Lightening hair with cinnamon after the first use. Instructions for lightening hair with cinnamon at home

Every woman sooner or later decides to radically change her appearance. Most often this applies to hair - new haircuts are made, strands are dyed a different color, curled or straightened. Many girls are attracted to the lightening procedure, however, they doubt its harmlessness due to the presence of chemicals and the required frequency of use. This problem can be solved by lightening hair masks, which are easy to prepare at home.

Let's find out how to make your hair brighter by 1-2 tones using available products, what products are used for this, as well as popular recipes for lightening masks.

Rules for using lightening masks

Ladies go to great lengths to achieve beautiful blonde locks. Some women go to hairdressing salons, spending large sums on procedures, while others take risks by doing lightening on their own using hydrogen peroxide. However, as a result of such manipulations, the hair quickly becomes dry, brittle, and after some time, begins to turn yellow and take on an unsightly shade.

How can you make your hair 2-3 shades lighter at home using homemade masks without harming it? In order for the procedure to be safe and effective for the strands, a number of rules must be followed.

  1. If the strands are lifeless, brittle, look bad, or have an unhealthy structure, you first need to take a course to improve them. To do this, you need to determine your hair type, choose the right shampoo and conditioner, make nourishing masks, and only then lighten it.
  2. Owners dark color hair should understand that with the help of natural ingredients it is impossible to achieve ideal lightening, but you can make the strands brighter only by one or two shades. If you need a more pronounced result, you cannot do without chemicals.
  3. In order not to risk your entire hairstyle, you can conduct a simple experiment - take one of the lower strands and apply the selected mask to it. The result will show how much the tone will change.
  4. Protect bleached hair from negative effects - be sure to wear a hat in the cold season and a Panama hat in the summer, do not dry it with hot air from a hair dryer.

A hair lightening mask made at home is a generally safe procedure, but you still shouldn’t do it more than 2-3 times in a row within a short period of time - you need to give it a chance to recover.

What products are used in hair lightening masks?

Folk remedies include the use of completely ordinary natural ingredients that every housewife has in her home. The active substances they contain react with hair pigments, which are responsible for the richness of their color. Pheomelanin and eumelanin, that is, yellow-red and brown-black pigments, respectively, lose their color. As a result, girls with light brown strands acquire a lighter shade, while brunettes lose one or two tones.

Lightening hair masks used at home are usually prepared from the following products:

  • lemon;
  • cinnamon;
  • chamomile;
  • kefir.

They are easy to purchase and inexpensive. However, you need to take into account that they are still quite active and can cause allergic reactions or skin irritation in some. But in general, homemade lightening hair masks are good way make your strands a little brighter without resorting to a hairdresser or using hydrogen peroxide.

Lightening hair masks

The lightening procedure is not much different from the rules for using conventional nourishing masks - let us remind you of them.

  1. To prevent your hair from getting used to the ingredients, you should change them periodically.
  2. Regularly trim the ends so that all trace elements get into the healthy part of the hair.
  3. If you want to achieve maximum effect, you should use a blender when making the composition - the components, crushed to a homogeneous pulp, will more easily penetrate the hair structure.
  4. To get a more effective result, apply the product to recently washed, slightly dried hair - this way its structure will be free from dirt and water, so it will better absorb the beneficial components of the mask.
  5. On average, a good effect is obtained by keeping the mask on for 40–45 minutes. But to lighten hair, longer exposure to natural ingredients is necessary. For a good effect, after applying the product to your head, put on a bag and a warm cap or wrap it in a towel. You can additionally direct a stream of hot air from a hair dryer from above for a short time to heat everything well. After 30–40 minutes, the hair scales will open and the bag with the towel can be removed. But to lighten the mask, they do not remove it, but continue to keep it on the head for several more hours, usually 4–5.
  6. Rinse off the product with warm water without using shampoo, as it will remove from the hair structure all the beneficial microelements that got there from the mask. Or use a natural, sulfate-free shampoo. It is advisable to rinse the strands with a herbal decoction afterwards.

Brightening mask with lemon

A basic brightening mask using lemon is simply applying its juice to your hair. Can be diluted by half with water if the goal is not to obtain a strong effect.

This method is not suitable for those with dry hair, as citric acid will ruin them. To neutralize the drying effect, the juice can be diluted by half with any base oil - olive oil is excellent for this purpose.

Brightening mask with lemon

Brightening mask with lemon and honey

You can enhance the brightening effect of lemon with honey. In addition, this composition will give the strands additional shine and volume. To reduce the drying effect of active ingredients, add any base oil to the mask - olive, burdock, castor or others.

The composition is as follows:

  • juice of one lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • the same amount of base oil.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap it in the usual way, after 30–40 minutes, remove what you covered your head with and continue to keep the mixture on for another 3–4 hours, and then rinse it off.

Brightening mask with chamomile

Chamomile contains much less active lightening agents, so it is ineffective for dark-haired ladies and can only add tint. Chamomile will make light brown strands 1-2 shades lighter.

The composition of the mask includes only water and dried flowers of the plant. Boil a glass of liquid, add two tablespoons of chamomile to it, and place in a water bath. After 10–15 minutes, remove the broth from the heat, let it cool to room temperature and apply to clean hair. You need to keep the composition on your head for several hours.

The following composition will solve the problems of girls with dry hair who want to lighten it in a safe way, avoid breakage. Glycerin creates an invisible film on the hair, which will allow it to retain the beneficial microelements of the mask and make it smoother and shiny.


  • two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers;
  • a glass of water;
  • 50 ml food glycerin.

Add two tablespoons of dried chamomile to boiling water and leave to steep until it cools. Strain the resulting broth, add glycerin, mix, apply to hair, covering it with polyethylene and something warm. After forty minutes, remove everything from your head, but do not wash off the composition for several more hours.

Brightening mask with chamomile and glycerin

Lightening hair with chamomile and lemon

The following composition will help enhance the lightening effect:

  • juice of one lemon;
  • two tablespoons of chamomile;
  • a glass of water;
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. any base oil.

Brew the herb with boiling water, let it brew, strain, add lemon juice and oil. Apply the composition to your hair, cover your head with a bag, towel or cap. Keep it like this for 40 minutes so that the scales open, and then remove what you covered your head with, but wash off the mask only after a few hours. Chamomile and lemon will enhance the mutual lightening effect, and oil - olive, burdock, castor - any basic oil - will prevent your hair from drying out and will give it shine and volume.

Brightening mask with honey

Honey itself has a lightening effect on hair and nourishes it, so it does not need to be mixed with other ingredients. If it is not liquid, then melt it in a water bath. Then simply apply honey to the strands, cover them with cling film or a bag, and on top with something warm.

Keep it on your head for at least an hour. The longer the effect of honey on the hair, the stronger the effect. Therefore, you can leave the mask on overnight. Then rinse with water or sulfate-free shampoo. It is advisable to rinse the strands with chamomile infusion. Using a honey lightening mask, you will not only get the desired effect, but also incredibly silky, smooth hair.

Brightening mask with kefir

The high concentration of acids in kefir allows you to get rid of dye residues and lighten your hair, as well as moisturize it and nourish it with microelements. For a lightening mask, you can use only one kefir, apply it warmed to the strands and leave it on for as long as possible - at least three hours, and it is better to leave it overnight. Or enhance its composition with additional ingredients, for example, honey, kefir, lemon juice, cinnamon.

before and after photos

The composition may be as follows:

  • half a glass of slightly warmed kefir;
  • juice from half a lemon or 2 tsp. cinnamon powder, or 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • two egg yolks or 1-2 tablespoons of any base oil for moisturizing.

Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply to hair along its entire length, cover your head with a bag and a towel. Leave it on for half an hour, and then you can remove what you wrapped on top, but for the lightening effect, you only need to wash off the composition after a few hours. To get rid of the characteristic sour smell of kefir on your hair, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to the mask. You can also use homemade mayonnaise or sour cream instead of kefir.

Brightening mask with cinnamon

Cinnamon is a good hair nutrient as it contains many vitamins and microelements. But this spice also brightens strands quite well.

Ingredients for shoulder length hair:

  • three full tablespoons of cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

before and after photos

Cinnamon has a drying effect, so you can add a little olive oil or your favorite balm to the mask. For oily hair there is no need to do this.

After mixing all the ingredients, you should get a creamy mass, which must be applied to the strands, avoiding contact with the roots and scalp, as cinnamon can cause burns. Cover with a bag and something warm for 30–40 minutes so that the hair scales open, but you only need to wash off the composition after 3–5 hours. A brightening mask with cinnamon and honey will make your hair not only a couple of shades brighter, but also silky and shiny.

Brightening mask with cinnamon and honey

Helping hair after bleaching

Lightening, even at home with natural products, is still an aggressive procedure for hair. Therefore, after it, the strands need to be calmed, nourished with vitamins and moisturized.

To do this, after lightening, you can use your favorite balms, rinses with herbal decoctions, and nourishing hair masks. All these manipulations are easy to carry out independently, without the help of specialists.

Lightening masks, despite their simplicity, are a good, budget-friendly way to make your hair brighter and give it a tint without resorting to hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. They bleach strands more gently without causing much harm to them. But in order not to get an unexpected effect, you should still remember to first check the effect of the composition on small area hair, and only then use it.

How to lighten your hair 2-3 shades with natural products

Do you want to give your hair a lighter shade, but are you afraid that chemical dyes will cause serious damage? It is very easy to achieve the desired result with the help of cinnamon.

How does cinnamon affect hair?

To lighten your hair several shades, you need to regularly use home remedies with the addition of cinnamon. The desired result will not be obtained after the first procedure, so you will have to stock up on angelic patience. At first, the strands will become slightly lighter than their original shade. The final result is directly influenced by individual characteristics - for some, melanin (a natural coloring pigment) is destroyed very quickly when exposed to cinnamon, while for others it is highly resistant.

To make the lightening procedure more effective, you should use a little trick - you cannot achieve the result using cinnamon alone, so you need to add a component such as honey. As a result of the interaction of these two substances, the hair is lightened and nourished. useful substances.

To enhance the effect, you can combine cinnamon with lemon juice, which also has a strong lightening effect. To consolidate the results obtained, an air conditioner must be used.

Cinnamon contains a lot of useful substances - thiamine, pyridoxine, carotene, riboflavin, niacin, retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic and folic acid. They have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, promoting its health.

Instructions for lightening hair with cinnamon

In order for the lightening procedure using cinnamon to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, thanks to which many mistakes can be avoided:
  1. This procedure is recommended for girls with dark natural shades. If blonde hair is bleached, there is a possibility that a not very attractive reddish tint will form.
  2. All components of the mask are mixed in a ceramic, plastic or wooden container. It is strictly forbidden to use metal bowls, as the oxidation process begins in them, as a result of which, after dyeing, the hair becomes ugly green tint. Once the mixture is ready, it is left for exactly an hour to infuse.
  3. If this product will be used for dry hair, it is recommended to add 2 raw yolks to the composition.
  4. After preparation, the composition is applied to the skin near the ear and you need to wait a couple of minutes. If there is no allergy or itching, you can continue coloring.
  5. Then the lightening mixture is applied to individual strands and distributed along the entire length.
  6. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair well with shampoo, dry it with a hairdryer or naturally so that the strands are a little damp. The curls are carefully combed, making the application of the lightening composition much easier.
  7. For uniform distribution To apply a color mask, you must use a comb. There is no need to rub the composition into the scalp.
  8. As soon as all the strands are dyed, they are pinned at the top of the head and a plastic cap is put on, thanks to which the lightening process will be much more intense.
  9. During the first 30 minutes, a slight burning sensation may be bothersome and should soon go away on its own.
  10. The minimum duration of exposure to lightening masks with cinnamon is 3 hours, and the maximum is 8, but no more.
  11. To wash off the coloring composition, you need to use shampoo - wash your head at least twice.
  12. It is recommended to use masks that contain conditioner, which will make it much easier to wash off.
  13. The last rinse of the hair should be carried out using a pre-prepared chamomile decoction (2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are taken for 1 glass of boiling water). 1 glass of broth should be diluted in a liter of clean water, which will be used for rinsing.
  14. Such lightening procedures must be carried out at least 2 times a week until the desired result is obtained. With regular use of such masks, you can achieve a lasting effect - with each procedure, the curls will become lighter.

The effect of using cinnamon

With regular use of masks containing cinnamon, the following results will be obtained:
  • In the case of constant use of lightening masks, the curls become 2-3 tones lighter.
  • It is not recommended to use this method for girls with light brown hair and platinum blondes, as this may result in a red or copper tint.
  • To the owners dark hair It will take at least 6 procedures for the effect to be noticeable.
  • For girls with light brown and red hair, masks with cinnamon will become simply irreplaceable, because the lightening will be noticeable after the first procedure.
  • If you have previously dyed your hair with basma, sage, onion peels, henna or some other natural means, it is not recommended to use cinnamon. After its interaction with hair, an unexpected result can be obtained.
  • It must be remembered that cinnamon is a very active component that reacts with the skin. That is why, before applying the product to your hair, you must first conduct a test - lubricate the skin of your hand. If there is no redness or itching, you can use the product.
  • To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to alternate the use of cinnamon masks, adding lemon juice or chamomile to the composition.
  • As soon as the hair comes into contact with the sun, the lightening process will proceed much faster, and the strands will acquire natural highlights.

Recipes for cinnamon masks to lighten hair

To lighten your hair with cinnamon, you need to properly prepare masks with natural ingredients using the recipes below.

With olive oil

Cinnamon powder (3 tbsp) is mixed with honey, which is diluted in advance with water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. water 2 tbsp. l. honey Add any hair conditioner (3 tbsp) and olive oil(3 tbsp.) The composition is applied to the strands, left for 3 hours, then washed off with warm water using baby shampoo.

With lemon juice

Mix cinnamon powder (3 tbsp) with honey dissolved in water (200 g), add a moisturizing conditioner (200 g), a little lemon juice (1 tbsp), but only without zest. The composition is applied to the strands, distributed evenly over the entire length, washed off after 3.5 hours with warm water and shampoo.

With lemon and olive oil

Cinnamon powder (3 tablespoons) is mixed with honey diluted in clean water (3 tablespoons), hair conditioner (100 g), lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (100 g) are added. . The mask is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands and left for 4 hours.

With kefir

Kefir has excellent lightening properties, so it is often used in a variety of masks, with the help of which it is easy to change the hair shade by several tones. The combination of kefir and cinnamon helps strengthen the roots and provide a healing course for injured curls.

To prepare this product, take cinnamon powder (2 tbsp) and mix it with kefir (5 tbsp). The composition is applied to the strands and left for 3–7 hours, depending on the result you want to get. After the specified time, the product is washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.

  1. To make coloring more effective, you should not purchase ready powder cinnamon. It is best to opt for the product in the form of sticks, and then grind it yourself using a coffee grinder.
  2. After using cinnamon lightening masks, wet hair will seem coarser, but this effect goes away once it is completely dry. This is why it is not recommended to comb your hair while wet.
  3. After carrying out 5–10 lightening procedures, brown-haired women will be able to acquire a beautiful red shade (the speed of obtaining the desired result directly depends on individual characteristics hair).
  4. The brightening mask can be applied only to the ends to get an interesting ombre effect.
  5. Do not apply the product to the skin of the neck, ears and face. If the mask gets on these areas, you should immediately remove it with a clean swab dipped in water.
  6. As soon as the hair is completely saturated with the lightening composition, it is put on the head. plastic bag and a warm towel. After 40 minutes, you can remove the towel and bag, but you need to rinse your hair after a few hours.
  7. Lightening of damp hair takes place much faster.
  8. For a week, you cannot lighten your strands if you have had a perm.

If, after applying a brightening mask with cinnamon, you are bothered by a strong burning sensation, it is best to opt for those recipes that contain olive oil. If the burning does not go away, you need to rinse the product from your hair and do not use it again.

The more often cinnamon masks are used, the lighter the strands become. The main advantage of this procedure is that it is completely safe and cannot harm the hair, but will help it regain its beautiful shine, health, strength and acquire an interesting shade. The result will be well-groomed curls without the use of expensive salon procedures.

For ways to lighten hair with cinnamon, watch this video:

The fragrant spice that will be discussed is used not only in cooking, but in the treatment of colds, normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthening the immune system, cinnamon is used for hair in cosmetology. Hair care products are prepared at home. A unique composition, including antioxidants, vitamins and other benefits, makes the fragrant powder and ether from the plant an excellent tool for improving the condition of the skin, restoring hair at the structural level, strengthening it and imparting a mirror shine. Even if your hair is perfect and there are no problems with it, it is worth including in your regular hair care folk recipes with spice for additional hair nutrition and hydration.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

DIY cinnamon mask in the best possible way affects the condition of the hair and scalp. Such mixtures are especially useful and simply necessary for dry hair that has lost its vitality and brightness.

Healing properties for hair:

    1. Cinnamon is useful for hair growth, as it penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes the follicles;
    2. Smoothes out fluffy scales on the hair shaft making it smooth;
    3. Fills with mirror shine;
    4. After cinnamon, hair stops falling out, becomes elastic and strong;
    5. Improves blood flow to the follicles by enhancing root nutrition.

Ways to use cinnamon for hair

You can use cinnamon for hair in a variety of ways. Powder is often added to home cosmetics, but ether can also be used. Regardless of what you choose physical condition its spices are mixed into shampoos and other ready-made cosmetics, a hair mask with cinnamon and other natural ingredients is prepared, and a head massage is performed.

There are contraindications for use. The harm from cinnamon is minimal and comes down only to individual intolerance or increased sensitivity of the scalp. You may also not like the aroma of this aromatic spice. Even pregnant women and mothers during lactation are allowed to use it.

Cinnamon oil

Typically this ester is used in combination with other oil formulations. Such mixtures are not only useful, but also convenient, as they can be easily and quickly prepared. It is important to remember that the ether itself gently bleaches the hair, which means a hair mask with cinnamon oil can change the shade of your hair. Of course, this is good news for blondes, but brown-haired women with brunettes need not be sad either; cinnamon will also have a good effect on their curls; the main thing is to follow the proportions and recommendations so as not to get an undesirable result.

Adding to Shampoo

Easiest method to use essential oil cinnamon for hair - add it to shampoo, conditioner or mask, or, for the best effect, immediately while washing your hair. Such products will perfectly cleanse the skin and hair of impurities and nourish the strands with vitamins and minerals. In addition, regular use of cinnamon shampoo accelerates hair growth.

Cinnamon oil massage

This is an ideal head massage product. The procedure itself is very pleasant and improves the overall condition of the hair by accelerating regrowth, stopping alopecia, and in combination with ether it deeply nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles. Performing a massage is not difficult, just moisten your fingertips in an oil mixture of olive and cinnamon, apply to your head and begin massaging it in a circular motion. Massage can be performed with a special device or brush.

Hair lightening

How to lighten hair with cinnamon- a question that worries many beauties, but before doing this, it is important to know the rules of preparation for this procedure.

    1. Lightening with powder is recommended for dark hair; blondes risk getting a faint reddish tint. For blonde hair It's worth using the ether.
    2. Having found a suitable recipe, prepare hair dye, preferably in a plastic container. If the mixture interacts with metal, you can get a greenish tint to the strands. The finished mixture is allowed to stand for an hour to infuse.
    3. A lightening mask (recipe below) can dry out your hair; those with dry strands are advised to mix in egg yolks.
    4. Before use, we perform an allergy test. To do this, smear a little of the prepared mixture behind the ear; if after 20 minutes there is no negative reaction, move on to the next step.
    5. Before dyeing your hair, it is important to conduct another test. To do this, take a small strand, lubricate it with a mask and see what the lightening effect will be.
    6. Before painting, wash your hair with shampoo, soak it with a towel and lightly dry it with a hairdryer. The hair should remain damp. We comb the strands.
    7. Using a brush or comb, apply the coloring mixture so that it generously covers each strand and head - in this case, the hair color after the cinnamon will be uniform.
    8. We collect everything in a bun on the top of the head. We put on a plastic bag or shower cap.
    9. During the first 30 minutes there may be a strong burning sensation on the head, you need to endure it, it will pass.
    10. Dyeing your hair with cinnamon is not as easy and quick as with conventional chemicals. The mask should be on the hair for at least 3 hours, the maximum can be left overnight.
    11. Washing your hair while removing the mask must be done with shampoo; it is best to apply it a couple of times to ensure that all residues are removed.
    12. The final stage is rinsing; it is recommended to use chamomile infusion, as it also has a brightening effect. The decoction is easy to prepare: 3 tbsp. l. The flowers are steamed with 250 ml of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered and diluted in a liter of water.
    13. Since cinnamon dyes hair gently, a one-time application of the coloring composition will not be enough. The best option is once every 14 days until the desired result is obtained.

Video recipe: Lighten hair with cinnamon at home

Hair coloring

If you really want to change the shade of your curls to a lighter side, you can lighten your hair with cinnamon without any harmful chemicals. This spice is suitable for color changing at home as well as for changing color. On different natural shades The powder is reflected differently, in any case, the picture before and after will be significantly different:

    • dark and black ones become brown, depending on the number of procedures they can even become red;
    • chestnut ones acquire a copper tint;
    • red ones turn golden;
    • application for gray hair and light brown hair can easily be lightened into a light golden color.

Homemade cinnamon hair mask recipes

The spice is rich in tocopherol and nicotinic acid, which are included in many medicinal products for hair. It contains vitamins K and B, calcium and potassium, which are so necessary for health. All these elements significantly improve the condition of the hair, increasing its thickness, eliminating dandruff and even oily hair. Plus, any spice mask fills your hair with an intoxicating sweet aroma.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask to accelerate growth

Effect: dormant follicles wake up and hair begins to grow quickly.


    • 50 gr. honey;
    • 1 tsp. spices;
    • 130 ml olive extract;
    • third tsp red pepper;
    • 1 tsp. ground cloves.

Mix the butter with honey, heat it, and combine it with other products. We coat the roots with massage movements. Cover the top of the head with polyethylene and a towel, and after 40 minutes rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Video recipe: Homemade mask with cinnamon essential oil for hair growth and nutrition

Anti-loss mask

Effect: adds shine, restores hair structure, prevents baldness.


    • 40 ml burdock oil;
    • 50 ml honey;
    • 1 tsp. spices.
Manufacturing and application method:

As in the previous recipe, heat the oil-honey solution in a bathhouse, mix with spices, apply to peeled, wet hair. We insulate the head with a bag with a warm scarf and leave for 50 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. It is important to remember that cinnamon and honey lighten strands slightly, so be careful.

Hair lightening mask

Effect: makes strands noticeably lighter by a couple of tones after each use.


    • 100 ml hair balm;
    • 40 ml honey;
    • 2 tsp. cinnamon.
Manufacturing and application method:

Before washing your hair, combine all the ingredients. We wash our hair, dry it, and treat it with the resulting solution. As usual, we insulate the top of the head with a towel and film. After 4 hours, wash it off; if you wish, you can go to bed with the mask on and wash it off in the morning.

Video recipe: Cinnamon mask for lightening hair at home

Strengthening mask

Effect: treats split ends, smoothes strands, adds volume and generally strengthens hair.


    • 1 ripe tomato;
    • 30 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml olive extract;
    • 1 tsp. seasonings
Manufacturing and application method:

Blanch the tomato (pour boiling water over it and remove the skin), three on a grater. Combine the resulting fruit drink with honey, beaten egg, warm butter and powder, stir. Distribute the resulting mixture over your head and leave under a shower cap for 40 minutes. Remove with shampoo.

Mask for shine and smoothness

Effect: brings lifeless, dull and breaking curls back to life, moisturizes, smoothes out frizzy scales.


    • 30 ml honey;
    • 20 gr. cinnamon.
Manufacturing and application method:

Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair. We put on a shower cap on top terry towel and leave for 35-40 minutes. When the time is up, wash it off as usual.

Mask for volume and thickness

Effect: fills with mirror shine, gives airiness and density to the hairstyle.


    • 1 yolk;
    • 10 gr. seasonings;
Manufacturing and application method:

Beat the yolk, combine it with fermented milk product at room temperature and powder. Apply the mixture over the entire length, keep it under a hat for 45 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

Mask with cinnamon and honey

Effect: strengthens the ends, protecting them from cutting, thickens the shaft.


    • 20 ml macadamia oil;
    • 30 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml coconut;
    • 7 drops cinnamon extract.
Manufacturing and application method:

Heat the coconut-honey mixture, add macadamia and cinnamon. We first treat the roots with the resulting liquid, then everything else. We put on a cap and towel for 50 minutes. Wash the crown well.

Cinnamon and egg mask

Effect: has a general strengthening effect on the hair, eliminates baldness and improves the regrowth of strands.


    • 1 tbsp. l. fragrant powder;
    • 50 ml honey;
    • 1 egg;
    • 20 ml castor bean oil.
Manufacturing and application method:

Beat the egg, mix with heated honey and butter, add spice. Stir everything, treat the head at the roots and along the length. Cover with a shower cap and woolen scarf for 35 minutes. We rinse the top of the head.

Video recipe: For hair growth with kefir, egg and cinnamon at home

Mask with cinnamon and kefir

Effect: adds volume, strengthens strands, improves growth rate, the mixture without honey also moisturizes well.


    • 200 grams of fermented milk product;
    • 1 tbsp. l. seasonings;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 20 ml jojoba.
Manufacturing and application method:

Warm fermented milk product mix with butter, yolk and powder. Generously process all hair and massage the skin for two minutes. We put on a warm cap. After 50 minutes, wash the solution.

Cinnamon and Lemon Mask

Effect: a mixture with clay is perfect for oily hair, the components help normalize the functioning of the exocrine glands, eliminates dandruff, and improves the speed of regrowth.

We will need:

    • 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic green clay;
    • water;
    • 15 gr. spices;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. burdock extract;
    • 2 tsp. lemon juice;
    • 5 drops tea tree extract.
Manufacturing and application method:

We dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream, combine it with oil, ether, yolk, powder and apply it to the roots, spread the remainder over the strands. Cover your head with a cap, wait 40 minutes, and wash off.

Mask with cinnamon and henna

Effect: makes hair thick, voluminous, shiny, eliminates split ends, increases the growth rate of strands.


    • 50 gr. colorless henna;
    • 1 tsp. cinnamon powder;
    • 1 tsp. citric acid;
    • 30 ml honey.
Manufacturing and application method:

Mix the bulk ingredients, dilute them with liquid ingredients, stir well, breaking up lumps. We process the hair with the resulting viscous mass, retreating about 2 cm from the base. We collect it in a bun on the top of the head and insulate it. After 40 minutes, wash the mixture from your head. Gelatin can be used instead of henna.

Mask with cinnamon and burdock oil

Effect: after the mixture, the hair actively grows, shines, stops falling out, becomes stronger and more elastic.


    • 2 tsp. chalked cloves;
    • 2 tsp. cinnamon powder;
    • ½ tsp. hot pepper;
    • ½ tsp. mustard powder;
    • 4 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
    • 50 gr. honey.
Manufacturing and application method:

We combine the spices, combine them with the heated honey-oil solution, let it brew for 10 minutes. We cover all strands from roots to ends with the finished product, wrap it warmly, and walk like this for 60 minutes. If the burning sensation is severe, wash it off earlier.

Video recipe for hair growth, strengthening and against hair loss

Cinnamon and Olive Oil Mask

Effect: has a moisturizing effect, curls acquire shine and elasticity.


    • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. spices;
    • 1 tbsp. l. olive extract;
    • 1 yolk.
Manufacturing and application method:

Mix warm sour milk without flavorings or fillers with olive, yolk and honey, add spice. Spread the resulting homogeneous mixture over the crown and along the growth of the strands. We put on the cap for half an hour.

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Hello, dear beauties of our site. Today we will share with you recipes for lightening hair with cinnamon. After reading the article, you will receive all the most famous and common recipes for cinnamon masks for lightening hair, which are easy to prepare at home.

All women like to change their look from time to time, for example, by dyeing their hair a different color. But even the most expensive and high-quality dyes have a bad effect on the condition of the hair.

Not all representatives of the fair sex know that you can make your hair several shades lighter using regular cinnamon. In addition, this kitchen spice not only does not spoil the hair structure, but also makes it stronger, more beautiful and healthy.

Cinnamon hair coloring recipes

If you decide to try cinnamon in action, then be patient, as the coloring procedure can take quite a long time. Its duration will depend on the type of your hair, as well as on what shade you want to get in the end. The mask itself is very simple and quick to prepare, and the prepared composition can be stored in the refrigerator to be used for subsequent coloring procedures.

There are many different recipes for cinnamon-based masks, but almost all of them contain honey. When purchasing it in a store, you need to carefully study the label with the composition to make sure that they are selling you a high-quality, natural product.

Recipe No. 1: classic mask

To prepare a classic mask you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of hair conditioner.

The resulting mixture makes hair more vibrant and shiny, and olive oil helps protect the scalp from possible burning. Girls who plan to keep the mask on for more than 5 hours to achieve a significant color change are recommended to use this particular composition.

Recipe No. 2: nutritious

Nourishing mask with cinnamon for lightening hair consists of the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon.
  • Egg yolk.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey diluted with water.
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Thanks to such a mask, you can achieve not only an excellent lightening effect, but also supply the hair follicles with all the necessary elements. As a result, your hair will acquire a beautiful shine and split ends will disappear.

Recipe No. 3: strengthening

If you want to not only change your hair, but also strengthen its roots, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • 100 ml kefir.

Recipe No. 4: with distilled water

Lightening hair with cinnamon at home is also possible using ordinary distilled water. To do this, you need to mix cinnamon powder with water and honey in equal proportions, and apply the resulting mass to the strands. Interestingly, when distilled water and honey are mixed, a product is obtained whose action resembles the function of peroxide.

Recipe No. 5: Coloring with essential oil

Currently, you can find cinnamon essential oil on sale, which is also used as a lightener. To prepare the mask, use honey and lemon juice, but if desired, you can add 2-3 drops of other oils that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

How to lighten hair with cinnamon at home?

First, you need to prepare a suitable container in which the ingredients of the mask will be mixed. To do this, you can take a ceramic, glass or plastic bowl. It is better not to use cookware materials that are easily stained. And in a metal bowl, the mask will begin to oxidize and acquire green, which can be transferred to your curls.

It should be noted that in order to achieve a dramatic change in color, the dyeing procedure must be repeated several times at intervals of 3-7 days.

Dyeing procedure - instructions for lightening hair

  1. If you are using candied honey, melt it in a water bath until liquid.
  2. Mix cinnamon powder and honey thoroughly until smooth. The finished mixture should be shiny and thick.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe to the container with honey and cinnamon and mix.
  4. Lightly heat the resulting mask in a water bath or in the microwave - this will improve the penetrating ability of the components.
  5. Apply the mixture evenly, parting your hair. For application it is best to use a special flat hairdressing brush.
  6. When the mask is evenly distributed on all hair, you need to go over the head with a comb several times in different directions. Then massage your hair with your hands, thoroughly rubbing the mixture into each strand.
  7. Place a shower cap on your head and then wrap a thick towel around it. To create a greenhouse effect, you can pre-heat your head with a hairdryer, or iron a towel with a warm iron.
  8. Keep the mask on your hair for at least 30-40 minutes, then remove the towel and after 2.5-3 hours, rinse your hair thoroughly 3-4 times.


  • Lightening by several tones is possible only with regular use of cinnamon. Therefore, you should not be upset if after the first procedure you do not notice significant changes in color; believe me, your hair has begun to change internally. It should be noted that the effect of cinnamon largely depends on the individual characteristics of the hair. If for some girls cinnamon easily affects the natural pigment, then for others it may be more persistent.
  • The quality of the cinnamon also influences the coloring result. Often the reason for the lack of the expected effect is precisely bad quality, or expired.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that when applying the spice to white hair, its color may acquire a copper tint, and red hair may turn red.

Lightening dark hair with cinnamon and honey

It has been noticed that blondes achieve better results compared to brunettes, whose color changes depending on the original tone.

  • Black hair after one or two procedures they become brownish, and after 6-7 - reddish.
  • Dark chocolate shade acquires a light brown or red color.
  • Owners of chestnut strands after 5-10 stainings a copper tint is obtained, and redheads turn brown or red. With regular use you can achieve a golden color.
  • Brown hair also turn golden and light brown - copper.
  • In reddish blondes the strands acquire a spectacular brown color.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Almost all the girls who have tried to lighten their hair with this spicy seasoning note that their curls acquired a pleasant aroma with piquant notes, became shiny and more vibrant. Other advantages of this lightening method include:

  • Hair lightening with cinnamon and honey has a gentle effect even with prolonged contact with the hair. This quality is especially useful for those girls whose hair has lost its health and attractive appearance due to frequent use of store-bought dyes.
  • The mask makes the color of the curls as natural and natural as possible.
  • Thanks to the healing qualities of cinnamon and other components of the mask, the structure of the hair and the condition of the scalp are significantly improved.
  • The lightening agent is prepared simply and quickly, and all its components can be easily purchased at the nearest store at a low cost.


  • To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out at least 6 procedures.
  • Inconveniences associated with wearing a mask on your head for a long time. Sometimes it is uncomfortable to sleep if you apply the mask at night.
  • If cinnamon comes into contact with the scalp, a burning or allergic reaction may occur, as well as discoloration of the scalp.

Contents of the article:

Many people are familiar with such an aromatic spice as cinnamon, but it is not only an ideal addition to baked goods, but also a valuable cosmetic product. By regularly using cinnamon for hair care, you can not only saturate it with useful substances and carry out an effective healing course, but also lighten it by several tones, restoring natural volume and giving your curls a unique aroma.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon has a lot of useful qualities (for example, it has an antiseptic, tonic and stimulating effect), therefore it is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases, and it helps improve the digestion process.

This spice also has a detoxifying effect, so it also works actively in medicinal preparations, as it helps enhance the effect of various beneficial substances on the body.

Cinnamon has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma, quickly improves mood, has a stimulating and tonic effect. immune system body.

Today, cinnamon is widely used in home cosmetology, therefore it is often added to refreshing, tonic and rejuvenating products for body, face and hair care.

To prepare a lightening composition at home, it is recommended to use a mixture of cinnamon with lemon or honey. These components included in cosmetic masks begin to work as a natural reagent of hydrogen peroxide, while the cinnamon itself will reveal their effect.

Thanks to the use of this mixture, you can get rid of the effect after coloring with henna or chemical dyes. It is worth remembering that cinnamon itself can greatly dry out the hair, so it is recommended to combine it with other ingredients that saturate the curls with useful substances, moisturizing and having a healing effect.

When using cinnamon hair masks, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the mask is used to care for dry hair, it is useful to add olive oil (1 tablespoon) or egg yolk to its composition. Regular use of this cosmetic product gives thin hair volume and returns plumpness.
  2. After the mask is completely ready (the consistency should be similar to thick sour cream), it should be applied to clean and dry hair.
  3. If there is no need to pre-wash your hair, you can lightly moisten it using a spray bottle.
  4. To enhance the lightening effect, it is recommended to rinse the strands with a pre-prepared chamomile infusion after such a mask.
  5. During the hair lightening procedure, a slight burning sensation may occur. This is why a cinnamon mask is not recommended to be applied to the scalp - the root area should remain untreated.
  6. After applying the lightening composition, after some time a slight tingling sensation may appear; if a strong burning sensation begins to bother you, you must immediately wash your hair.
  7. To obtain a uniform effect, after applying the mask, you need to comb your hair, dividing it into strands.
  8. It is worth considering the fact that there will not be an immediate effect, so for a lasting result you will need to carry out several hair lightening procedures over 2-3 weeks.
  9. To prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, you must first conduct a sensitivity test - a small amount of the mixture is applied to the area near the ear or on the elbow; if after 30 minutes no discomfort or rash appears, you can use a mask.
  10. After the specified time for the mask to work, the lightening composition is washed off with plenty of warm water and shampoo. There may be particles of cinnamon left in the hair, and for them complete removal You should use conditioner or balm.
Taking into account the original hair color, using cinnamon masks to lighten, you can get the following results:
  • red-haired girls will have a slight brown or reddish tint;
  • brunettes and brown-haired women will get a golden brown or reddish color;
  • Blonde hair takes on a reddish or reddish hue.
You need to choose cinnamon very carefully when preparing a lightening composition. In some cases, instead of cinnamon, its analogue, cassia, is sold (the main difference is its darker color with a red tint; it has a tart, bitter aftertaste).
Cassia is poorly crushed, and it contains a large amount of a substance such as coumarin. If taken regularly, it has a toxic effect on the body.

If the cinnamon is to be ground using a coffee grinder, the sticks must first be broken into smaller pieces.

Cinnamon mask recipes for lightening hair

Cinnamon, which is part of the lightening masks, saturates the hair with valuable substances, helping to strengthen it and restore volume. If the seasoning is combined with other ingredients, you can lighten your hair by 1-2 tones at home.

To lighten hair, it is recommended to combine cinnamon with honey; you can also add lemon and honey. Thanks to the addition of honey to the mask, the hair is perfectly moisturized and has a gentle lightening effect, while the lemon refreshes the strands and creates a slight effect of sun-bleached curls.

Before using such a lightening composition, you must remember that the effect will be strictly individual - as a rule, the effect appears on hair that has not previously been dyed with chemicals. It is best to use cinnamon masks to lightly lighten light brown and brown hair. To obtain the desired effect, you must complete a full course.

Cinnamon with honey

To lighten hair at home, you will need the following components:
  • ground cinnamon- it is advisable to make it yourself by grinding spice sticks in a coffee grinder;
  • liquid natural honey- of course, you can also use a product that has slightly thickened, but first it must be melted in a water bath, however, it must not be brought to a boil;
  • any conditioner or hair balm- it is recommended to choose a product that does not contain silicone.
To make the bleach mixture, you must use a non-metallic container and spoon. You should not use metal utensils, as oxidation of the coloring composition may occur, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair and the strands may acquire an unsightly greenish tint.

Honey and cinnamon powder are mixed (the components are taken in equal quantities and can vary depending on the length and thickness of the hair). For example, to process shoulder-length strands, you need to take about 3-4 tbsp. l. cinnamon and honey.

All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then the conditioner or balm is introduced and everything is mixed well again. The result should be a mask with a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

Before applying the composition, comb the hair thoroughly, after which the mask is evenly distributed along the entire length of the strands. However, it is worth remembering that the mixture should not be applied to the root zone and scalp, so as not to provoke irritation. The hair should be completely saturated with the mask.

After the mask is applied to your hair, you need to wrap your head with cling film or put on a rubber shower cap and a terry towel for insulation.

After 40–45 minutes, the towel and film are removed, but the mask is left on the hair for another 2–3 hours. After the specified time, the remaining composition is washed off with warm water and shampoo. It is recommended to use conditioner or chamomile decoction to rinse strands.

Cinnamon with lemon

A mixture of cinnamon and lemon is recommended for lightening blonde hair. Lemon gives the strands a beautiful light shade. To prepare a natural lightening mixture, mix the fresh juice of one lemon with 3-4 tbsp in a non-metallic container. l. ground cinnamon.

All components are mixed well, after which approximately 5 tbsp is added. l. any hair balm. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed along the entire length of the strands. The mask is left on for several hours, but first you need to wrap your hair in a layer of cling film and insulate it with a towel.

After 4–5 hours, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo. After this procedure, it is useful to rinse your hair with conditioner.

Girls who have experienced the effects of brightening masks with cinnamon get different results. The most striking effect will be noticeable on light brown and brown hair.

Brunettes can also use such compositions, because masks with cinnamon help not only lighten hair, but also significantly improve the structure of the strands. Creates a light toning effect resulting in lighter shades brown shades with a soft golden tint.

Before using any natural lightening agent, you must remember that after the first procedure the desired result will not be obtained. But at the same time, such compositions have a beneficial and stable effect in case of systematic use.

How to lighten your hair two tones using cinnamon, see here: