Beneficial and dangerous properties of other drinks. Fruit juices Fruit juices have nutritional properties

Redcurrant juice

An excellent multivitamin, although inferior to blackcurrant. Sour currant varieties can be infused with honey, but do not cook or boil. Thanks to its sour taste and pectin substances, it binds and removes intestinal toxins from the body - cleanses the intestines. Its juice removes uric acid salts.

Blackcurrant juice

An aqueous infusion of berries has diaphoretic, diuretic and fixative effects. The antiseptic properties of black currant are very great. If you use it as a vitamin remedy, then brew fresh berries (1 tablespoon) with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. For a diaphoretic, diuretic and antidiarrheal effect, you need to steam 20 berries over low heat for 30 minutes in one glass of water (without boiling), cool, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. It is best to prepare black currants in an enamel or glass container with honey. At the same time, its healing properties are almost not lost. This rule also applies to other berries.

Blackcurrant juice and sugar syrup are used to treat throat diseases, hoarseness, and whooping cough. For stomach ulcers and other stomach disorders and intestinal diseases, take berry juice 2-3 glasses 3 times a day. Some people mix equal amounts of blackcurrant juice with rosehip juice.

Cranberry juice

Pressed from fruits collected in September-October and later, before the snow.

Cranberry juice is useful for influenza, various infectious diseases (including genitourinary), sore throat, hypertension, and in the postoperative period. Prevents the formation of kidney stones. Cranberry ursolic acid has a diuretic effect and is useful for diseases of the urinary tract and liver, rheumatism and malaria. It exhibits an antipyretic effect in feverish conditions and quenches thirst well.

Cranberry juice goes well with rosehip infusion. Juice with honey (1:1) is useful for bronchitis with cough and sore throat. Cranberry juice is prescribed for gynecological inflammatory diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, headaches, and atherosclerosis. It improves appetite, promotes food absorption, and enhances the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice. Cranberry juice successfully treats gastritis with low acidity and inflammation of the pancreas. The dosage is selected individually.

Contraindicated for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Externally, the juice is used to remove pigmentation on the face and neck, and to wipe bedsores.

Viburnum fruit juice

Pressed from heat-treated and pureed ripened fruits.

The juice promotes the healing of ulcers in gastric and duodenal ulcers and has an analgesic effect. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system and has an antispasmodic effect. Used as an antifever, diaphoretic, vitamin, mild laxative and disinfectant, for colitis, atonic constipation. Recommended for hay fever of the stomach and intestines, as a prevention of oncology (especially against malignant degeneration) and for liver diseases. For hypertension, menopausal neuroses, hysteria, epilepsy, asthenic conditions, it is used as a general tonic, stimulating the heart, as an antitussive - for whooping cough, to prevent spontaneous abortions.

Take 1/4-1/3 glass of juice with honey (1:2) 3-4 times a day before meals.

The juice is taken externally for juvenile acne, childhood diathesis and lichen.

Juice from the leaves is a good tonic after serious illnesses, furunculosis, skin rashes and lichen. Take 1/4 cup with honey (1:1) 3 times a day. The juice of the leaves is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Flower juice with honey (1:1) is useful to take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals for gastritis, painful menstruation, scrofula, skin rashes.

In folk medicine, juice and berries with honey are recommended as an antitussive and astringent for bronchial asthma and hypertension. So, for bronchitis, laryngitis and as a tonic, it is recommended to take 3 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day, children 1 des. spoon.

Hemostatic drugs are obtained from viburnum bark. Viburnum flowers in infusion are used for coughs and hoarseness, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as gallstones and kidney stones.

A decoction of viburnum is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of berries are ground in an enamel bowl, then poured with 1 glass of hot boiled water and heated under a lid for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes. After straining the broth and squeezing the berries, add boiled water to 200 ml. Drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day before meals (add honey to taste). This decoction can be prepared for two days and stored in the refrigerator. You can also prepare juice with honey (1 kg of berries, 200 ml of water, honey to taste), fruit drink (1/2 cup of viburnum juice, 1 liter of water, 100 g of honey) - all these drinks will perfectly complement your diet.

Dogwood juice

Pressed from ripe and overripe berries. Dogwood juice has a tonic, astringent and strengthening effect. Phytoncides of fruits and juice have properties that have a detrimental effect on typhoid, dysentery and other bacteria.

For diarrhea, use juice or crushed fruits with seeds, ground with honey; children are given not very sweet jelly from the juice. For fever, flower juice or fruit juice is prescribed.

Use condensed juice from the pulp of ripe fruits for diabetes. Juice, diluted with water (1: 1), is prescribed 1/4-1/3 glass 30–40 minutes before meals as a hypoglycemic agent.

Dogwood jam is used for colds and stomach diseases.

Dogwood juice, jam, jelly and compotes are useful as a tonic for cancer, anemia, and liver diseases.

The roots and bark have antimalarial properties. The bark has tonic and stimulating properties.

Raspberry juice

Ripe berries are suitable for obtaining raspberry juice.

Take 2-3 spoons from 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey after meals, preferably with tea.

Used for colds as an antipyretic and diaphoretic, with honey and tea - to increase the body's resistance to infections, with progressive atherosclerosis.

The juice of fresh raspberries should be taken in case of lack of appetite, as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus (1/4-1/3 cup of juice or juice in half with water) half an hour before meals.

The juice of the leaves has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Useful for gargling, lotions and rubbing for acne.

For skin rashes of various origins, an ointment of 1 part freshly prepared juice and 4 parts fresh butter is recommended. An equal mixture of juice and lard is a good anti-callus remedy.

Raspberry and strawberry juice is used as an antipyretic to increase the body's resistance to infections. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoons with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey after meals, preferably with tea.

Cranberry, viburnum, raspberry and strawberry juices are prepared with honey in equal quantities (by volume).

Sea buckthorn juice

In late autumn, when its season begins, it is very useful to drink the juice of these berries. Since it is very concentrated, you need to dilute it with boiled water and add honey. For example, for 3 glasses of juice – 50 g of honey, 1 glass of boiled water, 1/2 glass of mint decoction; mix all this and leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Juice from leaves and fruits is prescribed as a vitamin drink for hypo- and avitaminosis, for some diseases of the stomach, as a means of strengthening hair in case of baldness, while simultaneously rubbing the juice into the scalp.

Externally used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Take half a glass of juice with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 3 times a day before meals.

Peach juice

Prepared from fresh ripe fruits. Used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, liver, kidneys; enhances the secretion of digestive juices, which promotes good digestion. Juice from fresh leaves (3–5 g per day) is taken for gastritis, enteritis, scleroderma, as a laxative and anthelmintic. The juice of the flowers is used as a diuretic and laxative.

Fruit juice is consumed 1/2-1 glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Aronia juice

Pressed from ripe fruits. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Recommended for glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis. An effective remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis, vitamin P deficiency, and thyrotoxicosis. Useful for people suffering from stage I and II hypertension (1/4 cup of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day, course of treatment for 10–30 days). Not recommended for patients with increased blood clotting, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Briefly about red rowan. It is a general strengthening, choleretic agent. It surpasses even carrots in carotene content. Pairs perfectly with rose hips (in a drink): 1 tbsp. A spoonful of berries is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, left for 4 hours, and drunk half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals. It is good to dry more rowan in an open oven at a temperature of 70–75 °C or in the air in favorable weather. So, rowan can be brewed as tea, along with other herbs, or you can use a coffee grinder to prepare a powder from it, which has a “savory” taste. This powder is sprinkled on all kinds of vegetable dishes and porridge.

Cherry juice

It has tonic and astringent properties, improves digestion, especially with constipation, and is useful for rheumatic diseases.

To improve the taste, you can add honey to the juice.

Cherry juice

Has an antiseptic and mild laxative effect for chronic constipation. Improves appetite, recommended for anemia, as an expectorant for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. In feverish conditions, diluted juice (1: 1) with chilled protium water quenches thirst well and reduces temperature.

Blueberry juice

During the season when blueberries ripen, you should eat as many of them as possible and dry them for the winter. In the cold season, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry blueberries is poured with cold water in the evening - 2 cm above the level of the blueberries, and in the morning the swollen berries are eaten on an empty stomach. After 30 minutes you can have breakfast. This method of eating blueberries helps restore vision.

Having an astringent effect for intestinal disorders, blueberries at the same time treat chronic constipation, normalizing intestinal motility (inhibiting the overexcited vital principle “Wind”). For diarrhea, you need to take 50-100 g of fresh berries per day or an infusion of them: infuse 4 teaspoons of dried fruits in one glass of water for 8 hours - this is the daily dose. Hot infusion: 2 teaspoons of chopped berries per glass of boiling water - per day. Blueberries help well with diabetes, especially if you drink infusions regularly throughout the year. It helps lower blood sugar. The infusion recipe is listed above.

After blueberry treatment, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal for a very long time. Therefore, blueberries are not only a binding agent (as is commonly believed in everyday life), but a means of regulating and normalizing gastrointestinal functions.

When taken in large quantities of fresh blueberries, good results are achieved in the treatment of gout, rheumatism (normalization of overexcited “Wind”).

Traditional medicine recommends eating blueberries mixed with strawberries. For this purpose, throughout the strawberry period, which usually lasts about 3 weeks, patients with chronic intestinal disorders, catarrh of the stomach and patients with anemia eat strawberries along with blueberries.

It is recommended to eat strawberries and blueberries separately, in a mixture and alternating with kidney stones, including during very painful attacks. In the latter case, it is recommended to make hot baths from a decoction of oat straw mixed in equal parts with horsetail herb.

Apple juice

Apples are useful for many diseases, but they are primarily a preventive remedy that corrects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Apple juice is one of the main, most accessible and healthy juices. It is easy and quick to prepare and contains a lot of easily digestible iron. When combined with red beet juice (170 ml apple juice and 30 ml beet juice) it is a tried and true remedy against anemia. In just 4-7 days it raises hemoglobin to normal values. Useful for everyone, especially children and pregnant women. Apple juice can be used as a base to which other juices are added that are less pleasant to the taste, but beneficial for the body.

In Russia, it has long been believed that one should not eat unripe and ripened apples at home; the apple season was considered open after the Apple Savior, on August 19. In winter, it is better to drink not juice, but compote made from dried fruits. Compote made from wild apples (dried) is very useful; it contains vitamins A, B, C, P, PP, calcium salts, potassium, iron, manganese, nickel and other substances important for the body (especially children).

Juices as a source of vitamins and minerals are in no way inferior to pills

Juices and their beneficial properties help maintain our health and are also used in the treatment of certain diseases. Haircuts became a craze in the 1970s along with disco music and miniskirts, only to be quickly followed by other fashions. However, now that science has clearly demonstrated a large number of arguments about the beneficial properties of fresh vegetables and fruits, more and more people are rediscovering juices.

For some, arising from juicers cloudy nectar, rich in vitamins and fiber, is just a step towards health, the path to which lies through the notorious five daily fruit and vegetable dishes. Others are looking in juice specifically carotenoids and flavonoids – powerful antioxidants that protect us from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Someone else uses the aromatic drink to flush out toxins, strengthen the immune system and treat all sorts of diseases, including anemia, arthritis and constipation.

Juices are not just multivitamins

For many people, a handful of vitamin-mineral pills is as much a part of breakfast as a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. This is a good, but not the best way to enrich your diet with healthy foods.

Juices as a source of vitamins and minerals They are in no way inferior to pills, and their beneficial ingredients are absorbed much better.

Indeed, the intestines absorb juices even easier than what they are squeezed from. Of course, vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins, mineral salts and other useful substances, but there they are hidden behind cellulose cell walls. As a result, a significant part of the healing molecules slips through the intestines along with the ballast dietary fiber. And by squeezing the juice, we destroy plant cells and release their contents, which nothing prevents from being absorbed into the blood.

To get out fruits or vegetables as many of them juices, you have to chew for a very long time and thoroughly, and few people do this. Juice is one of the most cost-effective food products. Very little energy is spent on its digestion, and it is absorbed almost completely.

Squeezing the juice, we get rid of indigestible ballast and get a concentrated extract of nutrients. In other words, we get more of them in a smaller volume, and this is very convenient. 180 ml of carrot juice contains the same amount of vitamins as 8 medium carrots. It’s not easy to eat so many root vegetables, but you can finish a glass in one gulp.

It is especially rich in beta-carotene, which, when converted in the body into vitamin A, provides 948% of its daily requirement. The same glass contains 16 mg of vitamin C (27% DV), 0.4 mg of vitamin B 6 (20% DV), 537 mg of potassium (15% DV) and 0.2 mg of thiamine, or vitamin B 1 (11% DV). CH).

And yet, despite their nutritional value, juices are a good addition to vegetables, fruits and grains, but not a replacement for them. They give us almost no fiber, which an adult needs 20-35 g daily. For example, the same 8 carrots contain 17 g of this important substance, and a glass of juice contains only 2. And the more fiber in the diet, the lower the risk of cancer, the less digestive problems and cholesterol in the blood.

Juices – healing cocktails

Mixing different vegetables and fruits in a juicer, you can get an almost endless variety of tastes and consistencies of the drink. Here are some recipes recommended by doctors.

  • Carrots and celery are considered universal additions, meaning they go well with any other vegetables. It is better to use one celery stalk for three carrots.
  • Squeezing two tomatoes and a few slices of sweet green pepper makes a refreshing, sodium-free alternative to canned tomato juice, which has too much salt.
  • The juice from a large peeled cucumber and a small onion is surprisingly refreshing. By experimenting with different varieties of onions (from sweet red to hot white), you can create a lot of interesting flavors.

Note to the hostess

Down with the dirt. Wash the raw materials thoroughly and remove any affected parts.

Down with the peel. Not all vegetables and fruits need to be peeled, but for some this step is required. For example, the peel of oranges and grapefruits contains substances that are toxic in large quantities. Fruits coated with wax need to be cleaned, as well as tropical fruits, often imported from countries where pesticide use is not strictly monitored.

Down with the seeds and seeds. Apple and pear seeds, like the seeds of all stone fruits (peaches, apricots, cherries, plums), contain harmful cyanide. Also remove the seeds of melons, lemons and limes, but you can leave them in the grapes - they are even useful.

Use whole. Most vegetables can be put into the juicer whole - leaves, stems, etc. Two exceptions are rhubarb and carrots. The leaf blades of the first and the tops of the second contain toxic substances.

Chop. Small pieces are easier for you to load into the mixer, and it is easier for it to handle, meaning its motor will last longer.

Bananas later. If any components of the mixture contain little water (for example, bananas or avocados), add them to the mixer last - as thickeners, turning everything else first.

Drink quickly. Juices have the most flavor and nutritional value immediately after preparation, and some (for example, cabbage juice) simply become unusable after a few hours. So make as much as you can drink right away.

Freeze. Carrot, apple and orange juices are quite stable - they can be stored frozen in a sealed plastic container for up to a month.

Advice. Drink freshly squeezed juices diluted 1/1 with water, i.e. part juice and part water. You can also mix different juices. If you drink fruit juices undiluted, you can get problems with the stomach and teeth - the acid contained in the juices irritates the stomach lining and has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. Vegetable juices can cause laxity in the intestines.

Juices are not just a food supplement

Fresh juices They give us more than just vitamins and minerals. They are rich in various compounds (phytobiogens) that are important not just for general health, but specifically for the prevention of serious disorders, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Perhaps the best known of these substances is beta-carotene, an orange pigment found in sweet potatoes, apricots, carrots and cantaloupe, for example. Research shows that people who include beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables in their diets have a much lower average incidence of cancer.

Bega-carotene is not the only phytobiogen that is abundant in juices. There are literally hundreds of them, including other carotenoids - lutein, lycopene and alpha-carotene with already proven healing activity. You can get these substances in abundance from carrots, tomatoes, dark green leafy vegetables and their juices.

Another important group of phytobiogens are flavonoids. These are also powerful antioxidants, i.e. substances that protect us from free radicals - aggressive oxidizing agents that form in any organism and damage its tissues.

In particular, antioxidants prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, known as “bad cholesterol.” Namely, in their oxidized form, they stick to the walls of the arteries, forming atherosclerotic plaques on them and leading to coronary heart disease. Research shows that people who eat flavonoid-rich apples and onions have a significantly lower average risk of heart attack.

By drinking a variety of fruit and vegetable juices, you can easily get therapeutic doses of all these healing substances. Maximum prevention is provided by daily intake of 0.5 - 1 liter of a mixture of different vegetable juices.

Flushing out toxins

Exhaust fumes, pesticides, preservatives, artificial food colors are just the most well-known of the harmful substances that our body encounters every day. Of course, he knows how to neutralize them and remove them, mainly with the help of the liver. However, a vacuum cleaner works better if you at least occasionally shake out its bag, which means that all our organs can also benefit from intensive cleaning from time to time.

Although traditional medicine does not recognize the benefits of juice fasting, naturopaths continue to strongly recommend it. The point is simple: do not eat anything solid for 2-3 days, only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

At the same time, you not only receive vitamins, minerals and enzymes in a more concentrated form, but also save energy spent on digestion. As a result, most of it - along with a lot of useful substances from juices - is used to rid the body of toxins, heal worn-out tissues and restore vital functions.

In particular, the immune system is strengthened. During such fasting, the symptoms of chronic diseases - arthritis, sinusitis and allergies usually decrease sharply. Naturopaths agree that juices are not a panacea for all ills, but they are a good palliative that provides significant temporary relief.

In general, the described method is harmless, but some pathologies (for example, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) can be aggravated by it. So fast only with your doctor's permission.

Maximum benefits from juice

Quickly inside. When vegetables and fruits are put through a juicer, their enzymes mix with other substances and begin to break down whatever they can. Consequently, the nutritional value of juices quickly decreases. To get maximum benefits, you need to drink them within half an hour after preparation.

Of course, juices can be stored in cans almost forever, but they no longer contain many valuable substances. The healthiest juices are homemade.

Focus on vegetables. A glass of fruit juice is a traditional refreshing drink, but vegetable juices are preferable. Fruits are too sugary and sour to take in large quantities. Vegetables are softer and also richer in nutrients.

A little bit of everything. The maximum benefit comes from juice squeezed from a mixture of vegetables. In general, the more varied your diet, the better. And with juices, this rule is easy to follow because you can combine many ingredients in one glass.

Great( 1 ) Badly( 0 )

Juice is a nutritious and fortified liquid obtained by squeezing fruits, berries and vegetables. To get high-quality juice, you should use only fresh and ripened fruits. For the production of juices, apple, cherry, strawberry, wild strawberry, raspberry, plum, pear, quince, peach, apricot, grape, grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, passion fruit, papaya, mango, kiwi, pomelo, blackberry, cranberry, pomegranate, currants, gooseberries, tomatoes, celery, parsley, carrots, beets, radishes, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, pepper and others.

There is a basic system for classifying types of juice:

  1. 1 freshly squeezed juice, which is produced immediately before consumption from fresh products;
  2. 2 straight pressed juice– this is a drink produced under production conditions, temperature-treated and bottled in sealed bags;
  3. 3 reconstituted juice- a drink that is produced by diluting juice concentrate with water and additionally enriched with vitamins;
  4. 4 concentrated juice– a drink from which most of the water has been forcibly removed to more than double the solids content;

In addition to classic juices, manufacturers produce juice products, which include:

  • Nectar– this type of juice is produced mainly from those fruits and berries for which the use of direct extraction technology is not possible due to too much sweetness, acidity or viscosity of the fruit. These include cherry, banana, pomegranate, currant, peach and others. Also, during the production of nectars, to stabilize the taste, color and aroma, it is possible to add natural acidulants, sweeteners, flavors and preservatives. As a percentage, the share of natural fruit puree is 20-50% of the total volume of the drink.
  • Juice drink is a drink obtained by significantly diluting fruit puree with water. At the same time, the mass of dry matter in it ranges from 5 to 10%. Typically, such drinks are represented by quite exotic fruits and berries: blackberries, mango, cactus, passion fruit, lime and others.
  • Morse– a drink made by diluting fruit puree with water and adding sugar. In this case, the share of dry matter is at least 15% of the total volume of the drink.

At home, juices can be obtained using a manual or electric juicer or using a juicer. It should be remembered that when preparing juices from bony berries (raspberries, currants, blackberries), it is better to use a manual juicer, because An electric sieve quickly becomes clogged with cake and requires frequent cleaning with a coarse brush.

Juices are used to prepare fruit drinks, mousses, marmalade, jellies and jelly. They can also be canned. However, they must be subject to boiling (no more than one minute) to stop the processes of fermentation and souring. After packing the juices into jars, it is imperative to keep them at room temperature for 2 weeks. During this period, it is possible to identify those banks in which air leaks occur.

Freshly squeezed juices are considered the most beneficial. But they should be consumed immediately after preparation. When they are stored in the refrigerator, an oxidation process occurs and more vitamins are lost. Opened canned juices can be stored in the refrigerator for two days in an airtight container. Packaged factory juices, if the packaging is sealed, can retain their properties for 6 to 12 months, but once opened, manufacturers recommend storing them in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.

Beneficial properties of juice

Juices are a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. By consuming juices, the body is filled with a concentrated composition of beneficial substances that cannot be obtained through normal consumption of fruits. After all, it is quite difficult to eat a kilogram of fruit in one sitting. Juices, due to their liquid state, are quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and therefore do not require additional energy costs for processing. They enhance digestion, activate enzymes, remove toxins and stabilize the acid-base balance of blood and lymph.

Each type of juice has its own positive properties and its own set of vitamins. The most popular are:

Fruit juices

Orange juice contains vitamins (, , , group B, E), minerals (copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc), more than 11 amino acids. This juice has many positive properties. It is used to strengthen the immune system, reduce the manifestations of vitamin deficiency, in the fight against colds, inflammation of the joints, gums and lungs, atherosclerosis, anemia, at elevated temperatures and blood pressure. Doctors recommend drinking orange juice no more than 3 times a week, 200 g each. Otherwise, intense physical activity is necessary to neutralize the acid.

grapefruits include vitamins (C, PP, E, K, B1, B2), acids and minerals (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, copper, zinc, manganese and others). It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic properties. It should be used for inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, nervous exhaustion, sleep disturbances, high blood pressure and varicose veins. You should use grapefruit juice with caution when taking medications, because... Fetal substances can change the effect of drugs on the body.

Plum juice contains vitamins A, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium. This juice is used to remove excess water from the body, reduce the level of stomach acidity and cholesterol in the blood, and for chronic constipation.

Apple juice is one of the healthiest and hypoallergenic juices, which is rich in vitamins (groups B, C, E, A), minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, selenium, sulfur) and organic acids. It is used for atherosclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis, liver and kidney diseases, as well as urinary and gallstone diseases. Substances in apple juice strengthen hair, nails, teeth, increase hemoglobin, and restore muscle tissue after physical activity.

Berry juices

grapes contain vitamins (A, C, B1, B2), minerals (potassium, calcium, copper, selenium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur), organic acids and alkaline substances. Drinking juice stimulates the bone marrow and the production of red blood cells, increases hemoglobin levels, cleanses the body of toxins and excess cholesterol, and speeds up metabolism. Grape juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of almost all organs of the body (stomach, heart, intestines, liver, joints, mucous membranes and skin). It has a mild diuretic and defecatory effect.

Watermelon juice includes vitamins (C, PP, A, B1, B2, B6, B12), minerals, fiber and sugar-containing substances. The juice has a strong diuretic effect, dissolves sand in the kidneys and bladder, but at the same time acts gently, without irritating the organs. It is also drunk for anemia, after radiation exposure, liver and intestinal diseases, gout and atherosclerosis.

Vegetable juices

celery contains vitamins (C, group B) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium). It is recommended to drink it to restore strength during mental and physical stress, overweight, to improve appetite and digestion.

Pumpkin juice contains vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, B6), minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus) and organic acids. It is recommended for diabetes, obesity, stones in the bladder and kidneys, high cholesterol, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and prostate gland.

tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic), minerals (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium). It normalizes metabolism, prevents fermentation processes in the intestines, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels.

We like fresh juices because they are delicious. But to delight our taste and quench our thirst is not their main purpose.

Why are they useful?

Freshly squeezed juices supply our body with minerals, enzymes, plant pigments, tannins, and essential oils. Juices are a source of vitamins, including C, P, E, K and carotene, which are not synthesized in the human body and must be constantly supplied with food.

Nutritionists have found that natural juices trigger cleansing mechanisms in the body: accelerate urination and sweating, normalize blood and lymph flow. Lovers of freshly squeezed juices are less likely to catch colds, and they also look younger than their peers.

Organic acids (malic, citric) and essential oils of fresh juices stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands and thereby improve digestion and absorption of food. They can partially compensate for the lack of hydrochloric acid in a number of diseases accompanied by low gastric acidity. Including juices in your diet reduces the risk of cancer of the digestive system and bladder by half.

Potassium salts, which are abundant in any fruit juice, remove excess liquid. That is why doctors recommend fresh vegetable and fruit juices to those who want to protect themselves from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. And juices with pulp are rich in pectin substances, which improve intestinal motility and help remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Carbohydrates in juices consist mainly of fructose and glucose. Apple juice contains 4 times more fructose than sucrose, and cherry juice contains almost 15 times more fructose. Fructose has less effect on increasing blood sugar levels than sucrose, thereby protecting the body from obesity and diabetes. Easily digestible carbohydrates from natural fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect (compared to refined sugar) on metabolism. If you want to lose weight, drink low-calorie and fat-breaking juices - apple, pineapple, grapefruit, orange, tomato, cucumber, carrot, cabbage. It is better to drink freshly squeezed juice immediately after preparation.

Heat treatment during industrial production, of course, makes it possible to largely preserve the nutritional value of juices, but the largest amount of useful substances is still found in freshly prepared drinks. In addition, sugar syrup and aromatics are added to many canned juices to improve their taste, which increases their calorie content.

Let's go through the list

Orange juice– contains a large amount of plant flavonoids, which prevent the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Stimulates appetite, strengthens nerves, has a slight tonic and antiseptic effect. Orange juice with pulp contains a lot of soluble fiber (pectin), which enhances intestinal motility, helping to prevent constipation. By drinking freshly squeezed juice for breakfast, you provide your body with its daily dose of vitamin C.

Grape juice– an effective diuretic and expectorant. It contains easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose and fructose), organic acids (tartaric, malic), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese), vitamin C and B vitamins. Grape juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, has laxative effect, useful for certain diseases of the kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Grapefruit juice– stimulates metabolism, tones, improves digestion and the production of gastric juice, has a bactericidal and antipyretic effect, perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, promoting weight loss and cleansing of toxins, besides, it contains few calories and tastes great.

Potato juice– a source of calcium and magnesium salts, which reduce tension in muscles and blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. For a long time, raw potato juice has been used to treat gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. 30–50 g is enough for one dose. Treatment is combined with a gentle diet.

carrot juice It is valuable, first of all, for carotene (provitamin A), which has a beneficial effect on vision and perfectly restores strength during mental and physical stress. Widely used in therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. Thanks to the cobalt and iron salts contained in carrots, it is useful for anemia.

Cucumber juice– an excellent diuretic. The high potassium content makes cucumber juice a valuable drink for high blood pressure. Strengthens the nervous system, prevents atherosclerosis, improves memory, and prevents hair loss.

Sea buckthorn juice It is famous for bioactive substances that bring relief from many diseases - hypertension and hypotension, coronary heart disease, vitamin deficiency, gastritis, stomach ulcers, disorders of the endocrine and central nervous systems. Sea buckthorn juice, unlike most other berries and fruits, does not contain ascorbinase, an enzyme that destroys vitamin C. Therefore, ascorbic acid, which is contained in the berry, is preserved for a long time.

Beet juice– it contains real deposits of fiber, sugar and organic acids (for example, malic and citric), which enhance intestinal motility. Vitamin P, which is in this juice, takes care of the elasticity of blood vessels. Betaine lowers blood cholesterol levels and normalizes liver function.

Tomato juice rich in vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins. Especially useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and constipation. Low calorie content allows you to prepare light and nutritious dishes from tomato juice (cold soups, sauces, snacks, cocktails) during a diet. This juice is often used in a mixture with apple, pumpkin and lemon juice (2:4:2:1) for weight loss. And recently, scientists have found that freshly squeezed tomato juice prevents premature aging.

pumpkin juice rich in carotene, it also contains potassium salts, iron, and B vitamins. Useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. A glass of fresh pumpkin juice a day is recommended for those who suffer from edema.

Due to its high tannin content, blueberry juice is considered an excellent restorative and anti-inflammatory agent. The juice from this berry is also famous for its ability to improve vision, relieve eye strain that occurs after work, especially at the computer, and prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

Apple juice– the most popular since ancient times. Contains vitamin C, natural sugars, potassium salts, magnesium salts, phosphorus, iron, malic and citric organic acids. This drink is especially useful for excess weight, loss of strength, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, anemia, and gastritis. If you have gastritis with high acidity, drink juice from sweet varieties of apples; if you suffer from gastritis with low acidity, lean on sour varieties (for example, Antonovka).


General strengthening cocktail

Squeeze juice from 1 fresh beet, 1 black radish and 1 carrot, mix them in equal proportions. To remove irritants that can cause nausea, keep the resulting “cocktail” in the refrigerator for 2–4 hours.

Take it 2-3 tbsp. spoons an hour before meals for a month: this wonderful restorative remedy increases blood hemoglobin, improves metabolism, normalizes blood pressure and gives the skin a blooming appearance.

Cocktail for one-day fasting

In the morning, prepare a cocktail for the whole day from a liter of freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice, as well as 100-150 ml of lemon juice. Dilute the drink with a small amount of boiled or slightly carbonated mineral water and drink in small portions throughout the day.

Refreshing cocktail

Place washed fresh mint leaves in a tall glass and pour 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and 3 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice, and then lightly mash with a spoon.

Pour 50–70 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice into a glass, add ice cubes. Garnish the cocktail with a sprig of mint and enjoy it through a straw on a festive summer evening.

Apple juice deservedly enjoys the love of both children and adults. It has a rich taste, and its benefits are beyond any doubt. It is well absorbed, which is why the drink is recommended for infants as the very first juice in life. What this folk drink is like, how to prepare it, store it and take it correctly, we will tell you in this article.


The common name hides a wide variety of types of this drink. It is prepared from almost all varieties of apples, but vintage juice, which is made from one variety, is considered elite. When you see the inscription “vintage” on the packaging, you can rest assured that the taste of the drink will be excellent.

Undoubtedly, freshly squeezed juice is considered the best option for children's and adult nutrition. This is a natural product that is drunk immediately after receiving. It contains no preservatives, concentrate, or sugar. It retains all the rich chemical composition of the product, for which it has gained universal love and recognition.

Naturally, no one will offer you freshly squeezed juice on store shelves, markets and supermarkets. We'll have to be content with what we have.

The following options are available:

  • clarified;
  • unbleached;
  • with pulp.

They differ in the transparency of the drink. All suspended matter is removed from clarified juice; it turns out to be the most transparent. Unclarified juice contains a certain amount of fiber and suspension, and the name of the drink with pulp speaks for itself.

According to the method of obtaining the product, the drink is also divided into several types:

  • directly pressed - made directly from fruit;
  • reconstituted - made from concentrate using the reduction method (dilute with drinking purified water);
  • concentrated - made from fruit, but “dehydrated”, devoid of liquid, thus the content of nutrients is concentrated in a smaller volume of the product.

Depending on the specific composition of the drink, there are:

  • natural - produced without sugar;
  • with sugar;
  • blended - a drink in which the current GOST implies the presence of 65% apple and 35% other types of juice, for example, berry or pear.

There are premium juices, the price of which is quite high, and there are economy drinks available to everyone. A separate type of drink is produced for children - children's juice, which must meet strict quality and safety requirements. It is always natural, without sugar or with a permissible small amount of sugar, in no case blended, most often clarified, although there are also options with pulp recommended for baby food.

Today you can even buy carbonated apple juice. Some manufacturers produce it for adult connoisseurs of apple taste and aroma.

Which apples are best?

To get a tasty and aromatic drink, you should use fruit varieties that have juicy pulp. In a home kitchen, it is optimal to prepare a directly pressed drink from apples, which have a light sour taste with pronounced notes of sweetness, as well as fairly dense pulp. Such varieties traditionally include “Antey”, “Cosmonaut Titov”, “Pamyat Kovalenko”. It is from these varieties that the most delicious natural juice is obtained - there is no need to add sugar to it separately, since the apples themselves have a pronounced sweetish tint.

Among the varieties of foreign selection, “Delicious Redi” and the green variety “Green” are best suited for the drink. The latter produces almost transparent juice with a light golden tint, which also has a pronounced pleasant aroma. These drinks are best consumed immediately. For long-term storage, juices with sugar are more suitable, which can be rolled into jars and drunk all winter. For these purposes, it is worth paying attention to more acidic varieties - “Antonovka”, “Nizhegorodka”, “Verbnoye”, “Glory to the Winners”.



Glory to the Winners

Early ripening varieties are not suitable for obtaining a drink. If the “White Fill” apple tree grows in your garden, then it is better to use its fruits in their entirety, or, as a last resort, make jam, make jam, but it is not suitable for juice, just like “Pepin saffron”. It is possible to extract a small amount of useful liquid from them; it tastes almost neutral, and such a drink is unlikely to please with its wonderful smell.

It is best for kids to prepare natural freshly squeezed green apple juice; older children can be given any type of drink, provided that you prepared it yourself, without dyes, preservatives and other “surprises” that unscrupulous food manufacturers can present.

How much juice is obtained from 1 kg of apples?

If everything is more or less clear with the qualitative issue, then the quantitative issue never ceases to excite the minds of all cooks and gardeners. How many apples do you need for a liter of finished drink? It all depends on how you squeeze it, what are the characteristics of your home juicer, what type of apples are used for preparation, as well as on the shelf life of the fruits themselves. If they have been lying around for a long time and are waiting in the wings, then it is possible that their skin has become a little flaccid. Obviously, the resulting drink from such fruits will be much smaller than from fresh, bulk fruits.

According to reviews from experienced gardeners and producers, a kilogram of medium-juicy apples usually yields from 500 to 700 ml of drink. Thus, for a liter of juice you will need approximately 1.5-1.7 kilograms of fruit. If you plan to prepare juice with pulp, you naturally need fewer apples than for the same amount of finished drink, but without pulp.

How to cook?

Even if apple drink in its pure form does not excite you, it is worth learning how to make it, because this type of juice is included in the basic basis of many other fruit and berry juices, and therefore knowing a few simple and accurate recipes will not hurt. If you want to get a clear drink, then this task is practically impossible at home. A homemade apple drink always contains a certain amount of suspended matter, even if it is not juice with pulp.

Preparing natural juice without sugar only requires the presence of ripe fruits. If they were collected in your own garden, it is enough to carefully sort through the apples, remove any “broken”, wormy ones or those with other signs of damage, and wash the remaining ones. If you bought apples in a store or market and strongly doubt their true origin, as well as storage conditions, wash them well with warm water after rubbing with dry soda.

Baking soda will help get rid of the waxy coating on fruits if they have been treated with wax for longer storage.

Clean apples are placed on a towel and allowed to lie for about half an hour so that the fabric absorbs all the moisture. Then the apples should be peeled by removing the core from each half of the fruit. What to do next depends on what you intend to use. If using a juicer, check the requirements of your specific model. According to them, the fruit may have to be chopped with a knife before squeezing. If you don’t have a juicer, and you need half a glass of juice to treat your child, you can take a plastic (non-metallic) grater, grate the apple and squeeze out the juice through gauze folded in 2-3 layers.

If you squeeze the drink using a juicer, prepare a non-metallic container in advance, the neck of which will fit tightly to the spout of the juicer so that the final product has less contact with air and does not oxidize. Freshly squeezed juice should not be stored for long. Drinks with sugar are suitable for long-term storage. So let's learn how to prepare juice for winter storage. When it comes to preserving apple juice, the main point is the container in which the divine drink is supposed to be stored. Prepare jars and lids in advance, wash them, sterilize them, and make sure they are absolutely clean.

Adding a small amount of sugar to it will help preserve the juice obtained as described above.(the approximate proportion is: 1 tablespoon per half liter of liquid). You can also do pasteurization. To do this, place the squeezed juice in a clean enamel pan and bring to a temperature of 97 degrees over low heat. It is important not to let the product boil. The resulting juice is poured into jars, rolled up and covered with a warm blanket or blanket, placing the jars with the lids down. After 16 hours, you can turn the jars over and put them where you plan to store them “on demand”.

This method is called open pasteurization. Juice can also be pasteurized using the closed method. To do this, the freshly squeezed product is poured into clean jars and placed in a pan with large, high sides.

There is water in the pan. It is this that will boil and heat the juice in the jars. When the first bubbles begin to appear on the drink, you should carefully remove the jars from the boiling water, immediately roll up the lids and leave to settle under a blanket, bottoms up, for 18 hours.

If you need to prepare natural juice without sugar, doing so couldn’t be easier. Don't add sugar. If pasteurization is carried out correctly and the containers are clean, then the jars should not open. You can also prepare the drink using a juicer, but it will be somewhat inferior in terms of the amount of nutrients.

Rules of use

It is recommended to drink juice from cans that you have prepared yourself, diluting the contents slightly with water. Apple drink is rich in organic acids; in its natural form, their amount may be excessive for absorption, especially in people with gastritis, increased stomach acidity, and pancreatitis. It is not advisable to drink juice at night before bed. One of the properties of the drink is a diuretic effect, and therefore you will not be able to get a good night's sleep. Try to take the juice not on an empty stomach, but after a full meal, so as not to increase stomach acidity and disrupt digestion.

It is necessary to give the child juice after diluting it by half with water. If we are talking about infants, then it is better for them to prepare freshly squeezed juice for one serving and without sugar.

The drink you have prepared for the winter is not suitable for infants.

Juice is introduced to babies gradually, from six months. The initial amount is from a third of a teaspoon. For constipation, it is recommended to drink apple juice with pulp. This juice is rich in pectin - a natural laxative. Children can be given this drink from 9-10 months, but it is better from one year onwards.

To strengthen the immune system in the cold season, to increase hemoglobin levels in case of anemia, it is better to take the juice without sugar. Daily adults are recommended about 300 ml, and children - from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age. This amount contains sufficient vitamins and minerals, as well as active organic substances, to meet daily requirements.

How to store it correctly?

Pasteurized juice in jars is stored in a dark, dry place. If everything was done correctly, the jars will easily last all winter. Store the opened jar in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Store-bought juice has a longer shelf life even after opening the package, but this is solely due to the preservatives. It is also advisable to store it in the refrigerator. There is no need to store fresh juice, you need to drink it. The maximum time allotted for storing freshly squeezed product is no more than 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Some people try to freeze the juice for the winter - pour it into molds and freeze it. It is worth noting that when defrosted, the drink loses a lot of its benefits, but does not exactly spoil. Therefore, this method can be used to freeze beautiful and tasty portions of natural fruit ice. And if the child is still thinking about whether to drink it over a glass of drink, then the baby will definitely not refuse the ice-cold treat.

To learn how apple juice is made in production, see the following video.