Residual urine volume in the bladder medication. The volume of residual urine is normal in men

The bladder is designed in such a way that during normal urination it does not empty completely. It contains small amounts of residual urine. The norm is different for everyone, depending on age. In adults this is no more than 50 ml, in children - 10% of the total volume that fits in the organ.

If the size of residual urine exceeds the normal volume, then this is a clinical sign of a disease. After all, this means that urination is impaired, and this is only possible during some painful processes. If this urological symptom occurs in children, then this is a very alarming sign, which signals that a full examination is necessary.

Stagnation of urine is also quite painful, and if no action is taken, the symptoms and volume will increase every day, provoking bacterial inflammation and the formation of stones.

This symptom can manifest itself due to various pretexts, and some of them are not even related to pathologies of the genitourinary system. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories.

  1. Inflammatory and infectious. Due to such diseases, swelling of the urethra occurs, and there may also be a symptom of spastic compression of the muscle tissue of the organ, as it is irritated of a reflex nature. Residual urine in men indicates the presence of the following diseases of this sex:
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • balanitis;
  • cystitis.
  1. Obstructive. These are cases when mechanical barriers appear that push down the outflow of urine from the outside or inside. It could be:
  • in males;
  • uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts in women;
  • formation of adhesions, narrowing of the urethra and stones;
  • the appearance of tumors.
  1. Medication. Also, the tone of the organ may weaken due to the action of certain medications. These could be:
  • muscle relaxants;
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants;
  • hormonal;
  • narcotic painkillers;
  • medications for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
  • when congenital defects of the central nervous system are present (particularly in children);
  • in the presence of diseases of the spine;
  • for injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • if you have multiple sclerosis.


Residual urine is just one of the various symptoms found when the genitourinary tract becomes blocked and becomes inflamed. But if its appearance is associated with neurological disorders, then such a problem is much more difficult to detect, in particular, if the problem is in a small child.

If before this you felt like a healthy person, then the first sign of urinary retention will be the presence of a sluggish urge to urinate. This symptom develops gradually, like organ atony. This can be felt by several signs.

If you have a diverticulum, there will be no pressure or pain, but urination will occur “in two steps.” First a large portion will come out, and then a meager one. This process occurs because first the bladder itself is emptied, and then the diverticulum that appears there.


This process consists of several neurological, urological, laboratory tests and interviews. When you first visit a urologist, you will be prescribed the following procedures.

  1. Ultrasound of the bladder and pelvic organs. This study is carried out in two phases. The first is when the bladder is full to measure its volume and size. The second ultrasound is 5-10 minutes after emptying. To ensure accurate results, calculations are carried out at least three times. There are special formulas for calculating the amount of liquid, which require the following parameters:
  • height;
  • width;
  • length of the ultrasound shadow of the bladder.

If the patient is currently taking diuretics, or before the examination, drank drinks or ate foods that could irritate the organ for examination, then the doctor must be warned about this, since the diagnosis may be erroneous due to these influencing factors.

Ultrasound is considered a non-invasive method, since the rate of residual urine in men and women is not determined accurately. But it is used more often due to its general availability.

  1. Clinical analysis of blood and urine, urine culture to determine bacterial infection.
  1. Cystoscopy and contrast urography – if necessary. The first type of examination is prescribed as a last resort, as it is quite traumatic. But it quite accurately indicates the volume of residual urine, if any was detected.

Do not forget that volume calculation and urine analysis for prostatitis and other diseases in which this symptom appears may turn out to be erroneous during ultrasound and other examinations due to nervous strain.

Emergency organ emptying

If a lot of fluid has accumulated in this organ, and the patient does not have the opportunity to remove it naturally, then catheterization is required.

This procedure may be contraindicated in some patients, for example if there is spasm of the urethral sphincter, in which case botulinum toxin is injected into the area to relax the muscle tissue.

In some situations, a stent can be installed with a short period of operation - from 3 to 6 months. It looks like a cylinder made of a thin wire spiral, 1.1 mm in diameter. The material used in the manufacture is absorbable organic material, which soon disappears.


Residual urine is not a separate disease, but only one of its symptoms. In order for there to be a normal bowel movement, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that violates it. The following measures may be taken.

  • Removing the inflammatory process.
  • Restoration of urinary tract patency. An operative or conservative method can be chosen.
  • Normalization of bladder contractility.

For neurological disorders, more complex therapy will be required. Both surgical and medical methods can be used here.

If you are diagnosed with bladder atony, the doctor will prescribe medications that restore contraction skills. When the organ spasms, muscle relaxants are prescribed. If they do not help, then a surgical procedure called selective dorsal rhizotomy is performed. During this, the doctor isolates the bundle of nerves of the spinal cord - only those that are responsible for the spastic contraction of the bladder, and makes a dissection.

The main thing is to adhere to complex therapy, which will act not only on the symptoms, but also on their causes.

If you identify these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor, because only he can correctly diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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Normal residual urine in the bladder in men

What is the normal level of residual urine in the bladder in men?

The problem of residual urine arises primarily due to a decrease in the overall tone of the muscular system, which is responsible for the secretion of fluid. Although, on the contrary, there is hypertonicity of the urethral sphincter. At the first signs of illness, you must go to the hospital, otherwise there is a high probability of getting a serious illness:

  1. Hydronephrosis;
  2. Pyelonephritis;
  3. Chronic inflammation of the bladder;
  4. Diverticulitis;
  5. And even provoke the development of cancer formations.

Residual urine in the bladder in women is formed according to a different principle, this is due to differences in the structure of the body. Only careful examination will determine the exact amount of residual liquid.

This is a very labor-intensive research method. At the very beginning, you should adhere to simple but important rules:

  1. Urination should be done with natural desire, that is, when the urge appears.
  2. It is necessary to ensure such conditions that they are as close as possible to the usual environment.
  3. You should take your usual position when urinating.

After urination, you need to measure the amount of fluid that has not left the body. This process can be carried out in two ways:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • catheterization.

The first method is non-invasive, it is used in medical institutions due to its simplicity and wide availability, but the information content of ultrasound in this case leaves much to be desired. Many different factors provide all sorts of errors, but the calculation is carried out using mathematical formulas, so the study turns out to be inaccurate.

Catheterization allows you to accurately determine the amount of residue in the bladder. A significant disadvantage is the need to use a special catheter; it often provokes injuries to the bladder and even the urethra. Even this method can show an erroneous result if you do not adhere to certain rules:

  1. Less than 10 minutes passed between several diagnostic operations. The study should normally involve a time period of more than 10 minutes. After this interval has expired, you can proceed to the second test.
  2. Before the procedure, you should not take diuretic medications (they affect the genitourinary system), and you should not drink a lot of fluids. These factors directly affect the result, because they activate the kidneys, which increases the volume of urine.
  3. Unusual urinary conditions or psychological stress. This provokes the formation of excess fluid, which will ultimately lead to false readings.

During such manipulations there is a risk of various errors appearing, so the test is carried out at least three times. After this, diagnostic studies should be carried out, thanks to which it will be possible to detect the pathologies that caused residual urine in the bladder.

It is necessary to understand that the amount of residual urine in a child’s bladder should be calculated using simpler research methods.

The amount of residual fluid in men increases due to difficulty in its movement through the urinary canal. This factor is caused by several important reasons; they are a direct threat to human health, since they narrow the urinary canal.

These include:

  1. Prostate adenoma - prostate tissue enlarges, they compress the urethra, creating an obstacle to the movement of fluid.
  2. Prostatitis is inflammation concentrated in the prostate gland. One of the symptoms of the disease is tissue swelling, which also provokes compression of the urethra, but due to an increase in the amount of intercellular fluid.
  3. Oncology - neoplasms in the prostate area always lead to serious consequences; this affects the amount of residual fluid only when the tumor develops directly near the urethra, which compresses it as it develops.
  4. No less common causes are injuries, surgery, and burns of the urinary canal with chemical agents. These factors provoke a decrease in the lumen of the urethra, affecting the amount of urine excreted.
  5. Pathologies of the innervation of the sphincter, which lead to its narrowing.

Against the background of these diseases, urine retention occurs, which also leads to serious consequences. The older a man is, the higher the likelihood of pathology occurring, because some genitourinary diseases appear exclusively in old age. It is necessary to eat right, walk in the fresh air, give up bad habits and exercise as often as possible. This is the only way to guarantee the absence of problems with the urinary system. If the norm of residual urine in the bladder is exceeded, you should contact a specialist, because at the first stage it is much easier to cure the pathology.

Norm of residual urine in the bladder in men

A sign of many diseases in men is residual urine. Most often, children or elderly people experience this symptom. It directly indicates hypertonicity of the urethral sphincters and decreased tone of the muscles that are responsible for emptying the bladder. Let's figure out how residual urine in the bladder in men can affect their life and health.

Normal residual urine: how to measure it

It is very difficult to determine the amount of residual urine after a bowel movement, but many doctors resort to diagnosis for this condition. In this case, you need to follow several rules:

  • urination occurs in the usual position;
  • conditions are close to normal (in a stressful environment, more urine will remain, as the body will begin to produce it more);
  • You need to empty your bladder when you have a natural urge.

If you follow these rules, you can conduct a bladder examination using one of the following methods:

The big advantage is that this method does not cause inconvenience to the patient. In addition, equipment for non-invasive diagnostics is available in almost any clinic. This method has only one significant drawback - inaccuracy. The volume of residual urine is determined approximately; the data obtained are often greatly underestimated. Ultrasound equipment is regularly updated, and perhaps this method will soon become more advanced.

You can obtain information about residual urine using catheterization. For the study, the patient needs to go to the hospital. Reliable information is obtained by inserting a catheter into the urethra. This method is bad because it injures the organs of the genitourinary system and is associated with discomfort.

A positive result of such a diagnosis is one in which more than 40 milliliters of fluid remains in the bladder. There is a high probability of getting an erroneous result, so testing is carried out three times. Additionally, it is necessary to conduct research into the possible causes of residual urine.

Symptoms accompanying the pathology

Residual urine is a clear sign of diseases of the genitourinary system, but it cannot be the only symptom. Additionally, a man can experience:

  • feeling as if the bladder is not completely emptied;
  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • disorders of sexual life (dysfunction, pain during ejaculation or sexual intercourse);
  • the stream of urine becomes thin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the lower back or pubic area;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • swelling of the glans penis and redness of this area.

Over time, men with these symptoms become less inclined to urinate. They go to the toilet less often, their desire becomes less pronounced.

Causes of the symptom

The main cause of this pathology is a neurogenic bladder, which arises from a disruption of the nervous system. With this pathology, the muscles of the organ become weak, which leads to incomplete devastation. The danger is that the fluid pressure remains high, so urine is partially thrown into the kidneys and ureters. If you neglect this disease and do not pay attention to the symptoms, severe kidney pathology may develop.

Other causes of residual urine are:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland or adenoma;
  • malignant neoplasms (in which blood can be found in the urine sample);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • stones formed in the bladder.

These pathologies can be treated in different ways. Sometimes therapy using traditional medicines and folk remedies is sufficient. Most often, such treatment is sufficient to get rid of acute cystitis. Before starting therapy for cystitis, it is necessary to clarify its nature. It can be caused by bacteria or viruses. In some cases, conservative methods do not help, surgical intervention is necessary. If there are stones in the bladder, they are crushed.

Possible consequences

If treatment was insufficient, unsystematic or not carried out at all, then diseases that caused excessive urine residue can lead to:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • chronic inflammation of the bladder;
  • diverticulitis;
  • malignant neoplasms.

If the cause of residual urine is prostate cancer, then the resulting tumor can metastasize to nearby organs. The progression of cancer can be unpredictable, so treatment must be taken responsibly.

If the symptoms listed above occur, you should consult a doctor and conduct a full diagnosis. You shouldn’t even refuse catheterization. Despite the fact that this procedure is painful, it is the most reliable method of research. You should not self-medicate with residual urine.

Normal residual urine in the bladder

The bladder is a urinary muscular organ and a storage site for urine. Urinary retention in the bladder is intermittent urination or a feeling of incomplete emptying. If the delay occurs abruptly, then this is a sign of an acute form of manifestation. With the increasing development of the disease, they speak of a chronic course of the disease. Residual urine in the bladder of a man or woman is less than 50 ml - the norm, and a person, as a rule, does not feel it.

The structure and mechanism of the bladder

Depending on the amount of urine accumulated, the bladder expands or contracts. The accumulation process itself occurs sequentially. The first urge to urinate appears already when 150 ml has accumulated. In adults, the volume of the bladder is 250–500 ml. For some people, the norm reaches 750 ml. The extensibility of the walls of a muscular organ is predetermined by the structural features of the muscles.

Structure of the bladder

The basis of the muscular membrane of the bladder is the detrusor muscle, a muscle that expels urine. The shell consists of 3 layers, and the detrusor is a combination of longitudinal and spirally twisted fibers. There are 2 ureters that empty into the bladder and carry urine through them. The lower part of the bladder narrows, gradually moving into the urethra, and is called the neck.

Externally, the excretory canal differs in women and men. The male duct is long and narrow (30/8 mm). For representatives of the weaker half, it is short and wide (4/15 mm). In a child during intrauterine development, the formation of the bladder occurs at 7 weeks.

The mechanism of action of an organ is determined by the functions it is designed to perform. There are only two of them:

  • cumulative;
  • excretory

When the physiological norm of capacity is reached, the bladder should empty. In this case, neuro-reflex mechanisms are activated, sending an impulse to the detrusor to contract it. The usual process for us occurs in two stages under the control of the spinal cord and brain. When the bladder is filled to a certain level, urine output does not immediately occur. When a second impulse appears, which signals the sphincter that holds urine to relax, it comes out. Newborn children who have not been taught the act of urination develop enuresis.

Impulse the detrusor to contract it

Causes of bladder dysfunction

The health of the bladder depends on the processes occurring inside its mucous membrane, and dysfunction of the organ in an adult significantly changes the quality of life. The causes of impaired urination differ depending on gender and due to the specifics of the disease.

A common female problem is cystitis. The disease has an infectious status and is associated with the female anatomical structure. When the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, a symptom appears such as incomplete emptying of the bladder in women. Difficulty urinating in men is associated with inflammatory processes and changes in the prostate or kidneys.

The products of inflammation, in addition to the mucous membrane, affect the muscle layer and nerve elements. As a result, the urge to urinate occurs in a smaller capacity, therefore, the bladder is not completely emptied, and the person visits the toilet more often. If the symptoms of a disease are accompanied by severe pain and a person does not seek medical help for a long time, neuroses develop.

If there is severe pain during urination, consult a doctor

The causes of incomplete bladder emptying in men are:

  • neurological diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • bladder stones;
  • urethral tumor;
  • cancer of the prostate gland and other organs;
  • drug intoxication.

A decrease in muscle tone of the urinary organ and incomplete removal of fluid indicate not only pathologies of the pelvis, but also diseases of other organs. Diseases of the spinal cord impair the excretory function of the bladder. These include:

  • mechanical injuries of the spine;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • radiculitis.

Overactive bladder

Increased pulsation of the brain against the background of appendicitis and pyelonephritis also causes a residual phenomenon in the bladder. This means that during the act of full urination, the brain receives an impulse that there is a residue in the bladder that needs to be eliminated. Then there is an erroneous urge to urinate.

Diseases of the central nervous system that cause residual urine in the bladder in men and women include myelitis, dysfunction of the spinal cord and brain.

The feeling that urine remains in the bladder may have psychological causes - prolonged stress, shock.

Residual urine can increase in various diseases of the urethra, when free excretion is impaired and there are obstacles. Most often this occurs after injuries, chemical burns of the urethra, which leads to narrowing of the organ and scars.

Important signals of distress

Symptoms of difficulty urinating are:

  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder or weakness of urination;
  • jet splitting;
  • frequent urination in small volumes;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • general malaise;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • discharge from the urethra.

Incomplete bladder emptying in men is rarely a separate disease. Pathology is evidence of another disease - prostatitis or prostate adenoma. In women, such disorders are a sign of cystitis or urethritis, occurring in acute or chronic form, postpartum complications or genital herpes.

Urethritis in women

Urethral stones are a pathology that develops against the background of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and prolonged symptoms. Stones cause dysuria, signal blood in the urine, form in the ducts and cavities, disrupting the natural cycle of formation and excretion of urine.

Symptoms should not be taken lightly. Incompletely excreted urine can become a source of bacterial damage and inflammatory reactions. If the listed symptoms appear, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed for a long time. Otherwise, serious complications are possible that are difficult and long to treat.

Diagnosis and treatment

When symptoms of incomplete bladder emptying occur in men, treatment consists of identifying the underlying disease. Diagnosis is carried out by laboratory testing of urine, ultrasound, urethroscopy. If necessary, a hormonal examination of the prostate gland is prescribed. When the symptoms of difficulty urinating disappear, they talk about correctly selected complex therapy, including:

  • relieving inflammation with antibacterial agents;
  • surgical treatment.


Surgical removal is prescribed for adenoma and prostate cancer. Therapeutic treatment is carried out when prostatitis is detected. If the condition of incomplete emptying occurs as a result of an infectious lesion in a man, the woman is prescribed antibiotics.

If there are stones in the excretory organ, medications are prescribed to dissolve or release the elements. If the reason lies in the patient’s psychoneurological condition, sedative medications are prescribed.

If a child has difficulty urinating, it is necessary to wait for the results of blood and urine tests, which often confirm inflammatory processes. If a woman has a feeling of incomplete emptying in the presence of a gynecological disease, efforts are aimed at eliminating the root cause with the help of specific therapy.

In the urologist's office, there are often cases when patients complain that urine does not completely come out. Moreover, both women and men can suffer from such a problem. Doctors call this phenomenon residual urine - liquid that remains in the organ, despite a person’s efforts to completely empty himself. In this case, 50 ml is already considered a significant volume, although in especially severe cases the “unnecessary weight” reaches a limit of several liters.


It is not surprising that the main complaint of people with this disorder is incomplete emptying of the bladder. There may be several reasons for concern: a weak “signal” to go to the toilet, a process that extends over several stages, as well as muscle tension and effort to ensure that the desired act takes place. In this case, patients may not feel any other discomfort. But doctors are confident that even these seemingly minor problems should be a reason for a visit to the clinic. After all, they lead to a number of severe and serious complications.

Chronic causes impaired renal function - this is easy to detect thanks to isotope renography. As a result, pyelonephritis, diverticula, cystitis or any other disease develop. If a person experiences chills, high fever and severe lower back pain, then doctors may suspect urosepsis. In the body, it can occur in a malignant form, as evidenced by toxic changes in the blood - high leukocytosis, for example.

Most common reasons

Based on the above facts, we can draw an absolutely logical conclusion: urine does not completely leave the bladder when the body “eats” a disease - chronic or acute. There are many factors leading to the problem:

  • Mechanical causes are diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney infections. For example, trauma to these organs, the presence of tumor formations on them, as well as prostate cancer, adenoma, phimosis, and the presence of stones.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: spinal cord or brain injuries, tumors, myelitis, and so on.
  • Drug intoxication. It is diagnosed when the patient takes narcotic drugs or sleeping pills for a long time.

The most common cause of urinary retention in men is adenoma. The problem occurs when blood rushes too much to this organ. The acute form is caused by severe hypothermia, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and digestive tract disorders.

Some more factors...

But these are not all the reasons that people complain about when they notice residual urine and pain when emptying the bladder. It happens that the problem occurs against the background of a fracture of the pelvic bones and trauma to the urethra - in most cases in representatives of the stronger sex. Less commonly, such discomfort is a consequence of a disorder of the nervous regulation of the muscular membrane of the bladder or inadequate functioning of the sphincters of this organ. It can be caused by hemorrhages in the spinal cord, compression of the vertebrae, etc.

Often has a reflex character. That is, it is observed in a person in the first few days after he has undergone surgery on the pelvic organs or has suffered from severe stress. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in completely healthy people who regularly drink alcohol. Alcoholics develop atony of the bladder muscle - weakening of the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the patient cannot fully control the act of emptying.

Types of urinary retention

This disorder can be of two types. When urine does not completely exit the bladder, doctors diagnose complete or incomplete retention. The first involves the patient’s desire to go to the toilet, in which the body cannot release even a drop of liquid. For such people, urine has been released from the organ artificially for years - through a catheter. If the liquid comes out partially, they say that the act began, but for some reason was never completed. Usually, trouble occurs against the background of the diseases described above. As soon as the problem is resolved, the process will be restored. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the delay can become chronic.

Frequent emptying of the bladder without its final emptying leads to stretching of the walls of the organ. This, in turn, provokes another problem - the inability to retain fluid in the middle of the body. At first, a person loses a few drops at a time, but after some time he is not able to fully control the process - urination occurs anywhere under different conditions. This phenomenon is called paradoxical ischuria.

Other forms

A disorder called “residual urine” is sometimes associated with rather unusual factors. For example, there is a peculiar form of delay, which is characterized by a sudden interruption of the process with the opportunity to continue it. The patient begins to have bowel movements normally, but the act suddenly stops. Often the cause is a stone located in the ureter. When the body position changes, the manipulation is resumed. Doctors say that some patients with urolithiasis can only go to the toilet in one position - sitting, squatting, or sideways.

Delayed emptying may be accompanied by hematuria - the presence of blood in the fluid. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye: the urine takes on a pinkish or brown tint. If the presence of blood is too small to be noticed, the fluid is taken for analysis, where it is analyzed under a microscope and conclusions are drawn. By the way, experienced urologists can detect urinary retention even during a routine examination. In such patients, swelling is felt in the lower abdomen, caused by the presence of an incompletely emptied bladder.

How to help the patient?

If urine does not completely exit the bladder, a person needs urgent medical advice. An acute form of organ dysfunction requires emergency care. Typically, such people have a catheter inserted for normal emptying. For these purposes, the outer opening of the canal is treated and disinfected, after which a rubber tube generously moistened with Vaseline or glycerin is carefully inserted into it. Tweezers regulate the movement of the catheter, securing it in the urethra. The procedure is carried out progressively - 2 centimeters at a time, without haste or sudden movements.

If the cause of the patient’s problem is urolithiasis or prostatitis, then the manipulation is not performed. In these cases, the presence of a rubber tube in the organ can lead to serious complications. The catheter may be placed permanently. In this case, the procedure is performed by a urologist, prescribing antibiotics after it to avoid the development of inflammatory processes. The patient himself can insert a temporary rubber tube immediately before bowel movement. But before that, he must consult a doctor.


The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder is quite unpleasant. To get rid of it forever, you must first remove the cause that caused the problem. Get a full examination from a qualified urologist. Having consulted, if necessary, with a nephrologist, gynecologist and oncologist, he will diagnose the disease and take measures to treat it. Oddly enough, reflex delays are the hardest to heal, since they are psychological in nature. Psychotherapy sessions help here, as well as simple manipulations such as irrigating the genitals with warm water or running a water tap during urination.

Remember that incomplete bowel movements can be a lifelong problem. In this case they talk about a relapse. Moreover, it occurs in cases where the patient catches a urinary tract infection. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your health and sound the alarm at the slightest sign of discomfort. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and often leads to serious consequences and serious complications.

After urination, a man may have urine remaining in his bladder. Normally, this should not happen, but if less than 10% of urine remains, this condition can also be considered normal. If the volume of residual urine exceeds 10% of the total, then this is a symptom of the disease (more than 40 ml of urine). This cause is more common in children or older men. This is due to decreased tone of the muscles that are responsible for emptying the bladder or hypertonicity of the urethral sphincters. If the problem of residual urine is left unattended and not treated, there is a risk of developing diseases such as:

  1. Pyelonephritis;
  2. Hydronephrosis;
  3. Diverticulitis;
  4. Chronic inflammation of the bladder;
  5. Malignant neoplasms of the bladder.

The development of complications is associated with the reflux of urine into the ureter and kidney or prolonged retention in the bladder and, as a result, prolonged exposure of the bladder wall to harmful substances contained in the urine.

Diagnosis of residual urine is a difficult research method. Therefore, to comply with certain measures:

  • Urination should occur at the request of the man (when the urge arises);
  • Conditions should be as close as possible to the real-life situation;
  • The position for urination should be familiar.

After the man has urinated, the volume of urine remaining in the bladder is determined. This can be done using two methods: bladder catheterization or ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is a non-invasive research method. The volume of residual urine normally cannot be determined by ultrasound or its small amount is determined. This method is used in clinics because of its simplicity and accessibility. However, the accuracy of the result is low due to the indirect determination of urine volume (with ultrasound, residual urine is calculated using formulas). Bladder catheterization is a reliable method for determining the volume of residual urine in the bladder in men. The disadvantage is the need to use a catheter, which can injure the urethra or bladder. Due to the fact that determining the volume of residual urine is a difficult procedure, the norm may be a false positive result. This is due to errors that were made during diagnostics:

  1. Less than 10 minutes passed between studies. Normally, during a diagnostic procedure, there should be minimum 10 minutes. After which you can carry out the test a second time.
  2. Before the procedure, the patient took diuretic medications or drank large amounts of fluid. Under these conditions, determination of residual urine volume in the bladder will give a false-positive result due to the kidneys producing excessive amounts of urine.
  3. Urination occurred under conditions unusual for a man or during nervous overstrain. Because of this, the body begins to intensively produce urine. There is also a false urge to urinate.

Due to the high probability of errors occurring during manipulation, the test must be performed at least three times. Diagnostic procedures are also prescribed to identify the disease that caused residual urine. It is mandatory to prescribe a general blood and urine test, as well as culture of urethral discharge and determination of the sensitivity of the microflora.

What symptoms are associated with residual urine?

Residual urine is a sign of a disease of the genitourinary system and is never the only symptom. Associated symptoms may include:

  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Change in urine stream (it becomes thin);
  • Sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, pain during sexual intercourse, pain during ejaculation);
  • Redness and;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Pain in the pubic area or lower back.

Residual urine can be suspected if the urge to urinate has become less pronounced and over time the man feels the urge to go to the toilet less often and less intensely.

If these symptoms are detected, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Residual urine - causes

The causes of residual urine can be nervous diseases, infectious-inflammatory or malignant processes in the male genitourinary system. Neurogenic bladder is the main cause of residual urine. With this pathology, the bladder muscles become weak and do not contract; as a result, there is no urge to urinate and, as a result, urine accumulates. Due to muscle weakness, the bladder is unable to empty completely. Neurogenic urinary tract occurs when there is a disorder in the part of the nervous system responsible for urination. At the same time, the pressure remains high and urine flows into the ureters and kidneys. The disease can be combined with a lack of urge, excessive tension in the pelvic muscles when urinating, or painful sensations when going to the toilet. The outcome of this disease is the development of severe kidney pathologies. In addition to the neurogenic bladder, the causes of residual urine are:

  1. Malignant neoplasms in the bladder (with this pathology, blood is observed in the residual urine);
  2. or inflammation of the prostate gland;
  3. Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  4. Bladder stones;
  5. Inflammation or narrowing of the urethra.

Basic principles of treatment of residual urine

If residual urine is detected in a man, treatment should be prescribed immediately. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of residual urine. In addition, there are basic principles of treatment:

  • Treatment must be comprehensive and affect all parts of the disease development system;
  • Continuity of treatment;
  • Treatment should have minimal side effects.

Treatment of malignant neoplasms of the bladder

One of the first symptoms of bladder cancer is the presence of residual urine. Several methods are used to treat malignant neoplasms of this localization:

  1. Surgical treatment. Transurethral resection is a modern method of treating tumors. This method is indicated for tumors that are small in size and do not grow into the muscle layer. Otherwise, bladder resection or partial cystectomy is performed. In later stages, complete removal of the bladder is performed.
  2. Immunotherapy. In this case, the BCG vaccine is injected into the tumor, which significantly slows down its growth and development. This treatment is contraindicated in patients who have tuberculosis of any location.
  3. Radiation therapy. Interstitial irradiation is carried out together with external irradiation.
  4. Chemotherapy. It consists of injecting doxirubicin or etoglucide into the bladder.

These methods will help eliminate the accumulation of residual urine in the bladder

Treatment of prostate adenoma

To treat prostate adenoma, it is advisable to use hormonal drugs that reduce its size, as well as herbal preparations. If ineffective, surgical treatment is performed:

  • Transurethral removal of the prostate gland;
  • Prostatectomy using an open approach.

In addition, cryodestruction, the use of high temperatures or exposure of the prostate to laser radiation have positive results. To reduce the volume of residual urine, balloon dilatation of the urethra is also used so that urine can flow freely.

Treatment of cystitis

Considering that cystitis is an infectious pathology, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the pathogen. For this purpose:

  1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  2. After culturing and determining the sensitivity of microorganisms, the most effective antibacterial drug is prescribed;
  3. In case of cystitis caused by viruses, antiviral drugs are prescribed;
  4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce fever and pain;
  5. Antispasmodics that help relax the tense bladder wall.

It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system with the help of immunomodulators, vitamins and hardening the body.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Bladder stones irritate the bladder wall. As a result, contractile function is impaired and the bladder empties with the formation of residual urine. To treat this disease, there are conservative and surgical methods. For small stones, a diet is prescribed depending on the composition of the stone, as well as medications. However, their effectiveness is low and they only act on stones consisting of urates. To reduce pain and spasms caused by damage to the bladder wall by a stone, analgin and no-shpa are used.

The stones are surgically removed using a cystoscope, which crushes the stones. This type of operation helps to avoid bladder injuries. If this method does not produce results, the operation is performed with open access and opening of the bladder.

In addition to surgery, there are non-invasive treatment methods. External lithotripsy helps break up stones using electromagnetic waves. However, this method is not effective in all cases and is not prescribed for large stones.