The benefits of fasting for the body in Islam. What happens in our body during Ramadan? Cheers - basic rules

The meaning and benefits of fasting

In the name of the Merciful Allah!
Dear brothers and sisters!
In this section we will talk about the fourth pillar of Islam - fasting in the month of Ramadan, its meaning and benefits.
Fasting, or as it is also called fasting, is one of the five pillars of Islam. The faith of one who denies the obligation to observe it is invalid. Fasting (sawm) in Arabic means “abstinence.” And according to Sharia, this is abstinence from food, drink, sexual relations, etc., i.e. everything that breaks fasting during daylight hours.

The Almighty commands in the Koran that we must observe the rules. The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says that the month of Ramadan is the month in which Allah has prescribed fasting for us.
It is appropriate to note that modern science clearly states that Muslim fasting is good for health, it treats diseases, cleanses the body and removes toxins. It’s not for nothing that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Fast and you will get well.”
This booklet is based on excerpts from the book “Ihya’ ‘ulumi-d-din” by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, which talks about the features and meaning of fasting.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) notes that fasting is half of patience, and patience is half of faith. Allah Almighty says that “any good deed is rewarded tenfold, except fasting, which belongs to Him and for which He Himself rewards.” For Allah, fasting is especially dear. The Almighty told us through the mouth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that the smell emanating from the mouth of a fasting person is more pleasant to Allah than the aroma of musk. The Almighty also says: “The believer humbles his flesh for My sake. His fast is dedicated to Me, and the reward for it is from Me.”
The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says that Paradise has a gate called “Arrayan”, through which only fasting people will enter, who will certainly see Allah as a reward for abstinence. It is also said that two joys await the fasting person: the joy of breaking the fast and the joy of meeting Allah. Seeing the fasting person, rejoicing for his slave, Allah says to the angels: “Such is My servant, angels, for My sake he does not eat or drink, and has given up play.”
The fasting person is rewarded a hundredfold for what he has done, and he is not even able to imagine what the reward and gratitude to him is from Allah.
As for the goodness of fasting itself, there are two reasons for this. The first reason is that the essence of fasting is abstinence. The second is that fasting in itself is a mystery, because there are no actions in it that can be seen clearly. All rituals are performed in public, except for the fast itself: we fast in sight of Allah alone, since fasting is an internal action performed by the effort of our will.
The result of fasting is victory over man's enemy - Satan, whose weapon is carnal passions that come from food and drink. The hadith says that the Shaitan approaches the son of Adam through the bloodstream, and when asked how to protect himself from him, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied that these paths should be narrowed by hunger. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said to knock on the gates of Paradise, and when he was asked: “With what?”, he answered: “Hunger.”
What is fasting if not defeating Satan? Fasting is an obstacle to his wiles and a barrier in his paths. Whoever tries to gain the upper hand over the enemy of Allah will receive help from Allah Himself. This begins with a person’s diligence in performing Godly deeds, the reward for which is the help of Allah and the direction of a person along the True Path. The Almighty says in the Koran that those who strive for good will be led by Allah along His path, and truly Allah does not change what happens to people until they themselves change what happens to them. So, until the pastures where the shaitan grazes are full of grass, and until a person, showing zeal with hunger and other worships, blocks Satan’s path to his heart, the greatness of Allah Almighty will not be revealed to him. The hadith says that the sons of Adam would have seen the kingdom of heaven long ago if the devils had not circled over their hearts. Therefore, fasting became the gateway to worshiping Allah and salvation. Let us dwell on the presentation of its external and internal conditions, which are defined in three sections.
The first section concerns external conditions and rules, of which there are six:
1. Establishing the beginning of the month of Ramadan.
2. An intention to be made for each night of Ramadan.
3. Do not ingest anything intentionally, remembering fasting.
4. Abstinence from intercourse.
5. Refraining from emission of semen.
6. Abstinence from deliberate emptying of the womb through vomiting.
The second section concerns the mystery of fasting and its internal conditions.
It should be noted that the post has three levels. The first level is a common fast for everyone, the second is a strict fast, and the third is very strict.
During general fasting, it is necessary to keep your stomach clean and protect yourself from carnal passions. During strict fasting, one should keep the eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet and other organs from sin. And at the most strict level, one should renounce the heart from the vanity of the world and worldly thoughts, i.e. everything except Allah Almighty.
Strict fasting is the fasting of the virtuous, who flee from all bodily sin. The completeness of such a fast is achieved by performing six actions.
1. You should dull your gaze, avert your eyes from everything forbidden and from everything that distracts your heart from the remembrance of Allah. The hadith says that the gaze is one of the poisoned arrows of Satan, and whoever lowers his eyes in fear of Allah will feel the sweetness of faith in his heart. The hadith also says that a strict fast is broken by a voluptuous glance.
2. One should refrain from idle talk, lies, gossip, rudeness, abuse, hypocrisy, and also try to maintain silence, remembering Allah Almighty.
3. The ear should be kept away from swear words, because a bad tongue causes defilement of the ear. Allah has equated the one who listens to abuse to the one who speaks abuse. The hadith says that the slanderer and the listener are both partners in sin.
4. Legs, arms and other parts of the body should be protected from forbidden and dubious things.
5. You should not abuse what is permitted by filling your belly. As we know, fasting is death for Satan and curbing human passions. So, what benefit will fasting bring if, when darkness falls, you make up for what you haven’t eaten during the day by eating various foods in abundance? It has even become a custom to stock up and consume more in the month of Ramadan than in other months. But it is known that fasting requires moderation and curbing of passions in order to strengthen the soul with piety. If you endure from dawn to dusk, inciting desire, and then pounce on delicious dishes and get enough, then the flesh will only increase and lusts will increase. The spirit and mystery of fasting lies in the pacification and taming of the forces that Satan uses, directing a person to evil. And pacification of these forces cannot be achieved except through moderation, eating no more than what you usually eat in the evening.
6. When breaking the fast, it is necessary for the heart to be in awe between fear and hope, for we do not know whether our fast is accepted by the Almighty or not. If fasting is accepted, then we are among those who have approached Allah, and if not, then we are among those rejected. And this is how you should feel after every required action.

The month of Ramadan is the most awaited month and has great significance for every Muslim.

In order to understand the impact of modern life, we must compare our lifestyle with the spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan. In this blessed month, millions of Muslims limit themselves from the most basic human needs in order to remember all the benefits that Allah has given us. For 11 months we live behind a veil of carelessness, satisfying all our needs without thinking about anything. Ramadan is a necessary and especially important worship, because it provides balance in the social and economic aspects of our lives.

Definitely fasting in the holy month of Ramadan has a lot of benefits, both spiritual, physical, economic and psychological. In this article, we will briefly talk about the psychological benefits of fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

1. Self-control and discipline.

One of the advantages of our absolutely ideal religion is that it teaches us to follow the right path, without stumbling over the temptations of the mortal world, without looking back at the insignificant, cheap decorations of the dunya (worldly). In Islam, fards (obligatory worship) are clearly outlined, which protect us from everything unnecessary, and help to put all this chaos in which we live within some framework.

The mandatory requirement of fasting for our brothers and sisters was not without reason. Because, within 720 hours, we show our nafs (ego) who is in charge in our body.

Allah Almighty said in the hadith Al-Qudsi:

“...Truly fasting is done for My sake, and I will reward it. The fasting person refuses food, drink, and satisfaction of his desires for My sake. He who fasts has two joys: one when breaking the fast, the other when meeting the Almighty.”


Indeed, in observance of fasting, the moments that invalidate the post, such as the penetration of any substance, even in small quantities, into the human body through any open orifice, sexual intercourse, etc.

When a person denies himself the lowest points on Maslow's table, physiological needs such as food and drink, sexual intercourse, he observes very strict discipline.

It is very important to set yourself up correctly; This kind of self-discipline only teaches us to pull ourselves together and think about more important things. Subject yourself to self-control and ask questions about how we spend the hours given by Allah, how we treat our relatives, whether we need help, how many pages of the Holy Quran we have read, and so on we can continue endlessly. Discipline not only brings us closer to the Creator of the most beautiful things, but also makes us more successful in this world. After all, discipline is the main key to success. A true Muslim controls himself and does not let his ego get the better of him.

After all, it is today’s deeds that will determine our tomorrow’s stay.

2. Patience.

In the modern world, we are exposed to a huge flow of information - advertising, signs, billboards, news from various media such as social networks, newspapers, television shows and so on. This entire information shaft rolls into our subconscious and fills us with necessary, but in most cases completely useless information. As a result, this overload makes us more vulnerable to stressful situations. We easily begin to throw out all our negative emotions on others without noticing it ourselves. The post encourages us to be more patient, avoid aggressive discussions and try not to pay attention to the irritants of this dunya. Patience is the most important quality that every Muslim should have, because the word “sabr” (patience) has been mentioned in the Quran one hundred and four times regarding various reasons and situations.

“Therefore, be patient, for your patience comes only from Allah...”

(An-Nakhl, 16:127)


“Be patient, as the strong-willed messengers endured...”

(Al-Ahkaf, 46:35)


Allah Almighty ordered the believers to be patient. He said:

“O you who believe! Be patient, be patient, serve at the outposts and fear Allah, perhaps you will succeed.”

(Ali Imran, 3:200)


Allah Almighty said, praising the patient:

“But he is godly... who is patient in need, in sickness, and in battle. These are the ones that are true. Such are the God-fearing"

(Al-Baqarah, 2:177)


“Allah loves the patient” (Ali Imran, 3:146). “Be patient, for Allah is with those who are patient”

(Al-Anfal, 8:46)


In this long-awaited month, it is very important not to get angry over little things and to do as many good deeds as possible.

Thirty days after fasting, you will see for yourself that you can be kinder and react more calmly to everything that happens around you. After all, one of the important traits of a true Muslim is patience!

3. Oppose waste.

It is also important to note that every year the abundance of food products only increases. The industry never ceases to delight us with more and more new things. In the history of mankind, there have never been widespread famines when people died due to lack of food. Now people suffer from a more terrible disease - human greed. We want more and more. We just feel the need to buy a third kilogram of strawberries, without hesitation we buy today’s loaf from the bakery, because the bread that is at home is already yesterday’s. Arriving home, we quickly pour out the soup we were preparing for lunch, because our refrigerator is full of food, we can cook something else and get rid of it again by pouring it into the trash can.

When we fast, we are ready with appetite to eat yesterday’s flatbread, or even the day before yesterday. We begin to appreciate every piece of food we have in our home.

We realize that there is no greater need for a hearty breakfast, brunch, snacks between main meals, lunch, dinner, tea with buns, or your favorite cake. Our mind becomes enlightened, and in the end, we recognize that one light snack is enough for active functioning throughout the day, that hunger is not in our stomach, but primarily in our subconscious. With the arrival of Ramadan, you begin to think about how much unnecessary things we acquire every day, putting a strain not only on our stomach, but also on our budget! A fasting person learns to say a persistent “NO!” wastefulness, without giving in to your nafs, your ego!

By the end of the month you will certainly feel changes in your attitude towards your surroundings. You will notice how you begin to think about others, be content with little, become more patient and grateful. Your body will get used to the regime of strict discipline and perhaps this will help you bring some order to your life.

Dear sisters and brothers, we want to tell you that if you are now able to fast, then you are the happiest person, you are taking a completely free seminar on improving the quality of your life, without noticing it! Not a single seminar by the most outstanding psychologist, not a single training from a series of life coaching can have such a strong impact on your life as a simple but very important fast during the best month of the year - Ramadan!

It is reported from the son of Abbas that he said:

“I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “If my ummah knew what the month of Ramadan entails, they would wish that the whole year was Ramadan.”

I sincerely wish you and your family the most productive spiritual enrichment,

Nurzat Aitpay kyzy, psychologist

About the benefits of fasting during the month of Ramadan.

Every time the blessed month of Ramadan comes, believers greet it with joy as a dear guest. This is a time of spiritual growth, worship before Allah Almighty, a time of night vigils and prayers, a time of mercy and hope for forgiveness of sins.

Most of the people around us are rationalists; they do only what brings profit and benefit. Often, not understanding the wisdom of the divine establishment of fasting, they are bewildered by this prescription and do not fulfill it.

Therefore, let us pay attention to the topic of the benefits of fasting.

Firstly, fasting is an undoubted command of Allah Almighty (Holy and Great is He!). And Allah is our Lord, Who created us, endowed us with all the blessings that we have, Who constantly takes care of us, Who knows not only all our deeds, but also our thoughts, and to Whom we will answer on the Day of Judgment. Allah is our Master, and therefore it is necessary to unquestioningly fulfill all His commands out of sincere love for Him, out of desire for His mercy, out of gratitude, out of fear of His just punishment. This alone is the greatest benefit of fasting during the month of Ramadan. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors, so perhaps you will be afraid.”

The fasting person becomes satisfied that he has fulfilled the order of Allah with dignity, and his heart calms down.

Secondly, by fasting, we avoid committing a great sin, which is refusing to fast without a good reason.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever misses at least one day of fasting in the month of Ramadan without a good reason will not be able to make up for it, even if he fasts all his life.”

This hadith is reported by At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud

Thirdly, great rewards from Allah await the person who fasts, and the reward for any good deed done during Ramadan increases tenfold.

“It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Almighty and Great Allah said: “Every deed of the son of Adam is done by him for himself, except for fasting, for, truly, he is for My sake, and I will repay him."

Reported by Al-Bukhari

Fourthly, forgiveness of sins is promised to those who fast.

“It is reported from the words of Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and hope for Allah’s reward will have his previous sins forgiven.”

Fifthly, the fasting person has hope for the mercy of Allah and a place in Paradise.

It is reported from the words of Sahl bin Sa'd, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Truly, there is a gate in Paradise called “Ar-Rayyan”, through which those who fast will enter there on the Day of Resurrection, and no one will enter through this the gate is no one but them. It will be said: “Where are those who kept the fasts?” - and they will come forward, and besides them no one will enter through this gate. When they enter, these gates will be closed, and no one else will enter through them.”

(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

And also the hope that Allah will remove the fasting person from the fire of Hell.

“It is reported from the words of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Any slave who fasts in the path of Allah for one day, Allah will certainly remove him for that day.” his face is from the Fire for seventy years’ journey.”

Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

The mercy of Allah is especially widespread during Ramadan.

It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When Ramadan comes, the gates of Heaven are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and shackles are placed on the devils.”

Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Sixthly, during Ramadan, a Muslim tries to read the Qur'an often, and for each letter from the Qur'an he reads, he receives a reward.

Seventh, during Ramadan, love, forgiveness, mutual assistance and brotherhood spread throughout society. All Muslims, trying to do more good deeds during Ramadan, help their relatives, neighbors, and companions spiritually and financially, distribute sadaka, greet them with a smile, and inquire about their affairs. At this time, we must especially strive to avoid sins, because sins can devalue good deeds and destroy rewards.

“It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “If during fasting a person does not stop lying and acting according to lies, then Allah will not need him to give up his food and drink.”

Reported by Al-Bukhari

The fasting person must remain calm and not get into arguments.

“It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Fasting is a shield, and on the day when any of you fasts, let him avoid everything indecent and not raise his voice, if anyone If anyone scolds him or tries to start a quarrel with him, let him say to him: “Truly, I am a man who observes fasting!” I swear by Him in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the smell from the mouth of a fasting person is more pleasant to Allah than the fragrance of musk, and the fasting person will experience two joys: he will rejoice at his breaking his fast, when he begins to break his fast, and when he meets his Lord, he will rejoice at the fact that he fasted "

Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Eighth, fasting educates the soul of a believer, accustoms it to order, discipline, patience and submission to Allah. During Ramadan, you need to wake up on time, eat on time, and do your prayers on time. Although it is necessary to observe prayers on time throughout life, this is especially important during Ramadan. Fasting teaches a Muslim to be sincere before Allah. In any other business there may be some window dressing. If a person has a disease in his heart, then he can even perform prayer in the mosque not for the sake of Allah, but so that people can see how pious he is and praise him. But fasting is an example of sincerity. During daylight hours, a person is often left alone when only Allah sees him. And at these moments there may be a temptation to quietly quench your thirst or hunger. But then the believer realizes that he is fasting for the sake of Allah, from Whom one cannot hide anywhere, and then he continues to fast until sunset.

Fasting is a daily work of the soul during Ramadan, when you need to make the right choice. The first level of this work is to make an effort of will, to force oneself to abstain from food, drink and marital relations. This is the initial level, when the love for Ramadan, fasting and worship has not yet taken possession of the human soul. At this level, the punishment for leaving a post is more motivating than the reward for keeping it. The second level, when the soul itself greets Ramadan with sincere joy, then the thought of the possibility of disobedience and leaving the fast does not even come to mind. Love for Allah and gratitude to Him for giving us the opportunity to worship during Ramadan fill the soul of a believer at this time. But it doesn’t matter if a person, for example, having only recently accepted Islam or started observing the precepts of Islam, feels that he is still only at the first level. And then there is no need to despair, you need to observe fasting, prayers and hope for Allah’s mercy and support in this and in the last life. Careful performance of the rituals of worship will strengthen his faith, increase sincerity and fear of God.

Eid is a month-long fast in Islam. During this holy month, people perform repentance, pray, console their loved ones, abstain from forbidden things and follow fasting.

This year the holiday will last from July 20 to August 18. Islamic faith suggests that the holy book Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during the month of Ramadan. What is fasting and to whom is it contraindicated?

Why does the body need to fast?

As they say, fasting is not in the belly, but in the head. According to religious teachings, abstaining from food and alcohol helps to purify oneself spiritually. But this is not the only reason why you should keep your spirits up.

It has been scientifically proven that short periods during which a person abstains from the usual food help not only get rid of excess pounds, but also improve well-being. Proper nutrition and limited calorie intake help extend our lifespan.

In 1930, an experiment was conducted on mice: the animals were fed low-calorie food rich in nutritional components. The result was surprising, because all the mice lived much longer. One of them broke a world record, living 40% above normal. If she were human, she would live to be 120 years old.

Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting primarily benefit metabolism. In 2003, studies were repeated in mice that revealed lower insulin levels and glycemia as a result of calorie restriction.

The most common disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body is diabetes mellitus. Modern “wrong” lifestyle and high-calorie diet increases the risk of diabetes. Intermittent fasting increases the sensitivity of peripheral cells to insulin, reducing the likelihood of developing this disease.

Representatives of various religious movements have long argued that fasting is beneficial for both the soul and the body. Beginning in the 1900s, doctors began to seriously study the effects of fasting on the human body. The results were positive:

  1. Intermittent fasting and abstinence from food improves brain activity. Protein production increases, which leads to the activation of brain stem cells.
  2. Low-calorie nutrition helps prevent Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, and also keeps the neuromuscular system in good shape.
  3. Fasting improves metabolism and therefore prevents the development of diabetes. A balanced metabolism also strengthens blood vessels and prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and atherosclerosis.

In addition, restrictions on food intake improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A person can get rid of excess gas formation (flatulence) and normalize stool.

Cheers - basic rules

There is a big difference between Islamic fasting and medical diets. During the holy month (Ramadan), malnutrition or inadequate intake of high-calorie foods does not occur. There are no restrictions on the foods a person can consume during Suhoor or Iftar.

Compliance with the rules is a voluntary decision. Ramadan is a period of self-education and self-control. Doctors recommend breaking fast gradually. This is due to a special central hypothalamic part of the brain called “lipostat”. It is responsible for body weight. When a person begins to fast, partially and at times completely refusing to eat, rapid weight loss occurs. The ongoing process causes stress in the body, so lipostat reprograms it to regain lost kilograms. After the end of fasting, a person begins to eat his usual food and regain lost weight. To avoid this outcome, you need to limit your diet little by little and gradually.

During Ramadan, all vital elements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) are taken. Before sunrise, take a light breakfast, and after sunset - fruits and fruit juices. A little later they have a more hearty dinner. During fasting, the first evening meal begins with dates or a glass of water. Doctors recommend eating dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), as they provoke the consumption of large amounts of water, which will contribute to weight loss.

After the evening meal, additional prayers (Tarawih) are performed, which improve absorption. This prayer engages all muscles and ligaments, so it helps to get rid of excess calories. Some consider it to be mild physical exercise.

Uraza also eliminates any bad habits. For avid coffee drinkers or smokers, this post is a good way to test endurance and self-discipline.

It was noticed that during Ramadan the number of crimes committed in Islamic states decreased. Muslims say that fasting has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, making him peaceful and calm. The Prophet Muhammad said that if a person is provoked into a fight, he needs to answer: “I am fasting.”

Religious beliefs help reduce hostility between people during this holy month and reduce crime rates.

Compliance with exercise - contraindications

Of course, limiting the foods you consume is good for your health. However, there are certain diseases that become an obstacle during fasting.

According to Islam, wanderers, the sick, old people (over 70-80 years old), children (under 15 years old), pregnant and nursing mothers can not keep the fast. The main principle of fasting is to heal and pacify people. It should not harm a sick person.

In this regard, the following categories of people suffering from diseases are allowed not to fast during Ramadan:

  • severe type 1 diabetics;
  • diabetics with signs of ketoacidosis;
  • hard-to-control type 1 and 2 diabetics;
  • patients with arterial hypertension, hypertension;
  • patients infected with secondary infection;
  • elderly people suffering from musculoskeletal diseases;
  • patients who have had 2 or more cases of hyper- or hypoglycemia;
  • patients during exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • patients who have suffered strokes and major heart attacks;
  • mentally ill;
  • patients with acute infectious diseases;
  • patients with liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • patients suffering from heart failure.

Anyone who needs outside care and is seriously ill can not follow the rules. It is not recommended to interrupt the consumption of necessary medications during fasting. You should consult your doctor about changing the dosage and timing of certain medications. It is sometimes impossible to completely give up medications, for example, for insulin-dependent diabetics.

Fasting is necessary for diabetics if they can control their sugar levels. This is encouraged if you are overweight by 20% or more.

Uraza is useful for people who want to develop self-discipline, lose weight and improve their health. According to Islam, some seriously ill people are allowed to skip fasting. Abstaining and reducing food intake requires special endurance, and if you overcome this test, you can improve both your mental and physical condition. It is worth it because during fasting the digestive system rests, the body is cleansed and metabolism improves.

I live and study in Russia. Most of our teachers are communists who do not believe in the existence of the Supreme Creator. One of them told us: “How can Allah command you to leave out food and drink during the day, because it is harmful to health!” How do you advise us to respond to this communist, may Allah humiliate him?

Although fasting (syam) is basically a worship established by Shariah and an obligation entrusted to us by Allah, it is also one of the most useful medicines and the best means for strengthening health and body, as evidenced not only by Muslims, but also by doctors. Kafirs.
Fasting effectively helps in the treatment of psychological disorders, strengthens the willpower of the fasting person, softens his feelings, increases his love for good, distances him from quarrels, pickiness and hostile inclinations, gives him a feeling of the height of his soul and thoughts. This strengthens his personality, increasing his patience and endurance in the face of problems and difficulties. There is no doubt that this automatically affects human health.
This is the case on the one hand. On the other hand, fasting contributes to the treatment of many diseases of the body, such as diseases of the digestive tract, gastritis, colitis, liver diseases, poor digestibility of food, obesity and arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, asthma, sore throat and other diseases.

The Austrian doctor Barcellos wrote that the benefits of fasting during treatment many times exceed the benefits of using medications. As for Dr. Helb, he forbade his patients to eat for several days, after which he brought them light food. In general, abstaining from food promotes the breakdown of tissues that are ready to fall apart during hunger, and after eating, new tissues are restored. For this reason, some scientists, among them Pashutin, called for fasting and believed that fasting had a rejuvenating effect.

Tom Burns of Columbia Journalism School says, “I consider fasting to be a deep spiritual experience rather than a physical one. Even though I started fasting to rid my body of excess weight, I have found that fasting is very beneficial for clearing my mind. It helps you see more clearly, open new thoughts, and concentrate your feelings. Within a few days of my fast at the rest home, I felt that I was going through a huge spiritual experience.”

Naturally, fasting can cause harm and additional difficulties for some people in certain situations. Allah freed them from fasting, such as the sick and the traveler.
The ideal benefit from fasting will be if you follow the adabs of syam, including: late acceptance of suhoor, early acceptance of iftar, lack of wastefulness and excess in food, in its quality, quantity and variety.
Encyclopedia Britannica says: “Most religions have made fasting compulsory. Fasting is common to people even outside of religious rituals. Some people fast as their human nature requires.”

In the 20th century, a number of medical books arose in America and Europe that talked about the medical benefits of fasting. Among them were the books “The Fasting Cure” by Shelton, “Fasting: The Ideal Food System” by Alan Coote, “Fasting - the Elixir of Life” by Enric Tanner and “Returning to Healthy Life with the help of fasting” by Watzener.

Fasting is of great benefit to many heart patients because 10% of the amount of blood the heart sends to the body goes to the digestive system during the digestion process, and this amount decreases during fasting when there is no digestion during the day. This means that during fasting the heart works less and the heart muscle rests more.

Fasting also helps in the treatment of skin diseases, and the reason for this is that when fasting, the level of water in the blood decreases, thus this level decreases in the skin, which helps:

— Increasing skin resistance to microbes and bacterial infectious diseases.
- Alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases that spread over large areas of the body, such as psoriasis.
— Relief of allergic diseases and skin problems.
— With fasting, the secretion of poisons by the intestines decreases and the level of fermentation, which can cause acne or pimples, decreases

These are only some of the health benefits of fasting, and knowing them, you can understand that the words that this atheist communist says have no basis.