The mistress of Alexander Rosenbaum, convicted of extortion, was released from prison early. Rosenbaum imprisoned his mistress. Who could have done this?

Published 01/31/17 18:15

The media reported a high-profile criminal case against a fan of Alexander Rosenbaum.

The other day, the Nikulinsky Court of Moscow sentenced a fan of the famous singer Alexander Rosenbaum. Obsessed with her passion, she did not give the singer any way. As a result, 52-year-old serviceman, captain 3rd rank 52-year-old Natalya Vostrikova was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Since 1993, Natalya served in the navy as a communications engineer and was a captain of the 3rd rank. In recent years, Vostrikova worked in Moscow in a position that sounded like “responsible executive of the headquarters”, she was intkbbach personnel officer, conducted pedagogical and educational work among military personnel, organized events for them. One day an idea was born - to invite Rosenbaum to give a concert at their military unit. The commander approved, Natalya began negotiations.

Rosenbaum immediately agreed to sing in front of the sailors. Then there was a personal acquaintance. The performance was a great success. Natalya organized another concert for the singer in another military unit and another. They began to collaborate and became friends. Vostrikova met his parents, visited their house, and came to her mother’s funeral.

Natalya has been divorced for a long time; she is raising her son Andryusha alone. In Rosenbaum, she saw everything she dreamed of, and fantasized to herself that there could be something serious between them. She wanted to be with him, and she retired from military service. Natalya helped organize events for Rosenbaum, for which his producers disliked her (“she takes the bread”), and followed him around Russia.

In 2011, Natalya Vostrikova was included in the Book of Records for organizing a concert with the largest number of works performed by one author: 225 songs by Alexander Rosenbaum were played for 14 hours and 53 minutes without interruption (exactly how long the marathon in St. Petersburg lasted).

At some point, communication with Vostrikova became a burden for Rosenbaum. He stopped answering her text messages and didn’t pick up the phone. One day, the artist even announced the cancellation of a concert due to Vostrikova’s intrusiveness: the “black list” did not save her from numerous calls; she called even at night. Trying to take revenge on Rosenbaum for his lack of attention, the woman began to correspond with the musician on someone else’s behalf and received his intimate photographs, which she threatened to publish. Initially, Vostrikova demanded 10 thousand dollars from the artist, then 10 million rubles.

All these events took place in 2015. Natalya is actually obsessed with the desire to prove that she is right and take revenge. Natalya was charged with two counts and put in pre-trial detention center No. 6, but then the court considered such a preventive measure illegal and sent her under house arrest. Then she started calling the artist again.

The girl realized that this strong feeling was when Rosenbaum began to actively show his attention: “It was 2005. It so happened that I became seriously ill, I even wanted to leave the armed forces, because it was very difficult for me. And then Alexander Yakovlevich began to show attention to me! He helped with advice, promised to help with a new job, and once even called me to his office in the State Duma, where I spent the whole day. When I went in for surgery, he called me at any time of the day - both in the evening and at night. Tugged at the doctors. Through my friends I tried to transfer money for fruit. I was worried. I remember this moment: a friend, who, like me, was involved in organizational affairs, went to his concert on the day of my operation. As she later said, he flew out from behind the scenes and started shouting at her: “What is there anyway? I'm worried! How could you leave her? She is a close person to me!” I gave her a whole lecture! Then I realized that he also means much more to me than just an artist. Feelings arose, although I kept my distance and respected both his wife and his parents,” admits Vostrikova.

Unfortunately, at some stage of the relationship there was a quarrel. This is how Vostrikova herself comments on this: “When my love began to reach its peak, an unpleasant thing happened: we quarreled. There was a provocation, led by his producer: I was accused of invading the artist’s life! They say they receive threats, and Rosenbaum was clearly explained that this was from me. Somewhere on the Internet there is even an advertisement: so-and-so is interfering with the singer’s life. And I became an outcast, an enemy for him! We were simply divorced, after which we did not communicate with him for probably a year and a half,” recalls Natalya.

A few years later, passions subsided and the couple met again. “After the holidays, Alexander Yakovlevich was drunk, and I was a little tipsy - before that I met with friends. We sat with him in a cafe near his house, the tongues were untied. Word after word - a person suddenly throws out a phrase: maybe he missed me! That’s when he and I first switched to “you”... Five years after we met. And literally a month later, when I mentioned that I would like to see each other, he replied: “Well, come! I’ll pay for your journey.” When I arrived, I heard: “You know the address,” the woman admits.

At some point, their relationship moved into a more frank direction, they began exchanging intimate messages and even intimate photographs. A little later, these very materials became a bone of contention, and court hearings were held behind closed doors in order to preserve the singer’s honor. “Since he and I had a very close relationship, intimate, but we saw each other infrequently, Rosenbaum really liked to have fun with correspondence. I supported him in this - why not? Also an option. And, you know, I don’t see anything wrong with this, adults. And what happened... He and I had a quarrel. I knew that he liked this kind of communication, but that he would not answer me. Then I asked one young colleague, a big fan of his work, to help me. She said: well, just call him, tell him that you want to meet him. Chat. Don’t hide the fact that you know me and try to convince him that he is wrong in his negative attitude towards me. Some time passes - the girl tells me: “Natalya Evgenievna, with all due respect, I won’t do this anymore. What he offers me is not entirely decent,” says Vostrikova.

Daily Storm\Natalia Vostrikova

Natalya was organizing the First Open International Festival of Performers of Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum's works and sent the director to him for a signature. It was important to record that the singer is not against such self-expression by amateur musicians. According to Natalya, when the maestro saw that her name appeared on the documents, he practically kicked out the delegation like mangy kittens. Vostrikova flared up and wrote him an angry message on messenger: “Take your photos and go to hell!” Rosenbaum perceived this as a threat and blackmail.

At this time, another woman appeared in the musician’s life, who allegedly turned the singer against Natalya. Alexander and Natalya met several more times: together they destroyed incriminating photos, which became a bone of contention. He offered to pay off her loans and, when they met, allegedly threw money into her bag. She came to him to make peace with a bouquet of lilies of the valley, and the situation turned out to be such that she was arrested on the spot.

The case of Natalya Vostrikova was carried out under Article 162, part two, paragraph “d”. Alexander Rosenbaum attended only one meeting at which he stated that he insisted on a real deadline. All accusations were based on the testimony of witnesses who were negatively opposed to the accused: the testimony of the singer’s administrator and producer. “They bring my director and my former friend Yudina Ekaterina as witnesses, who also took a little part in the correspondence and played along with me. They identified her and threatened her: either you give evidence, or... There was nothing to put her in jail for, but she got scared and came. Another witness was Andrei Serdyukov. The person who now leads the Rosenbaum community on social media. VKontakte network. "Yes! Fan! And Rosenbaum is dearer to me than my own father!” - citizen Serdyukov shouted in court. They even tried to record my son, my boyfriend and girlfriend as witnesses to the charges. But they came out in my defense,” recalls Vostrikova. As a result, the woman was unable to avoid prison.

“I was put in a cell with murderers and drug addicts. You can’t see the streets there, and you don’t want to go for a walk in a stone bag. The cell was overcrowded, we had to sleep under the table. But the colony - no, it’s not scary at all. As I called it, this is a paramilitary high-security pioneer camp. This doesn’t mean that it’s good there - you’re deprived of the opportunity to see your family, call, it’s unclear what they’re feeding you - if you don’t want to eat, go hungry,” recalls Vostrikova. In prison, she lost 20 kg.

For exemplary behavior, Natalya Vostrikova was released early. Of course, there are no more feelings, only resentment for not understanding her and taking advantage of her naivety. She doesn't know how to live on. They don’t hire Natalya; she lives only at the expense of her son on a pitiful allowance of 850 rubles. Only after six years will Vostrikova receive a certificate of no criminal record, and then she will have the opportunity to get a job in a government agency. How will she live on? Only time will tell.

Natalya Vostrikova received three years, according to her, for the feelings she had for Alexander Rosenbaum. She spoke about how she fell in love with the wise and fair Alexander Yakovlevich, and then ended up in the zone, in a frank interview a few months after her release.

The woman ended up behind bars “because of her gullibility and some kind of naivety.” According to her, “it all started very beautifully, for some it was even like a fairy tale,” writes the Daily Storm.

Alexander Rosenbaum and Natalya Vostrikova met 15 years ago. Their relationship developed rapidly, lasted a long time and was not easy.

Natalya realized that Alexander was much more to her than just an artist, not immediately, but two years after their first meeting. “Feelings arose, although I kept my distance and respected both his wife and his parents. For me, he was the standard - I could not even think that there could be any other relationship between the singer and ... not quite a fan , and, let’s say, a good friend,” the woman noted.

She tried to support the singer when his brother died. And he helped her. “It so happened that I became seriously ill, I even wanted to leave the Armed Forces, because it was very difficult for me. And then Alexander Yakovlevich began to show attention to me! He helped with advice, promised to help with a new job. When I went into surgery , he called me at any time of the day - both in the evening and at night. He tried to transfer money to the doctors through my friends. He was worried.

But they soon quarreled. The artist's producer accused the woman of invading his life. Rosenbaum allegedly receives threats from her. “Somewhere on the Internet there is even an advertisement: so-and-so is interfering with the singer’s life. And I became an outcast, an enemy for him! We were simply divorced,” Vostrikova explained.

Then everything seemed to get better. But after some time, “it ended so sadly.” The People's Artist accused his mistress of obsession, a desire to profit from his name and extortion. She was tried.

Rosenbaum himself personally demanded a real prison term for his former lover. At Alexander’s request, her former friends and the singer’s administrator testified against Natalya. The woman was imprisoned.

“I was put in a cell with murderers and drug addicts. You can’t see the streets there, and you don’t want to go for a walk in a stone bag. The cell is overcrowded, I had to sleep under the table. But the colony - no, it’s not scary at all. As I called it, it’s a paramilitary pioneer maximum security camp,” Vostrikova recalled.

She was released last year. It’s very difficult for a woman: after the colony they don’t hire her to work, she lives on a penny of benefits, her relatives and friends help. She needs all unfounded charges and criminal records against her to be dropped.

As for Alexander, Natalya long ago realized that he “has the image of an impeccable person, but far from ideal.” In addition, the artist is “insanely suggestible.”

He could call her at night and “complain about how bad he was, that he was in pain, or... about his next young acquaintance.” At the same time, Rosenbaum told those around him that Vostrikova had “sickened” him. And at the trial, the artist said: “I was actually thinking, maybe I should go abroad to get rid of her?”

But Vostrikova no longer has love, as well as faith in people...

Captain of the third rank and organizer of a number of concerts by Alexander Rosenbaum, Natalya Vostrikova, received three years in prison for intrusiveness towards the artist, MK reports.

The Nikulinsky Court of Moscow sentenced Vostrikova to three years in prison for extortion. A woman who had known the popular musician for 13 years, repeatedly organized his concerts and was in a close relationship with him, but their relationship ended with blackmail and extortion by the military.

The 52-year-old soldier and captain of the third rank met the artist in the early 2000s, when she invited Rosenbaum to give a concert at their military unit. The concert was successful and the artist’s fan continued to organize performances in military units. A close relationship began between them: Vostrikova met his parents, visited their house, and came to her mother’s funeral.

Despite the close, including intimate, relationship, all these years the soldier remained first and foremost his fan, supporting fan resources on the Internet. At a certain point, the artist got tired of communicating with the woman who continued to regularly organize his concerts (including organizing an event that was included in the Russian Book of Records for the performance of the largest number of works by one author), and he stopped keeping in touch with her.

Once the artist even announced the cancellation of a concert due to Vostrikova’s intrusiveness: the “black list” did not save her from numerous calls; she called even at night. Trying to take revenge on Rosenbaum for his lack of attention, the woman began to correspond with the musician on someone else’s behalf and received his intimate photographs, which she threatened to publish. Initially, Vostrikova demanded 10 thousand dollars from the artist, then 10 million rubles.

According to her, the musician offered the money himself, and she agreed because she borrowed money to cure her teeth. Moreover, she suggested that Rosenbaum pay her the loan, since it would “cost nothing” for the musician. Initially, the Muscovite was sent to a pre-trial detention center, but then the court considered such a preventive measure illegal and sent her under house arrest. Then she started calling the artist again, trying to make peace, which was taken into account when sentencing. Vostrikova herself, as a military woman, considers a criminal record a “dishonor.”

Natalya Vostrikova spoke for the first time about the man who essentially put her in prison. It turns out that such an act was the work of a famous and respected artist. The woman spoke about her difficult relationship with the musician and what caused their quarrel, because of which she lost her freedom, the site reports.

Rosenbaum's mistress paid for her feelings

According to Vostrikova, she and Alexander had a fairly close relationship. The woman met the celebrity and her most beloved idol back in 2003. They immediately showed interest in each other and began dating secretly.

In general, the couple’s relationship developed rapidly. But one day everything changed. Rosenbaum accused his mistress of excessive interest in him. The artist made himself a victim and wrote a statement to the police against Natalya, accusing her of fraud. Vostrikova believes that the musician thus took revenge on her for her love.

By the way, Rosenbaum personally spoke out about the term that his “fan” was supposed to serve. He lured both Natalya’s ex-girlfriends and his administrator to his side. As a result, the artist achieved his goal - Vostrikova lost her freedom. This was the end of her infatuation with Alexander.

Alexander loves spicy correspondence

In an interview with the Daily Storm, the woman admitted that the artist’s attitude towards her changed even before the trial. Rosenbaum stopped seeing Natalya and responding to her messages. Then she decided to please her beloved in another way.

The woman asked her colleague to get to know Alexander and convince him that he was not doing the right thing towards her. An acquaintance of Rosenbaum’s mistress began communicating with the celebrity and soon realized what the public’s favorite really was. Alexander wrote piquant things to Natalya’s colleague and demanded the same from her. As a result, the woman stopped communicating with the musician, as reported by Vostrikova.

But the artist’s mistress still could not avoid prison. After serving her sentence, she was released and sadly recalls life behind bars. The woman had a hard time, but she forever got rid of her feelings for Rosenbaum.

Let us remind you that we previously talked about the fact that at one of the popular shows I sang a musical composition by Olga Buzova. The musician performed the song “Halves Are Few.”