Experience of fasting and raw food diet. Experience of fasting, or revelations of a raw foodist Transition to a raw food diet through fasting

Let's note the main nuances regarding hunger without water. First of all, we note that during a dry fast a person will find himself in the most severe conditions that one can only imagine; the body will cleanse itself twice as fast, so it must obtain not only food for existence, but also liquid. If the stages of dry fasting are comparable to wet fasting, then the periods of fasting themselves are three times shorter. The first ketoacidosis crisis can occur as early as the second day, the second crisis occurs on days 8-10, whereas on a wet fast it is usually day 20 or even day 30, thus leaving more time for actual cleansing and recovery. It is very important to start the first days of fasting with dry fasting, the first days of dry fasting are even easier than fasting with water, while fans of traditional fasting suffer throughout the first week with the transition to internal nutrition, for you this internal nutrition turns on literally on the second day, for beginners maximum on the fourth day, and then the real cleaning begins.

Rejuvenation during dry hunger

With traditional water fasting, a person will receive exogenous water from outside, which we drink; for this purpose, melt water or simply purification using a household filter is best suited; such water is much better than boiled water, since it is cleaner, which means the body does not need spend more energy cleaning it. With the help of this water, toxins are easily washed out, the cell spends a minimum of effort on cleansing itself, but half-dead, diseased cells get an additional chance to exist; with dry fasting, they are deprived of this chance, diseased cells simply die, only the healthiest and strongest remain, which during division will create the same super healthy cells, not sick ones. Thus, the body rejects everything unnecessary and weak, natural selection and real rejuvenation occur. During dry famine, only the healthiest cells survive, which can give the healthiest offspring, sick cells also divide and their offspring will never be able to surpass the quality of their parents, real selection occurs, in this way you can create a superman out of yourself, approach the rank of immortals or at least healthy people. If after a water famine you become 1 year younger, then after a dry famine you will be 5 years younger or even more.

The new water synthesized by the cells themselves is much superior to the water that we get from the water supply, because the cells worked very hard to create this ideal water, moreover, by replacing the dead intercellular water with a new one, unfavorable information about diseases is erased; probably, after dry fasting, the body is already will not remember what he was sick with and there is less chance that the illness will return again, the same applies to excess weight, after dry fasting it is much more difficult to regain your previous excess weight.

Many people go on a fast in order to lose weight, but they encounter such a problem that after starvation and switching back to their traditional diet with the consumption of an overwhelming amount of dead boiled food, the weight returns, after a dry fast everything will return, but a little less, so you will have to change your wardrobe, but isn't this what you wanted, to throw away your old giant jeans and go to size S?

Fashionable dry fasting in the modern world

Have any of you seen or know a person who fasted for medicinal purposes? I personally don’t know such people, perhaps I just don’t know many people, but I know such personalities only from the example of diaries on the Internet, but I’m not sure of the veracity such information. I learned the truth about the benefits of hunger from the example of myself, and for a while I overcame problems with my heart, stomach and some other minor troubles. However, when switching to a normal diet, all these problems appeared exactly a year later, so we can conclude that an adult needs long-term fasting at least twice a year. Here it can be noted that the most beneficial fasting is the dry version, you can suffer for a week, this period is equivalent to a whole month of debilitating hunger with pouring water into yourself. On dry hunger you will feel thirst, on water hunger you will feel hunger in relation to food, but thirst is of course a more unbearable feeling, with each subsequent fast the feeling of thirst will be more tolerable, eventually you will reach the moment when dry hunger will not differ from ordinary condition. It is better to fast according to the church calendar according to fasting; personally, I fast immediately after the New Year and during the period of spring vitamin deficiency, in April and May, when there are no fresh fruits and vegetables in stores, they are the main diet for me.

When you get to the grocery store, pay attention to the products that the people around you buy, it seems to me that if I ate like that, I would have a torsion, I don’t understand at all how it is possible to live on the same dumplings, both students and working people, and pensioners are holding in their hands a standard grocery basket consisting of a stick of sausage, chocolate, chips, a loaf, noodles, buckwheat, milk, of course there is always beer and vodka, very rare individuals decide to buy bananas, but this is more likely just a table decoration. The real shock is the grocery basket of young people and students, I have to go to the grocery store on the way to the campus, what does the current “Pepsi generation” choose, these are exclusively chips, nuts, cheap chocolate, beer, vodka, loaves and sausage. When I pull a bag of apples, carrots, cabbage onto the cashier’s belt, they look at me as if I were... well, I don’t know who.

Every child in childhood heard reproachful cries from their mother not to eat apples before lunch, so as not to interrupt their appetite, since the mother does not believe that fruits can be the main food for a person.

When my old classmates see me, both on a social network and on the street, they try to make fun of my thin appearance, often saying that my death is in the egg, pointing out my resemblance to a fairy-tale and cartoon character. In fact, these people simply have a perverted idea of ​​the healthy natural appearance of a person, fatty facial contours are becoming commonplace, a large belly in a middle-aged man is the norm, women look like barrels. If a person is very different from you and those around you, then everything is not okay with him, he is a real freak. It’s hard for me to understand why gluttony has remained as the dominant entertainment for humanity, because with the advent of computers, video games, social networks, high-definition televisions, the availability of quality content and the rampant fashion for audiophileism, the role of the refrigerator should have declined greatly, but it is the main one household appliance in every home.

So much has already been written about fasting that it is difficult to come up with something new, everyone has heard about therapeutic fasting, but I think 99.99999% of humanity has never used it on themselves, I can see it in the faces and figures of adults. Has fasting become a fashionable trend, in theory yes, but in practice no, a person has no desire to give up a comfortable life, why torment himself with such torture when there are effective pills on sale that relieve the symptoms of any disease. Many cite the example of North Korea, whose residents are on average 10 centimeters and ten kilograms inferior to their southern brothers; all this was a consequence of the famine in this country in the 90s. High life expectancy in recent decades is associated with the development of agriculture based on the carbon revolution. Nature itself did not expect that food would be so accessible to man; she thought that man would eat sporadically, during breaks, and would go through the process of starvation with the killing of old, mutated cells that lead to aging and fatal diseases.

Elixir of immortality and the secret of eternal youth

Please note that the water you drink and the water you absorb are very different; the body needs to do a tremendous amount of work to adapt such water; from this point of view, the closest liquid to us is freshly squeezed beet and carrot juice; ordinary water lags behind a little. The body needs to process water molecules from the outside, give them structure, clear them of extraneous information, and give them the necessary properties for interaction with cells.

Many people think that the body spends a lot of energy just on digesting heavy meat foods, this is indeed true, after a heavy meat meal you really immediately want to sleep, a very strong feeling of fatigue comes, many people even enjoy an afternoon nap, however, they also repent of dinner, good lie on the couch and digest what you have eaten, at this time the body uses all its strength to fight the food, it must be digested and remove all the toxins and waste generated during this process, and since meat or boiled meat does not have its own living enzymes, then such food is not itself is digested, the stomach must digest it, while it gives up its enzymes to digest the food, or rather to try to revive such food, since the boiled milk itself is not digested at all.

When you walk through a grocery store, this does not apply only to the aisle with vegetables and fruits; everything that you see on the shelves is not suitable for digestion by your stomach; the body will, as it were, chop off the most important pieces of itself in order to turn noodles, sausages and cakes in raw fruits and vegetables. The length of a person's life can be reduced to depend on how much non-living food he ate.

Killer Heat

An important factor in treatment during dry fasting is an increase in body temperature, or rather, in fact, the temperature does not rise, only a certain heat is felt, with which you can simply run naked in the cold and swim in the snow, which will seem not cold, but warm.

At this time, each cell begins to undergo its own thermonuclear process, everything unnecessary and unhealthy is destroyed, it is during the heat of dry hunger that all the beginnings of cancer and mutated cells are killed, some explain this heat only by burning proteins. What is unique about this situation is that the fever cannot be determined using a thermometer, but this fever is clearly registered by the fasting people themselves. It is during this period that the immune system begins to see all pathogenic organisms and viruses, as if it turns on night vision devices and successfully kills everything unnecessary and harmful.

Dry fasting is safer due to the absence of all toxins being absorbed by the intestines, since water does not enter there.

Exit from dry fasting

After dry fasting, the human body is an absolutely clean matrix, like that of a newborn child, which has not yet been spoiled by negative information from the outside, the subsequent period of a restorative diet is very important, the matrix must be filled with the purest and positive information in the form of freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice, eating fruits, in later stages it is possible to eat raw vegetables. If you do not want to switch to a raw food diet, then you need to delay the transition to consuming thermally processed food and meat as long as possible.

At the exit from dry fasting, a person may encounter problems with dehydration, which can result in such an unpleasant moment as constipation, despite the consumption of raw fiber from fruits and vegetables. The second point, which is not described anywhere, is some blurring of vision, which goes away on the 5th or 7th day after leaving the fast, but we will talk about this in a separate article.

Do not think that on a dry fast you will not go to the toilet, the body produces up to one liter of fluid daily, you will leave this liter in the toilet throughout each dry day, by the way, this liter will consist of what is left of the killed cancer cells or even worse.

Dry fasting and the issue of longevity

If you interview all centenarians, then it is unlikely that one of them interrupted his digestion for at least one day, but all of them were on a limited diet or ate mainly vegetables and fruits, many of them drank alcohol, all of them were real narcissists, that is They paid increased attention to themselves and were not very upset about external troubles, thus they had ideal resistance to stress. Look at the animals, it seems that the pain of loss is unknown to them. Stress can only be short-term, for example, a couple of seconds during a crocodile attack on an antelope, it jumped away and that’s it, the whole next day the animal is unlikely to remember that it could have been eaten at a watering hole in the morning and was miraculously saved. It is unlikely that animals grieve for a long time over the loss of a loved one; they are not upset because of failures at work, about what was said, and the like.

Note that the absence of stress is no less important a factor than healthy eating, prevention and cleansing of the body, a person who takes everything to heart is susceptible to illness, a scientifically proven fact is the appearance of ulcers due to prolonged stress or dissatisfaction, try to forget what envy and desire are, I assure you You will lose a lot of health if you wish for material wealth every day, thinking about a new smartphone model, you will certainly ruin your health, be satisfied with what you have and your health will not leave you.

When is the best time to start fasting?

Dry hunger is especially valuable for elderly people, however, experiments were carried out not on pensioners, but on elderly animals, for example, cases of cleansing and regeneration of heart cells that got rid of toxic waste products were identified, changes in protein content were noted, their number increased sharply after hunger, which ultimately triggered the process of autophagy and recycling of damaged mitochondrial organelles to maintain the performance of the heart muscle.

Regeneration on dry fasting

The nature of dry fasting can be compared with the restoration of the lost limbs of an amphibian, in which very high physical regeneration is observed with the renewal of cells and their chemical composition; in an amphibian and a person on hunger, two single phases can be noted, destruction and restoration with a shift in pH to the acidic side, acidosis and the predominance of the breakdown of protein and nucleic acids over their synthesis; the more destruction the body receives, the higher its recovery. Of course, an old house can be reconstructed, but everyone knows that it is easier and more reliable to demolish the old house and build a new one in its place, especially since it costs nothing for a person, just sit on hunger and enjoy it, the body will do everything, no You even have to move your fingers.

What kind of surgeon can cut out the diseased part without touching the healthy one, especially since everything in the body is connected, if the cause of the disease is not destroyed, it will appear again, it is necessary to remove the root of the disease, and not pinch the leaves and stem, this is the period that begins approximately from the 7th day and continues until 10 or 11 on a dry fast.

Experiments with dry fasting

It would be interesting to give an example with rats, one group was fed, and the other was not given food, after which both groups were exposed to a lethal dose of radiation, the result was stunning, the rats that ate normally soon died, and those that suffered hunger remained alive, moreover, one organ was not damaged, it seemed that the rats even began to feel much better, from this we can conclude that lethal radiation does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, is energy that can only be used by cells that have undergone starvation; cells in their usual old state do not can perceive such a flow. What causes the phenomenon of ionization in them, in other words, the separation of atoms or molecules under the influence of particle impacts with the formation of radicals, which in turn, being introduced into the DNA, begin to block their properties, for example, blocking the path to division, as a result the body dies, so to speak, of old age and the fact that healthy cells are perceived as foreign and killed by their own immune system. That is why there are many examples on the Internet during the time of Chernobyl, when doctors gave firefighters a fatal diagnosis, but a few thought of going through a course of fasting and fully recovered, so radiation and radionucleotides are eliminated in 6 days of dry fasting and 16 days of water fasting.

I am an opponent of any abuse of the flesh - for some reason I have always believed in a peaceful way of cleansing the body. However, as it turned out, slagging does not go away on its own... However, I wouldn’t want to start with “horror stories” about fasting. On the contrary, I would like to support and inspire those who are starting to search for the truth in the topic of proper nutrition.

I carried out my first fasting or RDT (fasting-dietary therapy) under the supervision of Georgy Aleksandrovich Voitovich, author of the book “Heal Yourself,” Candidate of Medical Sciences. Bow to him. His recommendations still ring in my head: “Overcome the fear of the unknown, find out the capabilities of the body. Walk, walk more, 10-15 km a day. We need a massage to put the bones back in place.”

My first fast lasted 14 days and was carried out according to all the rules. Then I began to deliberately violate them in order to determine the body’s ability to survive “without science.” Of course, there was some naivety in this. After all, all the experiments were carried out during my first steps as a vegetarian. At that time, I realized that my experiments were not leading to the desired results. The most varied fasts - daily, three-day, and so on - were not accepted by me as a permanent method of correcting health. Everything was returning to normal. Where is the cure for cold viruses, runny nose, cough and other troubles? Yes, the percentage of diseases may have decreased, but this was not yet a solution to the problems. I understood: fasting speeds up the process of getting rid of the disease, cleanses the body, but there is probably something wrong with the diet itself if it needs to be constantly adjusted. In other words, there was a feeling of something illogical, incomplete, imperfect.

Why does any type of nutrition require cleansing-fasting? And why do people who switch to vegetarianism or veganism continue to get sick? Maybe God wanted a person to feed on prana - in this case, why do we need a complex mechanism of the digestive apparatus? These are the questions and thoughts that arose in my head until I switched to a raw food diet.

I knew about it from the very beginning of vegetarianism (all 35 years), but did not pay enough attention to it. At a family council, my family and my brother’s family (also vegetarians) decided to switch to a “serious and uncompromising” raw food diet. Farewell eating of the remaining food in the refrigerator and the ceremonial removal of the gas stove from the house. Does it make you smile? This is all true. What foods remain in our diet, and in what order we try to consume them - this is in a separate story.

The raw food diet has helped answer many questions, including those related to the practice of fasting. After the first three summer months of a raw food diet, the body decided to “push out” all the toxins overnight. I survived three days with a temperature of under 40, on a water fast and with one thought: “I will only die as a raw foodist.” This is how my “cookiness” suffocated and my conviction of the correctness of the raw food diet grew.

Why do I pay such close attention to fasting days? The process of fasting itself, no matter what they write about it, has saved many from the most serious diseases. For those who decide to rush forward before the starting pistol fires, I hasten to inform you: before moving on to something new, setting yourself up for another experiment, do not be lazy to “shove through” all possible information, weigh all the pros and cons. So as not to regret later. It is especially important to carefully study the rules of “entry” and “exit” during the fasting period. Ignorance brings great harm to even the most sound undertakings. All deaths, or situations close to them, were committed by people who “heard a ringing, but did not know where it was.” Today, a huge amount of literature is freely available. If you want to stay healthy, don't sit still, but study your surroundings.

Today, every second raw foodist writes a book on the third day of practice, every third person dreams of Thailand and India. As for me, I like our middle zone with its winters and springs. We have a special charm of autumn, our own fullness of summer. “In your climate you need to eat warm food,” my Indian comrades tell me behind the counters of their stores. But I am close to the idea of ​​discovering proper nutrition in our climate, in our area, learning the correct transitions from season to season. In the end, it is interesting to compare the quality of food with the possibility of average earnings or the amount of a pension. And I wouldn’t want dietary diversity to suffer due to financial restrictions.

I would like to say warm words of gratitude to everyone who, thanks to fasting, escaped the surgeon’s scalpel. To the one who did not turn to pills, but turned to the forces of human nature. You should definitely share your experience of healing. I really want to express the importance of this topic, its necessity and seriousness. I feel a great sense of gratitude to the authors of the books I have read regarding dissent in nutrition: Paul Bregu, Galina Shatalova, Valentin Nikolaev and others.
Having analyzed, already being a raw foodist, the experience of previous fasts, the state in them, I came to a method that I liked both for its effectiveness and the gentleness of the sensations during it. The logical component of this method is that hunger cleanses, and the fiber of raw foods removes everything indecent from the body. Every day the cleaning gets deeper. The technique is as follows: a day of fasting - a day of recovery. It seems to be a well-known and understandable scheme. But repeat it many times. In a row, in a cycle. And what was not treated during the first day of the cycle (a day of fasting - a day of recovery), when repeated many times, as a rule, leads to a victorious completion of the disease.

After 5.5 years of practicing a raw food diet and fasting, I understand that the main work is still ahead. Let’s say that flu viruses are within my power and make me smile. But there are other misfortunes that frighten humanity.

In the third year of the raw food diet, my body, not very interested in my opinion, decided to “clean” my elbow joints. For some reason it was very painful, very painful. Like a toothache. I decided not to wait for it to “go away on its own” and began the proven method of cyclic fasting. Day after day, little by little, slowly went away, “crept away,” the pain decreased. Wrist, palm. When I stopped treatment, after 7 cycles (14 days), there was still pain about a circle, 3 centimeters in diameter. These are the victories over an organism that was once neglected. I don’t urge you to immediately repeat my experience, but know: it happened, and it happened. How was the experience of many others who saved themselves even from death.

I can give you another life example. My daughter-in-law was scheduled for surgery to clear her frontal sinuses and was prescribed a bunch of antibiotics. “What do you have to lose? There is time before the operation,” I convinced. After 7 cycles (14 days), the thin and happy daughter-in-law reported that the doctors had found no reason to perform the operation. They told her to stop taking antibiotics, which she never touched. This little personal experience is not a panacea, but it is a path that we continue to follow, deliberately taking steps left and right. Someone must open the way to healthy longevity.

I propose to prepare for the peak of longevity already sparkling on the horizon - 200 years. And believe me, this is not the limit! Humanity will reach 700-1000 years of life. There are many opponents of proper nutrition, there are also pseudoscientific authorities - there have always been plenty of them. But they will soon leave the physical plane of planet Earth, and we need to live, being healthy and vigorous. Because the next 100 years will be years of the most interesting discoveries of a well-forgotten past. Especially the next 20-40 years. Don't ask me how I know this. Maybe I feel it, maybe I’ve reached it logically, or maybe I’ve got a magpie on my tail. The latest version is my favorite.

A very powerful tool in the right hands. It is perhaps the most effective way to switch to a raw food diet. Subsequently, this skill becomes a valuable weapon for combating many “misfortunes” in the arsenal of a raw foodist.

In this article we will look at the impact of pre-fasting on the transition to a raw plant-based diet, and briefly discuss the preparation for this event and the exit. We’ll also talk about the advisability of further use of fasting.

Why fast before the transition?

The exit period must be no less than the fasting period! Haven't eaten for a week? At the end of the day, we drink diluted juice for a couple of days, gradually reducing the percentage of water, then undiluted for 2-3 days, and for the rest of the period we add hard carrots. This recovery choice is optimal for us and here’s why:

  • will be preferable to fruit. They alkalize the body, making the exit from fasting more comfortable and quickly transfer it from the “self-eating” mode to external food sources. Fruits, by their very nature, will prolong fasting.
  • Carrots contain all the necessary nutrients and perfectly build up only the microflora we need. It is also the simplest and most accessible vegetable, loved by many since childhood.

After leaving, we are already starting to expand our, now raw food, diet. We add fruits, vegetables, nuts, guided by updated taste preferences. If possible, make the base vegetable, then the construction of the species microflora will be of higher quality and faster.

Raw food fasting

Is there any point in fasting on a raw food diet? Indeed, during the transition period, the body is already partially in a state of deficiency - it is deprived of its usual sources of nutrients and is forced to intensively adapt to new ones.

During the transition, until the new one “settles”, it is difficult to give up food even for one day. It makes sense to fast if there are reasons for it, for example an acute cleansing crisis or an infectious disease. “Eating so that you have the strength to fight the disease” is stupidity, which in nature only humans are capable of.

It is also possible to starve for no reason if you have the desire and complete confidence that you will be able to get out well without breaking into overeating. If you have no desire, don’t force yourself. Well, if the body is already strenuously “asking not to eat,” then we carry out this command as a sacred duty.

After completing the transition, after adjusting your digestion to the new type of food, fasting will be surprisingly easy! The body, gradually eating microflora reserves, is able to feel absolutely comfortable for 1-3 days without “refueling”. Hunger will become the strongest weapon in your arsenal for a war against many troubles. And it's always at hand!

Warning: The article is not an exact instruction and is not a call for rash actions. Fasting is a very powerful tool, but neglect of safety precautions and lack of experience can cause serious harm.

If you have no experience, start with the “24 hours”, gradually increasing your experience. It is recommended to immediately engage in long-term self-medication only under the supervision of a specialist or in special clinics.

To begin with, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the classics of this technique to understand the processes and the set of knowledge. Everything you need is there.

Total comments: 30

    I would like to add that in order to speed up the process of cleansing the intestines from harmful microflora, during fasting, it is better to do the yoga procedure SHANK-PRAKSHALANA, which is a complete flushing of the digestive tract.

    I advise you to do it every other day, or twice a week. Then a week (maximum two) will be enough to destroy the old microflora. Otherwise, you will need a month or 40 days of fasting. And this requires many years of experience in hunger strikes. Although, even for a week-long hunger, you must have considerable practical experience in this matter.

    The above procedure is very effective, but quite difficult for unprepared, physically and morally, people. It takes from two (for experienced) to six (for beginners) hours. It all depends on the amount of slagging in the body.
    You need to drink several liters of salt water in one session and at the same time perform certain asanas.

    There are sites where it is described in detail. For example, when I performed it for the first time in my life, it took me 5 hours and 6 liters of water. Now it takes 2-3 hours and 3-4 liters of water.

Contents Vegetarianism in the modern world Vegetarianism as a healthy nutrition system What types of vegetarianism are there? Is meat necessary for a healthy person? Who and why should not become a vegetarian? The influence of vegetarianism on the human body Vegetarianism in India and Russia Opinion of experts on this food system Pros and cons of vegetarianism “Entry” into vegetarianism and “exit” from it Vegetarianism in the modern world Vegetarianism has become one of the fashionable trends. . . .

ContentsOpinions on the raw food dietRules of the raw food dietAdvantages of this nutrition systemDisadvantages of the raw food diet Opinions on the raw food diet Today you can read a variety of articles about the raw food diet. Moreover, there is no consensus on this phenomenon. Some people vehemently argue that such a food system is inapplicable to humans, while others, on the contrary, talk about the many advantages that can be expected when switching to raw food. If we consider a variety of types of diets. . . .

While many representatives of the fair sex are trying to lose weight, some girls are faced with the problem of being underweight. Lack of weight is not good; it affects almost all aspects of a young person’s life, making her feel different from everyone else. The most terrible consequence that lack of weight can cause is the loss of reproductive function, which is key. . . .

Vitamins and microelements of meat, replaceable in the diet of vegetarians As is known, with a long-term refusal of animal food, in particular meat products, a number of useful substances and microelements necessary for its normal functioning do not enter the human body. Deficiency of fatty acids and proteins, lack of calcium, iron and zinc, lack of vitamin B12 and vitamin D can cause serious problems. . . .

Fasting is a very powerful tool in the right hands. It is perhaps the most effective way to switch to a raw food diet. Subsequently, this skill becomes a valuable weapon for combating many “misfortunes” in the arsenal of a raw foodist.

In this article we will look at the impact of pre-fasting on the transition to a raw plant-based diet, and briefly discuss the preparation for this event and the exit. We’ll also talk about the advisability of further use of fasting.

Why fast before the transition?

If our goal is a raw food diet, then fasting will be an excellent tool for quickly switching to a new food system. This is not due to cleansing the body of toxins, as is commonly believed, but to a “reboot” of the microflora and “erasing” of old food habits.

During hunger, all organisms inhabiting our organs are sharply deprived of their food source, and their numbers rapidly decrease. Everyone is “distributed”, both pathogens and beneficial microorganisms. And since at this point in time “ours” are in the minority, fasting is undoubtedly beneficial. When we go out on raw plant food, we “forget” about our harmful companions and “fatten” only our own specific microflora. At the same time, its quantity will grow much more rapidly, because microbes will receive significantly less resistance from “evil competitors”, whose ranks have greatly thinned out. When the old biocenosis is loosened and broken, it is much easier to build a new one.

It is important to understand that fasting does not heal or create miracles. This is a reminder to our body of what it should be! Which is the incentive for change, restoration and healing. It is a turn towards our natural physical state and a gentle push in its direction.

Therefore, preliminary fasting is also an excellent way to reconfigure your eating habits according to your “natural blueprints”. After a long period of abstinence from food, it becomes possible to re-form them. And this is especially valuable for our purposes.

And of course, the effect of all of the above increases with every day spent without food. The longer the period of hunger, the easier it is to “reset” eating habits and the easier it is to rebuild the microflora. For the future, preliminary fasting will also lay a solid foundation that protects against breakdowns, cravings for cooked food and gluttony.

General health improvement, cell rejuvenation, cure of diseases and “boosting the immune system” are also mandatory companions of therapeutic fasting.

Entry and exit from fasting

Login is quite simple. We gradually reduce the “heaviness” of food, first we refuse obvious narcotic products, an abundance of proteins and fats, fried foods, oils, etc. And gradually we “slide”, through fruits and vegetables, to complete hunger “on the water”. The option of eating to your heart's content before starting fasting is not effective for a lot of reasons.

Choose your fasting period based on your personal experience and preferences. It is advisable to fast for at least 15 days; it is during this period that the old epithelium is desquamated along with the microflora. The type of fasting is “wet” on ordinary filtered water, or even better from a natural source. “Dry” hunger will not work in our case.

There is no point in writing about the progress of fasting; this is beyond the scope of the article. The process is very individual and in some ways even intimate. Here everything will be decided only by personal experience, collected knowledge about your body and self-discipline. Attempts to cover even general aspects would go far beyond the scope of this article.

The most important stage that you should take great care of is a successful exit. It will determine the entire effect of fasting. Remember, the wrong way out can negate the entire effect of abstaining from food, or cause serious harm to the body! You shouldn’t even get involved in fasting if you haven’t taken care of a way out in advance! This is especially true for products. Prepare them both quantitatively and with quality in mind. After a long period of not eating, the reaction rate to food poisons narrows, so going out on low-quality products is fraught with great damage to the body.

The exit will be built according to the classical method of Yu.S. Nikolaev. The selected product will be carrots and their juice. The transition to a new diet is not complicated: first we drink diluted carrot juice, then without adding water, and then you can add pulp, i.e. fiber.

The exit period must be no less than the fasting period! Haven't eaten for a week? At the end of the day, we drink diluted juice for a couple of days, gradually reducing the percentage of water, then undiluted for 2-3 days, and for the rest of the period we add hard carrots. This recovery choice is optimal for us and here’s why:

Vegetables will be preferred over fruits. They alkalize the body, making the exit from fasting more comfortable and quickly transfer it from the “self-eating” mode to external food sources. Fruits, by their very nature, will prolong fasting.

Carrots contain all the necessary nutrients and perfectly build up only the microflora we need. It is also the simplest and most accessible vegetable, loved by many since childhood.

After leaving, we are already starting to expand our, now raw food, diet. We add fruits, vegetables, nuts, guided by updated taste preferences. If possible, make the base vegetable, then the construction of the species microflora will be of higher quality and faster.

Raw food fasting

Is there any point in fasting on a raw food diet? Indeed, during the transition period, the body is already partially in a state of deficiency - it is deprived of its usual sources of nutrients and is forced to intensively adapt to new ones.

During the transition, until the new microflora “settles down”, it is difficult to refuse food even for one day. It makes sense to fast if there are reasons for it, for example an acute cleansing crisis or an infectious disease. “Eating so that you have the strength to fight the disease” is stupidity, which in nature only humans are capable of.

It is also possible to starve for no reason if you have the desire and complete confidence that you will be able to get out well without breaking into overeating. If you have no desire, don’t force yourself. Well, if the body is already strenuously “asking not to eat,” then we carry out this command as a sacred duty.

After completing the transition, after adjusting your digestion to the new type of food, fasting will be surprisingly easy! The body, gradually eating microflora reserves, is able to feel absolutely comfortable for 1-3 days without “refueling”. Hunger will become the strongest weapon in your arsenal for a war against many troubles. And it's always at hand!

Warning: the article is not an exact instruction and does not call for rash actions. Fasting is a very powerful tool, but neglect of safety precautions and lack of experience can cause serious harm.

If you have no experience, start with the “24 hours”, gradually increasing your experience. It is recommended to immediately engage in long-term self-medication only under the supervision of a specialist or in special clinics.

To begin with, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the classics of this technique to understand the processes and the set of knowledge. All the books you need on fasting are there.