergarten: calendar for the year

21/04/2017 1 954

Easter in kindergarten №18

Easter has long been considered one of the most important Christian holidays in Rus'. This is very beautiful holiday, which takes a lot of time to prepare. This holiday did not go unnoticed in our kindergarten either. The main task of educators is to develop interest in Russians folk traditions, folk games, caring attitude and love for loved ones.

Happy Easter to you, dear guests,

Happy Resurrection of Christ!

Happy holiday and have fun!

The holiday was filled with Russian folklore, customs, games and amusements. Children learned about the traditions of the Russian people celebrating this holiday, learned to greet with the Easter greeting “Christ is Risen!” and answer “He is truly risen!” The children really enjoyed playing folk games“Rolling eggs”, “Carry the egg in a spoon”, sing songs “Easter Spring”, “Easter Song”, read poetry, solve riddles and dance. Participating in the production, the children lived together with the characters - the Easter bunnies (Ksyusha Germanova, Matvey Zyuzin, Matvey Stepanov) all the moments of the fairy tale, sincerely empathizing, helping each other, rejoicing. Everyone became a participant in the miracles of the Resurrection, which is possible thanks to love and kindness. A special feature of the holiday was the direct participation of children in the festivities, live communication with the character - the angel (Yulia Matveeva) and the presenter (Anastasia Alexandrovna Kuznetsova).

Unforgettable impressions, folk music and many games remained in the memory of children and teachers.

BDOU MO Dinskoy district "Kindergarten No. 37"

Project “Bright Resurrection of Christ”

from 04/13/2016 to 05/04/2016

Target: introducing children and their parents to the spiritual values ​​of Orthodox culture.


Tell children about the bright holiday of Easter;

He will introduce you to the Orthodox legend about the Orthodox testicle as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the victory of life over death.

Maintain a sense of Easter joy in children.

Promote the habit of following holiday traditions.

Orient the family towards the spiritual and moral education of children.


from 3 to 5 years

Older children preschool age

Interaction with parents

First stage

    Design an exhibition of children's Orthodox literature about the holiday

    Create a presentation “Bright Easter”

    Create conditions for children's artistic and creative activities

    Prepare instructions for parents

    Invite the priest and representatives of the Cossacks of the village to the holiday.

Second stage

Discuss the action plan together with the teacher

Children developing an action plan

How will we celebrate the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ?

Parents' school:

Teachers' story about

about the project “Resurrection of Christ”.

Third stage

1. Introduce children to the Orthodox legend about the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, the victory of life over death.

2. Examination of illustrations of the children's Bible.

3.Reading the poem by Peter Potekhin “Christ is Risen!”

4.Making Easter gifts.

1Looking at illustrations for the children's Bible

2. Review of the presentation “Bright Easter”

3 Reading and learning Easter poems and songs.

4.Staging of the play “Easter Joy”

5. Productive activity:

coloring Easter eggs; making postcards;

participation in the competition together with parents

"Easter Joy"

5. Didactic game

“Name an Orthodox holiday”

Invite parents to take part in the exhibition-competition of children’s and adult works “Easter Joy”

Fourth stage

The holiday “The Resurrection of Christ” with the invitation of Archpriest Vasily, the Cossacks of the village of Staromyshastovskaya.

Summing up creative competition children's and adult works "Easter Joy" with children telling about their work.

Visit to the Temple.

Appendix No. 1

Christ is risen!

P. Potekhin

Christ is risen! - just two words,

But how much grace there is in them!

We are unearthly bliss again

Illuminated in their hearts.

Sorrows and sufferings are forgotten,

Grief and need are forgotten,

The parties of murmuring fell silent,

Envy and enmity have disappeared...

All faces are shining with joy,

Hearts are free from passions...

They have such a miraculous effect

Holy words on people!

Christ is risen!..

Oh sacred moment!..

A miracle is higher than all miracles,

What were there in the universe!..

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!-

Christ is risen!

A. Maikov

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

And my hands are breaking from their shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Appendix No. 2

Why is the egg red?

A. Tishchenko

Come on, get ready,

And settle around.

I'll tell you now

Wonderful story.

It was a long time ago

Great-grandmother said

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to the king.

It was all white

It was all round.

She brought it, gave it,

“Christ is risen!” she said.

And Tiberius accepted,

He did not reject the gift

I said that I would believe

If I see a miracle myself.

He's an egg in held in his hands,

I thought to myself:

“Let the testicle turn red -

On Sunday I will believe"


It glowed scarlet

In Tiberius's hands,

There was horror in his eyes.

What a miracle! What a miracle!

I won't argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly Risen!

Appendix No. 3

Holiday scenario

Resurrection of Christ

(children participants senior preparatory groups)

The bell sounds


Easter has come to us -

This is a sweet holiday for me!

How much joy it brought

And he took away the sorrows!

Child 2

Over the meadows over the fields

The sun is shining above us,

The long-awaited spring

The day of Easter has brought us!


Child 3

The desired spring has come,

Winter has gone into gray distances.

The earth has risen from sleep

And the sun is shining from heaven

The green forest rustles in the distance,

And the hymn sounds: “Christ is Risen!”

Children: Truly risen!


Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The snow has already been removed from the fields,

And my hands are breaking from their shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


Child 4

Good on the bell tower

Ring the bells

To make the holiday more relaxing,

So that the soul can sing.

Child 5

Like an angel singing

This wonderful chime

Bright hymn of Sunday

Sounded from all sides!

Children give gifts to the sound of bells

Appendix No. 4

Crucifixion and burial of the Savior

From the book “We Love God,” compiled by Subdeacon Victor Balandin

Evil people did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. All night they mocked the Lord. The villains beat the bound Christ on the cheeks, spat on Him and laughed at Him.

When the sun rose, the Lord Jesus was mercilessly beaten with whips. After the scourging, they put a crown of thorny branches on the Lord and began to shout: “Hail, king!” - and again they beat the Savior and spat on Him.

After the mockery, Christ was sentenced to painful execution - crucifixion.

On Friday morning Christ was led to crucifixion. The Lord's hands and feet were nailed to the Cross. The cross was placed on a mountain called Golgotha.

The crucified Christ prayed for those who crucified him...

The Lord Jesus suffered on the cross for six whole hours. Nearby, at the Cross stood Mother of God and beloved disciple John...

And so our Lord Jesus Christ took his last breath and died. At that hour, when the Lord Jesus died on the Cross, the sun hid, the earth shook and the stones split. The people who had gathered at Golgotha ​​began to disperse with fear. Out of grief and shame, people beat their chests...

The Mother of God, John and some other women disciples of the Lord remained at the Cross.

Evening was approaching. Joseph of Arimathea, who also studied with Jesus, came to the cross. Joseph brought with him a large piece of cloth - a shroud.

The body of the Lord Jesus was taken down from the Cross and wrapped in a shroud.

Very close to Golgotha ​​was the garden of Joseph of Arimathea. In the garden, Joseph prepared a coffin for himself - the place where he was to be buried. For this purpose, he carved a cave in the rock. The Lord Jesus Christ was laid in this tomb-cave.

The entrance to the cave was closed with a huge stone.

On Good Friday, in all Orthodox churches, the Shroud, an image of the deceased Lord, is brought into the middle. On this day we all come to the temple to worship the Savior who suffered and died for us:

Crossat Yoursat bowI Let's go, Vlads co,

And HolyO e Risene Yourse slA vim.

Appendix No. 5

Resurrection of Christ

Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross. After terrible Suffering, He died, and He was buried in a cave, and the entrance to the cave was closed with a huge stone. But on the third day Christ came to life and rose from the dead. The Savior left the cave without touching the stone. No one saw how this miracle happened.

That night, the Mother of God sat near the tomb of Her Son. Sad stars looked from the sky, the leaves of the trees rustled... Suddenly a wondrous light shone in the garden. It was the Angel of the Lord who came down from Heaven. The angel sparkled like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The angel rolled away the stone that blocked the entrance to the cave. The cave was empty. Christ is risen!

From Angel Holy Mother of God I learned that the Lord conquered death.

After His Resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to His Most Pure Mother.

When the birds woke up early in the garden of Joseph of Arimathea, they saw that below, under the trees, someone was walking. These were disciples of Jesus. They did not yet know that Christ had risen. The tear-stained women carried jugs of fragrant oil to anoint the Body of the Lord. The oil in their jugs was calledmyrrh, and these women themselvesmyrrh-bearers. “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” the myrrh-bearers said to each other.

But then the Holy Sepulcher appeared behind the olive tree trunks...

The surprised students see that the huge stone has been rolled away!

The women entered the coffin and saw a young man in shining white clothes. The myrrh-bearers were afraid, but the angel consoled them:

Don't be afraid! You are looking for Jesus crucified; He has risen, He is not here. Go, tell everything to His disciples and Peter...

The most important church holiday - holiday in honor of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ - Holy Easter. Believers try to be at the church service on Easter night in order to joyfully greet the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us victory over sin and death.

When Easter is celebrated, the priests at the service address the people with jubilation:

Christ is Risen!

People happily answer:

Truly risen!

Risen - risen, revived.

Truly, truly, truly, truly.

All Easter days, Christians sing a hymn called the “Easter troparion.” The Troparion is the main prayer of the holiday. If it is translated from Church Slavonic:

Christ rose from the dead,

who trampled our death with His death

and gave life to the dead.

We now call that day of the week when the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, was resurrectedSunday, in honor of the Resurrection of Christ.

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A fun scenario for the Easter holiday in kindergarten, poems, congratulations for children, sketches, riddles and children's games. Taking part in holding the holiday in the form of a fairy tale are: kindergarten children, the presenter, Easter bunnies, and an angel.

Scenario "Easter Confusion"


Spring is coming, and with it the brightest and most beloved holiday comes to our home - Easter. On this day, all believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bells can be heard from everywhere, glorifying the Savior.

Housewives bake rich Easter cakes, make cottage cheese Easter, they paint the eggs and then go to church to have them blessed.

Children read poetry:

1. Loud laughter is heard everywhere,

Birds chirp loudly

That the holiday has arrived

For every child.

2. It smelled like a butter roll.

At our doorstep.

I’ll treat myself to cottage cheese Easter,

I'll try a little.

3. I’ll take a brush, gouache

And I will work for glory,

I'll paint the eggs different colors,

May Easter shine.

4.Wonderful day, the soul shines,

And the heart of God glorifies.

The spring forest rings in the distance,

And the song sounds: “Christ is risen!”

All children: Truly risen!

Scenes in kindergarten:

Suddenly there is a cry. Two Easter bunnies are sitting in a clearing and wiping away their tears with a handkerchief.


What happened, dear bunnies, why are you crying? Today is such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, everyone around is celebrating a great event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter bunnies:

When we were hurrying here for the holiday,

We have a big problem.

Mom sent us to your kindergarten,

To congratulate the guys on Easter.

Easter eggs lost on the way

Probably the evil wolves stole them.


Dear bunnies, don’t be so sad. Today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one. I believe that your basket will definitely be found. And now our guys will cheer you up and sing an Easter song.

(Song performance.)


Well, little rabbits, are your mood a little better?


Yes, you have a lot of fun here. Oh, we completely forgot, our mother gave you a letter.

(They hand the presenter an envelope.)

The presenter reads:

“Dear guys! I congratulate you on the holiday of Easter. I can’t come to your kindergarten myself, I’m very busy. I decided to please the guests and bake Easter cake. But here’s the problem: the recipe is written in such clumsy letters that I can’t make out what ingredients I need. Maybe you can help?

1.Strong round bottle

White in color, yolk inside.

The chickens carry it

Tell me your name. (Egg.)

2. I live in sea water,

If I’m not there, there will be trouble!

Every chef respects

And adds to taste. (Salt.)

3.Kittens love to drink

Yes, little guys. (Milk.)

4. They bake cheesecakes from me,

And pancakes and pancakes.

In cakes, pies and buns

They must put me down. (Flour.)

5. It is ripe on a branch,

The fruit is beautiful and tanned.

Squirrels love to chew on it,

Hide in a hollow for the winter. (Nut.)

6. The grapes were dried,

They put it in the sun.

She was tired from the heat,

And what did it turn into? (Raisin.)


Well done guys. Now the mother rabbit will definitely delight her guests with Easter cake. (Addressing the rabbits.) Keep your recipe.


Thank you guys, mom will be very happy. Tell me, do you know how to color? easter eggs? Yes? But we will check this now.

Game "Color the Egg"

Two easels with white paper eggs attached are brought to the middle of the hall. Each child is given a colored pencil. Children take turns running up and drawing an element.


Oh, how great you did it. Only now we felt sad again, because we lost baskets with Easter eggs in the forest. Eh, trouble!


Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

The sea, the sun, the forest rejoice!

A spring stream runs

And sings a loud song:

Christ is truly risen!


Little rabbits, do you know what day it is today?

Rabbits: Today is Easter.


Right. On this day, real miracles happen.

(He lifts the cloth, and under it is a basket with lost Easter eggs.) Back

Easter holiday in kindergarten for older preschoolers 5-6 years old

Description: The holiday script is intended for older preschoolers and will be useful for music directors and educators.
Target: introduce students to the tradition of celebrating Easter; expand the understanding of folk culture; to attract the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate a love for folk traditions.

Celebration progress:

Presenter - Spring:
(comes in, reads poetry),
Spring fresh forest
Christ is Risen is making noise!
And the sun from heaven
Christ is Risen shines!
And the copper bell
Christ is Risen is buzzing!
There is a bright cross on the temple
Christ is Risen is ringing!
Spring is a time of miracles
Sings Christ is Risen!
There are no happier words
Say Christ is Risen!
Children: “Christ is risen!” (they respond in chorus)
Spring: Hello, my good, glorious children. Hello my dears! (children say hello). Do you guys know what holiday we are celebrating today? (children's answers) Easter has arrived correctly.
What kind of holiday is this – Easter?
Among all Christian holidays, Easter is the greatest, brightest, most solemn. Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for a future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he defeated death and was resurrected. That's why Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.
And now the guys from senior group the poems will tell us:
1.How I love Easter!
Get ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I'll help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly:
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I'll give it to my friends
By the testicle, with congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

2. The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The willow blossomed down,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp,
And the bells sing
There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,
A pile of colored eggs,
On this holiday, bright, clean
You won't see gloomy faces.
They say: “Christ is risen!”
“Yes, he is truly risen!”
Tearing apart the veil of darkness,
He came down to people from heaven.
Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will last. Will be eternal
Peace with love and goodness!
(E. Shalamonova)

3. Drops are dripping loudly
Near our window.
The birds sang cheerfully:
"Easter! Easter!
She came to us!"

4. We found a snowdrop yesterday
On a thawed patch in the forest.
Delicate blue flower
Met Easter and spring.

5. The Feast of Holidays is coming.
The people bring the blessing to the temple.
Eggs, Easter cheese,
Ginger cakes.

Spring: At Easter, Rus' always organized funny children's games, let's play with you too!
"Bowling in Russian"
Prizes are placed along the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread cookies, candies, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, and kinder surprises. The task of the players is to use their egg to knock out the thing they like. You have to take turns riding. Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg. The game continues until all the prizes are won.
Song “We Joyfully Celebrate Easter”
And now the children from middle group read the poems:
6. The gospel is buzzing everywhere,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already looking from the sky...
7. The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And my hands are breaking from their shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
8.Here the earth wakes up,
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
9. Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!
10. In the smile of blue
Living skies
Still the same joy:
Christ is risen!
11. Enmity has disappeared,
And the fear disappeared.
No more anger -
Christ is risen!
12. How wonderful are the sounds
Holy words
In which you can hear:
Christ is risen!
Spring: The poems are good and very joyful! Well done! Let's play again now?.. This game is for two-strong boys!
There is a game - competition: “Take your little sister to the Temple”
Two long-haired girls are called to help the boys.
The boys are given ribbons and handkerchiefs. They are asked to very quickly braid the girls’ hair and tie scarves on them, then take each braided and tied girl to the designated place.
Vesna: Well done to all of you! Everyone is so smart and cheerful! Happy Easter!
Christ is Risen, children! Christ is risen!
Vesna: Well done everyone! We were very pleased with the spring! Christ is Risen, children!
Now let's play again. I need six people, those who can draw, and those four people who can also dance!
The COMPETITION is being held:
Six children are divided into three in each team and draw Spring on their own sheet of Whatman paper, pulling out notes from their mittens indicating what needs to be drawn (hands, nose, braid, crown, etc.) The team that drew the funniest Spring wins.
And at this time, four children are divided into two teams, two children in each, and they are given a marker, a balloon, a shawl, and a handkerchief. They make Spring - they draw a face on a ball with a marker, tie a scarf on the ball, the ends of the shawl are secured with ties sewn in advance to the arms and legs of one of the couple, and the second holds a ball head along the upper edge of the shawl and listens to music (or rhythmic clapping of spectators in the hall ) Spring is dancing. The funniest couple wins.
Spring: Well, they made Spring laugh! Well, we made you happy! Christ is Risen, children!
Song "Hello, little ray of sunshine!"
Children read poetry:
Child 11. The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from the candle...
The circle was again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter cakes.
Child 12. It’s still dark, but the sun is playing.
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And we joyfully repeat to each other:
Christ is risen!
Spring: Well done. The boys played together and did not offend anyone. And now. Sit down and listen to what else I’ll tell you. On the day of Christ's bright resurrection, it was customary to visit hospitals, prisons, poor people and give them gifts. The Lord does not leave anyone without consolation on this day. Without the red egg and Easter cake. And even the most cruel people become kind. Now we will show you a fairy tale. Which is called “Easter Gingerbread Man”, and you listen carefully and memorize it well.
Fairy tale "Easter bun"
(Children of the older group play)
A hut with a Russian stove. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
But they didn’t have any pockmarked chicken.
There was a grandfather and a woman who were very poor -
With a tear they counted the copper pennies.
There was nothing to feed the chicken,
There was nothing to feed the chicken.
The hen didn't lay them eggs -

Don't bake now
Easter cake!

Neither Easter cake, nor bread -
There is nothing to break your fast on Easter!

It is a great sin to be discouraged!
You have to think - brainstorm!
Open the door to the heart,
Call on the mind for help.

Presenter: (prompts)
Drink holy water
Pray to God!
God will tell you what to do
How to get flour for bread.

All you need is a little bit - bake a bun!

Grandfather (happily echoes)

We'll mark the barns,
Let's scratch the bottom of the barrel.

Baba (nods in agreement)
Our small mouth -
Let's scrape it together!

Kneaded with water
And salted the teardrop.
Thanked God
They put the dough in the oven...
(imitate, leave)
The Lenten bun came out.
I lay down on the window to freeze.
Early in the morning he woke up -
Looked around, stretched
And he said...

Kolobok: (runs in and addresses the audience)

... Hello friends!
Oh, how glorious and magnificent I am!
Oh, where am I? (looks around)
You can't hear anyone around...
The house is quiet in the morning.
The birds are not singing yet.
I’ll soon go to the Temple -
I'll sprinkle myself with holy water!

Scene Path in the forest
He climbed down from the windowsill
Yes, and jumped out the window,
But he went the wrong way -
Along the path, straight into the forest...
Looks at the first Christmas tree
Look at him with the eyes of a wolf!

Wolf (growls roughly)

Well, hello, little bun!
I'll bite off the rosy side!

I'm sweeping through the barn,
I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed with water,
Yes, salted with a tear,
But not yet illuminated.
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!

Bear: (grumbles dissatisfied)
Wow! How you frightened me!
I almost died, really!
I'll eat you for your offense...
Look, I completely jumped up!

Excuse me, bear!
I'll be more careful in future!
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning.

The bun runs faster
Without sparing the legs of bread.
Suddenly he meets in the forest
A very cunning fox!

Fox: (sings affectionately)
Hello, dear little bun!
Give me a piece of yourself.
You're not greedy...
Is it true, my sweetie?

I'm afraid to be late, fox -
I'm heading to the Church of God!
By Easter we must be sanctified -
Sprinkle yourself with holy water

Fox: (ingratiatingly)

I can't hear you!
Come closer, my dear...

Kolobok: (louder, but not getting closer)

I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!
(the bun runs away)

Scene 3 – Church
Our bun rolled into the church
Holy water
Sprinkled well.
And Father asks him...

You were sprinkled with holy water,
Well, where is your red testicle?

Kolobok: (sad)
My poor old people are poor
We are glad to have a rare copper penny.
They couldn’t give me a red egg!
We couldn't bake an Easter cake.
They were the only ones who could bake me.
Forgive me, Father, for my sad speech...

It is a great sin to be discouraged!
We must pray and trust in God!
How the heavenly one sends food to the bird -
So, you see, the Lord will send you an egg.

The rumor reached the parishioners -
They ran home.
And then a basket full of eggs!
Put your back up quickly, little bun!
(hands the bun a basket of eggs)

Scene 4 Path in the forest
Kolobok bowed low to everyone
And he drove straight home.
I just started to hurry -
Lo and behold: again a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Lisa: Oh, what a rosy side!

Wolf Happy Easter to you, little bun!

Bear: Happy Resurrection of Christ!

You will be a delicious treat for us for the holiday!

Kolobok: (educational)

You foolish animals!
I explained - they don’t believe it!
I am fasting, my friends. –
I can't break my fast!

What should we do then?
We ask for forgiveness together!
Where is the food for the holiday?
Will there be a treat for Easter?

Kolobok: (solemnly)

Never be sad -
There will be food for the holiday!
You go to the basket -
Take everything one testicle at a time.
Thank God!

Animals (in chorus or in turns)

God bless! God bless!
We hear the bell ringing!
Kind words on your way!
We bow to the old people!

Scene 5 Hut
Lo and behold, it’s already home –
The roof is red with a chimney.
Smoke floats upward from the stove.
Now on the porch
Grandma and grandpa can't wait
When will Kolobok return?

Grandfather (sternly)

Where did you go?
I've already searched the whole forest!

Baba (excitedly)

We've been waiting for you, my friend!
I was very worried!


Sorry, dear old people!
But there was no way to wake you up.
I wanted to please you
At least one of the good deeds:
I went to the Temple in the morning -
Sprinkled with holy water,
Yes, Easter is clear
I brought you some red eggs!

Grandfather (surprised)

Who helped you like that?
Baba Who saved me from the fox?


Host: And people have a good heart!

Baba: Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Baba: The Lord does not leave someone who cares for their neighbor without consolation!

1 child
Red like a drop of blood on the cross
Without end or edge - round everywhere!
Symbol eternal life, red egg
Like a flower from paradise bloomed on your hand!

2 child
There is noise and laughter everywhere
Songs. Joy and fun
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone
Happy first spring holiday!

Song “Easter spring has come”

Hostess: Guys, let's thank our artists for such a wonderful performance.
And to you, my dear children, I congratulate you once again on Happy holiday Easter and I want to give these Easter eggs. Christ is risen!

The children answer: He is truly risen!

I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you to often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate your parents, relatives and friends on the holiday! Our holiday has come to an end, but let the Easter joy last all year! Christ is Risen, children!

The children leave the hall to the sound of the bells.

Ekaterina Tereshechkina

Easter. Festive all around. The house sparkles clean!

Willows on the table and Easter... So light and so beautiful!

There are colored eggs everywhere, and the Easter cake is on the plate...

Mom, wearing a chintz apron, invites everyone to sit down.

And taste the treats...In honor of Christ's resurrection!

Easter "Bright Resurrection of Christ." The holidays are a holiday and a celebration of celebrations - this is what believers call Easter. Celebrating Easter is a centuries-old tradition. This holiday glorifies the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness. On this day, it is customary to bake Easter cakes and make Easter cottage cheese.

Holiday Christ's Resurrection or the Easter holiday, as it is also called, has survived to this day. In Russia, according to the old national tradition, people go to Orthodox churches to bless eggs, “Easter” (dishes, Easter cakes. Also on the holiday, all churches hold a night Easter solemn service, accompanied by a procession around the church. On this day, bells rang in all churches This ringing is called the Easter bell.

The dormant bell awakened the fields!

The sleepy land smiled at the sun!

The church service on Easter is special. All night long the people do not sleep, pray, ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness for their stupidity, for betrayal, for evil, and prayers are sung by the church choir, priest and believers.

At Easter there is a custom to paint eggs. The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. Eggs are painted in different colors and give it with the words: “Christ is Risen!”

In response you should say: “Truly he is risen!”- and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

The bells are singing in the morning. Easter cake and eggs on the table.

Today is a holiday on earth! Holy Easter has come to us!

And with Holy Easter a fairy tale came to earth!

Holy Sunday is a symbol of rebirth.

Lent is behind us! Easter has arrived!

Fills our hearts with kindness and affection!

Easter is a day of miracles!

We say: “Christ is risen!”

We all love this holiday since childhood. It is illuminated by the sun, it is warm, like a fresh cake, and bright, like dyes in a basket. It is not for nothing that it is called Bright Resurrection: on this day people’s faces beam with joy and love for their neighbors. I want to be better, cleaner, kinder, I want to embrace the whole world.

Our kindergarten also held events dedicated to Easter. The guys and I spent the week preparing for Easter. The children got acquainted with the history of the holiday and its symbols. With great pleasure, we learned poems dedicated to Easter, decorated eggs, prepared Easter crafts, and directly educational activities using appliqué with drawing elements on the theme “Happy Easter!”, got acquainted with ancient customs and culture, and willingly played the games of our great-grandmothers.

The game “Whose egg will touch the prize” - rolling eggs on a board to a candy or to some -

some other prize: "Whose testicle touches the candy, you get it, kids"

The game “Who can spin the egg the longest?” Children sit at the table and begin to spin the paints. Whose egg spins the longest will receive a prize.

The parents of our children did not stand aside either - they took an active part in organizing the exhibition dedicated to Easter.

Easter in kindergarten. The main task is to create interest in the history of the Orthodox culture of our Motherland. Introducing children to the customs and traditions of the Orthodox Church - the celebration of Easter. Development life experience pupils in the process of creative study of the past and present of their people in connection with universal human values. Forming a respectful attitude towards Russian customs and Orthodox holidays. To instill interest in Russian national traditions and holidays and evoke an emotional response in children.

Information was prepared for parents: “Preparing for Easter with our children”, “Telling children about Easter”, which contains the history of the holiday, and recipes for dyeing eggs, and about folk games.

Calling this day a holiday is too little. It is more important than any holiday and more significant than any event in world history. On this day, all humanity, and therefore each of us, received hope of salvation, because Christ was risen. On this holiday, nature finally wakes up, after a long winter, a new, full-fledged and full-blooded life begins.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has already turned green.

Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles!

The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!

There are no brighter words in the world -

“Truly Christ has risen!”

Publications on the topic:

"Autumn ball"On November 13, the kindergarten held the “Autumn Ball” holiday, the brightest and most colorful holiday. Children read poetry.

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of MBDOU Mirnovsky kindergarten No. 6 “Zvezdochka” Portyanova Natalya Mikhailovna. Parents bring their children to.

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