Happy birthday greetings to the secretary. Congratulations on International Secretary's Day Congratulations on Secretary's Day to a woman postcards

Secretary's Day in Russia is celebrated on the third Friday of September. The holiday is not fixed at the state level; it is celebrated unofficially. In 2018 it falls on September 21st.

This is a professional holiday for administrative workers. It is celebrated by secretaries, office managers, assistants and executive assistants, reception staff and call centers.

Pictures and congratulations in verse on Secretary's Day September 21, 2018

We wish you on Secretary's Day
Take a break from paperwork.
Today is a holiday for a reason -
It's time to relax a little.

Let the folders stand on the shelf,
The reports won't run away.
Let me have an armful of flowers
They'll bring it for the mood.

On his own, the boss
May all questions be resolved
And a material bonus
He will encourage with a broad gesture.

A stern angel in front of the door,
What the bosses are protecting
You can trust him with everything
In every case it will cut through,

Calls will be answered quickly
And make an appointment,
The guard with the artist's data,
Not with eyes, but with fire...

The secretary is the soul of the reception room,
Without her there will be an end,
Don't be so modest

The secretary is an important employee,
All the work is on you.
I want to wish you good health,
After all, it’s impossible to get sick.

I wish you strong nerves
Don't expect peace.
Let it only give inspiration
Your favorite office.

Don't let the phones be loud
You've been calling all day.
Everyone who comes into the office
He will be nice, calm, happy.

Simple at first glance
However, this is only for the first time.
The secretary is told to know everything
Yes, manage not to be a bitch!

Since it’s a holiday, we’ll celebrate...
How will the boss look at this?
After all, everyone has to answer to him,
He will shut up the poet by the belt.

What a wonderful day that would be...
...probably better than a day off!
Work? Well, of course, laziness!
We're having a holiday. Holiday again!

Your secretary
We can be proud
Sits in our waiting room
Not a woman - a queen.

On Secretary's Day,
Post responsible for you
It was not in vain that they trusted me.

On this holiday we wish you,
How the sun shines
Give love and joy
Become happy in life.

Postcards and SMS congratulations on Secretary's Day September 21, 2018

Happy Secretary's Day
I want you today
There's a flood of papers and questions for you
And decisions are within reach.

I wish you strong nerves,
So that the authorities respect
And for a great job
More often it gave bonuses.

Happy Secretary's Day
From the heart and sincerely from you!
Let everything in life be great,
Let every day be clear.

Let the boss not rage,
Let success protect you like a lion.
Let your relatives always wait at home
And no sorrows bother you.

Today is Secretary's Day
With which I congratulate you!
May your dream come true
I wish you all the best now!

Let all work matters
Easily solved and simple,
So that the salary increases skyward,
I wish you growth in your career!

In mid-September
Not at all by chance
Let's celebrate Secretary's Day -
Here are our wishes:
Everything is easy to do,

Rising high!
Become an invaluable employee
And perhaps perfect!
And I want to go to work,
So that it works as it is sung!

Documents, mail, faxes,
Manages to send
And various papers
Sent for printing!

We only wish you success
On this secretary's day,
More joy and laughter
You will have it in life!

Pictures and congratulations in prose on Secretary's Day September 21, 2018

Happy Secretary's Day to all those who stoically endure many jokes and anecdotes about secretaries and bosses and carry out their work with pride and diligence. Without you, secretaries, no organization is conceivable, and if you had gone on strike, work would have stopped. WITH professional holiday you!

Happy Secretary's Day. I wish you to know everything, always and about everyone, to be on time in everything every time, to answer all the questions posed correctly and skillfully, to cope with all the assigned tasks easily and perfectly. And in general, let life be amazing, beautiful and happy, full of pleasant communication, cheerful meetings and joyful smiles.

Happy Secretary's Day. I wish that such an interesting, versatile, unique personality will always be able to cope with any job, I wish that you have many victories and successes. And besides this, let the rest of life be beautiful, amazing and rich in happy events.

Without a secretary there would be no order in the work, it would not be easy for the management. Who would keep all the documents in order? Would you warn about important meetings and meetings? Who else makes a cup of coffee so skillfully? Whose else's smile can light up everything around like that? Today I want to congratulate you on Secretary’s Day and wish that your life is guided by happiness and always accompanied by good luck, joy and love.

Come in, bring it, serve it, take it, find out, answer the call, make an appointment - this is far from full list what the secretary does. But at the same time they also look amazing. Let these secretary bees have enough strength, patience and time to do everything. We wish your personal life to be as active and vibrant as your working days.

April 25 is the date for 2018
Secretary is perhaps the most responsible job, but at the same time tedious and boring. But now imagine what your office would do without a secretary? Answering phone calls, working with documents, visitors and much, much more. Yes, the secretary is an irreplaceable worker!
International Secretary's Day (Formerly Secretaries Day) began to be celebrated in 1952 in the United States. This day takes place within the framework of the Administrative Professionals Week, which has also become traditional in the United States.

The holiday is celebrated on Wednesday of the last full week of April.
Most Russian entrepreneurs have no doubt about the necessity and importance of the Secretary profession. Secretaries have long since moved from service personnel to the category of responsible administrative workers who ensure the smooth, uninterrupted functioning of the office. Now this holiday is celebrated not only by secretaries, but also by all those on whom the work of the office depends. These include assistant directors, office managers, and assistants.

Did you know that there are about a million secretaries in Russia? This profession is one of the five most in demand. Don't forget to congratulate your secretaries on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on Secretary's Day

Secretary, secretary, poor publican's brain,
But, however, without him we cannot remember anything.
There is a meeting at one, lunch at two, and the toilet at four,
He was able to immediately learn all the tasks by heart,
Give them to us quickly - a fast mover, neither give nor take,
It’s impossible to live without him, a flag was raised in his honor,
And the whole office runs out to congratulate us again!
You can’t get to him without fighting - as always, it’s a full house again!
Well, if we're not joking, we love him, though, to convey
Love in verse, it’s difficult, we just love, AH! ©

Congratulations to the secretary from the boss

The secretary is not a bird
The secretary is an important subject,
He has no time to be lazy
He's the boss's assistant!
And today I will congratulate
Your secretary
And I’ll send him on leave -
Let him take a break from me! ©

Congratulations to the secretary

The reception room is your palace and monastery
You are the face of the office, its soul,
And you store hundreds of things in your memory,
Events are happening invisibly!
For skill, for knowledge and skills
Congratulations and thanks to you,
We wish you happiness, joy, patience,
On International Secretary Day! ©

I sincerely congratulate you with all my heart
Happy International Secretary's Day!
I wish you advancement in your career,
Thanks for your persistent work!
Let your boss appreciate you!
Let him agree that you are the right hand!
Nobody can replace you!
And he knows about it for sure! ©

We congratulate the secretary,
After all, in a company there is nothing more important than a bird,
All secrets are trusted to her for a reason,
The boss is proud of such an employee.
Let us wish you to shine brighter than the stars,
Use your sense of smell to achieve your goal.
Outshine everyone with your beauty,
Holidays can only be spent in Courchevel. ©

Hundreds of things to do at once
You know how to accomplish
All your problems are instantly
Able to decide.
Create a schedule
Notify everyone about it
Who, where and with what to congratulate,
Who to invite to the boss.
And it works great
Office, thank you,
Let me congratulate you,
Happy Secretary's Day! ©

I want to congratulate you
Happy International Secretary's Day!
May your boss be kind
Friendly and noble!
Let him give you a day off
And a solid bonus.
After all, you are a top class secretary -
Both smart and prominent! ©

I am this day, without a doubt,
I would call it a red day of the calendar!
I bring you flowers and congratulations
I'm going to work on Secretary's Day!
What can the director do without you?
Yes, nothing can be done, it will be lost!
You are the architect of all his successes!
Let him appreciate it and understand it! ©

There is a motto for your work -
Keep up and help!
And for a lot you will
Answer with your head.
You're certainly not a dummy
You are a great worker!
Super secretary from God
You are, of course, an ace in business.
And today on this holiday
On this Secretary's Day,
That they walk in the whole world,
There is no better place, believe me, you.
You love to work with your soul,
You value time and words,
You cook great
The head is in this case!
And I hope it works
We'll be together for years
I appreciate that you can be
Always there to help me! ©

© - Congratulations on International Secretary's Day were written specifically for the holiday portal website. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our website.

You are the decoration of the reception room,
Source of inspiration
Congratulations to you, secretary,
We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish you always
She beamed with a smile,
Sincerity, tact and kindness
Didn't disappear in you.

So that the fax works properly,
The emails arrived
The leadership was appreciated, and
May everyone love you.

On the phone all day
You answer calls
The main person in the reception area,
Your everyday life is not easy.

At the secretary's work
Every day is too much
But today all the worries
Put the chest of drawers in the back.

I wish you on your birthday,
Don't know about fatigue
And in a great mood
Greet every morning!

Happy birthday. I wish you always have enough strength and vigor for successful work, because being a secretary is not an easy task. Therefore, let every day be successful, eventful, productive and interesting in its own way. I wish you not to know fatigue and spiritual sadness, I wish you to live beautifully, cheerfully, luxuriously and wonderfully!

The secretary is the face of the reception,
This is the heart and soul
Knows what, where and how much,
He answers slowly.

Happy birthday to you today,
Our beloved secretary,
We admit that at work,
After the boss, you are the leader.

I wish you a birthday
Brought pleasant surprises!
May all aspirations come true,
Your desires and whims!

I wish you growth in your career,
Love, health and good luck!
Step forward easily and simply
Solving all the problems in life!

Happy birthday,
We wish you order at work,
For letters to be written
Correct and grammatically clean.

So that the boss is in the mood,
I was lucky at the prize
So that colleagues respect and love
And your work was greatly appreciated.

Without a secretary, all work will stop,
Calls, documents, affairs and troubles,
Help everyone, make a schedule,
And greet all guests with a smile!

Know all the secrets, keep the brand,
Keep all the keys to the offices,
There is no time at all, not even for coffee,
What can you do, such work!

And on this day I wish you,
Harmony, happiness, good luck, goodness,
I want to rise to the rank of boss,
From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday to you!

You are an important figure
And your work
Even though it is “paper” -
Necessary care!

On a birthday holiday
Joy, luck
And everything you need!

Our best employee, please accept congratulations -
After all, you are the best secretary in the world,
And we couldn’t do it without you, without a doubt,
Work and build new projects.

You always look strict and neat,
You work with feeling, because you are not a cracker,
And we enjoy coming to work,
When such a secretary meets us.

We wish you further success,
At work and at home, in love and in family,
And don’t leave our friendly team,
After all, there is no more important position at work.

Send to the secretary
Our congratulations
Reception - your world
And the battlefield.

At the combat post
Strict and unapproachable
It's your boss's day
Scheduled every minute.

We wish that you always
You succeeded in everything
First all the news,
To find out.

We wish you to be nearby
Good luck was with you
With such a secretary
So that the whole office is happy.

To the best secretary in the world
I give a million wishes -
Good boss, huge salary,
And so that all cards point to success!

So that there is no shortage of money waiting for you,
Life was interesting, chic and sweet,
In your work, so that prospects await you,
And every day was unrealistically happy!